Gulf Shores High School Rising 9th Grade Registration Form

Gulf Shores High School Rising 9th Grade Registration Form
Student Name: ______________________________________________ Homeroom: ____________________________ Date: _______________________
1. On the back of this page, circle one of the three diploma types that you wish to pursue. Circle the diploma type chosen on this side of the paper
2. Next, under that particular diploma type, circle the classes you would like to have next year as a 9th grader. Circle courses listed under one diploma type only.
You will circle one course on each line (1 through 8). At this point, you should have 7 or 8 courses chosen. Under the electives, you should choose three.
Transfer this information to this sheet. Please refer to your “Salmon” colored High School Academic Guide for further information about the courses required for
your diploma type.
3. Though the school will do its best to meet your elective requests, please be aware that scheduling for core courses is the number one priority.
4. Your parent/guardian and you should sign the back of the pre-registration form. This form is due to your 8th grade counselor BEFORE________________.
5. If this form is not returned on time, a schedule will be made for you and no schedule changes will be made except for academic purposes.
Alabama Advanced Diploma
College Prep
College Prep with Distinction
7104 - English 9 or
7100 -Hon. English 9
7100 - Hon. English 9
7100 -Hon. English 9
7216 - World History or
7213 - Hon. World History
7213 – Hon. World History
7213 - Hon. World Hist.
7321 -Algebra for Mastery
7321 - Algebra for Mastery or
7321- Algebra for Mastery or
(This accounts for 2 blocks)
7309 - Geometry
7309 – Geometry
7400 - Biology or
7402 - Hon. Biology
7402 – Hon. Biology
7402 - Hon. Biology
ELECTIVES – Choose Three of Four:
11014 - Business Tech Applications
11014- Business Tech Applications
11014 - Business Tech. Applications
9900 - Leadership
9900 - Leadership
9900 - Leadership or
770 – Oral Communications
7070 - Oral Communication
7070 - Oral Communication
7650 - Chorus I (fulfills fine arts req.)
7650 - Chorus I (fulfills fine arts req.)
7650 - Chorus I - (fulfills fine arts req.)
7500 - Physical Education (fulfills the P. E. Credit)
7500 Physical Education (fulfills the P. E. Credit)
7500 Physical Education (fulfills the P.E. Credit)
7020 – ROTC (fulfills the P. E. Credit)
7020 – ROTC (fulfills the P. E. Credit)
7020 – ROTC (fulfills the P. E. Credit)
7600 - Band (fulfills fine arts req.) - X 2
7600 – Band (fulfills fine arts req.) - X 2
7600 – Band - (fulfills fine arts req.) -X 2
7500 – P.E. - Athletics ____________
7500 – P.E -. Athletics ____________
7500 – P.E. Athletics ____________
Parent’s signature: ___________________________________________ Parent’s e-mail address: _________________________________
Schedules for freshmen are not very flexible because of the number of required courses. However, there are times when schedules have
to be completed with an elective course. Choose 4 electives from the list below. Transfer the elective course number and name onto the preregistration page. The following electives are appropriate for the Alabama advanced, the college prep, and the CP with distinction diploma
types. GSHS will do its best to meet your elective requests; however, please be aware that scheduling core courses is the main priority.
The High School Academic Guide is written for the entire county and Gulf Shores High is the smallest high school in the county;
therefore, all electives listed as 9th grade electives in the Baldwin County Academic Guide are not 9th grade electives at Gulf Shores
High. Below is a list of the only 9th grade electives that are offered at Gulf Shores High School. State proration has drastically cut
our electives.
International Studies I (Gifted)
Navy ROTC (Regular)
Yearbook (MUST have teacher approval)
Physical Education (If you play sports, list as “P.E)
Chorus I
Oral Communication
Business Tech Applications
Business Essentials
Law in Society
Multimedia Design – (Business Tech is a pre-requisite)
Hospitality and Tourism
Parent’s signature: _____________________________________________________
Parent’s e-mail address: _____________________________________________________