inquiry unit How does my garden grow

Contributing : Term 3 2010
“How does my Garden Grow?”
Do we need plants?
Syndicate 1 Rooms 1,3 &7
Thinking: I can reflect on my
learning and understand where
i have been successful
I can contribute towards
Relating to Others: I
demonstrate respect by
listening, manners by being
polite, and co-operation by
sharing with others
Science Inquiry : How do plants help us?
What’s so special about plants?
What does a plant need to grow?
How can I help plants?
Using L/S/T: I demonstrate
the ability to communicate
with others and curiosity
and am beginning to ask
Managing Self: Act
independently and assess
myself against the success
Part./Contributing: I
participate in creating a
caring environment in my
classroom and am learning
to share my ideas.
Why is it important for children to answer this question?
So that children have an understanding of the relationship between humans and plants, and that humans need plants for food and good
health and oxygen – to sustain human life. Children need to know what is needed to sustain plant life.
Science - NZC Level 1 – Living World – Recognise that all living things have certain requirements so they can stay alive, recognise that there
are lots of different living things in the world and that they can be grouped in different ways
Arts - NZC Level 1– Visual – Developing Ideas – Investigate visual ideas in response to a variety of motivations, observation and imagination
Mathematics – NZC Level 1 – Statistics – Conduct investigations using statistical enquiry cycle – gathering, counting, sorting and displaying
data, discussing results
English – NZC – Level 1 – Speaking, Writing and Presenting - Write a statement in response to questions, posters, videos and pictures, role
play to demonstrate understanding, present a poster to an audience. Listening, Reading and Viewing - Listen to find out specific
information, Respond to topic related texts, identify the features of a poster by describing what they see
What do we want the children to be able to do by the end of this unit?
Uni structural – For the children to be able to identify an edible garden plant
Multi-structural - Define the parts of the garden plant – leaves, stem, flower, roots. List common edible garden plants. Describe how a plant
Relational – Sequence life cycle of a plant, Compare and contrast/Classify between vegetables on and under the ground, Explain causes why do some plants grow better than others at our school
Extended Abstract – Create a garden, create a meal from the garden, Predict what could happen if we start a school vege garden
Learning Support
Setting the classroom scene prior to learning – seeds, magnifying glasses, plants, books & photos.
Market Garden/Botanical garden.
Classroom garden.
Interviewing a gardener.
Peer tutoring, Teacher 1-1 support, learning aids and diagrams and visual motivations – posters/ pictures/ internet and books
ICT – This group of web sites can be used to locate information : Video camera and easi speak
Primary Games – Dotties Garden
Virtual gardens
Books – school and National Library, internet, pictures and photographs. Teacher made resources. Poems
Kai - Maori words for food and gardens
Shared Books
Tikanga – customs surrounding food, bottoms off tables, etc
Mrs McGinty and the Bizarre Plant
Teacher observation through contributions to artwork and class discussions.
Sequencing task
TheGardeners Maze
Siones Talo
The Enormous Turnip
Sequence of Teaching
Wonder and
Learning Context
Immersion - Create display and hooks to draw students in – pictures, books,
plants, games and objects
What is a garden?
What is a vegetable?
Define map – what makes a vegetable a vegetable
Relevant/not relevant – put post-its on of everything that comes up during
brainstorm, sort into categories, keep referring back to during learning
Create a wonder wall of what we know and what we would like to find out.
Virtual garden tours
What am I?
Ask Questions
What is a Garden?
What can we find in gardens?
What types of gardens are there?
Why do we have gardens?
How do we look after gardens?
What does a plant need to grow?
What are the parts of the plant?
How do gardens help us?
What is the purpose of a vegetable garden?
What is the life cycle of a plant?
Uni structural – For the children to be able to identify an edible garden plant
Multi-structural - Define the parts of the garden plant – leaves, stem, flower,
roots. List common edible garden plants. Describe how a plant grows
Relational – Sequence life cycle of a plant, Compare and contrast/Classify
between vegetables on and under the ground, Explain causes - why do some
plants grow better than others at our school
Extended Abstract – Create a garden, create a meal from the garden, Predict
what could happen if we start a school vege garden
Recipe for a healthy plant
Write a letter to a vegetable/plants that we’re growing
Easi speak for questioning/interviewing a plant
News report on starting a garden
Information report on class garden
Interview a gardener
Dance/drama/mime – growth – role play understanding
Plants need water, sunlight and care.
Set up classroom gardens – grow vegetables in season – plant needs
Like other living things, plants have a life cycle.
Make vegetable soup.
Gardens serve a range of purposes including food,
pleasure. Work.
Lettuce and vegemite sandwiches
Plants grow from seeds.
Raise plants from seeds
Observe and draw parts of the plant.
The parts of a plant are....
Use and
Making a poster to demonstrate plant needs and parts.
(Visual assessment - photo for sample folders)
Revisit define map and relevant/not relevant and wonder
Compare definitions.
Sequence of plant life cycle for sample folders.
VISUAL ART – incorporated throughout the inquiry
Leaf rubbings/printing
Fruit and vegetable printing
What things did you find tricky?
What new questions do you have now?
Did anything surprise you in your learning?
What would you like to learn next?