Description of XML-format for transfer of point forecasts (nowcasts) in the Sochi region File name Point forecast XML-file name is formed as follows: PROVIDER_YYYYZZDDHHMM_VERSION.xml, where: PROVIDER – abbreviation of data provider (e.g., «RHM» - Roshydromet, «EC» Environment Canada etc.); YYYYZZDDHHMM – forecast initial date and time (UTC): YYYY - year; ZZ - month; DD day; HH - hour; MM – minutes; VERSION - version specifier (optional part of the name). File structure Each message starts with declaration of XML version and document encoding: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> It is followed by the root document element <message> indicating the beginning of the information part of the message. This information part has the following structure: <message> <header> . . . . . . . . . </header > <initialTime . . . . . . . . . > <location . . . . . . . . . . > <forecastTime . . . . . . . . . . > <result . . . . . . >. . . . . </result> .......... <result . . . . . . >. . . . . </result> </forecastTime > .......... < forecastTime . . . . . . . . . . > <result . . . . . . >. . . . . </result> .......... <result . . . . . . >. . . . . </result> </forecastTime > </location > .......... <location . . . . . . . . . . > < forecastTime . . . . . . . . . > <result . . . . . . >. . . . . </result> .......... <result . . . . . . >. . . . . </result> </forecastTime > .......... </location > </initialTime> </message> Here element header introduces the forecasting system. This element can contain the following nested elements: SYSTEM – forecasting system name (compulsory); PROVIDER forecast provider; VER – version. 1 Example: <header> <system> ABOM </system> <provider > EC </provider> </header> . Element initialTime presents forecast initial date and time (UTC) in compliance with ISO8601 standard requirements with indication of a time zone. Example: <initialTime ITIME="24-02-2012T07:40:03+00:00" > ............................. </initialTime >. Element location binds included information with a specific geographical location. For forecast verification purposes that location is usually associated with some meteorological station. Either station identifier or direct specification of location via its coordinates, altitude and name is needed, but it is recommended to use these specifications in parallel. Specifiers of element location: ID - station identifier. This is a standard 5-digit meteorological station index, if it is available. Otherwise, this is an internal numeric station identifier (takes values <1000) from the project data base (List of internal identifiers is available in the attached .xls-file). LON, LAT, Z, NAME – longitude, latitude (in degrees in the form of real values), altitude above the sea level (integer [m]), site name. Example: <location ID="37100" LON="40.0486" LAT=" 43.6147" Z="180" NAME="Kepsha" > ............... </location> . Element forecastTime is an information carrier for a particular forecast time set by FTIME specifier. FTIME must be written in the form of integer number with unit of its measurement («H» - hours, «M» - minutes, «S» - seconds) without a delimiter. Besides this it is recommended to explicitly specify the corresponding forecast valid time. Optional specifier VTIME presents the forecast validity date and time (UTC) in compliance with ISO8601 requirements with indication of time zone. Example: <forecastTime FTIME="15H" VTIME ="24-02-2012T07:40:03+00:00"> .......... </forecastTime > Forecast results are presented by the document element result. Each meteorological variable is described by one or several specifiers of result element introduced in the Table 1. The basic specifier VAR presents the name of meteorological parameter. Other specifiers are used when there is a need to further detail the basic description of meteorological variable (e.g., to indicate vertical level; precipitation phase; data processing procedure etc.). The list of parameters and their specifiers in the Table 1 can be expanded. Example: <result VAR="TA" > -2.7 </result> 2 There are two kinds of transmitted meteorological variables – instantaneous values and values associated with some time interval (for example, maximum temperature or wind gusts). The interval variables are derived via some processing of the time series of predicted values within the interval. To correctly interpret forecast of such a variable, the corresponding time slot must be defined in the XML-file. It is implied that the end of this time slot is presented by the specifier FTIME of the document element forecastTime. For interval variables description of a meteorological variable is supplemented by the specifier PROC of processing type (MIN, MAX or average value AVE; accumulated total for a fixed time interval - SUM) and specifier T of the time interval. T is presented in integer form with indication of measurement units (“M” – minutes, “H” - hours) without a delimiter. For ensemble forecasts specifiers MEMBER or PRODUCT, THRESHOLD and, INDICATION are used to describe the result value. If some specifier is not needed, it can be omitted or its value can be replaced by the data absence identifier «*». XML-file is terminated by the closing tag </message>. Example of XML-file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <message> <header> <system > COSMO2.2 </system > <provider> RHM </provider> </header> <initialTime ITIME="24-02-2012T06:00:00+00:00"> <location ID="37100" LON="40.0486" LAT=" 43.6147" Z="180" NAME="Kepsha"> <forecastTime FTIME="1H" ITIME="24-02-2012T07:00:00+00:00"> <result VAR="TA" PRODUCT="EnsMean" > 1.7 </result > <result VAR="TA" PRODUCT="PROB" THRESHOLD="0.0" INDICATION="-1"> 0.12 </result> <result VAR="WS" PROC="MAX" T="1H" PRODUCT="PROB" THRESHOLD="7" INDICATION="1" > 0.21 </result> <result VAR="WS" PROC="AVE" T="1H" PRODUCT="EnsMean" > 3.4 </result> <result VAR="WD" PROC="AVE" T="1H" PRODUCT="EnsMean"> 32 </result> <result VAR="P" TYPE="L" PROC="SUM" T="1H" PRODUCT="EnsMean"> 3.2 </result> <result VAR="PI" TYPE="L" PROC="MAX" T="1H" PRODUCT="EnsMean"> 5 </result> </forecastTime > </location > </initialTime > </message> 3 Table 1 Parameter WS Meteorological Possible parameters and specifiers units Wind Speed [m/s] PROC, T TYPE, Z, MEMBER, PRODUCT, THRESHOLD, INDICATION Possible values of specifiers and comments PROC – indicator of processing type for forecast data sequence within a specified time interval. Possible values of PROC: INS (default) – instantaneous value, MIN – minimal value, MAX – maximal value, AVE – temporal average value for the period presented by specifier T. T – specifier of the time interval duration and unit of its measurement («H» - hours, «M» minutes, «S» - seconds) without a delimiter. Default value - T="0M" (instantaneous value). TYPE – specifier of wind speed component: “0” (default) – for horizontal wind component; “1” – for vertical wind component (WS is positive for up-going wind component). Z – height above the ground and the unit of its measurement («M» - meters, «C» centimetres) without a delimiter. For wind speed the default value is Z=”10M”. PRODUCT – specifier of forecast products: «Raw» - direct model output without any postprocessing (default); «EnsMean» - ensemble mean for EPS output; «Spread» - ensemble spread; «Prob» - probability of exceeding a prescribed threshold. This list of products might be expanded in the future. THRESHOLD – threshold value for probability. INDICATION – integer flag taking one of the two values: «-1» – means probability «below the THRESHOLD»; «1» – means probability «above the THRESHOLD». MEMBER – ensemble member. Possible values: 0 – for deterministic or control forecasts (default); 1,2,3… - numbers of individual ensemble members. 4 WD Wind Direction [°] TA Air Temperature [°C] TD Dew Point Temperature [°C] TS Snow Temperature [°C] TG Ground Temperature [°C] RH Relative Humidity [%] P Precipitation [mm] PROC, T, Z, MEMBER, PRODUCT, THRESHOLD, INDICATION PROC, T, Z, MEMBER, PRODUCT, THRESHOLD, INDICATION PROC,T, Z, MEMBER, PRODUCT, THRESHOLD, INDICATION Z, PROC, T, MEMBER, PRODUCT, THRESHOLD, INDICATION Z, PROC, T, MEMBER, PRODUCT, THRESHOLD, INDICATION PROC, T, Z, MEMBER, PRODUCT, THRESHOLD, INDICATION TYPE, PROC, T, MEMBER, PRODUCT, THRESHOLD, INDICATION Possible values of specifiers PROC, Z, T, MEMBER, PRODUCT, THRESHOLD, INDICATION – as for WS. Possible values of specifiers PROC, T, MEMBER, PRODUCT, THRESHOLD, INDICATION – as for WS. Z – height above the ground and the unit of its measurement («M» - meters, «C» centimetres) without a delimiter. For TA the default value is Z=”2M”. Possible values of specifiers: PROC, T, Z, MEMBER, PRODUCT, THRESHOLD, INDICATION – as for TA. Z – height above the ground. Possible values of specifier Z: 1) “S” – snow surface (default); 2) numerical value and the unit of its measurement («C» - centimetres, «M» meters) without a delimiter Possible values of specifiers PROC, T, MEMBER,PRODUCT, THRESHOLD, INDICATION – as for WS. Z – depth below the ground surface. Possible values of specifier Z: 1) “S” – ground surface (default); 2) numerical value and the unit of its measurement («C» - centimetres, «M» meters) without a delimiter Possible values of specifiers PROC, T, MEMBER, PRODUCT, THRESHOLD, INDICATION – as for WS. Possible values of specifiers PROC, T, Z, MEMBER, PRODUCT, THRESHOLD, INDICATION – as for TA. TYPE – precipitation phase: “L” – liquid precipitation; “S” – solid precipitation; “LS” – liquid and solid precipitation with prevailing liquid phase; “SL” – solid and liquid precipitation with prevailing solid phase; “F” – freezing precipitation; “D” – drizzle. 5 If TYPE is absent then P is interpreted as total precipitation. T – presents the accumulation period. PROC – specifies the procedure for calculation of precipitation totals. For forecasts the only possible value of PROC is SUM – precipitation total for a fixed period (default for forecasts of parameter P). PI AP Precipitation Intensity [mm/h] Atmospheric Pressure [hPa] V Visibility [m] HS Snow Depth [cm] NS New Snow [cm] HC Cloud Base Height [m] TYPE, PROC, T, MEMBER, PRODUCT, THRESHOLD, INDICATION Z, PROC, T, MEMBER, PRODUCT, THRESHOLD, INDICATION PROC, T, MEMBER, PRODUCT, THRESHOLD, INDICATION MEMBER, PRODUCT, THRESHOLD, INDICATION T, MEMBER, PRODUCT, THRESHOLD, INDICATION PROC, T, Z, MEMBER, PRODUCT, THRESHOLD, INDICATION Possible values of specifiers MEMBER, PRODUCT, THRESHOLD, INDICATION – as for WS. TYPE – precipitation phase: “L” – liquid precipitation; “S” – solid precipitation; “LS” – liquid and solid precipitation with prevailing liquid phase; “SL” – solid and liquid precipitation with prevailing solid phase; “F” – freezing precipitation. PROC, T, MEMBER,PRODUCT, THRESHOLD, INDICATION – as for WS. Z – altitude: “MSL” - at Mean Sea Level, “STN” – at station level Possible values of specifier PROC, T, MEMBER, PRODUCT, THRESHOLD, INDICATION – as for WS. Possible values of specifiers PROC, T, MEMBER, PRODUCT, THRESHOLD, INDICATION – as for WS. Possible values of specifiers MEMBER, PRODUCT, THRESHOLD, INDICATION – as for WS. Possible values of specifiers T, MEMBER, PRODUCT, THRESHOLD, INDICATION – as for WS. PROC, T, MEMBER, PRODUCT, THRESHOLD, INDICATION – as for WS. Z – specifier of cloud base height reference level: “MSL” – Mean Sea Level; “STN” – station level (default). …… 6 7