ARTS IMPACT INSTITUTE LESSON PLAN Core Program Year 1 Arts Foundations Author: Lisa Norman - Grade Levels: Second – Fifth Grade THEATER LESSON – Exaggerated Poetry Examples: Enduring Understanding A strong vocal and physical choice create more dynamic communication. Target: Creates an exaggerated pose to represent a selected dynamic word. Criteria: Presents an embellished pose associated with word meaning. Target: Adds exaggerated movement to the created pose to expand meaning. Criteria: Uses entire body in motion reflecting the attributes of a word. Target: Makes an exaggerated vocal choice to express the word. Criteria: Presents a distinct voice that clearly conveys and overstates the associated sounds for a word. Target: Combines physical and vocal choices in a single exaggerated expression of a word. Criteria: Creates a simultaneous exaggerated expression using body and voice. Teaching and Learning Strategies 1. Warm-up: Leads students in verses of “When You’re Happy and You Know It” in a group circle. Draws attention to how the emotional states are manifested in the body/face. Prompts: How do your eyes look when you are angry? Look around the circle. See the different ways our faces show emotion or feelings. We’re going to look at how our bodies and voices communicate words. Student: Uses body and facial expression. 2. Presents a selected word to the students and leads them through developing poses (statues) that represent the word. Prompts: How can I show the meaning of a word with my body? Can I be wiggly? Tiny? Enormous? Student: Creates individual pose that reflects the meaning of a word. Embedded Assessment: Criteria-based self-reflection 3. Leads the students in creating a more exaggerated pose. Prompts: How can I position my body to expand or strengthen the meaning of a word—really exaggerate it? Student: Exaggerates and refines the pose already chosen. Embedded Assessment: Criteria-based self-reflection 4. Guides students in adding exaggerated movement to enhance their interpretation of the word. Student: Creates and refines the accompanying movement to their exaggerated pose. Embedded Assessment: Criteria-based self-reflection Arts Impact Core 1 – Arts Foundations Summer Institute – Theater: Exaggerated Poetry 5-11 5. Guides students in making a vocal choice that conveys the meaning of the word. Uses both physically and emotionally descriptive words. Student: Creates a vocalization that conveys associated sounds with meaning. Embedded Assessment: Criteria-based self-reflection 6. Guides the students in exaggerating their vocalization. Prompts: If you were to exaggerate your voice, how could you do that? If it is shrill, how cold you make it shriller? If it is deep, how could you make it deeper? Student: Exaggerates and refines the vocal choice already made. Embedded Assessment: Criteria-based self-reflection 7. Guides the students in combining their physical and vocal creations. Student: Combines, refines, and presents the exaggerated physical/vocal expressions of a word. Embedded Assessment: Criteria-based peer reflection 8. Divides the students into small groups and assigns each group a different poem by Shel Silverstein for an “exaggerated words” presentation. Prompts: How can you apply what we just learned to presenting this poem? What words in the poem call out for exaggeration? Student: Applies the same tool learned above to making vocal/physical choices in presenting the poem to the class. Embedded Assessment: Criteria-based peer reflection Vocabulary Performing Arts: exaggeration, physical choice, pose, refine, statues, vocal choice Materials and Resources Performing Arts: Tacoma, WA Broadway Center for the Performing Arts WA Essential Learnings & Frameworks AEL 1.1.2 principles of organization: physical and vocal choice AEL 2.2 creative process: refines AEL 42. connection between content areas: literacy Seattle, WA Seattle Children’s Theatre Arts Impact Core 1 – Arts Foundations Summer Institute – Theater: Exaggerated Poetry 5-12 ARTS IMPACT INSTITUTE LESSON PLAN THEATER LESSON – Exaggerated Poetry PERSONAL ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET Student Name Physical Choice Presents a pose magnifying the word meaning: embellished using the entire body in motion Student Name Vocal Choice Presents a vocal choice that clearly conveys and enlarges the meaning of the word: distinct voice with overstated associated sounds Refinement Creates simultaneously exaggerated expression using body and voice Total 3 Exaggerated Poetry Self-Reflection Word Choice: Why does this body position exaggerate my word? Describe where you placed your arms, legs and back? What changes did you make to exaggerate and refine (improve expressive power of) your pose? What type of movement did you make to add to your pose? How does this movement relate to the meaning of the word? How would you describe the voice you created to communicate the meaning of the word? Why did you choose it? What changes did you make to exaggerate and refine (improve expressive power of) your voice? Student Name Classmate Observed: Exaggerated Poetry Peer Reflection What physical and vocal choices did the student make to express the meaning of their word? How did the student combine voice and movement simultaneously so the voice and body smoothly and effectively communicated as one? Teacher Comments: Arts Impact Core 1 – Arts Foundations Summer Institute – Theater: Exaggerated Poetry 5-13 ARTS IMPACT INSTITUTE LESSON PLAN THEATER LESSON – Exaggerated Poetry ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET Students Physical Choice Presents a pose magnifying the word meaning: embellished using the entire body in motion Vocal Choice Presents a vocal choice that clearly conveys and enlarges the meaning of the word: distinct voice with overstated associated sounds Refinement Creates simultaneously exaggerated expression using body and voice Total 3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Total Percentage Criteria-based Reflection Questions: (Note examples of student reflections.) Self-Reflection: Why does your body position exaggerate your word? Describe where you placed your arms, legs and back. What changes did you make to exaggerate and refine (improve expressive power of) your pose? Peer to Peer: What adjustments did you see your classmate make when they combined their body and voice together? Thoughts about Learning: Which prompts best communicated concepts? Which lesson dynamics helped or hindered learning? Lesson Logistics: Which classroom management techniques supported learning? Teacher: Date: Arts Impact Core 1 – Arts Foundations Summer Institute – Theater: Exaggerated Poetry 5-14 ARTS IMPACT FAMILY LETTER THEATER LESSON – Exaggerated Poetry Dear Family: Today your child participated in a theater arts lesson. We studied the use of physical and vocal exaggeration to improve interpretation and communication. We created poses to express words. We exaggerated those poses and added movement to them. We used our voices to enhance our physical expression of the word. At home you could notice how your family members may use exaggerated gestures and voices to clearly communicate how they are feeling. Enduring Understanding A strong vocal and physical choice creates more dynamic communication. Arts Impact Core 1 – Arts Foundations Summer Institute – Theater: Exaggerated Poetry 5-15 CLASSROOM RESOURCE Lyrics to “When You’re Happy and You Know It! When When When When you’re you’re you’re you’re happy and know it, clap your hands, happy and know it, clap your hands, happy and know it, then you face will truly show it, happy and know it, clap your hands. When When When When you’re you’re you’re you’re sad and know it, say ‘boo hoo’, sad and know it, say ‘boo hoo’, sad and know it, then your face will truly show it, sad and know it, say ‘boo hoo’. When When When When you’re you’re you’re you’re mad and know it, stomp your feet, mad and know it, stomp your feet, mad and know it, then your face will truly show it, mad and know it, stomp your feet. When When When When you’re you’re you’re you’re nervous and know it, shake and tremble, nervous and know it, shake and tremble, nervous and know it, then your face will truly show it, nervous and know it, shake and tremble. When When When When you’re you’re you’re you’re frightened and know it, say ‘Ooooooh’, frightened and know it, say ‘Ooooooh’, frightened and know it, then your face will truly show it frightened and know it, say ‘Ooooooh’. When When When When you’re you’re you’re you’re bored and know it, say ‘What-ever’, bored and know it, say ‘What-ever’, bored and know it, then your face will truly show it, bored and know it, say ‘What-ever’. NOTE TO TEACHER: You and/or your students may choose to make up other verses. Arts Impact Core 1 – Arts Foundations Summer Institute – Theater: Exaggerated Poetry 5-16