CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, BAKERSFIELD SCHOOL OF EDUCATION ED BI 635 Curriculum Development for Bilingual/Cross-cultural Education DR. DEBRA LEE COOK HIRAI (He’rye) (661) 664-3129 COURSE SYLLABUS—WINTER, 2005 Course Description: Based on principles of curriculum development, the course explores the infusion of multiculturalism into the entire school curriculum. The course is designed to provide guided curriculum for bilingual/bi-cultural and cross-cultural education and includes curriculum development principles and curricular and classroom management strategies for the application and integration of those principles to language and cultural concepts important for creating successful multicultural classroom climates. Goal: As a result of participation in this course, students will understand and be able to apply curriculum theory, terminology, and practice to bilingual/cross-cultural education. Objectives: Students will be able to: 1. Analyze current practices in assessing and teaching diverse students 2. Discuss various models for multicultural education 3. Understand and apply curriculum theory, terminology, and management strategies in the bilingual/cross-cultural classroom 4. Discuss several areas of the curriculum in terms of their multicultural nature 5. Develop a curriculum plan for incorporating multicultural education Textbook: Davidman, Leonard and Davidman, Patricia T. (2000) Teaching with a Multicultural Perspective, A Practical Guide. New York Longman (Addison Wesley). Student Responsibilities and Evaluation: Class participation and attendance Oral report Group Bilingual Education Model Project Individual Curriculum Project ________ 15 points 5 points 40 points 40 points 100 points Grading System: A = 96-100 points B = 83-86 points A- = 90-95 points B- = 80-82 points B+ = 87-89 points C+ = 77-79 points 1 ORAL REPORT Choose a subject area you are interested in (Chapters 3-5)—each person needs to choose a different subject area so all are covered—and research effective multicultural methodology to be used in that subject area. Present your ideas to the class in a short oral report (5 points) GROUP BILINGUAL EDUCATION MODEL PROJECT 1. Research three different bilingual education models in use in Kern County today. The English Immersion program can be used to substitute for one of the models 2. Describe the overall curriculum plan and compare and contrast methodology and instructional strategies being used. Describe the goals and objectives, the content, activities and types of assessment used. (10 points for the description and 20 points for the comparison/contrast.) 3. Indicate to what degree cross-cultural education and strategies are used and describe the strategies. Are they pushing students away from their language/culture or are they embracing and celebrating diverse ethnicities? Are they relating the learning of language with the students’ real world? Are they implementing instructional pluralism? Address the strategies and goals listed on pages 14, 15 and 20 in your textbook. See also the questions on pages 165-166 for this and your curriculum project. (10 points) INDIVIDUAL CURRICULUM DESIGN PROJECT Many school districts include multicultural education in their curricula but it is rare to find it integrated into the total school curriculum. A curriculum design is needed to accomplish consistent integration. You will design a curriculum which will meet the needs of a particular school or school district. The main goal of this curriculum will be to reform the existing curriculum to include the goals of multicultural education. The following elements need to be included: 1. A Philosophical Statement or Rationale: Prepare a statement regarding the need for multicultural education which addresses majority and minority students. Include specific information for a proposed model and describe the school, what programs are already in place, grade levels targeted, etc. (10) points) 2. Program Goals: Write one or more school or district goals which are long range and will ultimately affect all students and all disciplines (subject areas). (5 points) 2 3. Instruction for a Diverse Student Population: Develop instructional goals and strategies for language development and each content area of your proposed program. This does not have to be done on a per grade level basis, but rather based on diverse student needs. Be sure to include blocks of time so teachers can meet to prepare lessons which are interdisciplinary and are linked to real life experiences. Suggest a variety of instructional strategies which the teachers can use. Include suggestions for addressing diverse learning styles and abilities. Bring television and film into your instructional strategies. (15 points) 4. Classroom Management: Describe how the curriculum will address the diverse experiences of different cultures while maintaining consistency and discipline in the program and in the school. Expand upon ways to create a school climate which is conducive to learning and comfortable for students. (5 points) 5. Plan for Assessing the Needs of All Students: Describe the model as it will apply specifically to your student population. Be clear about which student needs your model will address, the reasons for doing so and how you will assess both student achievement and program effectiveness. (5 Points) TENTATIVE CLASS SCHEDULE: M 1/3 -Key multicultural concepts -Discuss projects and reports Read Chapter 1 M 1/10 -Multicultural Education defined -Cognitive and Affective Aspects -Creating a multicultural setting -Examples of equity in the classroom Read Chapter 2 Begin research for oral reports Begin bilingual projects M 1/24 -Cultural pluralism -Controversies and Opportunities for MC -Educational equity -Review bilingual education models -How to begin the school year Read Chapter 3 Prepare Oral Report Prepare Bilingual projects M 1/31 -Library Day to work on group projects Finish reports M 2/7 -Creating a multicultural program -Present oral reports Prepare bilingual & curriculum projects 3 M 2/14 -Library day to work on curriculum projects M 2/21 -Present oral reports M 2/28 -Present bilingual projects M 3/7 -Present bilingual projects -Begin presenting individual curriculum plans M 3/14 -Finish presenting individual curriculum plans Finish projects PLEASE PROVIDE A STAMPED, SELF-ADDRESSED ENVELOPE FOR THE RETURN OF YOUR GRADE SHEET AND/OR CURRICULUM PLAN. CLASS MEETINGS: Monday, 4:15-8:15, CB 105 OFFICE: ED 232 664-3129 Hours: Tuesday 1:30-5 PM & Wednesday 2-3:30 PM 4