APT – English Legal Terminology – Prof

APT – English Legal Terminology – Prof. R. Turk
Any IZredni Students in the APT course who have already successfully completed their
'Public Law Test' (with any grade above 5=Unsuccessful) may contact Prof. Turk by
e-mail about writing their APT Final Written Exam on an early date, (including those
students who are trying to advance this month to 3rd Year of PF).
Prof. Turk has nearly completed grading of the Public Law Tests (4 April 2008). Students
may contact him by e-mail to request that their Test score is sent directly to them (if they use
the same e-mail address which they wrote on their Test paper).
APT in the 'MAY Exam Term'
The APT Final Written Exam for 'May Exam Term' is scheduled on Thursday, 29 May 2008.
ALL students planning to finish the APT Course in the 'May Exam Term' MUST register
for the APT Exam via the PF / Referat computer, so Prof. Turk will have your name on the PF
computer LIST for 'May Exam Term', regardless of which path you choose to complete APT:
(See more below.)
Students who have scored a grade of 8 and higher on their first 'Public Law Test'
Some students, who successfully completed their APT 'Public Law TEST' with the following
grades: any grade 8, 9, or 10 on the first Test that they wrote (not including re-writings),
are invited to come, if they wish, to a 'Private Law TEST' during the full last week of April
(before April/May holidays), exact date/hour to be announced. If they also complete that Test
with a grade of 8, 9, or 10, they will be permitted to come directly (without a written exam)
to their Oral Exam (to be arranged in late May / early June, or earlier if they so request.
(That 'Private Law Test' will have the same 'point value' as the Written Exam, in calculating
the Final APT Course Grade.)
They can also deliver their last assignment (the Private Law Research Project) as late as one
week before they come to their Oral Exam.
(Their 'Private Law TEST' will be based on reading materials and lecture/discussion notes
from these subjects: Torts, Contracts, Property, Civil Procedure. But the Oral Exam can
include some questions from both Public & Private Law; more about this in a later notice.)
These students must also register for the APT Exam via the PF computer,
using the 29 May 2008 ('May Exam Term') date,
AND they must contact Prof. Turk IF they choose this option to complete the APT course.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Most students with a successful Public Law Test grade (above grade 5UNsuccessful)
will prefer to come to the Final Written EXAM (with their successful 'Public TEST' grade)
(rather than writing a Private Law TEST, as described above).
They may plan to come to their Written Exam on Thursday, 29 May 2008 (BUT be sure to
register via the PF computer for that date, which will be soon followed by oral exams)
or they may plan to come to a later 'Exam Term' (June/September) for the Written/Oral Exam.
Prof. Turk is exploring some other possibilities for rewarding students who have already
completed their 'Public Law Test' successfully, and already delivering most assignments.