Answers to the Blood “IQ” Quiz

Answers to the Blood “IQ” Quiz
The pint of blood you donate is usually split into several parts to meet the needs of
different patients. For example, your platelets may give a child with leukaemia a
chance to live, while your red cells may help an accident victim get well. Your single
donation can help several patients.
Giving blood is simple and easy. You can expect to follow four steps: registration,
medical history, donation and snacks. The actual blood donation takes less than 10
minutes and is painless except for a little hurt at the very start. The entire process,
from when you sign in to the time you leave, takes about 45 minutes.
There is no substitute for human blood. Human blood can not be manufactured;
animal blood can not replace it. People are the only source of blood. Much of today’s
medical care depends on a steady supply of blood provided by healthy donors. The
gift of blood is the gift of life.
It is very important to complete the blood donor forms honestly. People who should
not donate need to be identified before the blood is taken. All information given by
the donor is treated confidentially.
There is no risk of getting AIDS or any other disease from giving blood. A brand new
needle is used for each blood donation. Once it is used, the needle is destroyed.
Volunteers now provide virtually all of the Nation’s blood supply. This represents a
huge increase in volunteer donations over the past 10 years. People donate blood out
of a sense of duty and community spirit, not to make money.
Many tests must be done before blood can be used. For emergencies, there is no time
to collect, test and process the blood from friends. Having enough blood on hand
when we need it is possible only if healthy donors donate blood regularly.
For planned surgery, it is often possible to donate your own blood ahead of time so
that it will be available for your operation if needed. It also may be possible for a
surgeon to collect blood from a wound during an operation and return it to the patient.
Both are forms of autologous transfusion, but most patients needing blood cannot
provide their own. Therefore, there remains a great need for healthy people to donate
blood for others. For information on whether you can donate blood for your own use,
ask your doctor.
The risk of getting unsafe blood from a transfusion has been greatly reduced. Blood
collection centres help to collect the blood supply by constantly improving safety
measures. For example, they:
 inform donors about high-risk behaviours and conditions that are not safe for blood
 allow anyone to indicate confidentiality that their blood should not be used for the
general blood supply;
 take a medical history to check that donors are healthy;
 collect blood using sterile methods under medical supervision; and
 test blood for certain diseases.
Giving blood will not decrease your strength. Your body won’t miss the 1 pint of
blood you donate. Healthy donors can give blood as often as every 8 weeks. If all
blood donors gave at least twice a year, it would greatly strengthen the Nation’s blood
11. TRUE
The risk of getting AIDS from blood transfusions is extremely low. Necessary blood
transfusions can save lives; therefore, the benefits are much greater than the risks. Ask
your doctor for more information about blood transfusions.