APPLEBY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY 7. That a Committee, in the absence of the President and Vice Presidents, shall appoint their own Chairman, and be empowered to adjourn from time to time, and also direct the Secretary to call the meetings as occasion may require. RULES OF THE SOCIETY 1. That the Society shall be called THE APPLEBY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. That it shall be continued for the purpose of improving the breeds of different kinds of stock by giving premiums for the best of their respective kinds and for new and improved implements of husbandry and other matters connected with rural affairs. 8. That in all General or Committee Meetings the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote. 9. That at every meeting of the Society all the resolutions shall be noted down in a book kept for that purpose and read by the Secretary at the next meeting. 2. That it should consist of a President, Vice Presidents, Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary, District Collectors and a Committee of Management consisting of not more than fifty members of whom eight shall form a quorum and 50% shall retire annually in alphabetical order, all being eligible for re-election. No Chairman shall be elected for more than three consecutive years at any one time. Members' annual subscriptions shall not be less than £7.00. The Secretary shall keep a record of attendances and shall at a reasonable time prior to the Annual General Meeting circulate the same to all members of the Committee. 10. That the Society's financial year-end shall be deemed to fall four clear months after the Show. 11. That a List of Premiums to be offered be fixed by the Committee, who shall also appoint no fewer than four Stewards of the Showyard. 12. That a General Exhibition of Livestock, Improved Implements of Husbandry, and other matters as the Committee shall think fit, shall take place at Appleby on a date to be fixed by the Committee in each year, when the Premiums shall be awarded to the successful competitors. 3. That the Rules and Regulations of the Society and for the Show shall be strictly enforced by the Committee and Officers. 13. That the Committee shall annually appoint a sufficient number of persons of acknowledged judgment and great experience as Judges. 4. That an Annual General Meeting shall be held within three months of the financial year-end to receive the report of the Committee, also for the purpose of passing the Treasurer's Accounts for the previous year, electing the President and electing or re-electing members of the Committee, Auditors, and for revising, altering or amending the Rules of the Society. 14. That the Society shall hold to itself the power to withhold any premium if it appears to the Judge that the exhibits are not of sufficient merit. 15. That any animal being shown in a Class, and having the Premium awarded to it, the owner shall be bound to accept the Premium and fulfil the conditions stipulated. 5. A General Meeting shall be called at the requisition, in writing, to the Secretary, of any ten members of the Society. 16. Any competitor intending to object to any exhibit must notify the same in writing to the Secretary by 4 p.m. on the day of the Show, and at the same time deposit the sum of £20 which shall be returned if the objection is sustained. Together with the objection the objector shall lodge a statement in writing setting out the grounds for his objection and evidence in support thereof, and the 6. That no alteration shall be made in the Rules of the Society unless notice and a specification of the alteration proposed be given to the Secretary, in writing, 14 days previous to the General Meeting, notice of such intended meeting and alteration to be advertised by her in the local press. 1 owner of the exhibit objected to shall forthwith be supplied with copies of the statement and shall, if he so desires, appear before the Committee at a meeting, notice whereof shall be given to him and the objector, to prove the correctness of his said entry. In the event of the objection being sustained, such owner as aforesaid shall forfeit any prize or award won by such exhibit. the Committee of Management for consideration, whose decision shall be absolute and final. 24. That the Society, its servants, officers or agents shall not be responsible for any accident, injury, damage or loss, however caused, that may be caused to any exhibitor, his servant or agent or to any animal, article or property brought into the Showground while entering, leaving, being in, or being carried into or out of the Showground, the word 'exhibitor' for the purpose of this clause shall mean and include any person or persons of either sex and any firm or corporation, and shall include the plural. 17. The Committee reserves the right to admit the exhibit, if they consider the objection unreasonable, without calling upon the exhibitor to sustain the correctness of his entry. In any case where the objection is not sustained the deposit shall be forfeited. 25. That the Society shall not be responsible for the correctness of any particulars supplied with any entry, nor shall they be responsible for any errors or omissions from the Catalogue. 18. In the event of an objection being lodged, no member of the Committee exhibiting in the same class shall adjudicate upon the objection, or be present when the objection is heard. 26. That the Society shall indemnify the Chairman and Secretary against any claim which may be made against them arising from any actions taken by them on the Society's behalf. 19. That two persons be appointed by the Society to examine the age of the stock when called upon by the Committee, and their decision shall be final, unless an appeal be made to the Committee by the owner of the animal and that conclusive proof be given of the actual age of the animal. RULES FOR THE SHOW 2014 1. The Show will take place at Appleby on Saturday 16th August 2014. A certificate describing each animal to be exhibited and for what premium or special prize, with the name and address of the exhibitor, shall be lodged with the Secretary on or before 30th July 2014. 20. That no stock shall be entered in the Society's list for exhibition unless the necessary certificate be filled in, on the printed form prescribed, and signed by the exhibitor or the agent and having been delivered to the Secretary or person whom she may appoint, before that time fixed by the Committee for closing the entry, and no exhibitor after entering the lot for a Premium shall be allowed to withdraw that lot. ALL FEES SHOULD BE PAID AT THE TIME OF ENTRY. 2. Bulls must be secured by a ring in the nose, with a chain attached, otherwise they cannot be admitted to the Showground. Handlers should be familiar with the contents of Guidance Note GS 36 from the Health & Safety Executive relating to the safe custody and handling of bulls at agricultural shows. 21. That the Secretary shall not in any way disclose or make known to any person until the day of the Show the name or numbers of the competitors in each premium. 3. No sheep shall be entered in more than one class except in the case of a Group, neither shall any sheep come before the Judges more than once except in case of Consolation, Special Prizes or Championships. 22. That no expression of personal feeling or party politics shall be allowed at any of the Society's meetings. 4. The stock exhibited shall not be distinguished in the Showground by the name of the breeder, feeder or owner, until after the premiums are decided, but by tickets or numbers 23. That any mistake or dispute which shall arise relating to the Society, or the interpretation of the Rules & Regulations, shall be referred to 2 affixed to each lot corresponding with the list made out by the Secretary. excreta must: i. cleanse and disinfect their footwear if it is contaminated with animal excreta before leaving the animal area; and 5. One person attending with each lot of cattle on behalf of the Exhibitor must be acquainted with the various particulars required to be certified regarding the stock which he has in charge. ii. safely dispose of disposable clothing or change any contaminated clothing. 6. The Judge will begin to view the stock at 9.30 a.m. and to prevent confusion it is ordered that all cattle and stock be brought to the Showground by 9.00 a.m. 14. All animals will be inspected by a veterinary surgeon for signs of any notifiable disease immediately they are unloaded in the animal area. 7. Any of the arrangements are subject to alteration at the discretion of the Committee. CAUTION ALL ANIMALS, both before and after judging, must be taken to their respective stalls, and must be kept apart there until the close of the exhibition, or exercised in the ground set aside for that purpose. A FINE of £5. may be imposed in each and every case where an animal is found out of its proper place and causing any accident, the damage arising from such accident to be defrayed by the owner of such animal. 8. All Exhibits having won a Championship must be exhibited in the Grant Parade; otherwise the prize money will be forfeited, unless permission to the contrary has been granted in writing by the Secretary one hour before the Grand Parade. 9. It is a condition of entry that all livestock shall have been in the possession of the exhibitor for ONE MONTH previous to Show Day. SPECIAL NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Subscribers producing a receipt for £7.00 or more will be admitted to the Showfield free. 10. If there are less than three entries in a class, the Committee reserves the right, at its discretion, to amalgamate that Class with another. ATTENDANTS' DUTIES All exhibitors or their Attendants in charge of animals will be subject to the order of the Field Stewards or their appointed representatives, and must be in attendance and ready with their animals on the day of the Show at least half an hour before the time appointed for showing them in their respective rings as arranged in the Catalogue. 11. All exhibits in the Vintage Section to which the Road Traffic Acts apply (vehicles which need to be licensed for road use) must have a minimum of third party insurance cover. All other exhibits must have public liability insurance cover with a limit of indemnity of at least £2,000,000. All drivers must have the correct driving licence for the exhibit they are driving. ALL ENTRIES MUST BE IN BY 30th JULY 2014 12. All exhibitors in the livestock sections must hold public liability insurance cover in respect of their stock with an indemnity limit of at least £1,000,000. ETHEL MAY CUP Conditions applicable to the award of this Trophy: 1. Points will be awarded to exhibitors successful in the Scheduled Premiums in the following sections: HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN CATTLE, SHORTHORN CATTLE, JERSEY CATTLE, BEEF CATTLE, COMMERCIAL BEEF CATTLE, FELL PONIES and SHEEP. To comply with the conditions of our DEFRA Licence to hold this show the following shall apply: 13. Before leaving the animal area, owners, stockmen, judges, those who lead animals and other show staff who handle animals or animal 3 2. Points will be awarded on the following st basis: 1 – 5 points, 2nd - 4 points, 3rd – 3 points. Successes in Championships or Special Prizes DO NOT count to the score. CLASS D Root Crops A PERPETUAL TROPHY, kindly donated by Mr John Taylor of Milburn, will be awarded to the best entry in Classes A to D. 3. One animal can only gain one set of points with the exception of ‘group’ or ‘paired’ premiums, which will carry points according to the scale above. CATTLE BREEDING HERD CLASSES All Entries to: Mrs Di Wilson, Ormside Lodge, Ormside, Appleby.CA16 6EJ Tel 07973533140 4. In the event of a tie between two or more exhibitors an Umpire will be appointed by the Committee whose decision will be absolute and final. Confined to herds within a 10-mile radius of Appleby Moot Hall. CLASS 1 Best Breeding Herd of Dairy Cattle to be judged on the farm previous to Showday. ENTRY FEE: £4.00 1st Prize: Handsome Trophy kindly presented in memory of the late John Douthwaite and £20. given by the Society; 2nd Prize: £10. 3rd Prize: £5. 5. Points in classes where an exhibitor has no opposition do not count towards the Ethel May Cup. ENTRY FEES Crops £4. Cattle Classes (except Herds) £3. (minimum £7) Classes 40-45 – No Entry Fee. Horse Classes : £3. (minimum £7) Sheep Classes £1.(minimum £7) Dogs £2 per exhibitor for as many classes as eligible for, and Pets 50p. CLASS 2 Best Pedigree Breeding Herd of Beef Cattle to be judged on the farm previous to Show day. ENTRY FEE: £4.00 1st Prize: Handsome Trophy and £20. given by the Society, 2nd Prize: £10, 3rd Prize: £5. Exhibitors paying £7.00 entry fees will be entitled to a FREE PASS to the Showfield, those paying £14.00 or more to TWO FREE PASSES. CLASS 3 Best Commercial Breeding Herd of Beef Cattle to be judged on the farm previous to Showday. ENTRY FEE: £4.00 1st Prize: Handsome Trophy kindly presented by Cumberland & Westmorland Farmers Ltd., Penrith and £20 given by the Society, 2nd Prize: £12, 3rd Prize: £5. A FREE TAXI SERVICE WILL BE PROVIDED BETWEEN THE SHIRE HALL, (OPPOSITE THE CO-OP), APPLEBY, AND THE SHOWFIELD FROM 9.00AM AND EVERY 15 MINUTES THEREAFTER WINNERS IN 2014 MAY COMPETE IN THESE CLASSES LIST OF CLASSES CATTLE SECTION SHOWGROUND HOLDING NO: 08/309/8000 All Entries to: Mrs Di Wilson, Ormside Lodge, Ormside, Appleby. CA16 6EJ Tel 07973533140 CROPS Confined to farms within a 10-mile radius of Appleby Moot Hall. To be judged on farm in mid-July. Entries close July 1st. ENTRY £4. PRIZES 1st £20, 2nd £10 3rd £5. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF EXHIBITORS TO TAKE CATTLE PASSPORTS TO THE PENRITH & DISTRICT MART TENT. JUDGING OF CATTLE WILL START AT 9.30am CLASS A Winter-sown Barley CLASS B Any Other Winter-sown Cereal CLASS C Any Spring-sown Cereal Entry: £3. (minimum £7) (No entry fee for Group Classes ). Prize money: 1st £20, 2nd £15, 3rd £10. 4 HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN CATTLE (PEDIGREE OR NON-PEDIGREE) JERSEY CATTLE Class 20 Class 21 Class 22 Class 23 Class 24 Class 25 Class 4 Heifer Calf under 1 year old, Open to all £50 goods donated by Genus for the winner of this class and a further £50 goods donated by Genus for the Best Handler. Class 5 Unserved Heifer. Class 6 Heifer in Calf. Class 7 Cow in Calf. Class 8 Heifer in Milk. Class 9 Junior Cow in Milk.(having had two calves only) Class 10 Senior Cow in Milk Class 11 Best Pair of Females. Class 12 Group of 3 Females. Class 13 Progeny Class – 3 animals in Owner’s hands by same Sire or Dam. Mr T Savage kindly donates £20 to the Champion Jersey ‘THE TAYLOR TROPHY’ kindly presented by Harold Taylor Esq. will be awarded to the Champion Jersey THE ‘JOHN HARRISON MEMORIAL TROPHY’ presented in memory of the late John Harrison of Crossrigg will be awarded to the Overall Champion Dairy Animal. To be judged by all three Dairy Judges, on a points system. Only the Champions of each dairy breed will come forward for this Award. THE ‘BURRELLS’ SILVER CHALLENGE CUP presented by the late J.T. Renshaw Esq. for the Champion Holstein Friesian. THE ‘EDEN VALE’ SILVER CHALLENGE CUP presented by the late Capt. E. Bennison for the Best Female in Classes 6-10. THE ‘WRAES’ CUP presented by the late G Holmes Esq., MRCVS, for the best in Breeder’s hands. THE ‘EXPRESS DAIRY’ CUP for the Best Cow or Heifer in the Holstein Friesian Classes. PERPETUAL CHALLENGE TROPHY presented by Carrs Farm Foods, Silloth, for the Best Group of 3 Holstein Friesian Females. SILVER CHALLENGE TROPHY presented by the late R.H. Bell Esq. for the winner of Class 13. BEEF CATTLE LIMOUSIN Class 26 Class 27 Class 28 Class 29 Best Bull, any age. Best Cow, any age. Best Heifer in Calf or with Calf at foot. Unserved Heifer. This Show has been selected to hold a qualifying round for the NW Limousin Cattle Breeders Association Heifer & Bull Derby culminating at the Westmorland Show. NB Only home-bred heifers born on or after 1st July 2012 and homebred bulls born on or after 1st January 2013 qualify. The exhibitor must be a member of the Association. Prizes will be presented to qualifiers at the Westmorland Show, therefore only rosettes will be given on the day of this Show. Rosettes are sponsored by the Association. SHORTHORN CATTLE Class 14 Class 15 Class 16 Class 17 Class 18 Class 19 Unserved Heifer. Heifer in Calf. Cow in Calf. Heifer in Milk. Cow in Milk. Group of 3 Females. Unserved Heifer. Heifer in Calf. Cow in Calf. Heifer in Milk. Cow in Milk. Group of 3 Females. THE ‘TUFTON ARMS’ CHALLENGE CUP presented by W.B. Milsom Esq. For the Champion Limousin. THE ‘HILDITCH’ SILVER CHALLEGE CUP presented by L.M. Hilditch Esq. For the Champion Shorthorn. THE ‘TORBOCK’ CHALLENGE CUP for the Best Shorthorn Heifer SIMMENTAL 5 Class 30 Best Bull, any age. Class 31 Best Cow, any age. Class 32 Best Heifer in Calf or with Calf at foot. Class 33 Unserved Heifer. Class 46 Any type of beef calf up to 12 months of age, to be shown by handlers 15-26 years old. Class 47 Any type of dairy calf up to 12 months of age, to be shown by handlers up to 8 years old. Class 48 Any type of dairy calf up to 12 months of age, to be shown by handlers 9-14 years old. Class 49 Any type of dairy calf up to 12 months of age, to be shown by handlers 15-26 years old. THE ‘CLOISTERS’ SILVER CHALLENGE CUP presented by the late W. Binney Esq. for the Champion Simmental. Prizes: Each entry will receive £2 and a Rosette. ANY OTHER PEDIGREE BEEF BREED Class 34 Class 35 Class 36 Class 37 ‘A. RICHARDSON TROPHY’ for the best beef exhibit in Classes 44-46 to be held for 1 year. 'THE HAILSTONE HOLSTEIN PERPETUAL TROPHY' presented by M & D Wilson will be awarded to the best dairy exhibit in Classes 47-49. K & J’s Toasted Sandwiches kindly donate £30 for the SUPREME OVERALL CATTLE CHAMPION and £10 for the RESERVE OVERALL CATTLE CHAMPION. Best Bull, any age. Best Cow, any age. Best Heifer. Unserved Heifer. THE ‘PHIL PALMER TROPHY’ will be awarded to the Best Animal in Classes 34 to 37. Genus donate £50 worth of goods for the Best Cow in Classes 26 to 37. THE ‘NATIONAL WESTMINSTER BANK’ TROPHY will be awarded to the Champion Animal in the Cattle Classes, to be held for 1 year. A CHAMPIONSHIP SASH will be given to the Overall Cattle Champion. COMMERCIAL BEEF CATTLE Class 38 considered Class 39 considered Best Best Commercial Commercial Bullock, age Heifer, age YOUNG HANDLER CLASSES (no entry fee, open to any breed) (to be held after classes 44-49) SILVER CHALLENGE CUP presented by the late G Holmes Esq., MRCVS, for the Best Animal. THE ‘THOMAS CLEASBY’ MEMORIAL CUP for the Best Animal in Classes 26 to 39. Class P For the best Young Handler, aged 12 years or over but not to have attained their 16th birthday before the 8th September in the current year,to show a calf under 12 months of age on show day. Open to all breeds 1st - £10, 2nd - £6, 3rd - £4 Class Q For the best Young Handler, aged 11 years or under on show day, to show a calf under 12 months of age on show day. Open to all breeds. 1st - £10, 2nd - £6, 3rd - £4 NATIVE BEEF BREEDS Class Class Class Class 40 41 42 43 Bull any age Maiden heifer Heifer in calf Cow with calf at foot, or in calf. A SOCIETY TROPHY will be presented to the Champion of Classes 40 – 43. All exhibitors in classes P & Q are eligible to score points for the Lunesdale Accumulator Trophy presented by Semex. ALL BREEDS (No entry fee in classes 40-45) Lunesdale Accumulator Trophy Class 44 Any type of beef calf up to 12 months of age, to be shown by handlers up to 8 years old. Class 45 Any type of beef calf up to 12 months of age, to be shown by handlers 9-14 years old. This trophy is to be awarded to the Young Handler gaining the most points from exhibiting in the Young Handler classes at the Lunesdale, Crosby Ravensworth, Appleby and Bentham (to 6 be confirmed) agricultural shows during the current calendar year. Each Young Handler exhibiting in the calf classes at the above shows will score points as follows: 2 points awarded to each Young Handler presenting a calf for judging at each show 4 points awarded to the first place Young Handler 3 points awarded to the second place Young Handler 2 points awarded to the third place Young Handler 1 point awarded to the fourth place Young Handler Young Handlers eligible for this trophy will not have attained their 16th birthday before the 8th September in the current year. Young Handlers exhibiting in more than one calf class at a show will only have their best result counted towards the trophy. The trophy will be presented to the winner at (to be confirmed) show by a representative from Semex. 7 Appleby Show 2014 Horse Section Time Table RING-1 start 9.30am RING-2 start 9.30am RING-3 start 9.30am RING-4 start 9.30am RING-5 start 10.00am RING-6 start 10.00am Fell pony Judge Mrs G Callister Mini Shetland Judge TBC Sports Horse Judge Mrs J Heap Pony Riding Judge Mrs A Chappelhow Handy Pony Judge TBC Working Hunter Pony Judge Mrs P Murray Main Ring Open 10am till 2pm Standard Shetland Judge TBC Approx 2.30pm Driving Class Judge Mrs S Millard To follow Fell Ponies To follow Shetland Ponies To follow Sports Horses To follow Riding Pony Coloureds Judge V Shepley Dales Judge Mr J Daley Veterans Judge Mrs A Mckinley M&M Judge Mrs C Miller 2pm HP Closes To follow WHP Working Hunter Horse Judge Ms H Bird To Follow Driving Fancy Dress Judge Show President Following Grand Parade Gymkhana Judge TBC 8 in their appropriate classes at this Show. THE 'HOTHFIELD' SILVER CHALLENGE CUP, presented by the late Lord Hothfield, for the Best Exhibit in the Fell Pony Classes. The Fell Pony Society presents a SPECIAL ROSETTE for the Champion Registered Fell Pony. FELL PONY BREEDER’S ASSOCIATION GOLD SHIELD ROSETTE – To be presented to the highest placed pony in the Ridden Class which is owned by a full or family member of the FPBA and which has not won this award in a previous show in 2014. Rosettes will be presented at the Autumn AGM. THE LOWNTHWAITE COMMEMORATIVE ROSETTE will be awarded to the Champion Fell Pony HORSE SECTION All entries to: Anne Hogg, Byways, Bolton, Appleby, Cumbria CA16 6AW Email enquiries to: Tel 07841705585 & leave message. ENTRY FEE: £3 unless otherwise stated. (Minimum entry £7 entry fees will receive 1 free entrance ticket, £14=2 tickets) PRIZE MONEY: 1st £10, 2nd £7, 3rd £5. All ridden ponies must be 4 yrs old and over Lead rein competitors must be on lead rein all day Age of rider is as of 1st January 2014 Clashes of classes may be inevitable, and classes cannot be held for competitors **Strictly no late entries accepted** PONY RIDING CLASSES Judge: Mrs A Chappelhow, Crackenthorpe Judging starts: 9.30am Class 57 Leading Rein Pony, Mare or Gelding, 4 yrs old or over, not exceeding 127 cm (12.2 hh). Riders not to have attained their 8th birthday before 1st Jan in the current year, the lead rein to be attached to the noseband only. Class 58 Pony, Mare or Gelding, not exceeding 127 cm (12.2 hh), suitable for and to be ridden by a child under 13 years. Class 59 Pony, Mare or Gelding, exceeding 127 cm (12.2 hh) and not exceeding 137 cm (13.2 hh), FELL PONIES Judge: Mrs G Callister, Workington. Judging starts: 9.30 am Held under the Auspices of the Fell Pony Society NOTE: The name, colour, age, sire & dam of each pony must be given on the entry form. Ponies may be shown shod or unshod. Exhibitors must be prepared to produce on the field their Fell Pony Society Passports from the Fell Pony Society to the Secretary if requested. All ponies (except foals) must be registered prior to the closing date for entries to the Show. suitable for and to be ridden by a child under 15 years. Class 60 Pony, Mare or Gelding, exceeding 137 cm (13.2 hh) and not exceeding 147 cm (14.2 hh), suitable for and to be ridden by a child under 17 years. Class 61 Best local Pony and Rider, to come from within 10-mile radius of the Show field. Class 62 Best Performance by a child rider under 16 years of age - age to be taken into consideration. Class 50 Registered Brood Mare with foal at foot. Class 51 Foal from mare in class 50. Class 52 Registered Yearling-Colt, Gelding or Filly. Class 53 Registered 2 & 3 year old-Colt, Gelding or Filly Class 54 Registered Mare or Gelding- 4 yrs or over. Class 55 Registered Fell Pony- 4 years old and over, to be shown mounted. Marks to be awarded 50% for manners, ride and presentation and 50% for conformation and breed characteristics. Class 56 Best Young Handler under 18 years of age. Championship for Riding Pony CHALLENGE CUP presented by the late G.S. Evans Esq. for the Best Pony in Classes 57 - 62 inclusive (Marks to be awarded for manners and presentation). SILVER CHALLENGE CUP presented by the late C.G. Atkinson Esq. for the winner of Class 62. THE “BENGAD MANETTIA TROPHY” kindly 8 presented by Mr H Nicholson for the winner of Class 57. MOUNTAIN AND MOORLAND Championship for Fell Pony Judge: Miss C Miller, Bishop Auckland. Judging Starts: After Pony Riding Classes. All animals to be registered with respective studbooks THE 'RIVINGTON' SILVER CHALLENGE CUP presented by the late Major J.M. Rivington, for the Best Group of 3 Fell Ponies, all to be owned by the same exhibitor, all three animals to have been shown 9 Class 78 Ridden Racehorse-Open to all horses, which previously or presently have been in training to race Class 63 1, 2, 3 year old registered Small Breeds (excluding miniature and standard Shetlands) Class 64 4 year and over registered Small Breeds (excluding miniature and standard Shetlands) Class 65 1, 2, 3 year old registered Large Breeds (excluding Fell and Dales) Class 66 4 year and over registered Large Breeds (excluding Fell and Dales) Class 67 Ridden Registered Small Breeds (excluding miniature and standard Shetlands) including lead rein, riders not to have attained their 9th birthday before 1st January in the current year to be led by an attendant and to be shown in a Snaffle Bridle, the lead rein to be attached to the noseband only. Class 68 Ridden Registered Large Breeds (excluding Fell and Dales) SHETLAND PONIES Classes must be confined to Registered Ponies. Ponies must be named on the entry form and in the catalogue if one is produced. Society Rosettes must only be given to ponies registered with the Society or eligible for registration (i.e. foals). Three year old fillies with foals at foot may not be shown. All foals must be a minimum of three weeks old on the day of the Show. There must be no colts or entire males in Young Handlers classes. Children under 14 years old may not show colts (excluding foals) or entire males in In-hand classes. Children under 11 yrs old on the day of the show may not show entire males in ridden classes. In the interests of safety, hard hats must be worn by all handlers aged 14 yrs or under in In-hand classes. Hard hats must be worn by all exhibitors, irrespective of age, in ridden classes. In ridden Classes, if a rider falls off at any time whilst in the ring, both pony and rider must leave the ring, rider dismounted, and take no further part. Championship for Registered Mountain & Moorland A Trophy is kindly presented by Ms S Mullen for the Champion Registered Mountain and Moorland Class 69 Unregistered Mountain and Moorland, any age or height, in hand, Class 70 Ridden Unregistered Mountain and Moorland, any age or height Class 71 Thelwell Class, Rider under 10 yrs old, on or off lead rein MINIATURE OR SMALL SHETLAND PONIES 34” OR UNDER Judge: TBC. Judging starts: 9.30am Championship for Unregistered Mountain and Moorland A Challenge cup presented for the Champion Unregistered Mountain and Moorland Class 79 Colt, Filly or Gelding Yearling Class 80 Colt, Filly or Gelding 2 or 3 years old. Class 81 Brood Mare 4 years and over with foal at foot. Class 82 Foal from mare in class 81-Must be at least 3 weeks old on day of Show Class 83 Stallion Filly or Gelding 4 years and upwards SPORT HORSE CLASSES Judge: Mrs J Heap, Barrow in Furness. Judging starts: 9.30am Class 72 Sport Horse Mare or Gelding exceeding 157cm (15.2 hh) to be shown mounted. Class 73 Sport Horse not exceeding 157 cm (15.2 hh) to be shown mounted. Class 74 Sport Horse Brood Mare with foal at foot. Class 75 Sport Horse Foal from mare in class 74 Class 76 Sport Horse Yearling. Class 77 Sport Horse, 2 or 3 years old Championship for Miniature Shetland THE “BLACKWALL” CHALLENGE SHIELD kindly donated by Mr J Watson will be awarded to the Best Miniature Shetland Pony. STANDARD SHETLAND PONIES Judge: TBC Judging starts: To follow the miniature Shetland Classes Championship for Sports Horse CHALLENGE TROPHY, presented by T.E. Cleasby Esq., for the Champion Sport Horse. Class 84 Colt, Filly or Gelding Yearling Class 85 Colt, Filly or Gelding 2 or 3 years old 10 …………………………………………………… Class 86 Brood Mare 4 years and over with foal at foot. Class 87 Foal from mare in class 86- must be at least 3 weeks old on day of Show Class 88 Stallion, Filly or Gelding 4 years and upwards Class 89 Shetland Pony, 4 yrs or over to be shown mounted. OLYMPIA SENIOR SHOWING SERIES FIRST ROUND QUALIFIER 2014 NO FOALS, SPURS, GALLOPING, OR WEARING OF FACE/BODY JEWELLERY PERMITTED MINIMUM AGE OF HANDLER FOR ALL IN – HAND CLASSES 9YRS STALLIONS- IN HAND & RIDDEN COMPETITORS MUST BE OVER I6YRS OF AGE COMPETITORS CANNOT ENTER THE RING ONCE THE COMMAND OF TROT HAS BEEN GIVEN THE SAME RIDER COMBINATION MUST BE AT FIRST/SECOND ROUND QUALFIERS & THE GRAND FINAL ALL COMPETITORS SHOULD AQUAINT THEM SELVES WITH SSAD RULES BEFORE ENTERING The Olympia Senior Showing Series First Round Qualifiers are open to both Members & Non Members of the Senior Showing & Dressage Ltd. Please note all competitors should acquaint themselves with the rules of the SSAD Ltd. They can be found at Qualification cards will be handed out in the ring at the time of presentation. COMPETITORS ONLY NEED ONE QUALIFICATION CARD = IN HAND CLASSES - ONE QUALIFICATION CARD = FOR RIDDEN CLASSES IF ALREADY QUALIFIED THIS CARD MUST BE HANDED DOWN THE LINE NEXT STAGE SECOND ROUND QUALFIERS Championship for Standard Shetland The Shetland Pony Stud Book Society will give Rosettes as follows: Champion & Reserve. CHALLENGE CUP presented by the late Mrs. O. Rudd, Dufton, for the Best Standard Shetland Pony in the Show. PERPETUAL SILVER CHALLENGE CUP kindly presented by W.W. & M.E. Johnstone for the Best Registered Standard Shetland Pony Foal. THE ‘KNIX STUD’ TROPHY, kindly presented by Ms K Nixon, will be awarded to the Best Ridden Shetland Pony, Miniature or Standard. THE ‘ALLENGROVE’ PERPETUAL TROPHY kindly donated by the Nicholson Family to the Standard Junior Champion. THE ‘ALLENGROVE’ PERPETUAL TROPHY kindly donated by the Nicholson Family will be awarded to the Best Standard Shetland Brood Mare. COLOURED HORSE CLASSES N.B. The Society's Hon. Vet. Surgeon will be on the Show field to check heights where appropriate. Judge: Mrs V Shepley, Chorley. Judging Starts: To follow Fell Pony Classes. Class 96 Native, Cob or Traditional Brood Mare with foal at foot. Class 96a Native, Cob or Traditional foal from mare in class 96a Class 97 Native, Cob or Traditional yearling Colt, Filly or Gelding Class 98 Native, Cob or Traditional 2 & 3yrs old Colt, Filly or Gelding. Class 99 Native, Cob or Traditional 4 yrs old and above, Stallion, Mare or Gelding Class 100 Native, Cob or Traditional Best Ridden-4 yrs and above. SENIOR SHOWING AND DRESSAGE LTD Judge: Mrs A Mckinley. Judging starts: To follow Sports Horse Classes. SENIOR SHOWING & DRESSAGE LTD INCORPORATING THE HOME PRODUCED OLYMPIA FIRST ROUND SHOWING QUALIFIER 2014 CLASS 90 PRE-SENIOR IN-HAND HORSE OR PONY 15-18 Year old CLASS 91 SENIOR IN-HAND HORSE OR PONY 19-23 Years old CLASS 92 SENIOR –PLUS INHAND HORSE OR PONY 24 Years old & Over CLASS 93 PRE-SENIOR RIDDEN HORSE OR PONY 15-18 Year old CLASS 94 SENIOR RIDDEN HORSE OR PONY 19-23 Years old CLASS 95 SENIOR –PLUS RIDDEN HORSE OR PONY 24 Years old & Over …………………………………………………… Class 101 Non Native Brood Mare with foal at foot. Class 101a Non Native foal from mare in class 101 Class 102 Non Native Yearling. Colt, Filly or Gelding Class 103 Non Native 2 & 3yrs old Colt, Filly or Gelding Class 104 Non Native 4 yr old and above, Stallion, Mare or Gelding 11 Class 105 Non Native Best Ridden-4 yrs and above. Class 114 Marathon Driving Class with obstacles for single horse or pony or team of more than one, four years and over, driven to suitable vehicle. Class 106 Best Coloured horse or pony- Open to any breed & age to be judged on colour and markings. HANDY PONY CLASSES Judge: TBC Judging: 10am-2pm Championship for Coloured Horse A PERPETUAL TROPHY presented by the Society, will be awarded to the Champion Coloured Horse Turn up as & when between other classes. Marks awarded for completing the obstacles successfully and in the fastest time. No pony to compete in more than one class. DALES PONY CLASSES Judge: Mr J Daley, Spennymoor Judging Starts: To follow the Standard Shetland classes. All classes are affiliated to the Dales Pony Society Class 115 Lead Rein. max jump height 30cm. (competitors must remain on lead rein for rest of day) Class 116 Riders 9-11 yrs and under.-max jump height 30cm Assistance allowed Class 117 Riders 12-16 years-max jump height 50cm Class 118 Riders 16 years and over-max jump height 60 cm. Class 107 Registered Brood Mare with foal at foot. Class 108 Foal from above mare in class 107. Class 109 Registered Yearling-Colt, Gelding or Filly. Class 110 Registered 2 & 3 year old-Colt, Gelding or Filly Class 111 Registered Mare or Gelding- 4 yrs or over. Class 112 Registered Dales Pony- 4 years old and over, to be shown mounted. Marks to be awarded 50% for manners, ride and presentation and 50% for conformation and breed characteristics. FANCY DRESS CLASSES Entry £3.00 Judge: The Show President Judging Starts: Will follow the driving classes in the main ring Class 119 Best Fancy Dress Mounted GYMKHANA Prizes: 1st £10, 2nd £7, 3rd £5 Judge: TBC Judging Starts: Will follow fancy dress in the main ring. Championship for Dales Pony A Special Rosette offered by the Dales Pony Society for the best registered Dales Pony shown by an exhibitor who produces a current membership card in the ring. A Perpetual Trophy donated by the Society will be awarded to the Champion Dales Pony. £5.00 for 3 games 3 Games to be confirmed on day Class 120 Riders 9 yrs and under. Assistance and lead DRIVING CLASSES rein allowed, but must remain on lead rein all day. Class 121 9-11 yrs and under Class 122 11-16 yrs and under Judge Mrs S Millard. Steward: Mr A Horn Judging Starts: To follow the cattle classes, and be held in the main ring UNAFFILIATED WORKING HUNTER CLASSES Working Hunter Pony Classes Class 113 Open Driving Class for single horse or pony or team of more than one, four years and over, driven to a suitable vehicle (commercial vehicles not eligible). Challenge Cup given by the late T.H. Richardson Esq. for the smartest turnout in this Class. Entry £6 per class. Prize Money: 1st £10, 2nd £7, 3rd £5. Judge: Mrs P Murray, Brampton. Judging starts 10.00 am 12 Class 123 Mountain & Moorland. Ponies 4yrs and over, must be registered with respective breed societies. Riders any age Class 124 Beginners, on or off lead rein, jumps will be tiny 35cm and help will be allowed Class 125 Novice pony, jumps approximately 65cms Class 126 Open pony, jumps approximately 85cms. Championship for Working Hunter Pony Accredited sheep will be penned separately and all other steps will be taken to comply with the rules laid down by DEFRA. For MV accredited entries, all SAC green certificates must be completed in full, as they will be checked prior to unloading for validity and an expired or incomplete certificate will not be accepted to gain valid entry to the event. THE ‘CRACKENTHORPE ATLANTIC STAR SALVER, kindly presented by Mrs Anne Chappelhow, will be awarded to the Champion Working Hunter Pony. Class 130 Class 131 Class 132 Class 133 Class 134 Class 135 SWALEDALE SHEEP Working Hunter Horse Classes Judge: Ms H Bird, Cliburn Judging starts: To follow Working Hunter Pony Classes Aged Ram. Shearling Ram. Ram Lamb. Ewe to have reared a lamb this year. Gimmer Shearling. Gimmer Lamb. THE ‘FELL’ SILVER CHALLENGE CUP presented by the late A M Fell Esq. for the Best Swaledale. THE ‘SPILLERS’ CHALLENGE SHIELD is awarded to the Best Opposite Sex to the Champion. THE ‘GEORGE CLEASBY’ MEMORIAL SALVER will be awarded to the best pair of lambs, 1 male and 1 female, to have been bred by the Exhibitor. To be held for 1 year. The Swaledale Sheep Breeders’ Association kindly donates a Special Prize Rosette for the Champion Swaledale. Class 127 Baby horse, jumps approximately 50cms. Help allowed Class 128 Novice horse, jumps approximately 75 cms Class 129 Open horse, jumps approximately 95 cms Championship for Working Hunter Horse THE ‘PENTAGON SALVER, kindly presented by Mrs Anne Chappelhow, will be awarded to the Champion Working Hunter Horse. ROUGH FELL SHEEP SHEEP CLASSES SHOWGROUND HOLDING NO: 08/309/8000 IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF EXHIBITORS TO ENSURE THAT MOVEMENT LICENCES ARE CORRECTLY FILLED IN AND HANDED INTO THE PENRITH & DISTRICT MART TENT. EACH SHEEP MUST BE CORRECTLY IDENTIFIED BY ITS INDIVIDUAL NUMBER Class 136 Class 137 Class 138 Class 139 Class 140 Class 141 JUDGING IN ALL SHEEP CLASSES WILL START AT 9.30am PROMPT. PRESENTATION OF TROPHIES WILL TAKE PLACE IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE CHAMPIONSHIP AT THE SHEEP PENS. Aged Ram. Shearling Ram. Ram Lamb. Ewe to have reared a lamb this year. Gimmer Shearling. Gimmer Lamb. SILVER CHALLENGE CUP presented by Penrith Farmers’ & Kidds PLC for the Champion Rough Fell Sheep. The Rough Fell Sheep Breeders’ Association offers a SPECIAL PRIZE of £10 For the Beststarred Male or Female Rough Fell sheep, Ram lamb or Gimmer lamb. To be competed for by members of the RFSBA only. .The sheep to which the prize is awarded may not compete for a similar prize offered by the RFSBA at any other show during the same year. All Entries to: Mrs Di Wilson, Ormside Lodge, Ormside, Appleby.CA16 6EJ Tel 07973533140 Entry £1. (min £7 for free day pass) Prizes 1st £8, 2nd £6, 3rd £4. Rosettes to 5th place. Entries in these classes will be accepted from both MV Accredited and Non-Accredited Flocks. All 13 Sheep. SUFFOLK SHEEP SOCIETY SPECIAL ROSETTE for the Best Exhibit from a Registered Flock. BLUEFACED LEICESTER SHEEP Class 142 Class 143 Class 144 Class 145 Class 146 Class 147 Class 148 Aged Ram. Shearling Ram. Ram Lamb. Ewe to have reared a lamb this year. Gimmer Shearling. Gimmer Lamb. Group of 3 (1 male, 2 females) SCOTCH BLACKFACED SHEEP Class 161 Class 162 Class 163 Class 164 Class 165 Class 166 CHALLENGE CUP presented for the Champion Bluefaced Leicester Sheep. CHALLENGE SHIELD presented by Mr & Mrs A.M. Little for the winner of Class 148. THE ‘STRAWSON’ CUP for the Champion Scotch Blackfaced Sheep. THE ‘R.T. DENT’ TANKARD for the Best Opposite Sex to the Champion. THE ‘WHINFELL’ TROPHY presented by E. Eastham Esq. for the Best Group of 3 Sheep, 2 female and 1 male, all three sheep to have been bred by the Exhibitor. GREYFACED SHEEP (MULE) Class 149 Best Pen of Five Gimmer Lambs. CHALLENGE CUP presented to the winner of this Class. Class 150 Best Pair of Gimmer Lambs. THE ‘CLEASBY’ CUP presented to the winner of this Class, to be held for 1 year. Class 151 Best Single Gimmer Lamb. A CHALLENGE TROPHY presented in memory of the late Donald Braithwaite will be awarded to the Champion Mule Gimmer Lamb. A SPECIAL ROSETTE for the Best Mule Gimmer Lamb exhibited and bred by a member of the Association will be awarded by the Kirkby Stephen Branch of the North of England Mule Sheep Association. Class 152 Class 153 Class 154 Class 155 Aged Ram. Shearling Ram. Ram Lamb. Ewe to have reared a lamb this year. Gimmer Shearling. Gimmer Lamb. HERDWICK SHEEP Class 167 Aged Ram. Class 168 Shearling Ram. Class 169 Ram Lamb. Class 170 Ewe to have reared a lamb this year. Class 171 Gimmer Shearling. Class 172 Gimmer Lamb. CHALLENGE CUP presented to the Champion Herdwick Sheep. A PRIZE of £5 will be awarded to the Reserve Champion Herdwick and a further PRIZE of £5 will be awarded to the best Shearling either male or female by Mr G Allan (Eden Fencing) THE ‘BOB ELLWOOD’ MEMORIAL TROPHY, kindly presented in memory of the late Bob Ellwood, will be awarded to the best pair of Herdwicks – 1 male and 1 female. Best Pair of Mule Shearlings. Best Single Mule Shearling. Best Pair of Mule Ewes. Best Single Mule Ewe. A CHALLENGE TROPHY presented by Penrith Farmers’ & Kidds PLC will be awarded to the Best Mule Shearling or Ewe. A CHAMPIONSHIP ROSETTE will be awarded to the Champion Mule Sheep. PUREBRED TEXEL SHEEP SUFFOLK SHEEP Class 156 Class 157 Class 158 Class 159 Class 160 Class 173 Aged Ram. Class 174 Shearling Ram. Class 175 Ram Lamb. Class 176 Ewe to have reared a lamb this year. Class 177 Gimmer Shearling. Class 178 Gimmer Lamb. Class 179 Best Group of 3 Accredited Texels, comprising 1 male, 2 females. Aged or Shearling Ram. Ram Lamb. Ewe to have reared a lamb this year. Gimmer Shearling. Gimmer Lamb. CHALLENGE CUP for the Champion Suffolk 14 Class 180 Best Pair of Accredited Sheep, any age or sex. Exhibitor must be under the age of 18 years on Showday and the sheep must be registered with the Breed Society in the name of the Exhibitor. RARE AND MINORITY NATIVE BREEDS Class 190 Class 192 Class 193 Class 194 Class 195 Class 196 CHALLENGE TROPHY presented by the Solway & Tyne Texel Breeders’ Club for the Champion Texel Sheep. PERPETUAL CHALLENGE TROPHY presented by CW & HE Horsley for the winner of Class 187. CHALLENGE TROPHY presented by Mrs J Thompson, Penrith, for the winner of Class 188. CHALLENGE TROPHY presented by Messrs K & D Newton for the Best Opposite Sex to the Champion. Aged Ram. Shearling Ram. Ram Lamb. Ewe to have reared a lamb this year. Gimmer Shearling. Gimmer Lamb. THE ‘JHM WEIR TROPHY’ will be awarded to the best pair, any age, male or female. To be shown by the breeder. THE ‘JHM WEIR TROPHY’ will be awarded to the Champion Rare and Minority Native Breed. THE ‘ALLISON’ CUP presented by the late O Allison Esq. will be awarded to the Best Sheep in the Show, to be judged by all the sheep judges on a points system. Only the Champions of the respective breeds will come forward for this Award. Sheep to be held for judging. CARRS BILLINGTON kindly donate 12 bags of Sheep Feed to the Overall Sheep Champion, also a Handsome Rosette, and 6 bags of Sheep Feed to the Reserve Overall Sheep Champion. PUREBRED ZWARTBLE SHEEP Class 181 Aged or Shearling Ram. Class 182 Ram Lamb. Class 183 Ewe or Gimmer Shearling. Class 184 Gimmer Lamb. PENRITH FARMER’S & KIDD’S CUP to be presented to the Champion Zwartble. YOUNG SHEEP HANDLER CLASSES To be held after the Sheep Championship Qualifier for the Cumbria Young Handler of the Year Competition. The final to be held at Hesket Newmarket Show. First place only qualifies for the Final unless already qualified, in which case the exhibitor awarded second place will qualify. Any breed, sex, Accredited or Non-Accredited animals may be shown. Haltered or unhaltered. The appearance of the handler and their ability to handle and show the animal will be judged. Free Entry. All exhibitors will receive £2.00 and a special rosette. ANY OTHER PUREBRED CONTINTENTAL BREED N.B. Sheep in this section must NOT have been shown in any other class Class 185 Aged or Shearling Ram. Class 186 Ram Lamb. Class 187 Ewe or Gimmer Shearling. Class 188 Gimmer Lamb. A SILVER CHALLENGE TANKARD will be Awarded to the Champion. FAT LAMBS Class 197 Young Handlers aged 10 years and younger on show day Class 198 Young Handlers aged 11-16 years on show day Class 189 Best Pair of Fat Lambs (any breed). THE ‘BROOKER’ CUP will be presented to the winner of this Class. 15 greatest care will be taken of all exhibits by the Stewards, but it must be distinctly understood that the Committee will not be responsible for any loss or damage to any exhibit arising from accident or other cause. 5. Any dispute to be settled by the Committee whose decision shall be final. 6. All exhibits in the Selling Class must be sold if claimed, at the stated price, and 10% commission will be payable to the Club. If more than one claimant, the bird will be offered at public auction and sold to the highest bidder. This will take place at 3.30pm. 7. Male and female to mean birds of any age unless otherwise stated. DOGS JUDGING TO START IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE JUDGING OF THE CHILDREN’S PETS ENTRIES WILL ALSO BE TAKEN ON THE FIELD Entry £2 per exhibitor for as many classes as eligible for. Prizes 1st £3, 2nd £2, 3rd £1. Class 199 Handsomest Sheep Dog or Bitch. Class 200 Any Breed Puppy (under 1 year). Class 201 Any Variety Large Breed. Class 202 Any Variety Small Breed. Class 203 Any Variety Gundog. Class 204 Dog the Judge would like to take home. Class 205 Dog with the Waggiest Tail. Class 206 The Best Biscuit Catcher Entry fee 75p per entry - except where otherwise stated Prizes lst £1.50 . 2nd £1. 3rd 75p. except where otherwise stated. Championship & Reserve Championship Rosettes awarded to the Best in Show and Reserve THE 'ANDERSLEY' CUP will be awarded to the winner of Class 211. Show Manager - Roy Forrester JUDGING STARTS AT 9.30am. Trophies will be presented immediately after Judging in the Poultry Tent A HANDSOME TROPHY presented by Mr W Patterson, Coupland Beck, will be awarded to the winner of this Class CHILDREN'S PETS LARGE POULTRY Any variety Hard Feather male. Any variety Hard Feather female. Heavy Breed male or female Light Breed male or female Old English Pheasant Fowl, male JUDGING STARTS AT 1 pm Entry £50p Prizes: 1st £3, 2nd £2, 3rd £1 Class 208 Class 209 Class 210 Class 211 Class 212 or female Class 213 Crossbred Hen for laying purposes Class 214 Silkie, any colour, male or female Class 207. Best Child's Pet (EXCLUDING DOGS), shown by child aged 14 years or under on Showday. Please state type of entry, i.e. cat, rabbit, hamster etc. on Entry Form. Entries for this Class also taken on the field. Penning for rabbits etc. will be provided in the Poultry Tent. A SILVER TROPHY kindly presented by Mrs D Emerson, Ormside, for the Best Children’s Pet. BANTAMS Class 215 Breeding Pair - Hard or Soft Feather Large or Bantam Class 216 O.E.G. Spangle cock or hen Class 217 O.E.G. Self Black or Blue cock or hen Class 218 O.E G. Black, Red or Wheaten cock or hen Class 219 O.E.G. Any other colour cock Class 220 O.E.G. Any other colour hen Class 221 O.E.G., any colour, hatched 2013 cockerel or pullet Class 222 Modern Game, any colour, male or female Class 223 Black or white Wyandotte male or female Class 224 Partridge and silver pencilled Wyandotte, male or female POULTRY AND BANTAM SECTION POULTRY COMMITTEE: R Forrester G.W. Dent, A Horn, I Allonby, L Allonby All Entries to: Mrs Di Wilson, Ormside Lodge, Ormside, Appleby.CA16 6EJ Tel 07973533140 RULES 1. All Entry Fees to be paid at the time of entry and to reach the Secretary by 30th July 2014 2. All birds to be penned by 10.00am. on Showday. 3. No exhibits to leave before 4.30pm. 4. The Committee can assure exhibitors that the 16 Class 225 Any other colour Wyandotte male or female Class 226 Sussex, any colour, male or female Class 227 Rhode Island Red male or female Class 228 Any colour Pekin male Class 229 Any colour Pekin female Class 230 Any colour Plymouth Rock, male or female Class 231 Any variety True Bantam, male or female Class 232 Any other variety, male or female Class 233 Soft Feather, any variety, hatched 2014 male or female the Best Any Colour Pekin The Society will give 50p each for the Best Soft Feathered Male and Best Soft Feathered Female. G. Dent will give £1 for the Best Large Soft Feathered Bird. R. Forrester will give £1 for the Best Large Old English Game Bird J.I.H.. Allonby will give 50p for the Best Water Fowl. DUCK CLASSES Rule 11. (see front of Schedule) applies to this Section VINTAGE FARM MACHINERY JUDGING STARTS AT 9.30am Class 234 Best Drake, any variety Class 235 Best Duck, any variety Class 241 Best Vintage Farm Tractor up to and including 1960. Class 242 Best Classic Farm Tractor, 1961-1980. Class 243 Best Preserved Stationary Barn Engine/ Best Preserved Vintage Farm Implement. Class 244 Best Any Other type of Vintage Memorabilia. Class 245 Best Vintage Vehicle, excluding tractors. RABBIT & GUINEA PIG CLASSES Class 236 Any variety Rabbit, Buck or Doe Class 237 Any variety Guinea Pig, Boar or Sow CHILDREN'S CLASSES Entry: 10p Prizes lst 60p 2nd 40p 3rd 20p Limited under-cover space will be provided for collections etc. on a first-come-first-served basis. Please ring Richard Birkbeck (see entry form) to check if still available. Class 238 Best Hard Feather Bantam male or female Class 239 Best Soft Feather Bantam male or female Class 240 Best Crossbred Bantam A PERPETUAL TROPHY donated by David Richardson Esq., Low Bank End, will be awarded to the Best Vintage Tractor, to be held for 1 year, also a Plaque to be retained. A PERPETUAL TANKARD donated by Richard Birkbeck Esq., Bolton, will be awarded to the Best Stationary Engine. THE ‘CENTURY SUPREME’ TROPHY, donated by the family of the late Harry Bell, will be awarded to the Best Classic Tractor A TANKARD, awarded in memory of the late Harry Bell, will be awarded to the Best Vintage Vehicle, excluding tractors. Rosettes to 5th place, no entry fee. SPECIAL PRIZES PERPETUAL CHALLENGE CUP presented by the late T.W. Lowthian Esq. for the Best Bird in the Show, to be held for 1 year. A CHAMPIONSHIP ROSETTE will be awarded to the Best Bird in the Show. PERPETUAL CHALLENGE CUP presented in memory of the late T.H. Hodgson Esq. for the Best Hard Feather Bird, to be held for 1 year. The Society will give a HANDSOME PLAQUE for the Best Soft Feather Bird. R. Forrester will give 50p for the Best Male O.E.G. Bantam A. Wells, Gt. Musgrave, will give 50p for the Best Female O.E.G. Bantam J.I.H. Allonby, Crosby Garrett, will give 50p for the Best Pheasant Fowl J.I.H. Allonby, Crosby Garrett, will give 50p for 17 SHEPHERDS’S CROOKS AND WALKING STICKS 7. Prize Money will be paid to the successful exhibitors on Show Day. 8. The General Rules & Regulations of the Society are applicable to this section so far as they are relevant. 9. No exhibits will be accepted by post. Entry 25p per entry (Entries taken on Show Day). Prizes: 1st £3, 2nd £2, 3rd £1. £10 Prize for Best Overall Exhibit. Rosettes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd. The show will be staged in the Industrial Tent. To be made by the exhibitor All Challenge Trophies are to be held by the winners for one year under a guarantee that they will be delivered to the Secretary in good condition a fortnight previous to the next year's Show. Entry Fees: Primary School Children's Classes 10p per entry. All other classes (except Co-op Efforts) - 20p per entry. Exhibitors entering 20 or more entries will receive a free pass ticket. Prize Money: All Classes except Co-op. Efforts 1st £2.00, 2nd £1.50, 3rd £1.00. Primary School Children - when more than 15 entries in a Class 4th 50p. Entries close Wednesday 30th July 2014 and should be sent, together with the correct entry fees to: Mrs K Martin The Secretary will attend at The Conservative Club, Appleby, on Wednesday 30th July between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. to receive entries. Class 246 Best Horn-headed Crook Class 247 Best Wood-headed Crook Class 248 Best Horn-headed Walking Stick Class 249 Best Wood-headed Walking Stick Class 250 Best Ornamental Horn-headed Stick Class 251 Best Ornamental Wood-headed Stick Class 252 Best Wood or Horned Thumbstick Class 253 Best Lady's Stick, Wood or Horn-headed Class 254 Novice Class – Any type of stick or crook by an amateur THE 'HAROLD THOMPSON MEMORIAL TROPHY' kindly presented by Messrs Cannan & Wightman, will be awarded to the Best Crook or Stick in the Show. LATE ENTRIES CANNOT BE ACCEPTED. PRESENTATION OF PRIZES WILL TAKE PLACE AT 12.30 PM IN THE INDUSTRIAL TENT. INDUSTRIAL, CHILDREN'S & HORTICULTURAL SECTION Rules and Regulations After judging the exhibits will be wired off to prevent them from being handled by visitors to the Show. 1. All the exhibits to be the work of amateurs only, who are themselves the exhibitors. No article to be shown more than one year. 2. The Committee of Management do not hold themselves responsible for any loss or damage to exhibits, but every reasonable care will be taken. 3. All exhibits not entered in the proper classes will be disqualified. 4. The Exhibits are to be staged not later than 9.00am on the morning of the Show. This Rule will be strictly enforced. The Marquee will be closed to the public at 4.30pm and after that time exhibitors will be allowed to remove their exhibits. Removal of exhibits will be allowed only on production of the Society's OFFICIAL REMOVAL TICKET which will be issued to exhibitors upon taking up their class numbers on the morning of the Show. 5. The Marquee will be closed to the public during judging. 6. Exhibitors are to provide their own vases etc. SPECIAL ATTENTION IS DRAWN TO RULE 4. FLORAL ART SECTION Class 301 An arrangement in a teapot Class 302 Foliage Arrangement Class 303 An Arrangement “World War” max size 2’ Class 304 An Arrangement of Fruit, Vegetables and Flowers, max. size 2’. Class 305 A hand held bouquet “Commonwealth Games” Class 306 Miniature arrangement max size 4" Class 307 A Pew End (please supply your own pew end) Class 308 Arrangement of 5 flowers, max size 2’ Class 309 An Arrangement in a Shoe 18 be made in one tin, not exceeding 7" Class 328 4 pieces of Flapjack made by a male only Class 329 An edible dish using Bells of Lazonby bread product. The entry should be accompanied by a Bells label. Bells of Lazonby kindly donate prize vouchers of £5, £3 and £2. Class 330 4 Shortbread biscuits Class 331 Individual portion of Cheesecake Class 332 A Lemon Meringue Pie Class 333 4 Viennese Fingers Class 334 A Lemon Drizzle Loaf Class 335 Afternoon tea for two on a tiered cakestand Class 336 A Gingerbread Class 337 8” Pizza made by a YFC member ( membership to be displayed) Class 338 A sample of sugarcraft Class 339 A Decorated Cake in sugarcraft Class 340 3 Hen Eggs (Brown) Class 341 3 Hen Eggs (White) A TROPHY kindly presented by “THE JOHNSON FAMILY” in memory of Christine will be awarded to the Best Exhibit in the Floral Art Classes A CHALLENGE CUP will be awarded to the Exhibitor gaining most points in Classes 301 to 309. Points awarded - 1st 3 points, 2nd 2 points, 3rd - 1 point. MISCELLANEOUS SECTION Class 310 Most Attractive Paper Serviette Class 311 A Favourite item of Glassware Class 312 A Schoolday Memento Class 313 A Favourite Wine Stopper Class 314 A small Wooden Toy Class 315 Collection of 4 photographs in colour mounted on a card-not to exceed 15" x 15". Class 316 Photograph, local scene, colour (2 entries per exhibitor only) 6” x 4” Class 317 Photograph, animal life, colour (2 entries per exhibitor only) 6” x 4” Class 318 Photograph, child study, colour (2 entries per exhibitor only) 6” x 4” Class 319 Photograph “Water, Water Everywhere” (max 2 entries per exhibitor)6” x 4” Class 320 Humorous photo mounted with a caption 6” x 4” N.B. All Cakes to be cut by the Judge where applicable A CHALLENGE CUP will be awarded to the exhibitor gaining most points in Classes 321 to 341. This Cup not to be won by the same person in 3 consecutive years. A SILVER CUP, donated by Mrs M.A. Atkinson, will be awarded to the best exhibit in Classes 338 and 339. To be held for 1 year. THE ‘ELSIE BIRKBECK MEMORIAL PLATE’ will be awarded to the winner of Class 336. THE 'APPLEBY PHOTOGRAPHIC' TROPHY, presented by Mr. D. Johnson, will be awarded to the best individual photograph in the Show. WINE & PRESERVES SECTION PRODUCE SECTION Class 342 Class 343 Class 344 Class 345 Class 346 Class 321 4 Scones Class 322 4 Eccles Cakes Class 323 3 Fruit Teacakes Class 324 A Bacon & Egg pie on a saucer Class 325 Fresh Fruit Plate Cake (short pastry) Class 326 3 Sausage Rolls made with Puff Pastry to be made with sausagemeat from Low Howgill Traditional Beef, Pork and Lamb. The entry should be accompanied by a Low Howgill Taditional Beef, Pork and Lamb label. Bottle of Homemade White Wine Bottle of Homemade Red Wine A Homemade Alcoholic Cocktail A Homemade Non-Alcoholic Cocktail A Flavoured Spirit THE ‘PENRITH WINE CLUB’ TROPHY will be awarded to the exhibitor gaining most points in Classes 342 to 346. To be held for 1 year. Class 347 Jar of Strawberry Jam Class 348 Jar of Raspberry Jam Class 349 Jar of Blackcurrant Jam Class 350 Dish of Rum Butter (dark) Class 351 Dish of Rum Butter (light) Class 352 Jar of Lemon Curd A CHALLENGE TROPHY presented by Appleby Bread Shop will be awarded for the most points in Classes 321 to 326. Class 327 Victoria Sponge, with jam filling, to 19 Class 353 Jar of Piccallili Class 354 Jar of Marmalade Class 355 Box of Chocolate Truffles A CHALLENGE BOWL will be awarded to the exhibitor gaining most points in Classes 358 to 371 inclusive A PERPETUAL TROPHY donated by Mr J K Ashman B.D.S., D.G.D., P.R.C.S., for the winner of Class 363. A SILVER SALVER kindly presented by Mr & Mrs D Cresswell, will be awarded for the Best Embroidery Exhibit in Classes 358 and 364. A SILVER CUP presented in memory of the late Mrs. N.E. Lowthian will be awarded for the most points in Classes 347 to 355 A PLAQUE presented by the late Mrs. N.E. Lowthian will be awarded to the Best Exhibit in Classes 347 to 349. CHILDREN'S MISCELLANEOUS CLASSES CO-OPERATIVE EFFORTS BY ANY ORGANISATION OR GROUP OF NOT LESS THAN FOUR PERSONS N.B. Reception ages 4-5, Year 1 ages 5-6, Year 2 - ages 6-7, Year 3 - ages 7-8, Year 4 - ages 8-9, Year 5 - ages 9-10, Year 6 - ages 10-11. Class 356 "Summer Picnic" - 8 items overall, 5 of which must be food and 1 of which must be beverages. Staged in a maximum space of 4' wide x 2' 3" deep, height unlimited. ENTRY FEE : 50p PRIZE MONEY : lst £6, 2nd £4, 3rd £3 CHALLENGE SHIELD presented by Mr. & Mrs. J.M. Renshaw to the winning entry. Class 372 Class 373 Class 374 Class 375 Class 376 Class 377 Class 378 Class 379 Class 380 Class 381 Class 382 Class 383 Class 384 CHALLENGE CUP presented by the Ladies' Committee for the winning entry. PRESENTATION & STAGING of this class to be taken into consideration HANDICRAFT SECTION An Article in Any Media (Nursery) An Article in Any Media (Reception) A Book Cover (Years 3 & 4) A Book Cover (Years 5 & 6) A Collage any media (Years 1 & 2) People in Action (Years 3 & 4) People in Action (Years 5 & 6) An Appliqué (Nursery) An Appliqué (Reception) Weaving, any media (Years 1 & 2) Weaving, any media (Years 3 to 6) A Sampler, any media (Years 1 & 2) Open Handicraft Class (KS1) Class 385 Open Handicraft Class (KS2) Class 386 4 butterfly buns by a child under 16 years on show day Class 387 A sample of Sugar craft by child under 16 years on show day –no item have been shown before Class 388 A Photograph taken by a child under 16 years on show day Class 389 A jam jar of flowers by a child under 16 years on show day Class 390 A mask made by a child under 16 years on show day Class 391 A farm scene on a biscuit tin lid by a child under 16 years on show day Class 392 A decorated T-shirt by a child under 16 years on show day Class 358 A greetings card Class 359 Any article costing not more than £5 to make with list of cost Class 360 An appliqué wall hanging 20” x 20” Class 361 An item made from homemade felt Class 362 A painting by the exhibitor in water colours Class 363 A painting by the exhibitor in any other medium Class 364 An example of counted cross stitch or tapestry Class 365 A hand-knitted article Class 366 A home-made baby shower gift Class 367 A fold-up shopping bag Class 368 A 2 verse rhyming poem-theme “Weather” Class 369 An item of hand-made jewellery Class 370 A Handmade useful article Class 371 Any other craft A HANDSOME SILVER PLAQUE presented by The Eden Valley Sugarcraft Guild will be awarded to the winner of Class 387. 20 The Lake CHILDREN'S HANDWRITING CLASSES On a calm day The lake Imagines it is a mirror And smiles back At people who pass by Smiling. NOTE: All entries must be completed on LINED PAPER, NO DECORATION, NOT MOUNTED Age to be stated on bottom lefthand corner. Full name and address on back. On a breezy day The lake Hunches its shoulders And sends ripples Scudding across the surface. Class 393 Handwriting in pencil – (Reception) (child’s own work – free writing) Class 394 Handwriting in pencil – (Year 1) TEST PIECE On a winter’s day The lake Hides itself Under a frozen blanket And refuses to budge Until it is warm enough To come out again. Starlight Starlight, Starbright. First Star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might, Have this wish I wish tonight. John Foster Class 397 Handwriting - in ink (Years 5 & 6) Anonymous TEST PIECE Tractor Dressed in a coat of mud and splattered with soil, the farm tractor coughs and rasps like a factory horn with a bad throat. Class 395 Handwriting in pencil - (Year 2) TEST PIECE The caterpillar Huge tyres heave the plough through the soggy field churning the dark earth into shapes like frozen waves. Seagulls swoop and glide behind like wild ribbons flowing free in some great wind. Brown and furry Caterpillar in a hurry, Take your walk To the shady leaf or stalk, Or what not, Which may be the chosen spot. No toad to spy you, Hovering bird of prey pass by you; Spin and die, To live again a butterfly. Up and down the valley, all day long – The tractor never tires. By evening its lights pierce The gathering dusk and its growl rolls over the fields like a tumbling echo. Slowly, the star-filled night covers the countryside in a warm dark that brings its own silent Plough. Christina Rossetti Class 396 Handwriting - in ink (Years 3 & 4) TEST PIECE John Rice 21 the Best Exhibit by an Appleby Primary School Pupil in Classes 398 to 413. A PLAQUE will be given for retention. CHILDREN'S ART CLASSES After careful consideration the Committee of Management wish to make it clear that the work in this section may be done at home under parental supervision or, where possible, in school under the supervision of a teacher. In either case the work submitted must be the absolutely unaided work of the entrant. All work in this section must be produced on paper. Entrant's name and address to be written on the back of each exhibit. Age to be stated in bottom left-hand corner on front. Note: The Judges will be instructed to allow special credit for original ideas rather than traced or copied work. Classes 398-413 no larger than A3 size, please. SENIOR CHILDREN'S CLASSES After careful consideration the Committee of Management wish to make it clear that the work in this section may be done at home under parental supervision or, where possible, in school under the supervision of a teacher. In either case the work submitted must be the absolutely unaided work of the entrant. Entrant's name, age and address to be written on the back of each exhibit. Note: The Judges will be instructed to allow special credit for original ideas rather than traced or copied work Class 398 Cultural Art (Years 3&4) Class 399 Cultural Art (Years 5&6) Class 400 Observational drawing – pencil, pastel, paint (Years 3&4) Class 401 Observational drawing – pencil, pastel, paint (Years 5&6) Class 402 A Portrait – KS 1 Class 403 A Portrait (Years 3&4) Class 404 A Portrait (Years 5&6) Class 405 Observational drawing – pencil, pastel, paint (Reception) Class 406 Observational drawing – pencil, pastel, paint (Year 1) Class 407 Observational drawing – pencil, pastel, paint (Year 2) Class 408 Picture in the style of an artist. Please name the artist. (Nursery/Reception) Class 409 Picture in the style of an artist. Please name the artist. (Year 1) Class 410 Picture in the style of an artist. Please name the artist. (Year 2) Class 411 Picture in the style of an artist. Please name the artist. (Years 3&4) Class 412 Picture in the style of an artist. Please name the artist. (Years 5&6) Class 413 A poster advertising Appleby Show 2014, any medium, by a child under 12 years. A4 or A3 Size Class 414 Art Work (including drawing, painting, printing and graphics) Lower School (Years 7 to 9) Class 415 Art Work (including drawing, painting and mixed-media work) Upper School (Years 10 to 13) Class 416 Mixed Craft (Years 7 to 9) Class 417 Mixed Craft (Years 10 to13) Class 418 A Painting in any media (Years 7-13) Class 419 A Design & Technology item (Years 713) A TROPHY to be held for 1 year is given by the late R.J.S. Addison Esq. to the best exhibit in Classes 414 to 419 inclusive. A PLAQUE will be given for retention. A PERPETUAL TROPHY presented by Mr J.K. Ashman, B.D.S., D.G.D., P.R.C.S., will be awarded to the winner of Class 418 A CUP to be held for 1 year and a COMMEMORATIVE PLAQUE for retention is presented to the child gaining most points in Classes 372 to 419. A CUP to be held for 1 year is given by J.R. Coulthwaite Esq. MRCVS to the Primary School Child gaining most points. THE 'CLARKSON' CUP presented by Mr. M. and the late Mrs. J. Clarkson will be awarded for Exhibitors to provide own vases and receptacles Points are awarded on the basis of 1st prize - 4 points, 2nd prize - 3 points, 3rd prize - 2 points, 4th prize – 1 point HORTICULTURAL SECTION Class 420 Best Pot Plant (foliage only) Class 421 Best Fuschia Class 422 Best Begonia 22 Class 423 Best Flowering Pot Plant (not Fuschia or Begonia) Class 424 Best Flowering Pot Plant (confined to residents within 5-mile radius of the Showfield) Class 425 1 Pot Cactus or Succulent Class 426 6 Stems Sweet Peas, mixed Class 427 3 Roses Class 428 2 sprays Floribunda Roses Class 429 Single rose, own foliage Class 430 3 Pansies or Violas, in water Class 431 3 Cactus Dahlias Class 432 3 Pom Pom Dahlias Class 433 3 Decorative Dahlias Class 434 l Spike Gladioli Class 435 Vase of 3 Blooms or Spikes Class 436 Vase of Perennials Class 437 3 Spikes of Phlox Class 438 Vase of mixed Garden Flowers Class 439 Best Single Flower and Vegetable (one of each) Class 440 Best Single Rose (5-mile radius of Showfield) Class 460 4 Tomatoes with stalks attached Class 461 1 Cucumber Class 462 Collection of 4 Organic Vegetables (confined to residents within 5-mile radius of the Showfield) FRUIT Class 463 Dish of 12 Raspberries Class 464 Dish of Blackcurrants Class 465 Dish of Any Other Fruit A HANDSOME PLAQUE will be awarded for the Best Exhibit in Classes 441 to 465 inclusive. A TROPHY to be awarded to the winner of class 448 in memory of Dennis Atkinson. A SPECIAL PRIZE of £5 will be awarded to the exhibitor gaining most points in the Horticultural Section. A SILVER CUP, to be held for 1 year, will be awarded to the Best Exhibit in the Horticultural Section THE PRESIDENT’S SHIELD, kindly donated by Mrs M A Atkinson, will be awarded for the Best Onions in the Show. THE ‘BOB ELLWOOD’MEMORIAL TROPHY kindly presented in memory of the late Bob Ellwood will be awarded to the winner of Class Best Sweet Peas). A HANDSOME PLAQUE will be awarded for the Best Exhibit in Classes 420 to 440. VEGETABLES Class 441 3 Onions, grown from seed Class 442 3 Onions, grown from sets Class 443 3 Onions, under 8 oz. Class 444 6 Shallots, red or white Class 445 4 Kidney Potatoes, any variety Class 446 4 Round Potatoes, any variety Class 447 Best Single Potato Class 448 4 Potatoes, any variety (confined to residents within 5-mile radius of the Showfield) Class 449 1 Round Cabbage Class 450 1 Pointed Cabbage Class 451 1 Cauliflower Class 452 1 Lettuce Class 453 3 Beetroot, to be cut by Judge Class 454 6 Pods Broad Beans Class 455 6 Runner Beans Class 456 6 Pods Peas Class 457 3 Sticks Rhubarb Class 458 Collection of Vegetables (6 varieties, 1 of each) Class 459 3 Carrots with 3” of stem 23 LIST OF JUDGES SUFFOLK SHEEP Ms J Soulsby, Long Marton. SCOTCH BLACKFACED SHEEP Mr C Tait, Wooler. HERDWICK SHEEP Mr P Naylor TEXEL SHEEP Mr P Richardson, Bassenthwaite. ANY OTHER CONTINENTAL Mr A Marston, Kirkby Stephen. ZWARTBLE SHEEP Mr G Sharp, Blencarn. RARE AND MINORITY BREEDS Mr Cook, Holmerook. SHEEP YOUNG HANDLER CLASSES Mr P Richardson, Bassenthwaite DOGS TBC POULTRY (HARD FEATHER) Mr J Tickle, St Helens POULTRY (SOFT FEATHER) Mr J Tickle, St Helens VINTAGE Jamie Fisher WALKING STICKS & CROOKS TBC FLORAL ART Mr D Rylands, Armathwaite. MISCELLANEOUS & PHOTOGRAPHY Mr M Wilson, Burneside. PRODUCE Mrs D Galbraith, Kendal WINE Mr N Milsom, Tufton Arms. PRESERVES Mrs J Taylor, Appleby CO-OPERATIVE EFFORTS Mrs M Hodgins, Chuch Brough. HANDICRAFTS Mrs M Brassett, Kaber. CHILDREN’S MISCELLANEOUS Mrs Gurney, Appleby CHILDREN’S HANDWRITING Mrs S Renshaw, Burrells. CHILDREN’S ART Mr Gurney, Appleby. HORTICULTURE (FLOWERS) Mr J Thexton HORTICULTURE (FRUIT & VEG) Mr M Hedley, Barnard Castle. CROPS TBC DAIRY HERDS ON FARM Mr D Dent, Winton. BEEF HERDS ON FARM Mr B Bowness, Crosby Ravensworth. HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN CATTLE Mr N Walker, Tarleton. SHORTHORN CATTLE Mr J Handleys, Selside. JERSEY CATTLE Mr D Holliday, Burgh by Sands. SIMMENTAL CATTLE/ANY OTHER Mr R Pattinson, Brampton. COMMERCIAL, LIMOUSIN, BEEF CALF, FAT LAMB Mr S Dodd, Temple Sowerby. OVERALL CHAMPION & CALVES Mr M Towers, Ulverston. NATIVE BEEF BREEDS TBC FELL PONIES Mrs G Callister, Seaton. MOUNTAIN AND MOORLAND Miss C Miller, Bishop Auckland. PONY RIDING Mrs A Chappelhow, Crackenthorpe. SPORT HORSES Mrs J Heap, Barrow in Furness SHETLAND PONIES TBC DRIVING Mrs S Millard, Tebay. SSADL Mrs A McKinley, Askham in Furness. COLOURED HORSES Mrs V Shepley, Chorley DALES PONIES Mr J Daley, Spennymoor. WORKING HUNTER HORSE Ms H Bird, Bleatarn. WORKING HUNTER PONY Mrs P Murray, Brampton. HANDY PONIES TBC SWALEDALE SHEEP Mr J Harker, Murton. ROUGH FELL SHEEP Mr J Handley, Sedbergh BLUEFACED LEICESTER SHEEP &MULE SHEEP - Mr R Hutchinson 24 The Committee gratefully acknowledges the sponsorship which has been received in this and previous years from the following firms and individuals: Allan Stobart, Dalston. Appleby ATC Appleby Business Centre Appleby Creamery Appleby Embroiders’ Guild Appleby Manor Hotel Appleby Travel Armstong & Watson Arnison & Heelis., Penrith Aspatria Farmers B & S Transport, Bells of Lazonby Bojangles Boots Chemist Border & Lakeland Holsteins Brian Longstaff Cannon Hire, Appleby Capsticks Carpets, Appleby Carrs Billington Agriculture Ltd Carrs Fertilizer Chris Sowerby, Appleby Courtfield Garage Courtyard Gallery, Appleby Cumberland & Westmorland Herald Cumberland Building Society David Cleator, Appleby Des Ward Farm Supplies, Appleby Dinsdale Fine Art, Appleby Dodd & Co Ltd Dowdings Butchers Eden Farm Chemicals Eden Farm Supplies (Brough) Eden Valley Scrap Metals Eden View Garage, Appleby Eden Recycling F S Potts Feelgood Factory Fells & Dales Catering Garments of Eden Gaynham King & Mellor Genus H Pigney & Son, Appleby Harrison & Hetherington Plc Heron Contractors High Cup Wines Hollieberrie J Chappelhow, Murton J G Atkinson, North Feed Solutions J P Little J Stobart JHM Weir Jim Peet (Agriculture) Ltd Johnson Tractors JP Harrison, Tufton Garage K & A Thompson K & J’s Toasted Sandwiches K & M Hogg Kentdale Landrover Kim Carrick KW Alternative Feeds Logic, Appleby Mr G Allan (Eden Fencing) Mr T Savage Mrs E Pigney, Appleby Ms Turnbull,Crewel Work Company N B Taylor New Breed UK Ltd NFU Appleby Wallbank & Raine NG & L Dent, Appleby Old Hall Veterinary Centre O’Malley Plant Hire Ltd Paragon Vets, Newbiggin Pause For Thought, Appleby Paws and Claws Paynes Dairies Penrith & District Farmers Mart LLP Penrith Building Society Penrith Farmers & Kidds Plc Pets’ Pantry, Appleby RAC Electrical, Appleby Rickerby Ltd., Penrith Riverside Fish & Chips 25 Please use this space to make a note of your entries 26