
Psychology Applied to Work, 8e
Chapter 1
The Historical Background of
I/O Psychology
Learning Objectives
• Goals:
– Introductions
– Go over syllabus
– What are your thoughts about work
– Go through some Chapter 1 issues
– Focus on the future of work
Many areas of psychology besides clinical psychology
American Psychological Association (APA) has 53 divisions
– Numerous functions of the APA (e.g., seminars, journals, code of ethics)
American Psychological Society (APS) -academic perspective
SIOP (Division 14) of APA
Two sides of I/O psychology:
– science & practice
– I/O defined as “area of scientific study and professional practice that
addresses psychological concepts and principles in the work world.
 I/O psychology has to part
o I=industrial – meaning dealing with personnel: selection, placement,
training, evaluation
o O= organizational—meaning dealing with the running of an
organization: culture (personality), job satisfaction, motivating
workers, organizational health and employee health, etc. etc.
I/O Psychology and the Goals of Science
• Three Goals of Science:
– Describe
– Predict
– Explain
– Control?
• Four main work areas for I/O psychologists:
– Academia
– Consulting Firms
– Business
– Government
Fields of I/O Psychology: Six General Sub-Fields
• Selection & Placement
• Training & Development
• Performance Appraisal
• Organizational Development
• Quality of Work life
• Ergonomics
The History of I/O Psychology:
The Early Years (1900-1916)
Four Founding figures
– Walter Dill Scott (increasing Social influence and efficiency)
– Frederick W. Taylor (redesign of work situations; The Principles of
Scientific Management)
– Lillian Mohler Gilbreth (effects of stress and fatigue) and Frank Gilbreth
(industrial time management). Lillian wrote a book called Cheaper by the
Dozen. They had 12 children)
Hugo Münsterberg (applied scientific method to practical problems: father
of I/O psychology)
The History of I/O Psychology:
World War I (1917-1918)
Army Alpha and Beta Tests to screen recruits
The History of I/O Psychology: The Depression Era
 Hawthorne-Western Electric Studies/Harvard University Joint Venture
•studied factory workers emotions at Hawthorne, Illinois plant of Western
Electric Corp.
•repetitive work would make their minds wander and they would be come
paranoid and unhappy and would not want to increase productivity
•In the studies, light, rest breaks and work hours were manipulated.
•Results were variable.
•Sometimes when conditions improved, productivity went down
•Sometimes when conditions were worsened, productivity went up
•They discovered that what was really going on was that
when workers were paid attention to, productivity increased.
•A second important finding is that novelty also increases
•The above two findings are called the Hawthorne Effect
The History of I/O Psychology:
World War II (1941-1945)
Selection and Training tests
– Early situational tests: select, train pilots; measure attitude, morale
-- Beginning of focus on Ergonomics – standardization of airplane cockpits
for use in war.
– Development of more employment tests in industry
The History of I/O Psychology:
Government Intervention (1964-1993)
Government scrutiny emerged as a second “authority”
– Civil Rights Act (Title VII)
– Regulation of testing, selection, and placement
– Uniform Employment Guidelines
The History of I/O Psychology:
Government Intervention (1964-1993)
Americans with Disabilities Act - 1990
– Updated Civil Rights Act – 1990
– Family and Medical Leave Act – 1993
The History of I/O Psychology:
The Information Age (1994-present)
Main characteristic is many and rapid changes
-- Companies must adjust quickly
-- Companies more likely to hire generalists rather than specialists
Internet influence creates new styles of communication
– new rules to follow
E business creates new ways to work with people
-- more urgency to deliver quickly
Concept of “job” erodes – have to wear many hats
Globalization: a doctor dictates his notes uploads them and sends them by
email to India where they are transcribed and sent back and doctor saves
80% of transcribing costs
The U. S. has turned from a manufacturing society to an information oriented
Cross-cultural Psychology
Global Issues
– Word definitions and meanings
– Values differences
• Length of the work week
• Lazy v. compulsive
Mandate of I/O Psychology
Increase the fit between workforce and workplace during rapid change
Help workforce balance work/family issues