President's Message: by Orville Hite, Jr. Thank your for visiting our web site. Our members research and share genealogical data on the surnames, Hiatt,Hight, Hite, Hitt, Hyatt and Hyde. Many collateral lines are included, principally Bowman, Chrisman and Froman. Click here for help on how to obtain copies of the collected data and Membership information . To join send check to: Orville Hite, Jr. 7150 E. Main St C106Reynoldsburg OH 43068. For more information about the Hite Family association and sample of the Hite Family Newsletter send your mailing address to Orville at the above address or E-Mail If you would like to add your Hite ancestry information please contact Orville today. HITE FAMILY ORGANIZATION and BELLE GROVE PICTURES BOOKS TRUST TO POST QUERIES ON THE INTERNET Genealogy Computer Information Available HITE E-MAIL NEWSGROUP To send and receive copies of queries about the Hiatt, Hight, Hite and similar family lines send E-Mail to In the body of the message type only one word "subscribe". You will receive confirmation that you have been added to their list and further instructions. After doing that you will receive, via e-mail, a copy of all queries sent to that address. reset 11/07/02 (c) 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 - All items on this page and this web site are copyright by The Hite Family Association or Bill Hyatt, 1497 Main Street #321, Dunedin FL 34698, USA... All rights reserved and may not be reproduced without permission of copyright owner in writing Hite Genealogy in the Hite Family Association Computers The Hite Family Association has genealogy in computers"> Hite Genealogy in the Hite Family Association Computers The Hite Family Association has genealogy in computers, using the PAF program by the Church of Latter Day Saints. We know there are errors and many records lack documentation. Even with these shortcomings the data can be extremely valuable to both the professional and novice genealogist. This "secondary" information is very useful for learning what "primary" data to research and where to search. The list of contributors is too long for this report. We have such a list sorted by the family group to which they contributed. Portions of this list is available to HFA members of the same family group. The list below including collateral lines is a synopsis of each group, and the approximate number of marriages and individuals in each group. The group names used here are names of the subdirectories in the computer program. Abraham---Family of Jost Hite's son Abraham, 281 marriages, 822 people. (Married a duBois descendant and connects to that line). Abram--Family of Abraham of Page County VA (brother of Daniel, Andrew and John). Also known as "Hites of Fairfield County Ohio. 1218 marriages and 3852 people. (connects to Roadcap family). Andrew--Family of Andrew of Page County VA (brother of Abraham [Abram, above], Daniel & John), 3137 marriages, 9723 people. (has Roadcap connections). Armstrong--Connects with Andrew, 142 marriages, 436 people. BedCo---Family of Christopher, Conrad and Adam Hite of Bedford Co PA.2122 marriages, 5588 people. Booth---Connects to family of Isaac at Isaac's daughter Rebecca, 2942 marriages, 5571 people. Bow-Temp---Temporary working files which need to be merged with Bowman. Bowman----Family of Jost Hite's daughter Mary and George Bowman, 2095 marriages and 6975 people. (connects to HiteMis2). BowMisc--Bowmans not connected to Jost Hite - some have claimed, in error, to be of George and Mary Hite Bowman line. 703 marriages and 2001 people. Chrism2---Family of Jacob Chrisman, 334 marriages, 795 people.(Need to merge with Chrisman. Chrisman--Family of Jost Hite's daughter Magdalena and Jacob Chrisman, 2968 marriages, 8144 people. (connects to HiteMis2). Daniel---Brother of Abram & Andrew, 504 marriages and 1381 people. (connects to Roadcap line in late 1800's). duBois---Royal line, beginning with Merowin King of France died 458. (Connects to Jost Hite's sons, John, Isaac, Abraham, and Joseph, who married granddaughters of Sarah duBois. (many more of Royal lines to be added) 1120 marriages, 2229 people. duBois2 Working files being merged with duBois, above. 794 marriages, 1502 people. Froman----Family of Jost Hites daughter Elizabeth and Paul Froman, 694 marriages, 2036 people. Includes the former Taylor Line. Height---Family of of John Henry Height of Amsterdam. Hiatt---Family of John Hiatt/Hiett, Quaker from England, Bucks Co PA, John Hiatt of Lincoln Co KY, Charles Hight (1779-1845) b PA. 582 marriages, 1530 people. (One line connects to family of Col John Hite at Frances Asbury Hite). Hight---Families of: Charles Hight of PA; Jesse Hight of NC, OH and IN; John Hite of Sussex and Surrey Counties of VA; another John Hight of VA; Henry Hight, KY and MO. 1307 marriages, 3351 people This group includes: Hight1, Hight2, Hight3, Hight4, and Hight5. Hite---A group that needs to be merged with HiteMisc group, the portion that was formerly known as Jacob of Cumberland Valley. 27 marriages, 64 people. HiteMisc---Various family lines combined, 3165 marriages, 8738 people (see list below for names of various family lists included.) HiteMis2---Connects to Chrisman and Bowman in several places, 2041 marriages, 5932 people. Hitt -- Families of Jacob, Peter, John Hitt of Germany. 237. marriages, 6077 people. (No know connection to Hite, Hight, etc) Hyatt----Hyatts of Arundel and Prince George counties of MD, 141 marriages and 450 people. Hyde---A group from Cedar Grove near Lexington SC. Name Hyde changed to Hite, and the family of Henry Hyde of Germany, 362 marriages, 892 people. Isaac----Family of Jost Hite's son Isaac, 774 marriages, 2232 people. (Married a duBois descendant). Jacob-----Family of Jost Hite's son Jacob, 854 marriages, 2346 people. JesseJ---Family of Frank and Jesse James, connects to Joseph's family at George Burns Hite, 50 marriages, 168 people. John------Family of Jost Hite's son, Col John, 3415 marriages, 8912 people. (Married a duBois descendant an connects to duBois line. Connects to a Hiatt family also. Also, connects to the HiteMisc line FW-Hite.) Joseph----Family of Jost Hite's son Joseph, 476 marriages, 1390 people (Married a duBois descendant. Also connects to JesseJ at George burns Hite and Nancy James). JostFam--The basis of the 8 groups now with his Jost's childrens' names plus part of the duBois line. The other 9 lines are more complete and more accurate.) Notes with some of the people need to be merged with the other individual subdirectories of Jost's children. Lewis---Family of a Jesse Hight/Hite of NC & OH then IN, 1233 Marriages, 3211 people. (Included with Hight families). Lynch---Family connecting to Col John at Jacob O'Bannon Hite, 589 marriages, 1702 people. Musick---Connects to Bowman and Hiatt, 9501 marriages, 24,486 people. Nswander---Neuenswander, Neiswanger, Nisewanger, family of Jost Hite's second wife, the widow of Christian Neuenswander, 83 marriages, 227 names. PageHite---The basis of Abram, Andrew, Daniel, and John (before they were separated. The latter are more complete and more accurate). 3323 marriages, 10585 people. Need to merge these brothers again and add the fourth brother, John who now is in HiteMisc as Tenn Hites or Jacob of Tenn. Sandra---Needs to be merged with Chrisman, 12 marriages, 66 people. ShenCo2---Needs to be merged with HiteMisc at ShenCo. 296 marriages, 1007 people. . Stephani---Hite family, all born 1940 and later. 3 marriages and 8 people, connection not found. Stephens---Family of Peter Stephens who moved into the valley with Jost Hite, intermarried with Bowman, Chrisman, Froman 317 marriages, 1329 people. Taylor---A Line that descends from John Paul and Elizabeth Hite Froman;their son, Jacob Hite Froman b 9 Apr 1749 is the same as Taylor line's Jacob Froman who married Barbara Mercer. 202 marriages, 714 people. The following family lines were combined into the HiteMisc group. This was done to facilitate searching for connections. Editing is done in the HiteMisc subdirectory resulting in HiteMisc being more complete than some of the individual lines listed below. Abe Hite---Missouri Hites, mostly Bolivar County. 23 marriages, 50 people. BerkCo----Berkeley County Hites, 161 marriages, 415 people. Casper Hite---May be the son of Jacob of the Shenandoah County. 18 marriages, 39 people.Some list him as Gasper. Daniel2---A Daniel of Shenandoah Co VA, 96 marriages, 233 people. Edward Hite---Most are of Halifax County VA. 198 marriages, 512 people. FW-Hite---Great grandson of Col John Hite, thru John Jr, William to Francis Wesley. 3 marriages and 12 people. (Need to merge with John) HockngCo--Hites of Gore, Hocking Co OH, 133 families, 358 people. James1--Hite/Heydt of PA. 35 marriages, 125 people. James2---Hites of MO, OK, WA and OR. 5 marriages, 9 people. James3---Hites of MO, KS and others states west. 68 marriages, 202 people. JCV---Jacob of the Cumberland Valley, possibly a grandson of Jost Hite, 116 marriages, 345 people. Jesse Hite---Descendants of Jesse of NC, moved to OH then IN, 1233 Marriages, 3210 people. JohnHnry---A group of Green County OH, 63 marriages, 167 people. Josep-PA---A Joseph of PA, 64 marriages, 184 people. Malinda---Family of Malinda Hite & Robert McChesney Jr (never married). Sometimes confused with a daughter of John Jr (son of Col John). 91 marriages, 226 people. Mathias---Hites of Monongalia County (WV), 50 marriages, 116 people. Michael--Michael Hite, Augusta County VA. died in Delaware County OH. 124 marriages, 366 people. Minnie----Family of Minnie Hite Moody who wrote the book Long Meadows. Connection to other lines has never been found. She claimed to descend fromJost's son Abraham. That is not correct. 6 marriages, 16 people. Riley---Descendants of Riley Hite of GA, 14 marriages, 56 people. Roadcap---Roadcap or Rothgeb, some say married Jost Hite's sister, 34 marriages and 72 people. (connects to Abram, Daniel & Andrew of Page Co). RobtHite--Family of Robert Hite of Sussex Co VA, most in MO & KS, 183 marriages, 489 people. (may connect to Hight line) RW-Hite---Claimed descends of Isaac Jr's son John Martin Hite, 75 marriages 185 people. Samuel---Family of Louisiana, 7 marriages, 18 people. Sarah---23 marriages, 60 people. SC----South Carolina Hites, 83 marriages, 262 people. ShenCo----Hites of Shenandoah County VA, 825 marriages, 2,373 people. Standley---Descends of Standley Hite Halifax & Mecklenburg Co 392 marriages, 1098 people. Tenn------Jacob Hite of Tennessee, in 1998 documentation found showing him to be the son of John Hite, the fourth brother of the "Page County Hites". 183 marriages, 544 people. This group needs to be merged with Abram, Daniel and Andrew. Uriah---Lived in Ohio, 22 marriages, 45 people. Valentin--Descends of Valentine and his son Emanuel of PA, 25 marriages, 71 people. Vincent--Descends of Vincent of Halifax Co VA, 21 marriages, 51 people. Wiseman---Family of Abraham Wiseman claimed to have married Jost Hite's daughter Sussanah (there is no record of such a daughter). A lot of Wiseman genealogy is available to add to this group. 4 marriages and 10 individuals. Total in our data base as of 31 Dec 1998, more than 70 family groups containing more than 38,000 marriages and almost 100,000 individuals. 54 or more generations and a time span of more than 1,550 years. (Chrism2, duBois2, JostFam, Musick, PageHite, ShenCo2 are not included in the count) There are duplications, especially in the 8 groups of Jost's family and the duBois line. There are also duplications due to the intermarriages between family groups. We need help from anyone who has a computer with hard drive and a genealogy program that makes and imports GEDCOM files. If you qualify and are willing to volunteer to compile or edit one of the family groups please contact: Orville Hite, 7150 E Main St C-106, Reynoldsburg OH 43068 or him at We will need to know your computer type, memory size, hard drive size and the name of the genealogy program you have. Your computer must be IBM compatible or a MAC running PAF program.