Embodied energy and CO2 in UK dimension stone N. Crishna*, P.F.G. Banfill** S. Goodsir* *SISTech Ltd, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, EH14 4AS **School of the Built Environment, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, EH14 4AS Corresponding author: Professor PFG Banfill, School of the Built Environment, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, EH14 4AS, UK. Phone +44 131 451 4648. Fax: +44 131 451 3161. Email p.f.g.banfill@hw.ac.uk Abstract A process based life cycle assessment of dimension stone production in the UK has been carried out according to PAS 2050. From a survey of eight production operations, on a cradle-to-site basis for UK destinations the carbon footprint of sandstone is 77 kgCO2e/tonne, that of granite is 107 kgCO2e/tonne and that of slate is 251 kgCO2e/tonne. These values are considerably higher for stone imported from abroad due to the impact of transport. Reducing the reliance on imported stone will contribute to emissions reduction targets as well as furthering the goals of sustainable development. Keywords Stone; Embodied CO2; Life cycle assessment; Carbon footprint 1 1. INTRODUCTION Stone masonry is characteristic of the built environment in the north of the UK, and especially Scotland. Indeed, for many centuries dimension stone1 has played a major role in Scotland’s economic development and cultural heritage. In the 1850s there were over 700 operational quarries but by 2000 this number had dropped to around 50 (Scottish Executive, 2006). This decline has been linked to a loss of craft skills, a greater demand for industrially produced building materials such as brick and concrete, and increasing imports of building stone. However these changes have had a cost in terms of environmental impact and, in particular, carbon dioxide emissions. Despite this decline, stone continues to be needed for new construction, where existing vernacular styles are to be maintained, and for repair, maintenance and extension of historic buildings and structures, in accordance with internationally recognised best conservation practice. The Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 lays out the Scottish Government’s commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Scotland by 80% in 2050 (Scottish Government, 2009). The relative roles of imported and indigenous stone in achieving this target are unclear because, while there are clear guidelines and regulations for new construction and there is established data about the environmental impacts of materials, there is no similar data inventory for traditional structures. In particular, there is little existing information on the impact of building stone (Hammond and Jones, 2008b). 1 Dimension stone is the result of quarrying a naturally occurring rock that can subsequently be fabricated by hand or machine to a specific size or shape for use in construction. Building stone or freestone are alternative terms. 2 This paper reports a study aiming to understand the impact, in terms of energy use and greenhouse gases, of the quarrying and processing of natural stone used in the repair of traditional buildings and construction of new buildings. It reports a process-based life cycle assessment (LCA), carried out on data collected from quarries and stone yards, to calculate the energy and carbon dioxide embodied in sandstone, slate and granite dimension stone, and considers the role of imported stone. It presents, for the first time, high quality data on Scottish and UK stone production, linked to a consideration of transport and logistics. 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1. Life cycle assessment and embodied carbon accounting Accounting for the carbon footprint of products and buildings has become a well developed approach to quantifying the success of climate change mitigation initiatives (BSI, 2008a, 2008b). In the built environment, the focus is either on the emissions during the operational life of the asset or on the embodied emissions defined as ‘the total carbon dioxide equivalent that is emitted during the different stages of extraction, processing, use and disposal of the material’ (UKWIR, 2008). Embodied energy contributes 10-20% of the lifecycle energy consumption of conventional buildings but the trend towards lower operational energy in highly efficient ‘green’ buildings is increasing this proportion (Ramesh et al, 2010), with contributions reported up to 40% (Chen et al, 2000) and 45% (Thormark, 2002) over a 50 year period. By definition an embodied carbon analysis originates from a life cycle assessment (LCA). A recent development in life cycle carbon accounting is the PAS 2050 standard (BSI, 2008a, 2008b). 3 2.2 Previous work on dimension stone Much effort has been devoted recently to documenting the environmental impacts of the different materials used in construction and most of the results are incorporated in commercial software, handbooks (Anderson, 2002; Anderson et al, 2009), websites (e.g. www.greenbooklive.com) and tools (e.g. BREEAM) which are widely used by academia and industry. The ‘Environmental Profiles’ database for materials, produced by BRE, is an attempt to produce standardised environmental data on construction materials in the UK (Anderson et al, 2009). Embodied energy coefficients of materials were initially produced for New Zealand (Alcorn, 1998, 2001, 2003). The Inventory of Carbon and Energy (Hammond and Jones, 2008a, 2008b) summarises embodied energy and CO2 coefficients for building materials, using data collected from primary and secondary sources in the public domain, and employs a cradle-to-gate analysis for the majority of the materials included. However, sandstone is not listed. In contrast to these comprehensive listings for other building materials, there are fewer studies of dimension stone in the public domain and those that exist differ in the use of boundaries and resulting carbon and energy estimates. Alshboul and Alzoubi (2008) and the University of Tennessee (2008a, 2008b, 2008c) have published some figures from Jordan and USA respectively. The latter is an ongoing LCA study that has collected industry data from 15 stone quarries and operations across the US and has published results for granite, limestone and slate. In Scotland, a preliminary study of a sandstone quarry by Venkitachalam (2008) found that transportation emissions were a high proportion of the total carbon footprint. 4 Table 1 summarises published embodied energy and CO2 values and supports the view of Hammond and Jones (2008b) who state that the data for stone LCA results are ‘generally poor’. Table 2 compares the activities and sources of CO2 included within the system boundaries of these studies, and highlights the inconsistency across the different work. It is worth noting that the ISO 14040 and PAS 2050 standards recommend the use of wider boundaries, but in practice most studies have focused on first and second order impacts (Alshboul and Alzoubi, 2008; Venkitachalam, 2008), and commonly exclude the embodied CO2 associated with the manufacture and maintenance of capital equipment and infrastructure. Table 1. Reported embodied energy and CO2 values for stone Source Study Alcorn (2003) Alshboul and Alzoubi (2008) Venkitachalam (2008) University of Tennessee (2008a) University of Tennessee (2008b) University of Tennessee (2008c) University of Bath ICE (2008b) University of Bath ICE (2008b) General General Sandstone Embodied Energy (MJ/kg) 0.656 0.309 0.122 Embodied CO2 (kgCO2/kg) n/a n/a 0.0095 Granite 5.908 0.62 Cradle-to-gate Slate 0.208 0.028 Cradle-to-gate Limestone 0.964 0.105 Cradle-to-gate Granite Limestone 0.1 to 13.9 0.3 0.006-0.78 0.017 Cradle-to-gate Cradle-to-gate Type of stone 5 Boundaries Cradle-to-grave Cradle-to-site Cradle-to-site Table 2. LCA System Boundaries used by different standards and studies PAS 2050 BRE Material Profiles1 University of Tennessee studies2 Stone Study: Scotland3 Stone Study: Jordan4 Cradleto-grave Cradle-tograve Cradle-tosite Cradle-tosite Cradle-tosite Cradleto-gate Materials (used in the production process) Energy generated onsite Use of electricity Use of fuels on site Use of fuels off site (transport) Energy embodied in fuels Energy use in offices and factories Treatment and disposal of waste products Recovery of used products (including reuse, recycling and energy recovery) Manufacture of ancillary materials Manufacture, maintenance and decommissioning of capital equipment Manufacture, maintenance and decommissioning of capital infrastructure Boundaries include Any other processes within the life cycle which are associated with GHG emissions ISO 14040 1 Anderson et al, 2009; 2 University of Tennessee 2008a; 2008b; 2008c; 3 Venkitachalam, 2008; 4 Alshboul and Alzoubi, 2008 3. METHODOLOGY 3.1. System boundaries A process-based LCA approach to extraction and processing has been used to quantify the carbon footprint of dimension stone. In order to produce consistent, comparable results, the boundaries and guidelines specified in PAS 2050 have been followed as far as practicably possible with any deviations from the PAS 2050 methodology identified below. 6 As a first step all the materials, activities and processes that contribute to the production of dimension stone were identified and a process map developed and verified in discussion with quarry and stone yard owners. This defines the flows of energy through the life cycle (Figure 1). Figure 1. Process map of the life cycle of dimension stone Quarrying Overburden removal Quarry backfilling Scrap stone Crushing at crushing facility Extraction Transport Processing Primary processing Quarry backfilling Scrap stone Transport & storage Secondary processing Crushing at facility Other disposal Distribution Finishing and packaging Transport to site The second step was to define the system boundaries for the cradle-to-gate and cradleto-site LCA. The boundaries of the cradle-to-gate analysis conducted in this research are consistent with the Business-to-Business (B2B) approach outlined in PAS 2050 and 7 the main inputs are shown in Figure 2. Four sources of energy use were excluded from this study: (i) the manufacture and maintenance of machinery and vehicles, (ii) water Figure 2: System boundaries - Inclusions and exclusions in each stage of the life cycle Cradle-to-Site Cradle-to-Gate QUARRYING PROCESSING DISTRIBUTION Included Included Included Energy use by heavy machinery Energy use by on-site transport: lorries and loaders Energy use for backfilling Energy used to dispose of waste/scrap Use of black powder Energy use by on-site machinery e.g. primary and secondary saws etc. Energy use by on-site facilities e.g. heaters, dust extractors Energy use by on-site offices Energy used to dispose of waste/scrap Energy use by on-site transport: forklifts Energy used to transport material to site/storage Excluded Energy embodied in machinery used on site Energy embodied in onsite transport: lorries and loaders Energy embodied in black powder production Excluded Energy embodied in vehicles used to transport stone to yard Excluded Energy embodied in machinery used on site Energy embodied in water used on site use on site, (iii) construction and maintenance of buildings and (iv) the production of black powder / explosives. Excluding energy embodied in the production of black powder was due to lack of existing information on explosives. As the amount of 8 explosive used at the quarry (compared to the energy use) is minimal this exclusion has not made a material difference to the results of this work and is considered to be in accordance with PAS 20502. For the cradle-to-site analysis, the cradle-to-gate figures have been supplemented with additional data associated with the transport of stone to a number of example destinations in Scotland, considering only direct fuel use, excluding manufacture and maintenance of vehicles. The functional unit adopted for this work is kilograms of carbon dioxide equivalent per tonne of finished dimension stone (kgCO2e/tonne) and it is assumed that the output product consists of regular blocks finished flat on all six faces, but without significant decorative treatment. The only process emissions associated with the production of stone are from the combustion of black powder at the quarry. The emission factors for fuels and electricity used include associated NO2 and CH4 emissions. 3.2. Data collection and quality Based on the process map (Figure 1) survey questionnaires were developed for owners of quarries and stone processing facilities to report fuel use and production for calendar year 2008 and to state the main destinations of their stone products. Sandstone, granite and slate operations across Scotland, the UK and in the Republic of Ireland were contacted, with an emphasis on sandstone quarries, and the response rate is shown in Table 3. Eight operations, covering all three stone types and a range of scale of operation, were visited to contextualise the data. The relatively low response rate (38%) is probably due to the small scale and seasonal nature of some operations, and a 2 Sandstone and granite quarries were seen to use between 50 and 125 g of black powder per tonne of stone quarried as compared to diesel usage of between 2 kg and 7 kg per tonne. Even if the embodied energy in black powder was equal that of diesel, the increase in the overall results for sandstone and granite would be 0.01% and 0.04% respectively. 9 perception by operators that finding data would take significant time out of their business. The majority of the activity data from the 12 returns received was based on actual records kept by the organisation, rather than estimates. However, the data on main destinations for stone products was based largely on estimates. Table 3. Number of UK stone operations contacted and responses received Type of stone Sandstone Slate Granite No. of operations contacted Quarry Stone and yard yard 13 6 6 n/a 6 n/a Responses received Quarry and yard 4 2 3 Stone yard 3 n/a n/a Location Scotland and Derbyshire Cumbria and Wales Cornwall and Ireland The primary data was supplemented by secondary data on emission factors drawn from standard sources, including Defra, European Commission and industry-specific sources (see Table 4). The only exception to this was the emission factor for black powder which was developed stoichiometrically. 3.3. Calculation of embodied CO2 For each stage in the life cycle, the energy used for each activity was multiplied by the appropriate emission factor (Table 4) and summed. The overall figure was then allocated among products and by-products using the system expansion method (BSI 2008b) and the total tonnage of quarried stone or stone product. Overall Scottish and UK embodied carbon for each stone type is an output-weighted average of all the quarries and stone yards who provided data. 10 Table 4. Sources of secondary data used in this study Emission Factors Type of factor Applied to Source Fuels: diesel, gas oil, fuel oil, LPG Combustion factor Cradle-toGate analysis Defra / DECC (2009) Fuels: diesel, gas oil, fuel oil Life-cycle factor Cradle-toGate analysis European Commission (2008) Fuels: LPG Life-cycle factor Cradle-toGate analysis World LP Gas Association (2008) Freight Transport: road (UK) Tonne.km factor Gate-to-site analysis Defra / DECC (2009) Freight Transport: road (worldwide) Tonne.km factor Gate-to-site analysis IFEU (2008). (This work was commissioned by various EU freight and rail organisations.) Freight Transport: sea Tonne.km factor Gate-to-site analysis Defra / DECC (2009) ‘Black Powder’ explosive Combustion factor Cradle-toGate analysis Developed stoichiometrically from process chemistry. 3.4. Modelling transport impact of imported stone It was particularly important to understand the carbon impact of transport because of the volume of stone now being imported from abroad. Although HM Revenue and Customs maintains detailed data on imports and exports, there is very little collated, published information on the volume of stone imports into the UK. Industry reports (Natural Stone Specialist, 2006) and interviews with project stakeholders identified Portugal, Spain, Italy, and Poland in the EU and Brazil, India and China as principal sources, so four representative countries were chosen – Spain, Poland, India and China. Inconsistent disaggregated data and the variable data quality made it unfeasible to calculate top-down CO2 figures for these countries so their dimension stone industries were investigated. A desk-based review, followed up with phone interviews with industry professionals in the UK and in each country established the structure and scale of the stone industry, the types of stone produced and exported, the location of the main 11 stone producing areas in each country, the modes of transport and the routes followed within the country and to the UK. The average road and shipping distances were used to model the CO2 associated with the transport of stone to two hypothetical destinations in Scotland: Edinburgh, for all three stone types, and Aberdeen, for granite only. (Granite is the predominant stone in Aberdeen’s built environment.) It is assumed that stone is quarried and processed within the country of origin before export to UK and that the shortest practicable transport routes are followed. 4. RESULTS AND COMMENTARY 4.1. Carbon footprint of natural stone from the UK Table 5 presents the embodied CO2 associated with sandstone, granite and slate produced by quarries and stone processing facilities in the UK. The figures are outputweighted and based on data collected for the calendar year 2008. The cradle-to-gate values in Table 5 reflect the energy used in quarrying and processing of the stone, while the cradle-to-site figures reflect the transport of stone within the UK. Table 5. Cradle-to-gate and cradle-to-site embodied carbon Stone type Embodied carbon (kgCO2e/tonne) Cradle-to-gate Cradle-to-site Sandstone 64.0 77.4 Granite 92.9 107.5 Slate 232.0 251.8 Slate has the largest footprints of the three stones and its cradle-to-gate footprint is inflated by the amount of waste that is associated with quarrying and processing. Quarry operators’ estimates for slate waste are 85% compared to 29% for sandstone and 47% for granite. Taking these proportions into account to calculate the footprint on a total production basis (i.e. including waste) reverses the order with slate having the 12 lowest footprint. The scale of wastage can be attributed to the thinly bedded and easily breakable nature of slate, requiring much more bed rock to be quarried and processed in order to produce slate product, as compared to sandstone and granite. We return to the issue of waste later. The cradle-to-site figures are based on data collected from each stone yard on the mode of transport and destinations for stone processed in the yard in 2008, and therefore reflect the average impact of transport to construction sites (mostly within the UK). For slate this is slightly higher than granite and sandstone comparators due to the clustering of slate quarries in the study (Cornwall and Cumbria) and the UK wide distribution (and associated carbon cost of transport) of the slate product from these operations. For most of the Scottish sandstone operators, distribution is largely regional or local. Figure 3 shows the disaggregated impacts for each stone type and the allocation of CO2 to the main stages in the life cycle of the stone. The largest component is attributable to processing, mostly due to the number of stages and the variety of machinery associated with each stage in processing. The largest source of processing emissions is the electricity to run stone preparation machinery, dust extraction devices and water pumps. 13 Figure 3: Disaggregated embodied CO2 in UK stone 4.2. CO2 associated with the import of natural stone Table 6 presents the results of the transport modelling from various countries of origin on the cradle-to-site CO2 emissions. The impact of transport increases with distance from the country of origin, with transport from China resulting in an over 550% increase while transport from Spain increases the embodied CO2 by 7% for slate and 2% for granite which is equivalent to transporting stone end to end in the UK. For stone sourced from Spain and Poland, most of the transport impact is attributable to road journeys within each country, and although the journey by sea to the UK is considerably longer the CO2 impact is lower, due to the lower CO2 impact (per tonnekilometre) of shipping. For stone sourced from India and China, the largest contribution is attributable to shipping over the long distances involved. 14 Table 6. Effect of transport from different countries of origin on embodied CO 2 in dimension stone delivered to Edinburgh and Aberdeen Stone type UK Cradle-to-Site* (kgCO2e/tonne) Cradle-to-Site from countries indicated (kgCO2e/tonne) Spain Sandstone 77.3 133.7 Granite 158.0 161.2 Slate 297.4 318.2 Poland 188.0 India China 312.3 504.0 336.5 415.5 568.1 * These figures are based on UK cradle-to-gate (Table 5) plus transport to development sites in Edinburgh and Aberdeen. Although the results presented here are estimates, they highlight the very large CO2 impact of transport of imported stone. In Table 6 the shortest route and simplest logistical scenario has been assumed, whereas in reality the transport impacts associated with the global stone trade may be even higher due to the reported practice of shipping rough stone from Europe to India or China for processing (taking advantage of lower labour costs) before exporting it back to the EU. 4.3. Uncertainty of results and sensitivity analysis The quality of any LCA is directly related to the quality of the inventory data. Weidema and Wesnaes (1997) describe data quality indicators based on reliability, completeness, and temporal, geographical and technological correlation. They give definitions for five levels of data quality from ‘excellent’ to ‘unreliable’. A high proportion of the input data for the UK study was based on bills and records kept by the actual quarry operators for 2008 for the area of study, and these data are based on a small but representative sample of quarries. Therefore the confidence that can be attached to this part of the work is high and under this classification the data quality is excellent. 15 The results for production and processing in other countries are necessarily less reliable because of differences in methods between countries. Nevertheless, as shown in Table 6, even if the cradle-to-gate component in India and China could be reduced to zero, the transport to site would still exceed the total for UK production. The results of the analysis were found to vary with the method used to allocate between stone products and by-products. When allocating by weight or volume of stone, the carbon footprints of all three stone types were seen to be significantly less than the results presented here, whereas when allocating by financial value, the reverse was seen, especially in the case of slate where slate by-product i.e. inert fill material is sold at a much lower price than slate product (which is the most expensive of all three stone types). The system expansion method, used in this study, is based on the assumption that by-products of a process are displacing other materials in the global market and therefore a carbon credit is assigned to the main product in question. This method was selected for this work as the data on embodied carbon values for fill materials and aggregates are of better quality and are consistent across different databases, whereas there is a lack of recorded information on standardised prices across the stone industry and the price of the same product varies from yard to yard. 5. DISCUSSION 5.1. Comparison with other UK construction materials and possible improvements It is clear that dimension stone is a low carbon construction material when compared to other UK materials (Table 7). The main impacts are related to processing, transport to site and the volume of waste stone produced, and, clearly, quarrying and processing of the sandstone and granite are not very energy intensive compared to the production 16 processes of other materials like brick or concrete. Provided the stone is locally or domestically sourced the carbon emissions associated with it are less than other building materials. Table 7. Embodied carbon associated with common construction materials (adapted from Hammond and Jones, 2008b) Material Embodied Carbon (kgCO2/tonne) 64 Sandstone Granite 93 Marble 112 General Concrete 130 Cement Mortar - (1:2:9 Cement:Lime:Sand mix) (1) 143 General Clay Bricks 220 Slate 232 Timber: Sawn Softwood 450 Timber: Sawn Hardwood 470 Facing Bricks 520 General Building Cement 830 Steel: Bar and Rod (2) 1710 Steel: Galvanised sheet (3) 2820 Source This work Hammond, Jones This work Hammond, Jones All figures are for Cradle-to-gate, (1) This is the closest mortar to those used for traditional stone listed in the Inventory, (2) Typical values, (3) Primary steel Slate, on the other hand, has an impact comparable to materials like brick and concrete, because of the amount of waste stone produced by slate quarries and yards. While slate waste can be used in lower-grade by-products, its tonnage outweighs by many times the desirable architectural slate and this increases the overall energy consumption. While most of the quarries and yards investigated produced virtually no waste material, operators having found ways of using all waste stone produced during the processing stage so that almost nothing goes to landfill, there is clearly room for improvement in the slate sector. Slate scrap is used as landscaping material and slate dust has been used 17 as filler in plastic products (Gutt et al, 1975) but further efforts to exploit the waste will reduce the impact of slate. Sandstone and granite operators use larger pieces of waste to produce rough walling stone for local farms, while the finer scrap is used to produce aggregate. The main uses of energy at a dimension stone quarry are diesel and petrol for drills, excavators, front end loaders and dump trucks, and a limited amount of explosives. The main uses of energy in the stone yard are electricity for the stone-processing machinery, pumping of water and extraction of dust; diesel and gas oil / fuel oil for finishing and shrink wrapping of products; LPG or diesel for heating the yards; and diesel or petrol for transporting the finished stone. Electricity is also used in any office or retail buildings attached to the yard. Clearly there is potential for further reducing the emissions from stone production by using electricity generated from renewable sources, some of which could be used to charge hybrid electric vehicles for transport. For example, the cradle-to-gate embodied CO2 of sandstone (64 kgCO2e/tonne) includes 116 kWh/tonne of electricity, which accounts for 60 kgCO2e/tonne, taking the current UK emissions factor for network electricity as 0.52 kgCO2e/kWh. If this were replaced by renewably generated electricity at a very low emission factor, it would be possible to further reduce the impact of sandstone. Even without much progress towards a zero carbon UK electricity supply network this could be achieved by local installations at quarries and stone yards. This has been achieved at a sandstone quarry and stone yard in Spain, claimed to have zero impact, by using photovoltaically generated electricity (Areniscas, 2008). Some quarries may be able to exploit local watercourses to generate 18 small scale hydro-electricity. These measures offer the possibility of reducing the impact of stone production to low levels. 5.2. Impact of importing stone to Scotland The transport of imported stone has a very big effect on the overall footprint of stone, with by transport from India or China to Scotland increasing it several-fold. Even if the cradle-to-gate emissions embodied in stone were to be reduced to a minimum or zero, the transport to Scotland would still have a significant CO2 impact. The transport estimates are also conservative in that they assume the shortest transport route between the country of origin and Scotland, and the simplest scenario, whereby stone that is quarried in one region is processed in the same region before being transported to the UK. In reality rough blocks are transported long distances before being processed, and then transported again before being used at a construction site. For example, in 2008 raw granite and marble block was exported to China from Italy, Egypt, Iran, Brazil and India, processed in China, and then re-exported to countries in the EU and to the USA (IMM 2009). This trend of exporting rough block to the Far East and Brazil for processing before importing the processed stone to the EU and the US is well established in the global stone trade (AIDICO, 2008; IMM, 2009; Natural Stone Specialist, 2009). It is logical to assume that the cradle-to-gate carbon footprints of stone from countries like India, China and Brazil would be lower than the UK footprints presented in this paper due to economies of scale and an expected greater dependence on manual labour. However, the investigation of the main stone producing and processing areas in China 19 and India during this research showed considerable transport by road of rough block from one area to be processed in another. In China, granite is extracted from 27 different areas in eastern, central and northern regions, whereas processing hubs are restricted to two or three areas in southern China (Natural Stone Specialist, 2009). The distances covered (and the associated impacts of transport) are therefore large and this would increase the carbon footprint of the stone significantly. 5.3. Limitations of this study One potential limitation of this work is that there is no differentiation between stone products. The functional unit was chosen as a tonne of stone production, and the results given are for the weighted average of all dimension stone products produced at the stone yards which took part. Alternative functional units could be envisaged, such as for example a square metre (m2) of façade replacement in repairs, where the weight of the stone used will depend upon the thickness required. It seems reasonable to expect that more processing per tonne will be needed for thinner stonework, and that the carbon footprint would be higher for a thinner product. This of course is unlikely to affect the transport element of any stone product. Slate is predominantly used in roofing and here an appropriate functional unit would be a square metre of roof covering. At every point on a slate roof there is a double layer of slates each 5 – 10 mm thick, so 50 kg is used per m2 of roof. In contrast, interlocking concrete tiles are 30 mm thick and, if overlapped by 25% of their area, 85 kg is used per m2. Finally, galvanised steel sheet is 1 mm thick and, if overlapped by 10%, 8.5 kg is used per m2. Using the data in Table 7 for these quantities of material suggests that the embodied carbon of a slate roof is the same as that of a concrete tile roof at about 11 20 kgCO2/m2, half that of a galvanised steel roof (24 kgCO2/m2). Therefore, despite the amount of waste produced, slate compares favourably with the alternatives. The study explicitly excluded any consideration of the technical suitability of the stone concerned. For repair, maintenance and extension of historic buildings and structures material must be sourced from the original quarries or from compatible sources to accord with internationally recognised best conservation practice. Where the original stone is no longer available this may be difficult because compatibility is not just a matter of appearance or texture but has a technical dimension: introduction of stone with markedly different porosity and sorptivity can hasten the decay of adjacent material, leading to further problems (Hyslop, 2004). This has the potential to hinder the conservation of the very buildings that contribute to quality of life and attract the tourists that benefit Scotland’s economy (Scottish Executive, 2006). Finally, this paper does not consider the economic issues surrounding stone production and use, and it would be worthwhile to undertake a life cycle cost analysis to understand the economic drivers that contribute to the overall emissions associated with both new construction in stone and the repair, maintenance and conservation of existing stone masonry. 5.4. Implications for policy In global terms, the implications of these results are clear cut: increasing production and use of indigenous stone at the expense of imports will reduce the overall carbon footprint of the dimension stone used in the Scottish and northern UK built environment. In terms of the domestic Scottish target of reducing CO2 emissions, the 21 overall footprint of stone construction depends on whether the emissions from international shipping are included, as required by the EU Emissions Trading Scheme. While the issues of international trade are complex and beyond the scope of this paper (see for example Sanchez-Choliz and Duarte, 2004, Weber et al, 2008, Andersen at al 2010), it may be noted that Li and Hewitt (2008) compared imports from China against domestic production and concluded that the UK effectively reduced its emissions by about 11% in 2004 by sourcing goods from China. Depending on the accounting approach adopted, it is possible that, in the immediate vicinity of the port of arrival, imported stone will have a lower allocated footprint than indigenous stone, but the contribution of transport within Scotland is such that imported stone’s footprint will mostly exceed that of locally produced stone. As a low energy material, dimension stone has a considerably lower carbon footprint than alternative construction materials available within the UK, a comparison that is not obscured by the international issues. For sustainable construction, it will be preferred to brick and concrete, its principal competitors. Switching from these materials to dimension stone and roofing, wherever it is technically feasible, will directly contribute to the emissions reduction target. There is also an opportunity to further reduce the carbon impact of the Scottish stone industry by supporting the widespread deployment of micro-renewable technologies among stone quarry and stone yard operators, most of which are located in rural areas and can be classed as small businesses. Some support is available already under the Scottish Government’s Rural Priorities scheme (Scottish Government, 2010a) but a more targeted approach such as exists for the agricultural sector may be more effective in reducing the carbon emissions from the Scottish stone industry. This would not only aid Scotland’s carbon reduction targets, but would also 22 support the government’s latest commitment to producing 80% of electricity from renewable sources by 2020. The wider case for promoting the use of indigenous Scottish stone over imported stone is more closely related to the issue of sustainable development, which may be viewed against three criteria – economic growth, environmental protection and social progress. Stone quarries are typically rural operations and with the stone being used locally the income stays within the local community, which benefits economically. The use of local stone contributes to the quality and distinctiveness of the built environment, which results in economic growth through tourism and leisure visitors. The environment is protected because not only is stone a low impact, low carbon material but use of resources is maximised, with waste reduced, and shorter travel distances for materials. Use of compatible stone prolongs the lifetime of existing buildings, maintains the built heritage and fosters the inhabitants’ sense of place. Social progress is facilitated because quarries can offer skilled employment in typically rural areas, preventing outward migration. Scottish dimension stone quarries are good neighbours with minimal adverse impact on communities. The health and safety of the workforce is high, without exploitation, nor the need to subscribe to ethical trading initiatives in originating countries as described in eg Marshalls (2008). Scottish planning guidance (Scottish Executive, 2010b) states that new housing should take account of the scope for using local materials and that dimension stone and slate are particularly important because they contribute to the Executive’s policies on the historic environment, on improving housing conditions, on sustainable development and on the design of settlements. Therefore reserves should be safeguarded in 23 development plans because reopening dormant sites and securing active sites is important in providing for future supply. It notes that reserves are often worked on small sites, in limited quantities and intermittently over long periods and therefore planning authorities should ensure that conditions do not impose undue restrictions on such operations. Scottish dimension stone tends to meet these objectives better than imported material and the technical need for compatibility adds a further stimulus to policies fostering the use of indigenous stone in Scotland. 6. CONCLUSIONS A process-based life cycle assessment of dimension stone production in the UK has produced high quality data for the carbon footprint of sandstone, granite and slate for use in Scotland. On a cradle-to-site basis for UK stone delivered to UK destinations the carbon footprints of sandstone, granite and slate are 77, 107 and 251 kgCO2e/tonne respectively. Importation of stone from abroad considerably increases these values and with conservative assumptions about the embodied CO2 in shipping, road transport and logistics the cradle-to-site footprint rises from 134-318 kgCO2e/tonne for Spain up to 415-568 kgCO2e/tonne for China. Increasing the use of indigenous stone in Scotland will help reduce Scotland’s carbon footprint and contribute to the Scottish Government’s emissions reduction targets. More widespread use of local stone will also help further the goals of sustainable development in the country and support the planning system. 7. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank the quarry and processing facility owners and managers in Scotland, England, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland who gave their time and participated in 24 this project. We do not name them but appreciate their contribution. 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