Reserves and Other Early Warning Indicators Forecast Crises After All Written for VoxEU Jeffrey Frankel and George Saravelos With aftershocks of the recent global financial earthquake still being felt in some parts of the world, it would be useful to have a set of Early Warning Indicators to tell us what countries are most vulnerable. Many scholarly papers in the past have been devoted to identifying leading indicators of crises. The bar for finding good indicators has sometimes been set too high. Nobody should be surprised that it is not easy to forecast crises with high reliability; the efficient markets hypothesis -- under assault as it is -- still warns us not to expect easy low-risk opportunities for profits. Thus it is especially hard to predict the timing of the crisis. Some economists, however, are skeptical that Early Warning Indicators (EWIs) have any useful predictive ability at all. A common assessment is that EWIs have failed, in the sense that in each historical round of emerging market crises (1982, 1994-2001, 2008) those particular variables that appeared statistically significant in that round did not perform well in the subsequent round. This is not the right conclusion to draw. The early literature In a recent paper,i we have examined more than eighty contributions to the pre-literature on EWIs. The table below reports which variables were most often found to have performed consistently well in predicting crises in the past. Among 17 categories of indicators, the level of international reserves and preceding movements in the real exchange rate stand out by far as the two most useful leading indicators. The consistency of these results are impressive, because they hold across different crisis episodes stretching from the 1950s to the early 2000s, even though different authors have defined “crisis” and “useful” in different ways. Credit growth and other indicators have also been useful in many studies. The current account balance has been frequently tested, sometimes with success but sometimes not. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Reserves Real Exchange Rate GDP Credit Current Account Money Supply Budget Balance Exports or Imports Inflation Equity Returns Real Interest Rate Debt Profile Terms of Trade Political/Legal Contagion Capital Account % of studies where leading indicator was found to be statistically signficant (total studies = 83, covering 1950s-2009) External Debt The 2008-09 financial crisis The recent global financial crisis was in a sense a perfect experiment for testing the performance of EWIs, because by general agreement it originated in a shock that was exogenous to the smaller countries of the world -- a liquidity crisis in US financial markets. Because it hit everyone at the same time, we don’t have to worry about the issue of timing. We can focus on what economic variables indicate vulnerability to such a shock. To summarize the findings in our paper, the EWIs from the pre-2008 literature do relatively well in predicting which countries got hit in 2008-09, and the indicator that was found to be the top performer in past crises was also the top performer this time: foreign exchange reserve holdings, especially expressed relative to a denominator such as debt. Others have not gotten such strong results. The first wave of analysis of the global crisis -- by top economists including Blanchard, Obstfeld, and Rose -- found that few, if any, indicators were useful in explaining which countries got hit the most. ii Why do we get stronger results? These papers necessarily defined the crisis period as the year 2008; they lacked data on 2009 at the time when they were written. We define the global crisis as beginning in earnest in the latter part of 2008. (Recall that the failure of Lehman Brothers came in September.) We extend the period under consideration through early 2009, because many aspects of global financial markets and the real economy did not begin to recover until the 2nd quarter of that year.iii We surmise that the difference in the period that is defined to be the crisis is the reason for the difference in results. Sure enough, we have now tried re-running our tests with the calendar year 2008 taken to be the crisis period as in Rose and Spiegel, and many of our indicators such as reserves lose their significance, confirming that the dating is what makes the difference. The table below summarizes our results. Each column represents another criterion for gauging the severity of the 2008-09 crisis in a particular country. We consider a country to have suffered more from the crisis if it experienced larger output drops, bigger stock market falls, loss in demand for its currency1iv, or a need for access to IMF funds. We regressed each of these dependent variables against the list of useful EWIs indentified in our literature review. A darker color in the figure indicates greater statistical significance for that indicator. We controlled for GDP per capita, allowing us to mix high-income and low-income countries in the same data set. The last three years have featured a historic role reversal in which some “advanced countries” were badly hit (Iceland, Greece, and others on the periphery of Europe) while some big emerging markets” did much better (China, Brazil, Indonesia and others). What works? At the top of list is the level of central bank reserves. Similar to the findings of the earlier literature review, we find that the level of reserves in 2007 was a statistically significant predictor of crisis incidence in 2008-09. Four out of five of the reserve measures used have statistically significant coefficients at the 5% level or better, across half or more of the crisis intensity measures considered. The best-performing of the reserve measures expresses them relative to short-term debt. This is consistent with earlier findings, including the Guidotti Rule that tells emerging market central banks to hold reserves equal to at least the amount of debt maturing within one year.v Our findings are robust to alternative definitions of crisis incidence. Next on our literature review list is past movements in the real effective exchange rate (REER). These are not helpful when crisis incidence is measured in terms of real output losses or stock market performance, but are statistically significant in predicting currency weakness against the US dollar, exchange market pressure and access to IMF stand-by arrangement programs. A few of the other leading indicators stand out as well. A higher current account balance or level of national savings is associated with lower crisis intensity. Other variables with some explanatory power but less consistently useful across different measures include the level of external debt, its composition (e.g. short-term vs. long-term), and the extent of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). We conclude that early warning exercises can indeed be a useful tool for assessing future vulnerabilities. The same variable that topped the list of indicators in the earlier literature, central bank reserves, also worked the best in predicting who got hit in the 2008-09 crisis. Other useful EWIs include real effective exchange rate overvaluation, current accounts, and national savings. Regression Heatmap Regressions of Country Performance on Each Leading Indicator and GDP per Capita* Darker color shading equivalent to higher statistical significance for leading indicator Exchange Currency Market Market Pressure Leading Indicator R E S E R V E S Equity Market Recourse Industrial to IMF SBA Production GDP Statistically Statistically significant and significant and consistent sign in consistent sign at least two in at leastthree regressions?^ regressions?^ Reserves (% GDP) Yes Yes Reserves (% external debt) Yes Yes Reserves (in months of imports) Yes Yes Short-term Debt (% of reserves) Yes Yes REER (5-yr % appreciation of local currency) Yes Yes REER (Deviation from 10-yr av) Yes Yes GDP growth (2007, %) Yes GDP Growth (last 5 yrs) Yes M2 to Reserves R E E R G D P GDP Growth (last 10 yrs) C R E D I T C A U C R C R E N T O U N T Change in Credit (5-yr rise, % GDP) Change in Credit (10-yr rise, % GDP) Yes Credit Depth of Information Index (higher=more) Bank liquid reserves to bank assets ratio (%) Current Account (% GDP) Yes Current Account, 5-yr Average (% GDP) Yes Current Account, 10-yr Average (% GDP) Yes Yes Net National Savings (% GNI) Yes Yes Gross National Savings (% GDP) Yes Yes M O N E Y T R A D E I N F S M T K C T K Change in M3 (5-yr rise, % GDP) Change in M2 (5-yr rise, % GDP) Trade Balance (% GDP) Yes Exports (% GDP) Imports (% GDP) Inflation (average, last 5 yrs) Inflation (average, last 10 yrs) Yes Stock Market (5 yr % change) Stock Market (5 yr return/ Yes I R Real Interest Rate Yes N A T T Deposit Interest Rate Short-term Debt (% of exports) C O M P D O E S B I T T I O N Yes Yes Short-term Debt (% of external debt) Public Debt Service (% of exports) Yes Public Debt Service (% GNI) Yes Multilateral Debt Service (% Public Debt Service) Aid (% of GNI) Financing via Int. Cap. Markets (gross, % GDP) C A F P L I O T W A S L D E E X B T T Legal Rights Index (higher=more rights) Yes Business Extent of Disclosure Index (higher=more disclosure) Portfolio Flows (% GDP) Yes FDI net inflows (% GDP) Yes Yes FDI net outflows (% GDP) Yes Yes Net FDI (% GDP) External Debt Service (% GNI) Yes Present Value of External Debt (% exports) Yes Present Value of External Debt (% GNI) Yes *OLS with heteroscedasticity robust standard errors performed for four continuous variables; probit for IMF recourse variable ^At least two (or three) statistically signficant coefficients at 10% level, of which all must have consistent sign “Are Leading Indicators of Financial Crises Useful for Assessing Country Vulnerability? Evidence from the 2008-09 Global Crisis,” NBER WP 16047, June 2010. At ii Berkmen, Pelin, et. al., 2009, "The Global Financial Crisis: Explaining Cross-Country Differences in the Output Impact," IMF Working Papers 09/280. Blanchard, Olivier, Hamid Faruqee, and Vladimir Klyuev, 2009. "Did Foreign Reserves Help Weather the Crisis", IMF Survey Magazine, Oct. 8th. Obstfeld, Maurice, Jay Shambaugh, and Alan Taylor, 2009, “Financial Instability, Reserves, and Central Bank Swap Lines in the Panic of 2008,” American Economic Review, 99, no.2, May, 480-86. Obstfeld, Maurice, Jay Shambaugh, and Alan Taylor, 2010, “Financial Stability, the Trilemma, and International Reserves.” American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics. Rose, Andrew, and Mark Spiegel, 2009a, “The Causes and Consequences of the 2008 Crisis: Early Warning,” Global Journal of Economics, forthcoming. NBER Working Papers 15357. Rose, Andrew, and Mark Spiegel, 2009b, “The Causes and Consequences of the 2008 Crisis: International Linkages and American Exposure,” Pacific Economic Review, forthcoming. i iii The same dating of the global crisis is adopted by Yacine Aït-Sahalia, Jochen Andritzky, Andreas Jobst, Sylwia Nowak, and Natalia Tamirisia, “Market Response to Policy Initiatives During the Global Financial Crisis,” NBER Working Paper No. 15809, March 2010. iv Our first measure of currency demand was depreciation, as in the 1990s literature on currency crashes. But many more emerging market countries float today than in the past, and often with success. Poland appears to have been hit much more badly than Estonia if one looks at currency depreciation, because the zloty floated while the kroon was locked in to the euro. But by any other measure, Poland did much better than Estonia; it was the only EU country that did not lose output. So we try replacing currency depreciation with exchange market pressure, which combines depreciation with loss of reserves, to get a better overall measure of loss in demand for a country’s currency. v Guidotti, Pablo, 2003, in J. Antonio Gonzalez, V.Corbo, A.Krueger, and A.Tornell, eds., Latin American Macroeconomic Reforms: The Second Stage. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press). Joshua Aizenman points out that reserves indeed turned out in 2008 to be a useful form of self-insurance after all: “On the Paradox of Prudential Regulations in the Globalized Economy: International Reserves and the Crisis – A Reassessment,” NBER Working Paper No. 14779, March 2009.