根据我与 EVJJ 的谈话,初步确定这几天(13~15 日)的任务: 确定申请小方向(由于准备同时申化工和材料这两个大方向,所以每个大方向里 面申什么小方向要确定),两份 FR。 嗯就这一个任务。 为了完成这个任务,我打算这么办: 1. 上 US NEWS 排名,选出若干所大学,在它们的网页里面研究,看看都有哪 些小方向。关注点:城市。 2. 咨询人(王琳,郭鹏师兄,高龙成老师,高恺师兄,叶枭,黄以天等等)。关 注点:申请难度、就业情况、等等。 3. 太傻和寄托的化学、材料、化工区,搜索有价值的帖子,关注点:申请难度、 奖学金情况、就业情况。 4. Reviews 陈静 JJ: 强烈不建议把选校和做专业调查分开 20120921 补充 做第一份 FR 的过程中发现,小方向是和教授紧密相关的。同一个学院、同一个 领域的两个教授的研究方向都会大相径庭,而且有的教授所关注的小方向不止一 个。所以关注点转移到了教授和研究组上了,重点找到感兴趣的教授。 20120921 补充 关于材料小方向的思考 本来听说仿生方向就业不好,所以有转的想法。但是这么多大学的材料系看下来 后发现,材料大方向下,还是仿生小方向自己觉得有点意思。刚才又反思了一下 这么“执迷不悟”的原因。是不是因为我们学院主打仿生方向,而我之前也做了 仿生方向的 FR,所以我会这么有“先入为主”的倾向性,从而失去了理性呢? 于是反问了一下自己,如果我们学院没有主打仿生方向,我之前也没有做过这方 面的 FR 的话,即把这些记忆全部剔除的话,我会申请什么?静静思考之后,我 觉得我还是会申请这个方向。可能是对大自然里面的东西能够运用到人们的生活 之中,这一点对我很重要的关系吧。这些关于内心动机和兴趣的思考,真是很折 磨人,时常就会陷入“先生蛋还是先生鸡”的思维怪圈之中,对自己的人生产生 怀疑。 最后,我现在觉得最适合自己的材料小方向是“仿生、功能性材料” FR----材料方向 #材料大方向下小方向细分!!!(从 Stanford MSE 主页上借鉴的)红笔为感兴趣 方向 Advanced Characterization Biological Materials Bulk Crystal Growth Computational Materials Science Electronic Materials Magnetic Materials Materials for Energy and Environmental Applications Mechanical Behavior of Materials Nanopatterning Optical and Photonic Materials Organic Polymer Materials Shape Deposition Manufacturing Thin-Film Deposition 补充 Ceramics 从 U of 主 Washington 页 也 可 借 鉴 : http://depts.washington.edu/mse/facresearch/researchareas.shtml 以下是从太傻网上 USNews 2013 最佳材料工程专业排名中前 50 所学校,以及 50 名后的若干所所学校,所有我感兴趣的教授、研究小组。 1. MIT Department of Materials Science and Engineering DMSE About DMSE: research ranges from the purely scientific to applied studies and involves perspectives of chemistry, physics, electronics, the artistic and historical aspects of materials, design, and entrepreneurial ventures 研究范围:纯科学至应用科学,相关知识有化学、物理、电子、艺术、历史,相 关行业有材料、设计、工业。 有普通 PhD 项目和交叉学科 PhD 项目 交叉 PhD 项目:Archaeology and Archaeological Materials (AAM);Program in Polymer Science and Technology (PPST)(可以略微考虑一下);Technology and Policy Program/Engineering Systems Division (TPP/ESD) Careers in Materials Science and Engineering 本 科 毕 业 生 去 向 从表中可以看出,毕业生去向广泛,有高校、研究所;化工公司、企业;政府部 门、咨询公司、银行等等。不过事后发现是本科生的去向,没有很大参考价值。 DMSE 的 discipline(筛选后,与我有关的) 1. Biomaterials Holten-Andersen, Niels 2. Biomolecular Materials Holten-Andersen, Niels #Note: Faculty: Holten-Andersen, Niels,http://dmse.mit.edu/faculty/profile/holten 3. Ceramics Hobbs, Linn W. #Note: Faculty: Linn W. Hobbs, http://dmse.mit.edu/faculty/profile/hobbs 4. Biotechnology Michael F. Rubner,Christine Ortiz,Angela Belcher #Note: Michael F. Rubner,http://dmse.mit.edu/faculty/profile/rubner;Christine Ortiz , http://dmse.mit.edu/faculty/profile/ortiz ; Angela Belcher , http://dmse.mit.edu/faculty/profile/belcher 5. Implants Gibson, Lorna J.,Cima, Michael J. #Note:Gibson, Lorna J.,http://dmse.mit.edu/faculty/profile/gibson 6. Structural and Environmental Materials Joel P. Clark,Thomas W. Eagar # 这 两 位 都 是 很 非 主 流 的 研 究 方 向 ( 与 我 所 作 科 研 关 系 不 大 ), 一 个 是 http://dmse.mit.edu/faculty/profile/eagar ; 另 http://dmse.mit.edu/faculty/profile/clark Center for Materials Science and Engineering (CMSE) 一 个 是 #Faculty members Name Department Role Alfredo Alexander-Katz Materials Science and Engineering Seed Polina Anikeeva Materials Science and Engineering IRG-III Angela M. Belcher Materials Science & Engineering, IRG-I Biological Engineering Mary C. Boyce Mechanical Engineering IRG-II Markus J. Buehler Civil & Environmental Engineering IRG-II Gerbrand Ceder Materials Science & Engineering IRG-I Robert E. Cohen Chemical Engineering IRG-II Mircea Dinca Chemistry Seed Yoel Fink Materials Science & Engineering IRG-III Nuh Gedik Physics Initiative-II Silvija Gradečak Materials Science & Engineering Seed Kimberly Hamad-Schifferli Mechanical Engineering, Biological IRG-I Engineering Paula T. Hammond Chemical Engineering IRG-II Erich P. Ippen Electrical Engineering & Computer IRG-III Science Pablo Jarillo-Herrero Physics Initiative-II John D. Joannopoulos Physics IRG-III Steven G. Johnson Mathematics IRG-III Jing Kong Electrical Engineering & Computer Seed Science Steven B. Leeb Electrical Engineering & Computer Education Advisor Science Timothy Lu Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Seed Jagadeesh Moodera Francis Bitter Magnet Laboratory Initiative-II Daniel G. Nocera Chemistry IRG-I Christine Ortiz Materials Science & Engineering IRG-II Yuriy Roman Chemical Engineering Seed Caroline Ross Materials Science & Engineering NSF/NRI Supplement Michael F. Rubner Materials Science & Engineering Initiative-II Yang Shao-Horn Mechanical Engineering, Materials IRG-I Science & Engineering Sang-Heon (Dan) Shim Earth, Planetary, & Atmospheric Science Initiative-II Marin Soljačić Physics IRG-III Carl V. Thompson Materials Science & Engineering IRG-I Mehmet Toner Health and Sciences Technology Initiative-I Krystyn J. Van Vliet Materials Science & Engineering IRG-II Troy Van Voorhis Chemistry IRG-I Evelyn Wang Mechanical Engineering Seed Brian Wardle Aeronautics and Astronautics Initiative-I 1. Bioinspired Environment-Responsive Ligand-Coated Nanoparticles Alfredo Alexander-Katz # Alfredo Alexander-Katz, http://soft-materials.scripts.mit.edu/www/ 2. High Def Nano Materials: New Routes to 3D Hierarchical Nanostructured Materials and Devices Brian Wardle (leader), Aeronautics and Astronautics; Robert Cohen, Chemical Engineering; Michael Rubner, Materials Science and Engineering; Mehmet Toner, Harvard-MIT Health Sciences and Technology #Michael F. Rubner , http://mit.edu/cmse/people/rubner.shtml ; http://web.mit.edu/dmse/rubner/ 2. Northwestern University (McCormick) “西北大学 McCormick 工程及应用科学学院” # 此大学网页有简体中文版,有专门主页介绍华裔教授,其中不少材料系。 http://www.mccormick.northwestern.edu/chinese/faculty/index.html MSE 学院 #http://matsci.northwestern.edu/graduate/prospective-phd/index.html 此 PhD 项目包 含有 professional development,帮助就业,good FACULTY: 1. Yip-Wah Chung designing thin films and materials with excellent infrared reflection properties, for use in automotive and aviation applications. 貌似偏实用性的研究比较多,赞 2. Katherine Faber processing methods for multifunctional ceramics ; SiC-based cellular ceramics, "biomorphic"与仿生有点关系;thermal and environmental barrier coatings for engine components。此教授也是偏应用的研究很多,赞 3. Samuel Stupp 貌似是大牛,有自己的实验室、网站 http://stupp.northwestern.edu/ 三个研究主题 self-assembly;solar fuels and photovoltaics;biomaterials 大赞 4. Gregory B. Olson 材料设计;虽与生物材料仅略相关,但是研究范围广。 5. Ramille Shah 美女教授;研究方向三个,均与仿生有关,有趣味性;大赞 Hybrid biomaterial scaffolds;Soy-based biomaterials;Mechanical and ultrasonic stimulation of cells in scaffolding systems 6. Derk Joester 生物矿化和仿生材料研究,德国教授,非大牛,与我的研究高度相关。大赞 7. Mark C. Hersam 大研究组,主要为有机无机材料研究,研究范围广,里面有 applied technology development 的研究。 3. Stanford MSE 1. Reinhold Dauskardt 有自己研究组,网站 http://dauskardt.stanford.edu/research.html; Thin Films and Nanomaterials;Biomaterials; Modeling and Simulation;The Bulk Metallic Glasses and Structural Materials Program;大赞 2. Sarah Heilshorn 偏生物,略不好,但是研究课题赞; Biomaterials in regenerative medicine Engineered proteins with novel assembly properties Microfluidics and photolithography of proteins Tissue engineering for spinal cord regeneration Synthesis of materials to influence stem cell differentiation 4. UCSB MSE 有诺贝尔奖大牛 黑格尔 1. Fred Wudl 大 组 , 网 页 http://web.chem.ucsb.edu/~wudlgroup/ ; marine science, biological, bioinorganic, inorganic, solid state, materials, and physical chemistry.,交叉学科;与 生物相关,偏应用 1. organic/inorganic interface chemistry including the molecular assembly of material systems with integrated nanoscale to macroscale functionalities 2. the use of inorganic species and surfaces to define biomolecular assembly (e.g., transmembrane proteins) and biosystem processes (e.g. blood clotting cascade chemistry and hemostasis) 3. conversion of methane (biomethane and stranded natural gas) to chemicals and fuels 4. meso- and nanostructured photovoltaic and photocatalytic composite systems 5. gradient materials and interfaces 6. and understanding Nature's routes to organic/inorganic bioassembly. 5. UCLA Prof. Yu Huang, 中科大;研究范围 creating complex materials structures with nanoscale precision using chemical and biological approaches; and studying the new physical properties (optical, magnetic, electrical, and even catalytic properties) that arise in these new nanoscale architectures. 生物材料,赞 6. U Penn 1. Professor Shu Yang 复旦大学,仿生材料。研究课题: Fabrication of 3D Photonic Structures by Holographic Lithography Tunable Wetting and Adehsion on Reversibly Tunable Wrinkled Surfaces Directed Wetting, Adhesion and Assembly on Topographically Structured Polymer Surfaces Nanoscale Assembly of Complex Structures via Harnessing of an Elastic Instability in Polymer Gels 大赞 7. Boston U 1. Rama Bansil gel 研究,与 Harvard 医学院合作,生物、物理领域 2. Professor Basu Environmental barrier coatings Structure, chemistry and strength of interfaces Environmental degredation of materials 3. Prof. Mark W. Grinstaff http://people.bu.edu/mgrin/members/index.html 生物材料 Polymeric Films for Prevention of Recurrent Lung Cancer Interfacial Biomaterials 4. Elise Morgan 骨头研究 5. Joyce Y. Wong tissue engineering of small diameter blood vessels for bypass and intravascular pharmacology (e.g. stents); development of targeted nano- and micro-particle contrast agents for multi-modal (magnetic resonance, ultrasound, and optical) detection of atherosclerotic and vulnerable plaque; and engineering biomimetic systems to study restenosis and breast cancer. 赞 6. Katherine Yanhang Zhang Cardiovascular mechanics Multi-scale mechanics of extracellular matrix Mechanobiological constitutive modeling of biological tissue Micro- and Nano-mechanics of thin film and thin film coatings 美女教授,生物材料,赞 7. Dan Nathanson Research projects include clinical and animal studies, as well as in vitro research spanning topics from metals to composites and ceramics, biocompatibility, machined restorations and restoration of pulpless teeth. 8. Joe Tien 8. Georgia Tech 1. David Bucknall 很多应用性研究,有生物材料方向 His current research includes using polymers to create fundamental building blocks for possible quantum computer architectures, hydrogels for maxillofacial reconstructive surgery, and effect of morphology and processing in organic photovoltaics. 2. 印度教授,大赞!Sundaresan Jayaraman 偏应用研究,有工业背景。(i) Enterprise Architecture and Modeling Methodologies for Information Systems; (ii) Engineering Design of Intelligent Textile Structures and Processes; (iii) Design and Development of Knowledge Based Systems (KBS) for textiles and apparel; and (iv) Multimedia Educational Systems 获奖较多 3. Barbara Boyan 资料未知 4. Zhong Lin Wang 大牛 5. Vladimir Tsukruk 乌克兰人,大教授,手下课题很多,包含有仿生材料方向 6. Mohan Srinivasarao 印度教授,手下课题含有生物颜色 physical chemistry of polymers, physics of nematic liquid crystals, optics of liquid crystals, rheology/rheo-optics of polymeric fluids and liquid crystals, polymer/liquid crystal dispersions, various forms of light microscopy including confocal microscopy and photon tunneling microscopy, color science, and nano-optics in the biological world (color of butterfly wings, beetles, moths, and bird feathers). 7. Meisha Shofner 美女助理教授 Dr. Shofner’s research group is concerned with structure-property relationships in polymer nanocomposite materials and with producing structural hierarchy in these materials for structural and functional applications. http://shofnerlab.gatech.edu/ 8. Kenneth Sandhage 偏应用性研究 Biological/biochemical processing of inorganic materials and micro/nano-structures Near net-shape reaction processing of ceramics and composites High-temperature oxidation and corrosion 9. Shuming Nie 医学应用为导向的生物材料研究,偏理论 Research in the Nie Group develops advanced biochips, bionanotechnology, and multicolor imaging technologies for high-throughput studies of genes, proteins, and cells. The long-term goal is to integrate biotechnology, bioengineering, and clinical research for disease detection, diagnosis, and treatment. A special emphasis is on translational cancer research, in which fundamental discoveries and new technologies (such as genomics, proteomics,and ultrasensitive optical detection) are applied to patient care. 10. Min Zhou 北航校友,偏理论研究,貌似计算化学。 11. Nazanin Bassiri-Gharb 偏应用材料研究 Dr. Bassiri-Gharb's research interests are in ferroelectric and multiferroic materials and their application to nano- and micro-electromechanical systems as sensors and actuators. Her research projects integrate micro and nanofabrication techniques and processes, with fundamental science of ferroelectric materials. In the area of novel characterization techniques for ferroelectrics, Dr. Bassiri-Gharb studies the effects of the external fields (electric, strain and temperature) on the dielectric and piezoelectric properties of these materials. The experimental characterization and mathematical modeling of the nonlinearities in ferroelectric materials are then implemented for design and prediction of the on-field behavior of the piezoelectric devices (e.g., MEMS sensors and actuators and multilayer capacitors). Dr. Bassiri-Gharb's research in the area of smart nano-systems is centered on ferroelectric nanostructures for appl 12. Kenneth Sandhage 工业背景,大赞 Dr. Sandhage’s research focuses on novel reaction processing of advanced materials for electromagnetic, chemical, optical, sensor, refractory, and structural applications. 13. Faisal Alamgir 偏应用研究 14. Steven Johnson NASA 研究背景 15. Kenneth Gall 为工业、公司提供咨询服务,偏应用性研究;赞 16. David McDowell 偏应用研究,大牛,蜂窝状结构研究 Mechanics of Materials and Computer-Aided Engineering and Design Material deformation and damage, constitutive laws, and metals processing 17.Seung Soon Jang 偏生物 Developing new methods for atomistic modeling of materials and biological systems Applying multiscale modeling for materials and biological systems Computational nano/biotechnology Computational fuel cell technology 18. Gleb Yushin 俄国人 Nanocomposites for Energy, Environmental, and Biomedical Applications Carbon-based Hybrid Materials 9. UIC 大学很好,芝加哥,学校艺术气息较浓。网站设计感优秀。 可惜材料系的教授不多,与我相关方向的教授也不多 10. Rice U 休斯敦 #大学风格很不错,物美价廉 校训 Unconventional Wisdom P. M. Ajayan 有自己实验室、网站 http://www.owlnet.rice.edu/~Robert.Vajtai/Ajayan/index.html; 研 究 方 向 Nanomaterials in Energy Generation and Storage ; Multifunctional Composites, Nano-enabled bio-mimetic Systems ; Nanoelectronics, Nanosensors, Active Nanosystems 赞 11. U of Rochester Danielle Benoit, Ph.D. 偏应用研究,生物相关,赞 网页上说了缺研究生 Developing Targeted Drug Delivery Systems to Treat Leukemia;Hydrogel culture environments for regenerative medicine applications;Hydrogels for local delivery of therapeutics;Polymer-drug complexes/ conjugates to overcome systemic delivery barriers ; Tissue Engineered Periosteum Approaches to Heal Bone Allograft Transplants;Programmable Nanostructured Biomaterials for Neuronal Growth 12. Drexel U 网站设计感不错,学院网站很活泼,赞 1. Dr. Caroline Schauer 生物材料相关研究,网站 http://www.materials.drexel.edu/npp/ 这个组很不错,赞 2. Kenneth Lau 生物材料组,http://www.chemeng.drexel.edu/laugroup/people/index.html 3. Ulrike Wegst 仿生材料组,http://www.materials.drexel.edu/bdg/,仿生材料的设计 13. Ohio State U 材料系研究课题: Biomaterials | Computational Modeling | Corrosion | Electronic, Optical & Magnetic Materials | Materials Performance | Materials Processing & Manufacturing | Mechanical Properties | Microstructure & Property Relationships | Superconductors Biomaterials 包括 “Smart” Polymers Biomimetic Elastomers Engineered Skin Heart “Patches” and Blood Vessels Microenvironment for Stem Cell Differentiation Immunoisolation System Aligned Fiber Assays Femtosecond Laser Machining Biomaterials for Islet Delivery Tendon Repair Tissue-engineered cardiac patches and blood vessels Faculty: Peter Anderson Jianjun Guan John Lannutti Heather Powell 14. University of Michigan Sharon Glotzer 关键词:材料设计、仿生、计算机模拟 赞 Peter Green 应用结合研究 Jinsang Kim 生物材料 材料设计 工作小组网站 http://www.mse.engin.umich.edu/people/faculty/kim/group Nicholas Kotov 生物和医学应用研究 Joerg Lahann 仿生材料、应用材料研究,大赞! 研究小组网站 http://www.engin.umich.edu/research/lahann/ 德国人 Victor Li 华裔 赞 15. Rutgers U Laura Fabris 仿生材料、应用,赞 Dunbar P. Birnie seems like a funny guy Thomas J. Nosker 应用导向,赞 16. University of Wisconsin-Madison Donald S. Stone William L. Murphy Bioinspired Materials Laboratory http://bioinspired.engr.wisc.edu/ Michael Scott Arnold http://homepages.cae.wisc.edu/~arnold/people.html 17. Harvard Joanna Aizenberg 大赞,这就是传说中的艾森博格组。我院老师如雷贯耳,王琳也很了解。晚上找 这货再详细问问。 Katia Bertoldi Conor Walsh 大赞 Robert Wood http://robobees.seas.harvard.edu/ Joost J. Vlassak http://vlassakgroup.seas.harvard.edu/ 18. purdue John Howarter reducing the operational energy footprint of polymer membranes through material design. Carlos Martinez 应用研究 19. UC Davis Tonya Kuhl Direct measurements of biological membrane-membrane interactions • Ligand-receptor interactions • Polymer thin-films, and small angle scattering studies of interfacial films Microstructural, phase, transport, and mechanical properties of biological membranes and lipid monolayers in viral infection • Cell signaling and transport • Alcohol tolerance • Imaging and drug delivery Adam Moule Device physics - physical aspects of radiation absorption, charge separation and transport, light capture, and the correlation between the structural and electronic properties of organic-organic and organic-inorganic interfaces. Modeling - Optical modeling, device electrical modeling with an emphasis on interface effects, and atomistic and course-grained molecular dynamics simulations to determine equilibrium structural conformations in polymer fullerene mixtures. Coating technology - development of solution coating techniques for large area deposition of polymer solutions and colloid monolayers. Material discovery and characterization - characterization of conjugated polymers, fullerenes and nanoparticles based on inorganic semiconductors, metals and conjugated polymers for use in PV devices. Julie Schoenung http://www.chms.ucdavis.edu/research/web/schoenung/ Nanostructured and ultrafine grained materials Green materials and green engineering design 20. Virginia Tech Shashank Priya 急招人 Bio - Inspired Materials and Devices Laboratory http://www.emdl.mse.vt.edu/ 大赞!! 小组有这么多科研究课题 Fabrication and Properties of Textured Relaxor-PT/PZT Piezoelectric Ceramics Ultra-High Sensitive Magnetoelectric Nanocomposite Characterization and Applications of Electroceramics Creating Human-like facial expressions utilizing artificial skin and muscles Jellyfish Autonomous Node and Colonies Vibration Energy Harvesting Biomimetic Jellyfish Robotic Vehicles Computational (CFD) and experimental fluid dynamics, swimming locomotion... Domain Engineering in Textured (Na1/2Bi1/2)TiO3 – BaTiO3 Bulk Ceramics ... Design and Development of miniature robotic devices AJV Propulsion System Design and Modeling Humanoid Robot for Medical Applications 3D MEMS Multimodal Energy Harvesting Using Oriented Piezoelectric And... Lead-free Magnetoelectric Materials & Devices Small-Scale Wind Energy Harvesters for Structural Health Monitoring Thin & Thick Film Magnetoelectric Composite and transformer Humanoid Robot for Medical Applications Domain Engineered Magnetoelectric Thin Films High textured thermoelectric ceramics with multilayer structure Human-like skin and artificial muscles Kathy Lu 天津大学毕业 研究方向 Nanomaterial, microsize material synthesis and processing Fuel cell material design Composites, functionally/structurally graded materials, porous materials Material design using ceramics, metal powders, polymers Powder synthesis Diversity in engineering education 21. UMass Amherst 网站设计不错 Jessica D. Schiffman 生物、应用、环保相关,赞! 22. Michael S. Yu Johns Hopkins U Synthesis and application of protein-based materials Bio-inspired nanostructured materials Biosynthesis of artificial proteins Biomaterials for tissue engineering Polymeric liquid crystals Hai-Quan Mao Biofunctional scaffolds Non-viral gene delivery & drug delivery Stem cell expansion and differentiation Biodegradable polymers Kalina Hristova Membrane biophysics Biomolecular materials Biosurface interactions Self-assembly of biological amphiphiles Protein-lipid interactions 23. Chris A. Marianetti Columbia Predicting materials properties from first-principles computations; materials with energy related applications; density-functional theory; dynamical mean-field theory; transition-metal oxides; actinides, energy storage and conversion materials 24. Brown U Kim Research Group http://www.brown.edu/Research/Kim_Research_Group/Website/group.html 赞 25. The U of Texas at Austin Rodney S. Ruoff 工业背景 公司创始人 26. Sangamesh G. Kumbar Polymeric Biomaterials Nano-biomaterials Drug delivery Biodegradable scaffolds Tissue Engineering Leon L. Shaw Hydrogen storage materials U Conn Solid oxide fuel cells and PEM fuel cells Solid oxide fuel cells and PEM fuel cells Batteries for storage of electrical energy Biomaterials and orthopedic implants Nanostructured metals and ceramics Yong Wang Antibody-Like Nanomaterials Bioinspired Protein Delivery Systems Tissue-Like Nano-Structured Biomaterials Mei Wei 磷灰石研究,赞 Dr. Valentine Vullev http://www.vullevgroup.org/Lab-Members David Kisailus Bio-mimetics, Bio-inspired Materials Synthesis, Biomineralization, Ceramic Processing, Thin Film Growth, Nanomaterials, Energy Storage and Conversion Materials (Photocatalysts, Batteries). Juchen Guo rational design, synthesis, and characterization of novel materials for energy and environmental technologies including rechargeable batteries, polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells, photovoltaic devices, and water treatment. Ian Wheeldon Biocatalysis, Biologically Inspired Engineering, Protein Engineering, Synthetic Biology, Adaptive Materials, Bioenergy 27. CMU MSE: Christopher J Bettinger 医学应用 (1) Intelligent Biomaterial Networks (2) Biodegradable Electronic Devices (3) Cell-Biomaterial Interactions http://biomicrosystems.net/research/ Adam W. Feinberg Engineering the Biotic-Abiotic Interface Bottom-Up Engineering of the Extracellular Matrix Combining Basic Science and Applied Research Current Projects in the Lab Biomechanics and mechanobiology of fibronectin, laminin and collagen nanofibers Development of new methods for fabricating ECM scaffolds Engineered basement membranes for regeneration of the corneal endothelium Cardiac tissue engineering using 3-dimensional nano/micro structured ECM scaffolds 28. Clarkson U Devon A. Shipp 偏应用研究 29. University of Kentucky 学校网站的配色很喜欢 Kimberly Anderson 院长 大牛 面善 Biocompatible Surfaces, Cancer Cell Metastasis, Cell-Based Biosensors, Microfluidic Devices for Biological Applications Stephen E. Rankin, Ph.D. Biotechnology, Interfacial Science, Multiscale Modeling, Nanotechnology, Reaction Engineering, Renewable Energy, Separations 30. Lehigh U 达赖去过,貌似对中国人不太友好 学校的生物材料方向没什么教授 31. 没有感兴趣教授 U of Utah 32. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Nikhil Koratkar 印度人,网站 http://homepages.rpi.edu/~koratn/ 赞 33. Colorado School of Mines 科罗拉多矿大 LOL MATTHEW LIBERATORE 偏应用 34. Illinois Institute of technology 没多少 35. Arizona State U 材料系没多少仿生方向 Michael O'Connell rbon nanomaterials (e.g. buckyonions/carbon dots). carbon nanotubes, graphene, nanodiamond, Work includes synthesis, chemical modification, spectroscopy, microscopy, and other characterization. Applications in energy, bio-medical topics, printed electronics, nano-actuation, nanofluidics, and others. Ramakrishna, B.L. two areas -1) Biomaterials, and 2) Engineering Education. Della Roy Area of research encompass: materials synthesis, processing characterization in inorganic, ceramic, cement and mineral systems; phase equilibria and thermodynamic properties; hydrothermal synthesis; chemically bonded ceramics; biomaterials synthesis; nano- and micro-structural design, and durability of materials. 36. U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Paul V. Braun http://braungroup.beckman.illinois.edu/index.html 生物材料 赞 Kriven Group http://kriven.matse.illinois.edu/index.html 生物、矿物相关研究,大家庭氛围,赞 可是照片中没看见亚洲人,疑老师有倾向 Nancy R. Sottos 很洋气的组 http://autonomic.beckman.illinois.edu/ 生物启发方向 37. Michigan Tech PAUL G. SANDERS 偏应用,商业团队 http://www.michigantechame.com/about/the-team 38. North Carolina State U Jagannadham Kasichainula 偏应用 Kasichainula's group is developing advanced coatings of novel materials for technological applications. The coatings are used for corrosion and wear resistance, diffusion barriers, heat spreaders, and metallization schemes. The diamond coatings are developed for machine tools, seal rings and electronic heat spreaders with strong industrial collaboration. 39. USC Wenji Victor Chang 浸润性相关 Malancha Gupta Functional Polymer Films and Coatings Chemical Vapor Deposition Surface Modification and Patterning Biologically-Inspired Nanomaterials, Composites, and Hydrogels Low-Cost Microfluidic Devices 大赞 很不错的组 M.C. Gill Professor Lightweight materials and structures Mechanical behavior of composites Manufacturing science for composites Interfacial phenomena Acoustic metamaterials for noise control 40. U of Maryland 没什么感兴趣的 41. Stony Brook 网站比较丑 42. U of California Irivine Allon I. Hochbaum Nanoscale materials and hybrid bio-inorganic devices for applications in clean energy Ali Mohraz The aim of research in Dr. Mohraz’s group is to understand and exploit colloidal interactions, chemistry, assembly, and response to external fields to design microstructured materials with enhanced functionality for composites, biomimetic applications, alternative energy, and environmental remediation. Daniel Mumm materials for fuel cells; mechanics and reliability of nano-scale structures; coatings and composite materials for turbine engine systems; topologically cellular materials for lightweight multi-functional components and impact/blast/ballistic protection systems; and biologically-inspired morphing systems for maneuverability and propulsion. 43. Case Western Reserve U Mark R. DeGuire Ceramics and glasses for electronic, chemical, and biomedical applications, including thin films, gas sensors, ferrites, fuel cell materials, and apatite coatings on titanium implants; synthesis, processing, defect chemistry, microstructure, and phase equilibria. 但是感觉他的组照片好古老啊 David Matthiesen Wind Measurements Onshore and Offshore Materials Interactions with Ice Materials for Use in Wind Turbines Bulk Crystal Growth Fluid Dynamics and Heat, Mass, and Momentum Transport. 44. U of Virginia Elizabeth J. Opila Prof. Opila’s research focuses on materials durability in extreme environments for energy, power, and propulsion applications. 功能性材料 Haydn N. Wadley 功能性材料 英国人 45. Delaware U Matthew F. Doty http://udel.edu/~doty/directory.html 偏实用 Thomas H. Epps Nanoporous Block Copolymer Templates for Biological and Chemical Separations Xinqiao Jia Research Group http://udel.edu/~xjia/index.html David Martin http://cubic.mseg.udel.edu/ 仿生方向 Professor Erik T. Thostenson Multifunctional Composites Laboratory http://sites.udel.edu/thostenson/ 46. Mufit Akinc Iowa State University Bio-inspired materials Ultra high temperature structural materials Rheology of nanopowders Design and development of low CTE, IR transmitting materials Michael Richard Kessler Manufacturing techniques for polymer composites New smart materials (including the development of self-healing structural composites) Polymer matrix composites and nanocomposites for extreme environments Bio-based polymers and composites Evaluation of these materials using experimental and computational solid mechanics techniques and thermal analysis Rebecca Cademartiri 生物相关,食品安全,公共卫生 47. U of Pittsburg Pradeep P. Fulay Pradeep P. Fulay's principal research and teaching interests lie in the area of science of chemical synthesis and processing of smart materials and structures. He is also interested in properties of ferroelectric, magnetic, and microwave dielectric ceramic materials in relation to their microstructure. Lisa Weiland focuses on the experiment- and physics-based constitutive modeling of smart materials, with a strong secondary emphasis on applications. 48. 49. Cal Tech U of Washington Hong Ma Organic and polymer chemistry, molecular self-assembly, surface and interface engineering, supramolecular nanostructures, micro/nanopatterning, bio-inspired materials, organic-bio-nano hybrids, electronic/photonic/biosensing materials George Mayer 大赞 偏应用 Discovering the Mechanisms underlying Toughening, or Energy Dissipation, of rigid natural composites, such as shells and spicules. These comprise on the order of 95 volume percent ceramic phase, with the remainder being organic component(s), mainly proteins. Designing and Building Synthetic Analogs that exhibit most of the traits of the natural hybrid composites. Handling, Mechanical Testing Techniques, and In-Situ Examination Methods for Very Fine Fibers have been, and continue to be important issues. Mechanisms of Adhesion in Natural Materials is a new area of effort, which will be pursued in conjunction with the Department of Biology. Brian D. Flinn 1) The effect of deformation induced residual stresses on the fracture and fatigue behavior of metals and fastener holes. 2) Understanding the role of surface preparation on quality and durability of composite bonds. 3) Detection of Barely Visible Damage (BVD) in composite materials. 4) Novel uses and processing of fiber reinforced composites. Marco Rolandi http://faculty.washington.edu/rolandi/research.html 大赞 Investigating Protonic Conduction in Biological Nanofibers Direct Writing of Electronic Components Chitin Nanostructures: Patterning, Neuron Interfacing And Sensing Visual Communication in Science 最后一个大亮啊 50. Alfred U 没什么感兴趣的 51. Missouri U of science and technology 没什么感兴趣的 52. 没什么感兴趣的 U of Cincinnati