The Interpersonal Psychotherapy Institute`s

Interpersonal Psychotherapy
for adolescents and adults:
An attachment-based intervention for depression and related disorders
A two-day workshop introductory workshop
Dates: Friday 15 & Saturday 16, March, 2013
Venue: Burwood RSL, 96 Shaftesbury Rd, NSW 2134
(convenient for train, bus and parking)
Time: 9.00 am – 4.30 pm
Fee: early bird $580 (before the February 26)
Full fee $640, including bistro lunch and refreshments
Presenters: Rob McAlpine PhD, MAPS & Anthony Hillin BSW, M Adol MH
Certified IPT Trainers, Interpersonal Psychotherapy Institute
Certification: on completion of this workshop participants will achieve
The Interpersonal Psychotherapy Institute’s Level A Certification - Basic Training
(see )
in IPT
This workshop qualifies for 14 hours of active learning CPD points
This course uses two trainers and a limited number of participants
to create an intensive learning experience
About this workshop
Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) is an evidence-based intervention developed in the mid 1980s for
the management of depression. IPT was adapted for adolescents with depression in 1993 and revised
in 2004. Interpersonal psychotherapy for depressed adolescents (IPT-A) has developed a sound
evidence base. Recent studies suggest IPT-A is readily learned by experienced clinicians and
effective in the management of depression in adolescents, including in school-based settings.
This introductory course will present an overview of IPT/IPT-A, then focus on the development of the
skills required to implement an effective IPT/IPT-A intervention.
Learning Objectives
 Summarise the theory and evidence base for IPT/IPT-A (the detail of this will be provided in precourse reading).
 Outline the general techniques of IPT/IPT-A including: encouragement of affect; interpersonal
incidents; communication analysis; problem solving; & role plays.
 Explain how attachment theory can inform IPT/IPT-A.
 Build on existing skills in assessment to develop specific competencies in the assessment of
client suitability for IPT/IPT-A, attachment style, & major problem areas.
 Practice skills in conducting an Interpersonal inventory and an Interpersonal formulation.
 Practice skills in the problem areas of Conflict and Role transition in some detail.
 Provide a brief description of the problem areas of Complex grief and Interpersonal gaps.
 Consider the conclusion of the acute phase of therapy and options for maintenance treatment.
 Address the role of, and consider options for, supervision.
A range of learning methods is used including, didactic presentations, experiential exercises, small
group activities, skill demonstrations, role-play & self-reflection. Participants will derive maximum
benefit from the program if they are willing to reflect on their own attitudes and skills.
Participants are requested to complete pre-course reading, which will be supplied on booking,
and to come to the course prepared to discuss one of their cases during activities in small
Target audience
This workshop is intended for mental health clinicians, including psychologists, clinical psychologists,
social workers, psychiatrists, nurses, occupational therapists, psychotherapists, general practitioners
The Presenters
Rob McAlpine is a clinical psychologist & has extensive experience working with adults and adolescents. Rob
has over 17 yrs experience with IPT and IPT-A. Rob also provides training and supervision in managing trauma
using imagery reprocessing.
Anthony Hillin has over 25 yrs experience working on adolescent and adult issues, as a clinician, trainer and
manager of an adolescent mental health service. His training and consulting has been commissioned by over
100 agencies in the UK, USA, India and Australia. Anthony’s work spans a range of issues including grief & loss,
sexuality, supervision & team building.
Rob and Anth are certified IPT Trainers with the Interpersonal Psychotherapy Institute and in addition to
providing training in Interpersonal Psychotherapy also provide clinical supervision for therapists using IPT in
Australia and the USA. Rob and Anth co-facilitate IPT training in the USA with Prof Scott Stuart, President,
International Society of Interpersonal Psychotherapy. Based at the NSW Institute of Psychiatry, over the last 11
years Rob and Anth developed Australia’s most comprehensive interagency training program in adolescent
mental health for the NSW School-Link and Queensland Ed-LinQ initiatives. Anth & Rob have jointly delivered a
suite of five courses in adolescent depression, anxiety and related disorders to over 2,000 mental health
clinicians & school & TAFE psychologists. Anth and Rob are providing this course independently of their roles
with the NSW Institute of Psychiatry, School-Link and Ed-LinQ.
Course evaluation by previous participants
In a summary of written participant evaluations of 25 two-day courses facilitated by Rob and Anth up to August
2011 including for the Australian Psychological Society (NSW: Sydney, Central Coast, Mid North Coast & North
Coast; and Tasmania: Hobart, Northern & NW Branches), Health Services (NSW: North Sydney Central Coast,
Hunter New England, South East Sydney Illawarra, Rural and Promote Area Psychologists, Riverina headspace)
and in the USA (Pasadena School District, Pacifica Clinics, Gateways Clinic, University of Iowa):
100% of participants stated the training will help them to deliver a better service to their clients
100% stated they were satisfied with this training
100% stated they would recommend a colleague attend this training
94% rated this training as excellent or very good in meeting their needs (62% stated excellent)
100% of participants rated the trainers’ delivery as excellent, very good or good (74% stated excellent)
The number of places is limited to facilitate an intensive learning experience. We recommend you
book early to avoid disappointment as the workshop regularly sells out in advance.
Registration is available online at
Payment is by credit card at this website.
Earlybird $580 (before February 26). Full fee $640. The fee is inclusive of lunch, refreshments,
booking and card fees.
Enquiries: (02) 9523 3567, e-mail:
Cancelled bookings will receive a full refund up until February 26. After February 26 you are welcome
to transfer your booking to another person, provided they are a member of the target audience (see
above), but the fee will be non-refundable.
Endorsement quotes
“The IPT-A workshop led by Anthony Hillin and Rob McAlpine is an excellent training experience with both
didactic and hands-on learning. Anth and Rob are exceptional instructors; I’ve had the opportunity to teach with
them on several courses and have found them to be first-rate teachers and clinicians. I highly recommend the
workshop to all interested in IPT for adolescents or in IPT generally.”
Scott Stuart
Director, IPT Institute and Professor of Psychiatry, University of Iowa (USA)
Anthony Hillin and Rob McAlpine's workshop on IPT-A is a very practical, hands-on training experience that is
very well received by participants. They have presented the workshop at the NSW Institute of Psychiatry a
number of times with very positive evaluations. Participants appreciate their capacity to make the course
material easily comprehensible and applicable to participants' own clinical work. They have deservedly built a
solid reputation in this field".
Dr Michael Bowden
Head of Medical Education
NSW Institute of Psychiatry (Australia)
"Anthony and Rob have been providing high quality IPT-A training to our clinicians for several years. Their
workshops have always been well-researched and practical and are considered priority training for all clinicians
working with young people at our site. Anthony and Rob have managed to smoothly blend theory and practice
to provide clinically relevant training that is content-rich. Their presentation style is engaging and draws on their
own clinical experience, effectively illustrating key points with a variety of interesting case examples. Their
workshops have enabled clinicians unfamiliar with IPT to walk away from the training with adequate knowledge,
skills and resources to implement IPT strategies with their clients".
Kylie Hamblin
Clinical Leader/ Clinical Psychologist,
Headspace: National Youth Mental Health Initiative (Riverina, Australia)
"Anthony Hillin and Rob McAlpine provide mental health training of a very high standard for Queensland
Department of Health. Participant evaluation has been extremely positive with strong demand for courses across
the state. Mr Hillin and Dr McApline have established a strong reputation as expert trainers in their field".
Simone Caynes PhD
Queensland Centre for Mental Health Promotion, Prevention & Early Intervention, Queensland Health (Australia)
"Anthony Hillin is an internationally respected educator who offers high quality staff development in Interpersonal
Psychotherapy, grief and loss, and other topics. I have commissioned him to provide training for child and
adolescent mental health services and as an advisor to the delivery of targeted mental health in schools. The
training and strategic approaches he takes are second to none, and delegates have consistently responded with
positive endorsements of his work. More telling is his ability to strengthen staff insight and performance in
improving outcomes for children and young people".
Dawn Rees
Former Strategic Relationships and Programme Manager, National Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service,
Department of Health and Independent Children’s Health Policy Expert @ The Rees Consultancy Ltd (UK)
"Anthony Hillin has provided quality training to Norfolk Children's Services for many years. Anthony's sensitive
and empowering approach and his deserved reputation as a skilled trainer means that places on his trainings
are much in demand. Participant evaluations are invariably extremely positive.
We are fortunate to benefit from his training input on his visits to the UK and are very appreciative of his
extensive and high ranking knowledge and experience, including a multi-cultural perspective".
Stuart Marpole
Children with Disabilities County Service Manager (Norfolk, UK)
Anthony Hillin and Rob McAlpine
6 Hill St, Cronulla, NSW 2230, Australia
Phone (612) 9523 3567
Registration is available online at