Personality Styles Worksheet In each column, check off all the words that describe you. You will probably check words in more than one column. After you have finished going through all the words, add up how many checks you’ve made in each column, and place the total at the bottom of each column. ___Adventurous ___Persuasive ___Strong-willed ___Competitive ___Resourceful ___Self-reliant ___Positive ___Sure ___Outspoken ___Forceful ___Daring ___Confident ___Independent ___Decisive ___Mover ___Tenacious ___Leader ___Chief ___Productive ___Bold ___Animated ___Playful ___Sociable ___Convincing ___Refreshing ___Spirited ___Promoter ___Spontaneous ___Optimistic ___Funny ___Delightful ___Cheerful ___Inspiring ___Demonstrative ___Mixes Easily ___Talker ___Lively ___Cute ___Popular ___Bouncy ___Analytical ___Persistent ___Self-sacrificing ___Considerate ___Respectful ___Sensitive ___Planner ___Scheduled ___Orderly ___Faithful ___Detailed ___Cultured ___Idealistic ___Deep ___Musical ___Thoughtful ___Loyal ___Chartmaker ___Perfectionist ___Behaved ___Adaptable ___Peaceful ___Submissive ___Controlled ___Reserved ___Satisfied ___Patient ___Shy ___Obliging ___Friendly ___Diplomatic ___Consistent ___Inoffensive ___Dry Humor ___Mediator ___Tolerant ___Listener ___Contented ___Permissive ___Balanced ___TOTAL ___TOTAL ___TOTAL ___TOTAL ___Bossy ___Unsympathetic ___Resistant ___Frank ___Impatient ___Unaffectionate ___Headstrong ___Proud ___Argumentative ___Nervy ___Workaholic ___Tactless ___Domineering ___Intolerant ___Manipulative ___Stubborn ___Lord-over-others ___Short-tempered ___Rash ___Crafty ___Brassy ___Undisciplined ___Repetitious ___Forgetful ___Interrupts ___Unpredictable ___Haphazard ___Permissive ___Angered easily ___Naive ___Wants Credit ___Talkative ___Disorganized ___Inconsistent ___Messy ___Show-off ___Loud ___Scatter-brained ___Restless ___Changeable ___Bashful ___Unforgiving ___Resentful ___Fussy ___Insecure ___Unpopular ___Hard-to-please ___Pessimistic ___Alienated ___Negative Attitude ___Withdrawn ___Too sensitive ___Depressed ___Introvert ___Moody ___Skeptical ___Loner ___Suspicious ___Revengeful ___Critical ___Blank ___Unenthusiastic ___Reticent ___Fearful ___Indecisive ___Uninvolved ___Hesitant ___Plain ___Aimless ___Nonchalant ___Worrier ___Timid ___Doubtful ___Indifferent ___Mumbles ___Slow ___Lazy ___Sluggish ___Reluctant ___Compromising ___TOTAL ___TOTAL ___TOTAL ___TOTAL ___COLUMN TOTAL ___COLUMN TOTAL ___COLUMN TOTAL ___COLUMN TOTAL Personality Styles If you have the highest total in Column 1 your primary personality style is: LEADER If you have the highest total in Column 2 your primary personality style is: CHEERLEADER If you have the highest total in Column 3 your primary personality style is: ORGANIZER If you have the highest total in Column 4 your primary personality style is: CARE BEAR Each person has a Primary Personality Style and Secondary Personality Style. The highest totaled column is Primary and second highest totaled column is secondary. You may have two columns that have very close totals and you will find that you are strong in both personality styles. For much more details on Personality Styles and how to work with them we have available: Coaching Your Team to the Top by Understanding Personality Styles CD set