Religious Experience -

Religious Experience -- A Bibliography (357 items)
Michael C. Mason
This bibliography is organised thematically as follows:
01 History of Religions
02 Phenomenology
03 Psychology
04 Anthropology
05 Sociology
06 Philosophy
07 Theology
08 Ministry
09 Narrative
10 Poetry
11 The Body
12 Dance
01 History of Religions
Berger, Peter L. ed. 1981. The Other Side of God: A Polarity in World Religions. New York:
Brown, Norman. 1966. Love's Body. New York: Vintage.
Caillois, Roger. 1959. Man and the Sacred. Translated by Meyer Barash. Glencoe IL: Free Press.
Campbell, Joseph. 1968. The Hero with a Thousand Faces. Princeton NJ: Princeton Univ. Press.
———. 1988. The Power Of Myth. New York: Doubleday.
Capps, Walter H. 1972. Ways of Understanding Religion. New York: Macmillan.
Carstairs, G. Morris. 1968. The Twice-Born: A Study of a Community of High-Caste Hindus.
London: Hogarth.
Cornwell, John. 1991. Powers Of Darkness Powers Of Light. London: Penguin Books.
Davis, Charles. 1976. Body as Spirit: The Nature of Religious Feeling. London: Hodder &
De Vries, Jan. 1967. The Study of Religion: A Historical Approach. New York: Harcourt.
Devine, G., ed. 1971. New Dimensions in Religious Experience. Staten Island: Alba.
Eadie, Betty J. 1992. Embraced By The Light. Placeville, CA.: Gold Leaf Press.
Ellwood, Robert S. 1978. Introducing Religion: From Inside and Outside. Englewood Cliffs NJ:
———. 1980. Mysticism and Religion. Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Frazer, James. 1959. The New Golden Bough. Edited by Theodor Gaster. Mentor. New York:
New American Library.
Fry, Peter, and eds Malcolm Long. 1977. Beyond the Mechanical Mind. Sydney: Australian
Broadcasting Commission.
Gaster, Theodor. 1975. Thespis: Ritual, Myth and Drama in the Ancient Near East. New York:
Goldberg, B. Z. 1931. The Sacred Fire: The Story of Sex in Religion. London: Jarrolds.
Happold, F. 1964. Mysticism: A Study and an Anthology. Middlesex: Penguin.
Hayes, Victor C. ed. 1980. Religious Experience in World Religions. Bedford Park SA: AASR.
James, Muriel, and Louis M. Savary. 1974. The Power at the Bottom of the Well. New York:
Harper & Row.
Johnston, William. 1974. The Search for Transcendence: A Theological Analysis of Non-
Theological Attempts to Define Transcendence. New York: Harper & Row.
———. 1978. The Inner Eye of Love: Mysticism and Religion. New York: Harper & Row.
———. 1978. The Mysticism of the Cloud of Unknowing. Hertfordshire: Anthony Clarke.
———. 1979. Silent Music: The Science of Meditation. New York: Harper & Row.
Keen, Sam. 1969. Apology for Wonder. New York: Harper & Row.
———. 1970. To a Dancing God. New York: Harper & Row.
Knox, Ronald. 1950. Enthusiasm. Oxford: Clarendon.
Laski, Marghanita. 1968. Ecstasy. Westport: Greenwood.
McLoughlin, William G. 1978. Revivals, Awakenings and Reform: An Essay on Religion and
Social Change in America, 1607-1977. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press.
Monk, Robert C. et al. 1974. Exploring Religious Meaning. Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Moody, Jr Raymond A. 1976. Life after Life: The Investigation of a Phenomenon-- Survival of
Bodily Death. New York: Bantam.
Moore, Basil, and Norman Habel. 1982. When Religion Goes to School: Typology of Religion for
the Classroom. Texts in Humanities. Adelaide: SACAE.
Nasr, Seyyed Hossein. 1981. Knowledge and the Sacred. New York: Crossroad.
Neusner, Jacob ed. 1974. The Life of Torah: Readings on the Jewish Religious Experience.
Encino CA: Dickenson.
Noss, J. B. 1974. Man's Religion. London: Collier Macmillan.
O'Brien, William James. 1977. Stories to the Dark: Explorations in Religious Imagination. New
York: Paulist.
Parrinder, Geoffrey. 1980. Sex in the World's Religions. New York: OUP.
Rahner, Hugo. 1963. Greek Myths and Christian Mysteries. London: Burns & Oates.
———. 1972. Man at Play. New York: Seabury.
Roszak, Theodore. 1975. Unfinished Animal: The Aquarian Frontier and the Evolution of
Consciousness. New York & London: Harper & Row.
Sagan, Carl. 1977. The Dragons of Eden. Biological roots of ritual. New York: Ballantine.
Scott, Nathan. 1971. The Wild Prayer of Longing: Poetry and the Sacred. New Haven CT: Yale
Univ. Press.
Sharpe, Eric J. 1975. Comparative Religion: A History. New York: Scribner.
Smart, Ninian. 1971. The Religious Experience of Mankind. London: Collins.
———. 1973. The Phenomenon of Religion. London: Macmillan (Seabury).
———. 1974. The Science of Religion and the Sociology of Knowledge. Princeton NJ: Princeton
Univ. Press.
———. 1979. The Phenomenon of Christianity. London: Collins.
Streng, F. J., and et al. 1973. Ways of Being Religious. Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Toynbee, Philip. 1974. The Age of the Spirit: Religion as Experience. New York: Harper & Row.
Van der Leeuw, G. 1963. Religion in Essence and Manifestation: A Study in Phenomenology. 2
Vols. Torchbooks. New York: Harper & Row.
Van Gennep, Arnold. 1960. The Rites of Passage. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Voegelin, Erich. 1956. Order and History. I. Israel and Revelation. II. The World of the Polis. III.
Plato and Aristotle. IV. The Ecumenic Age. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State Univ. Press.
———. 1968. "Ersatz religion: the Gnostic mass movement of our time." In Science, Politics and
Gnosticism. Chicago: Regnery.
———. 1971. "The Gospel and culture." In Jesus and Man's Hope, edited by D. Miller and D.
Hadidian. Pittsburgh: Pittsburgh Theological Seminary Press.
Waardenburg, J. 1973. Classical Approaches to the Study of Religion. 2 vols. The Hague:
Wach, Joachim. 1972. Types of Religious Experience: Christian and Non-Christian. Chicago:
Univ. of Chicago Press.
Watts, Alan. 1968. Myth and Ritual in Christianity. Boston: Beacon.
Weisberger, Bernard A. 1966. They Gathered at the River: The Story of the Great Revivalists and
Their Impact upon Religion in America. Chicago: Quadrangle.
Wossein, M. G. 1974. Sacred Dance: Encounter with the Gods. London: Thames & Hudson.
Zaehner, R. C. 1961. Sacred and Profane Mysticism. London: OUP.
02 Phenomenology
Beane, Wendell C., and William G. Doty., eds. 1976. Myths, Rites, Symbols: A Mircea Eliade
Reader. 2 vols. New York: Harper Colophon.
Beardsworth, T. 1977. A Sense of Presence. Oxford: Religious Experience Research Unit.
Cohn-Sherbok, Dan, ed. 1994. Glimpses Of God. London: Duckworth.
Eliade, Mircea. 1959. Cosmos and History: The Myth of the Eternal Return. New York: Harper &
———. 1959. The Sacred and the Profane: The Nature of Religion. Harvest Paperback. New
York: Harcourt.
———. 1964. Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy. Princeton NJ: Princeton Univ. Press.
———. 1967. From Primitives to Zen. London: Collins.
———. 1967. Man and the Sacred. New York: Harper & Row.
———. 1967. Myths, Dreams and Mysteries: The Encounter Between Contemporary Faiths and
Archaic Realities. New York: Harper & Row.
Eliade, Mircea. 1969. Images and Symbols: Studies in Religious Symbolism. New York: Sheed &
Gomes, Gabriel. 1991. Foundations of Experiential Religion. Vol. 1, Song Of The Skylark.
Maryland: Univ. Press of America.
———. 1991. Meditation--Teachings and Practices. Vol. 2, Song of the Skylark. Maryland USA:
Univ. Press of America.
Hardy, Sir Alister. 1965. The Living Stream. London: Collins.
———. 1966. The Divine Flame: An Essay Towards a Natural History of Religion. London:
———. 1975. The Biology of God. London: Jonathan Cape.
———. 1980. The Spiritual Nature of Man: A Study of Contemporary Religious Experience.
Oxford: Clarendon.
Hawker, Paul. 2000. Secret Affairs of the Soul. Kelowna BC Canada: Northstone.
Otto, Rudolf. 1932. Mysticism East and West. New York: Macmillan.
———. 1958. The Idea of the Holy. Oxford: OUP.
Paffard, Michael. 1973. Inglorious Wordsworth: A Study of Some Transcendental Experiences in
Childhood and Adolescence. London: Hodder & Stoughton.
———. 1976. The Unattended Moment: Excerpts from Autobiographies with Hints and Guesses.
London: SCM.
Robinson, Edward. 1977. The Original Vision: A Study of the Religious Experience of Childhood.
Oxford: Religious Experience Research Unit.
———. 1978. Living the Questions. Oxford: Religious Experience Research Unit.
———, ed. 1978. This Time-Bound Ladder: Ten Dialogues on Religious Experience. Oxford:
Religious Experience Research Unit.
———. 1987. The Language Of Mystery. London: SCM Press.
Sexson, Lynda. 1993. Ordinarily Sacred. Charlottesville: The University Press of Virginia.
Van Der Leeuw, G. 1963. Sacred and Profane Beauty: The Holy in Art. London: Weidenfeld and
03 Psychology
Batson, C. D., J. C. Beker, and W. M. Clark. 1973. Commitment Without Ideology.
Batson, C. Daniel, and W. Larry Ventis. 1982. The Religious Experience: A Social-Psychological
Perspective. New York: OUP.
Batson, Daniel C., Patricia Schoenrade, and W. Larry Ventis. 1993. Religion And The Individual.
2nd ed. New York: OUP.
Bowker, John. 1973. The Sense of God: Sociological, Anthropological and Psychological
Approaches to the Origin of the Sense of God. Oxford: Clarendon.
Bowker, J. 1978. The Religious Imagination and the Sense of God. Oxford: Clarendon.
Browning, Don. 1974. Generative Man. Philadelphia: Westminster.
Clark, W. H. 1971. Intense religious experience. In Research in Religious Development, edited by
Merton P. Strommen. New York: Hawthorn.
———. 1973. Religious Experience: Its Nature and Function in the Human Psyche. Springfield
IL: Thomas.
Coles, Robert. 1990. The Spiritual Life of Children. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. 1975. Beyond Boredom and Anxiety. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, and Isabella Selega Csikszentmihalyi, eds. 1988. Optimal Experience.
Cambridge: Univ. of Cambridge Press.
Erikson, Erik. 1977. Toys and Reasons: Stages in the Ritualization of Experience. New York:
Frankl, V. 1973. Man's Search for Meaning. New York: Pocket Books.
Goodenough, Erwin R. 1965. The Psychology of Religious Experiences. New York: Basic.
Jung, C. G. 1976. The Psychology of Religion. London: SCM Press.
Laing, R. D. The Voice of Experience.
Lasch, Christopher. 1980. The Culture of Narcissism: American Life in an Age of Diminishing
Expectations. London: Abacus.
Levinson, Henry Samuel. 1981. The Religious Investigations of Henry James. Chapel Hill NC:
Univ. of North Carolina Press.
Loder, James E. 1981. The Transforming Moment: Understanding Convictional Experiences.
New York: Harper & Row.
Margolis, Robert D., and Kirk W. Elifson. 1979. A typology of religious experience:
construction, validation and relation to the psychotic experience. Journal for the
Scientific Study of Religion 18:61 ff.
Maslow, Abraham. 1968. Towards a Psychology of Being. 2nd ed. Princeton: Van Nostrand.
———. 1970. Religions, Values and Peak-Experiences. New York: Viking.
Maslow, Abraham. 1971. The Farther Reaches of Human Nature. New York: Viking.
Meissner, W. 1966. Foundations for a Psychology of Grace. Glen Rock: Paulist.
Naranjo, C. 1973. The One Quest. New York: Ballantine.
Naranjo, Claudio, and Ornstein Robert. 1971. On the Psychology of Meditation. New York:
Neale, Robert. 1969. In Praise of Play: Toward a Psychology of Religion. New York: Harper &
Ornstein, Robert ed. 1973. The Nature of Human Consciousness. San Francisco: Freeman.
Sargant, William. 1973. The Mind Possessed. London: Heinemann.
Spurgeon, C. H. 1977. Conversion and Experiences After Conversion. Pasadena TX: Pilgrim.
Tacey, David J. 1995. Edge Of The Sacred. Blackburn: Harper Collins.
Vergote, Antoine. 1969. The Religious Man: A Psychological Study of Religious Attitudes.
Dayton: Pflaum.
Winnicott, W. D. 1971. Playing and Reality. New York: Basic.
04 Anthropology
Berndt, R. M., and C. H. Berndt. 1981. The World of the First Australians. Revised ed. Sydney:
Castaneda, Carlos. 1970. The Teachings of Don Juan. Harmondsworth: Penguin.
———. 1971. A Separate Reality. London: Bodley Head.
———. 1973. Journey to Ixtlan. London: Bodley Head.
———. 1974. Tales of Power. New York: Simon and Schuster.
Douglas, Mary. 1966. Purity and Danger: An Analysis of Concepts of Pollution and Taboo. Great
Britain: Penguin.
———. 1970. Natural Symbols: Explorations in Cosmology. New York: Random House.
Elkin, A. P. 1974. The Australian Aborigines. 5th ed. Sydney: Angus & Robertson.
Evans-Pritchard, E. 1965. Theories of Primitive Religion. Oxford: Clarendon.
Evans-Pritchard, E. E. 1962. Nuer Religion. Oxford: Clarendon.
Geertz, Clifford. 1973. The Interpretation of Cultures. New York: Basic.
Lessa, William, and Evon Z. Vogt, eds. 1972. Reader in Comparative Religion: An
Anthropological Approach. 3rd ed. New York: Harper & Row.
Lewis, I. M. 1971. Ecstatic Religion: An Anthropological Study of Spirit Possession and
Shamanism. Harmondsworth: Penguin.
Stanner, W. E. H. 1972. The dreaming. In Reader in Comparative Religion, edited by William A.
Lessa and Evon Z. Vogt. New York: Harper & Row.
Turner, Victor. 1972. Passages, margins and poverty: religious symbols of communitas. Worship
46 (7 (September) and 8 (October)):390-412, 483-494.
———. 1974. Dramas, Fields and Metaphors. London: Cornell.
———. 1974. The Ritual Process. Ringwood: Penguin.
———. 1976. Ritual: tribal and Catholic. Worship 50 (6 (November)):504-526.
Turner, Victor, and Turner Edith. 1978. Image and Pilgrimage in Christian Culture:
Anthropological Perspectives. New York: Columbia Univ. Press.
Wallace, Anthony F. C. 1966. Religion: An Anthropological View. New York: Random House.
05 Sociology
Bellah, Robert N. 1970. Beyond Belief: Essays on Religion in a Post-Traditional World. San
Francisco: Harper and Row.
———. 1976. New religious consciousness and the crisis of modernity. In New Religious
Consciousness, edited by Charles Y. Glock and Robert N. Bellah. Berkeley: Univ. of
California Press.
Berger, Peter L. 1969. A Rumour of Angels: Modern Society and the Rediscovery of the
Supernatural. New York: Doubleday.
———. 1977. Facing Up to Modernity: Excursions in Society, Politics and Religion. New York:
———. 1980. The Heretical Imperative: Contemporary Possibilities of Religious Affirmation.
London: Collins.
Dowdy, Edwin, ed. 1982. Ways of Transcendence. Bedford Park SA: AASR.
Durkheim, Emile. 1976. The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life. London: George Allen &
Gehlen, Arnold. 1980. Man in the Age of Technology. New York: Columbia Univ. Press.
Glock, Charles Y., and Robert N. Bellah, eds. 1977. The New Religious Consciousness. Berkeley:
Univ. of California Press.
Greeley, Andrew M. 1974. Ecstasy: A Way of Knowing. Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice-Hall.
———. 1981. Religion--A Secular Theory. New York: Free Press.
———. 1981. The Religious Imagination. New York: Sadlier.
———. 1988. God In Popular Culture. Chigago: Thomas More Press.
Hay, David. 1982. Exploring Inner Space: Scientists and Religious Experience. Harmondsworth:
———. 1985. Induction of religious experience. In Recent Advances in the Psychology of
Religion, edited by L. B. Brown. London: Pergamon.
———. 1990. Religious Experience Today. London: Mowbray.
Hay, David, and Rebecca Nye. 1998. The Spirit of the Child. London: Harper Collins Fount.
Hoge, Dean R. 1981. Converts, Dropouts, Returnees: A Study of Religious Change Among
Catholics. New York: Pilgrim.
Martin, David. 1980. The Breaking of the Image: A Sociology of Christian Theory and Practice.
Oxford: Blackwell.
Mason, Michael C. 1988. Yesterday's failure of nerve and today's fear of flying. Compass
Theology Review 23 (4 Summer):15-20.
McCready, William C. and Andrew M. Greeley. 1976. The Ultimate Values of the American
Population. Beverly Hills CA: Sage.
O'Dea, Thomas F. 1966. The religious experience. In Sociology of Religion. Englewood Cliffs
NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Stark, Rodney. 1971. Religion and Society in Tension. Chicago: Rand McNally.
Wuthnow, Robert. 1976. The Consciousness Reformation. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press.
———. 1978. Experimentation in American Religion. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press.
———. 1992. Rediscovering The Sacred. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans.
———. 1994. Producing The Sacred. Illinois: Univ. of Illinois Press.
06 Philosophy
Barbour, Ian G. 1974. Myths, Models and Paradigms: A Comparative Study in Science and
Religion. New York: Harper & Row.
Bouquet, Alan C. 1976. Religious Experience: Its Nature, Types and Validity. Westport CT:
Churchill, J., and D. V. Jones. 1980. An Introductory Reader in the Philosophy of Religion.
London: SPCK.
Clifford, Paul R. 1971. Interpreting Human Experience: A Philosophical Prologue to Theology.
London: Collins.
Conn, Walter. 1981. Conscience: Development and Self-Transcendence. Birmingham AL:
Religious Education Press.
Diamond, M. L. 1974. Contemporary Philosophy and Religious Thought. New York: McGrawHill.
Donovan, Peter. 1979. Interpreting Religious Experience. London: Sheldon.
Dupre, Louis. 1972. The Other Dimension: A Search for the Meaning of Religious Attitudes.
Garden City NY: Doubleday.
———. 1976. Transcendent Selfhood: The Rediscovery of the Inner Life. New York: Seabury.
———. 1981. The Deeper Life. New York: Crossroad.
James, William. 1973. The Varieties of Religious Experience: A Study in Human Nature. New
York: Macmillan.
Jaspers, Karl. 1949. The Perennial Scope of Philosophy. New York: Philosophical Library.
Kolakowski, Leszek. 1989. The Presence Of Myth. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press.
Langer, Susanne K. 1951. Philosophy in a New Key. New York: New American Library.
———. 1953. Feeling and Form: A Theory of Art. New York: Scribner.
Lewis, H. D. 1970. Our Experience of God. London: Fontana.
Lonergan, Bernard. 1957. Insight. London: Longmans.
Macmurray, John. 1971. The Structure of Religious Experience. Hamden CT: Shoe String.
Maritain, Jacques. 1953. Creative Intuition in Art and Poetry. New York: Pantheon.
Needham, R. 1972. Belief, Language and Experience. Oxford: Blackwell.
Phenix, P. 1964. Realms of Meaning. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Pirsig, Robert M. 1976. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into Values.
London: Corgi.
Polanyi, Michael. 1967. Personal Knowledge. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press.
———. 1967. The Tacit Dimension. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press.
Ramsey, Ian. 1967. Religious Language. London: SCM.
Ricoeur, Paul. 1970. The Symbolism of Evil. Boston: Beacon.
———. 1977. The Rule of Metaphor. Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Press.
Schutz, Alfred. 1967. "Symbol, reality and society." Collected Papers. Vol.1. The Problem of
Social Reality. Part III. The Hague: Nijhoff.
Smart, Ninian. 1970. The Philosophy of Religion. New York: Random House.
Smith, John E. 1968. Experience and God. New York: OUP.
Walton, Robert C. 1965. The Roots of Experience: And Its Interpretation by Science, History and
Religion. London: SCM.
Watson, John. 1978. The Interpretation of Religious Experience. 2 Vols. (Gifford lectures 191012.) New York: AMS Press.
07 Theology
Arts, Herwig. 1983. With Your Whole Soul: On the Christian Experience of God. New York:
Barry, William A., and William J. Connolly. 1982. The centrality of religious experience
Criteria for evaluating religious experience. In The Practice of Spiritual Direction. New York:
Berger, Peter L. 1992. A Far Glory. New York: Doubleday.
Bonifazi, C. 1967. A Theology of Things. New York: Lippincott.
Brueggemann, Walter. 1980. The Prophetic Imagination. Philadelphia: Fortress.
Cox, Harvey. 1969. The Feast of Fools: A Theological Essay on Festivity and Fantasy.
Cambridge MA: Harvard Univ. Press.
Crossan, John Dominic. 1975. The Dark Interval: Towards a Theology of Story. Niles IL: Argus.
Dillistone, F. W. 1962. Myth and Symbol. London: SPCK.
Dillistone, F. W. 1981. Religious Experience and Christian Faith. London: SCM.
———. 1986. The Power Of Symbols. London: SCM Press.
Doran, Robert. 1977. Subject and Psyche: Ricoeur, Jung and the Search for Foundations.
Washington DC: Univ. Press of America.
———. 1981. Psychic Conversion and Theological Foundations. Missoula: Scholars Press.
Driver, Tom F. 1991. The Magic Of Ritual. New York: Harper.
Dunne, J. 1978. The Reasons of the Heart. London: SCM.
Dunne, J. S. 1967. A Search for God in Time and Memory. London: Macmillan.
———. 1973. The Way of All the Earth. London: Sheldon.
Fischer, Kathleen R. 1983. The Inner Rainbow: The Imagination in Christian Life. New York:
Gelpi, Donald. 1978. Experiencing God: A Theology of Human Experience. New York: Paulist.
Haight, Roger. 1979. The Experience and Language of Grace. Dublin: Gill and Macmillan.
Haughton, Rosemary. 1967. The Transformation of Man: A Study of Conversion and Community.
London: Geoffrey Chapman.
Haughton, Rosemary. 1968. Act of Love. London: Geoffrey Chapman.
———. 1972. The Knife-Edge of Experience. London: Darton.
Hazelton, Roger. 1975. Ascending Flame, Descending Dove: An Essay on Creative
Transcendence. Philadelphia: Westminster.
Kelsey, Morton. 1972. Encounter with God: A Theology of Christian Experience. Minneapolis:
Bethany Fellowship.
Kung, Hans. 1977. On Being a Christian. London: Collins.
———. 1980. Does God Exist? An Answer for Today. London: Collins.
Lean, Garth. 1964. John Wesley, Anglican. London: Blandford Press.
Levin, David ed. 1969. Jonathan Edwards: A Profile. New York: Hill & Wang.
Lewis, C. S. 1955. Surprised by Joy: The Shape of My Early Life. London: Bles.
Lonergan, Bernard. 1971. Method in Theology. London: Darton, Longman and Todd.
Lonergan, Bernard. 1978. Religious experience. In Trinification of the World, edited by Thomas
A. Dunne and Jean-Marc Laporte. Toronto: Regis College Press.
Loyola, Ignatius. 1974. The Spiritual Exercises of St.Ignatius. Translated by J. O'Callaghan. New
York: Harper & Row.
Macquarrie, John. 1972. Paths in Spirituality. London: SCM.
———. 1975. Thinking About God. New York: Harper & Row.
Magsam, Charles. 1975. The Experience of God: Outlines for a Contemporary Spirituality.
Melbourne: Spectrum.
Merton, Thomas. 1969. Contemplative Prayer. New York: Doubleday.
———. 1972. New Seeds of Contemplation. New York: New Directions.
Meyer, Charles R. 1972. The Touch of God: A Theological Analysis of Religious Experience.
Staten Island: Alba.
Mouroux, Jean. 1955. The Christian Experience: An Introduction to a Theology. London: Sheed
& Ward.
———. 1959. I Believe: The Personal Structures of Faith. London: Chapman.
Navone, John, and Cooper Thomas. 1981. Tellers of the Word: Nine Moments in the Theology of
Story. New York: Le Jacq.
Niebuhr, Richard R. 1972. Experiential Religion. New York: Harper & Row.
Rahner, Karl. 1966. "The 'commandment' of love in relation to the other commandments." In his
Theological Investigations. Vol.5. London: Darton.
———. 1966. The concept of mystery in Catholic theology. In Theological Investigations.
London: Darton.
———. 1967. Reflections on the experience of grace. In Theological Investigations. London:
———. 1969. Reflections on the unity of the love of neighbour and the love of God. In
Theological Investigations. London: Darton.
———. 1971. Further Theology of the Spiritual Life I. Vol. 7, Theological Investigations.
London: Darton, Longman and Todd.
———. 1974. The experience of God today. In Theological Investigations. London: Darton.
———. 1975. Experience of self and experience of God. In Theological Investigations. London:
———. 1978. Foundations of Christian Faith: An Introduction to the Idea of Christianity. New
York: Seabury.
Rahner, Karl. 1979. Experience of the Spirit and existential commitment
Religious enthusiasm and the experience of grace. In Theological Investigations. London: Darton.
Richardson, Herbert, and eds Donald Cutler. 1969. Transcendence. Boston: Beacon.
Schillebeeckx, E. 1980. Christ: The Christian Experience in the Modern World. London: SCM.
Schleiermacher, Friedrich. 1928. The Christian Faith. Philadelphia: Fortress.
———. 1958. On Religion: Speeches to its Cultured Despisers. Torchbook. New York: Harper &
Schneiders, Sandra M. 2000. Religion and spirituality: strangers, rivals or partners? The Santa
Clara Lectures 16 (2):1-26.
Shaughnessy, James D. ed. 1973. The Roots of Ritual. Michigan: Eerdmans.
Shea, John. 1978. Stories of God: An Unauthorized Biography. Chicago: Thomas More.
———. 1980. Stories of Faith. Chicago: Thomas More.
———. 1980. Introduction: experience and symbol, and approach to theologising. Chicago
Studies 19 (1).
Soelle, Dorothee. 1978. Death by Bread Alone: Texts and Reflections on Religious Experience.
Philadelphia: Fortress.
Temple, William. 1958. Religious Experience. Greenwood: Attic Press.
Todd, J. M. 1958. John Wesley and the Catholic Church. London: Hodder & Stoughton.
Tracy, David. 1975. Blessed Rage for Order. New York: Seabury.
———. 1981. The Analogical Imagination: Christian Theology and the Culture of Pluralism.
London: SCM.
Vogel, Arthur. 1973. Body Theology: God's Presence in Man's World. New York: Harper &
Wicker, Brian. 1975. The Story-Shaped World: Fiction and Metaphysics: Some Variations on a
Theme. Notre Dame IN: Univ. of Notre Dame.
Wilder, Amos Niven. 1976. Theopoetic. Philadelphia: Fortress.
Williams, Robert. 1978. Schleiermacher the Theologian. Philadelphia: Fortress.
Worgul, George. 1980. From Magic to Metaphor: A Validation of the Christian Sacraments. New
York: Paulist.
08 Ministry
Beall, Patricia, and Barker Martha Keys. 1980. Folk Arts in Renewal: Fisherfolk Resources.
London: Hodder & Stoughton.
Biersdorf, John E. 1975. Hunger for Experience: Vital Religious Communities in America Today.
New York: Seabury.
Clarke, Thomas E. 1983. A new way: reflecting on experience. In Tracing the Spirit, edited by
James E. Hug. New York: Paulist.
De Mello, Anthony. 1978. Sadhana: A Way to God. Anand, India: Gujarat Sahitya Prakash.
De Sola, Carla. 1977. The Spirit Moves. (Liturgical dance). Washington: Liturgical Conference.
Delorimier, Jacques, Graveline Roger, and April Aubert. 1973. Identity and Faith in Young
Adults. New York: Paulist.
Durka, Gloria, ed. 1979. Aesthetic Dimensions of Religious Education. New York: Paulist.
Durka, Gloria, and eds Joanmarie Smith. 1979. Aesthetic Dimensions of Religious Education.
New York: Paulist.
Gallagher, Michael Paul S. J. 1990. Struggles Of Faith. Dublin: The Columba Press.
Greeley, Andrew M. 1976. The Great Mysteries: An Essential Catechism. New York: Seabury.
Hammond, John, David Hay, Jo Moxon, Brian Netto, Kathy Raban, Ginny Straugheir, and Chris
Williams. 1990. New Methods In RE Teaching. Essex: Oliver & Boyd.
Jones, Paul D. 1973. Rediscovering Ritual. New York: Paulist.
Kelsey, Morton T. 1976. The Other Side of Silence: A Guide to Christian Meditation. New York:
Lealman, Brenda. 1981. Knowing and Unknowing. With Teacher's handbook. London: Christian
Education Movement.
Lealman, Brenda, and Edward Robinson. 1980. The Image of Life With Teacher's handbook.
London: Christian Education Movement.
Mason, Michael C. 1981. Religious situation and religious experience: a new approach to youth
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09 Narrative
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Gaines, Steven. Marjoe.
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Tolkien, J.R.R. Lord of the Rings.
Undset, Sigrid. Kristin Lavransdatter.
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10 Poetry
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Levi, Peter, ed. 1984. The Penguin book of English Christian Verse.
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Thompson, Francis. The Hound of Heaven.
Wright, Judith. 1990. A Human Pattern: Selected Poems, A & R Modern Poets. North Ryde
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11 The Body
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Bernard, M. 1976. Le Corps. Paris: Delarge.
Bottomley, F. 1979. Attitudes to the Body in Western Christendom. London: Lepus.
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Keleman, S. 1972. Sexuality, Self and Survival. New York: Random House.
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Vogel, A. 1973. Body Theology: God's Presence in Man's World. New York: Harper and Row.
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12 Dance
Bachman, E. Loise. 1952. Religious Dances. London: George Allen & Unwin.
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