EUROPEAN COMMISSION EMPL/-/12 - EN AC 475/12 Draft Agenda of the 333rd meeting of the Administrative Commission SECRETARIAT – 26.11.2012 Orig. EN ADMINISTRATIVE COMMISSION FOR THE COORDINATION OF SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEMS Draft Agenda of the 333rd meeting of the Administrative Commission 18-19 December 2012 at 10:00 Filoxenia Conference Centre Aglantzia Avenue, 1311 Lefkosia (Nicosia), Cyprus AC* A. Agenda................................................................................................................ 475/12 B. Approval of Minutes Minutes of the 331st meeting of the Administrative Commission on 12-13 June 2012 (BG, CS, DA, DE, EL, EN, ES, ET, FI, FR, HU, IT, LT, LV, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SK, SL, SV)...................................................................................... 230/12 C. Communications and Questions a) Presidency b) Secretariat/Commission New procedure regarding the implementation of Article 9 of Regulation (EC) No 883/2004 Outcome of the call for proposals 2012 c) Other Communications and Questions * Numbers until 188/10 refer to CA.SS.TM. notes. I. Cross-border healthcare (for discussion) Note from the Hungarian Presidency, France and Greece of 4 May 2011 .... 235/11 Note from the Hungarian Presidency, France and Greece of 10 June 2011 .. 310/11 Joint Note from DG EMPL and DG SANCO of 22 September 2011 ........... 422//11 Note from the Secretariat and the Polish Presidency of 6 October 2011 ....... 468/11 Joint Note from DG EMPL and DG SANCO of 21 May 2012 ..................... 246/12 Note from Denmark of 10 July 2012.............................................................. 310/12 Note from Belgium of 13 July 2012 ............................................................... 471/12 Note from Austria of 20 August 2012 ............................................................ 343/12 Further discussion of issues relating to the implementation of Directive 2011/24/EU on the application of patients’ rights in cross-border healthcare and its relationship to the social security coordination rules which were raised by the delegations. II. Healthcare in third countries on the basis of bilateral agreements for family members of frontier workers (for discussion) Note from the Netherlands of 5 December 2012 ........................................... 476/12 Discussion about an issue raised by the Dutch delegation concerning healthcare in third countries on the basis of bilateral agreements for family members of frontier workers. III. Changes in the Spanish healthcare system (for information) Note from Spain of 26 September 2012 ......................................................... 400/12 The Spanish delegation will inform about changes in the Spanish healthcare system. IV. Forum on the international dimension of social security coordination (for information) Note from the Secretariat of 30 November 2012 ........................................... 470/12 The Secretariat will present its plans for the upcoming forum on the international dimension of social security coordination. 2 V. Issues relating to the implementation of decisions by association councils on the coordination of social security systems (for discussion and approval) Note from the Secretariat of 30 November 2012 ........................................... 477/12 Note from the Secretariat of 30 November 2012 ........................................... 478/12 Mr Bernhard SPIEGEL will present a proposal for implementing arrangements relating to decisions by association councils on the coordination of social security systems. The Secretariat will present a note on the results of its discussions with Israel which also includes proposals from Israel for a new recital and entries into the annexes to the proposed decision of the Association Council established by the agreement with Israel with a view to their approval by the Administrative Commission. VI. Document from the Mission of Chile to the European Union “Towards a Social Security Framework Convention between Latin America, Caribbean and European Union countries” (for discussion) Note from the Secretariat of 30 November 2012 ........................................... 479/12 Discussion about a document from the Mission of Chile to the European Union entitled “Towards a Social Security Framework Convention between Latin America, Caribbean and European Union countries” which will be discussed at the EU-CELAC (Community of Latin American and Caribbean States) summit in January 2013. VII. EESSI (for information and approval) Note from the EESSI Project Steering Committee of 7 November 2012 ...... 406/12 Note from the Technical Commission of 29 November 2012 ....................... 462/12 Note from the Secretariat of 3 December 2012 .............................................. 480/12 Note from the Secretariat of 3 December 2012 .............................................. 481/12 The Secretariat will present a note on the status of the reflection period and an overview of planned activities which will result in a final report on the outcomes of the reflection period beginning May 2013. This report should allow the Technical and Administrative Commission to decide, in June 2013, on the course of the project and the technical option to be implemented. The Secretariat will also present a first draft version of the vision of the EESSI Project to allow for a first feedback. This will be followed by a presentation of the recommendations to the Administrative Commission made by the EESSI Project Steering Committee and the Technical Commission. 3 VIII. trESS reports on the coordination of unemployment and long-term care benefits (for information and discussion) Note from the Secretariat of 5 December 2012 .............................................. 482/12 Note from the Secretariat of 3 December 2012 .............................................. 483/12 The Commission will inform on the state of play of the impact assessment with a view to a first revision of Regulations (EC) No 883/2004 and (EC) No 987/2009 Ms Essi RENTOLA will present the trESS report on the coordination of unemployment benefits. Mr Yves JORENS will present the trESS report on the coordination of long-term care benefits. Both reports will then be discussed. IX. Application of Decision No U4 – reimbursement of unemployment benefits for former frontier workers (for discussion) Discussion of an issue raised by a number of delegations at the 332nd meeting of the Administrative Commission on 17-18 October 2012 relating to the nonapplication of the rules on the reimbursement of unemployment benefits for former frontier workers reaffirmed by Decision No U4 by one Member State. X. Interim report of the Ad-hoc Group on the habitual residence test (for information) Note from the Secretariat of 22 May 2012 ........................................... 191/12REV2 Note from the Ad-hoc Group of 10 December 2012...................................... 484/12 Ms Dominique D’HAENE, Rapporteur of the Ad-hoc Group on the habitual residence test will present an interim report. XI. Applicable legislation in case of parental leave (for information and discussion) Note from Austria of 6 May 2009 .................................................................. 245/09 Note from Czech Republic of 9 September 2011........................................... 480/11 Note from Denmark of 18 November 2011 ................................................... 640/11 Note from Slovakia of 25 November 2011 .................................................... 647/11 Note from the Secretariat of 29 May 2012 ..................................................... 255/12 Note from Slovakia of 27 June 2012 .............................................................. 344/12 Note from the Secretariat of 14 September 2012 ........................................... 358/12 Note from Austria of 10 October 2012 .......................................................... 409/12 Note from the Secretariat of 30 November 2012 ........................................... 485/12 The Secretariat will present a note about the state of play of the discussions. 4 XII. Interpretation of Article 85 of Regulation (EC) No 987/2009 (for discussion and approval) Note from Spain of 31 January 2012.............................................................. 024/12 Note from the Secretariat of 1 October 2012 ................................................. 374/12 Note from the Secretariat of 30 November 2012 ........................................... 486/12 Discussion and if possible approval of a draft decision on the interpretation of Article 85 of Regulation (EC) No 987/2009 prepared by the Secretariat. XIII. Claims situation as at 31 December 2011 between social security institutions in the Member States (annual statement of claims) (for approval) Note from the Rapporteur of 15 October 2012 .............................................. 348/12 Note from the Rapporteur of 26 September 2012…………………. ............. 351/12 Note from the Rapporteur of 18 October 2012 ............................................. 352/12 Presentation of the annual statement of claims by the Chair of the Audit Board with a view to its required approval by the Administrative Commission. XIV. Average costs of benefits in kind (for discussion and approval) Note from the Secretariat of 26 November 2012 ........................................... 000/12 Note from the Secretariat of 26 November 2012 ........................................... 000/12 The Administrative Commission is requested to approve the average costs of benefits in kind which were not submitted for approval by way of written procedure following the 119th meeting of the Audit board on 21-22 November 2012. XV. Appointment of new members of Ad-hoc Groups of the Administrative Commission (for approval) The Administrative Commission is requested to approve the appointment of the following persons as new members of the indicated Ad-hoc Groups: Ms Radka TESOLINOVA (CZ) – Ad-hoc Group on SEDs and flows in the pensions sector Ms Susan KINGHORN (UK) – Ad-hoc Group on SEDs and flows in the recovery sector Ms Sue Mary PARKER (UK) – Ad-hoc Group on SEDs and flows in the accidents at work and occupational diseases sector 5 XVI. Constitution of the Conciliation Board for the period 2012-2014 (for discussion and approval) Note from the Conciliation Board of 4 December 2012 ................................ 487/12 Presentation by the person put forward by the members of the Conciliation Board as their Chair of the system of Chairmanship and the set-up and details of the subdivision of the members in groups for approval by the Administrative Commission. XVII. Continuation of a dialogue and conciliation procedure in accordance with Decision No A1 (for discussion and approval) Note from France of 26 October 2012 ........................................................... 437/12 Discussion on a request from the French delegation to continue a dialogue and conciliation procedure in accordance with Decision No A1. The Secretariat proposes to refer the matter to the Conciliation Board in accordance with Point 18 of Decision No A1 and Paragraph 3 of the mandate of the Conciliation Board. XVIII. Recent case-law (for information) Note from the Secretariat of 30 November 2012 ........................................... 488/12 The Secretariat will present recent case-law of the Court of Justice, in particular the judgments in Hudzinski, Partena, and Reichel-Albert. XIX. Information about the “SSCALA” and “H5NCP” projects (for information) The Belgian delegation will inform about the state of play of the “SSCALA” and “H5NCP” projects. XX. Changes in Member States’ legislation (for information) Note from Cyprus of 26 November 2012 ....................................................... 493/12 The Cyprus delegation will inform about changes in its national legislation. 6 XXI. Draft agendas of the meetings of the Administrative Commission in the first half of 2013 (for information) Note from the Secretariat of 23 November 2012 ........................................... 474/12 Note from the Secretariat of 10 December 2012 ............................................ 489/12 Presentation of the draft agendas for the meetings in the first half of 2013. XXII. Other business 7