Curriculum Vitae Dong Wook Nathan Kim, M.D. Ph.D. BOARD CERTIFICATION: American Board of Radiology, Radiation Oncology 2007 LICENSURE Active License - Texas and Missouri PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 8/2011-Present University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Department of Radiation Oncology Assistant Professor 11/2009-7/2011 The Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders, Fort Worth, TX Staff Radiation Oncologist, Medical Director for Radiation Oncology Departments (Burleson and Weatherford Campus) 7/2006-11/2009 St. John’s Cancer Center, Springfield, MO Section Chair, Department of Radiation Oncology 7/2006-5/2009 St. John’s Cyberknife Radiosurgery Center, Springfield, MO Co-Medical Director, Radiosurgery Center 2006-2009 Member, Executive Board, Cancer Research of the Ozarks (CCOP) Springfield, MO 2006-2009 St. John’s Member, Steering Committee, Cancer Research of the Ozarks (CCOP), Springfield MO, July 2006-2009 2006-2009 St. John’s Physician Liaison Committee Member ACS-SJCC Community Partnership, Springfield, MO FACULTY APPOINTMENTS 11/2005-7/2006 Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee Research Instructor, Department of Radiation Oncology EDUCATION AND TRAINING -1- 7/2002-7/2006 Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee Chief Resident, Department of Radiation Oncology, 2004 - 2005 Resident Department of Radiation Oncology, 7/2002 – 7/2006 7/2001-6/2002 Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee Intern, Department of Internal Medicine, 7/2001-6/2002 1993-2001 Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts: M.D./PhD. (Ph.D. in Biochemistry) 1991-1993 Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland: Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering 1987-1991 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan: Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Magna Cum Laude RESEARCH 2006 – 2010 Department of Radiation Oncology, St. John’s Cancer Center Characterization of PET data to assess for tumor response to Cyberknife Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy 2003- 2006 Department of Radiation Oncology, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Mentor - Dr. Dennis Hallahan Preclinical analysis of EGFR/VEGFR inhibition in combination with external beam radiation therapy as a therapeutic targeted strategy in prostate cancer Proteomic analysis of lung and prostate cancer to predict response to tyrosine kinase inhibitor and radiation therapy Tumor response imaging with DCE MRI and Ultrasound Targeting the aerobic glycolytic pathway for cancer therapy Pharmacodynamics of response to vasculytic therapy in prostate, and lung cancer preclinical models 2004 – 2006 Department of Radiation Oncology, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Mentor - Dr. Bapsi Chak, Associate Professor and Director of GI Section Mature analysis of patients treated with tri-modality therapy for locally advanced esophageal cancer (phase II study, GI-22) 2002- 2003 Department of Radiation Oncology, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Mentor - Dr. Hak Choy, Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology -2- Long term follow-up of three paclitaxel- based phase II concurrent chemo/radiation trials for locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer (LANSCLC) The role of tumor responsiveness as a predictor for long term survival in LANSCLC patients treated with paclitaxel based concurrent chemo/radiation. 1995 – 1999 Department of Biochemistry, Boston University School of Medicine, Graduate Student, Mentor - Dr. Gail E. Sonenshein Investigation of the role of NF-B/Rel, c-myc , AhR, and p27Kip1 in the etiology and progression of breast cancer 1991-1993 Eisenhower Research Center, Applied Physics Laboratory, Graduate Student, Mentor - Dr. Isaac N. Bankman Image processing and pattern recognition algorithms and code development for early detection of breast cancer using digitized mammograms 1991 Medison Co. Ltd., Research and Development Division Development of a data generation code which implements dynamic apodization and dynamic aperture concepts in ultrasound imaging 1990 Department of Radiology, University of Michigan Medial Center, Summer Research Assistant, Advisor - Dr. H. P. Chan Edge enhancement and detection algorithm development for automated analysis of digitized bone-hand radiographs FELLOWSHIPS/GRANTS St. John’s Cancer Center, Springfield MO 2007 Cyberknife Society Grant - $9,100 in support of research activity (1 yr) Vanderbilt University medical Center, Nashville, TN 2004-2007 Research Fellowship, Prostate Cancer, Department of Defense-$150,000 in support of research activities (2 yrs) 2004-2005 RSNA Holman Pathway Research Resident Seed Grant $30,000 in direct support of research activities (1 yr) 2004 VARIAN Grant for Grand Rounds/Visiting Professorship Series, $10,000 (1 yr) 2005 Genentech Grant for Grand Rounds/Visiting Professorship Series, $5,000 (1 yr) 2005 Aventis-Sanofi Grant for Visiting Professorship Series, $5,000 (1 yr) 2005 Lilly and Co. Grant to support Visiting Professorship Series, $4,000 (1 yr) Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA 1998 Graduate Student Research Fellowship (BUSM, 1 yr) 1998-2000 Department of Defense Predoctoral Fellowship (Breast Cancer Research, 2 yrs) 1997 Grunebaum Fellowship for Cancer Research (BUSM, 1 yr) 1996 Medical Student Research Fellowship, American Heart Association (1 yr) -3- 1994 Paul and Helen Mitchell Scholarship Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 1992-94 Applied Physics Laboratory, Masters Student Fellowship for Biomedical Engineering (2 yrs) University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 1990 Biomedical Engineering Summer Research Fellowship, University of Michigan HONORS 2009 ASTRO 2009 – Poster Discussion 2009 Cyberknife Society Meeting 2009 – Oral Presentation 2007 Cyberknife Society Meeting 2007 - Oral Presentation 2005 RSNA 2005 - Resident Trainee Award and Travel Grant 2005 RSNA 2005 - Oral Presentation 2005 4th Annual NCI-RRP/ROSP Young Investigators Workshop for Radiation Oncology Residents Travel Grant Award 2005 ASTRO Translational Symposium 2005, Poster Award Winner 2005 ASTRO Translational Symposium 2005, Travel Grant 2005 Vanderbilt Ingram Cancer Center Annual Retreat, Most Outstanding Poster Award Recipient (1st place) 2005 AACR AFLAC Scholars in Training Award, 2005 (Top abstracts from junior scientists) 2005 Oral Presentation at AACR 2005 2005 Award Winner, Vanderbilt University 23rd Annual Research Forum 2004 Two Oral Presentations, ASTRO 2004 2004 ASTRO 2004 Basic Science Travel Grant Recipient 2004 Oral Presentation, and Award Winner, KASTRO essay contest 2004 Award Winner, Vanderbilt University 22nd Annual Research Forum (Clinical Science) 2001 Sidney Cooperband Award (research excellence in medical school), Boston University School of Medicine 1999 Award Winner, Department of Biochemistry, Russek Graduate Student Achievement Day: Boston University School of Medicine 1996 Honorable Mention, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Predoctoral Fellowship 1993 Master Student Research Award: Johns Hopkins University 1989 Tau Beta Pi Honor Society: University of Michigan 1989 Angell Scholar: University of Michigan 1988 William J. Branstrom Freshman Prize: University of Michigan 1987-90 Deans List, and Honor Student: University of Michigan INVITED LECTURES 2007 “New developments in Radiation Oncology”, Women’s forum, St. John’s Cancer Center, Springfield, MO 2006 “ Radiation Oncology and Radiosurgery ” Dine with the Docs, St. John’s Cancer Center, Springfield, MO. 2005 “Assessment of physiologic response to radiation-mediated tumor vasculature -4- 2005 2005 directed therapy: implications for treatment optimization”, presented at Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, December 6, 2005 “Assessment of physiologic response to radiation-mediated tumor vasculature directed therapy: implications for treatment optimization”, presented at Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Alabama, Birmingham, AL, December 14, 2005 "Radiation-mediated strategies for damaging the tumor vasculature", presented at Department of Radiation Oncology, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center, Tampa, Florida, December 19, 2005 TEACHING EXPERIENCE 2010 Clinical Preceptor, UNT Health Science Center (PA/medical students) 2002-04 Instructor, Introduction to Clinical Oncology for Medical Physics Vanderbilt University Medical Center Fundamentals of clinical radiation oncology - semester course for Medical Physics student 1997 Teaching Assistant, Boston University Medical Center Biochemistry laboratory class for first year medical students 1997 Tutor, Boston University Medical Center Biochemistry course for first year medical students MISCELLANEOUS EXPERIENCE 2005-2006 Reviewer, International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics 2004-2005 Chief Resident, Vanderbilt University Medical Center Department of Radiation Oncology 1998-1999 Voting Member, M.D./PhD. Admission Committee, Boston University School of Medicine 1997-1998 Assistant Editor, CANSWERS (Cancer prevention and control student newsletter for Boston University School of Medicine) Spring 1990 Rehabilitation Engineering Laboratory, University of Michigan Medical Center, Dr. Simon Levine - Engineering rehabilitation devices for patients 1988-1991 Freshman Engineering Lab, University of Michigan Grader and Assistant: FORTRAN, Introduction to Digital Computers MEMBERSHIPS 2002-present Member, American Society of Therapeutic Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) 2006-present Member, Cyberknife Society 2005-2006 Member, Radiation Research Society (RRS) 2004-2006 Member, American Association Cancer Research (AACR) 2004-present Member, Korean-ASTRO 2002-present Member, American Society Clinical Oncology (ASCO) 1999 Member, Massachusetts Medical Society 1996 Member, American Association for the Advancement of Science 1995 Founder and President Asian American Medical Association, Boston University School of Medicine Chapter -5- PUBLICATIONS: 1. J. Huamani, C. Willey, D. Thotala, K. J. Niermann, M. E. Reyzer, L. Leavitt, C. Jones, A. Fleishcher, R. M. Caprioli, D. E. Hallahan, D.W. Kim (corresponding author). Differential efficacy of combined therapy with radiation and AEE788 in androgen independent prostate tumors with high or low EGFR expression levels. May 1;71(1):23746. Epub 2008 March 11. 2. D.W.Kim, J.Huamani, K.J. Niermann, H. Lee, L. Geng, L.L. Leavitt, R.A. Baheza, C.C. Jones, S. Tumkur, T.E. Yankeelov, A.C. Fleischer, D.E. Hallahan. Non-invasive Assessment of Tumor Vasculature Response to Radiation-Mediated Vasculature Targeted Therapy Using Quantified Power Doppler Ultrasonography: Implications for Therapy Schedule Optimization. J. Ultrasound Med. 2006, Dec; 25(12): 1507-17. 3. K.J. Niermann, A.C. Fleischer, J. Huamani, T.E. Yankeelov, D.W. Kim, W.D. Wilson, D.E. Hallahan. Measuring tumor perfusion in control and treated murine tumors: correlation of microbubble contrast-enhanced sonography to dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging and fluorodeoxyglucos positron emission tomography. J. Ultrasound Med. Jun; 26(6): 749-756, 2007. 4. D.W. Kim, Blanke, CD, Wu, H., Shyr, Y., Berlin, J., Beauchamp, D., Chakravarthy, B. Phase II Study of Preoperative Paclitaxel/cisplatin with Radiotherapy in Locally Advanced Esophageal Cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2006 Nov 8. 5. D.W. Kim, J. Huamani, A. Fu, D.E.Hallahan. Molecular strategies targeting the host component of cancer to enhance tumor response to radiation therapy. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics. Jan 1;64(1):38-46, 2006. 6. D.W. Kim, Y. Shyr, B. Shakthour, W.L. Akerley, D.H. Johnson, H. Choy. Long-term Follow Up and Analysis of Long Term Survivors in Patients Treated with PaclitaxelBased Concurrent Chemo/Radiation Therapy for Locally Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Lung Cancer, Nov,50(2):235-45, 2005. 7. D.W. Kim, Y. Shyr, H. Chen, W.L. Akerley, D.H. Johnson, H. Choy. Response to Combined Modality Therapy Correlates with Survival in Locally Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, Nov 15;63(4):1029-36, 2005. 8. Yankeelov TE, Niermann KJ, Huamani J, Kim DW, Quarles CC, Fleischer AF, Hallahan DE, Price R, Gore GC. Correlation Between Estimates of Tumor Perfusion from Microbubble Contrast Enhanced Sonography and Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Journal of Ultrasound Medicine J Ultrasound Med. 2006 Apr;25(4):487-97, 2006. 9. L. Geng, E.T. Shinohara, D. W. Kim, J. Tan, K. Osuski, Y. Shyr, D.E. Hallahan. Tumor Pharmacodynamic Response to PDGFR Inhibition Correlates with Cytotoxic Effects in Preclinical Glioblastoma Models. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, Jan 1;64(1):263-71, 2006. 10. D.W. Kim, H. Choy. Potential role for epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitors in combined-modality therapy for non-small-cell lung cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2004;59(2 Suppl):11-20 11. H. Choy and D.W. Kim. Rationale for Investigation of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Inhibitors in Definitive Treatment of Locally Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung -6- 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Cancer and Head and Neck Cancer. Seminars in Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2004; 25: 33-43 D.W. Kim and H. Choy. Combined Modality Therapy for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, Past, Present, and Future. Lung Cancer 42 Suppl 2:S35-40, 2003. R. Romieu-Mourez, D.W. Kim(co-first author), S. M. Shin, E. Landesman-Bollag, D. C. Seldin, R. D. Cardiff, and G. E. Sonenshein. MMTV-c-rel Transgenic Mice Develop Mammary Tumors. Mol Cell Biol. Aug;23(16):5738-54, 2003. D.W. Kim, B. Lu, D.E. Hallahan. Receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors as anti-angiogenic agents. Current Opinion in Investigational Drugs, Jun;5(6):597-604, 2004 B. Lu, D.W. Kim, D.E. Hallahan. Tumor angiogenesis as a strategy for radiosensitization. Invited Manuscript to Cancer Therapy, Dec; 1: 335, 2003 H. Choy, D. W. Kim. Chemotherapy and Irradiation Interaction. Semin Oncol. 2003 Aug;30(4 Suppl 9):3-10. D. W. Kim, L. Gazourian, S. A. Quadri, R. Romieu-Mourez, D. H. Sherr, G. E. Sonenshein. The RelA NF-B Subunit and the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (AhR) Cooperate to Transactivate the c-myc Promoter in Mammary Cells. Oncogene 19(48): 5498-5506, 2000. D.W. Kim, M.A. Sovak, G. J. Zanieski, G. Nonet, R. Romieu-Mourez, A.W. Lau, L.J. Hafer, P. Yaswen, M. Stampfer, J. Russo, A.E. Rogers, G.E. Sonenshein. Activation of NF-B/Rel Occurs Early During Neoplastic Transformation of Mammary Cells. Carcinogenesis 21(5): 871-879, 2000. A.F. Trombino, R.I. Near, R.A. Matuika, S. Yang, L.J. Haefer, P.I. Toselli, D.W. Kim, A.E. Rogers, G.E. Sonenshein, D.H. Sherr. Expression of Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor/Transcription Factor (AhR) and AhR-Regulated CYP1 Gene Transcripts in a Rat Model of Mammary Tumorigenesis. Breast Cancer Res Treat 63(2):117-31, 2000 M.A. Sovak, R.E. Bellas, D.W. Kim, G.J. Zanieski, A.E. Rogers, A.M. Traish, G.E. Sonenshein. Aberrant Nuclear Factor-B/Rel Expression and the Pathogenesis of Breast Cancer. Journal of Clinical Investigation 100(12):2952-2960. Dec. 1997. W.Yang, J.Shen, M.Wu, M. Arsura, M. Fitzgerald, Z. Suldan, D.W. Kim, C.S.Hofmann, S. Pianetti, R. Romieu-Mourez, L.P. Freedman, G.E. Sonenshein. Repression of Transcription of the p27Kip1 Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitor Gene by c-Myc. Oncogene 20(14):1688-702, March 2001. K. T. Kavanagh, L. J. Hafer, D. W. Kim, K. K. Mann, D. H. Sherr, A. E. Rogers, and G. E. Sonenshein. Green Tea Extracts Decrease Carcinogen-Induced Mammary Tumor Formation In Vivo and Breast Cancer Cell Proliferation in Culture via Induction of p27Kip1 Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitor. J Cell Biochem 82(3):387-98, 2001. ORAL PRESENTATIONS/POSTER DISCUSSION: 1. D.W. N. Kim, J. Robertson, M. Barnes, R. Sonnemaker, F. Schmidt, H. Kim, L. Stanek. Poster Discussion, ASTRO 2009. Standard Uptake Value (SUV) Measurement From CT/PET Scans Following Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy Correlates With The Biologically Effective Dose (BED) Delivered 2. D.W. Kim, J. Robertson, M. Barnes, R. Sonnemaker, S. Long, D. Frieda, K. Dootson, H. Kim, F. Schmidt, A. Scarrow, L. Stanek. Quantitative SUV measurements derived from analysis of CT/PET scans of lung tumors at multiple time intervals following Cyberknife -7- 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. radiosurgery therapy correlates with Biologically Effective Dose (BED) delivered. Cyberknife Users Meeting February 2009. D.W. Kim, F. Schmidt, , H. Kim, R. Sonnemaker, S. Long, M. Albritton, C. Hunt, D.Frieda, M. Barnes, K. Dootson, M.Bakry, J.Alford, A.Scarrow. Characteristics of short interval CT/PET data following cyberknife radiosurgery for lung cancer patients concerning for disease persistence. Cyberknife Society Users Meeting, January 2007 D.W. Kim, M.L. Reyzer, J. Huamani, K. J. Niermann, R. Caprioli, D.E. Hallahan. Direct Analysis of Protein Markers of Therapeutic Response in Tumors Treated with Radiation and Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors (TKI) by Imaging Mass Spectrometry. RSNA 2005. D.W. Kim, M.L. Reyzer, J. Huamani, K.J. Niermann, T.E. Yankeelov, S. Tumkur, L. Geng, H. Lee, R. Baheza, R. Caprioli, D.E. Hallahan. Improved Tumor Control by Schedule Optimization of Radiation-Mediated Vasculytic Therapy Based on Non-Invasively Measured Physiologic Parameters. AACR 2005. D.W. Kim, M.L. Reyzer, J. Huamani, K.J. Niermann, T.E. Yankeelov, S. Tumkur, L. Geng, H. Lee, R. Baheza, R. Caprioli, D.E. Hallahan. Improved Tumor Control by Schedule Optimization of Radiation-Mediated Vasculytic Therapy Based on Non-Invasively Measured Physiologic Parameters. Vanderbilt University Resident Research Forum Award Winner, Basic Science Category 2005. D.W. Kim, L. Geng, K. Niermann, H.Lee, D.E. Hallahan. Pharmacodynamics of Tumor Response to Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors of VEGF Receptors. Oral Presentation #33, ASTRO 2004. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics. Vol 60(1) Supplement: S148, 2004 D.W. Kim, A. Fu, K. Niermann, J. Kaminski, D.E. Hallahan., Rapid Assessment of Cancer Susceptibility to TKIs by Use of Phage-Displayed Peptide Libraries. Oral Presentation, #75, ASTRO 2004. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics. Vol 60(1) Supplement: S175, 2004 D.W. Kim, W.L. Ackerley, Y. Shyr, D.E. Hallahan, H. Choy. COMBINED MODALITY THERAPY (CMT) USING CONCURRENT RADIATION THERAPY (RT) WITH PACLITAXEL BASED CHEMOTHERAPEUTIC REGIMEN IN LOCALLY ADVANCED NONSMALL CELL LUNG CANCER (LANSCLC): LONG TERM FOLLOW UP AND ANALYSIS OF LONG TERM SURVIVORS. Vanderbilt University Resident Research Forum, Award Winner, Clinical Science Category, 2004. ABSTRACTS / POSTER PRESENTATIONS: 1. 2. 3. 4. A. Pinheiro, N. Kim, H.Kim. Stereotactic radiosurgery for Head and Neck and Skull base Cancer., S356, 7th International Conference on Head and Neck Cancer A. Scarrow, C. Hunt, H. Kim, D.W. Kim. Cyberknife Radiosurgery for Trigeminal Neuralgia. Cyberknife 6th Annual Users Meeting, 2007. D.W. Kim, J. Huamani, M. Reyzer, D. Mi, R. M. Caprioli, D. E. Hallahan. Imaging Mass Spectrometry to Map Distribution of Radiation Enhancing Vasculature Targeted Drug and Protein Biomarkers of Response to Therapy in Prostate Cancer. Poster Presentation, ASTRO 2006. J. Huamani, K. Niermann, C.Willey, M. E. Reyzer, D. Thotala, L. Leavitt, C. Jones, A. Fleishcher, R. M. Caprioli, D. E. Hallahan, D.W. Kim. EGFR Activity Determines the -8- 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Efficacy of Combined Therapy with Radiation and AEE788 in Prostate Cancer. Poster Presentation, ASTRO 2006. D.W. Kim, M.L. Reyzer, J. Huamani, K. J. Niermann, T.E. Yankeelov, S. Tumkur, L. Geng, H. Lee, R. Baheza, R. Caprioli, D.E. Hallahan. Radiotherapeutic Schedule Optimization For Targeting Tumor Vasculature: Implications of Non-invasive Physiologic Imaging. ASTRO 2005. J. Huamani, K.J. Niermann, M.L. Reyzer, J. Alberts, C. Jones, R. Caprioli, D.E. Hallahan, D.W. Kim. Combination Therapy of Ionizing Radiation with AEE788, a Dual Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Targeting Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor (VEGFR) Leads To Improved Tumor Control. Poster Discussion, ASTRO 2005. D.W. Kim, M. Reyzer, J. Huamani, K. Niermann, S. Tumkur, L. Geng, H. Lee, R. Baheza, R. Caprioli, D.E. Hallahan. Physiologic parameters of response to radiation mediated tumor vasculytic therapy can be used to optimize schedule of administration of cytotoxic therapy. Radiation Oncology Gordon Conference, 2005. Mamatha Rao, Kalyani Kasisomayajula, Reid Thompson, Dennis Hallahan, Dong Kim, Ling Geng, John Gore, Thomas Yankeelov, Michelle Reyzer, Richard Caprioli, Nagendra Ningaraj. Study of Proteomic and BBB Permeability Changes in Brain Tumor, AACR 2005. Niermann, K.J., Fleischer, A.C., Kim, D.W., Huamani, J., Yankeelov, T.E., Hallahan, D.E. Microbubble Enahanced Oncologic Sonography – Assessment of Treatment Response. American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine, June 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA H. Choy, D. W. Kim, W. L. Akerley, H. Safran, Y. Shyr, A. T. Turrisi, S. Graziano, T. Kennedy, D. H. Johnson. Combined modality therapy (CMT) using concurrent radiation therapy with paclitaxel based chemotherapeutic regimen in unresectable locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer; long term follow-up on three sequential multi-institutional prospective phase II studies. Poster Discussion, Abstract # 2564, ASCO 2003. D.W. Kim, Y. Shyr, W. L. Akerley, H. Choy. Tumor responsiveness to combined modality therapy (CMT) IS highly significant predictor of survival for patients with Locally Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (LANSCLC). Abstract P-589, 10th World Conference on Lung Cancer. Lung Cancer 41(Supp2): 239, 2003. D.W. Kim, W.L. Akerley, Y. Shyr, H. Choy. Combined modality therapy (CMT) using concurrent radiation therapy with paclitaxel based chemotherapeutic regimen in locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer: long term follow-up and analysis of long term survivors. Abstract P-588, 10th World Conference on Lung Cancer. Lung Cancer 41(Supp2): 240, 2003. D.W. Kim, Y. Shyr, W.L. Akerley, H. Choy. Combined Modality Therapy (CMT) Using Concurrent Radiation Therapy (RT) with Paclitaxel Based Chemotherapy in Locally Advanced NonSmall Cell Lung Cancer (LANSCLC): Long Term Follow Up and Analysis of Long Term Survivors. 22nd Annual Resident Research Forum, Oral Presentation, Clinical Research Category, May 2004. D.W. Kim, M.A. Sovak, G. Zanieski, A. Lau, L.Gazourian, S. A. Quadri, R. RomieuMourez, G. Nonet, L.J. Haefer, P. Yaswen, M. Stampfer, J. Russo, A. E. Rogers, P. Toselli, D. Sherr, and G. E. Sonenshein. Role of NF-B/Rel, Ahr, and c-myc in breast cancer. DOD ERA OF HOPE MEETING, 2000. -9- 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. W. Yang, J. Shen, Stefania Pianetti, M. FitzGerald, M. Arsura, M. Wu, Z. Suldan, R. Romieu-Mourez, D.W. Kim, H. Lee, L. P. Freedman, and G. E. Sonenshein. Repression of the transcription of the p27kip1 cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor gene by c-Myc. Oncogene meeting 2000. Raphaëlle Romieu-Mourez, D.W. Kim, M.A. Sovak, G. Zanieski, A.W. Lau, L.J. Hafer, A.E. Rogers, E. Landesman-Bollag, D.C. Seldin, J. Russo, and G.E. Sonenshein. NFB/Rel Activation in Breast Cancer Occurs Early and is Mediated by Aberrant Kinase Activity. Oncogene meeting 2000. D.W. Kim, M.A. Sovak, M. Arsura, G. J. Zanieski, K. Kavanagh, G. Nonet, P. Yaswen, M. Stampfer, J. Russo, A.E. Rogers, G.E. Sonenshein. Early Activation of NF-B/Rel During Neoplastic Transformation of Mammary Cells. Russek Day, Boston University. M.A. Sovak, D.W. Kim, G.J. Zanieski, A.E. Rogers, A.M. Traish, D.H. Sherr, G.E. Sonenshein. Mechanism of Aromatic Hydrocarbon Induced Mammary Tumorigenesis. The Department of Defense Breast Cancer Research Program Meeting, Era of Hope. Proceedings Volume II, p. 499, 1997. M. A. Sovak, D.W. Kim, A. M. Traish, G.E. Sonenshein. Constitutive NF-B/Rel Expression in Breast Epithelial Tumor Cell Lines and Primary Breast Tumor Tissue. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 18D, 219-54, 1994. I.N. Bankman, W.A. Christens-Barry, D.W. Kim, I.N. Weinberg, O.B. Gatewood, and W.R. Brody. Algorithm for Detection of Microcalcification Clusters in Mammograms. Proc. of 15th Annual International Conference, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society(EMBS), 1993. I.N. Bankman, W.A. Christens-Barry, D.W. Kim, I. N. Weinberg, O.B. Gatewood, and W.R. Brody. Automated Recognition of Microcalcification Clusters in Mammograms. Proc. of SPIE Biomedical Image Processing IV Conference, pp. 731-738, Vol. 1905,February, 1993. I.N. Bankman, D.W. Kim, W.A. Christens-Barry, I.N. Weinberg, O.B. Gatewood, and W.R. Brody. Automated System for Early Breast Cancer Detection in Mammograms. Proc. of NASA, Technology 2002 Conference, pp. 77-85, Vol. 1, 1992. I.N. Bankman, W.A. Christens-Barry, I.N. Weinberg, D.W. Kim, R.D. Semmel, and W.R. Brody. An Algorithm for Early Breast Cancer Detection in Mammograms. Proc. 5th IEEE Symposium on Computer Based Medical Systems(CBMS), pp. 362-369, 1992. I.N. Bankman, W.A. Christens-Barry, I.N. Weinberg, R.F. Brem, D.W. Kim, and W.R. Brody. Automated Detection of Microcalcification Clusters in Mammograms. Proc.6th Symposium for Computer Assisted Radiology, pp. 137-143,1992. -10-