intermediate diabetes

You have been referred to the NHS Enfield
Community Services Intermediate Diabetes Service.
Cancelling your appointment:
If you are unable to attend your appointment it is
essential that you let us know as SOON as possible.
Please phone 020 8344 3184.
Your Primary Healthcare Team (Your General
Practitioner or Practice Nurse) may have referred
you to this service for any of the following reasons:
Please note that if you cancel your diabetes
appointment twice, you will NOT receive a further
diabetes appointment and you will be referred back
to your GP.
Diabetes Structured Education
Poor diabetes control
Assessment of your legs and feet
Diabetes is a serious life long condition and it is
important to improve your diabetes control. If you
do, you will reduce your risk of complications such as
(nephropathy), eye problems (retinopathy), nerve
problems (neuropathy) and potential problems with
your legs and feet.
The Diabetes Team are based at Forest Primary Care
Centre, where have our clinics,
In order for us to get an accurate picture of your
current diabetes control, it is essential that you bring
with you the following items to all of your
 An up to date list of your medication
 Your patient held diabetes record if you have
been given one by your surgery
 Your blood glucose monitoring diary if you
are using a blood glucose meter
If you do not attend your appointment with us:
If at any time you do not attend your appointment
with the diabetes service, we may have to discharge
you from our service.
A letter will be sent to your GP regarding non
Structured diabetes education in Enfield:
The Intermediate Diabetes Service is lead by Debbie
Hicks, Nurse Consultant.
The rest of the team consists of three Diabetes
Specialist Nurses: Val Dawkins, Kit McAuley and Jo
Lynch. We work in collaboration with Susan Bowyer,
The Diabetes Administrator is Katie Clark.
You can contact any member of the team by
phoning 020 8344 3184.
Monday – Friday 9am – 4 pm
If you have been given a blood test form, please
ensure that this is done two – three weeks before
your appointment so that the results are available.
Your appointment:
Education for people with diabetes is extremely
important. It will help you to learn more about your
condition so that you can improve your diabetes
The Intermediate Diabetes Service receives on
average 20 new referrals for people with diabetes
every week.
If you have recently been diagnosed with diabetes or
if you have had diabetes for a while, you will benefit
from participating in our Conversation Map sessions.
We currently have around 500 people in our
diabetes caseload.
As you can imagine, making regular appointments
for this many people is a fine balancing act … It is
essential that you make every effort to attend the
diabetes appointments that have been given to
What are Conversation Maps?
Blood glucose monitoring:
These structured education sessions are group
sessions. Each Conversation Map consists of a large
colourful picture that is placed on a table around
which participants sit.
Not all people with diabetes need to monitor blood
glucose levels.
The Map is designed to engage a group of people
with type 2 diabetes in meaningful, informative and
open discussion. The conversation is guided by a
trained facilitator but led by participants who learn
from each other.
Conversation map sessions run over 3 consecutive
weeks, each session lasts between two to two and a
half hours. You may bring a friend or partner if you
As part of your treatment plan you may be asked to
do blood glucose monitoring.
It is very important that if you are asked to do this
you undertake this as requested and phone the
diabetes team as required, so that your diabetes
control can be assessed in a timely manner.
The Diabetes Team are here to help you, but we
cannot do this without regular contact from you.
If you have any concerns or worries about your
diabetes please feel free to contact us
The Diabetes Team consist of:
Debbie Hicks MSc, BA, NMP, DN cert, PWT cert
Nurse Consultant – Diabetes
The Diabetes Specialist Nurses are
Val Dawkins, Kit McAuley and Jo Lynch
The Diabetes Administrator is Katie Clark
The Diabetes team are based at:
If you have been booked for these sessions, it is
essential that you attend all three sessions.
Forest Primary Care Centre
308A Hertford Road
N9 7HD
Telephone: 020 8 344 3184