
University of Tennessee
Department of Medicine
David W. Townsend
Birth Date:
Business Address:
Molecular Imaging and Translational Research Program
Department of Medicine
University of Tennessee Medical Center
1924, Alcoa Highway
Knoxville, TN 37920
Business Phone:
(865) 305 6181
Dates Attended
Name and Location
Major Subject
University of Bristol
Dates Attended
Name and Location
Major Subject
University of London
(Westfield College)
Experimental High
Energy Physics
Name and Location
Major Subject
Docent (P.D.)
Medical Imaging
Dates Attended
University of Geneva
Name and Location
Westfield College, University of London
Research Associate
David W. Townsend, Ph.D.
Page 2
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Scientific Programmer
(Physicist), Data Handling
State University of New York at Buffalo
Buffalo, USA
Visiting Scientific
Consultant, Medical
Imaging Processing Group
Hammersmith Hospital
London, U.K.
Visiting Scientist,
PET Group
Hammersmith Hospital
London, U.K.
Honorary Visiting Scientist,
PET Group
University Hospital of Geneva
Geneva, Switzerland
Physicist and Computer
Analyst, Division of
Nuclear Medicine
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
Pittsburgh, PA
Senior Physicist,
PET Facility
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Pittsburgh, PA
Associate Professor,
Dept. of Radiology
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Pittsburgh, PA
Acting Co-Director
PET Facility
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Pittsburgh, PA
Dept. of Radiology
University of Tennessee School of Medicine
Knoxville, TN
Dept. of Medicine
University of Tennessee School of Medicine
Knoxville, TN
Dept. of Radiology
University of Tennessee School of Medicine
Director, Molecular Imaging
and Translational Research
Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Tennessee
Adjunct Professor
University of Tennessee School of Medicine
Knoxville, TN
Professor with Tenure,
Dept. of Medicine
University of Tennessee School of Medicine
Dept. of Anesthesiology
David W. Townsend, Ph.D.
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University of Tennessee School of Medicine
Adjunct Professor
Department of Medicine
National University of Singapore
Department of Radiology
Singapore Biomedical Imaging Consortium
Director, PET Development
Sydney University Medical School, Australia
Honorary Professor
Full member of the Swiss Society of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine
Member, Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Member, Society for Nuclear Medicine
Elected Senior Member, IEEE
Elected to 3 year term on IEEE Nuclear Medicine Imaging Council
Elected to AMI Board (Treasurer)
Elected Fellow, IEEE
Most Frequently Cited IEEE TMI Paper Published in 1991
TIME Magazine, Invention of the Year for PET/CT Scanner
RSNA Special Merit Award, PET/CT in Melanoma
Richard B Mazees Invited Lecture, Madison, Wisconsin
Special Citation at American Society of Neuroradiology, PET/CT
Frost & Sullivan, Product of the Year for PET/CT Scanner
AMI Distinguished Clinical Scientist of the Year
Listed in Health Imaging and IT among “100 names you need to know”
Elected Fellow of the IEEE
PET/CT paper second most frequently-cited JNM paper of all time
21st Daniel R Biello Memorial Lecture, Washington University, St Louis
PET/CT cited as one of the “University Inventions that Changed the World”
Distinguished Nuclear Medicine Pioneer Award, Bad Hofgastein, Austria
Society of Nuclear Medicine Cassen Lecture, Toronto, Canada
David W. Townsend, Ph.D.
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* Indicates Student or Trainee
Refereed Articles:
Townsend D and Vickery R.
An Experiment in Regelation. Philosophical Magazine
Baker SL, Dornan PJ, Gopal GP, Webster GJ, Bull VA, March PV, Tayler V, Townsend D.
Positive pion-proton elastic scattering at 895, 945 and 1040 MeV/c. Nuclear Physics
Baker SL, Dornan PJ, Gopal GP, Webster GJ, Bull VA, March PV, Tayler V, Townsend D.
A Constrained phase-shift analysis of π+p data in the mass range 1600 to 1700 MeV. Nuclear
Physics 1971;B30:116.
Baker SL, Dornan PJ, Gopal GP, Webster GJ, Stark J, Buckley TS, Bull VA, Tayler V,
Townsend D, White A. Single pion production in π+p interactions at 895, 945, 995, 1040
MeV/c. Nuclear Physics 1972;B41:91.
Saudinos J, Charpak G, Sauli F, Townsend D, Vinciarelli J. Nuclear Scattering applied to
Radiography. Phys Med Biol 1975;20:890.
Charpak G, Majewski S, Perrin Y, Saudinos J, Sauli F, Townsend D, Vinciarelli J. Further
Results on Nuclear Scattering Radiography. Phys Med Biol 1976;21:941.
Ghidini B, Navach F, Dowell J, Kenyon I, Woodworth P, Muller K, Smith I, Hartung R,
Bizeau C, Bourgeois F, Davies H, Dufey J-P, Eades J, French B, Gildemeister O, J-C.
Lassalle, S. Lauper, R. Messerli, W. Mitaroff, C. Palazzi, L. Pape, P. Sonderegger, R. Strub,
A. Thompson, D. Townsend, D. Treille, J. Wilson et al: Charm Search in 19 GeV/c π-p
Exclusive Reactions. Nuclear Physics 1976;B111:189.
Townsend D, Piney C, Jeavons A. Object Reconstruction from Focused Positron
Tomograms. Phys Med Biol 1978;23:235.
Townsend D and Zanella P. Computational Aspects of Positron Imaging using Multiwire
Proportional Chambers in Nuclear Medicine. Nucl Instr and Methods 1980;176:397.
Jeavons A, Kull K, Lindberg B, Lee G, Townsend D, Frey P, Donath A. A Proportional
Chamber Positron Camera for Medical Imaging. Nucl Instr and Methods 1980;176:89.
Schorr B and Townsend D. Filters for Three-Dimensional Limited Angle Tomography. Phys
Med Biol 1981;26:305.
Schorr B, Townsend D, Clack R. A General Method for Three-Dimensional Filter
Computation. Phys Med Biol 1983;28(9):1009.
David W. Townsend, Ph.D.
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Clack R, Townsend D, Jeavons A. Increased sensitivity and Field of View for a Rotating
Positron Camera. Phys Med Biol 1984;29(11):1421.
Slosman D, Forni M, Townsend D, Brioschi PA, Krauer F, Donath A. SPECT Study of the
Fluid Distribution in the Intra-abdominal Space during Intra-peritoneal Treatment of Ovarian
Cancer. Nucl Med Commun 1985;6:91.
Frey P, Townsend D, Donath A, Jeavons A. In vivo imaging of the Human Thyroid with a
positron camera using 124I. Eur J Nucl Med 1985;10:427.
Slosman D, Townsend D, Polla B, Egeli R, Ambrosetti P, Ryser JE, Forni M, Kaelin R,
Reverdin O, Rochat T, Rohner R, Donath A. Single photon emission computed tomography
study of human cancer: utilization of 57Co-labelled bleomycin. Nucl Med Commun
Slosman D, Polla B, Townsend D, Egeli R, Huber P, Megevand R, Donath A, Junod A.
57Co-labelled bleomycin scintigraphy for the detection of lung cancer: a prospective study.
Eur J Respir Dis 1985;67:319.
Slosman D, Polla B, Egeli R, Townsend D, Signorelli C, Megevand R, Donath A. Cobalt-57
bleomycin scanning for lung cancer detection: a prospective study in thoracic surgery. Nucl
Med Commun 1985;6:235.
Frey P, Townsend D, Megevand R, Spiliopoulos A, Huber O, Donath A, Jeavons A.
Tomographic Imaging of the human thyroid with a positron camera before and after partial
thyroidectomy. Eur Surg Res 1985;17:347.
Frey P, Townsend D, Flattet A, De Gautard R, Widgren S, Jeavons A, Christin A, Smith A,
Long A, Donath A. Tomographic Imaging of the Human Thyroid using 124I. J Clin
Endocrinol Metab 1986;63:918.
Townsend D, Frey P, Jeavons A, Reich G, Wensveen M, Tochon-Danguy HJ, Christin A,
Donath A. The HIDAC Positron Camera. J Nucl Med 1987;28:1554.
Clack R, Townsend D, Defrise M. An algorithm for three-dimensional reconstruction
incorporating cross-plane rays. IEEE Trans Med Imaging 1989;8:32.
Defrise M, Townsend D, Clack R. Three-dimensional image reconstruction from complete
projections. Phys Med Biol 1989;34:573.
Townsend D, Spinks T, Jones T, *Geissbuhler A, Defrise M, Gilardi M-C, Heather J.
Aspects of three dimensional reconstruction for a multi-ring positron tomograph. Eur J Nucl
Med 1989;15:741.
Dominik W, Zaganidis N, Astier P, Charpak G, Santiard JC, Auli FS, Triboulet E,
*Geissbuhler A, Townsend D. A gaseous detector for high-accuracy autoradiography of
radioactive compounds with optical readout of avalanche positions. Nucl Instr and Methods in
Phys Research 1989;A278:779.
David W. Townsend, Ph.D.
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Defrise M, Townsend D, Clack R. Statistical noise in three dimensional positron
tomography. Phys Med Biol 1990;35:131.
Defrise M, Townsend D, *Geissbuhler A. Implementation of three-dimensional image
reconstruction for multi-ring positron tomographs. Phys Med Biol 1990;35:1361.
Defrise M, Townsend D, Bailey D, *Geissbuhler A, Michel C, Jones T. A normalisation
technique for 3D PET data. Phys Med Biol 1991;36:939.
Townsend D, *Geissbuhler A, Defrise M, Hoffman EJ, Spinks TJ, Bailey DL, Gilardi MC,
Jones T. Fully three-dimensional reconstruction for a PET camera with retractable septa.
IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 1991;10(4):505-512.
Spinks TJ, Jones T, Bailey DL, Townsend DW, Grootoonk S, Bloomfield PM, Gilardi M-C,
Casey ME, Sipe B, Reed J. Physical performance of a positron tomograph for brain imaging
with retractable septa. Phys Med Biol 1992;37(8):1637-1655.
Lehmann W, Benchaou M, Slosman DO, Townsend D, Ryser JE, Widmann JJ, Rufenacht D,
Lacroix JS, Donath A. La tomographie par emission de positrons (PET) dans l’evaluation
preoperatoire des metastases ganglionnaires cervicales des cancers ORL. Schweiz Rundschau
Med (PRAXIS) 1993;82 Nr.50:1457-1461.
Defrise M, Clack R, Townsend D. Solution to the three-dimensional image reconstruction
problem from two-dimensional parallel projections. J Opt Soc Am A 1993;10(5):869-877.
Benchaou M, Lehmann W, Slosman DO, Townsend D, Ryser JE, Widmann JJ, Rufenacht D,
Lacroix JS, Donath A. Tomographie par emission de positrons dans le bilan ganglionnaire
des cancers ORL. Med et Hyg 1993;51:2560-2562.
*Comtat C, Morel C, Defrise M, Townsend DW. The FAVOR algorithm for 3D PET data
and its implementation using a network of transputers. Phys Med Biol 1993;38:929-944.
Townsend D, Wensveen M, Byars L, *Geissbuhler A, Tochon-Danguy HJ, Christin A,
Defrise M, Bailey D, Grootoonk S, Donath A, Nutt R. A rotating PET using BGO block
detectors: design, performance and applications. J Nucl Med 1993;34:1367-1376.
Townsend DW, Byars L, Defrise M, *Geissbuhler A, Nutt R. Rotating positron tomographs
revisited. Phys Med Biol 1994;39:401-410.
Defrise M, *Geissbuhler A, Townsend DW. A performance study of 3D reconstruction
algorithms for positron emission tomography. Phys Med Biol 1994;39:305-320.
Clarke S, Assal G, Bogousslavsky J, Regli F, Townsend DW, Leenders KL, Blecic S. Pure
amnesia after unilateral left polar thalamic infarct:
topographic and sequential
neuropsychological and metabolic (PET) correlations. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry
David W. Townsend, Ph.D.
Page 7
*Comtat C, *Egger M, Herrmann Scheurer A, Joseph C, Morel C, Dobinson RW, de Jong FF,
van Nieuwenborg AJE, Pages JL, Townsend DW. On-line parallel processing for a rotating
positron tomograph operated in 3D mode. Nucl Inst and Methods A 1994;351:527-533.
Clark S, Dickinson MR, King TA, Jones AKP, Chen ACN, Derbyshire SWG, Townsend
DW, Kinahan PE, Mintun MA, Nichols T. Laser stimulation for pain research. Proceedings
of Biomedical Optoelectronics in Clinical Chemistry and Biotechnology, SPIE
Degueldre C, Pleinert H, Maguire P, Lehman E, Missimer J, Hammer J, Leenders K, Bock H,
Townsend D. Porosity and pathway determination in crystalline rock by positron emission
tomography and neutron radiography. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 1996;140:213-225.
Bailey DL, Townsend DW, Kinahan PE, Grootoonk S, Jones T. An investigation of factors
affecting detector and geometric correction in normalization of 3D PET data. IEEE Trans
Nucl Sci 1996;43(6):3300-3307.
Maguire RP, Missimer JH, Emert F, Townsend DW, Dollinger H, Leenders KL. Positron
emission tomography of large rock samples using a multiring PET instrument. IEEE Trans
Nucl Sci 1997;44(1):26-30.
Defrise M, Kinahan PE, Townsend DW, Michel C, Sibomana M, Newport DF. Exact and
approximate rebinning algorithms for 3D PET data.
IEEE Trans Med Imaging,
Derbyshire SWG, Jones AKP, Gyulai F, Clark S, Townsend D, Firestone LL. Pain
processing during three levels of noxious stimulation produces differential patterns of central
activity. Pain, 1997;73:431-445.
*Beyer T, Kinahan PE, Townsend DW. Optimization of transmission and emission scan
duration in 3D whole-body PET. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci 1997;44(6):2400-2407.
Luketich JD, Schauer P, Urso K, Townsend DW, Belani CP, Meltzer CC, Ferson PF, Keenan
RJ. Minimally invasive surgical biopsy confirms PET findings in esophageal cancer. Surg
Endosc 1997;11:1213-1215.
Nofzinger EA, Mintun MA, Price J, Meltzer CC, Townsend D, Buysse DJ, Reynolds CF,
Dachille M, Matzzie J, Kupfer DJ, Moore RY. A method for the assessment of the functional
neuroanatomy of human sleep using FDG PET. Brain Res 1998;2(3):191-198.
Jennings JR, Muldoon MF, Ryan CM, Mintun MA, Meltzer CC, Townsend DW, SuttonTyrrell K, Shapiro AP, Manuck SB. Cerebral blood flow in hypertensive patients. An initial
report of reduced and compensatory blood flow responses during performance of two
cognitive tasks. Hypertension 1998;31:1216-1222.
Kapucu LO, Meltzer CC, Townsend DW, Keenan RJ, Luketich JD.
fluorodeoxyglucose uptake in pneumonia. J Nucl Med 1998;39:1267-1269.
David W. Townsend, Ph.D.
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Meltzer CC, Townsend DW, Kottapally S, Jadali F. FDG imaging of spinal cord primitive
neuroectodermal tumor. J Nucl Med 1998;39:1207-1209.
*Comtat C, Kinahan PE, Defrise M, Michel C, Townsend DW. Fast reconstruction of 3D
PET data with accurate statistical modeling. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci 1998;45(3):1083-1089.
Kinahan PE, Townsend DW, *Beyer T, Sashin D. Attenuation correction for a combined 3D
PET/CT scanner. Med Phys 1998; 25(10):2046-2053.
*Isoardi RA, Townsend DW, Carter CC, Herbster A, Dachille MA, Meltzer CC. A study of
injected dose for brain mapping on the ECAT HR+: activation maps for a parametric verbal
working memory task. NeuroImage 1999;9:145-153.
Townsend DW, *Beyer T, Jerin J, Watson CC, Young J, Nutt R. The ECAT ART scanner
for Positron Tomography: 1. Improvements in Performance Characteristics. Clinical Positron
Imaging 1999; 2:5-15.
Townsend DW, *Beyer T, Meltzer CC, Dachille MA, Derbyshire SWG, Jones AKP, Kelley
DE, Luketich JT. The ECAT ART scanner for Positron Tomography: 2. Research and Clinical
Applications. Clinical Positron Imaging 1999; 2:17-30.
Liu X, Defrise M, Michel C, Sibomana M, Comtat C, Kinahan P, Townsend D. Exact
rebinning methods of three-dimensional PET. IEEE Trans Med Imag 1999;18(8):657-664.
Lopresti BJ, Russo A, Jones WF, Fisher T, Crouch DG, Altenburger DE, Townsend DW.
Implementation and performance of an optical motion tracking system for high resolution
brain PET imaging. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci 1999;46(6):2059-2067.
Derbyshire SWG, Jones AKP, Creed F, Starz T, Meltzer CC, Townsend DW, Firestone L.
Cerebral responses to noxious thermal stimulation are the same in chronic low back pain
patients as normal controls. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 1999;19(S1):S123.
Meltzer CC, Luketich JD, Fiedman D, Charron M, Strollo D, Meehan M, Urso GK, Dachille
MA, Townsend DW. Whole-body FDG positron emission tomograhic imaging for staging
esophageal cancer: comparison with computed tomography. Clinical Nuclear Medicine
Charron M, Beyer T, Bohnen NN, Kinahan PE, Dachille M, Jerin J, Nutt R, Meltzer CC,
Villemagne V, Townsend DW. Image analysis in patients with cancer studied with a
combined PET and CT scanner. Clinical Nuclear Medicine 2000;25(11):905-910.
Beyer T, Townsend DW, Brun T, Kinahan PE, Charron M, Roddy R, Jerin J, Young J, Byars
L, Nutt R. A combined PET/CT scanner for clinical oncology. J Nucl Med 2000, 41:13691379. (Received first place award for Outstanding Basic Science Investigations, Journal of
Nuclear Medicine, 2001.)
Kluetz PG, Villemagne MD, Meltzer CC, Villemagne VL, Kinahan PE, Chander S, Martinelli
MA, Townsend DW. Combined PET/CT imaging in oncology: Impact on Patient
Management. Clinical Positron Imaging 2000, 3(6):223-230.
David W. Townsend, Ph.D.
Page 9
Heller MT, Meltzer CC, Fukui M, Rosen CA, Chander S, Martinelli MA, Townsend DW.
Superphysiologic FDG Uptake in a Non-paralyzed Vocal Cord: Resolution of a False-Positive
PET Result with Combined PET-CT Imaging. Clinical Positron Imaging 2000, 3(5):207-212.
Townsend DW and Cherry SR. Combining anatomy with function: The path to true image
fusion. European Radiology 2001, 11:1968-1974.
Comtat C, Kinahan PE, Fessler JA, Beyer T, Townsend DW, Defrise M, Michel C.
Clinically feasible reconstruction of 3D whole-body PET/CT data using blurred anatomical
labels. Phys Med Biol 2002, 47(1):1-20.
Beyer T, Townsend DW, Blodgett TM. Dual-modality PET/CT tomography for clinical
oncology. Q J Nucl. Med. 2002; 46(1): 24-34.
Derbyshire SWG, Jones AKP, Creed F, Starz T, Meltzer CC, Townsend DW,
Peterson AM, Firestone L. Cerebral responses to noxious thermal stimulation
in chronic low back pain patients and normal controls. Neuroimage 2002; 16:
Derbyshire SWG, Nichols TE, Firestone L, Townsend DW, Jones AKP. Gender
differences in patterns of cerebral activation during equal experience of painful laser
stimulation. Journal of Pain 2002; 3: 401-411.
Makhija S, Howden N, Edwards R, Kelley J, Townsend DW, Meltzer CC. Positron emission
tomography/computed tomography imaging for the detection of recurrent ovarian and
fallopian tube carcinoma: a retrospective review. Gynecol Oncol 2002; 85: 53-58.
Zimmer, LA, McCook, B, Meltzer, C, Fukui, M, Bascom, D, Snyderman, C, Townsend, DW
and Johnson, JT Combined positron emission tomography/computed tomography imaging of
recurrent thyroid cancer. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (2003) 128:178-84.
Bai C, Kinahan PE, Brasse D, Comtat C, Townsend DW, Meltzer CC, Villemagne V,
Charron M, Defrise M. An analytic study of the effects of attenuation on tumor detection in
whole-body PET oncology imaging. J Nucl Med 2003; 44(11): 1855-1861.
Townsend DW, Beyer T, Blodgett TM. PET/CT Scanners: A Hardware Approach to Image
Fusion. Sem Nucl Med 2003; XXXIII (3):193-204.
Townsend DW, Carney JPJ, Yap JT, Hall NC. PET/CT Today and Tomorrow. J Nucl Med
2004; 45:1 (Suppl): 4S-14S.
Brasse D, Kinahan PE, Clackdoyle R, Defrise M, Comtat C, Townsend DW. Fast fully 3-D
image reconstruction in PET using planograms. IEEE Trans Med Imaging 2004; 23(4): 413425.
Townsend DW. Physical Principles and Technology of Clinical PET Imaging (Invited
Review Paper). Ann Acad Med Singapore 2004; 33(2): 133-145.
David W. Townsend, Ph.D.
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Romer W, Chung M, Chan A, Townsend DW, Torok F, McCook B, Federle MP, Avril N.
Single-detector helical CT in PET-CT: assessment of image quality. A.J.R. 2004; 182: 15711577.
Eriksson L, Townsend DW, Eriksson M, Melcher C, Schmand M, Bendriem B, Nutt R.
Experience with scintillators for PET: towards the fifth generation of PET scanners. Nucl.
Inst. Methods in Physics Research 2004. A 525: 242-248.
Yap JT, Carney JPJ, Hall NC, Townsend DW. Image-guided cancer therapy using PET/CT.
Cancer Journal 2004 10(4): 221-233.
Townsend DW. From 3-D positron emission tomography to 3-D positron emission
tomography/computed tomography: what did we learn? Molecular Imaging & Biology 2004,
6(5): 275-290.
Blodgett TM, Fukui MB, Snyderman CH, Branstetter BF, McCook BM, Townsend DW,
Meltzer CC. Combined PET-CT in the head and neck. Part 1. Physiologic, altered physiologic
and artifactual FDG uptake. Radiographics 2005, 25:897-912.
Fukui MB, Blodgett TM, Snyderman CH, Johnson JJ, Myers EN, Townsend DW, Meltzer
CC. Combined PET-CT in the head and neck. Part 2. Diagnostic uses and pitfalls of oncologic
imaging. Radiographics 2005, 25:913-930.
Coleman RE, Delbeke D, Guiberteau MJ, Conti PS, Royal HD, Weinreb JC, Siegel BA,
Federle MF, Townsend DW, Berland LL. Intersociety Dialogue on Concurrent PET-CT with
an Integrated Imaging System. From the Joint ACR/SNM/SCBT-MR PET-CT Working
Group. J Nucl Med. 2005; 46: 1225-1239.
Watson CC, Casey ME, Bendriem B, Carney JPJ, Townsend DW, Eberl S, Meikle S,
DiFilippo FP. Optimizing injected dose in clinical PET by accurately modeling the countingrate response functions specific to individual patient scans. J Nucl Med 2005; 46(11):18251834.
Blodgett TM, Casagranda B, Townsend DW, Meltzer CC. Issues, Controversies and Clinical
Utility of Combined PET/CT Imaging: What is the Interpreting Physician Facing? AJR 2005.
Carney JPJ, Rappoport V, Bendriem B, Townsend DW. A Method for Transforming CT
Images for Attenuation Correction in PET/CT Imaging. Med Phys 2006; 33(4):976-983.
Delbeke D. Coleman RE, Guiberteau MJ, Brown ML, Royal HD, Siegel BA, Townsend DW,
Berland LL, Parker A, Hubner K, Stabin MG, Zubal G, Kachelriess M, Cronin V, Holbrook S.
Procedure Guideline for Tumor Imaging with 18F-FDG PET/CT 1.0. J Nucl Med 2006;
Watson CC, Rappoport V, Faul D, Townsend DW, Carney J. A Method for Calibrating the
CT-Based Attenuation Correction of PET in Human Tissue. IEEE TNS 2006; 53(1):102-107.
David W. Townsend, Ph.D.
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Delbeke D. Coleman RE, Guiberteau MJ, Brown ML, Riyal HD, Siegel BA, Townsend DW,
Berland LL, Parker JA, Zubal G, Cronin V. Procedure Guideline for SPECT/CT Imaging 1.0.
J Nucl Med 2006; 47(7):1227-1234.
Conti M, Bendriem B, Casey M, Eriksson L, Jakoby B, Jones WF, Jone J, Michel C, Nahmias
C, Panin V, Rapport V, Sibomana M, Townsend DW. Performance of a high sensitivity PET
scanner based on LSO panel detectors. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci 2006; 53(3):1136-1142.
Beyer T and Townsend DW. Putting “clear” into nuclear medicine: a decade of PET/CT
development. Eur J Nucl Med 2006; 33(8):857-861.
Wall JS, Kennel SJ, Paulus M, Gregor J, Richey T, Avenell J, Yap J, Townsend DW, Weiss
DT, Solomon A. Radioimaging of light chain amyloid with a fibril-reactive monoclonal
antibody. J Nucl Med 2006; 47(12):2016-2024.
Blodgett TM, Meltzer CC, Townsend DW. PET/CT: Form and Function. Radiology 2007;
Nahmias C, Hanna WT, Wahl LM, Long MJ, Hubner KF, Townsend DW. Time course of
early response to chemotherapy in non-small cell lung cancer patients with 18F-FDG PET/CT.
J Nucl Med 2007; 48(5):744-751.
Eriksson L, Townsend DW, Conti M, Eriksson M, Rothfuss H, Schmand M, Casey ME,
Bendriem B. An investigation of sensitivity limits in PET scanners. Nucl. Inst. Methods in
Physics Research. A 2007; 580: 836-842.
Nahmias C, Carlson ER, Duncan LD, Blodgett TM, Kennedy J, Long MJ, Carr C, Hubner KF,
Townsend DW. Positron Emission Tomography/Computerized Tomography (PET/CT)
scanning for preoperative staging of patients with oral/head and neck cancer. J Oral
Maxillofac Surg 2007; 65:2524-2535.
Azhari H, Edelman RR, Townsend DW. Multimodal Imaging and Hybrid Scanners. Int J
Biomed Imaging 2007; 10:1155.
LeBlanc A, Daniel G, Jakoby BW, Townsend DW. Thoracic and Abdominal Organ Uptake
of 2-deoxy-2-[18F]fluoro-D-glucose (18FDG) with Positron Emission Tomography in the
Normal Dog. Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound 2008; 49(2):182-188.
Townsend DW. Multimodality imaging of structure and function. Phys Med Biol 2008;
Townsend DW. Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography. Semin Nucl Med
2008; 38:152-166.
100. Townsend DW. Dual-modality Imaging: Combining Structure and Function. J Nucl Med
2008; 49(6): 938-955.
David W. Townsend, Ph.D.
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101. Zeng W, Yao M-L, Townsend DW, Kabalka G, Wall J, Le Puil M, Biggerstaff J, Miao W.
Synthesis, biological evaluation and radiochemical labeling of a dansylhydrazone derivative
as a potential imaging agent for apoptosis. Bioorg Med Chem Lett 2008; 18:3573-3577.
102. Nahmias C, Lemmens C, Faul D, Carlson E, Long MJ, Blodgett T, Nuys J, Townsend DW.
Does reducing CT artifacts from dental implants influence the PET interpretation in PET/CT
studies of oral cancer and head and neck cancer? J Nucl Med 2008; 49(7):1047-1052.
103. Townsend DW. Combined Positron Emission Tomography-Computed Tomography: The
Historical Perspective. Semin. Ultrasound CT MRI 2008; 29:232-235.
104. Schlemmer H-P, Pichler BJ, Schmand M, Burbar Z, Michel C, Ladebeck R, Jattke K,
Townsend DW, Nahmias C, Jacob PK, Heiss W-D, Claussen CD. Simultaneous MR/PET
Imaging of the Human Brain: Feasibility Study. Radiology 2008; 248(3):1028-1035.
105. Zeng W, Miao W, Kabalka G, Le Puil M, Biggerstaff J, Townsend DW. Design, Synthesis
and Biological Evaluation of a Dansyled Amino Acid Derivative as an Imaging Agent for
Apoptosis. Tetrahedron Letters 2008; 49:6429-6432.
106. Mawlawi O and Townsend DW. Multimodality imaging: an update on PET/CT technology.
Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2008; DOI 10.1007/s00259-008-1016-6.
107. Brix G, Dondi M, Malone J, Mantil J, O’Reilly G, Rehani MM, Relan N, Shortt K, Thompson
W, Townsend DW, Yonekura Y. Radiation Protection in Newer Medical Imaging
Techniques: PET/CT. IAEA Safety Report 58. IAEA Vienna 2008.
108. LeBlanc AK, Jakoby BW*, Townsend DW, Daniel GB. Positron Emission Tomography with
2-deoxy-2-[18F]fluoro-D-glucose (18FDG-PET) in Canine Lymphoma and Cutaneous Mast
Cell Tumor. Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound 2009; 50(2):215-223.
109. LeBlanc AK, Wall JS, Morandi F, Kennel SJ, Stuckey A, Jakoby B, Townsend DW, Daniel
GB. Normal thoracic and abdominal distribution of 2-deoxy-2-[18F]fluoro-D-glucose (18FDG)
in adult cats. Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound 2009; 50(4):436-441.
110. Jakoby BW*, Bercier Y, Watson CC, Bendriem B, Townsend DW. Physical and Clinical
Performance of a new LSO High Definition PET/CT Scanner. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci 2009;
111. Patton JA, Townsend DW, Hutton BF. Hybrid Imaging Technology: From Dreams and
Vision to Clinical Devices. Sem. Nucl. Med. 2009; (To appear).
112. Kadrmas DJ, Casey ME, Conti M, Jakoby BW, Lois C, Townsend DW. Impact of Time-ofFlight on PET Tumor Detection. J Nucl Med 2009; 50: (To appear).
Invited Published Papers, Proceedings of Conference and Symposia, Book Chapters:
David W. Townsend, Ph.D.
Page 13
Jeavons A, Townsend D, Ford N, Kull K, Manuel A, Fischer O, Peter M: A High Resolution
Proportional Chamber Positron Camera and its Applications. IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 1978;
Townsend D, Schorr B, Jeavons A. Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction for a Positron
Camera with Limited Angle Acceptance. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci 1980; NS-27:463.
Frey P, Townsend D, Jeavons A, Donath A. [Eds. W.Bessler, W.A.Fuchs, J.Locher,
J.Paunier]. Die CERN-Positronenkamera fur Medizinische Anwendungen. Jahrbuch der
Schweizerischen Gesellschaft fur Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin 1981.
Jeavons A, Schorr B, Kull K, Townsend D, Frey P, Donath A. A Large Area Stationary
Positron Camera using Wire Chambers. Proceedings of the International Symposium on
Medical Radionuclide Imaging, Heidelberg, Germany. IAEA-SM-247/65 1981;49.
Jeavons A, Townsend D, Frey P, Donath A. Experience with a Proportional Chamber
Positron Camera in Nuclear Medicine. Proceedings of the Third World Congress of Nuclear
Medicine and Biology, Paris 1982:558.
Townsend D, Clack R, Frey P, Donath A, Jeavons A, Kulick J. Data Acquisition and Image
Reconstruction for a High-Resolution Positron Camera. Proceedings of the Conference on
Frontiers of Computers in Medicine, Philadelphia, USA. Sept 1982.
Townsend D, Clack R, Magnanini R, Frey P, Donath A, Schorr B, Jeavons A, Froidevaux A.
Image Reconstruction for a Rotating Positron Tomograph. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci 1983;NS30(1):594.
Jeavons A, Hood K, Herlin G, Parkman C, Townsend D, Magnanini R, Frey P, Donath A.
The High-Density Avalanche Chamber for Positron Emission Tomography. IEEE Trans Nucl
Sci 1983;NS-30(1):641.
Townsend D, Frey P, Donath A, Clack R, Schorr B, Jeavons A. Volume Measurement in
vivo Using Positron Emission Tomography. Presented at the International Workshop on Xand Gamma-ray Imaging Techniques, Southampton, U.K. Nucl Instr and Methods
Frey P, Townsend D, Donath A, Jeavons A. [Eds. Bessler W, Fuchs WA, Locher J, Paunier
J]. Tomoscintigraphie a l'Iode-124 chez l'homme en utilisant la Camera a Positrons. In:
Jahrbuch der Schweitzerischen Gesellschaft fur Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin 1984:400.
Townsend D, Frey P, Jeavons A, Donath A, Christin A, Wensween M, Tochon-Danguy H-J.
[Ed. S. Bacharach]. Analysis and Display of Medical Images obtained with the HIDAC
Positron Camera. In: Proceedings of the Ninth International Meeting on Information
Processing in Medical Imaging, Washington D.C.;1986:481.
Townsend D, Clack R, Defrise M, Tochon-Danguy H-J, Frey P, Kuijk S, Deconinck F. [Eds.
Viergever M and de Graaf K]. Quantitation with the HIDAC positron camera. In:
Proceedings of the Tenth International Meeting on Information Processing in Medical
Imaging, Utrecht 1987:577 .
David W. Townsend, Ph.D.
Page 14
Defrise M, Clack R, Townsend D. [Eds. Viergever M and de Graaf K]. New Techniques for
truly three-dimensional image reconstruction. In: Proceedings of the Tenth International
Meeting on Information Processing in Medical Imaging, Utrecht 1987:169.
*Geissbuhler A, Townsend D, Kuijk S. [Eds. M. Viergever and K. de Graaf]. A graphics
workstation for PET data acquisition and display. In: Proceedings of the Tenth International
Meeting on Information Processing in Medical Imaging, Utrecht 1987:393.
Frey P, *Schaller G, Christin A, Townsend D, Tochon-Danguy H, Wensveen M, Donath A.
Clinical applications with the HIDAC positron camera. In: Proc. of the Int. Symposium on the
use of Wire Chambers in Medical Imaging, Corsendonk, Belgium 1988:354.
Townsend D. PET with the HIDAC positron camera? In: Proc. of the Int. Symposium on the
use of Wire Chambers in Medical Imaging, Corsendonk, Belgium 1988:443.
Townsend D, Spinks T, Jones T, *Geissbuhler A, Defrise M, Gilardi MC, Heather J. Threedimensional reconstruction of PET data from a multi-ring camera. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci
Van Laethem E, Kuijk S, Deconinck F, Van Miert M, Defrise M, Townsend D, Wensveen M.
First test of a new high resolution positron camera with four area detectors. SPIE 1137
Science and Engineering of Medical Imaging 1989:200.
Townsend D, Defrise M, *Geissbuhler A, Spinks T, Jones T. [Eds. D.Ortendahl and J.
Llacer]. Three dimensional reconstruction for a multi-ring positron tomograph. In:
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Meeting on Information Processing in Medical
Imaging, San Francisco, USA 1990;139.
Defrise M, Deconinck F, Townsend D, *Geissbuhler A. Three-dimensional image
reconstruction in positron emission tomography. In: Proc. 1990 North Sea Conference on
Biomedical Engineering, Antwerp, Belgium 1991.
Townsend D, *Geissbuhler A, Defrise M, Hoffman EJ, Spinks TJ, Bailey DL, Gilardi MC,
Jones T. Fully three-dimensional reconstruction for a PET camera with retractable septa.
IEEE Med Imag Conf Record 1991;1222-1227.
Bailey DL, Jones T, Spinks TJ, Gilardi MC, Townsend DW. Noise equivalent count
measurements in a neuro-PET scanner with retractable septa. IEEE Med Imag Conf Record
Michel C, Bol A, Spinks T, Townsend D, Bailey D, Jones T. Assessment of scatter in two
PET scanners with and without interplane septa. IEEE Med Imag Conf Record 1991;12971302.
*Rajeswaran S, Bailey DL, Humen SP, Townsend DW, *Geissbuhler A, Jones T, Young J.
2D and 3D imaging of small animals and the human radial artery with a high resolution
detector. IEEE Med Imag Conf Record 1991;1308-1312.
David W. Townsend, Ph.D.
Page 15
Spinks TJ, Jones T, Bailey DL, Grootoonk S, Townsend DW, Gilardi MC, Casey ME, Sipe
B. Physical performance of a new commercial positron tomograph with retractable septa.
IEEE Med Imag Conf Record 1991;1313-1317.
Townsend D, Defrise M, *Geissbuhler A, Spinks TJ, Bailey DL, Gilardi MC, Jones T.
Normalisation and reconstruction of PET data acquired with multi-ring camera with retracted
septa. Medical Progress Through Technology 1991;17:223-228.
Townsend D. Optimization of signal in PET scans: present and future developments. In:
Proceedings of the Ciba Foundation Symposium on Exploring Brain Functional Anatomy
with Positron Tomography 1991:57-75.
Townsend D, Wensveen M, Byars L, *Geissbuhler A, Tochon-Danguy HJ, Christin A,
Defrise M, Kuijk S, Grootoonk S, Nutt R. A rotating PET scanner using BGO block
detectors. IEEE Med Imag Conf Record 1992;2:1658-1662.
Defrise M, Townsend D, Clack R. FaVoR: a fast reconstruction algorithm for volume
imaging in PET. IEEE Med Imag Conf Record 1992;2:1919-1923.
Townsend DW and Defrise M. Image reconstruction methods in positron tomography.
CERN Report 1993;93-02.
Townsend DW. [Eds. Uemura K, Lassen NA, Jones T, Kanno I]. Three dimensional PET:
the current status and future prospects. In: Quantification of Brain Function. Tracer kinetics
and image analysis in brain PET. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier Science Publishers BV;
Townsend DW, Byars L, Wensveen M, Defrise M, *Geissbuhler A, Benchaou M, Ryser JE,
Christin A, Lehmann W, Donath A. [Ed. Matsuzawa T]. A 3D PET scanner for applications
in oncology. In: Clinical PET in Oncology. Proc. of the 2nd International Symp on PET in
Oncology 1993;23-29.
Townsend DW, Byars LG, Defrise M, *Geissbuhler A, Maguire RP, Missimer J, Roddy R,
Brun T, Mintun MA, Nutt R. Design and performance of a rotating PET scanner PRT-2.
IEEE Med Imag Conf Record 1994;1058-1062.
*Beyer T, Kinahan PE, Townsend DW, Sashin D. The use of X-ray CT for attenuation
correction of PET data. IEEE MIC Record 4, 1995;1573-1577.
Maguire RP, *Emert F, Missimer J, Townsend DW, Leenders KL. PET measurements of
porosity in a large rock sample. International Meeting on 3D Image Reconstruction, Aix,
France, July 1995:117-120.
Townsend DW, Kinahan PE, *Beyer T, Mintun MA. Performance characteristics of PET
scanners operated in 3D mode. International Meeting on 3D Image Reconstruction, Aix,
France, July 1995:225-229.
David W. Townsend, Ph.D.
Page 16
*Beyer T, Townsend DW, Kinahan PE, Sashin D. Attenuation correction for a combined 3D
PET/CT scanner. International Meeting on 3D Image Reconstruction, Aix, France, July
Defrise M, Kinahan PE, Townsend DW. A new rebinning algorithm for 3D PET: principle,
implementation and performance. International Meeting on 3D Image Reconstruction, Aix,
France, July 1995:235-239.
Bailey DL, Townsend DW, Kinahan PE, Grootoonk S, Jones T. IEEE Med Imag Conf
Record 1995;2:997-1001.
Kinahan PE, Townsend DW, Bailey DL, Sashin D, Jadali F, Mintun MA. Efficiency
normalization techniques for 3D PET data. IEEE Med Imag Conf Record 1995;2:1021-1025.
Townsend DW, Price JC, Lopresti B, Mintun MA, Kinahan PE, Jadali F, Sashin D, Simpson
N, Mathis CA. [Eds. Myers R, Jones T, Bailey D]. Scatter correction in PET activation
studies. In: Quantification of Brain Function Using PET. Academic Press, 1996; Chapter
Townsend DW, Kinahan PE, Beyer T. Attenuation correction for a combined 3D PET/CT
scanner. Physica Medica 1996; XII (Suppl 1):43-48.
Kinahan PE, Defrise M, Michel C, Townsend DW. Methods of 3D image reconstruction and
quantitation in PET. Biomedical Engineering Society, 1996.
*Beyer T, Kinahan PE, Townsend DW. Optimization of transmission and emission scan
duration in whole body 3D PET. IEEE Med Imag Conf Record, 1997;2:1362-1366.
Kinahan PE, Michel C, Defrise M, Townsend DW, Lonneux M, Mintun MA, Luketich JD.
Fast iterative image reconstruction of 3D PET data. IEEE Med Image Conf Record, 1997;
Kinahan PE, Townsend DW, Editors. 1997 International Meeting on Fully ThreeDimensional Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine. In: Physics in
Medicine & Biology. Vol. 43(4):1998.
Townsend DW, Bendriem B, Editors.
Academic Publishers, 1998.
The Theory and Practice of 3D PET.
48. *Isoardi RA, Townsend DW, Carter CS, Herbster A, Dachille MA, Meltzer CC. Optimal
activity levels of 15O-water to map human brain function. IEEE Med Image Conf Record
1998, M10-23.
Tauxe WN, Kirchner PT, Townsend DW, Meltzer CC. [Eds. Aktolun C, Tauxe WN]. PET
Imaging in Oncology. In: Nuclear Oncology. Springer, 1999; Chapter 16.
Townsend DW, Beyer T, Kinahan PE, Charron M, Dachille M, Meltzer C, Brun T, Jerin J,
Byars LG, Nutt R. [Eds. Tamaki N, Tsukamoto E, Kuge Y, Katoh C, Morita K] Recent
David W. Townsend, Ph.D.
studies with a combined PET/CT scanner.
Millenium. Elsevier, 2000;229-244.
Page 17
Positron Emission Tomography in the
Beyer T, Townsend DW, Nutt R, Charron M, Kinahan PE, Meltzer C. [Eds. Wieler HJ,
Coleman RE]. Combined PET/CT imaging using a single, dual-modality tomograph: a
promising approach to clinical oncology of the future. In: PET in Clinical Oncology.
Steinkopff Darmstadt, Springer, 2000; Chapter 10.
Carney JPJ, Beyer T, Brasse D, Yap JT, Townsend DW. CT-based attenuation correction for
PET/CT scanners in the presence of contrast agent. IEEE Medical Imaging Conference
Record 2002, M10-44.
Townsend DW, Beyer T. [Eds: Valk P, Bailey DL, Townsend DW, Maisey MN. Integrated
Structure/Function Imaging with X-ray CT and Positron Emission Tomography. In: Positron
Emission Tomography: Basic Science and Clinical Practice. Springer, 2003; Chapter 8: 203219.
Burger C, Townsend DW. [Ed: von Schulthess G] Basics of PET Scanning. In: CLINICAL
PET, PET/CT and SPECT/CT: Combined Anatomic-Molecular Imaging. Lippincott, Williams
and Wilkins, 2003; Chapter 3: 14-39
Carney JP, Townsend DW. [Ed: von Schulthess G] CT-based attenuation correction for
PET/CT scanners. In: CLINICAL PET, PET/CT and SPECT/CT: Combined AnatomicMolecular Imaging. Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, 2003; Chapter 6: 46-58.
Beyer T, Townsend DW. PET/CT wider mal. In: PET and PET/CT in Clinical Oncology.
Oehr B, Coleman E. Eds. 2003. Springer.
Watson CC, Townsend DW, Bendriem B. PET/CT Systems. In: Emission Tomography: The
Fundamentals of PET and SPECT. Wernick MN and Aarsvold JN, Eds. Academic Press,
2004, Chapter 11: 195-212.
Delbeke D, Schindler TH, Townsend DW, Kaufmann PA, von Schulthess GK, Schelbert HR.
Advances in Cardiac Applications for PET and PET/CT. In: Nuclear Cardiology and
Correlative Imaging. Vitola JV and Delbeke D, Eds. Springer, 2004.
Townsend DW. A Future for PET/CT. In: Atlas of PET/CT Imaging in Oncology. Czernin J,
Dahlbom M, Ratib O, Schiepers C., Eds. Springer. 2004:12-20.
Townsend DW and Hall NC. Clinical applications of high-resolution fusion imaging.
Applied Radiology 2004; 33(6):1-5.
Yap JT, Townsend DW, Hall NC. PET/CT in IMRT Planning. In: Mundt AJ, Roeske JC,
Eds. Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy: A Clinical Perspective. Hamilton, ON, Canada.
BC Decker Inc. 2004.
Eriksson LE, Townsend DW, Eriksson M, Casey M, Conti M, Bendriem B, Nutt R. The
NEC Dependence of Different Scintillators for Positron Emission Tomography. IEEE
Medical Imaging Conference Record 2004: M10-8.
David W. Townsend, Ph.D.
Page 18
Townsend DW, Reed J, Newport D, Newby D, Carney JP, Yap JT, Long MJ. Continuous
Bed Motion Acquisition for a 16-Slice LSO PET/CT Scanner. IEEE Medical Imaging
Conference Record 2004. M2-53.
Carney J, Watson CC, Townsend DW. Optimization of the Relative Acquisition Duration
for PET/CT Imaging in Oncology. IEEE Medical Imaging Conference Record 2004. M5-62.
Yap JT, Hall NC, Townsend DW, Wall JS, Solomon A, Kabalka GW, Kennel SJ, Newport
DF, Siegel S, Bailey D, Smith AM, Nutt, RE. Combined Clinical PET/CT and micro PET
Small Animal Imaging. IEEE Medical Imaging Conference Record 2004. M5-154.
Hall NC, Carney J, Yap JT, Smith GT, Townsend DW. Accurate SUV Determination for
Small Solitary Pulmonary Nodules Using CT-Based Lesion Volume Estimates. IEEE Medical
Imaging Conference Record 2004. M9-87.
Watson CC, Rappoport V, Townsend DW, Carney J. A Method for Calibrating the CTBased Attenuation Correction of PET in Human Tissue. IEEE Medical Imaging Conference
Record 2004. M9-163.
Rappoport V, Carney J, Townsend DW. X-Ray Tube Voltage Dependent Attenuation
Correction Scheme for PET/CT Scanners. IEEE Medical Imaging Conference Record 2004.
Townsend DW, Bendriem B, Editors. The Theory and Practice of 3D PET. Japanese
Edition, 2005. Translated from the original version, Kluwer, 1998.
Townsend DW, Beyer T. [Eds: Bailey DL, Townsend DW, Valk PE, Maisey MN]. AnatoMolecular Imaging: Combining Structure and Function. In: Positron Emission Tomography:
Basic Sciences. Springer, 2005; Chapter 8: 179-202.
Townsend DW. [Eds: Valk PE, Delbeke D, Bailey DL, Townsend DW, Maisey MN]. Basic
Science of PET and PET/CT. In: Positron Emission Tomography: Clinical Practice. Springer,
2006; Chapter 1: 1-16.
Burger C, Townsend DW. [Ed: von Schulthess G; DVD Editor: Schmid D] Basics of PET
Scanning. In: Molecular Anatomic IMAGING: PET-CT and SPECT-CT Integrated Modality
Imaging. Second Edition. Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, 2006; Chapter 3: 16-29
Carney JP, Townsend DW. [Ed: von Schulthess G; DVD Editor: Schmid D] CT-based
attenuation correction for PET/CT scanners. In: Molecular Anatomic IMAGING: PET-CT
and SPECT-CT Integrated Modality Imaging. Second Edition. Lippincott, Williams and
Wilkins, 2006; Chapter 7: 54-62.
Townsend DW, Besozzi MC, Carney JPJ. [Eds. DiCarli MF, Lipton MJ] Integrated PET/CT.
In: Cardiac PET and PET/CT imaging. First Edition. Springer. 2007; Chapter 3:34-45.
David W. Townsend, Ph.D.
Page 19
Townsend DW. Physics and instrumentation for PET. Categorical Course in Diagnostic
Radiology RSNA 2007. In: Clinical PET and PET/CT Imaging. (Ed: Richard L. Wahl, MD):
Townsend DW. PET/CT Scanner Designs and Characteristics. Med Phys 2009; (To appear)
Townsend DW. Imaging Structure and Function with PET/CT. In Molecular Imaging:
Principles and Practice. [Eds: Weissleder R, Gambhir S, Ross BD, Rehemtulla A.] BC Decker
Inc. 2009; Chapter 2.
Published Abstracts:
Townsend D and Jeavons A. Singular Value Decompositions in Focal Plane Tomography. J
Comput Assist Tomogr 1978;2:644.
Townsend DW, Bishop H, Mintun MA. Physical and clinical performance of a rotating
positron tomograph. J Nucl Med 1994; 35(5):41P.
Townsend DW, Choi Y, Sashin D, Mintun MA. An investigation of practical scatter
correction techniques for 3D PET. J Nucl Med 1994;35(5):50P.
Choi Y, Simpson N, Townsend DW, Sashin D, Urso K, Kroboth P, Mathis C, Mintun MA.
Compartment modeling analysis of C-11 flumazenil kinetics in human brain using dynamic
2D and 3D PET. J Nucl Med 1994;35(5):184P.
Kinahan PE, Jadali F, Sashin D, Brown ML, Mintun MA, Baron RL, Townsend DW. A
comparison of 2D and 3D abdominal PET imaging. J Nucl Med 1995; 36(5):7P.
Jadali F, *Beyer T, Sashin D, Kinahan PE, Mintun MA, Townsend DW. The influence of
out-of-field activity on scatter correction techniques for quantitative 3D PET imaging. J Nucl
Med 1995; 36(5):105P.
Nichols TE, Townsend DW, Braver T, Cohen J, Mintun MA. Scatter correction in PET
activation studies. Scatter correction in PET activation studies. NeuroImage 1995; 2(2):S18.
Townsend DW, Price JC, Lopresti B, Mintun MA, Kinahan PE, Jadali F, Sashin D, Simpson
N, Mathis CA. Scatter correction for brain receptor quantitation in 3D PET. NeuroImage
1995; 2(2):S19.
Townsend DW, Derbyshire S, Clark S, Nichols TE, Dachille MA, Ruszkiewicz JA, Milko
DL, Gyulai F, Firestone L, Mintun MA, Jones AKP. The state of the ART. J Nucl Med
Wiseman MB, Derbyshire SWG, Dachille MA, Milko DL, Ruszkiewicz JA, Meltzer CC,
Townsend DW. A double blind randomized comparison of sumatriptan and placebo effects
on migraine headache and central response measured using positron emission tomography. J
Nucl Med 1997 38(5):281P.
David W. Townsend, Ph.D.
Page 20
*Beyer T, Kinahan PE, Townsend DW, Abella-Columna E, Martinez M, Valk PE.
Optimization of transmission and emission scan duration in whole body PET imaging. J Nucl
Med 1997 38(5):196P.
Price J, Lopresti B, Huang Y, Simpson N, Mahmood K, Townsend D, Mathis C. PET studies
of serotonin transporter binding: kinetic modeling of [C-11]MCN5652. J Nucl Med 1997
Kinahan PE, Michel C, Defrise M, Townsend DW, Sibomana M, Lonneux M, *Comtat C,
Luketich JD. Accelerated statistical reconstruction methods for PET and coincidence-SPECT
whole body oncology imaging. J Nucl Med 1997 38(5):102P.
Derbyshire SWG, Gyulai F, Jones AKP, Clark S, Townsend D, Firestone L. Attenuation of
laser pain by fentanyl correlates with focal changes in cerebral response. J Cereb Blood Flow
Metab 1997;7(S1):S654.
Townsend DW, Isoardi RA, Carter CS, Herbster A, Dachille MA, Meltzer CC. Cognitive
activation studies in 3D with an EXACT HR+ and 5 mCi injections of [15-O]water. J. Nucl.
Med. 1998; 39(5): 205P.
Meltzer CC, Scheuer MP, Adelson PD, Brenner R, Van Cott A, Bozik M, Schiff D, Dachille
MA, Townsend DW. Ictal FDG PET imaging for localization of epileptic foci in patients
with continuous partial seizures. J. Nucl. Med. 1998; 39(5): 211P.
Derbyshire SWG, Jones AKP, Townsend D, Gyulai F, Smith GS, Firestone L. Gender
differences in the central response to pain controlled for stimulus intensity. J Cereb Blood
Flow Metab 1998;
Townsend DW, *Beyer T, Kinahan PE, Meltzer CC, Brun T, Nutt R, Roddy R. The SMART
scanner: A combined PET/CT tomograph for clinical oncology. Radiology 1998; 209 (P):
Townsend DW, *Beyer T, Kinahan PE, Charron M, Meltzer CC, Dachille MA. Jerin J, Brun
T, Roddy R, Nutt R, Byars LG. Fusion imaging for whole-body oncology with a combined
PET and CT scanner. J Nucl Med. 1999;40(5):148P.
Charron M, *Beyer T, Kinahan PE, Meltzer CC, Dachille MA, Townsend DW. Whole-body
FDG PET and CT imaging of malignancies using a combined PET/CT scanner. J Nucl Med.
Lacomis JM, Costello P, Townsend DW, Ferris JV, Kirkwood JM, Meltzer CC, et al.
Combined PET-CT imaging for the assessment of metastatic melanoma: preliminary
experience at the University of Pittsburgh. Radiology 2000; 217 (P): 636.
Meltzer CC, Martinelli MA, Beyer T, Kinahan PE, Charron M, McCook B, Townsend DW.
Whole-body FDG PET imaging in the abdomen: value of combined PET/CT. J Nucl Med
2001; 42(5): 35P.
David W. Townsend, Ph.D.
Page 21
Meltzer CC, Snyderman CH, Fukui MB, Bascom DA, Chander S, Johnson JT, Myers EN,
Martinelli MA, Kinahan PE, Townsend DW. Combined FDG PET/CT imaging in head and
neck cancer: impact on patient management. J Nucl Med 2001; 42(5): 36P.
Beyer T, Townsend DW. Dual-modality PET/CT imaging: CT-based attenuation correction
in the presence of CT contrast agents. J Nucl Med 2001; 42(5): 56P.
Carney JP, Townsend DW, Kinahan PE, Beyer T, Kachelriess, Kalender WA, De Man B,
Nuyts J. CT-based attenuation correction: the effect of imaging with the arms in the field-ofview. J Nucl Med 2001; 42(5): 56P-57P.
Townsend DW, Watson CC, Henley A, Reynolds C, Picker F, Treffert J, Luk P, Reed J,
Beyer T, Nutt R. Design considerations for a combined PET/CT scanner. J Nucl Med 2001;
42(5): 99P.
Meltzer CC, Makhija S, Howden N, Sumkin J, Edwards R, Comerci J, McCook B,
Townsend DW. PET/CT imaging in recurrent ovarian and fallopian tube carcinoma. J Nucl
Med 2001; 42(5): 284P.
Townsend DW, Newport DF, Brasse D, Carney JP, Yap JT, Reynolds C, Reed J, Bao J, Luk
P, and Beyer T. Whole-body combined PET/CT imaging with continuous bed movement. J
Nucl Med 2002; 43(5): 11P.
Brasse D, Beyer T, Carney JP, Yap JT, Townsend DW, Watson CC, Nutt R. Count rate
performance of the CPS PET/CT system. J Nucl Med 2002; 43(5): 12P.
Carney JP, Beyer T, Brasse D, Yap JT, Townsend DW. Clinical PET/CT scanning using oral
CT contrast agents. J Nucl Med 2002; 43(5): 57P.
Brasse D, Thompson CJ, Beyer T, Yap JT, Carney JP, Townsend DW. Evaluation of the
neuroshield with the CPS PET/CT. J Nucl Med 2002; 43(5): 230P.
Blodgett TM, Meltzer CC, Townsend DW, Yap JT, McCook BM,Heron DE, Gerszten K, Sit
A, Edwards R, Comerci J, Gallion H. PET/CT in re-staging patients with ovarian cancer. J
Nucl Med 2002; 43(5): 310P.
Blodgett TM, Meltzer CC, Townsend DW, Yap JT, McCook BM, Heron DE, Gerszten K, Sit
A, Edwards R, Comerci J, Gallion H. PET/CT in staging and re-staging patients with cervical
cancer. J Nucl Med 2002; 43(5): 310P.
Townsend DW. Current status and applications of combined PET/CT imaging. Ann Nucl
Med Sci 2002; 15: S11.
Bhatnagar A, Heron DE, Blodgett TM, Meltzer CC, Townsend DW, Yap JT. Integrated
PET/CT for re-staging patients with ovarian carcinoma. Radiology 2002; 225(P): 599.
Blodgett TM, Meltzer CC, Almusa O, McCook BM, McGuire EA, Townsend DW. FDG
PET imaging of post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder. Radiology 2002; 225(P): 196.
David W. Townsend, Ph.D.
Page 22
Heron DE, Bhatnagar A, Blodgett TM, Meltzer CC, Townsend DW, Yap JT. PET/CT in
staging and re-staging patients with carcinoma of the uterine cervix. Radiology 2002; 225(P):
MacLaughlin LH, Zimmer L, Blodgett TM, Fukui MB, Townsend DW, Meltzer CC.
Combined PET/CT in the detection of unknown primary malignancy of the head and neck.
Radiology 2002; 225(P): 432.
Carney JP, Watson CC, Brasse D, Yap JT, Laymon CN, Townsend DW. Regionallydependent count rate performance analysis of patient data acquired with a PET/CT scanner. J
Nucl Med 2003; 44(5): 112P.
Carney JP, Watson CC, Brasse D, Yap JT, Laymon CN, Townsend DW. Segmentationdependent scaling of CT values for attenuation correction in PET/CT scanners. J Nucl Med
2003; 44(5): 276P.
Watson CC, Casey ME, Bendriem B, Carney JPJ, Beyer T, Dahlbom M, Bruchbauer T,
Eriksson L, Townsend DW. A new method for assessing and optimizing clinical 18F-FDG
whole body PET data quality. J Nucl Med 2003; 44(5): 110P.
Laymon CM, Carney JPJ, Townsend DW. Method for discrimination of contrast media in
CT-based attenuation correction. J Nucl Med 2003; 44(5): 273P.
Townsend DW, Carney JPJ, Blodgett TM. Principles of PET/CT. Molecular Imaging and
Biology 2003; 5(3): 178-179.
Townsend DW. From 3D PET to 3D PET/CT: what did we learn? Molecular Imaging and
Biology 2004; 6(2): 69.
Townsend DW, Yap JT, Carney JPJ, Hall NC, Bruckbauer T, Howe C, Lohmann K, Smith
B, Theirfelder C. Respiratory gating protocols for CT and PET with a 16-slice LSO PET/CT
scanner. Molecular Imaging and Biology 2004; 6(2): 83.
Carney JPJ, Yap JT, Hall NC, Townsend DW. Clinical count rate performance of an LSO
PET/CT scanner utilizing a new front-end electronics architecture with sub-nanosecond
intrinsic timing resolution. Molecular Imaging and Biology 2004; 6(2): 86.
Hall NC, Kuhlman DE, Yap JT, Carney JPJ, Townsend DW. Comparison of 3D PET/CT and
2D PET for imaging obese patients. Molecular Imaging and Biology 2004; 6(2): 96.
Townsend DW, Yap JT, Carney JPJ, Long M, Hall NC, Bruckbauer T, Howe WC, Lohmann
KA, Smith BC, Bendriem B, Theirfelder C. Respiratory gating with a 16-slice LSO PET/CT
scanner. J Nucl Med 2004; 45(5): 165P.
Townsend DW, Carney JPJ, Yap JT, Long M, Hall NC, Young J, Wheelock T, Smith B,
Casey M, Reed J, Bendriem B, Nutt R.. Clinical performance of a high resolution 16-slice
LSO PET/CT scanner. J Nucl Med 2004; 45(5): 100P.
David W. Townsend, Ph.D.
Page 23
Rappoport V, Carney JPJ, Townsend DW. Attenuation correction schemes for PET/CT
scanners including CT oral contrast correction. J Nucl Med 2004; 45(5): 412P.
Arrowood LF, Carney JPJ, Gregor J, Townsend DW. Use of consistency conditions on PET
sinogram data to register anatomical boundaries in PET/CT imaging. J Nucl Med 2004; 45(5):
Carney JPJ, Hall NC, Yap JT, Long MJ, Townsend DW. Modulated PET acquisition
depending on axial anatomical positioning and patient weight in whole body PET/CT
imaging. J Nucl Med 2004; 45(5): 1329P.
Blodgett TM, McCook BM, Torok FS, Branstetter B, Federle M, Townsend DW, Meltzer
CC. Clinical value and utility of combined PET/CT imaging. J Nucl Med 2004; 45(5): 366P.
Hall NC, Carney JPJ, Yap JT, Smith GT, Townsend DW. Three-dimensional SUV
determinations with a 16-slice LSO PET/CT scanner. J Nucl Med 2004; 45(5): 406P.
Watson CC, Casey ME, Young J, Bendriem B, Eberl S, Meikle S, Carney JPJ, Townsend
DW. Improved clinical performance of LSO PETCT with PICO-3D electronics. J Nucl Med
2004; 45(5): 425P.
Townsend DW, Yap JT, Carney JPJ, Hall NC. Developments in PET/CT: from concept to
practice. Med Phys 2004; 31(6):1792-1793.
Eriksson LE, Townsend DW, Eriksson M, Casey M, Conti M, Bendriem B, Nutt R. The
NEC Dependence of Different Scintillators for Positron Emission Tomography. IEEE MIC
Abstract Book 2004. M10-8:210.
Townsend DW, Reed J, Newport D, Newby D, Carney JP, Yap JT, Long MJ. Continuous
Bed Motion Acquisition for a 16-Slice LSO PET/CT Scanner. IEEE MIC Abstract Book 2004.
Carney J, Watson CC, Townsend DW. Optimization of the Relative Acquisition Duration
for PET/CT Imaging in Oncology. IEEE MIC Abstract Book 2004. M5-62:161.
Yap JT, Hall NC, Townsend DW, Wall JS, Solomon A, Kabalka GW, Kennel SJ, Newport
DF, Siegel S, Bailey D, Smith AM, Nutt, RE. Combined Clinical PET/CT and micro PET
Small Animal Imaging. IEEE MIC Abstract Book 2004. M5-154:165.
Hall NC, Carney J, Yap JT, Smith GT, Townsend DW. Accurate SUV Determination for
Small Solitary Pulmonary Nodules Using CT-Based Lesion Volume Estimates. IEEE MIC
Abstract Book 2004. M9-87:190.
Watson CC, Rappoport V, Townsend DW, Carney J. A Method for Calibrating the CTBased Attenuation Correction of PET in Human Tissue. IEEE MIC Abstract Book 2004. M9163:194.
Rappoport V, Carney J, Townsend DW. X-Ray Tube Voltage Dependent Attenuation
Correction Scheme for PET/CT Scanners. IEEE MIC Abstract Book 2004. M10-76:213.
David W. Townsend, Ph.D.
Page 24
Townsend DW. Designing the Future of Positron Emission Tomography/Computed
Tomography. Molecular Imaging and Biology 2005; 7(2): 61.
Townsend DW. Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography Today and
Tomorrow. Molecular Imaging and Biology 2005; 7(2): 62.
Burbar Z, Townsend DW, Carney JP, Reed J, Newport DF, Tolbert S, Yap JT, Long MJ,
Hubner KF, Kehren F, Abidi M. Continuous Bed Motion Acquisition for a High Resolution
LSO Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography Scanner. Molecular Imaging
and Biology 2005; 7(2): 116.
Hall NC, Passerini SM, Hall DJ, Martin D, Townsend DW. Benefit of Positron Emission
Tomography/Computed Tomography in the Detection of Recurrent Ovarian Cancer.
Molecular Imaging and Biology 2005; 7(2): 121.
Yap JT, Wall JS, Kennel SJ, Smith AM, Siegel SB, Solomon A, Townsend DW. Improved
Visualization and Quantification of Small Animal Imaging with Co-Registered Positron
Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography and MicroPET. Molecular Imaging and
Biology 2005; 7(2): 324.
Yap JT, Wall JS, Kennel SJ, Solomon A, Townsend DW. Evaluation of [124 I]11-1F4, A
Novel Positron Emission Tomography Radiotracer for Imaging Systemic Amyloid Disease.
Molecular Imaging and Biology 2005; 7(2): 325.
Blodgett TM, Laymon CM, McCook BM, Townsend DW, Meltzer CC. Positron Emission
Tomography/Computed Tomography Artifacts and Image Quality Variables: Identification,
Characterization, Clinical Significance and Potential Solutions. Molecular Imaging and
Biology 2005; 7(2): 333.
Carney JP, Besozzi MC, Townsend DW. 2-Deoxy-2-[18F]Fluoro-D-Glucose-Positron
Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography Myocardial Viability Imaging in the Presence
of Implanted Devices. Molecular Imaging and Biology 2005; 7(2): 335.
Yap JT, Hanna WT, Hubner KF, Townsend DW. Assessment of Early Effects of
Chemotherapy of Non Small Cell Lung Cancer Using 2-Deoxy-2-[18F]Fluoro-D-GlucosePositron Emission Tomography/Tomography. Molecular Imaging and Biology 2005; 7(2):
Yap JT, Hanna WT, Hubner KF, Townsend DW.
Chemotherapy Small Cell Lung Cancer Using Serial
46(5): 101P.
Yap JT, Luk P, Mitchell M, Townsend DW. Development of Combined Dynamic and
Wholebody PET/CT Imaging. J Nucl Med 2005; 46(5): 109P.
Yap JT, Kennel SJ, Solomon A, Townsend DW. Evaluation of a Novel Radiotracer for
Imaging Amyloidosis Using MicroPET. J Nucl Med 2005; 46(5): 190P.
Assessment of Early Response to
PET/CT. J Nucl Med 2005;
David W. Townsend, Ph.D.
Page 25
Townsend DW, Jakoby B, Carney JPJ, Yap JT, Long MJ, Bendriem B, Clark?, Conti M,
Jones J, Kehren F, Michel C, Moyers R, Panin V, Rappoport V, Eriksson L, Nahmias C.
Performance Evaluation of a High Sensitivity High Resolution PET scanner Design Based on
Large Area LSO Panel Detectors. J Nucl Med 2005; 46(5): 206P.
Hall NC, Carney JPJ, Mayr NA, Townsend DW. Standardized Method for Accurately
Determining Regions of Interest for Radiation Therapy Planning and Response to Therapy. J
Nucl Med 2005; 46(5): 231P.
Hall NC, Carney JPJ, Knopp MV, Townsend DW. Is the Maximum Pixel Value the Best
Method for Reporting and Quantifying SUV? J Nucl Med 2005; 46(5): 248P.
Carney JPJ, Besozzi MC, Townsend DW. Effect of Implanted Cardiac Defibrillator Leads
on FDG PET/CT Myocardial Viability Imaging. J Nucl Med 2005; 46(5): 477P.
Townsend DW. PET/CT Imaging: A Physicist’s Viewpoint. Medical Physics 2005;
Rappoport V, Faul D, Carney JPJ, Townsend DW. CT images for attenuation correction in
PET. IEEE MIC Conference Record 2005. M03-151.
Eriksson L, Townsend DW, Eriksson M, Casey ME, Schmand M, Conti M, Michel C,
Melcher CL, Bendriem B, Jones T, Nutt R. Potentials for a fifth generation PET scanner for
oncology. IEEE MIC Conference Record 2005. M07-101.
Burbar Z, Michel C, Townsend DW, Jakoby B, Sibomana M, Kehren F, Tolbert S, Reed J,
Hubner K, Abidi M. Continuous bed motion data processing for a high resolution PET/CT
scanner. IEEE MIC Conference Record 2005. M07-137.
Carney JPJ, Besozzi MC, Townsend DW. Attenuation correction for cardiac PET/CT
applications. IEEE MIC Conference Record 2005. M07-206.
Conti M, Casey ME, Michel C, Eriksson L, Jones J, Panin V, Rappoport V, Bendriem B,
Townsend DW, Jacoby B. Performance of a high sensitivity PET scanner based on large area
LSO panel detectors. IEEE MIC Conference Record 2005. M11-141.
Jakoby BW*, Townsend DW, LeBlanc AK, Daniel GB. A large field-of-view high resolution
panel detector Positron Emission Tomography scanner for imaging animals. Molecular
Imaging and Biology 2006; 8(2):88.
Townsend DW, Carlson E, Kennedy J, Long MJ, Carr C, Nahmias C, Hubner K and Blodgett
TM. PET/CT Scanning for Pre-operative Staging of Patients with Head and Neck Cancer. J
Nucl Med 2006; 47(5): 110P.
Nahmias C, Hanna W, Long MJ, Hubner K and Townsend DW. Assessment of early
response to chemotherapy in non-small cell lung cancer patients with FDG-PET. J Nucl Med
2006; 47(5): 165P.
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Page 26
Yu M, Matteo J, Townsend DW and Nutt R. Rapid Microfluidic Production of PET
Biomarker [18F]FDG. J Nucl Med 2006; 47(5): 159P.
90. Townsend DW, Carlson ER, Kennedy J, Long MJ, Carr C, Nahmias C, Hubner K. PET/CT
Scanning for Pre-operative Staging of Patients with Head and Neck Cancer. World Journal of
Nuclear Medicine 2006, 5(1): S45.
Nahmias C, Hanna W, Long MJ, Wahl L, Hayden C, Hubner K, Townsend DW. FDG PET
predicts the response to chemotherapy in NSCL cancer patients as early as two weeks after the
initiation of chemotherapy. World Journal of Nuclear Medicine 2006, 5(1): S59.
Eriksson LA, Townsend DW, Conti M, Eriksson M, Bohm C, Rothfuss H, Schmand M,
Casey ME, Bendriem B. Future Instrumentation in Positron Emission Tomography. IEEE
MIC Conference Record 2006. M11-151.
Jakoby BW, Bercier Y, Watson CC, Rappoport V, Young JW, Bendriem B, Townsend DW.
Physical performance and clinical workflow of a new LSO HI-REZ PET/CT scanner. IEEE
MIC Conference Record 2006. M14-186.
Jakoby BW, Townsend DW, Sibomana M, Nahmias C, LeBlanc AK, Daniel GB. A large
volume PET scanner for low dose applications. IEEE MIC Conference Record 2006. M14153.
Schlemmer H, Pichler BJ, Wienhard K, Schmand M, Nahmias C, Townsend D, Heiss W,
Claussen CD. Simultaneous MR/PET for brain imaging: First patient scans. J Nucl Med
2007; 48(5): 45P.
Jakoby BW, Long MJ, Carr C, Townsend DW. Physical performance of a new combined
PET/CT scanner. J Nucl Med 2007; 48(5): 46P.
Guglielmo C, Wall J, Nahmias C, Townsend D, Smith G. An in vitro model validating the
use of 11C labeled tetrahydrofolate derivatives as novel radiopharmaceuticals for imaging
DNA proliferation in vivo. J Nucl Med 2007; 48(5): 334P.
Faul D, Lemmens C, Blodgett T, Nuyts J, Hamill JJ, Namias C, Townsend DW. A clinical
investigation of an algorithm for reducing CT image artifacts from dental implants in PET/CT
studies. J Nucl Med 2007; 48(5): 416P.
Townsend DW, Jakoby B, Long MJ, Carr C, Hubner K, Guglielmo C, Nahmias C.
Performance and clinical workflow of a new combined PET/CT scanner. J Nucl Med 2007;
48(5): 437P.
100. Townsend DW. PET/CT – Current status. International Conference on Clinical PET and
Molecular Nuclear Medicine, Bangkok, Thailand. IAEA-CN-157/027, 2007:58.
101. Townsend DW. Essentials of PET/CT computation and QA for treatment planning and
follow up. International Conference on Clinical PET and Molecular Nuclear Medicine,
Bangkok, Thailand. IAEA-CN-157/100p, 2007:150.
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Page 27
102. Nahmias CN, Wahl LM, Long MJ, Townsend DW. Reproducibility of SUV measurements
determined by FDG-PET in malignant tumors. J Nucl Med 2008; 49(5): 107P.
103. Zeng W, Yao M, Kabalka GW, Wall J, Townsend DW. Novel synthesis of sunitinib, a
tyrosine kinase inhibitor. J Nucl Med 2008; 49(5): 291P.
104. Zeng W, Yao Y, Townsend DW, Kabalka GW, Wall J, Lepuil M, Biggerstaff J, Miao W.
Synthesis and biological evaluation of (E)-5-(dimethylamino)-N’-(4-fluoro-benzylidene)naphthalene-1-sulfonohydrazide [DFNSH] as an agent for imaging apoptosis. J Nucl Med
2008; 49(5): 294P.
105. Zeng W, Yao Y, Townsend DW, Kabalka GW, Wall J, Miao W. Biological evaluation of
dansylhydrazone derivatives for cancer cell apoptosis imaging. J Nucl Med 2008; 49(5):
106. Conti M, Townsend DW, Casey M, Lois C, Jakoby BW. Long MJ, Howe C, Watson CC,
Bendriem B. Assessment of the clinical potential of a time-of-flight PET/CT scanner with less
than 600 ps timing resolution. J Nucl Med 2008; 49(5): 411P.
107. Wall J, Townsend DW. Clinical Diagnostic Veterinary Imaging Using MicroPET and
MicroCT Platforms. World Molecular Imaging Conference, Nice, France. Sept 2008.
108. Jakoby BW, Bercier Y, Conti M, Casey ME, Gremillion T, Hayden C, Bendriem B,
Townsend DW. Performance Investigation of a Time-of-Flight PET/CT Scanner. IEEE MIC
Conference Record 2008.
109. Eriksson LA, Townsend DW, Conti M, Melcher CL, Eriksson M, Jakoby BW, Rothfuss H,
Casey ME, Bendriem B. Potentials for Large Axial Field of View Positron Camera. IEEE
MIC Conference Record 2008.
110. Jakoby BW*, SchaefferkoetterJ, Long ML, Hubner K, Townsend DW. The potential of
point-spread-function reconstruction and time-of-flight to reduce FDG dose in PET/CT
imaging. J Nucl Med 2009; 50 (Suppl 2):89P.
111. Wall JS, Kennel SJ, Stuckey A, Townsend DW, Smith GT, Wells KJ, Stabin M, Creekmore
S, Solomon A. Phase I clinical PET imaging of AL amyloid using 124I-labeled amyloidreactive monoclonal antibody. J Nucl Med 2009; 50 (Suppl 2): 142P.
Other Abstracts
Milko DL, Wiseman MB, Derbyshire SWG, Ruszkiewicz JA, Manthei DA, Soso MJ, Urso
GK, Townsend DW, Meltzer CC. Pathophysiology of migraine headaches using positron
emission tomography. J Nucl Med (Technologist), 1997.
Dachille MA, Townsend DW, Kinahan PE, *Beyer T, Meltzer CC. A comparison of 2D and
3D whole body imaging with the ECAT HR+. J Nucl Med (Technologist), 1997.
Dachille MA, *Beyer T, Townsend DW, Meltzer CC, Jerin J, Luk P. Improved whole-body
imaging with an ECAT ART scanner. J Nucl Med (Technologist), 1998.
David W. Townsend, Ph.D.
Page 28
Derbyshire SWG, Gyulai F, Jones AKP, Townsend D, Firestone L. What is the relation
between pain, stimulus intensity and cerebral activation? The Pain Society: Annual Scientific
Meeting, 4.
Luketich JD, Meltzer CC, Urso K, Kapucu LO, Jett J, Townsend D, Ferson PF, Keenan RJ.
The role of positron emission tomography (PET) scan in staging non-small cell lung cancer.
8th World Conference on Lung Cancer.
Luketich JD, Weigel TL, Friedman DM, Nguyen NT, Meehan M, Keenan RJ, Ferson PF,
Strollo D, Townsend DW, Meltzer CC. Positron Emission Tomography: 100 consecutive
scans in patients with esophageal cancer. 35th Annual Meeting of the Society of Thoracic
Surgeons. San Antonio, Texas, 1999.
Other Publications:
Townsend D. π+p Elastic and Inelastic Interactions around 1 GeV/c. Ph.D Thesis, published
as Rutherford Laboratory report HEP/T/17, 1971.
Townsend D. Positron emission tomography with the High Density Avalanche Chamber.
Thesis for Privat-Docent, University of Geneva 1987.
Townsend D. A Combined PET/CT Scanner: The Choices. J Nucl Med 2001, 42(3):533534 (Letter to the Editor).
Beyer T, Watson CC, Meltzer CC, Townsend DW, Nutt R. The Biograph: A Premium
Dual-Modality PET/CT Tomograph for Clinical Oncology. ElectroMedica 2001; 69(2):120126.
Invited Lectures:
Townsend D. Optimization of signal in PET scans: present and future developments. Ciba
Foundation Symposium on Exploring Brain Functional Anatomy with Positron Tomography,
Townsend DW. Three dimensional PET: the current status and future prospects. BrainPET’93, Akita, Japan, 1993.
Townsend DW and Jones T. PET methodology. 6th World Congress of the World
Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology, 1994, Sydney, Australia.
Townsend DW. 3D tomography: Is it worth the effort? Pre-Congree Meeting on PET and
SPECT, 6th World Congress of the World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology,
1994, Syndney, Australia.
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Page 29
Townsend DW. Status and future advances in PET instrumentation. Russian-German Joint
Venture on PET, 1995, Dubna, Russia.
Townsend DW. Clinical potential of a rotating positron tomograph with applications in
oncology. University of Utah, Department of Radiology, Salt Lake City, 1995.
Townsend DW, *Beyer T, Kinahan PE. The development of a prototype dual modality
PET/CT scanner. International Seminar on Medical Imaging and New Types of Detectors,
Archamp, France, May 1995.
Townsend DW. The development of a rotating PET scanner. Paul-Scherrer Inst., Villigen,
Switzerland, November 8, 1995.
Townsend DW. The development of 3D PET. The 49th Xiang Shan Scientific Conference,
Beijing, China, December 15, 1995.
Townsend DW. Development of 3D PET. The demise of septa. The Sixth International
Conference on Peace through Mind/Brain Science, Hamamatsu, Japan, March, 1996.
Townsend DW. Introduction to Medical Imaging. CERN Academic Training Programme.
Series of five lectures. April, 1996.
Townsend DW. The future directions of PET instrumentation. The frontiers of PET and its
use in drug development. Uppsala, Sweden, October, 1996.
Townsend DW. Developments and trends in instrumentation of imaging positron emitters.
Institute for Clinical PET, Lake Buena Vista FL, October, 1996.
Townsend DW. Quality control of PET scanners. Institute for Clinical PET, Lake Buena
Vista FL, October, 1996.
Townsend DW. Whole body imaging in oncology. Institute for Clinical PET, San Diego,
CA, October, 1997.
Townsend DW and P.E. Valk. Whole body imaging. Institute for Clinical PET, San Diego,
CA, October, 1997.
Townsend DW. 3D PET Data Acquisition. Institute for Clinical PET, San Diego, CA,
October, 1997.
Townsend DW. Eight Annual Winfield-Evans Memorial Lecture. SNM South-Western
Chapter, Houston TX, 1998.
Townsend DW. New Concepts in Instrumentation. Institute for Clinical PET, Boston, MA,
October, 1998.
Townsend DW. The PET/CT scanner development. Siemens Nuclear Division, Chicago, IL.
July, 1998.
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Page 30
Townsend DW. The development of a combined PET/CT scanner. Department of Radiology,
UCLA, CA. December, 1998.
Townsend DW. Dual modality imaging: a combined PET and CT scanner. Royal Marsden
Cancer Hospital, Surry, UK. December, 1998.
Townsend DW. The development of a combined PET/CT scanner. Department of Radiology,
and Biomedical Engineering, University of Chapel Hill, NC. January, 1999.
Townsend DW. A combined PET/CT scanner. Presented at the Sixth Annual Symposium on
What’s New in Nuclear Oncology. Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York. March, 1999.
Townsend DW. Dual Modality Imaging Devices. Presented at Future Directions in Nuclear
Medicine Physics and Engineering. Chicago, IL. March, 1999.
Townsend DW. Combined PET/CT Imaging. Presented at the Central Chapter, Society of
Nuclear Medicine. Cleveland, OH. April, 1999.
Townsend DW. Instrumentation in 3D positron imaging: clinical and research tools.
Presented at the VIII Symposium on the Medical Applications of Cyclotrons. Turku, Finland.
May 1999.
Conference Presentations:
Townsend D. PET with the HIDAC positron camera? Int. Symposium on the use of Wire
Chambers in Medical Imaging, Corsendonk, Belgium 1988.
Townsend D, *Geissbuhler A, Defrise M, Hoffman EJ, Spinks TJ, Bailey DL, Gilardi MC,
Jones T. Fully three-dimensional reconstruction for a PET camera with retractable septa.
IEEE Medical Imaging Conference, 1990.
Townsend D, Wensveen M, Byars L, *Geissbuhler A, Tochon-Danguy HJ, Christin A,
Defrise M, Kuijk S, Grootoonk S, Nutt R. A rotating PET scanner using BGO block
detectors. IEEE Medical Imaging Conference, 1992.
Townsend DW, Byars L, Wensveen M, Defrise M, *Geissbuhler A, Benchaou M, Ryser JE,
Christin A, Lehmann W, Donath A. A 3D PET scanner for applications in oncology. Clinical
PET in Oncology, 1993.
Townsend DW, Byars L, Defrise M, *Geissbuhler A, Nutt R. Rotating positron tomographs
revisited. International Meeting on 3D Reconstruction, 1993.
Townsend DW, Choi Y, Sashin D, Mintun MA. An investigation of practical scatter
correction techniques for 3D PET. Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, 1994.
Townsend DW, Bishop H, Mintun MA. Physical and clinical performance of a rotating
positron tomograph. Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, 1994.
David W. Townsend, Ph.D.
Page 31
Townsend DW, Kinahan PE, *Beyer T, Mintun MA. Performance characteristics of PET
scanners operated in 3D mode. International Meeting on 3D Image Reconstruction, Aix,
France, July 1995.
Townsend DW, Price JC, Lopresti B, Mintun MA, Kinahan PE, Jadali F, Sashin D, Simpson
N, Mathis CA. Scatter correction in PET activation studies. International Meeting on
Quantification of Brain Function, Oxford, UK, July 1995.
Townsend DW, Kinahan PE. The development and application of 3D reconstruction
techniques for PET. Annual Fall Meeting on Quantification of Brain Function, Oxford, UK,
July 1995.
Kinahan PE, Townsend DW, Bailey DL, Sashin D, *Beyer T, Jadali F. Efficiency
normalization techniques for 3D PET data. IEEE Medical Imaging Conference, San
Francisco CA, October, 1995.
Bailey DL, Townsend DW, Kinahan PE, Grootoonk S, Jones T. An investigation of factors
affecting detector and geometric correction in normalization of 3D PET data. IEEE Medical
Imaging Conference, San Francisco CA, October, 1995.
Townsend DW, *Beyer T, Kinahan PE, Brun T, Nutt R, Roddy R. The SMART scanner: A
combined PET/CT tomograph for clinical oncology. Toronto, Canada. November, 1998.
Townsend DW, *Beyer T, Kinahan PE, Meltzer CC, Brun T, Nutt R, Roddy R. The SMART
scanner: A combined PET/CT tomograph for clinical oncology. RSNA, Chicago, December
1998 – 2002:
Numerous presentations given worldwide on the development of the combined
PET/CT scanner and on PET instrumentation.
Presentations 2003:
1. American College of Radiation Oncologists (ACRO), Phoenix, Arizona
2. Siemens international sales meeting, Knoxville, Tennessee
3. European Congress of Radiology, Vienna, Austria
4. International PET Meeting, Capri, Italy
5. Biomedical Engineering Department, Memphis
6. Jacques Monod Meeting, Roskoff, France
7. SNM Annual Meeting,New Orleans
8. AMI Annual Meeting, Madrid, Spain
9. ASTRO Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah
10. IEEE Medical Imaging Meeting, Portland, Oregon
11. International Advisory Board Meeting, New York, NY
12. RSNA, Chicago
Presentations 2004:
1. Distinguished Scientist Lecture, AMI Orlando, March
2. PET/CT Industry Forum, AMI Orlando, March
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Page 32
3. Respiratory gated PET/CT in lung cancer, AMI Orlando, March
4. Performance of HI-REZ PET/CT, AMI Orlando, March
5. PET/CT Workshop, Gleneagles, Scotland, April
6. Status of PET/CT, Gleneagles, Scotland, April
7. Status of HI-REZ PET/CT, CPS Offsite, Knoxville, May
8. PET/CT Physics, AARS, Miami
9. Clinical Performance of 16-slice PET/CT scanner, SNM Philadelphia, June
10. The future for PET/CT, Toshiba Meeting, Philadelphia, June
11. The physics of dual-modality imaging, AAPM Pittsburgh, July
12. PET/CT Physics Workshop, Crystal City, VA, July
13. AMI Presentation (repeat), CPS Offsite, Knoxville, September
14. Development of PET/CT, NIH Workshop, Rockville, September
15. Continuous bed motion acquisition, IEEE MIC, Rome Italy, October
16. Physics and instrumentation for PET/CT, Osaka Japan, November
17. Clinical applications for PET/CT, Nagoya Japan, November
18. Advances in PET/CT, JSNM, Kyoto Japan, November
19. PET/CT instrumentation, Minicourse, RSNA Chicago, November
20. Dual-modality imaging, Keynote talk, RSNA Chicago, November
Presentations 2005:
1. Wolfson Molecular Imaging Institute, Manchester, UK
2. European Center for Nuclear Research, Geneva, Switzerland
3. NIH Biomedical Imaging Workshop, Bethesda, MD
4. AMI Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida
5. Japanese Radiological Society, Yokahama, Japan
6. Physics Department, Penn State, PA
7. Institute of Medical Physics, Erlangen, Germany
8. Society of Nuclear Medicine, Toronto, Canada
9. AAPM Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington
10. Medica Sur Hospital, Mexico City, Mexico
11. SNM PET/CT Workshop, Boston, MA
12. IOMP Conference on Medical Physics, Nuremberg, Germany
13. European Association of Nuclear Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey
14. IEEE Nuclear Science and Medical Imaging Conference, Puerto Rico
15. PET Symposium, Bern, Switzerland
16. IAEA Meeting, Vienna, Austria
17. RSNA Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL
18. Australia and New Zealand RTP Meeting, Melbourne, Australia
Presentations 2006:
Nuclear Medicine Grand Rounds, State University, Buffalo, New York
AMI Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida
London CT, MRI and PET Course, Gleneagles, Scotland
EuroMedim Imaging Conference, Marseille, France
SNM Annual Meeting, San Diego, California
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria
Memphis Oncology Group, Memphis TN
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Page 33
8. Technical Frontiers in Health, Lecce, Italy
9. CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain
10. Hospital San Jaime, Torrevieja, Spain
11. SIPRP06, Malaga, Spain
12. WFNMB, Seoul, Korea (4 presentations: 1 workshop, 1 plenary, 2 oral)
13. City of Hope, Los Angeles
14. UT Science Forum
Presentations 2007:
1. CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain
2. March Asia-Pacific Lecture Tour: Seoul, Beijing, Shanghai, Bangkok, Delhi
3. Twenty-first Daniel R Biello Memorial Lecture, Washington University, St Louis, MO
4. Nuclear Medicine Conference, Washington University, St Louis, MO
5. Conferences Frederic Joliot, Orsay, Paris, France
6. Nobel Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden
7. Wolfson Molecular Imaging Institute, Manchester, UK
8. Society of Nuclear Medicine, Washington DC (1 oral, 1 poster)
9. VUIIS, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
10. International PET conference, Bangkok, Thailand (2 presentations)
11. RSNA Chicago. Refresher Course on PET and PET/CT physics
12. PET Workshop, CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain
Presentations 2008:
1. Distinguished Pioneer Lecture, Bad Hofgastein, Austria
2. Singapore Biomedical Imaging Consortium, Singapore
3. Australian Lecture Tour, March: Brisbane (3 presentations), Sydney (1 presentation)
4. Medical Physics lecture series, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina
5. Best Practices in PET/CT, Sonoma, California
6. CERIMED Workshop, St Maximin, France
7. Ten year PET Anniversary, Bad Berka, Germany
8. AAPM Summer School, Houston, Texas
9. Lawrence Berkeley Lab, Berkeley, California
10. Invited Lecture, MIPS, Stanford, California
11. Invited Lecture, EANM, Munich, Germany
12. Siemens Customer Event, Munich, Germany
13. MRPET Mini Symposium, Tuebingen, Germany
14. Invited Plenary Lecture, IEEE NSS/MIC, Dresden, Germany
15. IEEE Oral Presentation, Dresden, Germany
16. IEEE MRPET Workshop (invited), Julich, Germany
17. Invited Lecture on PET/CT, Essen, Germany
18. Lecture tour, China (Xi’an, Beijing, Shanghai)
19. Clinical Imaging Research Center lecture, Singapore
20. Refresher Course on PET and PET/CT physics. RSNA, Chicago
21. Invited lecture on PET/CT, Medical University of South Carolina
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Presentations 2009:
Invited lectures (2), Santiago de Compostela, Spain
ANZSNM invited lectures (4), Sydney, Australia
Invited lectures (2), Adelaide, South Australia
Invited lecture, ANZSNM ACT Branch, Canberra, Australia
Biomedical Imaging Institute, Manchester University, UK
Keynote lecture: Swiss Society of Radiology, Geneva, Switzerland
Invited lecture. ANIMMA 2009, Marseille, France
Cassen Lecture, SNM Toronto, Canada
Cyclotron Unit, Groningen, Holland
Brookhaven Laboratory, New York
VUB University, Brussels
Manchester University, Hope Hospital
Oxford Positron Systems
International Atomic Energy Agency
Siemens Medical Systems
Health Care Advisory Board (2004)
International Atomic Energy Agency (2005)
International Atomic Energy Agency (2006)
Dr. A. Paans
Dr. A. Brill, Dr. G. Bennett
Prof. F. Deconinck
M. F. Wahl
Dr. Anthony Jones
Dr. Alan Jeavons
Expert on PET Instrumentation to
Mendoza, Argentina
Dr B. Franciose
Expert on PET/CT radiation dose
Report on PET/CT radiation dose
Advisory Board, Manchester Biomedical Imaging (2009)
Prof. Geoffrey Parker
CPS Innovations
Siemens Molecular Imaging
CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain
CMI-experts, Zurich, Switzerland
Dr. Ronald Nutt
Dr Bernard Bendriem
Prof. Juan Antonio Rubio
Dr Thomas Beyer
REVIEWER: Journals
Journal of Physics in Medicine and Biology
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging
Journal of Nuclear Medicine
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine
Nature Reviews Cancer
European Radiology
Nuclear Instruments and Methods A
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing
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Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS)
Nature Clinical Practice Oncology
Australasian Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine
REVIEWER: Grant Applications
Australian Medical Research Council
U.S. Department of Energy
European Health Sciences Program (PRAXIS XXI)
Christie Hospital, Manchester, UK
Canadian Government: Networks of Centers of Excellence
NIH Study Sections ZRG1 SRB (51), ZRG1 SRB (52), ZRG1 SRB (53)
Swiss National Science Foundation
NIH Study Section: Radiation Therapeutics and Biology
Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions in Medical Imaging
Assistant Editor, NICER Scientific Encyclopedia
Associate Editor, Journal of Nuclear Medicine
Editorial Board, Current Medical Imaging Reviews
International Editorial Board, Annals in Nuclear Medicine, Japan
JBI Guest Editor: Special issue on Multi-modality Imaging.
Molecular Imaging Editorial Advisory Board (Siemens)
Associate Editor, Molecular Imaging and Biology
Honorary Editorial Board, Medical Devices: Evidence & Research
Associate Editor, Medical Physics
Functional Imaging Research Program Committee (FIRP)
Radiology Scientific Review Committee
International Advisory Board, Physics in Medicine and Biology
UT Statewide Cancer Center Initiative
UT Department of Medicine Promotions and Tenure Committee
2000 IEEE Medical Imaging Conference Short Course: PET: State of the Art
Course Co-Organizer with Dale Bailey; Lyon, France.
2002 IEEE Medical Imaging Conference Short Course: Multi-modality Imaging Devices
Course Organizer; Norfolk, Virginia
2004 SNM PET Learning Center: PET and PET/CT: Physics, Instrumentation and Applications
Course Co-Organizer with Tim Turkington; Crystal City, Virginia
2005 AMI Course: PET and PET/CT: Physics, Instrumentation and Applications
Course Co-Organizer with Tim Turkington; March. Orlando, Florida
2005 SNM PET Learning Center: PET and PET/CT: Physics, Instrumentation and Applications
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Course Co-Organizer with Tim Turkington; August. Boston, MA
1989 Co-Chair, PET Instrumentation Task Group, European Community Concerted Action on
Cellular Degeneration and Regeneration.
1991 Co-Chair, 1991 International Meeting on Fully Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction in
Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Corsendonk, Belgium.
1997 Co-Chair, 1997 International Meeting on Fully Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction in
Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Nemacolin, PA.
1998 Chair, Society of Nuclear Medicine Task Group on Quality Control of Instrumentation for
PET Oncology.
2000 Member of the National Cancer Institute task force on “Matching clinical and biological
needs with emerging technologies”.
2003 Member of the SNM/ACR Working Group on PET/CT Accreditation.
2004 Board Member, Academy of Molecular Imaging
2004 Treasurer, Academy of Molecular Imaging
2005 Executive Committee Member, CERIMED European Initiative
2007 Appointed Co-chair for IEEE MIC 2010, Knoxville, Tennessee
2007 Appointed General Chair, IEEE NSS/MIC 2011, Valencia, Spain
h-index = 31
Patent No: US 6,490,476
Date of Patent:
Combined PET and X-Ray CT Tomograph and method for using
December 3rd, 2002
Patent No: US 6,631,284
Combined PET and X-Ray CT Tomograph
Date of Patent:
October 7th, 2003
A high performance PET and CT tomograph
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Source and P.I.:
Role and % Appointment:
Total Years:
Total Budget Requested:
NIH, David W. Townsend, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator, 40%
August 19, 2002 to July 31, 2005
The aims of this Novel Imaging Technologies proposal is to design
and build the next generation combined PET/CT scanner based on the
new high-performance LSO panel detectors with integrated multislice CT. The award is in collaboration with CPS Innovations,
Knoxville, and the Institute of Medical Physics, University of
Erlangen, Germany.
Source and P.I.:
Role and % Appointment:
Total Years:
Total Budget Requested:
Methodology for Oncology Imaging with a PET/CT Scanner
NIH, David W. Townsend, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator, 30%
April 1, 2000 to March 31, 2004
The aims of this competitive continuation are to extend the
development and validation of the CT-based attenuation correction
and to implement a new acquisition and image reconstruction
procedure involving continuous patient bed motion.
Source and P.I.:
Role and % Appointment:
Total Years:
Total Budget Requested:
Fast Fully 3D Image Reconstruction Using Planograms
NIH, Paul E. Kinahan, Ph.D.
Co-Investigator, 5%
April 1, 1999 to March 31, 2001
The specific aims of this proposal are to implement and validate the
planogram reconstruction algorithm and compare the planogram
algorithm to standard 3D reconstruction methods in terms of
reconstruction time, accuracy, and reduction of statistical noise.
Source and P.I.:
Role and % Appointment:
Total Years:
Total Budget Requested:
Cognitive and Cerebrovascular Sequelae of Hypertension
NIH, J. Richard Jennings, M.D.
Co-Investigator, 5%
August 1, 1997 to July 31, 2001
The purpose of this project is to test the primary hypothesis that
hypertension alters neuropsychological function due to dampening
the metabolic response to regional cerebral blood flow response
during reformation processing.
Source and P.I.:
Role and % Appointment:
Total Years:
Total Budget Requested:
PET/CT Clinical and Performance Validation Phase
CTI PET Systems, Inc., David W. Townsend, Ph.D.
Program Director, PET/CT Project, 70%
July 1, 1999 to June 30, 2000
To design and build a high performance commercial PET/CT
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Source and P.I.:
Role and % Appointment:
Total Years:
Total Budget Requested:
A Combined PET and X-ray CT Tomograph for Clinical Use
NIH/NCI, David W. Townsend, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator, 25%
July 1, 1995 to June 30, 1998
To design, construct and perform a limited validation of a new
tomograph which has the capability of operating either in X-ray
CT or positron tomography (PET) mode.
Source and P.I.:
Role and % Appointment:
Total Years:
Total Budget Requested:
Evaluation of Ischemic Heart Disease in Women - Clinical Centre
NIH, Steve Reis, M.D.
Co-Investigator, 10%
September 3, 1996 to August 31, 2000
The primary objective of this proposal is to evaluate the role of
abnormal coronary vasoreactivity in the genesis of chest pain,
myocardial ischemia and cardiac outcomes in women.
Role and % Appointment:
Total Years:
Total Budget Requested:
Serotonin Uptake Inhibitor Ligands for PET Studies
Chester A. Mathis, Ph.D.
Physicist, 10%
12/1/92 - 11/30/96
This research proposes to develop presynaptic radioligands which
bind to the serotonin reuptake complex in the brain.
A project to investigate three-dimensional imaging techniques and
their application for PET.
Swiss Government, Commission for Scientific Research (CERS)
David W. Townsend, Ph.D.
Physicist, 50%
2/1/92 - 12/31/93
To design and develop a 24 ring rotating PET scanner with two
partial ring arrays.
Role and % Appointment:
Total Years:
Total Budget Requested:
Role and % Appointment:
Total Years:
Total Budget Requested:
A 3D Rotating PET Scanner for Clinical Applications
Swiss Government: Commission for Scientific Research (CERS)
David W. Townsend, Ph.D.
Physicist, 50%
1/1/90 - 12/31/91
To design and build a 16-ring rotating PET scanner based on partial
detector rings.