Résumé of Dulal Chandra Saha Dulal Chandra Saha Department of Advanced Materials Engineering, College of Engineering, Dong-Eui University, 995 Eomgwangno, Busanjin-gu, Busan, 614-714, South Korea Date of Birth: 30th December, 1985; Nationality: Bangladeshi (by birth) Contact No.: +82-10-6875-3118; E-mail: dulal119_buet@yahoo.com; dulal.me.buet@gmail.com. Scholastic Status A. MSc (by Research) in Advanced Materials Engineering, Dong-Eui University (DEU), South Korea, 20102012. Degree Awarded on 1st August 2012 Thesis Title: Resistance Spot Welding of High-Mn Austenitic (TWIP) Steels Supervisor: Prof. Yeong-Do Park Brief Synopsis of Research: Automakers and their suppliers have embraced AHSS for their strength-to-weight ratio and for their ability to aid both increased fuel economy and “crash worthiness”. Due to superior strength, ductility, and impact resistivity; TWinning Induced Plasticity (TWIP) considered as an excellent candidate for crash-worthy components in the automotive industry. Welding is predominant issue for application of newly developed materials, and the resistance spot welding is the primary methods of joining in automotive industry. Each automotive contains 5000 to 7000 of spot welds. The resistance spot weldability evaluation of TWIP steel was not a widely studied subject. In this research, resistance spot weldability of TWIP steel were evaluated by means of CTT, TST, microstructure, fracture mechanisms, and hardness measurement. The focus of maximizing welding process reliability in terms of widening weld lobe is the main issue in automotives. A double pulse optimized schedule was proposed to increase the weldable current range and failure load. Micro-segregation of alloys was investigated by EPMA analysis. The HAZ liquation cracking mechanism, eutectics liquid films in the cracking zone were investigated in details. Welding simulation was also performed using numerical simulation software SORPAS®. The crystal structures of HAZ, PMZ, WZ and solidification modes were observed using EBSD experiment. Rich chemistry contributes rapid heat generation and early expulsion, and this phenomenon was detected and analyzes using high speed film camera. Furthermore, an attempt was taken to design materials by optimizing chemical composition on the basis of elements resistivity. Company Projects: 1. A study of weldability of resistance spot welding for Zn-coated Hot Press Forming (HPF) Steels Project Funded by: Pohang Steel Company (POSCO). Brief Description of Project: In this project, the optimization of spot welding parameters has been done for Zn-coated hot press forming (HPF) steels. Presence of high Fe-Zn surface coating degrades the spot weldability. And this kind of materials showed poor weldability using conventional standard (ISO) parameters. A systematic double pulse welding parameters were developed to overcome this problem. In this project, materials of different austenization temperature and furnace time like, 850°C (5min), 890°C (5min), 930°C (5min), 930°C (7min), 950°C (5min), shot blasted 930°C (5min) etc were used. Using double pulse welding schedule, for all of the above materials condition at least 1.5 kA weldable current range (by CTT) was achieved. During parameters optimization, the effects of contact resistance, transition resistance, dynamic resistance, and coating layer behavior were taken into account. 2. Other Projects: I had involved with other renewed companies and institutes like, Hyundai-Kia Motors, Hyundai Hysco, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH), PPG Korea etc. as an individual or as a team members. -1- Résumé of Dulal Chandra Saha Research Interests Resistance Spot Welding of AHSS for Automotives, Magnesium Alloys, Aluminum Alloys, DeltaSpot®, Welding Simulations, Fracture mechanics, Steel Metallurgy, Micro and Nano welding and joining, Joining of electronic components, Hybrid joining, Clinching, Riveting etc. B. BSc in Mechanical Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET), Dhaka, Bangladesh. First Class with CGPA 3.28 (out of 4.0 Scale) equivalent to 69.6% marks. Major Courses: Engineering Mechanics, Machine Design, Mechanics of Solids, Fluid Mechanics, Fluid Machinery, Conduction and Radiation Heat Transfer, Heat and Mass Transfer, Metallic Materials, Industrial Management, Power Plant Engineering, Automobile Engineering, Internal Combustion Engines, Composite Materials, Petroleum Engineering, Numerical Analysis, Machine Tools etc. Group Projects (3rd Year): Automatic Weight Measurement with PC Interfacing. Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arif Hasan Mamun Undergraduate Project and Thesis (4th Year): 1. Design and manufacture of a fully Mechanical Vibrometer. 2. Noise control of the conference room of ME Dept, BUET. 3. Design and vibration isolation of the mobile library over a car. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. M. Ashiqur Rahman, Department of Mechanical Engineering, BUET, Bangladesh. C. Higher Secondary Certificate (H.S.C.) Examination, Nabajug College, Dhamrai, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 20012003. First Division with GPA 4.10 (out of 5.0 Scale) D. Secondary School Certificate (S.S.C.) Examination, Kushura Abbas Ali High School, Dhamrai, Dhaka Bangladesh, 1996-2001. First Division with GPA 4.50 (out of 5.0 Scale) Relevant Publications Journals: 1. Dulal Chandra Saha, and Yeong-Do Park, “Resistance spot welding of high-Mn austenitic steels used in automotive”, Welding Journal, Submitted (December, 2011). 2. Dulal Chandra Saha, and Yeong-Do Park, “Evaluation of Cracking Characteristics on ResistanceSpot-Welded High-Mn Austenitic (TWIP) Steels”, Materials Science and Engineering A, Submitted (February, 2012). 3. Dulal Chandra Saha, Sangho Han, Kwang Geun Chin, Ildong Choi, and Yeong-Do Park, “Weldability Evaluation and Microstructure Analysis of Resistance-Spot-Welded High-Mn Steel in Automotive Application”, Steel Research International, Vol. 83. No. 9999 (2012). 4. Dulal Chandra Saha, and Yeong-Do Park, “A review on Al-Al/Al-steel resistance spot welding technologies for light weight vehicles”, Journal of the Korean Welding and Joining Society, Vol. 29, No. 4 (2011), pp 397-402. [Link] 5. Chul Young Choi, Dulal Chandra Saha, Wonho Choi, Jun-Ki Kim, Jong-Hoon Kim, and Yeong-Do Park, “Evaluation of Failure Mode and Strength on Baking Time of Adhesive for Hybrid Joining”, -2- Résumé of Dulal Chandra Saha Journal of the Korean Welding and Joining Society, Vol. 29, No. 6 (2011), pp 669-675. (Korean). [Link] International Conference Proceedings 1. Dulal Chandra Saha, Chul Young Choi, Sangho Han, Kwang Geun Chin, Ildong Choi, and Yeong-Do Park, “Weldability evaluation and microstructure analysis of resistance spot welded high manganese steel in automotive application”, The 1st International Conference on High Manganese Steels (HMnS2011), May-15-18, Seoul, South Korea. 2. Dulal Chandra Saha, Chul Yound Choi, Yangdo Kim, Jun-Ki Kim, Young-Mok Rhyim, Ji-Hun Yu, and Yeong-Do Park, “Evaluation of Hybrid Joining Properties for Pre-Coated Low Carbon Steel Sheets”, The 2nd International Symposium on Hybrid Materials and Processing (HyMaP2011), October- 27~29, Busan, South Korea. 3. Dulal Chandra Saha, and Yeong-Do Park, “Investigation of Resistance Spot Welding Behavior on Al-Si-coated and Zn-Coated Hot Press Forming Steel (HPF)”, International Welding/Joining Conference-Korea 2012 (IWJC-Korea 2012), May- 8~11, Jeju, South Korea. 4. Dulal Chandra Saha, and Yeong-Do Park, “Weldability and Liquation Cracking Characteristics on Resistance-Spot-Welded High-Mn Austenitic Steel”, 9th International on Trends in Welding Research, June- 4-8, 2012, Chicago, Illinois USA. Conference Participations and Presentations 1. Dulal Chandra Saha, Sangho Han, Kwang Geun Chin, Ildong Choi, and Yeong-Do Park, “Weldability evaluation and microstructure analysis of resistance spot welded high manganese steel in automotive application”, The 1st International Conference on High Manganese Steels 2011 (HMnS2011), May 15-18 2011, Seoul, South Korea. 2. Dulal Chandra Saha, Chul Yound Choi, Yangdo Kim, Jun-Ki Kim, Young-Mok Rhyim, Ji-Hun Yu, and Yeong-Do Park, “Evaluation of Hybrid Joining Properties for Pre-Coated Low Carbon Steel Sheets”, The 2nd International Symposium on Hybrid Materials and Processing (HyMaP2011), October- 27~29, Busan, South Korea. 3. Dulal Chandra Saha, and Yeong-Do Park, “Characterization of High-Mn Austenitic (TWIP) Steels Resistance Spot Welds in Automotive Applications”, The Korean Welding and Joining Society Conference (KWJS), 10~11Nov 2011, Gwangju, South Korea. 4. Dulal Chandra Saha, Sangho Han, Kwang Geun Chin, Ildong Choi, and Yeong-Do Park, “Investigation of Failure Behavior and HAZ Liquation Cracking Characteristics of Resistance-SpotWelded High-Mn Steels”, The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials, 27~28 Oct 2011, Daejeon, South Korea. 5. Dulal Chandra Saha, Chul Young Choi, Ildong Choi, and Yeong-Do Park, “Resistance Spot Weldability Evaluation of Al-coated Hot Press Forming (HPF) Steels in Automotive Application ”, The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials, 2011, Dae-gu, South Korea. 6. Dulal Chandra Saha, Sangho Han, Kwang Geun Chin, Ildong Choi, and Yeong-Do Park, “Weldability Evaluation and Microstructure Analysis of Resistance Spot Welded High Manganese Steel in Automotive Application”, The Korean Welding and Joining Society Conference (KWJS), 07~09 April 2011, South Korea. 7. Dulal Chandra Saha, and Yeong-Do Park, “Investigation of Resistance Spot Welding Behavior on Al-Si-coated and Zn-Coated Hot Press Forming Steel (HPF)”, International Welding/Joining Conference-Korea 2012 (IWJC-Korea 2012), May- 8~11, Jeju, South Korea. 8. Dulal Chandra Saha, and Yeong-Do Park, “Weldability and Liquation Cracking Characteristics on Resistance-Spot-Welded High-Mn Austenitic Steel”, 9th International on Trends in Welding Research, June- 4-8, 2012, Chicago, Illinois USA. -3- Résumé of Dulal Chandra Saha 9. Dulal Chandra Saha, and Yeong-Do Park, “Investigation of Expulsion Phenomenon for Hot Stamping Steels”, The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials, April 16-17, 2012, South Korea. Poster Presentations 1. Chul Young Choi, Dulal C. Saha, Jun-Ki Kim, Yangdo Do, and Yeong-Do Park, “Development of highly flexible pre-finished color sheet for adhesive bonding and mechanical joining on automotive”, The Korean Welding and Joining Society Conference (KWJS), 2010, Daejeon, South Korea. Professional Experiences and Skills 1. November 2010 – Present, Graduate Research Assistant (GRA), Department of Advanced Materials Engineering, Dong-Eui University, South Korea. As a GRA during my study in Dong-Eui University, I had to take the extra responsibilities regarding research works, official matters, administrative relations, conferences etc., on behalf of my supervisor. I also had to prepare the presentation slide and other relevant documents, articles for my supervisor to present it in the regional and international conferences. Furthermore, I reviewed few manuscripts for international journal publications, including Metals and Materials International (MMI), Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, Corrosion Science and Technology, Journal of KWJS etc. Moreover, I had worked with some renewed research institute, Automotive manufacturing company, Steel manufacturing company like, POSCO, Hyundai and Kia Motors, Hyundai Hysco, Kitech etc. for testing and improving materials properties and weldability. In addition, I had worked to setup and calibration of new machines. 2. Assistant Engineer, Maintenance Department, DBL Group, Unit: DB Tex Ltd, Bangladesh (Nov 2009 to July 2010). I worked as a mechanical incharge of newly launch fabric printing factoring in maintenance department. I had to take the responsibilities for all machine installation, and all kinds of mechanical troubleshooting. Also I worked there as a team leader of this department. Moreover, I had to deal with foreigner erectors, machinery suppliers, and machine spare parts suppliers etc. 3. Executive, Research and Development Department, Babylon Group, Unit: Aboni Knitwear Ltd. (May 2009 to Sept 2009). I had the responsibilities to improve efficiency by modifying production processes, waste reduction, proper use of man and machine, calculate daily production, and calculate daily efficiency of production line. Professional Experiences and Skills I had attended an industrial training at Holcim (Bangladesh) Ltd. for a period of 3 weeks from my university (BUET) during undergrad study. I had to make a details report as well as oral presentation on the above topic as an assessment of our training along with my fellow group members. During my training period, I had involved with different activities; like, (1) Field investigation on the Cement manufacturing Process. (2) Case Study of the Production process. (3) Case Study of the Maintenance process. (4) Case Study of the Quality Control process, etc. Computing Skills Programming Languages: C/C++, MATLAB. Engineering design: AutoCAD 2D/3D. Statistical Analysis: Minitab, ANOVA, and Taguchi. Document Preparation software: Microsoft Office Suite, Endnote, Mendeley, etc. Simulation Software: SORPAS® 10.61. Other Research Software: Origin Pro, ThermoCalc®, Photron, etc., -4- Résumé of Dulal Chandra Saha Operating System: Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Mac OS X, Linux. Others: Computer hardware and software troubleshooting. Language Skills English: IELTS Brand Score: 6.0. Bengali: Native. Hindi: Reasonable understanding on listening and speaking. Korean: Reasonable understanding on Reading, writing, listening and speaking. Relevant Laboratory Skills SORPAS® Simulation: All kinds of simulation and results analysis, Materials, Electrode, and Machine database making. Resistance Measurement System: To measure the dynamic resistance during welding process with integration of electrode force and displacement. To measure the transition resistance of bulk materials following ISO-18594. High-Speed film Camera: To observe the nugget formation during welding process. Experiment and Results Analysis: Optical Microscopy, SEM, EDX, EPMA, EBSD, Vickers Microhardness etc. Other Skills Knowledge of research methodologies. Data and information collection. Standard presentation slide making and conference presentation. Organizing various types of academic, cultural and sports program. I certify that all information stated in the curriculum vitae is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I authorize you to verify information provided in the curriculum vitae. References Prof. Dr. Yeong-Do Park Dr. M. Ashiqur Rahman (MSc. Research Supervisor) (Undergraduate Thesis Supervisor) Associate Professor, Director of Center for Education of Welding Engineering (CEWE), Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, (BUET), Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh. Department of Advanced Materials Engineering, Dong-Eui University, 995 Eomgwangno, BusanjinGu, Busan, South Korea (Zip: 614-714), Tel: +880-2-9665636; +880-2-9665650 ext: 7776 Fax: + 880-2-8613046 Tel: +82-51-890-2290; +82-10-6429-1860 (Mobile), E-mail: ashiq@me.buet.ac.bd Fax: +82-51-890-2285 E-mail: ypark@deu.ac.kr -5-