EXIT PORTFOLIO RUBRIC Learner Development Learning Differences Learning Environments Proficient 5 The artifacts included for this section clearly reflect understanding of the ways in which learners develop and acknowledge the multiple theories of development. Artifacts provide evidence that the candidate has created appropriate learning objectives for the learners' developmental levels. Reflections are detailed and substantive. The candidate's responses provide evidence that the candidate adapts instructional plans and activities to address student differences. The candidate uses formative assessments to determine student learning needs. Artifacts and reflections include evidence that the candidate differentiates instruction based on data. The candidate's responses provide substantive evidence that she/he organizes learning environments to maximize student engagement and minimize disruption. The candidate provides reflections that clearly link the artifact with the standard. Emerging 3 Items included in this section of the portfolio address the candidate's understanding of developmental theories and the application of those theories to the teaching/learning environment. The candidate explains how the artifacts provide evidence of meeting the standard. Developing 1 The items selected for this category do not reflect an understanding of developmental theories or demonstrate a misunderstanding of those theories; the candidate’s reflections do not connect the items to the category. Items included in this section of the portfolio demonstrate the candidate's use of a variety of strategies to determine differences in student learning needs. The candidate often implements differentiated instruction. The candidate's response does not include evidence of understanding and addressing student learning needs. The candidate rarely or never differentiates instruction, or differentiates instruction based on inaccurate data. Items included in this section of the portfolio show that the candidate often considers the learning environment when planning and implementing instruction. She/he acknowledges the role of the environment on student behavior and tries to adapt environments to minimize The candidate's response does not reflect an understanding of the interaction between the learning environment and student engagement. She/he does not adapt learning environments to promote student learning. Reflections do not demonstrate a clear link between the artifact and the Content Knowledge Applications of Content Knowledge Assessment disruptions. Reflections link the selected artifacts with the elements of the standard. The artifacts included for this Items included in this section of section clearly reflect the candidate's the portfolio demonstrate the depth of understanding of the candidate's understandings of the content and the discipline-specific academic content being taught. foundation of the lessons taught. The candidate often shows her/his The academic discipline and the understanding of the structures of standards of the discipline are the discipline and the state or reflected in the artifacts. Links national standards for the between the content and the artifacts discipline. Reflections link the are clearly and substantively selected artifacts with the standard. demonstrated in the reflections. The artifacts included for this Items included in this section of section clearly reflect the candidate's the portfolio demonstrate the ability to apply content knowledge candidate's understanding of in developmentally appropriate her/his discipline and the ways in lessons. The candidate provides which the discipline can be shared evidence that the content he/she with students. Key concepts are teaches is connected to student emphasized in lessons and are experiences. Evidence show that often connected to student students are engaged in critical and experiences. Reflections link the creative thinking related to the selected artifacts with the content. Reflections are detailed and elements of the standard. substantive. The artifacts included for this Items included in this section of section include evidence of the use the portfolio demonstrate the of formative and summative candidate's use of formative and assessment processes. Artifacts summative assessment practices in demonstrate how the assessments her/his teaching. Assessments are are linked with objectives and used to measure student progress standards. Evidence is provided of toward the objectives of the course. standard. The candidate's response does not reflect an understanding of the discipline and/or the curriculum of the school. The candidate makes factual errors when teaching or fails to correct student misunderstandings of content. Reflections do not demonstrate a clear link between the artifact and the standard. The candidate's response lacks clarity about the content and the ways in which important concepts from the discipline can be shared with students. Reflections do not demonstrate a clear link between the artifact and the standard. The candidate's response does not provide evidence of a range of assessment strategies. Assessments are not clearly connected with goals and objectives of the class. Reflections do not demonstrate a clear link between the artifact and Planning for Instruction Instructional Strategies Professional Learning and Ethical Practice assessments used to monitor student performance and inform instructional choices. Reflections are detailed and substantive. The artifacts included for this section demonstrate how the intern's instructional plans support students in meeting standards for the content area. Evidence is provided to show the intern's knowledge of the content and pedagogy appropriate for the grade level being taught. Evidence demonstrates use of data to inform instructional planning. Reflections are detailed and substantive. Artifacts in this section show the candidate's use of a variety of instructional strategies to develop deep understanding of content, to engage learners with the content in ways that help them make connections among concepts, and to pace and differentiate instruction to meet student needs. Evidence of appropriate uses of technologies is provided. Reflections are substantive and show the links with elements of the standard. The candidate has provided evidence of seeking and using evaluative feedback from his/her learning community. Artifacts show the application of feedback to the Reflections link the selected artifacts with the elements of the standard. the standard. Items included in this section of the portfolio show how the candidate plans instruction to meet objectives and standards. Content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge are applied in the planning process. Reflections link the selected artifacts with the elements of the standard. The candidate's response lacks evidence of planning related to standards and objectives. Plans rarely reflect understandings of the learners and their needs. Reflections do not demonstrate a clear link between the artifact and the standard. Artifacts show the candidate's use of multiple instructional strategies including appropriate technologies. Evidence indicates that the candidate often differentiates instruction based on performance data. Lessons are usually wellpaced and encourage integration of content. Reflections show how each artifact relates to the standard. Artifacts show little variation in instructional strategies across lessons. Instructional choices appear disconnected from student data. Reflections do not provide explanations of the links between the artifacts and the standard. The candidate has provided evidence of using feedback to improve her/his teaching. Artifacts provide evidence that the candidate understands and applies the ethical Artifacts show little or no implementation of feedback to improve teaching. Ethical and legal responsibilities are not acknowledged in the candidate's Leadership and Collaboration candidate's practice. Demonstrations are provided of the candidate's of ethical practices that reflect her/his responsibilities to the student, school, and community. Reflections are substantive and demonstrate Artifacts are provided that show how the candidate has collaborated effectively with students, parents, other teachers, and the community. The candidate demonstrates communication with parents and school personnel. Reflections clearly link the artifact with the standard. responsibilities of a professional educator. Reflections show the connection between the artifacts and the standard. practice. Reflections fail to show the connections between the artifacts and the standard. Artifacts demonstrate that the candidate often collaborates with others in the educational community. The candidate provides evidence of communication with parents. Reflections include explanations of how the artifacts link with the standard. Little evidence of collaboration with others is provided. Communication with parents is absent or minimal. Reflections do not clearly show how the artifact is connected with the standard.