kansas administrators luncheon

3.1m Administrator Luncheon Minutes
June 26, 2008
Feedback Session Questions:
What are the strengths of the student teacher we have placed in your district?
Group 1:
- Content
- Technology
- Lesson Planning – How to get info - Attitude to adapt
- Relationship to kids
- Multi-tasking – ability to get things done
Group 2:
- Strong content knowledge
- Technology savy
- Willing to go the next mile (music)
- Very respectful and polite
- Knowledge of differentiated instruction and evaluation
- Aware of ethnicity
Group 3:
- Work ethic at school ahead of time
- Sense of professionalism
- Rapport with kids
- Students at all activities of threshold
- Excitement
- Willingness to learn
- Cooperating teachers have a chance to past knowledge of to the student
Group 5:
- Reading strategies @ elementary level
- Understanding of current trends in education
- Confidence
- Well prepared
- Content knowledge
Group 6:
- Skills – more than in the past – More prepared
- Good work ethic – on time
- PDS on time – Very personable group.
- Quality is high
- Communication is good
3.1m Administrator Luncheon Minutes
What are the weaknesses of the student teacher we have placed in your district?
Group 1:
- Maturity – making transition to other side of desk
- Idealism
- Classroom management issues – 211
- Interview techniques
Group 2:
- More emphasis needed on class management
- Stay for NCLB
- State Assessment
- Share info during a ?? session
Group 3:
- Not really prepared to understand to take over the classroom – the lab
should give that experience.
- Classroom Management – learning by experience – not always the major
- FERPA – names – wording – not major problem
Group 5:
- NCLB knowledge
- Formative/Summative Assessment knowledge
- Lesson planning based on data
- Lesson plans based on learning vs. teaching
- Team approach – goal setting – “getting along” – politics of working
w/in faculty.
- Assessment data informs, “changes” in, teaching (instruction)
- Work day – not an 8 to 3:30 job
- Understanding of the “profession”
- Experience, or at least awareness of, cultural differences in the students
and families they will teach: Social, disabilities, economic differences.
- Have student teacher meet with teaching team before student teaching
starts “interview process” – w/ chance for both parties to say yes/no.
Group 6:
- Schools have different programs - Everday Math, Math Programs, etc.
- Successful for All
- Value issue – didn’t believe in limiting – problems with ??
- Have facilitation of various programs in to talk with classes.
What could be added to the PSU teacher education program that would strengthen our
first year teachers?
Group 1:
Group 2:
3.1m Administrator Luncheon Minutes
Group 3:
- PE – another minor – smaller schools need teacher who need to teach
other subjects.
- Assessments – data, data results – interpreting data
- Mentoring program
- Parent Communication – When? What?
- Caution e-mail
- ESDL – taking class is difficult for 1st yr. teacher
- Want students to concentrate on the class they are teaching.
Group 5:
- Additions to the program to support 1st year teachers.
- Districts have opportunity to request help from PSU faculty in
supporting a first year teaching grad.
- Support for mentor teachers: such as, “cognitive coaching”
Group 6:
- Use Assessment effectively
- Take standards, breech them down and identify what students can do –
- More training with Smart boards, a different media – Strengthen SSLS
- Continue to work on communication
What suggestions do you have for improving our process for selecting cooperating
teachers and placing student teacher?
Group 1:
- Give minor that leads to certification
- Pre-lab days – expand minor to additional certifications
Group 2:
Group 3:
- The process works well for the group.
Group 5:
- Cooperating teachers: ex: who wants a student teacher vs. a “master
- “interview process” (as stated earlier) ex: some good teachers do not
want to take the chance of a “poor” student teacher “messing up” the
Group 6:
- Goes smoothly - Ok
3.1m Administrator Luncheon Minutes
Do you have any concerns with the content and pedagogy preparation of our teachers? If
so, what are they?
Group 1:
- Marzono emphasis – consistent in secondary
- MTSS knowledge base
- Differentiated instruction
- Technology consistency
Group 2:
Group 3:
- What would you do to set up a reading program
- Needs a firm grasp of what goes into a reading program
- Instructional Skills – Beef up the skills – that is what they will be judged
- Math content was a concern.
Group 5:
- Pedagogy
- How do you understand and meet all the different needs of the
students in your classroom
- Current trends:
- NCLB – MTSS – Cognitive Coaching (QPA, KSDE website,
- Missouri MAP Assessment Program along w/ KS
Group 6:
- No problems – very satisfied – no concerns from cooperating teachers.
What recommendations do you have for building a better partnership with the university?
In what ways can we be of service to you?
Group 1:
- Send more student teachers
Group 2:
Group 3:
Group 5:
- Teachers from district to come to class on campus to present the info.
and students go out to districts to see the different programs learn the
techniques and strategies.
- Campus – Sends college teachers to schools to sub. for the day.
- Interview process for student teacher
- New ideas
- Pool to hire from
- Hourly credit for experience w/ kids: Youth Friends – After School
Program – Tutor….to learn about “differences” in student populations.
- ESOL strategies
3.1m Administrator Luncheon Minutes
Group 6:
- More free lunches
- At training pair first your cooperating teacher with veteran
- Frontenac does “Y”
- All Pittsburg for after school
- Wed – Enrichment classes
- Meeting with principle about after school
What other thoughts or suggestions do you have for us?
Group 1:
Group 2:
Group 3:
Group 5:
- Formal evaluations of student teacher by building principal using district
Group 6:
- Classroom management – most prepared – Make sure they accept or
follow school guidelines. Buy into school.