BIOflex® Medical Magnets Help Hard-to-Heal Wounds Heal Faster and Better From the files of BIOnova Medical Inc., 61 Burnside Drive, Toronto, ON M6G 2M9 T :1-866-BIOFLEX (1-866-246-3539) 11/08 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ When skin is deprived of oxygen and nutrients for as little as an hour, areas of tissue can break down and become a wound or a bedsore resulting and ranging from mild inflammation to deep wounds that involve muscle and bone. This can deteriorate into life-threatening blood infections, destruction and fracture of bones. Some sources refer to it as one of the "Silent Killer Diseases." Bedsores most often develop when constant pressure pinches tiny blood vessels that deliver oxygen and nutrients to the skin. The Importance of Oxygen Brief exposures to pure oxygen not only help chronic and other hard-to-heal wounds heal completely, such exposures also help wounds heal faster. Wounds ranged from post-surgical wounds to injuries resulting from acute trauma to ulcers such as diabetic hand ulcers and bedsores. Continuous supply of oxygen to the tissue through microcirculation is vital for the healing process and for resistance to infection. Blood is the nutrient source our tissues require in order to rebuilt themselves and accelerate the healing process. At the same time, increasing the amount of blood flowing through an area allows the waste products of the damaged tissues to be washed out at an accelerated rate. Non-healing chronic wounds are a challenge to the patient, the health care professional, and the health care system. They significantly impair the quality of life for millions of people in North America. Intensive treatment is required and imparts an enormous burden on society in terms of lost productivity and health care dollars. Bedsores cost billions, yet defy easy treatment. According to one estimate, caring for a single, deep-tissue bedsore can cost upwards of $70,000. There is a tremendous need therefore for effective and affordable therapeutics that improve the outcome standard wound care achieves. Hi-tech materials virtually eliminate pressure points Latex and Visco-elastic memory foam are effective materials that eliminate or minimize pressure points and improve or prevent pressure-related health problems. Latex foam provides support where it is needed most by contouring to the body's natural nuances. Eco-friendly, biodegradable, all-natural latex has tackled the heart of the problem by minimizing pressure points on the mattress' sleeping surface and maximizing even weight distribution to provide the ideal solution for achieving deep sleep. Visco-elastic memory foam is temperature sensitive. It moulds to your body, and always returns to its original shape after use. Memory foam also prevents and relieves pressure points and improves circulation. It cushions the body by responding to both temperature AND pressure. Memory foam is comfortable, breathable, hypoallergenic and dust mite free. Even for individuals with no serious health problems, memory foam can be extremely beneficial for overall health and wellbeing. Why? The pressure-relieving characteristics can ease suffering from back and neck or joint pain, sciatica, muscle aches, sports or work injuries, and fibromyalgia. Support surfaces, mattresses and overlays made with the above mentioned specialized high-tech foam materials combined with BIOflex® Medical Magnets significantly improve the outcome standard wound care achieves. In addition, they represent an effective combination for pain relief. BIOflex® Medical Magnets draw blood to affected areas², thus delivering more oxygen and nutrients to the region, decreasing inflammation, relieving pain and accelerating healing. We have observed significant healing responses in patients with soft tissue injuries both from degree of stress and in the time frame of function, limiting and at times eliminating the necessity for prescription drugs. In some cases, there has been improvement where other treatment protocols have failed. Enter the BIO-BED™ with BIOflex® Medical Magnets This revolutionary sleep system takes bedding to the next level. It assures you of exclusive and here-to-fore unknown product benefits, as it sets the standard for therapeutic, health promoting performance. BIOflex® magnetic technology is medically proven to enhance and elongate Delta Wave or Stage 4 Sleep. Also known as “Slow Wave Sleep”, it is the deepest and most refreshing phase, critical for restoration, recuperation, growth and boosting the immune system. It plays a major role in maintaining our general health. BIOflex® Medical Magnets are manufactured exclusively for human medical use. Imagine a single basic therapy were able to relieve countless ailments and what this would mean to the medical profession, the insurer’s bottom line and the national health bill? Only these kinds of solutions to our health-care crisis will substantially cut costs and provide better, wiser care for patients. Furthermore, BIOflex® represents the kind of “common sense medicine” that appeals to our increasingly health conscious population. Bibliography ¹ Ohio State University: Topical Oxygen Helps Hard-To-Heal Wounds Heal Faster And Better; Pathophysiology, Jan. 2003 ² Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MITT), Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Scientific Experiment: BIOflex® Medical Magnets Improve Blood Circulation: Pratt & Misna, May 1989