
Supplement List for Dr. Mullan
Patient: _______________________
Date: _________________________
This is a Word document in which you should list all supplements which you are taking. Please send it to
me before you have your next appointment. It is the way I keep your supplementation organized. It is
absolutely essential to my knowing what is going on with you. I cannot use your individual lists. I will
miss things if I do.
Note the dose and number of times per day of the supplements you are taking along side of their name in
a color print which is different from the document’s original color so that the additions are obvious.
Most supplements appear more than once on this list. Note the dose of the supplement and the number
of times per day each is taken each time you see it on the list.
These supplements should be added in low doses before increasing, started by themselves and time
allowed to observe possible signs of detox like sickness or increasing symptoms of any kind. If any of
these occur, the supplement should be discontinued or reduced to an amount which causes little or no
problem. If you are unsure about what to do, please ask me.
**The supplements may be started in the order in which you see them on this list.**
Continue taking supplements prior to lab testing. Do not stop them as lab instructions recommend.
STEP ONE: Program to reduce Neurological Inflammation
Remove Excitotoxins.
Remove sugar, processed foods, junk foods and non nutritive food.
Remove allergic food (from food allergy testing).
No Trans-fats: no partially hydrogenated oil of any kind.
Prescription Medications: Please list any prescription medications taken. Note the name, dose and
number of times per day taken.
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Shortcut Support
 PS/PC/PE: Phosphatidyl Serine Complex
You may need to start very low. Pierce the cap with a pin. If you are very sensitive to
supplements, squeeze out a tiny amount and rub on to your skin. If you are normally sensitive to
supplements, squeeze out a small amount and put it into your mouth. If you are used to starting
supplements with no problem at all, you may take the whole cap without incident.
 Methylation Support RNA
 DHA Neuromins
 SAMe: Start with VERY TINY amounts
Lithium: Supporting B12 and Folate uptake into the cell
 Lithium Orotate: ~135mg supplying 5mg elemental lithium.
Start with only VERY TINY amounts. You may have to dilute a tiny amount, the amount you can
fit on one prong of a fork, into the water you are going to drink for the whole day. You may have
to limit the amount of this that you drink.
 Be Calm Spray: contains low dose lithium.
 Resveratrol Spray
Vitamins, Minerals Antioxidants to lay the nutritional groundwork:
 All in One
 Neurological Health Formula
 MTHFR A1298C Liver Support
 VDR FOK+ Pancreatic Support
 Special Digestive Enzyme
 Serraflazyme
 Biotin
 Vitamin C
 Vitamin D
 Vitamin E Succinate
 Vitamin K
 Vita Organ
 Magnesium Citrate
 Magnesium Oxide (Mag O7)
 Zinc Lozenges
 Cal/Mag/D/K
 Calcium-D-Glucarate
 Sodium
 Potassium Citrate
 Phosphorus
 Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)
 Copper/Carnosine
 Manganese
 Glucosamine Chondroitin Plus
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Iodine patch test: Get a solution of Super Saturated Potassium Iodide. You may also use
Detoxified Iodine from www.IodineSource.com. Paint a 2" square of iodine on your skin. If it
disappears quickly, within one hour, you need iodine. Continue painting it onto your skin until
the rate at which it disappears slows down. When the coloration stays for 24 hours, your body is
replete with iodine and you can paint in on less frequently for maintenance.
Ora Adrenal
List any RNA’s used:
 Methylation Support RNA
Amino Acid Support: on empty stomach (ES)
 Amino Assist Capsules
 Amino Assist Spray
Support for Glutamate/GABA Balance
 Be Calm
 Resveratrol Spray
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B12 Support: not until lithium is in balance.
 Get B12 Spray
 SHMT Boost Spray
 Hydroxy B12 Mega Drops
 Adenosyl B12 Mega Drops
 Methyl B12 Mega Drops
Support Membrane Fluidity
 DHA Neuromins
 Fish Oil
 Omega 3:6:9 mix
 MethylMate A
 PS/PC/PE: Phosphatidyl Serine Complex
Advanced Methylation Cycle Support
 MethylMate B
 MethylMate A
 SAMe
Support for AHCY+/SHMT+
 AHCY/SHMT Compounded Supplement
 SHMT Boost Spray
Support for ACAT+/BHMT
 ACAT/BHMT Compounded Supplement
 Biotin
Krebs Cytric Acid Cycle Support
 Niacin/Niacinamide
 Riboflavin
 Benfotiamine
 Co Q 10 Spray
 Carnitine
 Biotin
 Mitoforce
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Kidney Support
 CBS/NOS Compounded Supplement
 Kidney Support RNA
 Ora Kidney
 Rhodiola
 Triphala
Support for High Oxidative Stress/Inflammatory Mediators
 Ultifend Capsules
 General Inflammatory Pathway Support RNA
 Cytokine (Behavior) RNA
 Cox 2
 Resveratrol Spray
 Glutathione
Support for Reducing Aluminum, Lead and Cadmium
 Metal Away
 Bone Support RNA
 EDTA soak or soap
CBS Support
 CBS/NOS Compounded Supplement
 Ammonia Support RNA
Protection from Excess Calcium
 Mitoforce
 Glutathione
 Magnesium
 Zinc
Support to Increase Calcium
 Mitoforce
 Cal/Mag/D/ K
 Bone Support RNA
 Glutathione
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Support for MAO+ and Serotonin Balance
 SeroMood
 Frequent, low dose Mood S RNA
Support for high NE and attention issues
 Attention Support RNA
 SAMe
Support for low Dopamine
 Mood D RNA
 Attention Support RNA
 Mood Focus RNA
Gastrointestinal Tract Support
 Special Digestive Enzyme
 Serraflazyme
 Bactisolve
 Suprema Dophilus
 Lactobacillus Mix
 L. reuteri
 Nutri Clear
 Buffer pH
 Naturomycin PVB Caps
 Naturomycin PVB Spray
 Caprylic Acid
 Grapefruit Seed Extract
 Naturomycin, Caprylic Acid, Grapefruit Seed Extract Mix
 Candisol
 Florastor
 Immune Factor #5
 Immune Factor #9
 Microbial Support RNAs as in early part of list
 Prescription Antibiotics
 Prescription Antifungals
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Reduce Clostridia
 Anaerobic X RNA
 NaturoMycin Caps
 NaturoMycin Spray
 Mag O7
 K O7
 Bay Leaf
 Lactobacillus Mix
 L reuteri
 Ashwagandha
Helicobacter Program
 PeptiMycin
 Aluminum Free Baking Soda
 Air Power
 Fever Few
 NaturoMycin Caps
 NaturoMycin Spray
 Triphala
 Bowel Support RNA
 Organ Support RNA
 Carnitine
 Zinc
 Bismuth
 Mastica Gum
 B12 Spray, Drops
 MTHFR A1298C Compounded Supp.
 SHMT Oral Spray
 Broccoli Max
 Lactoferrin
 Grape Seed Extract
 Cat’s Claw
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