Agenda South East Metro Zone 020806

South East Metropolitan Zone
28 July 2010
South East Metropolitan Zone of
Hosted by the City of Armadale
7 Orchard Avenue Armadale
Phone: 93990111
Wednesday 28 July 2010
Commencing at 6:00 pm
2 Voting Delegates from each Member Council
City of Armadale
Cr Henry Zelones JP - Zone Chair
Cr June MacDonald
Mr Ray Tame, Chief Executive Officer – non-voting delegate
City of Canning
Mayor Joe Delle Donne JP
Cr Bruce Mason
Mr Mark Dacombe, Chief Executive Officer - non-voting delegate
City of Gosnells
Mayor Olwen Searle JP
Cr Susan Iwanyk
Mr Ian Cowie, Chief Executive Officer - non-voting delegate
City of South Perth
Mayor James Best
Cr Kevin Trent
Mr Cliff Frewing, Chief Executive Officer - non-voting delegate
Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale
President Sheila Twine
Cr Merri Harris
Ms Joanne Abbiss, Chief Executive Officer - non-voting delegate
Town of Victoria Park
Cr David Ashton
Cr John Bissett
Mr Arthur Kyron, Chief Executive Officer - non-voting delegate
WALGA Secretariat
Mr Warren Pearce, Policy Manager Transport and Roads
Mr Ian Duncan, Economist
Jenni Law
Guest Speaker
Senator Scott Ludlam, Australian Greens for WA
South East Metropolitan Zone Meeting 28 July 2010
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Confirmation of Attendance, an attendance sheet will be circulated prior to the commencement of the
meeting. Please register your attendance by printing your name against your Council on the
attendance sheet.
Zone Delegates are requested to provide sufficient written notice, wherever possible, on amendments
to recommendations within the State Council or Zone agenda prior to the Zone meeting, to the Chair
and Secretariat.
Agenda Papers are emailed 7 days prior to the meeting date to your Council for distribution to Zone
Department of Local Government Regular Reporting. A representative from the Department of Local
Government will be attending WALGA Zone meetings to keep Local Governments informed on Local
Government matters.
Minutes of the previous meeting
State Council Composite Resolutions to June 2010 State Council meeting, for your information
Zone Status Report
President’s Report
Standing Orders
That the Minutes of the meeting of the South East Metropolitan Zone held on 26 May 2010,
attachment 1, be confirmed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings.
Pursuant to our Code of Conduct, Councillors must declare to the Chairperson any potential conflict of
interest they have in a matter before the Zone as soon as they become aware of it. Councillors and
deputies may be directly or indirectly associated with some recommendations of the Zone and State
Council. If you are affected by these recommendations, please excuse yourself from the meeting and
do not participate in deliberations.
A Status Report outlining the actions taken on the Zone’s resolutions is enclosed as an attachment.
For noting
South East Metropolitan Zone Meeting 28 July 2010
Page 2
Light Rail Presentation
Mr Scott Ludlam, Australian Greens Senator for Western Australia will present at the meeting of the
South East Metropolitan Zone on 28 July 2010.
Light rail extensions are under construction in Adelaide and the Gold Coast, and under active
consideration in Sydney and Melbourne. It is time a system was established in Perth.
The Greens are working with communities and councils to establish a world-class public transport
system in Perth. This will take our city into the future with less oil dependence and carbon emissions
and better services and convenience.
(Zone delegates to consider the Matters for Decision contained in the WA Local
Government Association State Council Agenda and put forward resolutions to Zone
Representatives on State Council)
Planning Issues in the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale
By Cr Sheila Twine- Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale
Hyper growth of smaller Local Government Areas
This item was flagged at the May 2010 South East Metropolitan Zone meeting. It concerns the hyper
growth being experienced currently in Serpentine Jarrahdale and other outer metropolitan Shires.
Serpentine Jarrahdale is the fastest growing Local Government in Western Australia at 7.6% (ABS
2010) after the infill of Perth CBD. It is the fourth fastest in Australia as a whole.
Proposed motion for consideration by SE Metro Zone
That the SE Metro Zone urge WALGA to advocate for timely, short term, financial
assistance to all Local Governments, with a population under 20,000, growing at 5%
pa or above to ensure that proper and orderly planning delivers quality development
for generations to come.
Justification to support this motion
 Serpentine Jarrahdale is the Southern-most section of the South East Metropolitan Zone. It
needs its larger neighbours to lend support at this stage in its development. It is linked to
South East Metropolitan Zone Meeting 28 July 2010
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the South East corridor by the South West Highway, the Tonkin Hwy and the future
passenger rail from Armadale to Byford and Mundijong.
Serpentine Jarrahdale has written to PM Rudd requesting temporary, short term financial
assistance for strategic and statutory planning. It is a member of the NGAA and OMG
The ARA is an example of recognition that timely financial assistance, is required, both for
redevelopment but also for Greenfield site development.
Small population base means small rates revenue and therefore limited resources for both
strategic and statutory planning. As an example, Serpentine Jarrahdale is growing from
15,000 to 43,000 (Focus, Directions 2031) in the next 20 years. This represents a threefold increase in population
Development in green-field sites requires many studies such as drainage, biodiversity,
traffic impacts - all desirable and mostly statutory. Local Governments are quite capable of
delivering all these studies if they are given the resources to engage consultants and/or do
the necessary work in house.
Once Developer Contribution Arrangements are in place, rate bases catch up and planning
is complete, this financial assistance is no longer a vital issue.
I urge members to support this motion and so add another voice to assist all smaller Local
Governments to achieve quality outcomes in their development.
That the South East Metropolitan Zone urge WALGA to advocate for timely, short term,
financial assistance to all Local Governments, with a population under 20,000, growing at 5%
pa or above to ensure that proper and orderly planning delivers quality development for
generations to come.
WALGA President’s Report -attached
State Councillor’s reports to the Zone
Department Local Government Update Report
That the next meeting of the South East Metropolitan Zone be held on 29 September 2010 at the
City of Canning commencing at 6:00 pm.
There being no further business the Chair declared the meeting closed at ______.
South East Metropolitan Zone Meeting 28 July 2010
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Attachment 1
South East Metropolitan Zone
26 May 2010
South East Metropolitan Zone Meeting 28 July 2010
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South East Metropolitan Zone of
Hosted by the Town of Victoria Park
99 Shepperton Road Victoria Park
Phone: 9311 8111
Wednesday 26 May 2010
Commenced at 6:00 pm
2 Voting Delegates from each Member Council
City of Armadale
Cr Henry Zelones JP - Zone Chair
Cr June MacDonald
Mr Ray Tame, Chief Executive Officer – non-voting delegate
City of Canning
Mayor Joe Delle Donne JP
Cr Bruce Mason
Mr Mark Dacombe, Chief Executive Officer - non-voting delegate
City of Gosnells
Mayor Olwen Searle JP
Mr Ian Cowie, Chief Executive Officer - non-voting delegate
City of South Perth
Mayor James Best- Deputy Chair
Cr Kevin Trent
Mr Cliff Frewing, Chief Executive Officer - non-voting delegate
Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale
President Sheila Twine
Cr Merri Harris
Ms Joanne Abbiss, Chief Executive Officer - non-voting delegate
Delegates arrived 6.14pm
Town of Victoria Park
Cr David Ashton
Cr John Bissett
Mr Arthur Kyron, Chief Executive Officer - non-voting delegate
WALGA Secretariat
Mr John Phillips, Executive Manager Workplace Business Solutions
Mr Richard Struik, Community Policy Officer
Guest Speaker
Mr Wayne Spencer – Retail Traders’ Association of WA Inc.
City of Gosnells
Cr Susan Iwanyk
Jenni Law
South East Metropolitan Zone Meeting 28 July 2010
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Confirmation of Attendance, an attendance sheet was circulated prior to the commencement of the
meeting to record names.
Minutes of the previous meeting
Light Rail Flyer
State Council Composite Resolutions to April 2010 State Council meeting, for your information
Status Report
President’s Report
Standing Orders
That the Minutes of the meeting of the South East Metropolitan Zone held on 31 March 2010 be
confirmed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings.
Moved Cr Kevin Trent/Seconded Cr David Ashton
Pursuant to our Code of Conduct, Councillors must declare to the Chairperson any potential conflict of
interest they have in a matter before the Zone as soon as they become aware of it. Councillors and
deputies may be directly or indirectly associated with some recommendations of the Zone and State
Council. If you are affected by these recommendations, please excuse yourself from the meeting and
do not participate in deliberations.
A Status Report outlining the actions taken on the Zone’s resolutions was enclosed as an attachment
to the Agenda.
South East Metropolitan Zone Meeting 28 July 2010
Page 7
Deregulation of Trading Hours
Mr Wayne Spencer, Executive Director from The Retail Traders' Association of Western Australia Inc
(RTA) presented to the Zone Meeting relevant facts for Local Government's so that they can consider
their best course of action to alleviate the negative impact of these circumstances within their
boundaries. The RTA presented suggested courses of action along with the consequences of no action
to stop the pending imbalances occurring.
Items 4.1 to 6.7
That the South East Metropolitan Zone endorses the above items ‘en bloc’.
Item 6.6
Report Key Activities, Municipal Waste Advisory Council (MWAC)
Cr Bruce Mason tabled a letter for the Zone’s consideration (ATTACHMENT 1)
President Sheila Twine tabled a motion for consideration at the next Zone meeting (ATTACHMENT 2)
Light Rail Presentation
By Scott Ludlam - Australian Greens Senator for Western Australia
Light rail extensions are under construction in Adelaide and the Gold Coast, and under active
consideration in Sydney and Melbourne. It is time a system was established in Perth.
The Greens are working with communities and councils to establish a world-class public transport
system in Perth. This will take our city into the future with less oil dependence and carbon emissions
and better services and convenience. For more information a flyer is enclosed as attachment 2.
That the Zone invite Senator Ludlam to present at the next meeting of the South East
Metropolitan Zone on 28 July 2010.
Moved Cr David Ashton/Seconded Mayor James Best
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Zone Roundtable Agenda Item
By Cr Henry Zelones, City of Armadale
I have a preference for addressing issues of the operational nature of WALGA and the ZONES. The
Zone Roundtable was intended as a forum for Zone Chairs and the WALGA executive issues to
exchange views on the overall operation of the organisation and to review or critique the performance
of both arms. The Country Zones in the past have talked about everything from dingo control to weight
limits on wheat trucks. Important issues for them I’m sure but, there is a mechanism for bringing those
issues to the attention of WALGA. What we never get to talk about is, are the zones performing and
are there better ways we can serve our member councils (use our time).
The area I would like to emphasis is the need to have meaningful deputations and the regular
attendance by the Department of Local Government.
We could also do with WALGA Policy Managers coming to the Zone to give us some updates on their
areas of activity. This can be facilitated by WALGA to assist us with more meaningful meetings.
I would like to suggest that the South East Metropolitan Zone put forward the following items:
crystal ball issues
governance issues/10 year review of the organisation/ future direction of WALGA/ etc
strategic response to issues facing our industry
WALGA policy managers to present on their area of expertise
A regular attendance by the Department of Local Government especially during the reform
process to keep us informed as to its progress but other issues as well such as changes to the
That the South East Metropolitan Zone endorses the submission of an item relating to Zone
Roundtable specific operating issues to the Zone Roundtable meeting to be held 4 August
Moved Cr Kevin Trent/Seconded Mayor Joe Della Donne
WALGA President’s Report
The WALGA Presidents Report was delivered to the Zone by Cr Henry Zelones.
State Councillor’s reports to the Zone
Mayor James Best and Cr Henry Zelones delivered the State Councillor’s Reports.
Department Local Government Update Report
Department of Local Government Update Report was not provided, as the DLG representative was an
apology to the meeting.
South East Metropolitan Zone Meeting 28 July 2010
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That the next meeting of the South East Metropolitan Zone be held on 28 July 2010 at the City of
Armadale commencing at 6:00 pm.
There being no further business the Chair declared the meeting closed at 7:32.
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Attachment 1 to the minutes
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Attachment 2 to the minutes
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South East Metropolitan Zone Meeting 28 July 2010
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Attachment 2
Central Country Zone
Central Metropolitan Zone
East Metropolitan Zone
Goldfields Esperance Country Zone
Gascoyne Country Zone
Great Eastern Country Zone
Great Southern Country Zone
Kimberley Zone
Murchison Country Zone
Northern Country Zone
North Metropolitan Zone
Peel Country Zone
Pilbara Country Zone
South East Metropolitan Zone
South Metropolitan Zone
South West Country Zone
June 2010
South East Metropolitan Zone Meeting 28 July 2010
Page 14
WALGA Country & Metropolitan Zones
Avon Midland Country Zone
Composite Resolutions to State Council
Resolutions/Minutes from Zones
Local Government Reform (05-034-01-0015 TB)
That the Minister for Local Government be requested to make the Regional Collaboration Group
process available to all Councils as an alternative to the Regional Transition Group process.
Avon Midland Country Zone
Central Metropolitan Zone
East Metropolitan Zone
Great Southern Country Zone
North Metropolitan Zone
Northern Country Zone
Peel Country Zone
Pilbara Country Zone
South East Metropolitan Zone
South Metropolitan Zone
South West Country Zone
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the following alternate recommendation be adopted:
That the Minister for Local Government be requested to make the Regional Collaboration Group process
available to all Councils, who wish to pursue a formal collaborative approach, as an alternative to the Regional
Transition Group process
That the following alternate recommendation be adopted:
That the Minister for Local Government be requested to make the Regional Collaboration Group process
available to all Councils who wish to pursue a formal collaborative approach as an alternative to the Regional
Transition Group process.
That the following alternate recommendation be adopted:
That the Minister for Local Government be requested to make the Regional Collaboration Group process
available to all Councils who wish to pursue a formal collaborative approach as an alternative to the Regional
Transition Group process.
The choice to participate is inherent in both the Regional Transition Group and Regional Collaboration Group
That the Minister for Local Government be requested to make the Regional Collaboration Group process
available to all Councils as an alternative to the Regional Transition Group process.
RESOLUTION 55.3/2010
That the Minister for Local Government be requested to make the Regional
Collaboration Group process available to all Councils as an alternative to the Regional
Transition Group process
Moved Cr Eileen O’Connell / Seconded Cr Lynne Craigie
South East Metropolitan Zone Meeting 28 July 2010
Page 15
Approvals and Related Reform (No. 4) (Planning) Bill 2009 (05-036-03-0020 AH)
the provisions in the Approvals and Related Reforms (Planning) No.4) Bill 2009 for Improvement
Schemes are supported on condition that specific regulations for Improvement Schemes are made,
the circumstances and processes for establishing Improvement Schemes is set out in detail;
that the Minister for Planning must table the government’s intention to establish an
Improvement Scheme and the reasons for it, in Parliament;
that the requirements for local input on the amenity of local communities is preserved; and
the ‘normalisation’ process to occur at the end of the Improvement Scheme.
the amendments to the Development Assessment Panel (DAP) system are accepted on the basis
that the State Government works with local government on the development of the DAPs
regulations to ensure that any outstanding details related to the operation of DAPs (eg criteria for
referral, operation, fees, administration and appeals) are addressed in the regulations and
associated policy.
the provisions contained in the Approvals and Related Reforms (Planning) Bill 2009 relating to
State Planning Policy (SPP) amendment of local planning schemes are accepted, on condition that:
the procedures, requirements and format etc. of such State Planning Policies are set out in
the amendments to s76 of the Planning and Development Act 2005 are accepted subject to:
regulations being made outlining that the Minister for Planning is to report any orders given
by the Minister to a local government, under s76 of the Planning and Development Act 2005,
to be reported in Parliament.
the report should include details of the particular scheme or amendment, the affected area,
the parties involved and the reasons for the Minister’s order.
reporting on planning matters by Local Government is supported, subject to:
the reporting system ensuring transparency and accountability of all parties involved in the
Development Assessment process; and
including data capture on the performance and response times of applicants, referral
agencies and any other external party involved in a Development Assessment.
in the event that timely agreement is not able to be reached on the regulations, WALGA should
advocate for the Bill to be considered and amended by Committee in the Upper House.
Central Country Zone
Avon Midland Country Zone
East Metropolitan Zone
Great Eastern Country Zone
Great Southern Country Zone
Northern Country Zone
Pilbara Country Zone
South East Metropolitan Zone
Peel Country Zone
North Metropolitan Zone
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
The South Metropolitan Zone request an addition to recommendation 5 (dot point 2) be amended to add:
“and all costs to Local Government, and any other external parties.”
and request an additional recommendation point 7 be added:
That where a Local Government does not support the establishment of an Improvement Scheme or Plan, then
the matter should be tabled to Parliament for consideration.
South East Metropolitan Zone Meeting 28 July 2010
Page 16
*Support with the note that there needs to be a mechanism that will allow the dollar amounts in any legislation or
regulation to be adjusted on a frequent basis
1. the current provision of the Approvals and Related Reforms (No. 4) (Planning) Bill 2009 for Improvement
Schemes are supported on condition that legislated provisions for Improvement Schemes are made, setting
out that:
other than when a Local Government requests establishment of an Improvement Scheme,
Improvement Schemes are established only in exceptional circumstances, such as for matters of
State significance;
Improvement Schemes are established by agreement of the Local Government(s) concerned;
establishment of the Improvement Scheme, and the reasons for it, are tabled in Parliament;
the requirements for local input on the amenity of local communities is preserved;
there is a ‘normalisation’ process to occur at the end of the Improvement Scheme.
2. the implementation of the Development Assessment Panel (DAP) system is on the basis that the State
Government works with Local Government on the development of the DAP legislation to ensure that any
outstanding details relating to the operation of DAPS (e.g. criteria for referral, operation, fees,
administration and appeals) are addressed in the legislation and associated policy, and include specific
provisions governing:
the relevant Local Government(s) choosing the DAP members from a pool of experts maintained by
the Department of Planning;
the experts be chosen for dealing with particular applications, rather than for a fixed time period;
conflict of interest situations;
the rights of Local Governments to appeal DAP decisions.
3. the provisions contained in the Approvals and Related Reforms (No. 4) (Planning) Bill 2009 relating to
State Planning Policy (SPP) amendment of local planning schemes are accepted, on condition that:
the procedures, requirements and format etc. of such State Planning Policies are set out in the
4. the amendments to s76 of the Planning and Development Act 2005 are accepted subject to:
regulations being made outlining that the Minister of Planning is to report any orders given by the
Minister to a Local Government, under s76 of the Planning and Development Act 2005, to be
reported in Parliament;
the report should include details of the particular scheme or amendment, the affected area, the
parties involved and the reasons for the Minister’s order.
5. reporting on planning matters by Local Government is supported, subject to:
the reporting system ensuring transparency and accountability of all parties involved in the
Development Assessment process; and
including data capture on the performance and response times of applicants, referral agencies and
any other external party involved in a Development Assessment.
6. in the event that timely agreement is not able to be reached on the legislation, WALGA should advocate
for the Bill to be considered and amended by Committee in the Upper House.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported with the following additions:
That WALGA continues to strongly oppose the introduction of DAPS however if government proceeds with
the bill the following issues require to be addressed:
The existence of the option for developers to refer a matter to either DAPs or Council be removed;
WAPC is to be responsible for the administrative support for DAPs not the Council; and
WAPC be responsible for administrative support and legal costs for appeals to SAT
South East Metropolitan Zone Meeting 28 July 2010
Page 17
1. the provisions in the Approvals and Related Reforms (Planning) No.4) Bill 2009 for Improvement
Schemes are supported on condition that specific regulations for Improvement Schemes are made,
the circumstances and processes for establishing Improvement Schemes is set out in detail;
that the Minister for Planning must table the government’s intention to establish an
Improvement Scheme and the reasons for it, in Parliament, together with the relevant Local
Government’s response to the proposed scheme;
that the requirements for local input on the amenity of local communities is preserved; and
the ‘normalisation’ process to occur at the end of the Improvement Scheme.
2. the amendments to the Development Assessment Panel (DAP) system are accepted on the basis
that the State Government works with local government on the development of the DAPs
regulations to ensure that any outstanding details related to the operation of DAPs (eg criteria for
referral, operation, fees, administration and appeals) are addressed in the regulations and
associated policy, and that there is no cost shift to Local Governments’.
3. the provisions contained in the Approvals and Related Reforms (Planning) Bill 2009 relating to State
Planning Policy (SPP) amendment of local planning schemes are accepted, on condition that:
4. the procedures, requirements and format etc. of such State Planning Policies are set out in
5. the amendments to s76 of the Planning and Development Act 2005 are accepted subject to:
regulations being made outlining that the Minister for Planning is to report any orders given
by the Minister to a local government, under s76 of the Planning and Development Act 2005,
to be reported in Parliament.
the report should include details of the particular scheme or amendment, the affected area,
the parties involved and the reasons for the Minister’s order.
6. reporting on planning matters by Local Government is supported, subject to:
the reporting system ensuring transparency and accountability of all parties involved in the
Development Assessment process; and
including data capture on the performance and response times of applicants, referral
agencies and any other external party involved in a Development Assessment.
7. in the event that timely agreement is not able to be reached on the regulations, WALGA should
advocate for the Bill to be considered and amended by Committee in the Upper House.
RESOLUTION 57.3/2010
1. the provisions in the Approvals and Related Reforms (Planning) No.4) Bill 2009
for Improvement Schemes are supported on condition that specific regulations
for Improvement Schemes are made, clarifying:
 the circumstances and processes for establishing Improvement Schemes is
set out in detail;
 improved schemes are established by agreement with the Local
Governments concerned;
 that the Minister for Planning must table the government’s intention to
establish an Improvement Scheme and the reasons for it, in Parliament,
together with the relevant Local Government’s response to the proposed
 that the requirements for local input on the amenity of local communities is
preserved; and
 the ‘normalisation’ process to occur at the end of the Improvement Scheme.
2. the amendments to the Development Assessment Panel (DAP) system are
accepted on the basis that the State Government works with local government on
South East Metropolitan Zone Meeting 28 July 2010
Page 18
the development of the DAPs regulations to ensure that any outstanding details
related to the operation of DAPs (eg criteria for referral, operation, fees,
administration and appeals) are addressed in the regulations and associated
policy, and that there is no cost shift to Local Governments’.
3. the provisions contained in the Approvals and Related Reforms (Planning) Bill
2009 relating to State Planning Policy (SPP) amendment of local planning
schemes are accepted, on condition that:
4. the procedures, requirements and format etc. of such State Planning Policies are
set out in regulations.
5. the amendments to s76 of the Planning and Development Act 2005 are accepted
subject to:
 regulations being made outlining that the Minister for Planning is to report
any orders given by the Minister to a local government, under s76 of the
Planning and Development Act 2005, to be reported in Parliament.
 the report should include details of the particular scheme or amendment, the
affected area, the parties involved and the reasons for the Minister’s order.
6. reporting on planning matters by Local Government is supported, subject to:
 the reporting system ensuring transparency and accountability of all parties
involved in the Development Assessment process; and
 including data capture on the performance and response times of
applicants, referral agencies and any other external party involved in a
Development Assessment.
7. in the event that timely agreement is not able to be reached on the regulations,
WALGA should advocate for the Bill to be considered and amended by
Committee in the Upper House.
Moved Cr Paul Kelly / Seconded Cr Doug Thompson
Implications of the Australia’s Future Tax System Review (Henry Review) for
Local Government (05-088-03-0001 ID)
the wide range of findings / recommendations in the AFTS Report and their potential implications
on the funding and operation of Local Governments along with the impacts on local communities
be noted; and
WALGA seek a meeting with the Premier, Treasurer and Minister for Local Government to discuss
the findings and recommendations of the Henry Tax Review and the associated Commonwealth
response and the implications for Local Government.
Central Country Zone
Avon Midland Country Zone
Central Metropolitan Zone
East Metropolitan Zone
Goldfields Esperance Country Zone
Great Southern Country Zone
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
South East Metropolitan Zone Meeting 28 July 2010
Page 19
Northern Country Zone
North Metropolitan Zone
Peel Country Zone
Pilbara Country Zone
South East Metropolitan Zone
South Metropolitan Zone
South West Country Zone
Great Eastern Country Zone
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
the wide range of findings / recommendations in the AFTS Report and their potential implications
on the funding and operation of Local Governments along with the impacts on local communities
be noted; and
WALGA seek a meeting with the Premier, Treasurer and Minister for Local Government to discuss
the findings and recommendations of the Henry Tax Review and the associated Commonwealth
response and the implications for Local Government.
RESOLUTION 58.3/2010
the wide range of findings / recommendations in the AFTS Report and their
potential implications on the funding and operation of Local Governments along
with the impacts on local communities be noted; and
WALGA seek a meeting with the Premier, Treasurer and Minister for Local
Government to discuss the findings and recommendations of the Henry Tax
Review and the associated Commonwealth response and the implications for
Local Government.
Moved Mayor Glenys Godfrey / Seconded Cr Doug Thompson
Draft Industrial Land Strategy 2009 – Perth and Peel (05-036-03-0010 BF)
the interim submission by WALGA to the Western Australian Planning Commission on the draft
Industrial Land Strategy 2009 – Perth and Peel be endorsed; and
WALGA seek to participate in the Industrial Land Strategy’s governance structure, in particular
the Industrial Reference Group to ensure representative Local Government input into the
implementation process.
That a further clause No. 3 be added to the WALGA Recommendation:
3. That WALGA, as members of the Industrial Reference Group, raise the issue of land release in the Peel to
ensure that sufficient residential land is released to meet the objectives of the Industrial Land Strategy.
That an additional point 3 be added to the WALGA recommendation:
1. That the interim submission by WALGA to the Western Australian Planning Commission on the Draft
Industrial Land Strategy- Perth and Peel be endorsed;
South East Metropolitan Zone Meeting 28 July 2010
Page 20
2. WALGA seek to participate in the Industrial Land Strategy’s governance structure, in particular the
Industrial Reference Group to ensure representative Local Government input into the implementation
process; and
3. WALGA bring to the attention of the State Government issues of environmental constraints affecting both
current and potential land release.
Central Country Zone
Avon Midland Country Zone
Central Metropolitan Zone
East Metropolitan Zone
Goldfields Esperance Country Zone
Great Eastern Country Zone
Great Southern Country Zone
Northern Country Zone
Pilbara Country Zone
South East Metropolitan Zone
South Metropolitan Zone
South West Country Zone
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
the interim submission by WALGA to the Western Australian Planning Commission on the draft
Industrial Land Strategy 2009 – Perth and Peel be endorsed;
WALGA seek to participate in the Industrial Land Strategy’s governance structure, in particular the
Industrial Reference Group to ensure representative Local Government input into the implementation
WALGA bring to the attention of the State Government issues of environmental constraints affecting
both current and potential land release; and
WALGA raise the issue of residential land release to ensure that sufficient residential land is available
to meet the objectives of the Industrial Land Strategy.
RESOLUTION 59.3/2010
the interim submission by WALGA to the Western Australian Planning
Commission on the draft Industrial Land Strategy 2009 – Perth and Peel be
WALGA seek to participate in the Industrial Land Strategy’s governance
structure, in particular the Industrial Reference Group to ensure representative
Local Government input into the implementation process;
WALGA bring to the attention of the State Government issues of environmental
constraints affecting both current and potential land release; and
WALGA raise the issue of residential land release to ensure that sufficient
residential land is available to meet the objectives of the Industrial Land Strategy.
Moved Cr Doug Thompson / Seconded Cr Wally Barrett
Impact of Fly-in/Fly-Out on Communities (01-006-03-0014 JAL)
South East Metropolitan Zone Meeting 28 July 2010
Page 21
undertake a desktop study on the impacts of ‘fly-in/fly-out’, ‘drive-in/drive-out’, working rosters and
the effects they are having on the mining communities of Western Australia to determine:
a)health effects that the rotating 24/7, 12-hour working roster is having on the working men and
economic impacts on small businesses in regard to the ‘fly-in/fly-out’, ‘drive-in/drive-out’;
c)rate revenue lost to the mining communities due to the ‘fly-in/fly-out’, ‘drive-in/drive-out’, work
social and cultural impacts working rosters have on the communities (e.g. sporting clubs,
community groups, family relationships, hospitals, depression/suicide and other mental
engage with the various agencies / peak bodies that have already investigated ‘fly-in/fly-out’, ‘drivein/drive-out’ matters to avoid duplication of effort; and
advise State Council on the outcome of the desktop study and the feasibility / costs of developing
and undertaking further action.
Central Country Zone
Avon Midland Country Zone
Central Metropolitan Zone
East Metropolitan Zone
Goldfields Esperance Country Zone
Great Eastern Country Zone
Great Southern Country Zone
Northern Country Zone
North Metropolitan Zone
Pilbara Country Zone
South East Metropolitan Zone
South West Country Zone
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That a further point e) be added to the WALGA Recommendation:
e) Costs on local government and other community based agencies due to a ‘Fly-in/Fly-out’ and ‘Drivein/Drive-out’ workforce, such as:
Additional road costs to local roads
Impact of increased traffic – road safety
Impacts on local health and medical services
Impacts on local volunteer emergency services provision
Impacts on local policing services.
South Metropolitan Zone
That the WALGA recommendation NOT be supported
South East Metropolitan Zone Meeting 28 July 2010
Page 22
undertake a desktop study on the impacts of ‘fly-in/fly-out’, ‘drive-in/drive-out’, working rosters and
the effects they are having on the mining communities of Western Australia to determine:
health effects that the rotating 24/7, 12-hour working roster is having on the working men and
economic impacts on small businesses in regard to the ‘fly-in/fly-out’, ‘drive-in/drive-out’;
rate revenue lost to the mining communities due to the ‘fly-in/fly-out’, ‘drive-in/drive-out’, work
social and cultural impacts working rosters have on the communities (e.g. sporting clubs,
community groups, family relationships, hospitals, depression/suicide and other mental
costs on local government and other community based agencies due to a ‘Fly-in/Fly-out’ and
‘Drive-in/Drive-out’ workforce, such as:
additional road costs to local roads;
impact of increased traffic – road safety;
impacts on local health and medical services;
impacts on local volunteer emergency services provision; and
impacts on local policing services.
engage with the various agencies / peak bodies that have already investigated ‘fly-in/fly-out’, ‘drivein/drive-out’ matters to avoid duplication of effort; and
advise State Council on the outcome of the desktop study and the feasibility / costs of developing
and undertaking further action.
RESOLUTION 60.3/2010
1. undertake a desktop study on the impacts of ‘fly-in/fly-out’, ‘drive-in/drive-out’,
working rosters and the effects they are having on the mining communities of
Western Australia to determine:
a) health effects that the rotating 24/7, 12-hour working roster is having on the
working men and women;
b) economic impacts on small businesses in regard to the ‘fly-in/fly-out’, ‘drivein/drive-out’;
c) rate revenue lost to the mining communities due to the ‘fly-in/fly-out’, ‘drivein/drive-out’, work force;
d) social and cultural impacts working rosters have on the communities (e.g.
sporting clubs, community groups, family relationships, hospitals,
depression/suicide and other mental illness);
e) costs on local government and other community based agencies due to a
‘Fly-in/Fly-out’ and ‘Drive-in/Drive-out’ workforce, such as:
additional road costs to local roads;
impact of increased traffic – road safety;
impacts on local health and medical services;
impacts on local volunteer emergency services provision; and
impacts on local policing services.
2. engage with the various agencies / peak bodies that have already investigated
‘fly-in/fly-out’, ‘drive-in/drive-out’ matters to avoid duplication of effort; and
South East Metropolitan Zone Meeting 28 July 2010
Page 23
3. advise State Council on the outcome of the desktop study and the feasibility /
costs of developing and undertaking further action.
Moved Mayor Ron Yuryevich / Seconded Cr Henry Zelones
Policy Statement on Waste Management Data and Information Management (05-075-03-0004 EF)
(Attachments Page 4)
That the statement of policy as described in the attached document entitled “Policy Statement on Waste
Management Data and Information Management (April 2010)” be endorsed.
Central Country Zone
Avon Midland Country Zone
Central Metropolitan Zone
East Metropolitan Zone
Goldfields Esperance Country Zone
Great Eastern Country Zone
Great Southern Country Zone
Northern Country Zone
North Metropolitan Zone
Peel Country Zone
Pilbara Country Zone
South East Metropolitan Zone
South Metropolitan Zone
South West Country Zone
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the statement of policy as described in the attached document entitled “Policy Statement on Waste
Management Data and Information Management (April 2010)” be endorsed.
RESOLUTION 61.3/2010
That the statement of policy as described in the attached document entitled “Policy
Statement on Waste Management Data and Information Management (April 2010)” be
Moved Mayor Glenys Godfrey / Seconded Cr Lynne Craigie
Shared-use Agreements between the Department of Education and Local Governments (05-05303-0009 JAL)
That the Local Government position paper on shared-use agreements between the Department of
Education and Local Governments be endorsed.
Central Country Zone
Avon Midland Country Zone
Central Metropolitan Zone
East Metropolitan Zone
Goldfields Esperance Country Zone
Great Eastern Country Zone
Great Southern Country Zone
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
South East Metropolitan Zone Meeting 28 July 2010
Page 24
Northern Country Zone
North Metropolitan Zone
Peel Country Zone
Pilbara Country Zone
South East Metropolitan Zone
South Metropolitan Zone
South West Country Zone
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the Local Government position paper on shared-use agreements between the Department of
Education and Local Governments be endorsed.
RESOLUTION 62.3/2010
That the Local Government position paper on shared-use agreements between the
Department of Education and Local Governments be endorsed.
Moved Cr Doug Thompson / Seconded Cr Ronnie Fleay
Submission to the Inquiry into School Libraries (05-012-04-002 JAL)
That the interim representative Local Government submission to the Inquiry into School Libraries and
Teacher Librarians in Australian Schools be endorsed.
Central Country Zone
Avon Midland Country Zone
Central Metropolitan Zone
East Metropolitan Zone
Goldfields Esperance Country Zone
Great Eastern Country Zone
Great Southern Country Zone
Northern Country Zone
North Metropolitan Zone
Peel Country Zone
Pilbara Country Zone
South East Metropolitan Zone
South Metropolitan Zone
South West Country Zone
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the interim representative Local Government submission to the Inquiry into School Libraries and
Teacher Librarians in Australian Schools be endorsed.
RESOLUTION 63.3/2010
That the interim representative Local Government submission to the Inquiry into
School Libraries and Teacher Librarians in Australian Schools be endorsed.
Moved Cr Pat Hooper / Seconded Cr Wally Barrett
South East Metropolitan Zone Meeting 28 July 2010
Page 25
Submission to Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy – Position
Paper on Fibre in New Developments (05-059-03-0013 MD)
Local Government’s June 2009 submission on the National Broadband Network: Fibre-to-thepremises in Greenfield Estates Consultation Paper be noted.
the interim Local Government submission on the Proposed Subordinate Legislation to Give Effect
to Fibre in New Developments Position Paper be endorsed.
Central Country Zone
Avon Midland Country Zone
Central Metropolitan Zone
East Metropolitan Zone
Goldfields Esperance Country Zone
Great Eastern Country Zone
Great Southern Country Zone
Northern Country Zone
North Metropolitan Zone
Peel Country Zone
Pilbara Country Zone
South Metropolitan Zone
South West Country Zone
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported
1. Local Government’s June 2009 submission on the National Broadband Network: Fibre-to-thepremises in Greenfield Estates Consultation Paper be noted.
2. the interim Local Government submission on the Proposed Subordinate Legislation to Give Effect
to Fibre in New Developments Position Paper be endorsed.
RESOLUTION 64.3/2010
Local Government’s June 2009 submission on the National Broadband Network:
Fibre-to-the-premises in Greenfield Estates Consultation Paper be noted.
the interim Local Government submission on the Proposed Subordinate
Legislation to Give Effect to Fibre in New Developments Position Paper be
Moved Cr Paul Kelly / Seconded Cr Henry Zelones
Genetically Modified Crops Policy Statement (05-027-03-0001-02 SM)
That the Genetically Modified Crops Policy Statement be endorsed.
Central Metropolitan Zone
East Metropolitan Zone
Goldfields Esperance Country Zone
Great Eastern Country Zone
Northern Country Zone
North Metropolitan Zone
Peel Country Zone
Pilbara Country Zone
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
South East Metropolitan Zone Meeting 28 July 2010
Page 26
South East Metropolitan Zone
South West Country Zone
Avon Midland Country Zone
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
Great Southern Country Zone
That the WALGA recommendation NOT be supported.
South Metropolitan Zone
That the South Metropolitan Zone supports the policy position, subject to the amending of the moratorium period
to 5 years.
That the Genetically Modified Crops Policy Statement be endorsed.
RESOLUTION 65.3/2010
Genetically Modified Crops not be endorsed and that individual Local Governments’
determine their own policy.
Moved Cr Barry Webster / Seconded Cr Pat Hooper
Proposed New Mass Management Scheme for WA – WALGA Interim Submission (05-006-030001 WP
That the interim submission in response to the WA Mass Management Scheme Discussion Paper
released by the Ministerial Heavy Vehicles Advisory Panel be endorsed.
Central Country Zone
Avon Midland Country Zone
Central Metropolitan Zone
East Metropolitan Zone
Goldfields Esperance Country Zone
Great Eastern Country Zone
Great Southern Country Zone
Pilbara Country Zone
Northern Country Zone
North Metropolitan Zone
South East Metropolitan Zone
South Metropolitan Zone
South West Country Zone
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the WALGA recommendation be supported.
That the interim submission in response to the WA Mass Management Scheme Discussion Paper released
by the Ministerial Heavy Vehicles Advisory Panel be endorsed.
RESOLUTION 66.3/2010
That the interim submission in response to the WA Mass Management Scheme
Discussion Paper released by the Ministerial Heavy Vehicles Advisory Panel be
Moved Cr Fred Mills / Seconded Cr Doug Thompson
South East Metropolitan Zone Meeting 28 July 2010
Page 27
Selection Committee Minutes – Under Separate Cover (01-006-013-0011 TL)
RESOLUTION 67.3/2010
1. the Resolutions contained in the 24 May 2010 Selection Committee Minutes be
noted; and
2. the Selection Committee Interview report be endorsed.
Moved Cr Steve Martin / Seconded Cr Doug Thompson
Finance & Services Committee Minutes – Under Separate Cover (01-006-03-0006 NW)
RESOLUTION 69.3/2010
the minutes of Finance and Services Committee meeting of 26 May be received.
the draft 2010/2011 Governance Budget for the Association as recommended by
the Finance and Services Committee be endorsed (with any amendments as
determined by the meeting
membership subscriptions totalling $1,755,913 be recommended as the
appropriate charge for 2010/2011 by application of the adopted subscriptions
Moved Mayor Glenys Godfrey / Seconded Cr Henry Zelones
Honours Panel Committee Minutes (01-006-03-0006 MN)
RESOLUTION 70.3/2010
1. the minutes of the Honours Panel meeting held on 1 June 2010 be received; and
2. the Honours Panel’s recommendations on recipients for awards as part of the
Association’s 2010 Honours Program be endorsed.
Moved Mayor Ron Yuryevich / Seconded Cr Wally Barrett
Review of Corporate Governance Charter (01-004-07-0001 TB)
RESOLUTION 71.3/2010
That the updated Corporate Governance Charter as amended be endorsed.
South East Metropolitan Zone Meeting 28 July 2010
Page 28
Moved Cr Henry Zelones / Seconded Cr Ronnie Fleay
Appointment of Australian Local Government Association Delegates (04-001-02-0001 MN)
RESOLUTION 72.3/2010
the Association President, Mayor Troy Pickard and Deputy President, Cr Steve
Martin be appointed as the Western Australian delegates on the ALGA Executive
Committee; and
the Association President and Deputy President exercise the four votes for
Western Australia at the ALGA Annual General Meeting, being two votes
Moved Mayor Glenys Godfrey / Seconded Cr Pat Hooper
2009 Local Government Elections Review (06-024-01-0001 TL)
That the issues arising from the 2009 Local Government elections and the Association’s continuing
advocacy be noted.
Central Country Zone
Avon Midland Country Zone
Central Metropolitan Zone
East Metropolitan Zone
Goldfields Esperance Country Zone
Great Eastern Country Zone
Northern Country Zone
North Metropolitan Zone
Peel Country Zone
Pilbara Country Zone
South East Metropolitan Zone
South Metropolitan Zone
South West Country Zone
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the issues arising from the 2009 Local Government elections and the Association’s continuing
advocacy be noted.
RESOLUTION 73.3/2010
That the issues arising from the 2009 Local Government elections and the
Association’s continuing advocacy be noted.
Moved Cr Henry Zelones / Seconded Cr Geoff Amphlett
State Road Funds to Local Government Agreement (05 001 03 0001 MM)
South East Metropolitan Zone Meeting 28 July 2010
Page 29
That the twelve month extension to the State Road Funds to Local Government Agreement 2005/06 to
2009/10 be noted.
Central Country Zone
Avon Midland Country Zone
Central Metropolitan Zone
East Metropolitan Zone
Goldfields Esperance Country Zone
Great Eastern Country Zone
Northern Country Zone
North Metropolitan Zone
Peel Country Zone
Pilbara Country Zone
South East Metropolitan Zone
South Metropolitan Zone
South West Country Zone
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the twelve month extension to the State Road Funds to Local Government Agreement 2005/06 to
2009/10 be noted.
RESOLUTION 74.3/2010
That the twelve month extension to the State Road Funds to Local Government
Agreement 2005/06 to 2009/10 be noted.
Moved Cr Henry Zelones / Seconded Cr Geoff Amphlett
Report on Key Activities, Environment and Waste Policy Team (01-006-03-0017 MJB)
That the report from the Environment & Waste Policy Team to the June 2010 State Council meeting be
Central Country Zone
Avon Midland Country Zone
Central Metropolitan Zone
East Metropolitan Zone
Goldfields Esperance Country Zone
Great Eastern Country Zone
Northern Country Zone
North Metropolitan Zone
Peel Country Zone
Pilbara Country Zone
South East Metropolitan Zone
South Metropolitan Zone
South West Country Zone
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the report from the Environment & Waste Policy Team to the June 2010 State Council meeting be
South East Metropolitan Zone Meeting 28 July 2010
Page 30
RESOLUTION 75.3/2010
That the report from the Environment & Waste Policy Team to the June 2010 State
Council meeting be noted.
Moved Cr Henry Zelones / Seconded Cr Geoff Amphlett
Report on Key Activities, Governance and Strategy Policy Team (01-006-03-0007 TB)
That the report from the Governance and Strategy Policy Team to the June 2010 State Council meeting
be noted.
Central Country Zone
Avon Midland Country Zone
Central Metropolitan Zone
East Metropolitan Zone
Goldfields Esperance Country Zone
Great Eastern Country Zone
Northern Country Zone
North Metropolitan Zone
Pilbara Country Zone
South East Metropolitan Zone
South Metropolitan Zone
South West Country Zone
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the report from the Governance and Strategy Policy Team to the June 2010 State Council meeting be
RESOLUTION 76.3/2010
That the report from the Governance and Strategy Policy Team to the June 2010 State
Council meeting be noted.
Moved Cr Henry Zelones / Seconded Cr Geoff Amphlett
Report on Key Activities, Infrastructure Policy Team (05-001-02-0003 MM)
That the report from the Infrastructure Policy Team to the June 2010 State Council meeting be noted.
Central Country Zone
Avon Midland Country Zone
Central Metropolitan Zone
East Metropolitan Zone
Goldfields Esperance Country Zone
Great Eastern Country Zone
Northern Country Zone
North Metropolitan Zone
Peel Country Zone
Pilbara Country Zone
South East Metropolitan Zone
South Metropolitan Zone
South West Country Zone
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
South East Metropolitan Zone Meeting 28 July 2010
Page 31
That the report from the Infrastructure Policy Team to the June 2010 State Council meeting be noted.
RESOLUTION 77.3/2010
That the report from the Infrastructure Policy Team to the June 2010 State Council
meeting be noted.
Moved Cr Henry Zelones / Seconded Cr Geoff Amphlett
Report on Key Activities, Municipal Waste Advisory Council (MWAC) (01-006-03-0008 RNB)
That the resolutions of the Municipal Waste Advisory Council at its 21 April 2010 meeting be noted.
Central Country Zone
Avon Midland Country Zone
Central Metropolitan Zone
East Metropolitan Zone
Goldfields Esperance Country Zone
Great Eastern Country Zone
Northern Country Zone
North Metropolitan Zone
Peel Country Zone
Pilbara Country Zone
South East Metropolitan Zone
South Metropolitan Zone
South West Country Zone
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the resolutions of the Municipal Waste Advisory Council at its 21 April 2010 meeting be noted.
RESOLUTION 78.3/2010
That the resolutions of the Municipal Waste Advisory Council at its 21 April 2010
meeting be noted.
Moved Cr Henry Zelones / Seconded Cr Geoff Amphlett
Report on Key Activities, Planning and Community Development Policy Team (01-006-03-0014
That the report from the Planning & Community Development Policy Team to the June 2010 State Council
meeting be noted.
Central Country Zone
Central Metropolitan Zone
Avon Midland Country Zone
East Metropolitan Zone
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
South East Metropolitan Zone Meeting 28 July 2010
Page 32
Goldfields Esperance Country Zone
Great Eastern Country Zone
Northern Country Zone
North Metropolitan Zone
Peel Country Zone
Pilbara Country Zone
South East Metropolitan Zone
South Metropolitan Zone
South West Country Zone
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the WALGA recommendation is noted
That the report from the Planning & Community Development Policy Team to the June 2010 State Council
meeting be noted.
RESOLUTION 79.3/2010
That the report from the Planning & Community Development Policy Team to the June
2010 State Council meeting be noted.
Moved Cr Henry Zelones / Seconded Cr Geoff Amphlett
RESOLUTION 80.3/2010
That the additional Zone Resolutions from the May June 2010 round of Zones meetings
as follows be referred to the appropriate policy area for consideration.
Moved Cr Eileen O’Connell / Seconded Cr Barry Webster
Review of the Regional Development Commissions Act 1993
That WALGA be requested to coordinate the development of a submission to the Regional Development
Commissions Act 1993 Review Panel.
Control of Corellas in the Metropolitan Area
1. That the Western Australian Local Government Association makes representations to the State Government
to urgently fund control programmes for corellas in the metropolitan area.
2. That other Zone’s of the Western Australian Local Government Association be contacted to ask for their
assistance in providing information on locations where corellas either roost or cause serious problems.
State Government Position on Natural Resource Management (NRM)
1. That WALGA prepare and support a State Council Submission on the Draft Natural Resource Management
Strategy, and liaise with the Chair of the Local Government Reference Group (of PRNRM) to undertake
discussions with the Minster for Agriculture and Food, The Hon. Terry Redman, on the matter to support
Local Government’s role in natural resource management.
2. That WALGA seek the support of all Local Governments on this issue by asking them to prepare a
submission to the Draft State Natural Resource Management Strategy in support of a co-ordinated approach
to Natural Resource Management.
South East Metropolitan Zone Meeting 28 July 2010
Page 33
Digital Television
That WALGA be requested to urge the Federal Government to provide financial assistance to communities to
convert existing self-help retransmission facilities for television to digital.
Local Government Service Delivery to Indigenous Communities – Financial Assistance Grants to Assist
in the Preparation of Business Plans for Servicing Indigenous Communities.
1. GVROC request that the Department of Local Government, as a matter of urgency, arrange a forum to
consider issues associated with the delivery of local government services to indigenous communities.
2. GVROC request that WALGA facilitate a pre-forum discussion to assist in the development of a coordinated approach to issues discussed at the forum.
3. Member Councils take no further action on the matter of delivery local government services to indigenous
communities until after the Department of Local Government forum is held.
Proposed Resource Super Profits Taxes
That WALGA be requested as a matter of urgency to facilitate a forum to assist in the understanding and impact
that the proposed resource super profit tax will have on the mining sector and then in turn communities in
affected areas.
Black Spot Road Funding
That the GVROC request WALGA undertake a campaign seeking $15m for black spot funding to reflect an
appropriate funding regime in light of recent funding curs.
Review of the Regional Development Commissions Act 1993
That WALGA be requested to coordinate the development of a submission to the Regional Development
Commissions Act 1993 Review Panel.
MRVC Fence and Biosecurity Cell for the Murchison Region.
That the Murchison Country Zone and WALGA assist in lobbying the State Government for:
additional funds to support the Murchison Regional Vermin Council to maintain the Number 1 Vermin
Fence; and
for a barrier fence to be constructed from the Murchison Regional Vermin Fence to the Oakajee Port Rail
link and fencing along the rail link to create a ‘dog free cell’ for the Murchison Region.
Proposed Resource Rent Tax and “Super” Profits Tax
This conference requests WALGA to advise the Federal and State Governments of the serious concerns the
Murchison Country Zone has with the potential negative impact on the mining industry and local communities of
the proposed RESOURCE RENT TAX AND “SUPER” PROFITS TAX, as the mining industry is critical, to the
economic well being of this Zone.
Local Government Reform
That the WALGA North Metropolitan Zone advise WALGA that the Cities of Joondalup, Stirling, and Wanneroo
offer its collective support to WALGA and the Department of Local Government in its efforts to provide assistance
to Local Governments and personnel affected by requirements of the Minister for Local Government to undertake
structural reform, subject to ratification by Stirling Council.
Short Term Financial Assistance
That the Peel Zone requests WALGA to lobby both Federal and Statement Governments for timely, short term,
financial assistance to all Local Governments with a population under 20,000 and growth rate at 5% pa or above,
to ensure that proper and orderly planning delivers quality development for generations to come.
South East Metropolitan Zone Meeting 28 July 2010
Page 34
Sea Rescue Funding: Volunteer Marine Sea Rescue Groups Funding (Shire of Capel)
That the Western Australian Local Government Association be requested to make representation to the Minister
for Emergency Services requesting that the State Government review its funding criteria of volunteer sea rescue
groups in WA to ensure that funding is via the Emergency Services Levy fund and that the level of funding is
similar to that provided to volunteer bushfire services throughout the state.
WALGA to request from FESA the expenditure budget for ESL this year
Royalties for Regions & Country Local Government Fund
That the Great Southern Zone requests WALGA to urgently seek clarification from the WA Treasurer and the
Minister for Regional Development as to the timing of Country Local Government Fund payments including Year
2 allocations, processes and guidelines; and that both Ministers clearly define the overall status of the Royalties
for Regions programme.
Additional Passing Lanes on Albany Highway & Other Major Routes in The Great Southern
That the Great Southern Zone seeks the support of Main Roads WA and acquires crash statistics from MRWA
prior to writing to Minister for Transport Simon O’Brien and MRWA regarding additional passing lanes on all
major roads throughout the whole of the Great Southern region.
Corruption and Crime Reporting
That the Great Southern Zone of WALGA supports and requests WALGA to write to the Corruption and Crime
Commissioner seeking a review of the Corruption and Crime Commission Act as it relates to the reporting of
misconduct, as, in the opinion of the Zone, the processes are harsh and have the potential to destroy otherwise
professional relationships between the elected body and the Chief Executive Officer because, even in the event
of a minor reportable event, the Chief Executive Officer is required to report such events without any application
of discretion.
Perth – Darwin Greyhound Bus Service
That WALGA be requested to research the provision of regional bus services in Western Australia, with a
particular focus on the viability of the Perth-Darwin route which services the Gascoyne region.
South East Metropolitan Zone Meeting 28 July 2010
Page 35
Attachment 3
MAY 2010
Sth East M
Agenda Item
2010 March 31
State Council Agenda Item
Local Government Safe
System Survey
Zone Resolution
WALGA Response
1. the results of the Local Government Safe System survey be
noted; and
The second matter relates to Main Roads reluctance to lower speed
limits on highways through townships. WALGA has commissioned
research into the role of Local Governments in speed enforcement. This
work will also explore speed management more broadly. This issue is
being considered as part of the work due for completion in August 2010.
WALGA pursue with the Main Roads department, a more
flexible approach to speed limits in communities, and that
this issue be forwarded to the Transport and Roads team.
WALGA Contact
Warren Pearce
Policy Manager, Transport
and Roads
This issue will then be presented to the Roads and Transport Policy
Forum for consideration and direction.
The resolution from the South East Metropolitan Zone was incorporated
in the State Council resolution as follows:
Sth East M
2010 January 27
Zone Agenda Item 6.1
Proposed Amendment to the
Local Government Financial
Management Regulations
That the Zone requests the State Government to amend the
Financial Management Regulations 1996, to include a specified
road improvement measure.
South East Metropolitan Zone Meeting 28 July 2010
Page 36
the results of the Local Government Safe System survey be
noted; and
WALGA pursue with the Main Roads department, a more
flexible approach to speed limits in communities, and that
this issue be forwarded to the Transport and Roads team.
This matter is being researched by the Governance & Strategy staff.
Updates will be provided to the Zone.
Tony Brown
Executive Manager
Governance and Strategy
9213 2051
Attachment 4
August 2010
I have started the process of meeting with country and metropolitan Local Governments and most
recently met with the Shires of Chittering, Toodyay, Goomalling, Northam, York, Brookton, Kalamunda,
Kellerberrin, Bruce Rock, Narembeen, Merredin, Tammin and Cunderdin.
I have been able to attend these meetings with the CEO or one of her senior staff and they provide me
with an opportunity to hear first hand what the challenges are for Councils and the unique complexities
they face with increasing demands and decreasing resources. Whilst there are individual situations and
issues there are certainly many common issues, for instance the Regional Road Groups and the way
they function, the grain freight network issue, the reform of Local Government and so on.
I am continuing to meet with metropolitan Local Governments as often as I can and recently met with the
City of Melville and the Town of East Fremantle.
I’m keen to visit as many Local Governments possible over the next twelve months and if Councils have
an interest in hosting a visit please let either myself or Ricky know as soon as possible.
STATE BUDGET 2011/2012
While the 2010/2011 financial year is only days old, it is important that we continue to work strategically
on the fiscal future of the sector and look towards identifying in a timely way, the key outcomes Local
Governments will seek in the 2011/2012 State Budget.
It is important that in identifying the strategic priorities and developing the business cases for the various
investments required that the Association engages with Departments, Agencies and Local Governments.
This takes time and the involvement of many in the sector, particularly senior Local Government
executives and elected members.
Now is the time to think strategically about State Budget matters, discuss these with your peers and
colleagues and communicate the key matters for attention as you see them to the Association.
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Since the Federal Budget was released on 11 May there has been intense debate surrounding the then
proposed Resource Super Profits Tax and political ramifications at the highest level. While the
Government anticipated this new tax would gather around $12 billion each year (a little over 3% of its
total tax revenue) it was very tightly focused on the big projects that dominate the Western Australian
Some Local Governments expressed concern about the proposed tax, particularly the possible impact
on development opportunities available in WA. This concern extended beyond the typically recognised
mining dependent communities, given the underlying importance of the resources industry across much
of Western Australia.
While the Local Government sector was clearly not going to be at the negotiating table with the major
mining companies and the sector's representative bodies, we did meet with a number of representative
bodies and major mining companies. The support sought from the Local Government sector served to
illustrate the recognition of the importance of "grass roots" support for policy initiatives.
Further development of Western Australia's regional areas is a priority focus of the current State
Government. Local Governments and groups of Local Governments outside of the metropolitan area
are well placed to partner with the State Government in improving outcomes for their communities. The
Royalties for Regions program and more specifically the Country Local Government Fund are important
tools in seeking to achieve the regional development policy objectives.
The establishment of the Regional Development Trust and the current review of the Regional
Development Commissions provide excellent opportunities for Local Governments to contribute to and
influence the future policy agenda.
WALGA hosted a breakfast forum on Thursday 3 June 2010 to outline the draft discussion paper on a
proposal for Local Governments to have the ability to establish Local Government Enterprises. The
forum was an outstanding success and it is planned to hold a further forum during the Local Government
Convention (Saturday 7 August 2010).
It has been acknowledged that Local Governments in Western Australia need to find new and innovative
solutions to the many challenges it faces both to ensure its own sustainability and to meet the expanding
needs of its constituents. However, there are statutory barriers to greater Local Government efficiency
which need to be critically examined. The discussion paper proposes a new model that will better enable
Councils to undertake urban regeneration projects, address economic decline in regional centres,
provide shared services, public-private partnerships to develop Local Government assets and enhance
the income-generating asset base of Local Governments, through the use of arms-length corporate
subsidiaries operating in a more commercially efficient manner.
Local Governments have been requested to provide feedback on the paper by 31 July 2010. I would
encourage all Councils to consider the paper and provide their input. Following submissions from Local
Governments, an Agenda item will be prepared for Zone and ultimately State Council consideration.
There is an agenda item providing an update for State Council on negotiations for a new State Road
Funds to Local Government Agreement. We are all aware of the importance of the State Road Funds to
Local Government Agreement in delivering much needed funds for the local road network. We are
South East Metropolitan Zone Meeting 28 July 2010
Page 38
fortunate to have the foundations of a good agreement in place with the State Government and I look
forward to working with the Road Agreement Policy Forum and our members to negotiate a new
Agreement that delivers positive benefits for Local Government.
You may have read a recent article in Farm Weekly titled Grain Rail Issue a Priority for the new WALGA
boss. My priority is to see an efficient integrated rail and road network capable of carting grain from
upcountry sites to port safely and economically.
There is an opportunity for our sector to move forward to consolidate our position and talk with one voice
to the State Government on our vision for the future and what is required to bring this vision to fruition.
WALGA received funding from three Development Commissions to develop a strategic map of Local
Government roads to support an integrated grain freight network. To support the network of identified
roads there is a need for good information for Councils, as road network managers, on the relationship
between axle combinations and road damage. There also needs to be co-ordination of heavy vehicle
policies across Local Government boundaries to deliver a seamless network. This project is being coordinated by the Local Government Grain Infrastructure Group in partnership with Main Roads and the
Wheatbelt Development Commission.
A series of workshops are being planned across the grain growing region and metropolitan area to
identify the network of strategic routes, source information on unit costing and current heavy vehicle
policies. I would encourage Councils to attend these workshops and have input into this project.
I look forward to working with members on this project and for local government to become more
proactive and co-ordinated in developing an integrated network which will provide a solid foundation for
advocacy for more funding for local roads.
Fostering responsible relationships to advance local biodiversity has seen two Association programs
being nationally recognised at this year’s World Environment Day Awards. The Perth Biodiversity Project
and the South West Biodiversity Project were awarded the United Nations Association of Australia
Biodiversity Award , which was introduced this year to recognise projects that demonstrated innovation
and excellence in the development and management of Australia’s biodiversity.
Judges from the competition said that the Perth and Southwest Biodiversity Projects provide an
innovative and effective approach to biodiversity conservation that could have a widespread application
throughout Australia. The Judges believed that the projects demonstrated how Local Governments can
strategically and systematically build biodiversity conservation into their vital roles as managers of land
and as statutory land use planners.
I’d like to encourage Councils to nominate for the Local Government Road Safety Awards which
acknowledge the outstanding achievements by Local Governments in the area of road safety, give
recognition to Local Government road safety projects, and showcase road safety initiatives to
stakeholders and the community.
The closing date for Nominations is 27 August 2010 and the Awards will be presented at the Local
Government Transport and Roads Forum. Submission Guidelines and Nomination Forms are available
South East Metropolitan Zone Meeting 28 July 2010
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The Department of Local Government held a Forum on the 12th July 2010 to address the concerns of
the 22 Local Governments responsible for providing services to Indigenous communities. There are a
range of concerns emerging from the need to develop business plans and the Department arranged a
Forum so that these could be addressed. The 22 LGAs impacted by this issue met with WALGA at a
breakfast prior to this Forum to discuss their concerns and clarify and prioritise their issues. They
agreed to issue a communiqué to the DLG as a precursor to the Forum which in part requested the
establishment of a Planning Committee which would include representatives of the Kimberley, Pilbara,
Gascoyne, Goldfields, the Murchison and WALGA. This was accepted in principle by the Department
and I understand will be established. The Planning Committee will also include representatives of State
Government and the Commonwealth Government and clearly establishes a real partnership of the key
players and creates an opportunity to work through this significant project together.
Minister for Water; Mental Health, Hon Graham Jacobs MLA
 infill sewerage program.
 formation of the Swan Canning Policy Forum
 water law reform, licensing of wastewater treatment plants; water trading and aspects of the
proposed Water Resource Management Bill.
 planning and implementation of Public Open Space,
Shadow Minister for Transport, Hon Ken Travers MLC
 new State Road Funds to Local Government Agreement,
 speed and red light camera revenue
 new Safer Local Roads Program for Local Governments.
 WA Grain Freight Network
 Mass Management Scheme
Minister for Environment; Youth, Hon Donna Faragher MLC JP
 Swan Canning Policy Forum
 natural resource management (NRM),
 State Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Strategy,
 Infill Sewerage Program,
Minister for Planning; Culture and the Arts, Hon John Day MLA
 Approvals and Related Reforms (Planning) Bill 2009
 public open space planning and development
 cross government review of State public open space policy.
 Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority.
 State – Local Government Library Framework Agreement.
Minister for Police; Emergency Services, Hon Rob Johnson MLA
 State Community Crime Prevention Plan and operational model for WAPOL’s new community
engagement team.
 prosecution of graffiti offenders and the development of a new Graffiti Act.
 warden controlled children’s crossings
 State Road Funds to Local Government Agreement
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During the June – August period, contacts that have occurred or are scheduled to take place prior to the
August State Council meeting are as follows:
State Government Relations
Meetings with:
 Premier Colin Barnett MLA
 Hon John Castrilli MLA, Minister for Local Government; Heritage – Joint Liaison meeting with LGMA
 Hon John Day, Minister for Planning; Culture and the Arts
 Hon Rob Johnson MLA, Minister for Police; Emergency Services; Road Safety
 Hon Donna Faragher MLC, Minister for Environment; Youth
 Hon Bill Marmion MLA, Minister for Commerce; Science and Innovation; Housing; Minister Assisting
the Treasurer
 Hon Ken Travers MLC, Shadow Minister for Transport; Sport and Recreation; Electoral Affairs
 Hon Graham Jacobs MLA, Minister for Water; Mental Health
 Mr Gary Snook, Executive Officer Mid West Region, Chamber of Minerals & Energy of WA
 Dr Bruce Hamilton, Local Government NRM Coordinator, Cr Clive Robartson
 Mr Reece Waldock, Director General, WA Transport
 Mr Kieran MacNamara, Director General, Department of Environment and Conservation
 Dr Paul Vogel, Chairman, Environment Protection Authority
 Ms Maree De Lacy A/Director General, Department of Water
 Mr Menno Henneveld, Commissioner, Mr Des Snook, Mr Rob Giles, Mr John Erceg, Mr Doug
Morgan, Main Roads
 Ms Cathrin Cassarchis, Director, State Records Office
Local Government Relations
Meetings with:
 ALGA Board Meeting, Canberra
 National General Assembly, Canberra
 Mr Mark Casserly, President PLA (WA Region), Dr May Carter, Parks & Leisure Australia
 Outer Metropolitan Growth Council
 LGIS Board x 2
 Mr Andrew Murray, Chairman, WA Regional Development Trust
 Visit to City of Fremantle, Mayor Brad Pettitt, CEO Graeme Mackenzie
 Visit to Town of East Fremantle, Mayor Alan Ferris, CEO Mr Stuart Wearne
 Visit to Shire of Chittering, Shire President Alex Douglas, CEO Mr John Merrick
 Visit to Shire of Toodyay, Shire President Chris Firns, A/CEO Mr Simon Fraser
 Visit to Shire of Goomalling, Shire President John Bird, CEO Mr Clem Kerp
 Visit to Shire of Northam, Shire President Steven Pollard, CEO Mr Neville Hale
 Visit to Shire of York, Shire President Pat Hooper, CEO Mr Ray Hooper
 Visit to Shire of Brookton, Shire President Barry Coote, CEO Mr Gary Clark
 Visit to Shire of Kalamunda, Shire President Don McKechnie, CEO Mr James Trail
 Visit to City of Melville, Mayor Russell Aubrey, CEO Dr Shayne Silcox
Conferences / Workshops / Public Relations
 Local Government Alcohol Management Project Launch
 Rural General Practitioner Services Forum
 Federal Parliamentarian Lunch in Canberra
South East Metropolitan Zone Meeting 28 July 2010
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State Parliamentarian Lunch with Cr David Parsons CBE
ICLEI Breakfast – speaker
ALGWA Breakfast
Zone Meetings
 South Metro Zone
 Gascoyne Country Zone
 South West Country Zone
 Peel Country Zone
 Pilbara Country Zone
 Zone Roundtable
South East Metropolitan Zone Meeting 28 July 2010
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Attachment 5
South East Metropolitan Zone Standing Orders
For the purposes of these Standing Orders, if not inconsistent
with the context, the following words shall have the following
"Absolute Majority" means:
a total majority of delegates for the time being of the Zone,
whether present and voting or not.
"Association" means:
the Western Australian Local Government Association.
"Chairman" means:
the Chairman for the time being of the Zone.
“Constitution” means:
the Constitution of the
Government Association.
“Deputy Chairman” means:
the Deputy Chairman for the time being of the Zone.
“Meeting" means:
a meeting of a Zone of the Western Australia Local
Government Association.
“Simple Majority” means:
a majority comprising enough of the delegates for the time
being of the Zone for their number greater than 50% of the
number of voting delegates that are present.
Notice shall be given at the destinations appearing in the
records of the Zone Secretary or electronically to the Chief
Executive Officer of the delegate’s Council. Notice shall
include the agenda for the meeting and will be deemed to
have been delivered immediately if transmitted
electronically or on the second working date after posting.
Ordinary Meetings of the Zone shall be called by the Zone
Secretary pursuant to sub-clause 4.1.
Special Meetings of the Zone shall be called by the Zone
Secretary on the written request of the Chairman or at
least one third of the delegates.
The Zone shall not conduct business at a meeting unless
a quorum is present.
“Delegate or Deputy Delegate" means:
those persons duly elected, from time to time, for a fixed
term to represent a Council at a Zone of the Western
Australia Local Government Association.
“State Council” means:
the Executive of the
Government Association.
4.1 The Zone Secretary shall give at least 7 days notice of a
meeting to all delegates of the Zone unless all of the
delegates have agreed in writing to shorter notice.
At any meeting of the Zone, greater than 50% of
delegates present and entitled to vote shall form a
If a quorum has not been established within the 30
minutes after a meeting is due to begin then the meeting
shall be adjourned –
(a) by the Chairman of the meeting;
(b) if the Chairman is not present, by the Deputy
Chairman of the meeting;
(c) if the Chairman or Deputy Chairman is not present,
by a majority of delegates present;
(d) if only one delegate is present, by that delegate; or
(e) if no delegate is present by the Zone Secretary.
The business that could have been transacted had there
been a quorum at the meeting may be transacted at the
resumption of the adjourned meeting.
If at any time during a meeting a quorum is not present,
the Chairman shall suspend proceedings for five (5)
minutes and if a quorum is not present after that period,
the meeting shall be deemed to have been adjourned
and the person presiding is to reschedule it to some
future time.
Notice of a meeting adjourned because of the absence of
a quorum shall be given to all delegates.
1.10 “Zone” means:
a geographically based subdivision containing Councils
and incorporated within a country or metropolitan
constituency as listed in Schedule three of the
1.11 “Zone Secretary” means:
a person or persons nominated or appointed by the Zone
or the Association to undertake Zone secretarial functions
as required.
The business of the Zone shall be open to the public except
upon such occasions as the Zone may by resolution otherwise
Meetings of the Zone shall be of two kinds: “ordinary” and
“special”. No business shall be transacted at a special meeting
other than for which the meeting was called.
The proceedings and business of meetings of the Zone shall be
conducted according to these Standing Orders.
Unless the meeting should decide otherwise, the order of
business at Zone meetings, with the exception of special
meetings or an adjourned meeting, shall be as follows:
(a) Recording of attendance and apologies;
(b) Announcements;
(c) Confirmation of minutes of previous meetings;
South East Metropolitan Zone Meeting 28 July 2010
Page 43
Business arising from minutes;
Elections of Delegates/Chair;
State Council agenda items;
Matters for decision;
Reports – Zone Representatives to State Council; and
General business.
at once proceed to take a vote thereon unless a
delegate opposes it or an amendment is proposed.
12.8 No more then two delegates shall speak in succession
on one side, either for or against the question before the
Zone, and if at the conclusion of the second speaker’s
remarks, no delegate speaks on the other side, the
motion or amendment shall at once be put to the vote.
At any time during a meeting a delegate may, with the approval
of an absolute majority, introduce a motion relating to special
urgent business that calls for an expression of opinion from the
12.9 At any time during a debate, but after the conclusion of a
delegate’s comments, a delegate who has not spoken
during the debate may move, without discussion, “that
the motion be now put”. If that motion is seconded and
carried by a majority, the motion shall be submitted at
once to the Zone, after the mover has replied.
In presenting an item of special urgent business, a delegate
shall have sufficient copies of the motion in writing for
distribution to all delegates present at the meeting and, where
practicable, give prior notice to the Chairman of such intention.
Any delegate seeking to ask a question at any meeting of the
Zone shall direct the question to the Chairman.
In the construction of these Standing Orders unless the context
requires otherwise, the word "Chairman" shall in the absence of
the Chairman or include the Deputy Chairman or the delegate
chosen by resolution to preside at any meeting.
A delegate moving or seconding a motion or amendment or
taking part in a discussion thereon shall address the Chairman.
A delegate who is addressing the Chairman shall not be
interrupted except on a point of order, in which event the
delegate shall wait until the delegate raising the point of order
has been heard and the question of order has been disposed of,
whereupon the delegate so interrupted may, if permitted,
10.1 In the construction of these Standing Orders unless the
context requires otherwise, the word “delegate” shall in
the absence of the delegate include the deputy delegate.
10.2 A deputy delegate acting in the capacity of a delegate
unable to attend a meeting shall exercise all rights of that
A delegate seeking to propose an original motion or amendment
shall state its substance before addressing the meeting thereon
and, if so required by the Chairman, shall put the motion or
amendment in writing.
11.1 The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Zone
but in absence of the Chairman, the Deputy Chair shall
If two or more delegates wish to speak at the same time the
Chairman shall decide who is entitled to priority.
11.2 In the absence of the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman,
the Zone shall choose by resolution a delegate present to
preside at the meeting.
Whenever the Chairman signifies a desire to speak during a
debate, any delegate speaking or offering to speak is to be
silent, so that the Chairman may be heard without interruption.
12.1 A delegate moving a substantive motion may speak for –
(a) 5 minutes in his or her opening address; and
(b) 5 minutes in exercising the right to reply.
The Chairman shall preserve order, and may call any delegate
to order when holding an opinion that there shall be cause for so
12.2 A delegate shall not speak upon any motion or
amendment or in reply for a longer period than five (five)
minutes without consent of the Zone which shall be
signified without debate.
The Chairman shall decide all questions of order or practice,
whose decision shall be final and be accepted by the Zone
without argument or comment unless in any particular case the
Zone resolves that a different ruling shall be substituted for the
ruling given by the Chairman. Discussions shall be permitted on
any such motion.
12.3 No delegate, except the mover of a motion in reply, is to
speak more than once on the same motion except by
way of personal explanation.
12.4 As soon as the right of reply has been exercised, the
motion is to be forthwith put to the vote without further
21.1 Except as otherwise provided in these Standing Orders,
all motions concerning the affairs of the Zone shall be
passed by a simple majority.
No discussion shall take place on any motion unless it is
moved and seconded. Only one amendment on any one
motion shall be received at a time, and such amendment
shall be disposed of before any further amendment can
be received. Any number of amendments may be
21.2 Any matter considered by the Zone at a Special Meeting
shall not be passed unless having received an absolute
12.6 The provisions of these Standing Orders applicable to
motions apply mutatis mutandis to amendments, except
that the mover of an amendment shall have no right of
22.1 When a motion is under debate, no further motion shall be
moved except the following:
(a) that the motion be amended;
(b) that the meeting be adjourned;
(c) that the debate be adjourned;
12.7 When a motion has been moved and seconded and the
mover does not wish to speak, the person presiding shall
South East Metropolitan Zone Meeting 28 July 2010
Page 44
(d) that the motion be now put;
(e) that the meeting proceed with the next item of
(f) that the meeting sits behind closed doors.
that shall be the majority required), the Zone may revoke
or alter a resolution made at an earlier meeting by
absolute majority.
22.2 Any delegate who has not already spoken on the subject
of a motion at the close of the speech of any other
delegate may move without notice any one of the
motions listed in clause 24.1 (b)-(f) and, if the motion is
seconded, it shall be put forthwith.
28.1 In cases of urgent necessity or whilst the Zone is sitting
behind closed doors, any of these Standing Orders may
be suspended by a simple majority.
28.2 Any delegates moving the suspension of a Standing
Order shall state the object of the motion, but discussion
shall not otherwise take place.
22.3 When a debate is adjourned, the delegate who moves
the adjournment shall be the first to speak on the motion
when the debate is resumed unless the delegate advises
of no desire to speak on the motion. Where this occurs,
the Chairman shall then call for further speakers.
A delegate of the Zone shall not reflect adversely upon a
resolution of the Zone, except on a motion that the resolution be
The Chairman shall, in taking a vote on any motion or
amendment, put the question first in the affirmative, and then in
the negative and may do so as often as is necessary to enable
formation and declaration of an opinion as to whether the
affirmative or the negative has the majority by a show of hands.
A delegate of the Zone shall not reflect adversely upon the
character or actions of another delegate nor impute any motive
to a delegate unless the Zone resolves, without debate, that the
question then before the Zone cannot otherwise be adequately
Minutes of meetings shall be permanently recorded and copies
supplied to all delegates.
The result of voting openly is determined by a show of hands
and, immediately upon a vote being taken, a delegate may call
for a division.
The minutes of any preceding meeting, whether ordinary or
special, not previously confirmed shall be submitted at the next
Ordinary Meeting of the Zone and no discussion thereon shall
be permitted except as to their accuracy as a record of the
A motion or amendment may be withdrawn by the mover, with
the consent of the meeting, which shall be signified without
No delegate may speak upon it after the mover has asked
permission for its withdrawal, unless such permission shall have
been refused.
A delegate may under general business introduce a motion
relating to any item of interest to Local Government, but (except
as provided for in clause 8) not otherwise.
26.1 At meetings of the Zone, a delegate present at the
meeting when a motion is put shall vote on the motion.
26.2 Each delegate shall be entitled to exercise one
deliberative vote on any matter considered by the Zone.
26.3 The Chairman shall exercise a deliberative vote in
respect of a matter considered by the Zone. In the event
of there being an equality of votes in respect of a matter,
the Chairman shall exercise a second vote.
26.4 Where the Deputy Chairman is required to preside at a
meeting, the Deputy Chairman shall exercise a
deliberative vote in respect of a matter considered by the
Zone. In the event of there being an equality of votes in
respect of a matter, the Deputy Chairman shall exercise
a second vote.
These Standing Orders may be altered, added to or repealed
subject to a resolution passed by not less than 75% of delegates
present at a meeting of the Zone
26.5 In the absence of the Chairman and Deputy Chairman, the
delegate chosen by resolution to preside over the meeting
shall exercise a deliberative vote in respect of a matter
considered by the Zone. In the event of there being an
equality of votes, the presiding delegate shall exercise a
second vote.
27.1 At the same meeting
Unless a greater majority is required for a particular kind of
decision under the Standing Orders (in which event that
shall be the majority required), the Zone may, by simple
majority at the same meeting at which it is passed, revoke
or alter a resolution if all the delegates who were present
at the time the original resolution was passed are present
in their seats when the or alteration is proposed.
27.2 At a Future Meeting
Unless a greater majority is required for a particular kind
of decision under the Standing Orders (in which event
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