curiculum vitae

Konstantinos Moraitis CV
Date of birth:
Place of birth:
April 9, 1974
Lamia, Greece
Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology,
School of Medicine, University of Athens, Greece
75 M. Asias Str., 11527 Athens
Assistant Professor in Forensic Anthropology
Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, School of Medicine, University of Athens, Greece.
 1999-2003: Ph.D. in Forensic Anthropology. Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology,
School of Medicine, University of Athens, Greece. Thesis title: “The contribution of forensic
anthropology in the development of diagnostic criteria for the determination of timing of
skeletal injuries through the assessment of their particular morphological characteristics”.
 1997-1998: M.Sc. in Forensic Anthropology. Department of Archaeological Sciences, University
of Bradford, U.K. Thesis title: “The use of modern forensic principles to understand animal
scavenging activity and disposal of human bones from the late Bronze Age settlement at
Runnymede Bridge, U.K.”
 1992-1997: B.Sc. in Biology. Western University of Timisoara, Romania.
2007-present: Forensic consultant for Public Prosecutor's Office of District Court Judges and
Athens Court of First Instance. Duties include anthropological examination of human remains
and forensic age estimation of living persons.
1999-present: Currently involved as an expert in Cyprus humanitarian project of the
international organization Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) in the exhumation, and analysis of
human remains from Lakatamia and St. Constantine and Helen cemetery in Nicosia. Duties
include exhumation, anthropological examination, DNA sample collection, and working with the
families of the missing.
2000: Work as a Forensic Anthropologist for United Nations – International Criminal Tribunal
for the former Yugoslavia (UN ICTY) in the 2000 Exhumation Project in Kosovo. Duties include
exhumation of mass graves, anthropological examination, DNA sample collection.
Konstantinos Moraitis CV
1999-2005: Forensic consultant. Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, School of
Medicine, University of Athens, Greece. Duties included crime scene investigation, anthropological
examination, evidence management, DNA sample collection, photography.
1998: Forensic consultant. United Nations – International Criminal Tribunal for the former
Yugoslavia (UN ICTY) in the 1998 Exhumation Project in Bosnia. Duties include anthropological
examination, DNA sample collection.
1998: Volunteer work in the Calvin Wells Laboratory, Department of Archaeological Sciences,
University of Bradford, U.K. in the post-excavation processing of skeletal material from the
Battle of Towton (1461 A.D.).
Lectures given at undergraduate level
 “Forensic anthropology”. One-semester course for medical students from University of Athens,
Greece. Since 2010.
 “Introduction to forensic anthropology”. One-day seminar for 6th year medical students from
University of Athens, Greece attending the course of Forensic Pathology. Since 2006.
 “Forensic anthropology”. One-day seminar for biology students from the University of Athens,
Greece. Since 2005.
Lectures given at postgraduate level
 “Identification of burned bodies”. One-day seminar in Medicolegal Investigation of Fire Victims for
the Hellenic Fire Brigade officers. Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Medical
School, University of Athens, Greece. Athens, October 30 2009.
 “The contribution of forensic sciences in mass disasters”. Two-day seminar in Forensic Sciences
organized by the Cyprus Police and the Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology,
School of Medicine, University of Athens, Greece. Nicosia, May 29-30 2006.
 “Introduction to forensic anthropology”. Two-day seminar in Forensic Sciences organized by the
Cyprus Police and the Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, School of Medicine,
University of Athens, Greece. Nicosia, 29-30 May 2006.
 “The contribution of human skeletal collections in anthropological research”. Postgraduate
program (M.Sc.) in “Museum Studies” organized by the Departments of Archaeology, Geology
and Conservation. University of Athens, Greece. 2004-2006.
 "Taphonomic alterations in human skeletal remains". Two-day seminar entitled “Anthropology
for Archaeologists” for archaeology graduates. Department of Animal and Human Physiology,
School of Biology, University of Athens, Greece. Athens, May 12-13 2001.
 "Forensic anthropology". Educational meetings for residents in Forensic Pathology. Department
of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Medical School, University of Athens, Greece. Athens,
December 8-9 1999.
Original articles
1. Karakostis FA, Zorba E., Moraitis K. Sexual dimorphism of proximal hand phalanges. Int J
Osteoarchaeol (under review).
2. Zorba E., Vanna V., Moraitis K. Sexual dimorphism of root length in permanent teeth. HOMO
(under review).
3. Vardakou I., Athanaselis S., Pistos C., Papadodima S., Spiliopoulou C., Moraitis K. The clavicle
bone as an alternative matrix in forensic toxicological analysis. J Forensic Led Med (under review).
Konstantinos Moraitis CV
4. Karampela S., Moraitis K., Stoukas V., Zorba E., Athanaselis S., Spiliopoulou C., Kouparis M.,
Pistos C. Determination of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol and 11-nor-Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinoic acid
in the forensically important blowfly Lucilia sericata (Diptera, Calliphoridae). JAT (under review).
5. Moraitis K., Zorba E., Eliopoulos C., Fox SC. A test of the revised auricular surface aging method
on a modern European population. J Forensic Sci (in press).
6. Mitsea A.G., Moraitis K., Leon G., Spiliopoulou C., Nicopoulou-Karayianni K. Sex determination
by tooth size in Greek population. ΗΟΜΟ (in press).
7. Sakki Z., Moraitis K., Stefanidou M., Papagrigorakis M.J., Panagiaris G. Current ethical and
legal issues concerning human remains: The Criminology Museum case. Museum (in press).
8. Zorba E., Moraitis Κ., Spiliopoulou C. Evaluation of the accuracy of different molar teeth
measurements in assessing sex. Forensic Sci Med Pathol 2013, 9:13-23.
9. Zorba E., Moraitis Κ., Eliopoulos C., Spiliopoulou C. Sex determination in modern Greeks
using diagonal measurements of molar teeth. Forensic Sci Int 2012, 217: 19-26.
10. Zorba Ε., Moraitis Κ., Manolis S. Sexual dimorphism in permanent teeth of modern Greeks.
Forensic Sci Int 2011, 210:74-81.
11. Eliopoulos C., Moraitis K., Reyes F., Spiliopoulou C., Manolis S.K. Guidelines for the recognition
of cemetery remains in Greece. Am J Forensic Med Pathol 2011, 32(2):153-156.
12. Moraitis K., Spiliopoulou C. Forensic implications of carnivore scavenging on human remains
recovered from outdoor locations in Greece. J Forensic Leg Med 2010, 17(6):298-303.
13. Moraitis K., Eliopoulos C., Spiliopoulou C. Fracture characteristics of perimortem trauma in
skeletal material. The Internet Journal of Biological Anthropology 2009, 3(2).
14. Moraitis K., Eliopoulos C., Spiliopoulou C., Manolis S. Assessment of ancestral background from
the skull: case studies from Greece. The Internet Journal of Biological Anthropology 2009, 3(1).
15. Moraitis K., Spiliopoulou C. Identification and differential diagnosis of perimortem blunt force
trauma in tubular long bones. Forensic Sci Med Pathol 2006, 2(4):221-229.
16. Moraitis K., Spiliopoulou C. Koutselinis A. Forensic Anthropology: A new scientific branch in
the service of justice. Police Review 2000, 756-759 (in Greek).
Books and Chapters
1. Fuentes A. Basics of human biology. In: Biological anthropology: Concepts and connections.
Translated in Greek by K. Moraitis (in press).
2. Moraitis K. Forensic anthropology: The contribution of bones in the service of Justice. In:
Biological anthropology: Concepts and connections (in press).
3. Byers SN. Introduction to forensic anthropology. 3rd Edition. Translated in Greek by K. Moraitis
and C. Spiliopoulou. Parisianou: Athens, 2011.
4. Eliopoulos C., Moraitis K., Vanna V., Manolis S. Greece. In: The Routledge Handbook of
Archaeological Human Remains and Legislation. Edited by N. Márquez-Grant and L. Fibiger.
Routledge: Abingdon, 2011. pp. 173-183.
5. Moraitis K. Taphonomic alterations in human bones of forensic interest. In: Commemorative
Volume in Honor of Professor A. Koutselinis. Edited by: A. Kalofoutis, N. Papadopoulos, C.
Spiliopoulou, C. Maravelias, A. Chatziioannou. Parisianou: Athens, 2006. pp. 301-306 (in Greek).
1. Vardakou I., Athanaselis S., Pistos C., Papadodima S., Spiliopoulou C., Moraitis K. Clavicle bone
as an alternative matrix in forensic toxicological analysis. XXIΙ Congress of the International
Academy of Legal Medicine (IALM). Istanbul, Turkey, 5-8 July 2012.
Konstantinos Moraitis CV
2. Zorba E., Agapiou A., Moraitis K., Statheropoulos M., Spiliopoulou C. A study of the chemical
profile of decomposition using pig carcasses. XXIΙ Congress of the International Academy of
Legal Medicine (IALM). Istanbul, Turkey, 5-8 July 2012.
3. Zorba E., Moraitis K., Eliopoulos C., Mitsea A., Spiliopoulou C. Sexual dimorphism in teeth: a
comparison of mesiodistal and buccolingual diameters and root length of single-rooted teeth.
XXII Congress of the International Academy of Legal Medicine (IALM). Istanbul, Turkey, 5-8
July 2012.
4. Zorba E., Moraitis K. Sex determination from molar teeth measurements. Presented on the 34th
Panhellenic Meeting of HSBS. Trikala, Greece. May 17-19, 2012.
5. Moraitis K., Zorba E., Eliopoulos C., Fox SC. A test of the revised auricular surface aging method
on a modern European population. 64th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Academy of
Forensic Sciences (AAFS). Atlanta, Georgia. February 20-25, 2012.
6. Zorba E., Moraitis K., Spiliopoulou C. Causes and time of death in structural collapse: What
does forensic scientific literature tell us? SGL for USaR conference “Technology for life”.
Brignoles, France. October 10-11, 2011.
7. Moraitis K., Eliopoulos C., Zorba E., Mitsea A.G., Sawyer C., Spiliopoulou C. A
multidisciplinary approach to the identification of a missing victim of a motorcycle accident».
11 th Scientific Conference of British Association for Human Identification (BAHID).
Manchester, U.K. April 8-10, 2011.
8. Zorba E., Moraitis K., Nasopoulou M., Spiliopoulou C. A retrospective study of perimortem
trauma in skeletal material of forensic interest. Presented on the 32nd Panhellenic Meeting
of HSBS. Karpenisi, Greece. May 20-22, 2010.
9. Karabela S, Koupparis M, Moraitis K, Stoukas V, Maravelias C, Spiliopoulou Ch, Pistos C.
LC/MS method for the determination of Δ9-THC and 11-nor-Δ9-THC acid in fly larvae of
forensic toxicology interest. 47th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Forensic
Toxicologists (TIAFT). Geneva, Switzerland. August 23-27, 2009.
10. Moraitis K, Mitsea AG, Spiliopoulou C, Nicopoulou-Karayianni K, Kotakidis N, Alexiou KE,
Tsiklakis K. Establishing identification of human remains based on anthropological and
CBCT findings. 17th IADMFR (International Association of Dentomaxillofacial Radiology)
Congress. Amsterdam, Netherlands. June 28-July 2, 2009.
11. Eliopoulos C, Moratis K, Spiliopoulou C, Statheropoulos M, Agapiou A. Forensic and
disaster applications of Volatile Organic Compounds analysis in decaying human bodies:
bioethical issues. XXI Congress of the International Academy of Legal Medicine (IALM).
Lisbon, Portugal. May 28-30, 2009.
12. Mitsea AG, Moraitis K, Nicopoulou-Karayianni K, Spiliopoulou C. The use of dental digital
subtraction radiology in forensic identification. XXI Congress of the International Academy of
Legal Medicine (IALM). Lisbon, Portugal. May 28-30, 2009.
13. Sakelliadis E, Papadodima S, Moraitis K, Georgiou M, Vlachodimitropoulos D, Goutas N,
Mitsea A, Spiliopoulou C. Identification of victims after mass disaster incidents. XXVII
International Congress of the International Academy of Pathology. Athens, Greece. October 1217, 2008.
14. Stoukas V., Stouka S., Moraitis K. Virtual autopsy. 5th Panhellenic Conference for
Radiographers. Alexandroupolis, Greece. October 3-5, 2008.
15. Stoukas V., Stouka S., Moraitis K. Forensic radiology. 5th Panhellenic Conference for
Radiographers. Alexandroupolis, Greece. October 3-5, 2008.
16. Sakelliadis E., Kontogiannis T., Papadodima S., Georgiou M., Moraitis K., Mitsea A.,
Spiliopoulou C. Identification of victims after wildfire incidents. 15th MBC Meeting. Athens,
Greece. May 15-17, 2008.
Konstantinos Moraitis CV
17. Sakki Z., Moraitis K., Panagiaris G., Maravelias C., Spiliopoulou C. Souvenirs of crime: deciphering
the history of forensic medicine through a museum collection of human remains. 3rd Balkan
Congress on the History of Medicine. Thessaloniki, Greece. November 29-December 1, 2007.
18. Moraitis K., Sakelliadis E., Spiliopoulou C., Papadodima S. The contribution of forensic
anthropology in the medicolegal investigation of blunt and sharp force trauma. 4 th Annual
Meeting of Athens Medical School. Athens, Greece. June 1-2, 2007.
19. Sakelliadis E., Papadodima S., Moraitis K., Spiliopoulou C. SIDS or child abuse ?
Medicolegal aspects. 3rd Pan-Hellenic Conference for the Prevention and Treatment of
Sexual Abuse. Athens, Greece. March 16-18, 2007.
20. Eliopoulos C., Moraitis K., Reyes F., Spiliopoulou C., Manolis SK. Guidelines for the
recognition of cemetery remains in Greece. 16th European Meeting of the Paleopathology
Association. Santorini, Greece. August 28-September 1, 2006.
21. Moraitis K., Spiliopoulou C., Eliopoulos C., Maravelias C., Manolis SK. Fracture characteristics
of perimortem blunt force trauma in skeletal material. 16th European Meeting of the
Paleopathology Association. Santorini, Greece. August 28-September 1, 2006.
22. Moraitis K., Spiliopoulou C., Papadodima S. The contribution of forensic anthropology in
assessing the timing of injuries in human skeletal remains. 3rd Annual Meeting of Athens
Medical School. Athens, Greece. May 12-13, 2006.
23. Moraitis K., Eliopoulos C., Spiliopoulou C., Manolis SK. Assessment of ancestral background
from the skull: Methods and Challenges. International Congress of Anthropology “Homo
sapiens, past, present and future: Paleoanthropology and modern human populations of
Eastern Mediterranean”. Athens, Greece. November 21-23, 2003.
24. Moraitis K., Spiliopoulou C., Koutselinis A. Forensic significance of postmortem red teeth
coloration. 2nd European IOFOS (International Organization of Forensic Odontostomatology) Congress. Athens, Greece. May 23-25, 2003.
25. Sapouna R., Mitsea AG., Spiliopoulou C., Moraitis K. Sex determination from the skeleton.
2nd European IOFOS (International Organization of Forensic Odonto-stomatology) Congress.
Athens, Greece. May 23-25, 2003.
26. Moraitis K., Spiliopoulou C., Koutselinis Α. Forensic implications of animal scavenging
activity on human remains. Presented on the 24th Panhellenic Meeting of HSBS. Eretria,
Greece. May 23-26, 2002.
27. Moraitis K. Radiological assessment of age and sex for body identification. Invited Speaker Postgraduate Educational Program. 14th European Congress of Radiology. Vienna, Austria.
March 1-5, 2002.
28. Moraitis K., Lefkidis C., Spiliopoulou C. Koutselinis A. The contribution of forensic
anthropology in ancestry assessment from the skeleton: A case study. Presented on the 23rd
Panhellenic Meeting of HSBS. Chios Isl., Greece. May 24-27, 2001.
29. Moraitis K., Koutselinis A. Animal scavenging activity of human bones and mortuary
practices in the Late Bronze Age settlement at Runnymede Bridge, U.K. Presented on the
International Archaeological Symposium "Mediterranean burial practices and traditions
from 1100 BC. to 400 AD.". Rhodes Isl, Greece. June 24-27, 2000.
30. Lagia A., Moraitis K., Eliopoulos C., Manolis S. Sex and age determination from the skeleton:
Application and evaluation of modern methods in Greek populations. Presented on the 22nd
Panhellenic Meeting of HSBS. Skiathos Isl., Greece. May 25-28, 2000.
Konstantinos Moraitis CV
 December 2009: Training in bone histology for forensic ageing and evaluation of skeletal trauma
with regard to the timing of injuries. Department of Anatomy and Embryology, Leiden University
Medical Center (LUMC). Leiden, Netherlands.
 May 2008: Examination of a human skeletal collection showing trauma in different states of
healing. Cultural Exchanges of Scientific Personnel for 2007. Instituto Canario de Bioantropología,
Organismo Autónomo de Museos y Centros. Cabildo de Tenerife, Spain.
 October-November 2003: Training in Emergency Medical Interventions for Mass Casualty
Situations. Antiterrorism Assistance Program, Bureau of Diplomatic Security, US Department of
State. Albuquerque, New Mexico.
 June-August 1999: Training in Archaeology, Human Osteology, Artifact Preservation, and
Laboratory Photography. Physicians for Human Rights (PHR), Cyprus Project. Nicosia, Cyprus.
Co-organizer of the Forensic Session in 16th European Meeting of the Palaeopathology
Association. Santorini, Greece. August 28-September 1, 2006.
Organization of the Forensic Anthropology Unit at the Department of Forensic Medicine and
Toxicology, School of Medicine, University of Athens, Greece.
Participation in the reorganization of the Criminal Museum at the Department of Forensic
Medicine and Toxicology, School of Medicine, University of Athens, Greece.
Elected representative of the General Assembly of Medical School at University of Athens, Greece
for Academic Years 2009-2110 and 2011-2012.
Excellent knowledge of MS Windows 7, Mac OS X Lion, MS Office, and Photoshop.
Excellent knowledge of digital and film photography.
Certified PADI Advanced Open Water Diver.
Greek (first language), English (fluently), Romanian (fluently), Spanish (nivel inicial).
European Anthropological Association
Hellenic Society for Biological Sciences
Hellenic Society of Forensic Sciences