The Rise of Feudalism

The Medieval Period
Review Video
The kings were not powerful enough to protect their lands, as the wealthy nobles fought each
other for greater territory and power. Therefore, a French form of government, known as
_____1_____ was instituted.
In this form of government, a deal was struck between the kings and the nobles: the kings, or
monarchs, gave the nobles land, or _____2_____, and promised to protect them.
In exchange, the nobles, or _____3_____, promised to be loyal to the king and supply him with
armed warriors and other services.
The exchange took place during a formal ceremony called The _____4_____ of _____4_____
(two words).
The vassals became _____5_____, themselves, by subdividing their fiefs and acquiring vassals
of their own.
Knights battled for their lords and received pieces of land called _____6_____.
Peasants, or _____7_____, worked the land and were the property of the lord.
_____8_____ served as a primary source of protection against invading lords and raiders, and
they protected the entire feudal hierarchy.
There were two ways to become a knight: (1) fathers passed the right down to their sons or (2) a
male could work his way up the _____9_____. Either way, he trained all his life.
Training for knights started at a young age when boys learned to ride a horse and the rule of
conduct for the code of _____10_____:
* skill and arms
* service to _____11_____
* _____12_____ to his lord
* generosity
* _____13_____
At the age of 13, males would become _____14_____ and work for a noble. They would learn to
use _____15_____, care for horses and armor, and leap into a _____16_____ without touching
the stirrups.
Somewhere around the age of 20, a male became a _____17_____.
A _____18_____ was a tournament in which knights pretended to fight so they could practice
and show off their skills.
Although they were below the monarchs, or kings, the _____19____ made the laws and had
control over the lives of most of the population.
Protection of the castle and the people was kept by _____20_____at_____20_____(two words),
who had the same equipment as the knights but were not as noble.
_____21_____ (two words) was a British chief of the 5th or 6th century.
Before he became king, his father, Uther _____22_____, was a peaceful king but was childless.
_____23_____ helped Uther father a male child so he could take over keeping the peace should
something happen to Uther.
This son was _____24_____, and he was raised in hiding by _____25_____.
To become king, Arthur pulled _____26_____ from the stone, took his reign as king, and
restored the peace.
He later married _____27_____.
He also gather knights and created the _____28_____ (two words).
Of these knights, _____29_____ was the best.
Arthur called his kingdom _____30_____, and he worked to uphold honor, generosity, fairness,
and courtesy.
However, before Arthur married, he had a son, _____31_____, who was raised to be evil and
hateful by his mother _____32_____.
Due to the peace of in the kingdom, there were no battles for the knights and they began to fight
each other. Arthur was unable to control their fighting or seek help from Merlin at this time
because Merlin had taught all his secrets to a young sorceress, and she, in turn, locked him in a
_____33_____ in a cave.
One night, an apparition appeared to knights, an apparition of the _____34____(two words),
which supposedly had the power to heal the king and restore power and peace.
The knights left and searched all over Europe for this treasurer, which was eventually found by
_____35_____ (Lancelot’s son), but he rose to Heaven with it when he found it.
When Lancelot returned to Camelot, he and Guinevere fell in love, and their affair was
eventually avenged by the hateful knight, _____36_____, who reminded Arthur the law, which
was for the two of them to be executed.
Prior to her burning at the stake, however, Lancelot rescued Guinevere, who repented her sin for
the rest of her life in by spending her days in a _____37_____.
When Arthur left Mordrid in temporary charge of Camelot when he left to join his knights in
battle, Mordrid declared himself king. Arthur was forced to return to Camelot to fight and kill his
Arthur was put to rest in the enchanted Isle of _____39_____ when his loyal knight
_____40_____ threw Excalibur into water as instructed.
Tintagel Castle was built on the spot where people believe King Arthur’s _____41_____ once
The castle was built by Earl Richard of Cornwall, who wanted to be seen as the upholder of King
_____42_____’s chivalrous ways.
_____43_____ was said to have lived in a cave beneath Tintagel.
Arthur became king when he pulled the _____44_____ from the stone; no other knight could do
This sword was believed to have been broken in battle, so Merlin took Arthur to a lake, where he
pulled out another sword - _____45_____.
As long as Arthur wore the magical _____46_____ for this sword across his body, he couldn’t
die in battle.
Rulers used Arthur’s _____47_____, stories based on fact told over centuries, to bolster their
own power.