ADSORPTION BEHAVIOR OF CHLOROBENZENE ON TiO2 SURFACE IN RELATION TO THE PHOTOCATALYTIC DEGRADATION IN UV/TiO2 PROCESS Hsin-Hsu Huang*, Dyi-Hwa Tseng* and Lain-Chuen Juang** * Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Central University, Chungli, Taiwan 320, Republic of China ( ** Department of Environmental Engineering, Van Nung Institute of Technology, Chungli, Taiwan 320, Republic of China ABSTRACT The effect of adsorption on photocatalytic degradation of MCB in UV/TiO2 process was investigated in this study with two commercial TiO2. Higher affinity of TiO2 for water vapor gave rise to higher adsorption capacity than MCB in gaseous system. Because of the hydroxyl groups on the hydroxylated TiO2 could combine with MCB by hydrogen bonding or covalent bond formation in aqueous system, the adsorption behavior of MCB would be affected by the status of TiO2 surface and competition of water molecules. The theoretical maximum adsorption capacities of MCB on Degussa P-25 and Janssen in aqueous system were 0.08 and 0.32 moles MCB/m2 TiO2, respectively. Moreover, higher affinity of water vapor to Degussa P-25 resulted in the reduction of MCB adsorption in aqueous system. When the solution pH was in the range of 3 to 9, the rate of MCB photodegradation in UV/TiO2 system had the same trend as compare to the rate of MCB adsorption on TiO2 particles, and the adsorption of MCB on TiO2 was contributed to the photocatalytic degradation of MCB in UV/TiO2 process. In addition, alkaline surrounding was unfavorable to the MCB adsorption, but beneficial for hydroxyl radical production, which proceeds to MCB photocatalytic degradation. KEYWORDS Adsorption behavior, Chlorobenzene, Titanium dioxide, Photocatalytic degradation INTRODUCTION Heterogeneous photocatalysis is one of Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) technologies lead to more complete destruction of numerous organics than that of traditional oxidation methods (Davis et al., 1994; Hager et al., 2000; Muneer et al., 2001; Al-Qaradawi and Salman, 2002; Garcia and Takashima, 2003). The ability of photoativated TiO2 to oxidize organic molecules major based on hydroxyl radical which is the primary oxidant in the photocatalytic system. In recent years, applications of UV/TiO2 system to environmental cleanup have been one of the most active areas in heterogeneous photocatalytic degradation. The photocatalytic degradation strategies employ reactive TiO2 surface to capture and degrade the contaminants to begin aqueous-phase and surface-bound products (Turchi and Ollis, 1990). Many researches indicated that photoinduced reactions took place at the surface of TiO2 in UV/TiO2 system, and the adsorption of target compound onto TiO2 might play very important role to the photocatalytic reaction (Fox and Dulay, 1993; Ilisz et al., 2002; Wiszniowski et al., 2002). Since surface adsorption is required for interaction between chemical compounds and TiO2 surface, differences in the affinity for the adsorption of these species should give rise to a broad range of observed reaction rates. However, the adsorption behavior of various compounds on TiO2 surface was seldom studied. Monochlorobenzene (MCB) is one of hydrophobic and volatile organic pollutants that widely appear in the effluent of plastics, pesticides and chemical industry. Our previously study has demonstrated that MCB in aqueous phase could be degraded with UV/TiO2 process (Juang and Tseng, 1997). However, based on the properties of MCB and characteristics of TiO2, further investigation is necessary to evaluate the adsorption phenomena of MCB on TiO2 and to realize the importance of adsorption behavior in relation to the efficiency of photocatalytic degradation of MCB with UV/TiO2 process. MATERIALS AND METHODS Titanium dioxide (TiO2) used in this study was obtained from Degussa (P-25) and Janssen without further treatment. The surface characteristics of TiO2 are described in Table 1, which indicated that the crystalline of Degussa P-25 was in the form of anatase and contained a certain amount of rutile and Janssen was in the form of anatase. Furthermore, the specific surface area of Degussa P-25 was 5 times greater than that of Janssen. Reagent grade MCB was purchased from Merck and used directly as received. Milli-Q water was used through this study for the preparation of solutions. Acetonitrile was HPLC grade and used as HPLC eluents. All other chemicals used in analysis were reagent grade or better and used as received. In order to evaluate the MCB adsorption behavior in TiO2 suspension with single component system, the adsorption experiments were carried out in both gaseous and aqueous conditions. Experiments of gaseous phase adsorption took place in a vacuum system at 25 0C, which putting TiO2 particles in one side of gravimetric adsorption apparatus Cahn D-200 recording balance and weight standard in the other side. Then, pure gaseous MCB or water vapor passed through the vacuum system and adsorbed on TiO2 surface. When equilibrium was achieved, measured weight change of TiO2 to estimate adsorption capacity of MCB and H2O vapor, respectively. For the experiments of aqueous phase adsorption, 0.25 g TiO2 was suspended in various concentration of MCB solutions that were filled in 25 mL centrifugal tubes. Also, the solution pHs were adjusted by NaOH and HClO4 to expected values. Furthermore, the centrifugal tubes were shaked in dark with thermostatic shaker at 120 rpm and 25 0C until anticipative adsorption time or equilibrium reached. Finally, the tubes were centrifuged at 6000 rpm to separate the TiO2 particles and then the supernatants were analyzed by HPLC for the change of MCB concentrations. Photocatalytic degradation of MCB was carried out in a 2.5 L hollow cylindrical photoreactor equipped with a water jacket. The inter wall of the water jacket is made Table 1. Characteristics of TiO2 used Commercial name Specific surface area Particle size Crystalline (m2/g) (nm) Degussa P-25 47.05 ±0.17 Janssen 9.31 ±0.03 A:anatase, R:rutile 30 150 A/R A Anatase content (%) 70 100 of quartz and the outer wall is Pyrex. A UVP blacklight lamp (F15T8 BLB, 15 W) with a maximum UV emission at 365 nm was positioned within the inner part of the photoreactor. Batch experiments were conducted at 30 0C. A standard operation of experiment involved prepares 2.5 L 10-4 M MCB in preaerated distilled water with saturated oxygen. After 2.5 g TiO2 was added into the solution, the suspension was magnetically stirred and equilibrated in dark for 30 mins prior to Illumination. All test solutions were run at various pHs after adjustment with NaOH or HClO4. The concentrations of MCB were analyzed at different time intervals by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) equipped with a variable UV detector. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Adsorption behavior of MCB on TiO2 The relationship of adsorption capacity and relative pressure in gaseous system is exhibited in Figure 1. The results in Figure 1 depicted that the adsorption capacity of MCB and water vapor for Degussa P-25 was similar to that of Janssen based on the surface area of TiO2 particles. Also, the data shown in Figure 1 revealed that the relationship of adsorption capacity and relative pressure was fitted to the following BET equation over the relative pressure P/P0 in the range of 0.05 to 0.30, especially. (C 1)P 1 V(Po P) Vm C Vm CPo V = volume of gas adsorbed at pressure P Vm = volume of gas adsorbed in monolayer Po = saturation pressure of adsorbate gas at experimental temperature C = a constant related exponentially to the heats of adsorption and liquefaction of the gas P Using the experimental data for P/P0 in the range of 0.05 to 0.30, a plot of the linear form of BET equation could obtain the monolayer coverage, Vm, and then the monolayer saturated adsorption capacity, Q, could be further calculated. The result of Q for Degussa P-25 was 3.073 mole MCB/m2 TiO2, which was close to 3.100 mole MCB/m2 TiO2 for Janssen. Consequently, the adsorption capacity of gaseous phase MCB on TiO2 was independent of the type of crystalline. Additionally, Figure 1 also pointed out that the shape of adsorption curves for water vapor were analogous to those of MCB. The Q for Degussa P-25 was around 11.406 mole H2O/m2 TiO2 that slightly higher than 10.443 mole H2O/m2 TiO2 for Janssen. Adsorption Capacity, μmole/m2 50 40 30 Water vapor 20 MCB 10 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Relative pressure, P/Po 1.0 Figure 1. The relationship of adsorption capacity and relative pressure in gaseous adsorption system ()Degussa P-25, ()Janssen. The solid symbols are for MCB adsorption and the hollow symbols for water vapor adsorption. Comparing the values of monolayer saturated adsorption capacity mentioned above, it found that TiO2 particles had higher ability to adsorb water vapor than MCB. The benefit for water vapor adsorption indicated that the surface of TiO2 usually adsorbed H2O molecules dissociatively to form surface hydroxyls, on which further H2O molecules were physisorbed through hydrogen bonding (Krischok et al., 2002). On the other side, electrostatic van-der Waals interactions played a major role in the adsorption of aromatic molecules i.e. MCB, which was a weak adsorption (Diebold, 2003). For isotherm adsorption in aqueous system, the adsorption capacity versus equilibrium MCB concentration is illustrated in Figure 2. Three adsorption models (Langmuir, BET, and Freundlich) were used to estimate the adsorption capacity of MCB on TiO2 and the modeling curves are also plotted in Figure 2. According to the results shown in Table 2 indicated that the experimental data fit quite well to these adsorption models, however, BET model had the best correlation coefficient. Therefore, it could assume that the adsorption of MCB on hydroxylated TiO2 surface was to be a multi-layer adsorption. A calculation based on the BET model indicated that the theoretical maximum adsorption capacity of MCB in aqueous phase was 0.08 and 0.32 moles MCB/m2 TiO2 for Degussa P-25 and Janssen, respectively. Compare these results with the outcome in gaseous system, it revealed that the adsorption of MCB was restrained in aqueous system obviously. Once more, when the TiO2 particles come in contact with aqueous solution, the TiO2 surface is readily hydroxylated first. Both dissociated and molecular water are bound to the surface, which consistent with a particle almost completely covered by bound OH- and H2O (Krischok et al., 2002). Therefore, the adsorption sites for MCB are decreased due to H2O molecule occupy the main surface area of TiO2. Furthermore, the adsorption capacity of MCB for Degussa P-25 was similar to that for Janssen in gaseous system, but lower than Janssen in aqueous system. The fact of this phenomenon was primarily due to Degussa P-25 had higher affinity for H2O molecule than Janssen, thus resulted in lower capacity for MCB adsorption. (a) (b) 0.04 0.02 0.00 2 2 0.06 0.40 μmole /m Adsorption capacity, 0.50 0.08 μmole /m Adsorption capacity, 0.10 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 [MCB]eq, mg/L 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 [MCB]eq, mg/L Figure 2. Comparison of adsorption isotherm model and experiment data (a)Degussa P-25, (b)Janssen, and () experiment data, () Langmuir, (– –) BET, () Freundlich. Table 2. The fitting results of MCB adsorption on TiO2 in aqueous system with three isotherm adsorption models Isotherm Degussa P-25 Janssen parameters R2 parameters R2 Langmuir *Q0 = 0.13 *Q0 = 0.50 0.80 0.97 Q 0 bc qe b = 0.02 b = 0.04 1 bc BET qe BCQ 0 (C s C )[1 ( B 1)(C / C s )] Freundlich *Q0 = 0.08 B = 15.95 n = 1.74 qe kF C kF = 0.03 0 *: the unit of Q is adsorbate mole/m2 TiO2 1/ n 0.92 *Q0 = 0.32 B = 36.8 0.99 0.93 n = 1.86 kF = 0.04 0.93 The adsorption kinetic of MCB on TiO2 was measured by the change of MCB concentration in aqueous solution as a function of adsorption time. The normalized MCB concentration versus adsorption time at various initial solution pHs are shown in Figure 3. The results indicated that the adsorption of MCB on the surface of TiO2 was rapid at the first 4 hrs and then became slower thereafter, which means the adsorption reached its equilibrium at very short time. The results in Figure 3 also showed that the adsorption rate of MCB on TiO2 was enhanced at neutral and near-to-neutral pH values. This was probably due to the maximum adsorption was occurred at the pH close to the pHzpc of TiO2. The literature indicated that pHzpc of TiO2 for pure anatase is 6.39 and for pure rutile is 5.80 (Szczepankiewicz, 2001). Therefore, when the solution pH was less or greater than pHzpc, the surface hydroxyl groups of TiO2 would undergo a proton association or dissociation reaction and lead to positive or negative charge on TiO2 surface. Considering a MCB molecule, the electronegativity difference between the carbon and chlorine atom should be not ignored and the C–Cl bond in MCB is polar. The chlorine atom, with its higher electronegativity, pulls the bonding electrons closer to it. This makes the carbon atom somewhat electron deficient and gives it a partial (b) 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.95 C/Co C/Co (a) 0.90 0.90 0.85 0.85 0.80 0.80 0 5 10 15 20 Adsorption time, hr 25 0 5 10 15 20 Adsorption time, hr 25 Figure 3. The normalized MCB concentration as a function of adsorption time at various initial solution pH levels (a)Degussa P-25, (b)Janssen, and ()pH 3, () pH 5, () pH 7, () pH 9, () pH 11 ([TiO2] = 10 g/L, [MCB] = 5 10-4 M). positive (+). Alternatively, the chlorine atom becomes somewhat electron rich and bears a partial negative charge (–). At acidity condition, the positive TiO2 surface can easier connect with partial negative charge chlorine of MCB. Consequently, experimental results showed that the MCB was more easily adsorbed by the electrostatic attraction at lower pH. In contrast, a lack of adsorption of MCB in alkaline solutions seems consistent with the theory of electrostatic nature of adsorption. The adsorption kinetics as illustrated in Figure 3 for both of two types of TiO2 were in the same order of pH 7 > pH 3 > pH 5 > pH 9 > pH 11, but the effect of pH on the adsorption rate constant was insignificant. In gaseous adsorption system, the adsorption of MCB on TiO2 is in compliance with the electrostatic van-der Waals force and independent of catalyst crystalline. In aqueous solution, however, the adsorption behavior of MCB affected by the status of TiO2 surface and competition of water molecules. The outcome of aqueous adsorption reveals that the hydroxyl groups on the hydroxylated TiO2 can combine with MCB by hydrogen bonding or covalent bond formation. Simultaneously, it can also form hydrogen bonding with water molecules, creating a competition for adsorption between MCB and water. Photocatalytic degradation of MCB with TiO2 slurry Heterogeneous photocatalytic reactions are caused by photon irradiation, when a TiO2 suspension is illuminated with UV light the concentration of MCB markedly decreases with reaction time is shown in Figure 4. In this study, complete decomposition of MCB was observed within 3 hrs of illumination. According to the results presented in Figure 4, it can be estimated that Degussa P-25 has higher photodegradation rate constant at initial pH 3, 7, 11; otherwise Janssen has higher value at initial pH 3 and 11. Compared the results of photocatalytic degradation of MCB by UV/TiO2 and adsorption of MCB by TiO2 particles, it found that the tendency for photocatalytic degradation of MCB affected by pH was consistent with that for adsorption of MCB at solution pH values were less than 9. However, in contrast to lower MCB adsorption rate constant at alkaline condition (pH=11), the (b) 1.000 1.000 0.800 0.800 0.600 0.600 C/Co C/Co (a) 0.400 0.400 0.200 0.200 0.000 0.000 0 50 100 150 200 Illumination time, min 250 0 50 100 150 200 Illumination time, min 250 Figure 4. The normalized MCB concentration as a function of illumination time at various initial solution pH levels (a)Degussa P-25, (b)Janssen, and ()pH 3, () pH 5, () pH 7, () pH 9, () pH 11 ([TiO2] = 1 g/L, [MCB] = 10-4 M, light intensity = 5.6 mW/cm2). photocatalytic degradation rate constant was higher. In aqueous photocatalytic system, the TiO2 particles were surrounded by water and almost completely covered by bound OH- and H2O. When TiO2 was photoactivated by UV light and then resulted in formation of electrons and holes at the surface. Since OH- and H2O groups were the most abundant adsorbates, it seemed likely that holes would react with these species to form OH radicals, which were presented as mobile radicals. The generated radicals could then oxidize MCB at the solid-liquid interface; therefore, adsorption of MCB to the TiO2 surface was a limited step in photocatalytic degradation. However, the adsorption of MCB on surface hydroxyl group by hydrogen bonding or covalent bond has demonstrated in this study. Although the acidity situation was unfavorable for hydroxyl radical generation, the adsorption of MCB on TiO2 assisted in the photodegradation of MCB in UV/TiO2 process. Moreover, hydroxyl radical generation was constructive at alkaline solution and the larger quantity of hydroxyl radical produced would overcome the restraint of MCB adsorption at pH 11. CONCLUSIONS In gaseous system, two types of TiO2 in this study had similar MCB adsorption capacity resulted from the electrostatic van-der Waals force. Compared the adsorption capacity of MCB with that of water vapor demonstrated that TiO2 had higher ability to adsorb water vapor than MCB. In aqueous solution, however, the hydroxyl group on hydroxylated TiO2 could react with MCB through hydrogen bonding or covalent bond formation and the adsorption behavior of MCB on TiO2 was affected by the status of TiO2 surface and competition of water molecules. Isotherm adsorption tests indicated that experimental data fit to BET model. The theoretical maximum adsorption capacities of MCB on Degussa P-25 and Janssen in aqueous system were 0.08 and 0.32 moles MCB/m2 TiO2, respectively. Moreover, higher affinity of H2O to Degussa P-25 resulted in less MCB adsorption in aqueous system than that for Janssen. The tendency that affected by pH in the range of 3 to 9 for MCB photodegradation in UV/TiO2 system was same as that for MCB adsorption on TiO2. Therefore, the adsorption of MCB on TiO2 would be contributed to the photodegradation of MCB in UV/TiO2 process. Interestingly, the adsorption of MCB on TiO2 was unfavorable in alkaline solution, but hydroxyl radical production was beneficial at high pH, thus photocatalytic degradation of MCB was enhanced due to the radical oxidation. ACKONWLEDGEMENT The authors would like to thank the National Science Council, R.O.C. for financial support of this study under Contract No. NSC 90-2211-E-238-003. REFERENCES Al-Qaradawi, S. and Salman, S. R. (2002). Photocatalytic Degradation of Methyl Orange as Model Compound, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 148(1-3), 161-168. Davis, R. J., Gainer, J. L., O’Neal, G. and Wu, I. –W. (1994). Photocatalytic Decolo--rization of Wastewater Dyes, Water Environment Research, 66(1), 50-53. Diebold, U. (2003). The Surface Science of Titanium Dioxide, Surface Science Reports, 48(2), 53-229. Fox, M. A. and Dulay, M. T. (1993). 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