Spring 05 Ch. 10

Quiz 9 Chapter 10
Name ________________________
Registered Class Time ________________
Quiz 9 Chapter 10
Name ________________________
Registered Class Time ________________
1. When should a firm pursue related diversification and not unrelated diversification
[A] the company’s core skills are applicable to a wide variety of industrial and commercial
[B] the company’s main objective is to maximize growth.
[C] the company’s top management is skilled at acquiring and turning around poorly run
[D] the company’s free cash flow is high enough to have funds available for investment.
[E] the company’s core skills are highly specialized and have few applications outside the core
1. New ventures
[A] are less risky than acquisitions.
[B] are often preferred to acquisitions by science-based companies.
[C] should be killed if they don’t make a profit within three years.
[D] are preferred to acquisitions when entry barriers are high.
[E] are best when the company is entering the industry on a small scale.
2. Diversification dissipates value when it is based on
[A] transferring competencies.
[B] acquisitions and restructuring.
[C] realizing economies of scope.
[D] pooling risks.
[E] leveraging existing competencies.
3. Which of the following statements is false?
[A] Bureaucratic costs are higher for a related diversifier than for an unrelated diversifier.
[B] When diversification is based on acquisitions and restructuring, there is a low need for
[C] A company that pursues related diversification can do some restructuring.
[D] Related diversification is generally less risky than unrelated diversification.
[E] Related diversification is associated with lower bureaucratic costs than unrelated
4. Which of the following is not a reason why many new ventures fail?
[A] Small-scale entry
[B] Poor commercialization
[C] Failure to anticipate the time and costs involved in the venture process
[D] Failure of managers to allow scientists time to work on their research interests
[E] The use of a shotgun approach to support new venture projects
5. Research suggests that _________ should be used to evaluate a venture during its first four
to five years.
[A] return on investment (ROI)
[B] profit growth
[C] market share growth
[D] cash flow
[E] profitability
Ver. 1.0
2. Disadvantages of joint ventures include the fact that
[A] they take longer than new ventures to realize a profit.
[B] they have higher risks than new ventures.
[C] venture partners share control.
[D] they are not viable in embryonic industries.
[E] None of these applies.
3. Joint ventures
[A] are attractive when entry barriers are high.
[B] should be done on a small scale.
[C] are an alternative to new ventures.
[D] are attractive when speed is important.
[E] reduce the risk of loss of proprietary knowledge.
4. In which of the following cases are bureaucratic costs likely to be lowest?
[A] A company with five divisions that pursues diversification based on economies of scope
[B] A company with twenty divisions that pursues taper integration
[C] A company with five divisions that pursues diversification based on transferring
[D] A vertically integrated company with five divisions that pursues full integration
[E] A company with five divisions that pursues diversification based on acquisitions and
5. In which of the following industry environments are new ventures most likely to be favored
over acquisitions as a means of entering a new business area?
[A] An industry passing through the shakeout stage
[B] An industry in its later stages of growth
[C] A declining industry
[D] An embryonic industry
[E] A mature industry
Ver. 2.0
A Page 344-345
D Page 345
E Page 344
D Page 348
C Page 349
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B Page 346
C Page 358
C Page 357
E Page 344
D Page 346
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