2009 Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar School Year 10 Genetics NAME:__________________________ 10 Science.1 2 nw&LV 2009 Learning Outcomes Describe the genetic basis of inheritance. Indicators This is evident when the student is able to: explain that the variation that exists between organisms can be explained by information inherited from a previous generation. explain that chromosomes are the carriers of genetic information and occur in pairs in a body cell explain that chromosomes are made up of DNA, which codes for an organism’s characteristics identify a gene as a section of a chromosome that produces phenotypic characteristics in organisms explain that the gene for a particular characteristic may occur in different forms or alleles identify that alleles are found on homologous chromosomes explain that the chromosome number within a species is consistent explain the process of mitosis as a means of cell growth and repair in multicellular organisms explain that as a result of meiosis gametes (ova and sperm) are formed which possess only one set of chromosomes compare the outcome of mitosis and meiosis in relation to genetic inheritance explain that fertilisation results in a complete set of chromosomes in the cells of the offspring distinguish between the terms homozygous (pure breeder) and heterozygous (hybrid) distinguish between the different types of autosomal inheritance: (a) complete dominance (b) incomplete dominance (c) co-dominance (d) multiple alleles explain how chromosomes determine the sex of a child describe that genes carried on the sex chromosomes are inherited with those determining the sex of the individual chart the outcome of simple monohybrid crosses, including complete, incomplete dominance and co-dominance explain the genetic basis of the human ABO blood system explain pedigrees by tracing the inheritance of one characteristic resulting from ‘dominant’ or ‘recessive’ genes identify ways in which inheritance can be manipulated by human intervention define the following terms: allele, carrier, chromosome, co-dominance, complete dominance, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), diploid, dominant, double helix, gamete, gene, genetics, genotype, haploid, heterozygous, homozygous, incomplete dominance, karyotype, meiosis, mitosis, mutation, nucleus, pedigree, phenotype, recessive, sex chromosome. IT skill development copying and saving to the school server e-mailing files to teacher internet 10 Science.1 3 nw&LV 2009 HUMAN VARIATION Overview People vary in their appearance. Members within a family are more alike than those from different families. A complete instruction manual for human development is found within the nucleus of every cell. This information is coded for in DNA. DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is a long molecule similar in shape to a twisted rope ladder (double helix). The sides of the ladder are composed of alternating sugar and phosphate units. The rungs are made of paired bases. Adenine pairs with thymine and cytosine pairs with guanine. The instructions for development are coded in the order of the bases. A section of DNA that codes for one particular characteristic is called a gene. Genes are linked together to form chromosomes. The number of chromosomes in cells of organisms of the same species is usually the same. Eg human cells all have 46 chromosomes. In human cells the chromosomes are paired. Paired chromosomes (homologous) carry the same genes but the alleles for these genes may be different. An allele is an alternative form of a gene. For example the gene for the CFTR protein is found on the 7th pair of chromosomes. It has 2 possible alleles, one coding for normal CFTR protein and one coding for an abnormal protein which leads to cystic fibrosis. Because human chromosomes are paired, each cell has 2 pieces of information for every gene. Cells that contained paired chromosomes are diploid and cells that only have one of each type of chromosome are haploid. The last pair of human chromosomes are called sex chromosomes. In females cells these chromosomes are matching and are called X chromosomes. In males they are not matching. Males have one X chromosome paired with a smaller y chromosome. Meiosis is a nuclear division that results in the production of ova and sperm that contain only one of each pair of homologous chromosomes. Ova and sperm are haploid. (They contain only one allele for each gene) When a sperm fertilises an ovum the new cell is diploid. In this way each child inherits one allele for each gene from her mother and one from her father. The new cell is the first cell of the new child. It divides by mitosis to produce cells that are identical to the first cell. Cell growth occurs by mitosis. The alleles that a child inherits from her parents are called her genotype. If both alleles for a particular characteristic are the same she is homozygous, if they are different she is heterozygous. How the alleles are expressed is the child's phenotype. Expression depends on the gene’s pattern of inheritance, how it interacts with other genes and its interaction with the environment. determined by DNA STRUCTURE organised into KARYOTYPE inherited through MEIOSIS FERTILISATION MITOSIS determines INDIVIDUAL’S GENOTYPE expression depends on 1 PATTERN OF INHERITANCE -complete dominance -incomplete dominance -co-dominance -multiple alleles 2 GENE INTERACTION 3 ENVIRONMENT Early experiments were carried out by Gregor Mendel. In complete dominance heterozygous individuals have the same phenotype as one of the homozygous forms. In incomplete dominance the heterozygous phenotype is between both homozygous forms. In co-dominance both phenotypes are expressed in the heterozygous individual. The human ABO blood system shows both dominance and co-dominance expression It is the male that determines the sex of a child. ½ the sperm produced by males contain an X chromosome and 1/2 contain a Y chromosome. The Y chromosome is smaller than the X chromosome and so carries fewer genes. A characteristic that is X linked does not have an allele on the y chromosome. There is a greater chance of a male showing an X linked recessive disorder as only one allele for the disorder is required for the disorder to be expressed. A female can have an X linked recessive disorder but it is less likely as she must have 2 copies of the recessive allele. PHENOTYPE tracked by Used to follow the inheritance of characteristics over many generations PEDIGREES 10 Science.1 4 nw&LV 2009 Work Sequence - Student Lesson Activity Reference Genetics Overview Video: GATTACA Basic Genetics Activity: Classy Characteristic s Set up Barley Practical 1 Glossary Pg 3-7 GATTACA questions Pg 89 Pg 10-11 Pg 12 Pg 54 6-7 Activity: Making a Monster Pg. 16 Complete the table 8-9 Types of autosomal inheritance Pg. 13-15: Types of autosomal inheritance. Genetics problems Pg 22-25 1-3 4 5 Extension Mendel Complete dominance Blood Groups 10 10 Science.1 Barley practical 5 Notes/commen ts Introduction to genetics Complete table & questions Homework Activity Making a Child Pg 18 Use chromosomes to create a monster Complete questions http://library.think quest.org/20465/m endl.html http://www.sonic. net/~nbs/projects/ anthro201/ http://www.biolog y.arizona.edu/men delian_genetics/pr oblem_sets/mono hybrid_cross/mon ohybrid_cross.htm l http://www.dnaftb .org/dnaftb/4/conc ept/index.html http://gslc.genetics .utah.edu/units/bas ics/blood/ Practical exercise 1: Genetic Barley Pg 54 Collate individual and class results and discuss questions nw&LV 2009 9-10 Pedigrees Using pedigrees Pg. 26-29 http://www.dnaftb .org/dnaftb/13/con cept/index.html 11-13 Introduction to the structure of DNA. Genes & Chromosomes Pg 30-35 Practical Exercise 2: DNA Extraction Pg 55-56 Activity: Building a DNA model Questions: Genes & Chromosomes Pg 34 Students write report during class. Not assessed Extension Activity - How to extract DNA from anything living? http://gslc.genetics .utah.edu/units/act ivities/extraction 14-15 Cystic fibrosis practical Karyotypes Human Chromosome s 16-17 Start research Assessed Practical Activity: karyotypes Pg. 36-40 Human Chromosomes Homework: Access the website and karyotype 3 people then diagnose their genetic disorder. http://www.biolog y.arizona.edu/hum an_bio/activities/k aryotyping/patient _c/13c-13.html 18 A question of sex 19-20 Meiosis, fertilisation and mitosis Animations A boy or girl? Pg. 41-42 Chromosome number questions Pg 43 Meiosis and Mitosis Pg. 4445 Extension Video: Fight to be male http://www.biolog 10 Science.1 6 nw&LV 2009 y.arizona.edu/cell _bio/tutorials/cell _cycle/cells3.html http://www.biolog y.arizona.edu/cell _bio/tutorials/mei osis/page3.html 21-22 Activity: Modelling mitosis Research Stem cells Video Looks at cloning stem cells for treatment of paralysis? (Christopher Reeve) Stem cells overview http://gslc.genet ics.utah.edu/uni ts/stemcells/ Pg. 46-48 Revision activity Genetically modified foods 23 24 Rikki Lake Activity Revision 25 Test Research in groups Revision worksheets Pg . 49-52 ASSESSMENT Task Name of Activity Due Practical & Assignment Genetics Problems Cystic fibrosis practical Worksheets will be done in class under test conditions a minimum of 5 will be done during the unit Completed and submitted during the lesson Total Test 10 Science.1 % assessment 80-90% 10-20% 100% Done under test conditions in class 7 100% nw&LV 2009 Handout 4 REPRODUCTION CELLS – CHROMOSOMES - DNA 10 Science.1 8 nw&LV 2009 DVD: GATTACA Hardly a day seems to go by without some researchers claiming to have discovered the gene for this condition or the gene for that affliction. If we are to believe researchers, everything from obesity and myopia to homosexuality and manic depression can be attributed to our genetic make-up. Humanity, as we know it, seems to be reduced to a genetic sequence. Of course, if the sum of our being can be attributed to genetics, then it only follows that it can be engineered. That is the premise behind the sci-fi thriller GATTACA. Set in a "not-so-distant future" (as the opening credits inform us), GATTACA deals with a future where it is possible to genetically engineer all these "defects" out of newborn children. As a parent, you can request that your children will not one day be afflicted by any debilitating heart diseases or other illnesses. Obviously people genetically engineered this way will have an edge in the workplace over those who are not. And thus the plot of GATTACA: Ethan Hawke, one of the genetically have-nots in this brave new world (called "in-valids" in the movie) wants to desperately become an astronaut, but obviously cannot because of his untampered-with birth. He thus begins a deception by posing as a so-called "valid" to become an astronaut at a major space exploration company. He does this by "borrowing" the blood, urine, hair and skin cells of a "valid" who has been crippled in an accident to pass the numerous tests one have to undergo to get and stay in the training course. But then a murder occurs at the company, some of his real hair gets picked up and soon the Ethan Hawke character is the prime suspect. Can he maintain his deception when the human body sheds several million cells each day every single one of them betraying his true identity? Questions to consider: 1. What characteristics did the parents screen out of their second child? 2. Why does the Ethan Hawke character clean his keyboard obsessively every day? 3. What is present in the blood, urine, hair and skin cells of the potential astronauts that is regularly tested at the institute? 10 Science.1 9 nw&LV 2009 4. DNA analysis is used for a number of purposes in the film. State the different purposes. 5. What do you think is an appropriate use of DNA testing? 6. What characteristics, if any, do you think should be screened out of a baby’s DNA? 7. Summarise the reasons for and against the testing of DNA. Reasons ‘for’ testing DNA 10 Science.1 Reasons ‘against’ testing DNA 10 nw&LV 2009 Genetics Wheel Characteristic Alternative forms Handedness Left-handed Right-handed Ear lobe shape Attached ear lobe Hanging ear lobe Type of joints Double jointed Not double jointed Length of second toe Longer than big toe Shorter than big toe Tongue-rolling Can roll tongue Cannot roll tongue 10 Science.1 Self 11 Class Class member 1 member 2 Family Family member 1 member 2 nw&LV 2009 Genetic Wheel Questions. 1 What do you notice about the characteristics of different students in the class? 2 What can you conclude about the characteristics of people in your family? 3 Are there any characteristics which appear to be inherited together? 4 If the wheel contained more characteristics, what difference would it make to the results? 5 Calculate the percentage frequency for the ear lobe shapes in the class. 5b. Would the same frequency exist in the broader population? 5c. Would the results for your family be similar or different from those for the class? Explain. 10 Science.1 12 nw&LV 2009 TYPES OF AUTOSOMAL INHERITANCE If a gene is located on an autosome (a non- sex chromosome), then autosomal inheritance exists. Remember it is the gene rather than the trait that is found on the chromosome. The following three examples look at various types of autosomal inheritance. In each case flower colour is considered. a) 1. COMPLETE DOMINANCE If this type of inheritance exists what offspring would be produced if two heterozygous individuals mated? R = Red flower allele r = White flower allele Female P. PHENOTYPES: RED FLOWERS P. GENOTYPES: Male x RED FLOWERS x Female gametes Male gametes F1 GENOTYPES: F1 PHENOTYPES: b) What offspring would be produced if a homozygous red individual is mated with a homozygous white individual ? 10 Science.1 13 nw&LV 2009 2. INCOMPLETE OR PARTIAL DOMINANCE R = Red flower allele r = White flower allele Note the symbols used to represent the alleles. If incomplete dominance exists, the heterozygote has a different phenotype from either of the homozygotes. There are 3 different phenotypes for this type of inheritance. a) What offspring would be produced if two heterozygous individuals mated? Female Male P. PHENOTYPES: P. GENOTYPES: Rr x Rr Female gametes Male gametes F1 GENOTYPES: F1 PHENOTYPES: Both alleles in the heterozygous plant are fully expressed in the phenotype. b) What offspring would be produced if a homozygous red individual is mated with a homozygous white individual ? 10 Science.1 14 nw&LV 2009 3. CO-DOMINANCE This example deals with the inheritance of hair colour in cattle. CR = Red hair CW = White hair CR CW =Red and white hair (roan) a) If co-dominance existed what offspring would be produced if two heterozygous individuals mated? Female Male P. PHENOTYPES: P. GENOTYPES: x Female gametes Male gametes F1 GENOTYPES: F1 PHENOTYPES: b) What offspring would be produced if a homozygous red individual is mated with a homozygous white individual ? 10 Science.1 15 nw&LV 2009 SUMMARY In all the examples below we are looking at a flower colour gene. The alleles are: R = red flower and r = white flower Complete Dominance Female Male P. PHENOTYPES: x P.:GENOTYPES RR x rr Female gametes Male gametes F1 GENOTYPES: F1 PHENOTYPES Incomplete Dominance Female Male P. PHENOTYPES: x P.:GENOTYPES RR x rr Female gametes Male gametes F1. GENOTYPES: F1. PHENOTYPES: Codominance Female Male P. PHENOTYPES: x CRCR P. GENOTYPES: x CrCr Female gametes Male gametes F1 GENOTYPES: F1 PHENOTYPES: 10 Science.1 16 nw&LV 2009 Activity: Making a monster Chromosome Number Gene Alleles Pattern of Inheritance Alleles of organism Phenotype of organism 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 10 Science.1 17 nw&LV 2009 Activity: Making a child Stick your egg and sperm combinations here. 10 Science.1 18 nw&LV 2009 Making a Child 1. Complete the following table for each of the zygotes that you have generated. Ova and sperm Sex chromosomes and sex Child Genotype Phenotype 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 Science.1 19 nw&LV 2009 Questions for Analysis 1a. Which of the sex chromosomes is/are found in the egg cells?________________ 1b. Which of the sex chromosomes is/are found in the sperm cells?______________ 1c. Which parent determines the sex of the baby? Explain your answer. __________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Look carefully at the egg and sperm for individual 1. 2a. What were the genotypes of the mother and father for the face shape gene? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 2b. What were the phenotypes of the mother and father for the face shape gene? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 2b. How do you know this? _____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 3. Could all these eggs and sperm come from the same mother and father respectively? Explain your answer. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 10 Science.1 20 nw&LV 2009 Solving Genetic Problems Using the 7 step method 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 10 Science.1 21 nw&LV 2009 Genetics problems For each of the following show your working. Q1. Two people are carriers (ie. are heterozygous) of the inherited autosomal recessive disease Hurler syndrome. They have a child. a) What is the chance that the child will be unaffected by Hurler syndrome? Use the symbols: H = Normal allele and h = Hurler syndrome allele. Female P. PHENOTYPES: Normal (Carrier) P. GENOTYPES: Male x Normal (Carrier) x Female gametes Male gametes F1 GENOTYPES: F1 PHENOTYPES: ANSWER: Hurler syndrome causes death in childhood. Affected children are mentally retarded, have changes in the bones leading to dwarfism, and as a result of the abnormal biochemistry in Hurler syndrome children, the corneas of their eyes become cloudy. b) The first child of these two people is diagnosed as have Hurler syndrome. The couple has a second child. What is the chance that this child will also suffer from the disease? Explain. c) Can this couple have a baby that will be homozygous normal? What is the chance of this occurrence? d) Another couple is both carriers for Hurler syndrome. They have a family of four children. How many of these children would have Hurler syndrome? Explain. 10 Science.1 22 nw&LV 2009 Q2. In humans, brown eyes (B) are dominant to blue eyes (b). Suppose a blue-eyed man marries a brown-eyed woman whose father was blue eyes. What proportion of their children would you predict would have blue eyes? P. PHENOTYPES: Female Brown eyes P. GENOTYPES: x Male Blue eyes x Female gametes Male gametes F1 GENOTYPES: F1 PHENOTYPES: ANSWER: Q3. Mr and Mrs Miller have two sons. What is the probability that their third child will be a boy? Q4. In humans, it is found that a blonde haired individual mated with a black haired individual will produce brown haired children. Explain this in terms of phenotypes and genotypes. 10 Science.1 23 nw&LV 2009 Q5. If the litter resulting from the mating of two short-tailed cats contains three kittens without tails, two with long tails and six with short tails, what would be the simplest way of explaining the inheritance of tail length in these cats? Show genotypes and include a cross. (This is an example of incomplete dominance.) Female P. PHENOTYPES: Short tail P. GENOTYPES: Male x Short tail x Female gametes Male gametes F1 GENOTYPES: F1 PHENOTYPES: ANSWER: Q6. In snapdragons, red flower colour (R) and white flower colour (r) produce pink when in a heterozygous state (Rr). Predict flower colour in plants that are crossed as follows: (a) Homozygous dominant (RR) and heterozygous (Rr). Female P. PHENOTYPES: Red flowers P. GENOTYPES: Male x Pink flowers x Female gametes Male gametes F1 GENOTYPES: F1 PHENOTYPES: ANSWER: 10 Science.1 24 nw&LV 2009 (b) Both heterozygous (Rr). P. PHENOTYPES: Female Pink flowers P. GENOTYPES: x Male Pink flowers x Female gametes Male gametes F1 GENOTYPES: F1 PHENOTYPES: ANSWER: Q7. Coat colour of the Shorthorn breed of cattle represents a classical example of co-dominant alleles. In some cells one allele operates and in other cells the other allele is expressed. Red is governed by the genotype CR CR, roan (a mixture of white and red hairs) by CRC W, and white by C WC W. a) When roan Shorthorns are crossed amongst themselves, what genotypic and phenotypic ratios are expected among their offspring? Female P. PHENOTYPES: Roan P. GENOTYPES: Male x Roan x Female gametes Male gametes F1 GENOTYPES: F1 PHENOTYPES: ANSWER: 10 Science.1 25 nw&LV 2009 b) If a red Shorthorn bull is crossed with a white cow, what genotypic and phenotypic ratios would you expect among their offspring? Female P. PHENOTYPES: White P. GENOTYPES: Male x Red x Female gametes Male gametes F1 GENOTYPES: F1 PHENOTYPES: ANSWER: Q8. The Palomino horse is a golden colour with lighter mane and tail. A pair of co-dominant alleles (CD and CG) is known to be involved in the inheritance of these coat colours. Genotypes homozygous for the CD gene are chestnut coloured (reddish), heterozygous genotypes are Palomino coloured, and genotypes homozygous for the CG gene are almost white and called cremello. a) From matings between Palominos, determine the expected Palomino: non-Palomino ratio among their offspring. Female P. PHENOTYPES: Palomino P. GENOTYPES: Male x Palomino x Female gametes Male gametes F1 GENOTYPES: F1 PHENOTYPES: ANSWER: 10 Science.1 26 nw&LV 2009 b) What kind of mating will produce only Palominos? An example of co-dominance and dominance/ recessiveness The ABO blood typing gene in humans has three alleles. IA, IB and i. The IA allele is dominant to the i allele, the IB allele is dominant to the i allele and the IA and IB alleles are co-dominant. Phenotype Blood type A Blood type B Blood type AB Blood type O Q. 9 Q10. Genotype = IA, IA or IA i = IB, IB or IB i = IA IB = ii A man has blood type AB. a) What is his genotype? b) In terms of the ABO gene, how many different kinds of sperm can he produce? A man produces a sperm containing the “i allele” of the ABO gene. a) Could this man have been blood type O? Explain. b) Could he have been blood type A? Explain. c) Could he have been blood type AB? Explain. 10 Science.1 27 nw&LV 2009 Q11. If a man with blood type B, one of whose parents had blood type O, marries a woman with blood type AB, what will be the theoretical probability of their children having blood type B? Show a cross. Female Male P. PHENOTYPES: Blood type AB P. GENOTYPES: x Blood type B x Female gametes Male gametes F1 GENOTYPES: F1 PHENOTYPES: ANSWER: 10 Science.1 28 nw&LV 2009 Q12. A purple-flowered pea plant is crossed with a white-flowered pea plant. All the F1 plants produce purple flowers .When the F1 plants are crossed to each other, 401 of the F2 plants have purple flowers and 131 have white flowers. What are genotypes of the parents and F1 generation? Q13. In tomatoes red fruit colour is dominant to yellow. Suppose a tomato plant homozygous for red is crossed with one homozygous for yellow. Determine the appearance of the: a. the F1 b. the F2 c. the offspring of a cross of the F1 back to the red parent d. the offspring of a cross of the F1 back to the yellow parent 14. A red-fruited plant, when crossed with a yellow-fruited one, produces progeny about half of which are red-fruited and half are yellow-fruited. What are the genotypes of the parents? 10 Science.1 29 nw&LV 2009 15. In guinea pigs rough coat (R) has dominant expression over smooth coat (r). A rough coated guinea pig is bred to a smooth one, giving 8 rough and 7 smooth in the F1. a. What are the genotypes of the parents and their offspring? b. If one of the F1 animals is mated to its rough parent, what progeny would you expect? 16. Purple flowers have dominant expression over white flowers in the Jimsonweed. When a particular purple-flowered Jimsonweed is self-pollinated, there are 28 purple-flowered and 10 white-flowered progeny. What proportion of the purple-flowered progeny are true-breeding? 10 Science.1 30 nw&LV 2009 Pedigrees A pedigree is a family tree showing a line of descent. It can be used to trace the occurrence of inherited traits in parents and offspring through a number of generations. Pedigrees are valuable tools in genetic counselling. It allows a pattern of inheritance to be traced throughout generations of a family. This can allow identification of the genetic disease and advice can be made available on the probability of a couple having an affected child. Cystic fibrosis is an example of a recessive genetic disease. Huntington's chorea is an example of a dominant genetic disease. By convention, circles represent females and squares, males. A line between a square and a circle represents a union and a line down indicates offspring from the union. Filled in symbols represent individuals displaying the phenotype being studied. Dominant Inheritance In pattern 1, the son and father are both affected. This is a reasonable indication that the characteristic is dominant. An affected offspring must have at least one affected parent if the phenotype is dominant. Features of pedigrees of a dominant trait are: An affected offspring must have at least one affected parent Heterozygous individuals will be affected Two affected parents can produce an unaffected child (both parents would be heterozygous) Trait cannot reappear in future generations. Recessive Inheritance In pattern 2, the daughter is affected but neither parent is. This can only happen if the characteristic is recessive and the offspring are homozygous, e.g. bb. Both parent must be heterozygous, Bb. Features of pedigrees of a recessive trait are: Two unaffected patents can have an affected offspring Heterozygous individuals will be unaffected Two affected parents will always have an affected child. Trait can skip a generation and then reappear in future generations. 10 Science.1 31 nw&LV 2009 Reference: Core Biology Practical, Kate Mudie and Judith Brotherton p4.21 Pedigrees One form of expression of a characteristic may be prominent in certain families. Its inheritance is often illustrated by using family trees or pedigrees Symbols used in family tree diagrams include: Pedigree problems Part A A pedigree for the recessive pattern of inheritance of albinism is shown in Fig. 1 Use the pedigree answer the following questions. Key: Albino - a– Normal - A 1 Figure 1 Pedigree for albinism How many males and females in the pedigree are albino? 2 When two albino parents have children, are all their children albinos? 3 In the second generation a male albino married a ‘normal’ woman and they had three ‘normal’ children. If they had another child, what is the probability that it would be albino? 10 Science.1 32 nw&LV 2009 Part B Huntingtons disease is a progressive, neurological condition caused by an allele with dominant expression. The pedigree of a family with this condition is shown below Key A 1 2 3 Insert genotypes for as many people as you can in this pedigree. Does this condition skip a generation? If a person has the condition, what can be deduced about their parents? 3 If person A were to have another child, what is the probability that this child would have the condition? Part C Key Look at the pedigree in Figure 3 and then answer these questions about it. 1 3 4 5 12 6 13 2 7 8 9 10 14 11 _ 15 Figure 3 Family pedigree showing the inheritance of night blindness, a condition in which it’s difficult to see in dim light. The condition is controlled by a single pair of alleles, the allele for night blindness being dominant 1 Using B as the symbol for the night-blindness allele (dominant) and b for the normal allele (recessive), write down the possible genotypes of all the people in the chart. 2 Explain in words how you know the genotype of person 1. 3 How are persons 13 and 15 related to each other? 10 Science.1 33 nw&LV 2009 4 How do you know the genotypes of 13 and 15? 5 If 13 and 15 should marry, what is the chance that any of their children will be night-blind? Explain your answer. 6 If 14 and 15 marry, what is the chance of any of their children having night-blindness? Explain your answer. Part D Examine the family pedigree below. It illustrates the pattern of inheritance of right- (R) and lefthandedness (r) in a particular family. Familiarise yourself with the key before answering the questions. 1 Which characteristic, left- or right-handedness, is dominant in humans, and which is recessive? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 Write down the phenotypes and genotypes for each of the following individuals. Individual Phenotype Genotype A B C D F H 10 Science.1 34 nw&LV 2009 3 a Write down the phenotype for individuals E and G. _______________________________________________________________________________________ b List the possible genotypes for the individuals E and G. _______________________________________________________________________________________ c Explain how it is that you can be sure of the genotype for D but not for E or G. _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 4 Suppose individual F married a left-handed woman and they have three children—two girls and a boy. a Draw a pedigree to illustrate the phenotypes for this family. Beneath each individual write down the genotype for that person. b Explain how you can be sure of the genotypes of each individual. _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Part E A brown-eyed man whose father was brown-eyed and whose mother was blue-eyed married a blue-eyed woman whose father and mother were brown-eyed. The couple had a blue-eyed son. Of the individuals mentioned, can you be sure of their genotypes? What genotypes are possible for the others. State your reasoning. 10 Science.1 35 nw&LV 2009 Genes and chromosomes and DNA “The book of life” Our genetic information, sometimes described as the ‘Book of Life’, can be thought of as being made up of two volumes. Each volume of the book is contributed to a person by one of their parents. So in your ‘Genetic Book of Life’ (Figures 1.1 & 1.2): • One volume was inherited from your Mum and one from your Dad • Both volumes contain 23 chapters each, and together are equivalent to the 23 pairs of chromosomes present in your body cells that contain your genetic information • The 23 chapters (ie. chromosomes) are made up of a variable number of pages (ie. genes) • Women’s chromosomes are described as 46 XX; men’s as 46,XY • A mother passes 23 chromosomes to her child through her egg and a father passes 23 chromosomes through his sperm • The chromosomes consist of two very long thin strands of DNA chains twisted into the shape of a double helix and are located in the nucleus (the ‘control centre’) of our body cells • The chromosomes consist of long strands of genes. • Since the chromosomes come in pairs, the genes also come in pairs. • In each of the approximate 20,000 genes there is a piece of genetic information which guides our growth, development and health and is in the form of a chemical code, called the genetic code. 10 Science.1 36 nw&LV 2009 What is DNA? We all know that humans give birth to humans, elephants only give birth to little elephants, giraffes to giraffes, dogs to dogs and so on for every type of living creature. But why is this so? The answer lies in a molecule called deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), which contains the biological instructions that make each species unique. DNA, along with the instructions it contains, is passed from adult organisms to their offspring during reproduction. Where is DNA found? DNA is found inside a special area of the cell called the nucleus. Because the cell is very small, and because organisms have many DNA molecules per cell, each DNA molecule must be tightly packaged. This packaged form of the DNA is called a chromosome. DNA spends a lot of time in its chromosome form. But during cell division, DNA unwinds so it can be copied and the copies transferred to new cells. DNA also unwinds so that its instructions can be used to make proteins and for other biological processes. Researchers refer to DNA found in the cell's nucleus as nuclear DNA. An organism's complete set of nuclear DNA is called its genome. Besides the DNA located in the nucleus, humans and other complex organisms also have a small amount of DNA in other cell structures known as mitochondria. Mitochondria generate the energy the cell needs to function properly. In sexual reproduction, organisms inherit half of their nuclear DNA from the male parent and half from the female parent. However, organisms inherit all of their mitochondrial DNA from the female parent. This occurs because only egg cells, and not sperm cells, keep their mitochondria during fertilization. What is DNA made of? DNA is made of chemical building blocks called nucleotides. These building blocks are made of three parts: a phosphate group, a sugar group and one of four types of nitrogen bases. To form a strand of DNA, nucleotides are linked into chains, with the phosphate and sugar groups alternating. The four types of nitrogen bases found in nucleotides are: adenine (A), , thymine (T), guanine (G) and cytosine (C). The order, or sequence, of these bases determines what biological instructions are contained in a strand of DNA. For example, the sequence ATCGTT might instruct for blue eyes, while ATCGCT might instruct for brown. Each DNA sequence that contains instructions to make a protein is known as a gene. The size of a gene may vary greatly, ranging from about 1,000 bases to 1 million bases in humans. The complete DNA instruction book, or genome, for a human contains about 3 billion bases and about 20,000 genes on 23 pairs of chromosomes. What does DNA do? DNA contains the instructions needed for an organism to develop, survive and reproduce. To carry out these functions, DNA sequences must be converted into messages that can be used to produce proteins, which are the complex molecules that do most of the work in our bodies. 10 Science.1 37 nw&LV 2009 How are DNA sequences used to make proteins? DNA's instructions are used to make proteins in a two-step process. First, enzymes read the information in a DNA molecule and transcribe it into an intermediary molecule called messenger ribonucleic acid, or mRNA. Next, the information contained in the mRNA molecule is translated into the "language" of amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins. This language tells the cell's protein-making machinery the precise order in which to link the amino acids to produce a specific protein. This is a major task because there are 20 types of amino acids, which can be placed in many different orders to form a wide variety of proteins. Proteins Although DNA is the carrier of genetic information in a cell, proteins do the bulk of the work. Proteins are long chains containing as many as 20 different kinds of amino acids. Each cell contains thousands of different proteins: enzymes that make new molecules and catalyze nearly all chemical processes in cells; structural components that give cells their shape and help them move; hormones that transmit signals throughout the body; antibodies that recognize foreign molecules; and transport molecules that carry oxygen. The genetic code carried by DNA is what specifies the order and number of amino acids and, therefore, the shape and function of the protein. Who discovered DNA? The German biochemist Frederich Miescher first observed DNA in the late 1800s. But nearly a century passed from that discovery until researchers unraveled the structure of the DNA molecule and realized its central importance to biology. For many years, scientists debated which molecule carried life's biological instructions. Most thought that DNA was too simple a molecule to play such a critical role. Instead, they argued that proteins were more likely to carry out this vital function because of their greater complexity and wider variety of forms. The importance of DNA became clear in 1953 thanks to the work of James Watson, Francis Crick, Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin. By studying X-ray diffraction patterns and building models, the scientists figured out the double helix structure of DNA - a structure that enables it to carry biological information from one generation to the next. What is the DNA double helix? Scientist use the term "double helix" to describe DNA's winding, two-stranded chemical structure. This shape - which looks much like a twisted ladder - gives DNA the power to pass along biological instructions with great precision. To understand DNA's double helix from a chemical standpoint, picture the sides of the ladder as strands of alternating sugar and phosphate groups - strands that run in opposite directions. Each "rung" of the ladder is made up of two nitrogen bases, paired together by hydrogen bonds. Because of the highly specific nature of this type of 10 Science.1 38 nw&LV 2009 chemical pairing, base A always pairs with base T, and likewise C with G. So, if you know the sequence of the bases on one strand of a DNA double helix, it is a simple matter to figure out the sequence of bases on the other strand. DNA's unique structure enables the molecule to copy itself during cell division. When a cell prepares to divide, the DNA helix splits down the middle and becomes two single strands. These single strands serve as templates for building two new, double-stranded DNA molecules - each a replica of the original DNA molecule. In this process, an A base is added wherever there is a T, a C where there is a G, and so on until all of the bases once again have partners. In addition, when proteins are being made, the double helix unwinds to allow a single strand of DNA to serve as a template. This template strand is then transcribed into mRNA, which is a molecule that conveys vital instructions to the cell's protein-making machinery. 10 Science.1 39 nw&LV 2009 Genes, Chromosomes & DNA notes 10 Science.1 40 nw&LV 2009 Questions: Genes and Chromosomes and DNA 1. In the book of life, what are the two volumes and where do they come from? 2. How many chapters are there? In the analogy what do the chapters refer to? 3. What is the full name of DNA? 4. What structure do the chemical building blocks of DNA have? 5. What are the 4 building blocks in DNA? 6. What are the base pairing rules? 7. Draw the opposite complementary DNA strand for the following DNA strand AAT CGA CCT GAT CCG 8. What is found on the chromosomes? 9. What is the human genome? 10. What is a gene? 11. Where are genes located? 12. How many genes are thought to be in humans? 14. What information is on a gene? 15. Name 5 of the types of proteins found in cells. 10 Science.1 41 nw&LV 2009 Structure of DNA 10 Science.1 42 nw&LV 2009 Human Chromosomes Introduction All of the cells in the human body, except for the reproductive cells, have 23 pairs of chromosomes. One set of chromosomes comes from a person's mother, and the other from a person's father. One pair of chromosomes is known as the sex chromosomes. The sex chromosomes of a female consist of two X chromosomes. A male has an X and a Y sex chromosome. If a person does not have the exact number of chromosomes, or if one of the chromosomes is not fully formed, the person will have what is known as a genetic disorder. Very few genetic disorders can be successfully treated by doctors. This activity will give you the opportunity to examine human chromosomes. During mitosis, the chromosomes become short and thick and are easy to identify. Each pair of chromosomes has a distinctive shape and appearance. Scientists can take a picture of the chromosomes and then match the pairs to display a complete set of human chromosomes. The pairs are usually arranged size to form a complete picture of the chromosomes. This picture is called a karyotype. 10 Science.1 43 nw&LV 2009 Activity : Karyotypes Aim To determine the sex and chromosome condition of an individual using a karyotype. Method Clear a work space on your desk or table. Carefully cut out the chromosomes shown. Now try to match chromosomes by their size and appearance. Tape the pairs together on a separate piece of paper. Start with the largest chromosomes and work toward the smallest. If the chromosomes are from a male, you will be left with two unmatching chromosomes, a medium size X chromosome and a small Y chromosome Tape the sex chromosomes at the bottom of your page. Discussion and conclusion 1 Do you think this individual is a male or a female? Why? 2 Do all of the chromosomes match up? 3 How many of the chromosomes are involved in the inheritance of the gender of an individual? 4 Based on your observations, do you think the person has a genetic disorder? Why or why not? 5 Downs syndrome is due to an extra chromosome 21. Why do most embryos with extra chromosomes not survive until birth? Evaluation 6 What were some problems you ran into when trying to match the chromosomes? 7 When you are finished matching the chromosomes as best you can, compare your karyotype with your classmates. Did your classmates match the same chromosomes that you did? 10 Science.1 44 nw&LV 2009 Homework Determine the problem for each of the karyotypes shown in the link below: http://www.biology.arizona.edu/human_bio/activities/karyotyping/karyotyping2.html Patient A: _____________________________________________________________ Patient B: _____________________________________________________________ Patient C: _____________________________________________________________ Karyotype results 10 Science.1 45 nw&LV 2009 NOTE: a stain is often used to give chromosomes a banded appearance. This helps in their identification. The banding pattern does not represent individual genes but regions of that may contain hundreds of genes. This page has been left blank. 10 Science.1 46 nw&LV 2009 Reference: Biology for Life, MBV Roberts p33, ASEP Genetics p51 Advanced Biology, Mary Jones and Geoff Jones p135 A boy or a girl? The cells of an adult human contain 46 chromosomes (23 pairs). One pair is called sex chromosomes because they determine the individual's sex. There are two types of sex chromosome: a long one known as the X chromosome, and a short one known as a Y chromosome. Males contain an X and a Y chromosome, whereas females contain two X chromosomes. Sperm which males produce in their testes contain only one of these two chromosomes, either an X or a Y. This is because they are formed by meiosis. In fact, of all the sperm formed, half will contain an X and half a Y. On the other hand, all the ova which females produces in their ovaries will contain an X chromosome. This is shown in the top part of Figure 1. When fertilisation occurs, the ovum may be fertilised by either an X containing sperm or a Y containing sperm. If fertilisation is random, as it's believed to be, there is an equal chance of either happening. If an X sperm fertilises the ovum the zygote will contain two X chromosomes and this will develop into a female. On the other hand if a Y containing sperm fertilises the ovum, the zygote will contain an X and a Y chromosome and will develop into a male. This is shown in the bottom part of Figure 1. 10 Science.1 47 nw&LV 2009 Genetic disorders involving the sex chromosomes Condition Sex chromosomes Incidence Jacob’s Syndrome XYY,XYYY 1 in 7500 live male births Klinefelter’s Syndrome XXY,XXXY, XXXXY 1 in 1000 live male births Turner’s Syndrome XO 1 in 5000 live female births Super Female XXX, XXXX, XXXXX 1 in 1200 live female births Normal Male XY Normal Female XX 10 Science.1 Greater than 1/2 of live births Less than 1/2 of live births 48 Phenotype Tall and sometimes aggressive. Very tall, sometimes develop breasts (20%) and usually infertile. Short stature, infertile, shieldlike chest and webbed neck. Apparently normal female (XXX) or low fertility/intelligence (XXXX and XXXXX). Normal Male Normal Female nw&LV 2009 Chromosome number questions Sperm and ova contain precisely half the number of chromosomes typically found in body cells. The number of chromosomes found in somatic cells of several mammals is shown below: Diploid Human Brush-tailed possum Mouse American opossum Killer whale Haploid 46 20 40 22 44 Q1. Which animal has 20 chromosomes in a sperm? Q2. Which has 23 chromosomes in a mature sperm? Q3. Which has 22 in a mature sperm? Q4. Which has 10 chromosomes in a mature sperm? Q5. How many number 9 chromosomes do you have in each body cell? Explain. Q6. How many number 9 chromosomes did you inherit from your mother? Explain. Q7. How many sex chromosomes do you have in your body cells? What kind are they? Q8. What sex chromosome did you inherit from your mother? Q9. What sex chromosome did you inherit from your father? Q10. The diploid number of the red kangaroo is 20. What is the haploid number of this species? Q11. The cat has a diploid number of 38. How many chromosomes would be expected in each of the following cells of a cat? a) A bone marrow cell; b) A skin cell; c) An egg cell; d) A fertilised egg; e) A cell from a developing embryo. 10 Science.1 49 nw&LV 2009 MITOSIS AND MEIOSIS When normal body cells (somatic cells) divide, they must reproduce exactly the same number if chromosomes (46), so that the new cells are exactly the same. This cell division is called mitosis. When egg and sperm cells are made, they must be produced with only 23 chromosomes. Cells in the ovary and in the testes carry out this division to produce daughter cells with half the number of chromosomes. This type of cell division is called meiosis. 1. In what cells of the body would mitosis occur? Give 3 examples. 2. In what cells of the body would meiosis occur? Give 2 examples. 3. Compare meiosis and mitosis. 10 Science.1 Number of times the chromosomes duplicate Number of times the nucleus divides Number of daughter cells produced by the process Number of chromosomes in the new daughter cells Daughter cells produced are identical/non-identical to parent cell http://www.biology.arizona.edu/cell_bio/tutorials/meiosis/ page3.html 50 http://www.biology.arizona.edu/cell_bio/t utorials/cell_cycle/cells3.html nw&LV 2009 Comparison of Meiosis and Mitosis Meiosis Mitosis Similarities Differences 10 Science.1 51 nw&LV 2009 Activity: “Rikki Lake” Genetics The Scenario Sick of her usual ‘who is the father?’ show format, Rikki Lake has decided to present definite sets of parents and get her audience to use punnet squares to match kid to their parents. On the following sheets the parents and their characteristics are presented. Your task is to match the correct child to their parents. “Go Rikki!” Part 1 – The 5 characteristics You will be matching the children to their parents using the following five characteristics: Table 1 Phenotype Ability to roll Can’t roll tongue Brown Blue Widow’s peak No widow’s peak Free ear lobes Attached ear lobes Non-red hair Red hair Characteristic Tongue rolling Eye Colour Widow’s peak Ear lobes Hair colour Genotype/s TT or Tt tt BB or Bb bb WW or Ww ww FF or Ff ff HH or Hh hh 1. List which phenotype is dominant for each characteristic. (Hint: check the genotypes.) 2. Identify the homozygous recessive form for hair colour and eye colour. Part 2 – Meet the parents In the tables below each parent has been listed with their phenotypes and genotypes. Jane’s phenotype Can’t roll tongue Blue eyes No widow’s peak Attached ear lobes Red hair Jane’s genotype tt bb ww ff hh Martin’s phenotype Able to roll tongue Blue eyes No widow’s peak Attached ear lobes Non-red hair Martin’s genotype TT bb ww ff Hh 3. Below punnet squares have been set out for the first couple (Jane and Martin).These should be copied into your books and used for each couple. Give the resulting phenotypes and genotypes for each cross and couple. Punnet square crosses for Jane and Martin Tongue rolling t t T T Possible children’s phenotypes: ___________________ Possible children’s genotypes: ____________________ Eye colour b b b b Possible children’s phenotypes: ___________________ Possible children’s genotypes: ____________________ 10 Science.1 52 nw&LV 2009 Ear lobes f f f f Possible children’s phenotypes: ___________________ Possible children’s genotypes: ____________________ Widow’s peak w w w w Possible children’s phenotypes: ___________________ Possible children’s genotypes: ____________________ Hair colour H h h h Possible children’s phenotypes: ___________________ Possible children’s genotypes: ____________________ Couple Number 2: Sholene and Bob Sholene’s phenotype Able to roll tongue Blue eyes Widow’s peak Free ear lobes Red hair Sholene’s genotype TT bb WW FF hh Bob’s phenotype Can’t roll tongue Blue eyes No widow’s peak Attached ear lobes Red hair Bob’s genotype Tt Bb Ww Ff Hh Glen’s phenotype Can’t roll tongue Brown eyes Widow’s peak Attached ear lobes Non-red hair Glen’s genotype Tt Bb WW Ff HH Joe’s phenotype Can’t roll tongue Brown eyes Widow’s peak Attached ear lobes Non-red hair Joe’s genotype Tt BB Ww Ff Hh Couple Number 3: Cherise and Glen Cherise’s phenotype Able to roll tongue Brown eyes Widow’s peak Free ear lobes Non-red hair Cherise’s genotype Tt BB Ww FF HH Couple Number 4: Glory and Joe Glory’s phenotype Able to roll tongue Brown eyes No widow’s peak Attached ear lobes Non-red hair 10 Science.1 Glory’s genotype TT Bb ww ff HH 53 nw&LV 2009 Part 3 – Meet and Match the Children Each of the following four children belongs to one of the above sets of parents. Mobi’s phenotype Can roll tongue Blue eyes Widow’s peak Free ear lobes Red hair Mobi’s genotype Tt bb Ww Ff hh Shakula’s phenotype Can roll tongue Brown eyes No widow’s peak Attached ear lobes Non-red hair Shakula’s genotype TT BB ww ff HH Neesha’s phenotype Can roll tongue Blue eyes No widow’s peak Attached ear lobes Red hair Neesha’s genotype Tt bb ww ff hh Rajah’s phenotype Can’t roll tongue Brown eyes Widow’s peak Free ear lobes Non red hair Rajah’s genotype tt Bb Ww Ff HH 4. Use the information you have recorded in Part 2 to decide which child belongs with which set of parents. Give reasons for your choices. Source: Fiona Trapani, Craigeburn Secondary College 10 Science.1 54 nw&LV 2009 Revision : Worksheet 1 1. One parent has dimples, and comes from a family which all have dimples (assume pure breeding). The other parent does not have dimples. Will their children have dimples? Assume that ‘dimples’ is usually dominant over ‘no dimples’. 2. a) In another family if two parents have dimples, will all their children have dimples? b) If neither parent has dimples, will any of their children have dimples? 3. a) Dark hair is dominant over red hair. If two parents have red hair, what colour hair will their children have? b) If one parent is heterozygous for dark hair, and the other has red hair, what will be the genotypes and phenotypes of their children? 4. 5. In the garden-pea, white flower (p) is recessive to purple flower (P) a) What is the phenotype of a Pp plant? b) What is the genotype of a plant with white flowers? c) What is the genotype of a plant with purple flowers? Assume that white colour is dominant over yellow colour in squash. Pollen from the anthers of a heterozygous white-fruited plant is placed on the pistil of a yellow-fruited plant. Show, using ratios, the genotypes and phenotypes you would expect the seeds from this cross to produce. 6. In human beings, the allele for brown eyes is usually dominant over the allele for blue eyes. Suppose a blue-eyed man married a brown-eyed woman whose father was blue-eyed. What proportion of their children would you predict to have blue eyes? 7. If a brown-eyed man married a blue-eyed woman and they have ten children, all brown-eyed, can you be certain that the man is homozygous? If the eleventh child has brown eyes, will that prove what the father’s genotype is? 8. A brown-eyed man whose father was brown-eyed and whose mother was blue-eyed married a blue-eyed woman whose father and mother were both brown-eyed. The couple has a blueeyed son. For which of the individuals mentioned can you be sure of the genotype? Draw a pedigree showing all possible genotypes. 10 Science.1 55 nw&LV 2009 9. 10. Suppose that radishes have two alleles for shape - RL for long, and RR for round. a) What is the genotype of a long radish? b) What is the genotype of a round radish? c) What is the phenotype of a radish with an RL RR genotype? d) What genotypes could be expected in the offspring of a cross between two oval radishes? d) If a plant with oval radishes is crossed with a plant bearing long radishes, what could the F1 be like? There is incomplete dominance inheritance for feather colour in Andalusian fowls. Choose appropriate allele symbols. a) What colour would you expect the offspring of a white hen and a black rooster to be? b) If these offspring were crossed among themselves, is it possible for all the next generation to be black? c) 11. What would the offspring of a black Andalusian rooster with a grey hen look like? If the litter resulting from the mating of two short-tailed cats contains three kittens without tails, two with long tails, and six with short tails, what would be the simplest way of explaining the inheritance of tail length in these cats? Show genotypes. 10 Science.1 56 nw&LV 2009 Revision : Worksheet 2 1 One half of a section of the double helix ‘ladder’ is shown below. The bases adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine are abbreviated to A, G, C and T respectively. Draw the complementary strand, complete with the correct base pairs. Strand A Strand B A C A G T 2 Write down the number of genes for each characteristic, either one or two, that are found in each of the stages of reproduction below. Male sex cells are called sperm. Female sex cells are called eggs. Sperm and eggs are formed by the process known as mitosis/meiosis. number of genes __________ number of genes __________ Sex cells carry one gene for each characteristic. They are said to be haploid/diploid. At fertilisation the sperm nucleus and the egg nucleus fuse. number of genes __________ There are now two genes for each characteristic in the fertilised egg cell—one from each parent. The egg is haploid/diploid. The egg grows and divides into a zygote by mitosis/meiosis. number of genes __________ 10 Science.1 57 nw&LV 2009 Revision Worksheet 3 Rule a line between the dots to match each definition with the correct word. Start the lines from the dots. The letter that each line passes through gives the answer to the question at the bottom of the page. 1 Thread-like structures of genetic material found in the nucleus of cells. gene 2 Package of genetic information coding for a particular characteristic of an organism. genotype 3 Chemical substance from which chromosomes are composed. homozygous 4 Cell division that results in cells with the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell. chromosome 5 The genetic make-up of an organism. DNA 6 Chemical units that pair up to make DNA. dominant 7 A trait that can skip a generation. bases 8 An organism that has two identical alleles for a particular characteristic. mitosis 9 The gene that is exhibited as a physical trait over another that is not exhibited. recessive 10 Science.1 58 nw&LV 2009 Practical Investigations 10 Science.1 59 nw&LV 2009 Practical Exercise 1 Genetic Barley Background Many of the early investigations into patterns of inheritance were carried out using plants. Mendel’s famous pea plants were well documented in the 1800’s, and are now well known today. The genetics of a number of more common plant species is also well known. In this activity you will observe inheritance patterns in barley. The character being investigated is seedling colour. The alternate phenotypes are green seedlings and albino seedlings (which lack the green pigment chlorophyll). The seeds used in this activity are the result of the cross Aa x Aa. ‘A’ represents green pigment production and ‘a’ represents lack of pigment production. In barley seeds, green seedling is the dominant phenotype over the albino seedling. Aim To study the relative effects of heredity on barley seeds with respect to pigmentation. Materials- per group 1 petri dish Permanent marker Cotton wool-sufficient to cover base of both dishes Forceps H2O wash bottle Barley seeds: 20 Method Day 1 1. Label the petri dishes on the side with your initials, using a permanent marker. 2. Fill the bottom of each dish with cotton wool and soak with water. During the course of the experiment, the cotton wool must be kept moist and not allowed to dry out. 3. Place 20 seeds on each petri dish and replace the lid. Day 6 and Day 10 1. By now, at least half of the seeds should have germinated. Each young barley plant consists of white or colourless roots and a tiny shoot. Usually the roots appear first, but in this experiment, you are concerned only with the shoot. Some of the seedlings will have green shoots, and some will have yellowish (‘albino’) shoots 2. Count the number of green and albino shoots in each dish. Do not count seedlings in which the shoots have not yet broken through. Both partners should do the count to confirm the results. Recount if there is any discrepancy. Results Green Albino Seedling Colour Total % Albino % Green Group Class 10 Science.1 60 nw&LV 2009 Discussion & Conclusion 1. From the information provided above, what would you expect the colour of the plants to be? Use a punnet square and show the complete cross. 2. Using the class and group results, calculate the simplest ratio of green to albino seedlings. Which result is the most reliable? Why? 3. How well do the class results match with what the theory predicts? Comment on any similarities or differences. 4. What is the genotype of the albino seedlings? 5. Why do the albino seedlings not survive? 6. What are the possible genotypes of the green seedlings? Explain. Conclusion What did you learn about a cross between heterozygotes from this practical? What did you learn about sample size from this experiment? 10 Science.1 61 nw&LV 2009 Practical Exercise 2: DNA Extraction Aim To extract DNA from the cells of raw wheat germ Materials ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 1 teaspoon raw wheat germ 1 ml detergent 20 ml alcohol 20 ml of hot water (50 -60) methylene blue microscope methylene blue ● ● ● ● ● ● test-tube rack 50 ml test tube dropping pipette measuring cylinder stirring rod slide and coverslip Method Part A 1. Place 1 gram or 1 teaspoon of raw wheat germ in a 50 ml test tube. 2. Add 20 m; of hot tap water and mix constantly with glass rod for 3 minutes. 3. Add 1 ml of detergent and mix gently every minute for 5 minutes. Try not to create foam. 4. Use an eyedropper, pipette, or piece of paper towel to remove any foam from the top of the solution. 5. Tilt the test tube at an angle. SLOWLY pour 15 ml of alcohol down the side so that it forms a layer on top of the water/wheat germ/detergent solution. Do not mix the two layers together. DNA precipitates at the water-alcohol interface. Therefore, it is crucial to pour the alcohol very slowly so that it forms a layer on top of the water solution. If the alcohol mixes with the water, it will become too dilute and the DNA will not precipitate. 6. Let the test tube, beaker or jar sit for a few minutes. White, stringy, filmy DNA will begin to appear where the water and alcohol meet. 7. Use a glass or paper clip hook or a wooden stick to collect the DNA. Part B 1. Place some of the DNA on a microscope slide. Stain with 1 drop of methylene blue. Cover with a coverslip. 2. View under low, then high power. Results and Discussion 1. Write a detailed description of the material floating at the top of the test-tube after adding the alcohol. 10 Science.1 62 nw&LV 2009 1. Draw and label a diagram of the high power view of the DNA. 3. Why is detergent used in the experiment? 4. What is the purpose of the alcohol? 5. If the DNA was extracted from a sheep’s liver, what would you expect it to look like? 10 Science.1 63 nw&LV 2009 GLOSSARY allele autosome carrier chromosome codominance deoxyribonu cleic acid (DNA) diploid dominant double helix 10 Science.1 64 nw&LV 2009 gamete gene genetics genotype haploid heterozygous homozygous homologous pairs incomplete dominance karyotype 10 Science.1 65 nw&LV 2009 meiosis mitosis mutation nucleus pedigree phenotype recessive sex chromosome somatic cells 10 Science.1 66 nw&LV 2009 10 Science.1 67 nw&LV 2009