IN ST IT UT IO N AL R E V I EW BO A RD PROCESS AND PROCEDURES FOR REQUESTS TO WAIVE THE KAPLAN UNIVERSITY IRB RESEARCH CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT (RCA)i In addition to generally applicable laws, regulations and Kaplan Higher Education policies and procedures governing the conduct of research, investigators of protocols that are determined to be research [45 CFR 46.102(d)]ii may, under certain conditions, request a waiver of the Kaplan University IRB’s Research Confidentiality Agreement (RCA) (commonly referred to as the “legal agreement”). To raise awareness of this waiver option for certain research, this document, “Process and Procedures for Requests to Waive the Kaplan University IRB Research Confidentiality Agreement,” will be disseminated to the University community by means of the IRB Sharepoint site, the Center for Teaching and Learning’s Sharepoint site, and Doc Sharing folders in research courses. As an additional step in raising awareness of the waiver option for certain research, when it’s determined that an investigator is proposing to conduct research involving Kaplan populations, effort will be made by IRB staff to have an initial telephone conversation with the investigator for the purpose of providing an overview of the IRB process, including, but not limited to, discussion of the RCA, existence of the waiver of the RCA, and addressing any questions the investigator may have. Following is the operating procedure for requesting, processing, and documenting requests to waive the IRB’s RCA for research involving data on/from Kaplan populations. KHE IRB 550 West Van Buren, Suite 700 Chicago, IL 60607 312.777.6406 1 7 Associate Chair Chair IN ST IT UT IO N AL R E V I EW BO A RD SECTION 1: REQUESTING A WAIVER OF LEGAL AGREEMENT 1. Who may request a waiver? Only Kaplan University investigators who submit a research protocol to the IRB that involves data on/from Kaplan populations may complete an application to request a waiver of the RCA. To be clear, the waiver is only for Kaplan University employees (staff/faculty) and students. 2. To whom should the waiver request be submitted for approval? Requests to waive the IRB’s RCA should be submitted directly to the Kaplan University President or an institutional official (IO) designated by the University President. 3. How will approval of a waiver be documented and reported back to the research investigator so that he or she can include it in the submission to the IRB? Approval of a waiver of the IRB’s RCA will be documented by the Kaplan University President/IO, directly within the Waiver Form. The President/IO will return the approved Waiver Form directly to the investigator. It is the responsibility of the investigator to submit the completed Waiver Form (bearing the signature of the Kaplan University President/IO) to the IRB. For the IRB to honor any approval of a waiver of the RCA, the approved Waiver Form must bear the original handwritten signature of the Kaplan University President/IO. To be clear, an approval of waiver with a digital or scanned signature will not be accepted. KHE IRB 550 West Van Buren, Suite 700 Chicago, IL 60607 312.777.6406 2 7 Associate Chair Chair IN ST IT UT IO N AL R E V I EW BO A RD SECTION 2: AGREEMENT PROCESSING REQUESTS FOR A WAIVER OF RESEARCH CONFIDENTIALITY The following procedures will be implemented for any research protocol submitted to the Kaplan University IRB that involves data on/from Kaplan populations: 1. When an investigator first contacts the IRB staff for information about getting started on the IRB submission process, the IRB staff will inform the investigator about the stipulations of the RCA and the option to waive the RCA. a. Messaging to the investigator will make it clear that, although the waiver of the RCA may be requested by any Kaplan University student or employee, priority is given to granting waiver requests for institutional research projects that fit certain limited and defined circumstances that are, typically, preceded by executive-level input. 2. The investigator informs the IRB staff of his/her choice for routing the proposed research protocol; the investigator must choose 1 of 2 possible process paths, delineated below: a. Process Path 1 – Comply with RCA If the investigator opts to comply with the stipulations of the RCA, the investigator’s protocol will be routed through the applicable IRB review mechanism (i.e., exemptiii or full board reviewiv, depending on risk of harm to human subjects). i. Contingent on the IRB’s determination to approve the proposed research, the investigator will be asked to sign-off on the RCA. ii. Upon the IRB’s receipt of the signed RCA, the investigator will be provided with the final approval letter of the IRB. b. Process Path 2 – Request a Waiver of RCA If the investigator opts to request a waiver of the RCA, the investigator will be instructed to complete the Waiver Form and submit it to the Kaplan University President/IO. i. If the Kaplan University President/IO approves the waiver request, the investigator will be expected to submit the approved waiver to the IRB, along with relevant protocol documentation, and proceed through the regular IRB process (see Appendix A) ii. The investigator’s protocol will be routed through the applicable IRB review mechanism (i.e., exempt or full board review, depending on risk of harm to human subjects). iii. If the Kaplan University President/IO disapproves the waiver request, the investigator may consider the option of signing-off on the RCA and proceeding through the regular IRB process (see Appendix A). KHE IRB 550 West Van Buren, Suite 700 Chicago, IL 60607 312.777.6406 3 7 Associate Chair Chair IN ST IT UT IO N AL R E V I EW BO A RD SECTION 3: DOCUMENTING REQUESTS FOR A WAIVER OF RESEARCH CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEEMENT The following procedures will be implemented for any research protocol submitted to the Kaplan University IRB that (1) involves data on/from Kaplan populations; and (2) includes an approved Waiver Form. 1. When assigning such research protocols for IRB review, the IRB staff will include an investigator’s approved Waiver Form among the investigator’s protocol submission materials. 2. In the assignment of the research protocol to IRB review, the IRB staff will include a written statement that calls the attention of the IRB to the existence of a Waiver Form. The statement will read: Note: This submission includes a completed and approved “Request for Waiver of Research Confidentiality Agreement” form. 3. Following the IRB’s determination on such research protocols, the IRB staff will maintain both print and digital copies of the protocol submission materials, including the Waiver Form, and the IRB’s review documentation (i.e., completed reviewer guides) and letter of determination(s). KHE IRB 550 West Van Buren, Suite 700 Chicago, IL 60607 312.777.6406 7 4 Associate Chair Chair IN ST IT UT IO N AL R E V I EW BO A RD The following procedures will be implemented for any research protocol that involves a disapproved Waiver Form or one with modifications requested by the Kaplan University President/IO. 1. It is the responsibility of the investigator to acquire approval of the waiver request from the Kaplan University President/IO. The IRB will not be responsible, in any way, for facilitating or supporting disapproved waivers or waivers involving modifications requested by the University President/IO. 2. It is the responsibility of the investigator and the Kaplan University President/IO to retain a record of any disapproved Waiver Form or one requiring modifications. The IRB will not maintain a record of disapproved waivers or waivers involving modifications. 3. It is the responsibility of the investigator to contact the IRB staff when an approved waiver is acquired and, subsequently, the investigator is prepared to initiate the IRB process. 4. In cases where an investigator’s waiver request is disapproved, it is the responsibility of the investigator to inform the IRB staff about the disapproval and his/her decision to submit his/her protocol to the IRB to comply with the terms of the RCA. 5. If the investigator informs the IRB staff that (a) the waiver request was disapproved by the Kaplan University President/IO; and (b) the investigator opts to submit his/her protocol to the IRB to comply with the terms of the RCA, then: a. The IRB staff will provide an email statement to the investigator to (a) acknowledge receipt of the investigator’s submission materials; and (b) confirm with the investigator that the submission is subject to the stipulations of the RCA (contingent on IRB approval). b. In the assignment of the research protocol to IRB review, the IRB staff will not reference any history tied to the investigator’s initial waiver request. Instead, the IRB staff will include a written statement that calls the attention of the IRB to the applicability of the RCA. Consistent with current practice, the statement will read: As a reminder, if data is to be collected from Kaplan students, administrators, faculty or staff, the protocol must also comply with the stipulations of our legal agreement. c. Following the IRB’s determination on such research protocols, the IRB staff will maintain both print and digital copies of the protocol submission materials, the IRB’s review documentation (i.e., completed reviewer guides), and letter of determination(s). KHE IRB 550 West Van Buren, Suite 700 Chicago, IL 60607 312.777.6406 5 7 Associate Chair Chair IN ST IT UT IO N AL R E V I EW BO A RD Appendix A Kaplan University IRB Process At a very high-level, there are 6 sequential steps or stages involved in the Kaplan University IRB process. In short, these steps summarize the IRB process from an administrative standpoint. Step 1. Get Investigators Started on the IRB Process. This involves IRB support staff providing investigators with the appropriate application form and guidance on preparing a submission, including how-to information on complying with the IRB’s educational training standard. Step 2. Pre-Screen Protocol Submissions, involves IRB support staff, minimally, checking for completion of training, human subjects’ protections assurances, assessing the quality of the proposed research design, and providing feedback to and working with an investigator to ensure all possible elements the IRB would need to conduct its review are included in a submission. Step 3. Assign to Reviewers or Schedule a Meeting of the IRB, involves a number of sub-tasks that IRB support staff facilitate, but that may vary depending on the type of submission: exempt (proposals posing minimal risk of harm to human subjects) or full/expedited (proposals posing greater than minimal risk of harm to human subjects). Typically, in this step of the process, IRB support staff compile submission materials for IRB members' review, and update the summary of submissions tracking matrix on the IRB Share Point site accordingly. Depending on the content of the submission and availability of reviewers with content expertise, IRB support staff may need to onboard new IRB members on what is expected of them in reviewing a protocol. Step 4. Monitor Review, also involves a number of sub-tasks that IRB support staff facilitate, but that may slightly vary, depending on the type of submission. Typically, for exempt submissions sub-tasks include sending "as needed" reminders to IRB members to complete the review; providing "as needed" updates to investigators on the status of review; and troubleshooting any questions or issues from investigators and reviewers). Step 5. Documenting & Communicating a Determination. Here, IRB support staff draft a letter to the investigator to document the IRB’s determination. If the determination calls for modifications to the protocol, then steps are taken to work with the investigator to bring the protocol up to the IRB's standard; this may involve initiating the review process again or administratively approving the modifications. If there are discrepancies between reviewer determinations, IRB support staff work with the reviewers to resolve these. If compliance with Legal stipulations is required, IRB support staff work with the investigator to ensure this happens. Here as well, and as a way to communicate the status of submissions to the University community, the IRB support staff update the submissions tracking matrix on the IRB SP site accordingly. If the submission went through a full board review, then IRB support staff draft the minutes of the full board meeting, request review and approval of the minutes by the Board, post the minutes to the Share Point site, and communicate a determination to the investigator via a formal letter. Step 6. Archive, here, the IRB’s Determination and investigator’s Submission Materials are archived. This means that IRB support staff create both a hard copy and electronic folder in which all submission materials are compiled, along with the IRB determination, any key correspondence from the IRB review, and other relevant documentation for future reference. KHE IRB 550 West Van Buren, Suite 700 Chicago, IL 60607 312.777.6406 76 Associate Chair Chair IN ST IT UT IO N AL R E V I EW BO A RD ii Approved for use September 1, 2010. ii The Kaplan University Institutional Review Board (IRB) reviews activities that meet the Federal definitions of research with human subjects. Per 45 CFR 46.102(d), “research” means a systematic investigation, including research development, testing and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge. Activities which meet this definition constitute research for purposes of the policy, whether or not they are conducted or supported under a program which is considered research for other purposes. For example, some demonstration and service programs include research activities. Per 45 CFR 46.102(f), “human subject” means a living individual about whom an investigator (whether professional or student) conducting research obtains (1) data through intervention or interaction with the individual, or (2) identifiable private information. iii Claim of exemption submissions from KU administrators, faculty, or students are channeled through an expedited process. Under this process, two IRB members are assigned to review the submission. The two IRB members review the submission and make a determination within five business days of receipt. Investigators can expect to hear from the OIE/IRB staff with updates on the status of their submission during the review period. Upon receipt of the IRB members’ determination, individual letters are drafted and sent via e-mail to investigators, so it may take another 2-5 business days for feedback to reach investigators. iv Research investigators submitting a proposal requiring full IRB review (i.e., research involving more than minimal risk of harm to subjects) must be prepared to present their proposal during a regular meeting of the IRB, which occurs via teleconference on the second Wednesday of each month at 1:00pm CST. An ad hoc meeting of the IRB may also be requested by the investigator, but the IRB would need to receive and review the investigator’s submission at least two weeks before the meeting. If a protocol is submitted for full/expedited review (i.e., protocols that do not qualify for a claim of exemption), it takes at least 5-7 business days past the IRB meeting to compile the minutes of that meeting and draft individual letters to investigators. Typically, letters are sent via e-mail, ensuring prompt feedback to investigators. KHE IRB 550 West Van Buren, Suite 700 Chicago, IL 60607 312.777.6406 7 Associate Chair Chair