A Women`s Wellness Center - Net Impact

We’re looking for a student who wants to make a meaningful contribution to a legacy project that is
just emerging in the Denver Metro area. The South Platte River Urban Waters Partnership*,
(“UWP”) is looking for an intern to help us launch a new venture.
The federal government tasked the UWP with identifying needs in the local water community and
finding ways of meeting those needs. Their answer: The Water Connection (“TWC”). The Water
Connection is being developed as the catalyst for innovative and collaborative work, a place for ideas
and projects to take hold, and a home for thought leaders in the environmental community. It is also
envisioned to serve as a national model for other Urban Waters Partnership locations throughout the
country. The Water Connection may serve to:
 Engage businesses – start-up, small, and large corporations – in the work of The Water
 Bring together all sectors – academic, government, non--profit and industry – for positive
impact in the South Platte River watershed
 Facilitate measurable, impactful on-the-ground projects incorporating new technologies and
practices, and enabling demonstration projects
 Serve as a hub for water and watershed expertise – connecting people with programs, linking
data with projects, and raising awareness of water connections in daily life
 Provide shared water quality testing lab
 Supporting data-driven tracking to strengthen project outcomes and track change over time
 Advance innovation through business incubation and new technologies
 Catalyze change and become a think-tank and forum for dialog
 Encourage applied research to make the business case for sustainable actions and projects
(environmental economics)
Phase I: Market Feasibility Analysis for The Water Connection
Under the supervision of faculty and the Urban Waters Partnership Coordinator, the intern will
conduct a market feasibility analysis for The Water Connection to address the following:
1) Description of the service(s).
2) Current market analysis including identification of the market, competition, and marketplace
gaps. Are the proposed products / services already saturated in the Denver area ?
3) Who are the players / entities that are providing those products or services?
4) Competitive advantage analysis
5) Anticipated future market potential and potential funding sources. Who are potential
6) Financial feasibility analysis including start-up capital requirements and forecast future
Market research should include online research and phone interviews. Investigation should be
geared toward identifying the compelling “reasons to be.” Background information and context for
the project will be provided by UWP Coordinator.
Market Feasibility Analysis including alternatives and implications for future development and
structure of The Water Connection in 2 forms: written report, presentation format.
Phase II: Business Plan for The Water Connection
Once the market feasibility analysis has been completed and under the supervision of faculty and the
Urban Waters Partnership Coordinator, the intern will prepare a business plan. The Business Plan
serves as a road map for the development of the business, projects 3-5 years ahead, and outlines the
route the organization should take to reach milestones including revenue projections. This will be a
proposed plan for TWC that considers capacity (human, financial, technological, organizational
resources) to ensure sustainability of operations over time.
Different organization and management scenarios for TWC will be considered. These may include:
1) Non-profit 501(c)(3)
2) B Corporation
3) Partnership with the Colorado State University as a program or entity that is part of the
planned Water Resources Center at CSU / National Western Stock Show site
4) A combination or phasing of the above options
Business Plan will include an executive summary, company description, key points from market
analysis, organization and management, service description, marketing and sales plan, funding and
partnering opportunities, financial projections for the next 3-5 years, and any necessary supporting
documents in an appendix for future development and structure of The Water Connection in 2 forms:
written report, presentation format.
Bachelor’s degree; enrolled in graduate non-profit management, public administration,
environmental science, financial, or business graduate program, second year preferred. Experience
in a combination of these areas is ideal.
 General, basic-level familiarity Colorado water and natural resource issues
 Knowledge of emerging financing tools and practices including sustainable, responsible and
impact investing
 Familiarity with concepts related to public-private partnerships
SCHEDULE: To be established in consultation with supervising faculty and the Urban Waters
Partnership Coordinator.
Stipend not available, but intern will have opportunity to meet professionals in a variety of
organizations, attend Urban Waters Partnership meetings which feature informational presentations,
and be a key player in the creation of an exciting new venture!
CONTACT: Devon Buckels, Urban Waters Partnership Coordinator, devon.buckels@colostate.edu,
* The UWP is a regional consortium of over 40 cross-sector partners focused on water quality, water protection, and
enhancement of the ecological infrastructure systems that affect water resources in the Denver metro area. Partners
include the CSFS, USDA Forest Service, US Environmental Protection Agency, Colorado Department of Public Health and
Environment, USGS; CDC/ATSDR; Colorado State University; Metro State University - One World One Water; The Greenway
Foundation, Tri-County Health, Denver Environmental Health, Denver Water, Aurora Water, Groundwork Denver, the
Coalition for the Upper South Platte, and many others.