Curriculum Vitae CHUNG-I WU Education Institution Degree Year Tunghai University, Taiwan B.Sc. University of British Ph.D. Columbia 1976 1982 Field Biology Population Genetics Employment Experience 7/98 - present Chairman, Dept. of Ecology and Evolution, University of Chicago 7/98 - present Professor, University of Chicago Primary appointment - Department of Ecology and Evolution Joint - Dept. of Molecular Genetics & Cell Biology Joint - Committee on Genetics, Committee on Evolution Biology 7/91 - 6/98 Associate Professor, University of Chicago 9/90 - 6/91 Associate Professor of Biology, University of Rochester 8/86 - 8/90 Assistant Professor of Biology, University of Rochester 1/85 - 7/86 NIH postdoctoral Fellow, Laboratory of Genetics, University of Wisconsin, Madison 6/82 - 12/84 Senior Research Associate and then Research Instructor, Center for Demographic and Population Genetics, the University of Texas, Health Science Center at Houston 9/77 - 4/82 Teaching Assistant/Research Assistant, Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia, Canada 9/76 - 8/77 Teaching Assistant, Tunghai University, Taiwan Awards Research Career Development Award, NIH (10/90 - 9/95) Fellow, National Down Syndrome Society (6/89 - 5/91) Academician, Academia Sinica, Taiwan (7/04) Major grant-reviewing activities NSF panel on Population Biology (1994) NIH study section or workshop (July 1990, August 2000, June, July 2001, October 2002, February, June 2003) Overseas Reviewing Expert (January 2003 - ) Chinese Academy of Sciences Active Grants 1. “Analysis of speciation by complex trait mapping” Chung-I Wu, Principal Investigator National Institutes of Health 6/1/01 – 5/31/05 Total cost: $1,108,000 2. “Evolution of a new gene, Odysseus, and speciation” Chung-I Wu, Principal Investigator 1 National Institutes of Health 2/1/03 - 1/30/07 Total cost: $1,005,000 Publications Papers Wu, C.-I 1983. The fate of autosomal modifiers of the Sex-Ratio trait in Drosophila and other sex-linked meiotic drive systems. Theor. Pop. Biol. 24(2):107-120. Wu, C.-I 1983. Virility selection and the Sex-Ratio trait in Drosophila pseudoobscura: I. Sperm displacement and sexual selection. Genetics 105(3):651-662. Wu, C.-I 1983. Virility selection and the Sex-Ratio trait in Drosophila pseudoobscura: II. Multiple insemination and overall virility selection. Genetics 105(3):663-679. Wu, C.-I and A.T. Beckenbach 1983. Evidence for extensive genetic differentiation between the Sex-Ratio and the standard arrangement of Drosophila pseudoobscura and D. persimilis and identification of hybrid sterility factors. Genetics 105(1):71-86. Nei, M., T. Maruyama and C.-I Wu 1983. Models of evolution of reproductive isolation. Genetics 103:557-579. Li, W.H., C.-I Wu and C.C. Luo 1984. Nonrandomness of point mutation as reflected in nucleotide substitutions in pseudogenes and its evolutionary implications. J. Mol. Evol. 21:58-71. Wu, C.-I 1985. A stochastic simulation study on speciation by sexual selection. Evolution 39:6682. Wu, C.-I and W.H. Li 1985. Evidence for higher rates of nucleotide substitution in rodents than in man. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 82:1741-1745. Li, W.H., C.-I Wu and C.C. Luo 1985. A new method for estimating synonymous and nonsynonymous rates of nucleotide substitution considering the relative likelihood of nucleotide and codon changes. Mol. Biol. Evol. 2:150-174. Li, W.H., C.C. Luo and C.-I Wu 1985. Evolution of DNA sequences. In: Molecular Evolutionary Genetics. R. J. McIntyre (ed.) Plenum, New York. 1-94. Wu, C.-I, W.H. Li, J.J. Shen, R.C. Scarpulla, K.J. Limbach and R. Wu 1986. Evolution of cytochrome c genes and pseudogenes. J. Mol. Evol. 23(1):61-75. Li, W.H. and C.-I Wu. 1987. Rates of nucleotide substitution are evidently higher in rodents than in man. Mol. Biol. Evol. 4(1):74-77. Wu, C.-I and N. Maeda 1987. Inequality in mutation rates of the two strands of DNA. Nature 327:169-170. 2 Maeda, N., J. B., C.-I Wu, J. Reneke and J. Bliska 1988. Molecular evolution of higher primates: Intergenic structure, rate and pattern of DNA changes and origin of simple sequences. Mol. Biol. Evol. 5(1): 1-20. Wu, C.-I, T. W. Lyttle, M.-L. Wu and G. Lin. 1988. Association between a satellite DNA sequence and the Responder of Segregation Distorter in D. melanogaster. Cell 54:179-189. Werren, J. H., U. Nur and C.-I Wu. 1988. Selfish genetic elements. Trends in Ecol. and Evol. 3:297-302. Wu, C.-I, J. R. True and N. Johnson. 1989. Fitness reduction associated with the deletion of a satellite DNA array. Nature. 341:248-251. Wu, C.-I and M. F. Hammer. 1990. Molecular evolution of ultraselfish genes of meiotic drive systems. In: Evolution at the Molecular Level, Selander, Whittam and Clark (eds.) Sinaur Press. p. 177-203. Wu, C.-I 1991. Inference of species phylogeny in relation to segregation of ancient polymorphisms. Genetics 127(2): 429-435. Wu, C.-I 1991. Segregation Distorter in Drosophila melanogaster : Responder at the molecular level. Amer. Natur. 137:314-322. Lyttle, T. W., C.-I Wu. and S. Howley 1991. Molecular analysis of insect meiosis and sex ratio distortion. In "Molecular approaches to pure and applied entomology", M. J. Whitten and J. G. Oakeshott. Springer-Verlag (Berlin) Doshi, P., S. Kaushal, C. Benyajati and C.-I Wu. 1991. Molecular analysis of the Responder satellite DNA in Drosophila melanogaster. I. DNA bending, nucleosome spacing, and Rspbinding proteins. Mol. Biol. Evol. 8(5): 721 - 741. Johnson, N. A. and C-I Wu. 1992. An empirical test of the meiotic drive models of hybrid sterility: Sex-ratio data from hybrids between Drosophila simulans and D. sechellia. Genetics 130:507-511. (University of Chicago affiliation below) Johnson, N. A., D. E. Perez, E. L. Cabot, H. Hollocher and C.-I Wu. 1992. A test of reciprocal X-Y interactions as a cause of hybrid sterility in Drosophila. Nature 358:751-753. Wu, C-I. 1992. A note on Haldane’s ruel: Hybrid inviability versus hybrid sterility. Evolution 46(5): 1584-1587. Wu, C-I, Daniel E. Perez, Andrew W. Davis, Norman A. Johnson, Eric. L. Cabot, Michael F. Palopoli and M.-L. Wu. 1993. Molecular genetics of reproductive isolation in Drosophila. In: “Mechanisms of Molecular Evolution” by N. Takahata and A. G. clark (ed.), Sinauer Press. Wu, C-I. and A. W. Davis. 1993. Evolution of postmating reproductive isolation: The composite nature of Haldane’s rule and its genetic bases. Amer. Natur. 142:187-212. 3 Johnson, N. A. and C.-I Wu. 1993. Evolution of postmating reproductive isolation: measuring the pleiotropic fitness effects associated with hybrid male sterility factors. Amer. Natur. 142:213-223. Perez, D. E., C.-I Wu, N. A. Johnson and M.-L. Wu. 1993. Genetics of reproductive isolation in the Drosophila simulans clade: DNA marker-assisted mapping and characterization of a hybridmale sterility gene, Odysseus (Ods). Genetics 134:261-275. Johnson, N. J., H. Hollocher, E. Noonberg and C.-I Wu. 1993. The effects of iterspecific Y chromosome replacements on hybrid sterility within the Drosophila simulans clade: A comprehensive study. Genetics 135: 443-453. Cabot, E. L., P. Doshi, M.-L. Wu and C.-I Wu. 1993. Population genetics of tandem repeats in centromeric heterochromatin: unequal crossing over and interchromosomal divergence at the Responder locus. Genetics 135: 477-487. Palopoli, M., P. Doshi and C.-I Wu. 1994 Characterization of two Segregation distorter revertants: Evidence that the tandem duplication is necessary for the SD phenotype in Drosophila melanogaster. Genetics 136: 209-215. Cabot, E. L., A. W. Davis, N. A. Johnson and C.-I Wu. 1994 Genetics of reproductive isolation in the Drosophila simulans clade: Complex epistasis underlying hybrid sterility. Genetics 137: 175-189. Davis, A. W., E. Noonberg and C.-I Wu. 1994 Complex genic interactions between conspecific chromosomes underlying hybrid female serility in the Drosophila simulans clade. Genetics 137: 191-199. Palopoli, M. and C.-I Wu. 1994 Genetics of hybrid male sterility between Drosophila sibling species: A complex web of epistasis is revealed in interspecific studies. Genetics 138:329-341. Wu, C.-I and M. F. Palopoli. 1994 Genetics of postmating reproductive isolation in animals. Ann. Rev. Genetics 28:283-308. Perez, D. P. and C-I Wu. 1995 Further characterization of the hybrid sterility gene, Odysseus (Ods), in the Drosophila simulans clade: one gene is not enough. Genetics 140:201-206. Wu, C.-I, H. Hollocher, D. Begun, C. F. Aquadro, Y. Xu and M.-L. Wu. 1995 Sexual isolation in Drosophila melanogaster: A possible case of incipient speciation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 92:2519-2523. Davis, A. W., and C.-I. Wu, 1996 The broom of Sorcerer's apprentice: The fine structure of a chromosomal region causing reproductive isolation between two sibling species of Drosophila. Genetics 143:1287-1298. Hollocher, H., and C.-I. Wu., 1996 The genetics of reproductive isolation in the Drosophila simulans clade: X vs. autosomal effects and male vs. female effects. Genetics 143:1243-1255. 4 Wu, C.-I., N. A. Johnson, and M. F. Palopoli, 1996 Haldane's rule and its legacy: why are there so many sterile males? Trends in Ecol. Evol. 11:281-284. Palopoli, M. F., and C.-I. Wu, 1996 Rapid evolution of a coadapted gene complex: Evidence from the Segregation Distorter system of meiotic drive in Drosophila melanogaster. Genetics 143: 1675-1688. Palopoli, M. F., A. W. Davis, and C.-I. Wu, 1996 Discord between the phylogenies inferred from molecular vs. functional data: uneven rates of functional evolution or low levels of gene flow? Genetics 144:1321-1328. Tsaur, S. C., and C.-I Wu, 1997 Positive selection and the molecular evolution of a gene of male reproduction. Molec. Biol. Evol. 14:544-549. Hollocher, H., C.-T. Ting, F. Pollack and C.-I Wu, 1997 Incipient speciation by sexual isolation in Drosophila melanogaster : Variation in mating preference among antural isolates. Evolution 51: 1175-1181. Hollocher, H., C.-T. Ting, M.-L. Wu and C.-I Wu, 1997 Incipient speciation by sexual isolation in Drosophila melanogaster : Extensive divergence without reinforcement. Genetics 147: 11911201. Tsaur, S. C., C.-T. Ting and C.-I Wu, 1998 Positive selection and the molecular evolution of a gene of male reproduction, Acp26Aa of Drosophila: II. Divergence vs. polymorphism. Molec. Biol. Evol. 15:1040 - 1046. Wu, C.-I., and H. Hollocher, 1998 Subtle is nature: the genetics of species differentiation and speciation, pp.339-351 in Endless forms: species and speciation, edited by D. Howard and S. Berlocher. Oxford University Press. Ting, C.-T., S.-C. Tsaur, M.-L. Wu and C.-I Wu, 1998 A rapidly evolving homeobox at the site of a hybrid sterility gene. Science 282: 1501-1504. Fay, J. C. and C.-I Wu, 1999 A human population bottleneck is not incompatible with the discordance between patterns of mitochondrial vs. nuclear DNA variation. Molec. Biol. Evol. 16:1003 - 1006. Wyckoff, G. J., W. Wang and C.-I Wu, 2000 Rapid evolution of male reproductive genes in the descent of man. Nature 403: 304 - 309. Sawamura, K., A. W. Davis and C.-I Wu, 2000 Genetic analysis by means of introgression into Drosophila melanogaster. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 97:2652-2655. Ting, T.-C., S. C. Tsaur, S.-C., and C.-I Wu, 2000 The phylogeny of closely related species as revealed by the genealogy of a speciation gene, Odysseus. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 97:5313 5316. Fay, J. C. and C.-I Wu, 2000 Hitchhiking under positive Darwinian selection. Genetics 155: 1405-1413. 5 Wu, C.-I, 2000 Genetics of species differentiation: What is unknown and what will be unknowable? Evol. Biol. 32: 239 - 248. (M. T. Clegg, M. K. Hecht and R. J. MacIntyre, eds.) Tsaur, S. C., C.-T. Ting and C.-I Wu, 2001 Sex in Drosophila mauritiana: Extremely high level of replacement polymorphism in a male reproductive gene. Molec. Biol. Evol. 18:22-26 Alipaz, J. A., C-I Wu and T. L. Karr, 2001 Sperm-egg incompatibility between races of Drosophila. Proc. Roy. Soc. 268:789-795. Takahashi, A, S.C. Tsaur, J. A. Coyne and C.-I Wu, 2001 The nucleotide changes governing pheromonal variation in Drosophila and their evolution. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.98:3920-3925. Fay, J. C., G. J. Wyckoff and C.-I Wu, 2001 Positive and negative selection on the human genome. Genetics 158:1227-1234. Ting, C.T., A. Takahashi and C.-I Wu, 2001 Incipient speciation by sexual selection: concurrent evolution at multiple loci. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 98: 6709-6713 (see also Nature 412:31-32) Luo, Z.W. and C.-I Wu, 2001 Modeling linkage disequilibrium between a polymorphic marker locus and a locus affecting dichotomous disease traits in natural populations. Genetics 158: 1785-1800. Wu, C.-I 2001 The genic view of the process of speciation. J. Evol. Biol. 14: 851-865.. Wu, C.-I 2001 Genes and Speciation - A reply. J. Evol. Biol. 14:889-891. Fay, J. C. and C.-I Wu, 2001 The neutral theory in the genomic era. Curr. Opinion Gen. Dev. 11:642-646. Fay, J. C., G. J. Wyckoff and C.-I Wu, 2002 Testing the neutral theory of molecular evolution with genomic data. Nature 415: 1024 - 1026. Luo, Z.W., C.-I Wu, and M. J. Kearsey, 2002 Precision and high-resolution mapping of quantitative trait loci by use of recurrent selection, backcross or intercross schemes. Genetics 161: 915-929. Wyckoff, G. J., J. Li and C.-I Wu, 2002 Molecular evolution of functional genes on the mammalian Y chromosome. Molec. Biol. Evol. 19: 1633-1636 Fang, S., A. Takahashi, and C.-I Wu, 2002 A mutation in the promoter of desaturase 2 is correlated with sexual isolation between Drosophila behavioral races. Genetics 168: 781-784. Wu, C.-I and E. Y. Xu, 2003 Sexual antagonism and X-inactivation - The SAXI hypothesis. Trends in Genetics 19:243-247. Fay, J. C., and C.-I. Wu, 2003a Sequence divergence, selective constraint and selection in protein evolution. Ann. Rev. Genomics Hum. Genet. 4:213-235. 6 Fay, J. C., and C.-I. Wu, 2003b Detecting hitchhiking from patterns of DNA polymorphisms in Selective sweeps, edited by D. I. Nurminsky. Landes Bioscience. Wang, H-Y., H. Tang, C. K. Shen and C.-I Wu 2003 Rapidly evolving genes in human – I. The glycophorins and their possible role in evading malaria parasites. Mol. Biol. Evol. 20:17951804. Greenberg, A. J., J. R. Moran, J. A. Coyne, and Chung-I Wu 2003 Ecological adaptation during incipient speciation as revealed by precise gene replacement. Science 302: 1754-1757. Lu, J., W.-H. Li and C.-I Wu. 2003 Chromosomal speciation and gene flow. Science 302:988c. Wu, C.-I, S. Shi and Y. Zhang 2004 A case for conservation. Nature 428:213-214. (A commentary in a supplementary issue). Wu, C.-I and C.-T. Ting 2004 Genes and speciation. Nature Review Genetics 5: 114-122. He, J et al. (51 authors) 2004. Molecuar evolution of the SARS-conronavirus during the course of SARS-epidemic in China. Science 303: 1666-1669 (C.-I Wu is a communicating author for the data analysis section). Kohn, M. H., S. Fang and C.-I Wu 2004 Inference of positive and negative selection on the 5' regulatory regions of Drosophila genes. Mol. Biol. Evol. 21:374-383. Kyoichi Sawamura, John Roote, Chung-I Wu, and Masa-Toshi Yamamoto 2004 Extreme Genetic Complexity Underlying Hybrid Male Sterility in Drosophila. Genetics 166: 789-796. Tang, H. , G. J. Wyckoff, J Lu, and C.-I Wu, 2004 A Universal Evolutionary Index for Amino Acid Changes. Mol. Biol. Evol. 21: 1548-1556. Ting, C., S. Tsuar, S. Sun, W. Browne, N. Patel and C.-I Wu 2004 Gene duplication and speciation in Drosophila – Evidence from the Odysseus locus. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 101: 12232-12235. Sun, S, C. Ting, and C.-I Wu 2004 The normal function of a speciation gene, Odysseus, and its hybrid sterility effect. Science 305: 81-83. Osada, N. and C.-I Wu 2005 Testing the mode of speciation with genomic data - Examples from the great apes. Genetics 169: 259-264. Song, H.-D. et al. C.-I Wu and G.-P. Zhao 2005 Cross-host evolution of SARS coronavirus in palm civet and human. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 102: 2430-2435 7