Nicholas J. Ashbolt, Ph.D. Dr. Nicholas Ashbolt was born, raised and educated in Australia. He received his undergraduate ( B.Ag.Sc. Hons) and graduate (Ph.D.) degrees in microbial ecology from the University of Tasmania. Before Nick moved to the United States to work for the EPA, he held a number of positions with various research institutions. He was the principal wastewater scientist for Australian Water Technologies Science and Environment (the research arm of Sydney Water Corp.) before joining the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Sydney in 1994 where he was the Deputy Director of the Centre for Water and Waste Technology, the Education Coordinator for the Cooperative Research Center for Waste Management and Pollution Control, a full professor, and most recently served as the Head of the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Nick is currently collaborating with researchers at the American Water Works Association, Water Research Foundation, Water Environment Research Foundation, Water Reuse Foundation, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Southern California Coastal Water Research Project, University of Cincinnati, Johns Hopkins University, and the National Sanitation Foundation. He is also leading a research team investigating pathogens within distribution system biofilms and undertaking quantitative microbial risk assessments of drinking and recreational waters at the A.W. Breidenbach Environmental Research Center, where he is based in Cincinnati, OH. At present his focus is primarily on developing a pathogen capturing device for drinking water contamination events, identifying the significance of Legionella within biofilms in distribution and premise plumbing, and determining the relative risks of non-human fecal contamination of waters. Jeff Chapin, IDEO Jeff Chapin is a mechanical engineer, project leader, and product designer at IDEO. His specialties include project management, product and platform innovation and strategy, mechanism design, plastics, machined-part and metal-casting design, the packaging of electronics, and high- and lowvolume manufacturing. During his tenure at IDEO, Jeff has led and assisted in the design of battery-powered surgical tools for orthopedic surgery, IV drug delivery devices, a novel food-delivery system, a human-powered well pump for East Africa, and new product platform strategies for the airline industry and for the construction products industry. In 2006, he transferred to IDEO Boston after three years working at IDEO’s Munich and Palo Alto offices. Jeff has lectured in Stanford University, co-teaching a class in ecological design. He also taught an introductory product design course at Technisches Universitaet Muenchen (TUM) and mentored students in product innovation projects at MIT and the Harvard Medical School. Before joining IDEO, Jeff worked for Stratos Product Development in Seattle and explored the world of research geology at Princeton and Stanford universities. Jeff holds a master’s in mechanical engineering (product design) from Stanford and a bachelor’s in civil and geological engineering from Princeton. Juli Beth (J.B.) Hinds, Tetra Tech Juli Beth Hinds is a project manager in the San Diego office of Tetra Tech’s Western Water Group. Trained as a City Planner, she has worked on municipal stormwater and wastewater planning, project development, and financing initiatives for the past 15 years. Currently she is working with clients including the City of San Diego, US EPA Region 5, Riverside County, and the Metropolitan Water District on green infrastructure projects, wastewater management programs, auditing local codes and ordinances to improve LID implementation, and watershed plans. J.B. joined Tetra Tech in April, 2010 after serving for many years as the community planning director for the Mad River Valley District and the City of South Burlington in Vermont. While in VT, she was the project manager for two of US EPA’s National Integrated Water Resource Demonstration Grants for decentralized wastewater and stormwater management. Prior to her public-sector tenure she worked at BFJ Planning in New York City, working on planning projects from CEQR/SEQR EIS documentation for high-rise buildings in Manhattan to the first model zoning code for land privatization in Ukraine. Despite being part of four public planning commission meetings where individuals have had to be arrested for disorderly conduct, J.B. has, herself, managed to stay out of jail. So far. Paul Knowles, Ph.D., Sustainability Engineer & Corporate Responsibility Officer Paul Knowles combines specialisms in life cycle analysis and measurement of sustainability, design for energy and water conservation, and wastewater treatment by natural systems; to produce the most economically, environmentally and socially appropriate wastewater infrastructure solutions for NSU. Mr. Knowles undertook his doctoral research at Aston University, UK in collaboration with water utility Severn Trent Water Ltd. (UK). His research addressed hydraulics and clogging in municipal wastewater Treatment Wetlands. Mr. Knowles holds a first class Master's Degree from the University of Warwick (UK) in Mechanical Engineering with a focus in sustainability, water and energy. His specialist knowledge regarding optimized hydraulic design of subsurface flow treatment wetland systems for improved longevity has been the subject of several publications in scientific journals such as Water Research and Ecological Engineering, and has been applauded through numerous prizes at international scientific conferences. Email: PIO S. LOMBARDO, P.E. Pio Lombardo, PE, has over 35 years of experience in management and environmental engineering leadership, specializing in the areas of water, wastewater, water conservation and hazardous waste remediation. During his career, Mr. Lombardo has provided consulting services on decentralized wastewater issues to the US EPA, and has been the Engineer of Record for water and wastewater engineering projects with capital costs totaling over $200 million. For 15 years, Mr. Lombardo held senior executive positions, providing leadership, consulting and strategic planning to top national environmental and engineering firms including Wheelabrator, Clean Harbors Environmental Services, Groundwater Technology and Dames & Moore. Mr. Lombardo was Vice President of Client Services for Wheelabrator's water and wastewater privatization and contract operation efforts throughout North America. Mr. Lombardo was the recipient of the prestigious American Consulting Engineer's Council Engineering Excellence Award, and an Engineering News Record Construction Man of the Year candidate award, and was designated an Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year finalist. Ken Moraff, Deputy Directory, Ecosystem Protection, U.S. EPA Region 1 Ken Moraff is Deputy Director of the Office of Ecosystem Protection at EPA’s New England regional office, with responsibility for federal clean air, clean water, and climate change programs in the six New England states. He has led major environmental projects including the Boston Harbor and Charles River cleanups. Moraff has also served as manager of EPA New England’s enforcement program and as a staff attorney. He is a graduate of Cornell Universityand Harvard Law School. Valerie Nelson, Director, Water Alliance Valerie Nelson is the Director of the Coalition for Alternative Wastewater Treatment, which is a national alliance of advocates for and experts in decentralized water, wastewater, and stormwater treatment and management. Dr. Nelson is Chair of the Decentralized Systems Advisory Committee at the National Decentralized Water Resources Capacity Development Project hosted by WERF, and served two terms on the Gloucester City Council. She was the Director of the Lighthouse Preservation Society and was a Lecturer and Visiting Assistant Professor at the Kennedy School of Government and M.I.T. Bob Curtis is Chief Executive Officer of the Regional Technology Development Corporation in Woods Hole, MA, an innovation accelerator broadly focused on the commercialization of technology discovered and developed from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and the Marine Biological Laboratory. He is currently leading the effort as Executive Director to launch the newly formed Center for Innovative Water Technologies, a non-profit organization focused on the development and commercialization of new technologies while addressing policy and economic issues surrounding the management of global water resources. Ray Jack serves as Director of Public Works for Falmouth, MA. He is a Certified Public Works Manager through Rutgers University, Government Division with over 30 years experience in public works administration and holds water system licenses in Massachusetts as well as water and wastewater licenses in New Jersey. His focus is on development of holistic, integrated, cost-effective solutions for future environmental and cultural sustainability. Hilde Maingay is an environmental educator, ecological landscape designer, and expert home gardener. She has practiced organic food production on Cape Cod for 39 years, including home-scale vegetable gardens, greenhouse food production, and growing diverse perennial herb, shrub and tree crops. She has conducted scientific research on labor/productivity intensive vegetable production and insect pest management. Paul Niedzwiecki is the Executive Director of the Cape Cod Commission, the regional land use planning and regulatory agency. Previously Mr. Niedzwiecki also served as Assistant Town Manager for the Town of Barnstable, Special Assistant District Attorney and Chief Financial Officer for the Cape and Islands District Attorney's Office. Matt Patrick is Executive Director of the Westport River Watershed Alliance (WRWA). Previously Matt was State Representative for Barnstable County, a Falmouth Selectman, and the former Executive Director of Cape and Islands Self-Reliance Corporation, a local nonprofit dedicated to self reliance in energy, water and food. Ron Zweig has 35 years of professional experience in aquaculture development and aquatic resource conservation, particularly in the context of integrated coastal zone planning and management. He has held positions at World Bank, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations as staff member and consultant in Asia. Here in Falmouth Ron was the leader of aquatic system studies at the New Alchemy Institute for 10 years.