Royal Knights Team News October 2011 Thank You Royal Knight Families! Thank you Royal Knight families for continued support of your students. We had many parents stop into school after the mid-quarter grade updates were sent home, and we encourage you to continue to monitor your student’s progress on Power School for the first quarter will end on October 14th. Teachers are most easily available by email or a phone call between 7:30-7:45 and 2:30-3:00. Volunteers Needed Wednesday, October 26 is the Halloween Social that your Royal Knights team is sponsoring. As a result we are asking for parent volunteers to help in one or more areas of: setup, chaperone, work an activity, cleanup, make cupcakes for the cakewalk, or a combination of the listed. Please contact Mrs. Heminger at if you would like to volunteer and specify the job you would like to help with if you have a preference. It would be a wonderful chance to dress up for Halloween!!! PowerSchool-Get Ready For Success Just like we are all preparing our homes, vehicles, and woodpiles for winter, you can help prepare your student for another quarter of success by updating your contact information on PowerSchool. On our Team Website there is a link containing instructions for how to access your account in PowerSchool. If you have difficulties, please call the office. Once you log in, please check to make sure your contact information (phone, address, and email) is current. A copy of the newsletter was emailed to everyone on the class email list. If you did not receive it, your email may need to be updated. Absences If you know your child will be absent from school, please notify the office. A 48-hour notice will allow us to compile work that your child will miss. All work provided for a prearranged absence is due the day the student returns to school. Check Out What’s Happening English with Ms. Mullins We are currently reading "In the Fog" and "The Hitchhiker" to complete our compare/contrast essay of the two suspenseful stories. The students are enjoying reading these surprise-ending stories. The "Brown Bag" Book Report is Due October 11th. Students will present their speech with the book reports the 11th through the 13th in class. I am looking forward to seeing these book reports! Towards the end of the month, we will begin reading The Red Pyramid along with Mrs. Midgley. Please feel free to continue to check my website for more information with any assignments: Science with Mrs. Heminger Students are wrapping up this quarter’s Ecology unit with two tests, a mastery test and a performance test. The students completed the mastery test the last week of September and the grades are updated on power school. The performance test is the creation of a music video with educational song lyrics about one unit of Ecology that we studied in class to teach the concept to a peer. In case you are worried about listening to band rehearsals and drums banging late into the night, begin breathing again, because all work on the project will be completed in class on garage band. Ask your student about what they are creating and be ready to offer advice if asked. The projects are due the week of the 10th and look forward to a DVD with videos shortly thereafter. Math with Mr. Verley Statistics, measures of central tendency, and making and interpreting graphs will take us to the end of the quarter. These skills will be very helpful as students begin their science experiments next quarter and as they make their presentations a little later on. Of course, earlier skills, like divisibility patterns, will be helpful and necessary in determining measures of central tendency. With only two weeks remaining in the quarter, this might also be a great time to improve on skills currently demonstrated at a level less than 4. I’m always willing to meet with students asking for clarification or wanting to show improved skills. As always, I welcome, and encourage, parents to share in their student’s experiences. Please feel free to drop by the class any time. Should you wish to discuss issues or concerns in detail, I would be happy to schedule a meeting outside of classroom time. Social Studies with Mrs. Midgley Students have been learning all about ancient Mesopotamia in Social Studies class. Ask your child which empire they are currently researching with their partner. Partners will be presenting their empire research on Friday, October 7th. First quarter is rapidly coming to a close, and we will be having our Mesopotamia Test and Notebook Check on Wednesday, October 12th. Please be on the lookout for a study guide and notebook checklist! Please check the website daily for project, test, and notebook information. All classwork should be kept in the notebook, which will be turned in on test day for a grade. Once we begin second quarter, we will be diving into our next unit, ancient Egypt! Teacher and Team Web Sites Our team has a team web site with information that applies to all students such as team newsletters and upcoming events. The team site also has links to each of the teacher sites. The teacher web sites are where you can get a quick look at what was done in class each day and any assignments (both in class and homework); often the assignments can be downloaded. Team web site Mrs. Heminger Miss Mullins Mr. Verley Mrs. Midgley NPMS Contacting Teachers You are always welcome to contact us if you have a question or concern. The best way to reach us is through email. If you prefer to call, then please call between 7:30-7:45 and 2:30-3:00. Michelle Heminger 488-2271 ext. 9132 Katherine Mullins Important Dates Friday Oct. 14 - Last Day of 1st Quarter –