1 Text S2. Detailed description of galactoside, fructoside, xylose, and rhamnoside 2 degradation as encoded on poribacterial genomes. 3 Galactoside degradation 4 The poribacterial genomes encoded for several enzymes involved in galactoside 5 degradation (Fig. S5). Genes encoding for galactonate dehydratase (EC: 6 and 2-dehydro-deoxyphosphogalactonate aldolase (EC: were present in 7 SAGs 3G, 4C, and 4E in multiple copies (Table S5). This led to the assumption of 8 galactonate as a carbon source for Poribacteria. Further, lactose and melibiose might 9 be degraded either directly or as part of oligosaccharide chains in biopolymers by 10 alpha-and beta-galactosidase (EC:, EC: Galactokinase (EC: 11, a central enzyme of the Leloir pathway was encoded on group I genome 12 3G. However, the intermediate genes of this pathway were missing and the 13 conversion of α-D-glucose 1-phosphate to β-D-glucose 6-phosphate that is used in 14 glycolysis is not supported on any genome. Instead the intermediate products of the 15 Lelior pathway, α-D-glucose 1-phosphate and UDP-D-galactose, are more likely to 16 be converted to UDP D-glucose via UDP-glucose-4-epimerase (EC: or UDP- 17 glucose pyrophosphorylase (EC:, which are encoded on several poribacterial 18 genomes. 19 phosphofructokinase (EC: or fructose bisphophate aldolase (EC: 20 two major enzymes of glycolysis in the phylotype represented by group I, as β-D- 21 glucose 6-phosphate is usually degraded by these enzymes in glycolysis. These findings are in accordance with the absence of 22 23 Fructoside degradation 24 Genes encoding for fructoside degrading enzymes were found on genomes 3G and 1 25 4E. Group I genome 3G encodes for a levanase (EC:, a beta- 26 fructofuranosidase (EC:, and a fructokinase (EC: 2.7.14). The beta- 27 fructofuranosidase gene is also found on genome 4E. This observation points 28 towards fructose polymers as another carbon source for Poribacteria (Fig. S6). 29 Fructoside polymers containing levan or sucrose can be of bacterial or plant origin 30 (e.g. Arvidson et al 2006, Duran and Pontis 1977, Kasapis et al 1994, Visnapuu et al 31 2011) and might be available in the sponge mesohyl through the feeding activities of 32 the sponge host or through the metabolic activities of other symbionts. 33 34 Xylose degradation 35 Genes for the two enzymes of the xylose isomerate pathway, xylose isomerase (EC: 36 and xylulokinase (EC: were found in double copies on group I 37 genome 3G. Xylulokinase (EC: was also discovered in double copies on 38 genome 4E. The product of this pathway, D-xylulose-5-phophate, is used in the 39 pentose phosphate pathway (Fig. S6). Genome 4E also encodes for a potential D- 40 xylonate dehydratase (EC:, which is one enzyme of the oxidative 41 conversion of xylose to 2-oxoglutarate that is used in the TCA cycle. Xylose transport 42 may be conferred via a D-xylose ABC transporter (xylF), which is encoded on group I 43 genome 3G (Table S5, S6). Xylose occurs in oligo- and polysaccharides of 44 eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms (Singh et al 2013, Sutherland 1985). 45 46 Rhamnoside degradation 2 47 Poribacterial genomes also encode for parts of rhamnoside degradation pathways 48 (Fig. S7). Oxidative L-rhamnose was well supported through the presence of several 49 genes encoding for enzymes of this pathways in multiple copies (Table S5). L- 50 rhamnose mutarotase gene was found on genomes 3G, 4C, and 4E. L-rhamnonate 51 dehydratase (EC: is also encoded on these genomes in double copies on 52 group I genomes, 4C, and four copies on 4E. We further detected a gene encoding 53 for 2-dehydro-3-deoxy-L-rhamnonate aldolase (EC: 4.2.1.-) on 3G, which is the last 54 enzyme in the degradation pathway from rhamnose to lactalaldehyde and pyruvate 55 (Fig. S7). A manual search for L-rhamnose dehydrogenase (EC: and L- 56 rhamnonolactonase (EC: the presence of homologs on group I 57 (3G) and 4E to gene LRA2 encoding for L-rhamnonolactonase. Additionally Group I 58 genome 3G and genome 4E encode each for a different enzyme of the L-rhamnose 59 isomerase pathway, 3G for L-rhamnose isomerase (EC: and 4E for 60 rhamnulokinase (EC: Because this pathway is not complete, it is uncertain 61 whether rhamnose degradation via phosphorylated intermediates is truly part of the 62 genomic potential of Poribacteria. L-Rhamnose can be found in glycolipids and 63 glycosides especially in bacteria and plants (e.g. Karnjanapratum et al 2012, Ray et 64 al 2011, Rehm 2010) and is most likely available in the sponge matrix. 65 66 67 Arvidson SA, Rinehart BT, Gadala-Maria F (2006). Concentration regimes of solutions of levan polysaccharide from Bacillus sp. Carbohyd Polym 65: 144-149. 68 69 70 71 Duran WR, Pontis HG (1977). Sucrose metabolism in green algae. I. 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