Adaptive algorithm of the suboptimal Kalman filter Ekaterina KLIMOVA Prosp. Akad. Lavrentyeva 6, Novosibirsk 630090 Russia The implementation of the Kalman filter theory in meteorological data assimilation presents a severe problem, since the Kalman algorithm is computationally expensive here and requires a great body of information. One of the ways to solve this problem is to use simplified models in the Kalman filter for the calculation of prediction error covariances (the suboptimal Kalman filter). A suboptimal Kalman filter algorithm with a regional baroclinic model is proposed. Some simplifications are made, which are based on splitting up into physical processes and quasi-geostrophic theory. In case when the covariance matrix of the model noise is assumed to be zero, there occurs a fast decrease in the theoretical error of the Kalman filter algorithm and, as a consequence, the observations at the analysis step have smaller factors. This effect is named “divergence of the Kalman filter algorithm”. In this paper, an adaptive Kalman filter algorithm for the estimation of model error covariances is considered. The algorithm allows one to correct the prediction error covariance matrix, which is also calculated with the help of a simplified operator. The algorithm is based on the use of vectors of “residuals” (i.e. the difference between the observed and predicted data). In the adaptive algorithm, the diagonal elements of the prediction error covariance matrix are calculated by a method of successive correction. In this method we use the residuals to obtain “observed” values of the diagonal elements of the prediction error covariance matrix. The full matrix is restored, assuming that the correlations are calculated precisely. Results of numerical experiments of the modeled data assimilation are presented. The problem of optimal filtration and suboptimal algorithms Nowadays, the Kalman filter algorithm is one of the most popular approaches to the problem of data assimilation in the atmosphere and ocean. The calculation of the matrix of prediction error covariances in the Kalman filter algorithm is most time-consuming due to a large dimensionality of this matrix. In the suboptimal algorithms of the Kalman filter, at the step of calculation of this matrix, the operator of a simplified model (of smaller dimensionality) is used instead of the operator of the initial model. We proceed from the idea of splitting of the model’s dynamic operator. We assume that the prognostic system under consideration is linearized with respect to some background flow. The system of prognostic equations is represented in the following form: d A1 A2 , dt where is the vector of meteoelements being predicted ( A1 can be a finitedifference analog of the system of advection equations, and A2 can be a finitedifference analog of the corresponding operator of the system of adaptation equations). Let the operator A2 be skew-symmetric. Then, on the basis of the equation for P(t) in the discrete-continuous algorithm of the Kalman filter at a small time interval t , the solution to this equation is as follows: T T P(t0 t ) P(t0 ) t ( A1 P(t0 ) P(t0 ) A1 ) t ( A2 P(t0 ) P(t0 ) A2 ) O( t 2 ). The second bracket in this expression can be omitted, if A2 P is small or if the matrices A2 and P are commutative (that is, they have a common basis). This is valid if we assume that the errors in the eigenvectors of the matrix A2 do not correlate with each other. It has been shown in some papers that the eigenvectors of the prediction error covariance matrix and the normal modes of the prognostic model coincide in some cases. They coincide, in particular, if the operator of the dynamic system is skew-symmetric. Thus, if the terms in the second bracket are ignored, one can use a simplified model with the dynamic operator A1 to describe the behavior of the covariance P(t). Simplified models to calculate the prediction error covariance matrices The simplified models to calculate the prediction error covariance matrices considered here were obtained on the basis of a baroclinic adiabatic atmospheric model for a region in the system of coordinates (x, y, p) [11]. An important feature of the numerical algorithm for the realization of this model is the use of G. I. Marchuk’s idea to solve the problem by the splitting up of the physical processes into the step of transfer along trajectories and the step of adaptation of meteorological fields [9]. Let us describe the models used in the numerical experiments on assimilation of meteorological data to calculate the prediction error covariance matrices. model-0 is a model based on primitive equations. We assume that this model describes a "real" state of the atmosphere. model-1 is a model to calculate the prediction error covariances in the suboptimal algorithm of the Kalman filter. It is based on the following assumptions: the state of the atmosphere in the Kalman filter algorithm is estimated for vertical normal modes of the prognostic model; the vertical normal modes are the eigenvectors of a finite-difference analog of the operator p2 R 2T * ( a 0 ) 2 Lp ,m . p m 2 p gf 2 G.I. Marchuk has shown that the domain of influence of the vertical normal modes decreases as their number increases; moreover, the horizontal scales of different vertical modes differ greatly from one another. Therefore, it makes sense to analyze the data of meteorological observations for the coefficients of expansion in terms of the vertical normal modes independently. Besides, for n beginning from some value n , the domain of influence becomes smaller than the grid size and, hence, the analysis makes sense only for the first n vertical modes; the calculation of covariances of prediction errors is based on the assumption that the errors of vertical normal modes do not correlate with each other; it is well-known that the eigenvectors of the vertical operator are close to the natural orthogonal basis. Therefore, they can be assumed to be statistically independent; the covariances of prediction errors are calculated only for the height field of an isobaric surface, and the covariances of wind field errors are calculated on the basis of geostrophic relations. Since our initial prognostic model is based on the method of splitting-up into physical processes, only the advection step is used to calculate the covariances. In this case, only the temperature advection remains in the operator A1 . the wind velocity fields in the advection operator A1 do not depend on the vertical coordinate p (that is, the background flow is close to a barotropic one). Under this condition, one can calculate the covariances of prediction errors for each vertical mode separately. Let us consider the initial prognostic model (model-0) on a small time interval (tn , tn 1 ) . Let the wind velocity components in the advection operator be given at the time tn . Then the model is linear on this time interval. We write z, u, and v in the form of series, N N N n 1 n 1 n 1 z zn g n , u un g n , v vn g n , where g n are eigenvectors of a finite-difference analog of the operator Lp . Under the above assumptions, we have the following model for the coefficients z n , un , vn (model-1): zn ~ zn ~ zn U V 0, t x y g zn g zn un ,v , f 0 y f 0 x ~ ~ where U ( x, y ),V ( x, y ) are wind velocity fields at the time tn such that ~ ~ U V 0, p p f 0 is the average value of the Coriolis parameter. The assumption that the eigenfunctions of the model’s vertical operator do not correlate with each other makes it possible to decrease greatly the number of operations in the calculation of the prediction error covariance matrix, because in this case the matrix becomes a block diagonal one. Now, let us consider a more general case, in which a simplified model is obtained also from the assumption of geostrophicity, but the substance advection in the operator A1 is not omitted. Then, under the condition of geostrophicity, we have the following equation of advection of the quasi-geostrophic potential vorticity: d 0, dt g Lp z z f , f0 d ~ ~ U V , dt t x y ~ ~ where U ( x, y ),V ( x, y ) are wind velocity fields at the time tn such that ~ ~ U V 0, p p In this case, f is the Coriolis parameter, and f 0 is the average value of the Coriolis parameter. From the above, we obtain one more model, model-2, which is a quasi-linear model described by the equation of vorticity transfer. In practice, model-1 and model-2 can be used to calculate the prediction error covariance matrices for the vertical modes of the prognostic model, because in these models the errors in different vertical modes do not correlate with each other. Under the assumption that the errors of vertical modes do not correlate, the corresponding covariance matrix becomes a block diagonal one, which makes it possible to decrease greatly the cost of computer storage and calculation. If the deviation of the wind averaged over the vertical from its actual value is great (for instance, in frontal zones), one can consider the transfer equation with "generalized velocities". We set N N u~ u~ g , v~ v~ g n 1 n g n 1 n g Then the transfer equation in the case of uncorrelated errors of vertical normal modes has the following form: zn ~ zn ~ zn U V 0, t x y ~ N ~ N U mnnu~m ,V mnnv~m , m 1 m 1 mnn ( g m g l , g ). where gn* is the n-th eigenvector L*p . * n A model to calculate the covariances of homogeneous isotropic random fields of prediction errors Here, we consider a simplified model to calculate the covariances of homogeneous isotropic random fields of prediction errors. By analogy with the derivation of equations for the structural functions in turbulence theory [10], we derive an analytical equation for the local prediction error covariances between two given points. The differential equations are derived for the local prediction error covariances at two given points. Let the deviation of prognostic fields from “real” values be termed the prediction error. In this case, it is assumed that the prediction errors depend only on the errors in the initial data. We describe a "real" state of the atmosphere by using a baroclinic adiabatic model of the atmosphere for a region in the system of coordinates (x, y, p). We consider a system of prognostic equations on a time interval (tn , tn 1 ) . Let u~ u(tn ), v~ v (tn ) . Since the prediction errors of the fields of wind velocity components and temperature depend only on errors in the initial data, the system of equations for prediction errors has the following form on this time interval (we assume that the vertical velocity ~ 0 ): u ~ u ~ u z u v fv g 0, (1) t x y x v ~ v ~ v z u v fv g 0, ( 2) t x y y T ~ T ~ T u v 0, (3) t x y u v 0, ( 4) x y x p z ( a ) RT * T g , .(5) R p gp Here ( u, v, , z, T ) are the prediction errors of the wind velocity, height, and temperature fields, respectively. Let us derive equations for the covariances of prediction errors of the wind velocity field component u between two points with coordinates ( x1 , y1 , p1 ) and ( x2 , y2 , p2 ) . Let u1 ,u~1 be the values of the quantities u, u~ at the point with coordinates ( x1 , y1 , p1 ) ; and u2 ,u~2 be the values of these quantities at the point ( x2 , y2 , p2 ) . Let us write the first equation at points 1 and 2 (assuming that the value at point 1 does not depend on the value at point 2). We multiply the first of these equations by u2 , and the second one by u1 , add them up, and average the result obtained (here we mean the theoretical-probabilistic averaging). We have the following equality: u1u2 ~ u1u2 ~ u1u2 u1u2 ~ u1u2 u1 v1 f v1u2 u~2 v2 t x1 y1 x2 y2 f v2u1 g z1u2 z2u1 g 0. x1 x2 Equations for the covariances of the other fields are derived in a similar way. It is well-known from turbulence theory that the homogeneous isotropic solenoidal vector field does not correlate with any scalar field. In the prognostic model under consideration, the continuity equation is satisfied, that is, the field (u, v, ) is solenoidal. Hence, in case when we assume that the random fields of prediction errors are homogeneous and isotropic, the terms with pressure gradient in the model’s equations can be dropped. Moreover, the terms with in the third equation are dropped. Since we comply with the idea of splitting up the model’s dynamic operator into the stage of transfer along trajectories and the adaptation stage, to calculate the covariances of homogeneous isotropic prediction errors at the adaptation stage, the pressure gradient and vertical velocity terms in the corresponding equations must be dropped. Hence, only the terms with the Coriolis force remain. In this case, the system of adaptation equations has the following form: u fv 0, t v fu 0. t It follows from these equations that allowance for the Coriolis forces means that the wind velocity vector makes a turn. Since by definition all distribution densities in a homogeneous and isotropic random field do not depend on any turns, one must also drop the terms with the Coriolis force in the system of adaptation equations. Thus, the dynamics of prediction error covariances in case when they are homogeneous and isotropic is described by the prognostic model of substance transfer along particle trajectories (on a small time interval). Strictly speaking, the property that the vector solenoidal and scalar fields do not correlate is valid only for an orthogonal system of coordinates. The system (x,y,p) is not orthogonal. Since, however, the condition that the meteorological fields are homogeneous and isotropic is valid at small distances, the local system of coordinates for the points at which the covariance is estimated can be considered orthogonal with high degree of accuracy. For meteorological fields, the condition of homogeneity and isotropy is usually considered only for horizontal directions. In this case, one can make similar calculations, if it is assumed that the two-dimensional vector (u, v )T is solenoidal. Let us consider a system of equations similar to (1)-(5) for prediction errors and assume that the background wind velocity fields do not depend on p. Then, if the prediction error fields are homogeneous and isotropic, to describe them on a small time interval one can use the system of equations of transfer along trajectories for the coefficients of expansion in terms of the vertical normal modes (at the condition that the horizontal velocity vector is solenoidal). If the prediction errors of height and velocity fields are related geostrophically, we have model-1, which was described above. However, the property of homogeneity and isotropy is not valid for atmospheric motions of large scales. However, it is well-known that the large-scale motions are described well with the help of quasi-geostrophic approximation. Thus, since the domain of dependence of the coefficients of expansion in terms of the vertical normal modes decreases with distance, let us consider a "hybrid" model. In this model, to calculate the error covariances of the first, large-scale modes, the quasi-geostrophic vorticity equation for the n-th coefficient of expansion in terms of the vertical normal modes is used, and for the other modes the system of equations of model-1 is used. The background flow is considered to be close to a barotropic one, that is, the transfer is realized with a wind averaged over the vertical. Let this model be called model-3. Adaptive assimilation algorithm based on the Kalman filter In the discrete algorithm of the generalized Kalman filter, the equation for prediction error covariances has the following form: Pk f Ak 1 Pka1 AkT1 Qk 1 where Pk f is the prediction error covariance matrix at the k-th time step and Pka is the analysis error covariance matrix at the (k-1) -th time step, Ak 1 is the operator of the prognostic model (the case under consideration is that of a linearized model), and Qk 1 is the matrix of model errors (“noise”). Here, if a suboptimal ~ assimilation algorithm is considered, the matrix Ak 1 is used instead of the matrix Ak 1 . If the “model noise” matrix is considered zero in the calculation of the error covariance matrix, the norm of matrix Pk f decreases with time. This leads to "divergence" of the Kalman filter algorithm. To specify the matrix Qk 1 is a difficult problem, because the exact value of the matrix is unknown. In this section, we consider a procedure of estimating Qk 1 for a suboptimal assimilation algorithm based on the Kalman filter. The algorithm also makes it possible to correct the matrix Pk f , which is calculated by using a simplified operator. The properties of the adaptive algorithm proposed were investigated with the help of numerical experiments on the assimilation of modeled data with the use of a suboptimal filter. To calculate the prediction error covariances, model-3 was used as the simplified one. All algorithms of the adaptive Kalman filter now in use are based on an idea described in the classical book [1]. The authors of this book propose an adaptive algorithm of the Kalman filter in which the elements of the matrix Qk 1 (in case when this matrix is diagonal) are estimated by using the following “residual” vectors k : k yk0 M k xkf . E k 0, E ( k )( k )T M k ( Ak 1 Pka1 AkT1 Qk 1 ) M k Rk . In these formulas, Е is the theoretical-probabilistic averaging. One can see from these formulas that the vector covariance matrix k contains information about the matrix Pk f . Let us assume that diag ( E ( k )( k )T ) diag (( k )( k )T ). In the general case, T diag((k )(k )T ) diag( E(k )(k )T ) k , where k is a random vector with zero mean value. Let a preliminary estimate of the matrix Pk f be obtained by using the operator of the simplified model: Pk f Ak 1 Pka1 AkT1. f f Let the “”real” matrix Pk differ from Pk by the matrix Pk . The matrix Pk f is f f f restored by using the data k . We denote diag ( Pk ) . It is assumed that ( k k )i0i0 ( kf kf diag (Qk 1 ))i0i0 ( Rk )i0i0 . T In this case, we have the problem to restore the vector kf by using the data ( k k )i0i0 ( Rk )i0i0 hi0 and the estimate kf . This problem is solved by the method of step-by-step correction: T N ( kf kf )l wli0 (hi0 ( kf )i0 ), (6) i0 1 where l is the grid node number, and the weight coefficients are wli0 cli0 N c p cli , i 1 0,5( r / L ) , rli is the distance between the grid node and the Here, cli F (rli ), F (r ) e observation. After the variances are estimated, the entire matrix is restored: 2 Pk f ( kf )1/ 2 corrkf (( kf )1/ 2 )T , corrkf ( kf )1/ 2 Pk f (( kf )1/ 2 )T . (7) It should be noted that this algorithm makes it possible to specify the values f of the entire matrix Pk , which includes the prediction on the basis of the simplified model and the matrix Qk 1 , which is, as a rule, unknown. Numerical experiments The properties of the algorithm proposed above were investigated in numerical experiments with modeled data for a regional baroclinic model of the atmosphere [11]. The horizontal grid size in the model was equal to 300 km, and 15 standard levels were used in the vertical. In the numerical experiments, the data of an archive of objective analyses for the regional model of the atmosphere on April 01-03 1991 were used. The data assimilation was made for the regional f model. In the calculation of the matrix Pk in time, it was assumed that at the boundary of the domain the values of matrix elements do not change with time. At the “analysis” stage, the covariance matrix values were recalculated for all points of the domain. Otherwise, unbalanced values of the matrix elements were obtained inside the domain and at the boundary, which led to a quality decrease in the assimilation procedure. The numerical experiments were performed with a covariance matrix P0 given in the form P0 cn2 I , where I is the identity matrix, and c n is the root-mean-square error of prediction of the n-th vertical mode. In all experiments, the wind field errors at each time step were determined with the help of geostrophic relations. At the analysis step, the obtained fields of "corrections" of the first approximation (prediction) were subject to a procedure of variational adjustment. The following calculation variants for 48hour prediction, with assimilation every 12 hours, beginning with 0 o’clock data on the geopotential field, were considered. In the first experiment series, it was assumed that the prediction error depends only on the random error in the initial fields (so-called "twin"-type experiments). The 48-hour prediction on the basis of the initial fields was considered a "real" state of the atmosphere. Then, a random error was added to the initial height and velocity fields. The error was distributed by the normal law with a zero mean value and a variance corresponding to the prediction error level. The prediction errors of the height and velocity fields at the initial time were balanced on the basis of geostrophic relations. The observation data were given by adding to the "real" field a random error distributed by the normal law with a zero mean value and a variance corresponding to the error level of aerologic observations. It was assumed in the experiments that the observation errors do not correlate with each other. 48-hour calculations, with assimilation of modeled data on the geopotential field every 12 hours, were made. The observation data were given at regular grid nodes at 143 points uniformly distributed in the integration domain. The "model noise" matrix was assumed zero. It should be noted that the specification of a uniform observation data network is a simplification of the initial problem. Numerous factors contribute to the total prediction error of the assimilation procedure. These factors include the interpolation procedures from observation points to regular grid nodes as well as the procedures of initial processing and control of observation data. The simplified specification of the observation data distribution was made to eliminate the influence of the above factors. In the first experiment, the modeled data were assimilated every 12 hours during a 48-hour prediction by using the suboptimal algorithm based on the Kalman filter. The simplified model described above was used to calculate the covariance matrix. In the second experiment, in addition to the prediction procedure of the matrix Pk f , the matrix was corrected by using formulas (6)-(7). The scale L of the Gaussian function in the correction procedure was taken equal to 1000 km. The "residual” vectors i were subject to a procedure of control. The results of these experiments are presented in Fig. 1. Figure 1а shows the behavior of root-mean-square deviations of the calculated geopotential fields from the "real" ones for the surface of 500 millibar. In this figure, the prediction error without assimilation is denoted by s0, and the prediction error with the use of the suboptimal assimilation algorithm in the first and second experiments, respectively, by s1 and s2. Figure 1b shows the behavior of the theoretical error of 0 the assimilation algorithm based on the Kalman filter, i.e. the trace of the prediction error covariance matrix (for the first vertical mode) for the first and second experiments (tr1 and tr2), respectively. One can see form this figure that the f correction procedure for the matrix Pk with the help of the adaptive algorithm makes it possible to improve the quality of prediction with assimilation and avoid f the erroneous decrease in the elements of the matrix Pk . In the second series of experiments, both random errors in the initial data and observations and “model noise” were modeled (so-called experiments of the "cousin" type). The "real" state of the atmosphere was modeled with the help of prediction with a perturbed initial field. In this case, a random error distributed by the normal law with a variance corresponding to root-mean-square error bn 0,3cn was added at each prediction step to the wind velocity and height fields. The observation data were modeled by adding a random error (the same as in the first series of experiments) to the "real" field. The prediction errors for the wind velocity and height fields were balanced with the help of geostrophic relations. In the first experiment, the data were assimilated with the help of the suboptimal algorithm based on the Kalman filter. The simplified model to calculate Pk f was taken the same as in the experiments of the "twin" type. The matrix Qk 1 was assumed zero. In this case, the values of the matrix Pk f were corrected by using the adaptive algorithm. f In the second experiment, the matrix Pk was calculated with allowance for the matrix Qk 1 , for the n-th vertical mode Qk 1 bn2 I . In this case, no correction of the f matrix Pk by the algorithm was made. In the third experiment, the data were assimilated in such a way that the f matrix Pk was calculated without correction and under the condition Qk 1 0 . The results of these experiments are presented in Figs. 2 and 3. Figure 2 shows the root-mean-square deviations of the calculated geopotential fields from the "real" ones for the surface of 500 millibar for prediction with assimilation for the first, second, and third experiments (s1, s2, s3), respectively. One can see from the figure that the prediction estimates obtained in the second and third experiments are close. This means that the procedure of adaptive correction of the matrix Pk f makes it possible to compensate for the specification of the matrix Qk 1 , whose value is, as a rule, unknown. It follows from the formulas for the analysis step of the assimilation procedure that the weight coefficients for observation data depend on the elements of the prediction error covariance matrix. Figure 3 shows the weight coefficients wi versus the grid node number i. The data are assumed to be specified at the central point of the domain (at a grid node). Then the weight coefficients at the assimilation of one observation are calculated by using the formula wi P(i, io ) , ( P(i0 , io ) r02 ) where i0 is the central node number, r0 is the root-mean-square error of observations, and P is the prediction error covariance matrix (in the experiments, the matrix for the first vertical mode is considered). The figure shows wi versus the grid number for the grid nodes that are closest to i0 in the x - coordinate. The central node in the figure has number "7" (the weight coefficients for 6 nearest nodes are considered: this corresponds to a distance of 1800 km). In Fig. 3а, w1 and w2 denote the weight coefficients obtained for the second and third f experiments, respectively (the calculation of Pk was made for 12 hours). In Fig. 3b, w1 and w2 denote the weight coefficients obtained for the second and third f experiments, respectively (the calculation of Pk was made for 24 hours). One can see from these figures that when a matrix Qk 1 different from 0 is specified, the "weight" of the observation data in the assimilation procedure increases, and in this case the prediction with assimilation becomes closer to the "real" state of the atmosphere. A more detailed description of the simplified models to calculate the prediction error covariance matrices and numerical experiments to estimate their properties can be found in [2-8]. References 1. Jazwinski A.H. (1970) Stochastic processes and filtering theory. -Academic Press, New York. 2. Klimova E.G. (1997) Algorithm of data assimilation of meteorological observations based on the extended suboptimal Kalman filter, Russian Meteorology and Hydrology, 11, 40-47. 3. Klimova E.G. (1999) Asymptotic behavior of a data assimilation scheme based on an algorithm of the Kalman filter, Russian Meteorology and Hydrology, 8, 44-52. 4. E.G.Klimova (2000) Simplified models for the calculation of covariance matrices in the Kalman filter algorithm. - Meteorologiya i Hydrologiya, No. 6. (Translated into English: Russian Meteorology and Hydrology), 18-30. 5. 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(1996) Numerical modeling of background atmospheric processes and the problem of aerosol transport in Siberian region, Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, 9, 780-785. 30 25 20 s0 15 s1 10 s2 5 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Time (hour) Fig.1a Root-mean-square forecast error (Q=0) 600000 500000 400000 ptr_adap 300000 ptr_assim 200000 100000 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Время (час.) Fig.1b Trace of the forecast error covariance Fig.2 Root-mean-square forecast error 25 20 15 s_adapt s_Q s_assim 10 5 49 45 41 37 33 29 25 21 17 13 9 5 1 0 Время (час.) Fig.3a Dependence of weight factors of the analysis on the mesh point number (the forecast on 12 hours) 1 0,8 0,6 Счет P с ненулевой Q 0,4 Счет P с Q=0 0,2 0 -0,2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Fig.3b Dependence of weight factors of the analysis on the mesh point number (the forecast on 24 hours) 1 0,8 0,6 0,4 Счет P с ненулевой Q 0,2 Счет P с Q=0 0 -0,2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14