PENN STATE MONT ALTO PROMOTION AND TENURE COMMITTEE GUIDELINES In compliance with the procedures established in HR-23: Promotion and Tenure Procedures and Regulations and the Administrative Guidelines for HR-23, the Penn State Mont Alto Faculty Senate has approved the following. All preceding guidelines pertaining to the Penn State Mont Alto Promotion and Tenure Committee are hereby superseded by the following guidelines. Purpose The purpose of the Penn State Mont Alto Promotion and Tenure Committee (hereafter called the Committee) shall be to serve the faculty of Penn State Mont Alto in matters relating to tenure and promotion. The Committee shall provide the initial level of evaluation and recommendation under the provisions of HR-23 for each Penn State Mont Alto candidate undergoing review for tenure and/or promotion. The Committee shall also provide the candidates with information regarding policies and procedures for tenure and promotion and, if requested by them, consultation. Committee Composition and Method of Selection 1. The Penn State Mont Alto Faculty Senate (hereafter called the Senate) shall establish annually the Committee, and it shall consist of five tenured faculty members who hold the rank of Associate Librarian, Librarian, Associate Professor or Professor. At least three of the Committee members shall be from the local campus faculty and at least two members shall be in the same discipline as the candidate being reviewed. If there is not a sufficient number of eligible faculty to compose the local portion of the Committee, then the Director of Academic Affairs (hereafter known as the DAA) will seek such from other University College campuses. 2. Selection of the Committee members: The faculty will elect, by secret ballot from among volunteers of the tenured faculty holding the rank of Associate Librarian, Librarian, Associate Professor or Professor, two local members of the Committee plus one alternate, to a two-year term. The Campus Chancellor shall appoint one local member from among the volunteers who hold the rank of Associate Librarian, Librarian, Associate Professor or Professor, to a one-year term. In the event that one of the local members of the Committee is in the same discipline as a candidate to be reviewed, that member shall serve as one of the disciplinary members of the Committee and the alternate will serve as the third local member of the committee for that candidate. In this case, only one external disciplinary member needs to be selected. The four local members shall select the disciplinary member(s), in consultation with the DAA, from the list provided by the University College plus any eligible, local faculty, not already serving on the Committee, who are in the same discipline as the candidate. 3. The number to be elected each year will vary according to the number retiring from the preceding Committee. When the faculty census is sufficient, it is recommended that one local Committee member or the alternate be elected each year; in order to maintain continuity, no more 1 than two local, elected Committee members should be replaced in a given year. Likewise, the Campus Chancellor will refill that appointed position on a yearly basis. 4. Prior to the last full week of April of each year, the Chair of the Faculty Senate will poll the tenured faculty who hold the rank of Associate Librarian, Librarian, Associate Professor or Professor for volunteers to serve on the Committee and will prepare a ballot that will list all candidates for the election. Elections will be held during the last full week of April via campus mail (or a method to be determined by the Senate Executive Board). The chair will distribute a ballot to all faculty eligible to vote by Monday of that week. Completed ballots will be returned to the chair by noon of that Wednesday. The chair will tally the votes and announce the results by that Friday. New members will take office immediately. 5. All tenured and tenure-track faculty except those holding full-time administrative positions shall be eligible to vote for Committee members. 6. Each newly constituted Committee shall elect a Chair at the first meeting of the Committee in the Fall semester; the previous Chair will call the first meeting and conduct the election of Chair. Promotion and/or Tenure Review Procedures 1. The DAA will meet with all newly appointed tenure-track faculty during the fall semester of each year in order to orient them to the promotion and tenure policies of the university. 2. The Committee shall invite the DAA to serve as a resource person, but he/she may not participate in deliberative or voting sessions. As a resource person, the DAA shall provide the Committee with any documents, information, and clerical assistance that the Committee may require to complete its evaluation of the candidates. 3. The DAA shall provide the Committee with a list of all candidates under tenure review or promotion consideration by September 1 of each year. 4. The DAA shall prepare the dossier with the assistance of the candidate. 5. The Committee will expect the finished dossiers at least one month prior to their being due at University Park. 6. The Committee will evaluate each candidate by the criteria outlined in HR-23. In accordance with HR-23, the Committee will apply these criteria in light of the mission of Penn State Mont Alto and the professional responsibilities carried by the faculty member. The mission of Penn State Mont Alto will be as defined by the University College in the "Preamble" of the University College's Statement Of Expectations And Criteria For Promotion And Tenure. As such, the Committee’s final recommendation in most tenure and promotion decisions will be based primarily on "...consistent high quality, with qualitative expectations being more important than quantitative expectations." 7. Once its deliberations are concluded, the Committee shall prepare a written statement of evaluation and recommendation for each candidate. This evaluation shall address each area of expectation: The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning; The Scholarship of Research and Creative Accomplishments; and Service and the Scholarship of Service to the University, the Public, and the Profession. 8. Once adopted by the Committee, the evaluation shall be signed by the Chair on behalf of the Committee members and forwarded to the DAA. 9. The DAA should meet with each candidate to discuss the best approaches for having him/her address the results of the evaluations at all levels: campus, college and University. 2 Expectations and Methods of Evaluation I. The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning A. Expectations 1. Teach effectively a number of courses in a discipline by preparing clear, wellorganized classes which cover the course content, emphasize the main points, and demonstrate the significance of the subject matter at a level appropriate to the students enrolled the course 2. Implement additional teaching/learning strategies, such as interactive discussions, experimentation, and co-operative learning projects 3. Prepare syllabi which indicate course objectives and student performance criteria 4. Maintain a classroom atmosphere which promotes learning 5. Maintain a positive attitude about course content at all times 6. Maintain a commitment to high academic standards at all times 7. Respond effectively to questions posed by students 8. Stimulate student thinking and intellectual curiosity 9. Provide assignments which assist the learning process outside of the classroom 10. Evaluate student performance fairly and consistently 11. Tolerate and encourage different student viewpoints 12. Be approachable and available to students 13. Advise students about current programs and course offerings B. Evaluative Methods 1. Review the list of all courses taught in resident instruction, continuing education, and in other circumstances 2. Review the compilation of SRTE results, second forms of evaluation, and letters from present and former students 3. Review the evaluative statements made by the peer reviewers, one local and one in the same or similar discipline as the candidate, as mandated by the University College Peer Review Handbook 4. Review the evaluative statements made by administrators, including heads of divisions and departments and their representatives 5. Review other evidence which supports the fulfillment of expectations outlined above, such as the development of new courses or special recognition for teaching and advising II. The Scholarship of Research and Creative Accomplishments A. Expectations 1. Maintain a continuing program of research and/or creative activity which results in the production of high quality publications and/or creative accomplishments 2. Pursue grants to fund research projects and/or creative activity 3. Present papers at technical and professional meetings 4. Attend workshops, seminars, mini-courses, or conferences intended to promote continuing professional development 5. Hold memberships and participate in professional societies 6. Engage in other activities appropriate to the individual candidate, such as giving speeches which demonstrate the candidate’s expertise within the University or in the community 3 B. Evaluative Methods 1. Review the list of publications in refereed or non-refereed journals, books or parts of books, editorial work, and other research reports 2. Review the list of manuscripts which have been accepted or submitted for publication, as well as those currently in progress 3. Review the list of research projects which have been completed, funded, or proposed, as well as those currently in progress 4. Review the list of creative accomplishments 5. Review the list of honors and awards for scholarship 6. Review the list of descriptions of new courses or new teaching methods developed 7. Review the list of papers presented at professional meetings 8. Review the list of attendance at professional meetings 9. Review the list of consultative work, including manuscripts refereed for professional journals 10. Review the list of undergraduate theses and projects supervised 11. Review the previous evaluative statements made by review committees and administrators, including the Chancellor, the DAA, heads of departments or divisions, college review committees, and college deans 12. Review the external letters of assessment 13. Review any other evidence of research and/or creative accomplishment which supports the fulfillment of the expectations outlined above, such as new product development, new art forms, patents and copyrights obtained, and the development of software III. Service and the Scholarship of Service to the University, the Public, and the Profession A. Expectations 1. Display an interest and involvement in student activities and organizations 2. Participate in the work of faculty organizations, including committees constituted at Penn State Mont Alto, within the candidate’s department or division, college, and other University bodies 3. Conduct administrative support work, such as acting as the college representative 4. Participate in community affairs as a representative of the University 5. Serve public and private organizations 6. Engage in activities which support the University’s commitment to diversity B. Evaluative Methods 1. 2. 3. 4. Review the list of committee participation Review the list of participation in student activities and organizations Review the acknowledgment of service to public and private organizations Review any other evidence which supports the fulfillment of the expectations outlined above Approved by the Penn State Mont Alto Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty on 09/01/2015 4