Activities in 2009 Diagnosis and Control of Animal Diseases for Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Transcaucasia Name of Contact point – Dr Yevgeny V. Belik FGI “Federal Centre for Animal Health” (FGI “ARRIAH”) 600901 Yur’evets, Vladimir, Russia Tel./Fax: (7-0922) 26.38.77, (7-0922) 26.06.14 E-mail: Summary of activities specifically related to the mandate of OIE Collaborating Centres 1. Activities as a centre of research, expertise, standardisation and dissemination of techniques within the remit of the mandate given by the OIE During 2009 the conducted epidemic monitoring was aimed at: - prion infections – 399 samples from 19 Subjects of the RF were tested (negative results); - rabies – 1,560 brain samples were tested, 144 samples were positive for rabies. 56,505 bovine serum samples from 47 regions of the RF were tested for the presence of antibodies to infectious rhinotracheitis, parainfluenza-3, type 4 herpesvirus, viral diarrhea, adenovirus infection etc. 3,900 samples of bovine pathological material from 121 farms were tested for respiratory and enteric infections caused by bovine rotavirus, herpesvirus, enterovirus, parvovirus, mycoplasmas, chlamydia and other agents. The results of porcine infectious disease epidemic and serologic monitoring (6,668 pathological samples were tested and 154,072 ELISA tests were conducted) showed the presence of such diseases as African swine fever, classical swine fever, Aujeszky’s disease, PRRS, type 2 circovirus infection, parvovorus, enterovirus, rotavirus infections, pasteurellosis, Glasser’s disease, actinobacillosis, mycoplasmosis, chlamydiosis, clostridiosis, dysentery, salmonellosis, streptococcosis, colibacillosis, necrobacillosis, etc. Much attention was given to the serologic and epidemic monitoring of avian infectious diseases. 870 samples of pathological material and 525,122 serum samples from 405 poultry farms of Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kirghizia were examined for the presence of antibodies to avian viral disease viruses. The test results showed the presence of antibodies to viruses of such diseases as Newcastle disease, avian influenza, adenovirus infection, metapneumovirus infection, mycoplasmosis etc. in poultry from the RF. The test results and appropriate recommendations were sent to the farms. Sixty specialists from the FGI “ARRIAH” visited 32 regions of the RF to study the epidemic situation, provide recommendations and render assistance in the field of disease diagnosis and anti-epidemic measure planning and implementation. 2. Proposal or development of any procedure that will facilitate harmonisation of international regulations applicable to the surveillance and control of animal diseases, food safety or animal welfare Development and harmonization of methods for diagnosis and prevention of avian infectious diseases (28 regulatory documents were approved), bovine and small ruminant diseases (15 documents), porcine diseases (24 documents). Annual reports of OIE Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres, 2009 1 Diagnosis and control of animal diseases in Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Transcaucasia By order of the RF Ministry of Agriculture the following recommendations were elaborated: – methodical recommendations for animal rabies control; – methodical recommendations for classical swine fever control; – methodical recommendations for Mycoplasma eradication on poultry breeding farms. The recommendations were approved by the Scientific Council of the FGI “ARRIAH” and forwarded to the RF Ministry of Agriculture. Presentation of products produced by the FGI “ARRIAH” at the exhibitions held in Moscow in 2009: – V International Veterinary Poultry Congress (April); – IX Moscow International Salon of Innovations and Investments (August); – II International Forum for Nanotechnologies (October); – XI Russian Agroindustrial Exhibition “The Golden Autumn” (October); – VIII International Specialized Exhibition (September). Two golden medals, a silver medal and 3 diplomas were awarded to the FGI “ARRIAH” for the development and production of preparations and diagnostic kits. The FGI “ARRIAH” supplied diagnostic preparations and vaccines to 14 European, Asian and African countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kirghizia, Uzbekistan, Djibouti, Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Pakistan, and Chinese Taipei 3. Placement of expert consultants at the disposal of the OIE Leading specialists visited Abkhazia, Belarus, Kirghizia, Mongolia, Ukraine, Syria and Ethiopia providing consultations and rendering assistance in planning and conduction of anti-epidemic measures. Other activities related to the mandate of OIE Collaborating Centres 4. Provision of scientific and technical training, within the remit of the mandate given by the OIE, to personnel from OIE Members Forty-two foreign delegations from the USA and 8 European and Asian countries (Belarus, Poland, Ukraine, Italy, Belgium, Germany, Syria and Taiwan) visited the FGI “ARRIAH” in 2009. Two training seminars were arranged for specialists from CIS countries devoted to the use of the integrated computer-aided system in the operation of state veterinary services (Vladimir, September, 2009). Twenty-five specialists from 8 countries were trained (Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kirghizia, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Abkhazia). Nine similar training seminars were organized for Russian specialists (Vladimir – in February, March, May, June; Saint-Petersburg – in March; Vladivostok – in April; Krasnodar – in April, Irkutsk – in May 2009). 289 specialists from most Subjects of the RF were trained. Nine specialists from the Russian Federation underwent trainings in laboratory diagnosis of rabies and oral vaccination of animals against rabies. Lectures on “Rabies in animals”, “Prion diseases”, “Avian influenza and other viral avian diseases”, “Swine viral diseases” were delivered at advanced training courses for veterinary specialists of state veterinary services from 56 regions of the RF within the program “Implementation of the state veterinary surveillance under current conditions” (at the Centre of Veterinary Medicine, RF Ministry of Agriculture, Moscow, April-December 2009) and at workshops for heads and specialists of state veterinary services within the program “Basic activities of specialists of state veterinary services aimed at the provision of favourable epidemic and animal health situation in the RF” held by order of the Rosselkhoznadzor and Ministry of Agriculture of the RF (86 specialists attended workshops held in Sochi in June and September 2009). 2 Annual reports of OIE Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres, 2009 Diagnosis and control of animal diseases in Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Transcaucasia Advanced training courses (4 flows) on animal rabies, infectious porcine and avian diseases prevention and control were arranged for veterinary specialists from 25 Subjects of the RF (Vladimir, FGI “ARRIAH”, February-October 2009). 5. Organisation of scientific meetings on behalf of the OIE The Scientific and practical workshop on current issues of prevention and eradication of FMD and avian influenza in the RF and Taiwan was held in partnership with 9 Taiwan specialists (Vladimir, FGI “ARRIAH”, December 2009). Specialists from Poland and Cote d'Ivoire underwent training at advanced training courses on “Pox and bluetongue epidemiology, diagnosis, prevention and control” (Vladimir, FGI “ARRIAH”, November 2009). 6. Coordination of scientific and technical studies in collaboration with other laboratories, organisations or collaborating centres Sixty-five specialists from the FGI “ARRIAH” visited 32 European, Asian, African and American countries to take part in different seminars, conferences and joint research activities within current programmes. 7. Publication and dissemination of any information within the remit of the mandate given by the OIE that may be useful to OIE Members (main publications) a) Publications in English Andriyasov A.V., Chvala I.A., Mudrak N.S., Drygin V.V. Avian influenza diagnosis in the Russian Federation: achievements and perspectives // Int. Symp. Sustainable Improvement of Animal Production and Health: Synopses. - Vienna, Austria, 2009. - P. 396-397. Baybikov T.Z., Kukushkin S.A., Shevtsov A.A. Analysis of classical swine fever epidemic situation in Russia in 2004-2009 // Rep. Ann. Mtg. Nat. Swine Fever Laboratories. - Valdeolmos, Spain, 2009. - P.41. Chvala I.A., Manin T.B., Pchelkina I.P., Andriyasov A.V., Kolosov S.N., Drygin V.V., Starov S.K. Brief analysis of molecular and biological characteristics of avian influenza (H5N1) virus isolates detected in Russia in 20052008 // 14th Int. Symp. World Assoc. Vet. Lab. Diagn.: abstr. - Madrid, 2009. - P. 144. Chvala I.A., Scherbakova L.O., Abramova L.Y., Shulpin M.I., Varkentin A.V., Babin Y.Y., Mudrak N.S., Drygin V.V. Characteristics of influenza A infection caused by A/chicken/Primorsky/85/08 H5N1 virus in mallards // BirdFlu 2009: Avian Influenza and Human Health . - Oxford, UK, 2009. - P. 23-25. Irza V.N., Manin T.B., Frolov A.V., Borisov A.V., Drygin V.V., Vlasov A.N. Avian influenza in Russia in 20052008: some epidemiological aspects and control strategies // 7th Int. Symp. Avian Influenza: Avian Influenza in Poultry and Wild Birds. - Georgia, USA, 2009. – P. 69. Kukushkin S.A., Baborenko E.P., Baybikov T.Z., Mikhalishin V.V., Domskiy I. Seroprevalence of antibodies to main porcine infectious pathogens in wild boar in some regions of Russia // Acta Silv. Lign. Hung. - 2009. - Vol. 5. - P.147-152. Kukushkin S.A., Baybikov T. Z. Influence of suckling pig convalescence from infectious diarrhea on their susceptibility to respiratory pathogens during growing period // 8th Int. Congr. Vet. Virol. 20 years of ESVV: Integrating Classical and Mol. Virol. - Budapest, Hungary, 2009. - P. 69. Kukushkin S.A., Baybikov T.Z., Fomin A.Ye., Baborenko E.P., Pronin I.A. Resistance of pigs to infection with highly pathogenic chinese-type PRRS virus after immunization with vaccines of European and North American virus genotypes // Proc. of the 4th Congr. of Asian Pig Vet. Soc. in Tsukuba, Japan . - Tsukuba, Japan, 2009. - P. 277. Annual reports of OIE Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres, 2009 3 Diagnosis and control of animal diseases in Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Transcaucasia Manin T.B., Chvala I.A., Kolosov S.N., Pchelkina I.P., Irza V.N., Drygin V.V. H5N1 avian influenza outbreak in the ear east in 2008 in Russia: new introduction? // 7th Int. Symp. Avian Influenza: Avian Influenza in Poultry and Wild Birds. - Georgia, USA, 2009. - P. 80. Metlin A.E., Huovilainen A., Chernyshova E.V., Sykharkov A.Y., Rybakov S.S., Belik E.V., Mikhalishin V.V. Rabies control and international collaboration of the oral vaccination of wildlife against rabies in the Russian Federation // Colloquium Rabies and Emerging Viral Diseases in North Africa and Western Europe. - Hammamet, Tunisia, 2009. - P.24. Pchelkina I.P., Manin T.B., Drygin V.V., Starov S.K. Newcastle disease: molecular-biological diagnosis in the Russian Federation // Int. Symp. Sustainable Improvement of Animal Production and Health: Synopses. - Vienna, Austria, 2009. - P. 352. Pchelkina I.P., Manin T.B., Kolosov S.N., Andriyasov A.V., Chvala I.A., Drygin V.V., Starov S.K., Borisov A.V. Molecular and biological characterization of some isolates of Newcastle disease virus detected in pigeons in the territory of Russia in 2000-2008 // 14th Int. Symp. World Assoc. Vet. Lab. Diagn.: abstr. - Madrid, 2009. - P. 143. Prokhvatilova L. B., Shulpin M.I., Mischenko V.A. Detection of bovine herpersvirus type 4 in cattle // 3rd ESVV Vet. Herpesvirus Symp. Greifswald - Insel Riems. Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut. - 2009. - P. 20. Pruntova O., Ruchnova O. Presence of Salmonella spp. in pork in Central region of Russia from 2005 to 2008 // 8th Int. Symp. Epidemiol. and Control of Foodborne Pathogens in Pork: Proc. - Quebec, Canada, 2009. - P. 385388. Rybakov S., Yegorov A., Pavlov A., Alyokhina A., Zhirkov A. Monitoring of bovine spongiform encephalopathy in the Russian Federation using a kit TeSeE (Bio-Rad) and immunohistochemical method // Prion 2009: Book of Abstracts. - Greece, 2009. - P.167. Rybakov S.S., Metlin A. E., Chernyshova E.V., Sukharkov A.Y., Belik E.V. Control of efficiency of oral antirabies vaccination in wild animals in the Kaliningradskaya Oblast of the Russian Federation / [et al.]. - // 3rd Symp. Belgian Wildlife Dis. Soc. Wildlife Dis. Surveillance. - Brussels, 2009. - P.48. Shmarov M.M., Sedova E.S., Tutykhina I.L., Rudneva I.A., Logunov D.Y., Smirnov Y.A., Drygin V.V., Naroditsky B.S., Gintsburg A.L. Immunization of recombinant adenoviruses AD5, bearing hemagglutinine gene of avian influenza virus H5N1, show cross protection in mice from lethal dose of avian influenza virus H5N2 // 8th Int. Congr. Vet. Virol. 20 years of ESVV: Integrating Classical and Mol. Virol. - Budapest, Hungary, 2009. P.182. Shulpin M.I., Chvala I.A., Scherbakova L.O., Volkova M.A., Mudrak N.S., Drygin V.V. Study of avian recombinant adenovirus CELO - induced immunity against subtype H5 and H7 avian influenza virus // BirdFlu 2009: Avian Influenza and Human Health . - Oxford, UK, 2009. - P. 25-26. Zakharov V.M., Mishchenko V.V. Bluetongue prevention in Russia // 3rd Annual Meeting EPIZONE "Crossing borders". Programme and Abstracts. - Antalya, Turkey, 2009. - P. 114. b) Publications in CIS-countries in Russian Kulyashbekova Sh.K., Borisov A.V. Current status of Marek’s disease prevention by vaccination // Curr. Issues of Microbiol. and Virusol.: Proceedings of the Int. Research-to-Practice Conf. – Almaty, 2009. – P. 266-269. Levchenko S.V., Mischenko V.A., Kononov A.V., Dumova V.V., Prokhvatilova L.B. Challenge of bovine virus diarrhea in Russia // Вет. бiотехнологiя. - Киiв, 2009. - Бюл. № 15. - С. 235-239. Moroz N.V., Rybakov S.S., Yeremeyeva T.B., Apasova L.Yu., Pylnov V.A., Kalinkina T.Yu. Isolation of karp spring viremia virus in the Central region of Russia // Veterinary Medicine: Inter-departmental subject scientific collection. – UK, Kharkov, 2009. – Vol. 92. – P. 341-346. Kononov A.V., Mischenko V.A., Levchenko S.V., Dumova V.V., Korpusova T.I. Antigenic properties of emulsion inactivated vaccine against bovine virus diarrhea and rota-coronavirus infections // Вет. бiотехнологiя. Киiв, 2009. - Бюл. № 15. - С. 179-183. 4 Annual reports of OIE Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres, 2009 Diagnosis and control of animal diseases in Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Transcaucasia Pchelkina I.P., Kolosov S.N., Manin T.B., Chvala I.A., Andriyasov A.V., Starov S.K., Drygin V.V., Borisov A.V. Newcastle disease virus isolated in wild and synanthropic bird populations in the territory of Russia in 2008 // Veterinary Medicine: Inter-departmental subject scientific collection. – UK, Kharkov, 2009. – Vol. 92. – P. 417422. c) Russian Publications in the Russian Federation Apasova L.Yu., Moroz N.V., Rybakov S.S., Kalinkina T.Yu., Yeremeyeva T.B. Testing of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus for its cultural properties // Scientific basis of veterinary biological preparation production: Proceedings of the International Research-to-Practice Conference - Schelkovo, 2009.- pp. 231-236. Baybikov T.Zh., Kukushkin S.A., Rakhmanov A.M. Porcine infectious diseases with reproductive disorders and their prevention // Current issues of veterinary maintenance of animal reproductive health: Proceedings of the International Research-to-Practice Conference - Voronezh, 2009.- pp. 55-58. Borisov A.V., Kuznetsov Yu.V., Kuznetsov V.N. On the development of manufacture and control techniques for infectious bursal disease viral vaccine based on “K-58” strain // 5th International Veterinary Poultry Congress M., 2009- pp. 105-109. Varkentin A.V., Tsivanuyk M.A., Irza V.N., Borisov A.V., Study of postvaccinal immunity against influenza in various poultry species // Veterinariya. – 2009.- No.6. - pp. 25-28. Volkova M.A., Irza V.N., Runina I.A., Frolov S.V., Kachalova M.Ye., Chvala I.A., Chubukova Ye.I., Mudrak N.S., Borisov V.V., Drygin V.V. Evaluation of immune responses in chickens inoculated with mucosal vaccines against Newcastle disease // Veterinariya. – 2009. -No.10. - pp. 20-25. Dolgov D.L., Borisov V.V., Frolov S.V., Borisov A.V., Efficacy of PENTAVIS-series associated inactivated emulsion vaccine against ND, IB, EDS-76, IBD and RVT // 5th International Veterinary Poultry Congress. - M., 2009. - pp. 95-99. Zakharov V.M., Complex of measures for prevention of bluetongue introduction and spread in the Russian Federation // Veterinariya. – 2009. - No.5. - pp. 3-5. Animal infectious pathology, Proceedings of the International Research-to-Practice Conference devoted to the 50th anniversary of the FGI ARRIAH, October 21-24, 2008. - Vladimir, 2009. - 116 p. (17 presentations). - ISBN 978-5-9-00026-38-1. Kapuskina Yu.V., Semenova G.M. Comparison of schedules for hyperimmunization of chickens with Salmonella enteritidis antigen // Parasitic infections and non-infectious diseases of animals: Collection of scientific papers. Stavropol, 2009. - pp. 49-52. Kononov A.V., Mischenko V.A., Levchenko S.V., Korpusova T.I., Dumova V.V. Antigenic properties of inactivated emulsion vaccine against parainfluenza-3, IRT and bovine viral diarrhea// Scientific basis of veterinary biological preparation production: Proceedings of the International Research-to-Practice Conference. - Schelkovo, 2009. - pp. 221-226. Kochetkov S.A., Prokhvatilova L.B., Mischenko V.A. Development of a method for bovine parvovirus-1, -2, -3 detection using polymerase chain reaction // Current issues of veterinary infectious pathology: Proceedings of the International Research-to-Practice Conference. - Pokrov, 2009.- pp. 102-106. Kochetkov S.A., Vecherov A.Ye, Chupin S.A., Prokhvatilova L.B., Mischenko V.A. Detection of bovine enterovirus genome by polymerase chain reaction and nucleotide sequencing // Veterinariya. 2009. - No.10. pp. 53-57. Kukushkin S.A., Baborenko Ye.P., Baybikov T.Zh., Shevtsov A.A. Control of Aujeszky’ s disease in pig industry using marker vaccines // Russian Veterinary Congress. 17th Moscow International Veterinary Congress. Proceedings of “Aspects of porcine infectious pathology” Section. M., 2009. Kukushkin S.A., Baybikov T.Zh., Kanshina A.V., Chelysheva M.V. Porcine influenza: epidemiology, diagnosis, control and preventive measures // Veterinariya. – 2009. - No.9. - pp. 3-7. Annual reports of OIE Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres, 2009 5 Diagnosis and control of animal diseases in Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Transcaucasia Metlin A.Ye., Rybakov S.S., Michalishin V.V. Oral vaccination of wild carnivores against rabies // Veterinariya. – 2009. - No.8. - pp. 18-25. Mischenko V.A., Dumova V.V., Kiselev M.Yu., Kononov A.V., Nesterov A.A., Kostyrkin Yu.A., Pavlov D.K., Levchenko S.V. Role of coronavirus in calf respiratory pathology // Veterinariya. – 2009.- No.5. - pp. 17-20. Ovchinnikova Ye.V., Scherbakova L.O., Mudrak N.S., Borisov A.V., Drygin V.V. Infectious bronchitis diagnosis: situation in Russia (2007-2008) // 5th International Veterinary Poultry Congress. - M., 2009. - pp. 66-70. Pichuyev A.Ye., Tsivanyuk M.A., Mikhalishin V.V., Irza V.N., Domsky I.A. Isolation of antibodies to type A influenza virus from wild bird sera in the Kirovskaya Oblast // 29th International Congress of Game Biologists: Collection of papers. - M., 2009. - Part 2. - p.61. Pyatkina A.A., Kulyashbekova Sh.K., Borisov A.V. Menschikova A.E. Effect of immunopotentiators in Marek’s disease vaccine formulation // Ptitsevodstvo. – 2009. - No.5. - pp. 37-38. Rybakov S.S., Yegorov A.A. Bovine spongiform encephalopathy: situation and anti-epidemic measures in the world and in Russia // Scientific basis of veterinary biological preparation production: Proceedings of the International Research-to-Practice Conference. - Schelkovo, 2009. - pp. 213-220. Proceedings of the Federal Centre for Animal Health / FGI “Federal Centre for Animal Health (FGI “ARRIAH”). Volume 7. - Vladimir, 2009. - 272 p. (Sections: “Foot-and-mouth disease and other bovine and porcine diseases” (17 papers); “Current aspects of avian and other animal diseases” (13 papers); “Biotechnology issues” (3 papers). ISBN 978-5-8310-0443-1. Khlebovets Z.B., Scherbakova L.O., Kozlov D.Yu., Mudrak N.S., Borisov A.V., Drygin V.V. Detection of avian metapneumoviruses by molecular-biological methods in the Russian Federation // 5th International Veterinary Poultry Congress. - M., 2009. - pp. 114-118. Chvala I.A., Scherbakova L.O., Shulpin M.I., Babin Yu.Yu., Varkentin A.V., Shelkanov M.Yu., Mudrak N.S., Borisov A.V., Drygin V.V., Abramova L.Yu., Vlasov N.A. Peculiarities of A/chicken/Primorsky/85/08 H5N1associated influenza A in mallards // Veterinariya. 2009. - No.10. - pp. 25-26. _______________ 6 Annual reports of OIE Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres, 2009