Quiz Hair and beauty Level A Circle the right answer for each

Hair and beauty
Level A
Circle the right answer for each question.
1) Working in a hair and beauty salon, you might have to...
A) Read a book
B) Sweep the pavement
C) Sweep the floor
D) Cook a meal
2) Working in a hair and beauty salon, you might have to...
A) Answer the phone
B) Answer the door
C) Answer a letter
D) Answer back
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3) Working in a hair and beauty salon, you might have to...
A) Wash the car
B) Wash a client’s hair
C) Wash your hair
D) Wash the dog
4) Working in a hair and beauty salon, you might have to...
A) Make a cake
B) Sit in an office
C) Travel abroad
D) Make coffee
5) Working in a hair and beauty salon, you might have to...
A) Mix a cocktail
B) Mix a perm solution
C) Climb up ladders
D) Watch TV
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6) Working in a hair and beauty salon, you might have to...
A) Chat to your friends
B) Backchat the customers
C) Chat to the customers
D) Chat to your family
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Hair and beauty
Level B
Circle the right answer for each question.
1) You are working at Carol’s Hair and Beauty Salon. A client has a
haircut costing £25. The client gives you £30. How much change do
you give them?
A) £5
B) £15
C) £10
D) £2
2) You are working at Carol’s Hair and Beauty Salon. A client has a
haircut costing £12.50. The client gives you £15. How much change
do you give them?
A) £1.50
B) £2.50
C) £1.75
D) £2
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3) You are working at Carol’s Hair and Beauty Salon. A client has a
manicure costing £8.75. The client gives you £20. How much change
do you give them?
A) £15.25
B) £10.25
C) £12.25
D) £11.25
4) You are working at Carol’s Hair and Beauty Salon. A client has a
colour treatment costing £48. The client gives you £60. How much
change do you give them?
A) £12
B) £22
C) £18
D) £15
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5) You have to leave perm lotion in a client's hair for 45 minutes. You
put it on at 11:15. At what time should you rinse it off?
A) 11:45
B) 12:45
C) 12:00
D) 11:55
6) You have to leave perm lotion in a client's hair for 45 minutes. You
put it on at 15:30. At what time should you rinse it off?
A) 16:00
B) 16:15
C) 16:45
D) 16:30
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Hair and beauty
Level C
Circle the right answer for each question.
1) You are working at Carol’s Hair and Beauty Salon. What is the right
way to answer the phone?
A) Hi, can I help?
B) Hello, who’s calling?
C) Hi there.
D) Good morning. Carol’s Hair and Beauty Salon.
2) A client wants to have her hair cut today. You are fully booked. How
do you tell them?
A) No can do.
B) Not a chance!
C) I’m sorry. We’re fully booked today. How about tomorrow?
D) Sorry, dear. There’s no space.
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3) You take a booking over the phone. You don’t know how to spell the
client’s name. What do you say?
A) Could you spell that for me, please?
B) That’s a funny name.
C) That’s a hard name to spell.
D) I don’t know that name.
4) Your salon has two hairdressers. They can each see one client per
hour. The salon is open from 10:00 to 15:00 and they don’t stop for
lunch. How many clients you can you book on one day?
A) 12
B) 5
C) 8
D) 10
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5) Your salon has two hairdressers. They can each see one client per
hour. The salon is open from 09:00 to 15:00 and they don’t stop for
lunch. How many clients you can book on one day?
A) 6
B) 14
C) 12
D) 10
6) Your salon has two hairdressers. They can each see one client per
hour. The salon is open from 09:00 to 16:00 and they don’t stop for
lunch. How many clients you can book on one day?
A) 12
B) 14
C) 16
D) 7
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Quiz – answers
Hair and beauty
Level A
1) Working in a hair and beauty salon, you might have to...
The correct answer is C. You might have to sweep the floor if you
work in a salon.
2) Working in a hair and beauty salon, you might have to...
The correct answer is A. You might have to answer the phone if you
work in a salon.
3) Working in a hair and beauty salon, you might have to...
The correct answer is B. You might have to wash a client's hair if you
work in a salon.
4) Working in a hair and beauty salon, you might have to...
The correct answer is D. You might have to make coffee if you work
in a salon.
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5) Working in a hair and beauty salon, you might have to...
The correct answer is B. You might have to mix a perm solution if
you work in a salon.
6) Working in a hair and beauty salon, you might have to...
The correct answer is C. You might have to chat to the customers if
you work in a salon.
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Quiz – answers
Hair and beauty
Level B
You are working at Carol’s Hair and Beauty Salon. A client has a
haircut costing £25. The client gives you £30. How much change do
you give them?
The correct answer is A. You will give the client £5 change.
You are working at Carol’s Hair and Beauty Salon. A client has a
haircut costing £12.50. The client gives you £15. How much change
do you give them?
The correct answer is B. You will give the client £2.50 change.
You are working at Carol’s Hair and Beauty Salon. A client has a
manicure costing £8.75. The client gives you £20. How much
change do you give them?
The correct answer is D. You will give the client £11.25 change.
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You are working at Carol’s Hair and Beauty Salon. A client has a
colour treatment costing £48. The client gives you £60. How much
change do you give them?
The correct answer is A. You will give the client £12 change.
You have to leave perm lotion in a client's hair for 45 minutes. You
put it on at 11:15. At what time should you rinse it off?
The correct answer is C. You should rinse it off at 12:00.
You have to leave perm lotion in a client's hair for 45 minutes. You
put it on at 15:30. At what time should you rinse it off?
The correct answer is B. You should rinse it off at 16:15.
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Quiz – answers
Hair and beauty
Level C
You are working at Carol’s Hair and Beauty Salon. What is the right
way to answer the phone?
The correct answer is D. The right way to answer the phone is:
'Good morning. Carol’s Hair and Beauty Salon.'
A client wants to have her hair cut today. You are fully booked. How
do you tell them?
The correct answer is C. You should tell the client 'I’m sorry. We’re
fully booked today. How about tomorrow?'
You take a booking over the phone. You don’t know how to spell the
client’s name. What do you say?
The correct answer is A. You should say 'Could you spell that for
me, please?'.
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Your salon has two hairdressers. They can each see one client per
hour. The salon is open from 10:00 to 15:00 and they don’t stop for
lunch. How many clients you can you book on one day?
The correct answer is D. You can book 10 clients in one day.
Your salon has two hairdressers. They can each see one client per
hour. The salon is open from 09:00 to 15:00 and they don’t stop for
lunch. How many clients you can book on one day?
The correct answer is C. You can book 12 clients in one day.
Your salon has two hairdressers. They can each see one client per
hour. The salon is open from 09:00 to 16:00 and they don’t stop for
lunch. How many clients you can book on one day?
The correct answer is B. You can book 14 clients in one day.
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