Press release

Which shower type am I?
A brief typology of showering reveals what pleasure showerers, quick showerers
and family showerers want in a bathroom
Ahlen, April 2014. – Much in life is a question of type. From the choice of outfit
through to the furnishing of our own four walls. Modern spatial design in
particular opens up many options for us today to accommodate functionality to
our own needs, wants and preferences. The bathroom is one such place that can
be individually styled to answer the demands of daily life, family situation and
aesthetic standards. A brief typology of showering reveals what exactly
distinguishes the various user types and which shower is ideal for them.
Pleasure showerer: looking for a harmonious time-out
Those who like to indulge and regenerate body and soul are given to linger that little
bit extra under a nice hot shower. The bathroom for pleasure showerers is a
personal retreat in which to relax. The stylish and open concept of the room is as
important to them as are comfort, modern design, high-quality materials and a
harmonious colour scheme.
Kaldewei’s enamelled shower surfaces in the natural matt shades of the
Coordinated Colours Collection are the right choice here for pleasure showerers.
They allow floor-level showers such as the Kaldewei Conoflat to blend aesthetically
with the surrounding surfaces to create a uniquely pleasant ambience in the
bathroom in twelve natural shades including Seashell Cream matt, Oyster Grey matt
and Lava Black matt.
Quick showerers: the bathroom as a transit station
Quick box stop before work or after sport: This type likes to jump in the shower
several times a day, if necessary, for a quick rinse and a bit of refreshment. They
often lack the time for a more extended visit to the bathroom. Quick showerers use
their bathroom more under functional aspects and therefore prefer materials that
are durable and easy to clean. The floor-level shower Xetis made of Kaldewei steel
enamel has material properties and special design features – it comes with an
integrated wall outlet instead of standard floor drain – that makes it ideal for this
type of showerer. For those who like it particularly quick, premium manufacturer
Kaldewei can also provide the enamelled shower surface with its proprietary easyclean finish. As a special surface coating it ensures that the water runs off the
shower effortlessly taking with it virtually any dirt particles and limescale. Thanks to
its smooth surface, the enamelled shower surface dries off quickly and looks as
good as new for many decades – guaranteed for 30 years.
Family showerer: room to move at any age
In many households the bathroom is used by different generations. It is the home of
the family showerer. Enamelled shower surfaces from Kaldewei score with this type
of showerer because of their generous dimensions. Kaldewei’s Superplan XXL, for
instance, is available up to a size of 150 x 150 cm. Joint showers with Junior
become child’s play. A further bonus: All floor-level showers from Kaldewei can be
provided with anti-slip surface finishes such as Kaldewei Secure Plus. This keeps
young and old safe in the shower. And when grandma and grandpa come to visit for
the weekend, they will appreciate the conveniently barrier-free access to the
Be it pleasure showerers, quick showerers or family showerers: Kaldewei offers
enamelled shower surfaces as the ideal solution for any type.
Source: Franz Kaldewei GmbH & Co. KG. Copy requested.
Press contacts:
Franz Kaldewei GmbH & Co. KG
Marcus Möllers
PO Box 1761
59206 Ahlen, Germany
achtung! GmbH
Straßenbahnring 3
20251 Hamburg, Germany
Tel. +49 2382 785 209
Fax +49 2382 785 8209
Tel. +49 40 450 210 888
Further information and illustrations are available from Kaldewei’s virtual
press office:
1 – The pleasure showerer – Kaldewei Conoflat in Lava Black matt
Image source: Kaldewei
Pleasure showerers deliberately take time out from the stresses of daily life in the
bathroom. For them, design and comfort go hand in hand when it comes to the
room concept. Enamelled shower surfaces in the shades of Kaldewei’s Coordinated
Colours Collection blend harmoniously with the surrounding colour scheme to
create a relaxing haven of wellbeing for the pleasure showerer.
2 – The quick showerer – Kaldewei Xetis in Alpine White
Image source: Kaldewei
For the quick showerer, everything in the bathroom is a matter of timing. From a
quick rinse to freshen up right through to cleaning the shower, everything is done at
a racy pace. As a functional type, he or she therefore prefers materials in the
bathroom that are durable and easy to clean, such as Kaldewei steel enamel.
3 – The family showerer – Kaldewei Superplan XXL in Alpine White
Image source: Kaldewei
Enamelled shower surfaces from Kaldewei score with the family showerer because
of their generous sizes. The robust steel enamel surface even copes with sandy
little feet after a day at the playground. A further advantage: The floor-level showers
from premium manufacturer Kaldewei are optionally available with anti-slip surface
finishes. This keeps young and old safe in the shower.