BIODATA Tapan Kumar Mohanta Phone: +91-9650617051 E-mail: EDUCATION Ph.D in Science and High Technology, 10th Feb. 2011, University of Turin, Italy. MS Bioinformatics (1st level), University of Turin, Italy, 2007. M.Sc. Biotechnology, North Orissa University, Orissa, India, 2006. B.Sc. Chemistry and Biology (Botany Honors), North Orissa University, Orissa, India, 2003. AWARDS/ RECOGNITIONS AND SCHOLARSHIPS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Postdoctoral Research Associate, National Institute of Plant Genome Research, New Delhi, 20th April 2012 to ....Till date. Postdoctoral Research Associate in Indo-German Collaborative Project, G.B. Pant University of Agri. & Tech, Uttarakhand, India (5th September 2011 to 19th April 2012). International fellowship for post graduate study, University of Torino, Italy, 2008-2009-2010. Italian Government fellowship, Department of Secondary and higher education, Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India, 2007. First class first, M.Sc. Biotechnology degree examination, North Orissa University, India, 2006. First class 3rd in Botany Honours, B.Sc. degree examination, North Orissa University, 2003. Meritorious student award, Bachelors degree study, Karanjia College Karanjia, Mayurbhanj, Orissa India, 2002. PUBLICATIONS COMMUNICATED 1. 2. 3. 4. Tapan Kumar Mohanta*, Chidananda NK, Malnoy M. (2013). The code of Calcium dependent protein kinase gene families in plants. [BMC Genome Biology] [Studied with CPK gene family of 40 plant Species]. Tapan Kumar Mohanta*, Chidananda NK, Malnoy M. (2013). The Calcineurin B-like gene family of plants Species: Origin and Evolution study. [BMC Genomics] [Studied with CBL gene family of 35 plant Species] Tapan Kumar Mohanta, Wankhede DP, Alok K Sinha. (2013). Global study of MAP kinase gene family in plants: An In-Silico study. [TRENDS IN PLANT SCIENCE] Tapan Kumar Mohanta, Anil K Sharma. (2013). Cloning and functional analysis of EcPhT1 phosphate transporter gene of finger millet Eleusine coracana. [Communicated]. PUBLISHED 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Chidananda NK, Tapan Kumar Mohanta, Andrea Capuzzo, Francesca Verrillo, Massimo E. Maffei, Mickael Malnoy. (2013). Differential expression of CPKs and cytosolic Ca 2+ variation in resistant and susceptible apple cultivars (Malus x domestica) in response to pathogen Erwinia amylovora and mechanical wounding. BMC Genomics, 14:760 doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-760. Tapan Kumar Mohanta, Chidananda NK, Mickael Malnoy, Nibedita Mohanta. (2013). In-Silico identification and phylogenetic analysis of auxin efflux carrier gene family in Setaria italica L. African J. Biotechnology (In Press). Tapan Kumar Mohanta, Andrea Occhipinti, Simon A Zebelo, Maria Foti, Judith Fliegmann, Simone Bossi, Massimo E Maffei, Cinzia M Bertea. (2012). Ginkgo biloba responds to herbivory by activating early signaling and direct defenses. PLoS One, 7(3): e32822. Tapan Kumar Mohanta, Patra J.K., Rath S.K., Pal D.K., Thatoi H.N. (2007). Evaluation of antimicrobial activity and phytochemical screening of oils and nuts of Semicarpus anacardium L.f. J. of Scientific Research and Essays, Vol. 2 (11): 486-490. Tapan Kumar Mohanta. (2012). Advances in Ginkgo biloba research: Genomics and Metabolomics perspectives. African Journal of Biotechnology, 11(93): 15936-15944. Tapan Kumar Mohanta. (2013). In-Silico analysis of Ent-Kaurene synthase shows similar functional domain with levopimaradiene synthase involved in biosynthesis of ginkgolide. J. of Biotechnological Sciences, 1 (2): 89-91. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Tapan Kumar Mohanta, Nibedita Mohanta. (2013). Genome wide identification of auxin efflux carrier gene family in Physcomitrella patens. J. of Biotechnological Sciences, 1(2): 54-64. Tapan Kumar Mohanta, Nibedita Mohanta. (2013). Genome wide identification of auxin efflux carrier gene family in Solanum tuberosum L. J. of Natural Sciences 1(2): 44-51. Tapan Kumar Mohanta. (2013). Plant Metabolomics: Missing link in next generation functional genomics era. J. of Applied Biol. & Biotech., 1(3): 001-010. Tapan Kumar Mohanta, Tamboli Y, Zubaidha PK. (2013). Phytochemical and medicinal importance of Ginkgo biloba L. J. Natural Product Research (In Press). Tapan Kumar Mohanta and Nibedita Mohanta. (2012). Microbial genomics and application of microarray in microbial biotechnology. Advances in Biotechnology, Chapter 7: 153-171, Studium press USA. Tapan Kumar Mohanta and Nibedita Mohanta. (2011). Recent advances in miRNA. Advances in life Sciences, Chapter 4: 87-111, Studium Press, USA. Tapan Kumar Mohanta, Alok Krishna Sinha. (2013). Role of calcium dependent protein kinase during abiotic stress tolerance. In Tuteja N, Gill SS, Tuteja R (eds), Wiley-Blackwell, Germany (in Press). PUBLICATION IN CONFERENCE/SYMPOSIA 1. Pallavi Singh, Tapan Kumar Mohanta, Alok Krishna Sinha. (2013). Unraveling the intricacies of MAPK cascade in rice roots. International Symposium in Rice Functional Genomics, Page, 97. NCBI GENEBANK SUBMISSION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Tapan Kumar Mohanta, Alok Krishna Sinha (2013). KF155511: Oryza sativa Auxin Efflux Carrier 1a (OsPIN1a) mRNA, Complete CDS. Tapan Kumar Mohanta, Alok Krishna Sinha (2013). KF155512: Oryza sativa Auxin Efflux Carrier 1b (OsPIN1b) mRNA, Complete CDS. Tapan Kumar Mohanta, Alok Krishna Sinha (2013). KF155513: Oryza sativa Auxin Efflux Carrier (OsPIN1d) mRNA, Complete CDS. Tapan Kumar Mohanta, Alok Krishna Sinha (2013). KF155514: Oryza sativa Auxin Efflux Carrier 5a (OsPIN5a) mRNA, Complete CDS. Tapan Kumar Mohanta, Alok Krishna Sinha (2013). KF155515: Oryza sativa Auxin Efflux Carrier 9 (OsPIN9) mRNA, Complete CDS. Tapan Kumar Mohanta, Alok Krishna Sinha (2013). Banklt ID. 1632766-Oryza sativa Ethylene Insensitive mRNA, complete CDS. Tapan Kumar Mohanta, Alok Krishna Sinha (2013). KF155509: Oryza sativa Protein Phosphatase 2C (PP2C) mRNA, complete CDS. Tapan Kumar Mohanta, Alok Krishna Sinha (2013). KF155510: Oryza sativa Transmembrane Amino Acid Transporter (Auxin Influx Carrier) mRNA, Complete CDS. Tapan Kumar Mohanta, Alok Krishna Sinha (2013) KF155505: Oryza sativa OsIAA5-Auxin-Responsive Aux/IAA Gene, Complete CDS. Tapan Kumar Mohanta, Alok Krishna Sinha (2013). KF155506: Oryza sativa (indica cultivar-group) Ethylene Responsive Gene, complete CDS. Tapan Kumar Mohanta, Alok Krishna Sinha (2013). KF155507: Oryza sativa Auxin Resposnive Aux/IAA 31 (OsIAA31) mRNA, complete CDS. Tapan Kumar Mohanta, Alok Krishna Sinha (2013). KF155508: Oryza sativa Auxin-Repressed Gene. Tapan Kumar Mohanta, Anil K Sharma. (2013). KC193050: Eleusine coracana clone PhT1 inorganic phosphate transporter-like mRNA, complete sequences. Tapan Kumar Mohanta, Anil K Sharma. (2013). KC193051: Eleusine coracana clone PhT2 inorganic phosphate transporter-like mRNA, complete sequence. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (Total Postdoctoral Experience: 2.4 Years) Postdoctoral Research Associate, National Institute of Plant Genome Research, New Delhi, India. 20th April 2012 to…till date Current Research Activity Expression study of auxin efflux carrier genes following auxin and cytokinin treatment. Identification and expression analysis of PIN subfamily genes in rice following auxin and cytokinin treatment to understand their role in growth and development in rice. Vector construction of above mentioned genes of rice in pJET, pGADT7 AD, pGBKT7, pENTR, pGWB22, and pGWB18 vector. Interaction analysis of auxin efflux carrier genes with mitogen activated protein kinase being carried out using yeast two-hybrid assay and BiFC assay. Postdoctoral Research Associate, Dept. of Biological Science, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pant Nagar, India. 5th Sept 2011-19th April 2012 Research activity undertaken Cloned of phosphate transporter genes from Eleusine coracana. Expression study of cloned phosphate transporter genes following mycorrhiza infection. PhD Research Scholar, Dept. of Plant biology, University of Turin, Italy ( 2008-2009-2010 Gene expression analysis of Ginkgo biloba plant following herbivore attack to find out some potential differentially expressed orthologous genes supposed to be modulated due to herbivore attack (Biotic stress). Studied expression profile of genes involved in phenylpropanoid metabolism and reactive oxygen species scavenging (ROS) system following herbivore attack. Analysis of plant total phenolics to study antioxidant activity following herbivore attack. Study of chemical profile change of quercetin and kaempferol following herbivore attack. Study of chemical profile changes of (Ginkgolides and bilobalide) following herbivore attack. EXPERTISE IN SCIENTIFIC SKILLS Plant Molecular Biology: Isolation of DNA, RNA and plasmid, cDNA synthesis, PCR, qRT-PCR, cloning, transformation, sequencing, gel electrophoresis, Bioanalyzer assay, transient gene transformation, Yeast two hybrid assay, BiFC assay for in-vivo protein interactions etc. Metabolism: Extraction and analysis of plant secondary metabolite like total phenols and flavonoids, terpene trilactones (Ginkgolide and bilobalide), HPLC, LC-MS. Biochemistry: protein isolation and purification, gel electrophoresis (Native and SDS PAGE), antigenantibody interaction, ingel Kinase assay, Immuno-kinase assay, blotting, ELISA, enzymatic assay. Bioinformatics: Familiar with NCBI data base, GeneSpring GX for microarray analysis, homology modeling, use of statistical tool R, gene annotation etc. PERSONAL DETAILS DATE OF BIRTH SEX NATIONALITY LANGUAGE KNOWN PERMANENT ADDRESS : : : : : CORRESPONDANCE ADDRESS : CONTACT NO. : 07/11/1982 MALE INDIAN ENGLISH, ORIYA, HINDI, ITALIAN AT- BAUNSHPUR, PO-ANGARPADA VIA- RARUAN, DIST-MAYURBHANJ ORISSA, INDIA, 757035 LAB NO. 102, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF PLANT GENOME RESEARCH, ARUNA ASAF ALI MARG, NEW DELHI, INDIA, PIN 110067 +91-9650617051