

Organizational behavior

Design management seminar

Krishna Kumar

Rashmin Raj A


•The strategic role of product management

•Analyzing market opportunities

•Effective marketing programs

•Practical product management

•Pragmatic marketing

•Public relations

•Brand positioning

•Brand management


•The strategic role of product management

•Analyzing market opportunities

•Effective M arketing programs

•Practical product management


•Public rel ations marketing

•Brand pos itioning

•Brand management



ct management

Design management seminar

Krishna Kumar

Rashmin Raj A

Con fli ct management

What's a conflict?

Conflict is a natural disagreement resulting from individuals or groups that differ in attitudes, beliefs, values or needs. It can also originate from past rivalries and personality differences.

"It is not necessary to understand things in order to argue about them."

Pierre Beaumarchais

Con fli ct management

Positive aspects of conflict??

• Opens communication between people

• Replacement of old goals with more relevant ones

• Increase innovation through a greater diversity in view points

• Groups and individuals achieve greater awareness of their own identities

• Leads to innovative solutions

• Strengthens relationships

• Improves problem solving skills

Con fli ct management

Negative aspects of conflict??

• Misallocation of resources

• Barriers to communication

• Lowers productivity

• Stressful

• Creates “us versus them”

• Produces irresponsible behavior

Conflict resolution is not about eliminating disagreements, diversity of opinion or alternate viewpoints that are crucial to good decision making.

Con fli ct management

Homework for conflict management

• Is it a real problem worth solving

• What's the root cause

• Prepare the group to work towards a mutually agreeable solution

• Prepare them to listen

• Remind participants that it’s all right to disagree

"It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument."

William Gibbs McAdoo

Con fli ct management

Solving conflict

• Listen for perspective

• Stray objective

• Model effective communication skills

• One issue at a time

• Search for common ground

• Timing

• Reactions to unintentional remarks

• Discussion techniques

• Hot buttons

• Avoid simplistic solutions

• Keep your sense of humor

Con fli ct management

Solving conflict

Listen for perspective

Helping individuals understand each other perspectives is key to conflict resolution.

Stray objective

Work on not letting your own feelings block you from effectively facilitating the group.

Model effective communication skills

You model the way and encourage resolution when you apply good communication skills during the discussion.

Con fli ct management

One issue at a time maintain your focus on the point of conflict and not on other unresolved issues.

Search for common ground

Constantly search for and point out areas of agreement or common ground among participants.

Timing find a time when all parties are ready and willing to work on dealing with the conflict.

Reaction to unintentional remarks determine the actual intent of a particular comment.

Con fli ct management

Discussion techniques

Hot buttons be careful of words, phrases, mannerisms or approaches which rise your defenses and block facilitation and objectivity.

Avoid simplistic solutions

Simplistic solutions or incomplete resolutions have a negative side which is more painful and damaging in the long run than the original issue.

Keep your sense of hour

A well timed humorous remark is a great way to recognize the humor of the situation.

Con fli ct management
