ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMS FACULTY Research Interests TITLE Professor, Environmental Sciences Program Coordinator NAME CONTACT R. Scott Anderson Scott.Anderson@nau.edu 523-5821 Bldg. 19, Room 138 (Paleoecology, Forest History) Associate Professor (Geomorphology, Atmospheric Science) Diana Elder Anderson Diana.Anderson@nau.edu 523-1276 Bldg. 19, Room 137 Lecturer, Geoscience Education, Volcanology Carrie BruggerSchorr Carrie.BruggerSchorr@nau.edu Assistant Research Professor (Wildlife & Landscape Ecology) Brett G. Dickson Brett.Dickson@nau.edu INTEREST AREAS - WEBSITE Disturbance ecology, primarily the effect of fire and insect infestation on former plant communities; Paleoecology and climate history of plant communities; Global change issues, especially as they relate to human activities in forested ecosystems. http://www.nau.edu/~envsci/faculty/Scott Anderson/index.htm Arid Land Geomorphology; Meteorology; Paleoclimatology; Desertification; Watershed Restoration http://www.cefns.nau.edu/Academic/EnvS ci/danderson.shtml 523.9220 523-3592 Bldg. 56, Room 222 Professor, Structural Ecology Ernest Duebendorfer Ernie.D@nau.edu Professor, Vertebrate Paleontology David Elliott David.Elliott@nau.edu Director, Colorado Plateau Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Adjunct Professor Ron Hiebert Professor, Metamorphic Petrology Thomas Hoisch Thomas.Hoisch@nau.edu Assistant Professor, Climate Science Deborah Huntzinger Deborah.Huntzinger@nau.edu Professor (Mycorrhizae and Soil Ecology) Nancy Collins Johnson Nancy.Johnson@nau.edu Wildlife and Landscape Ecology, Conservation Biology, Quantitative Methods and Spatial Statistics http://oak.ucc.nau.edu/bgd/research.html 523-7510 3-7188 Ron.Hiebert@nau.edu 523-0877 Bldg. 56, Room 114 http://www.cefns.nau.edu/Orgs/CPCESU/ Bldg. 69 Room 322L 523.9220 523-6473 Bldg. 19, Room 124 Soil Ecology; Mycorrhizal symbioses; Ecosystem restoration; Agroecology http://www.nau.edu/~envsci/johnsonlab/ As of January 2013 Professor (Quaternary Geology and Climate Science) Darrell Kaufman Instructor, Paleoecology Peter Koehler Lecturer (Aquatic Ecosystem Conservation & Management) Angela Moline Darrell.Kaufman@nau.edu 523.7192 Bldg. 13, Room 306 Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology; Geochronology and Paleoclimatology; Glacier, Sea-level, and Lake-level Fluctuations; Amino Acid Geochronology. http://jan.ucc.nau.edu/~dsk5/ Peter.Koehler@nau.edu 523.4561 Angela.Moline@nau.edu 523-0361 Bldg. 19, Room 116 Ecology of desert streams and springfed pools; Aquatic ecosystem conservation and management; Placebased experiential education on the Colorado Plateau; Assessment of student attitudes towards the environment and conservation http://www.cefns.nau.edu/Academic/EnvS ci/Moline.shtml Associate Professor, Sedimentology Larry Middleton Larry.Middleton@nau.edu Director, MS Environmental Sciences & Policy Program (Envir. Studies, Policy and Management), Assistant Professor Erik Nielsen Erik.Nielsen@nau.edu Professor Michael Ort 523.2429 523.4980 Bldg. 19, Room 115 Environmental policy analysis, Community-based conservation projects, Planning and collaboration on sustainable resource management, the Southwest and Latin American regions, Cross-scale environmental policy and management http://www.cefns.nau.edu/Academi c/EnvSci/nielsen.shtml (Recent Volcanology, Isotope Geochemistry) Michael.Ort@nau.edu 523.9363 Bldg. 13 – Room A209 Professor Hydrogeochemistry, Biogeochemistry Rod Parnell Professor, Geology Program Chair, Igneous Petrology Mary Reid Professor, Volcanology Nancy Riggs Professor, Lowtemperature Geochemistry Jim Sample Director of SESES, on leave Robert Sanford Rod.Parnell@nau.edu 523.3329 Bldg. 12, Room 207 Geochemistry and volcanology http://jan.ucc.nau.edu/~mho/ Geochemistry; Fluvial geomorphology of Southwestern rivers; Biogeochemical responses to ecosystem stresses http://www.cefns.nau.edu/Academic/EnvS ci/ParnellResearchandBio.shtml Mary.Reid@nau.edu 523.7200 Nancy.Riggs@nau.edu 523.9362 Jim.Sample@nau.edu 523.0881 Robert.Sanford@nau.edu 523.1637 As of January 2013 Professor (Ecology, Conservation Biology) Thomas Sisk Lecturer, Geoscience Education Lisa Skinner Director, School of Earth Sciences and Environmental Sustainability (Hydrogeology) Abe Springer Professor and Environmental Studies Program Coordinator (Environmental Policy/Ecological Restoration) Jacqueline Vaughn Geologic Materials Analyst, Igneous Petrology James Wittke Thomas.Sisk@nau.edu 523-7183 Bldg. 19, Room 118 Ecology, conservation biology, landscape design; land use and environmental policy; collaborative management and democratic process in land and resource management; biocultural conservation on the Colorado Plateau and across western North America http://www.cefns.nau.edu/Academic/EnvS ci/tsisk.shtml Lisa.Skinner@nau.edu 523.9264 Abe.Springer@nau.edu 523.7198 Geology (Bldg 12) #206 Aquifer parameter measurements and variability; Agricultural water quality; Riparian hydrogeology; Perched volcanic aquifers; Groundwater and the Grand Canyon http://jan.ucc.nau.edu/~aes9/ Jacqueline.Vaughn@nau.edu 523-8224 http://oak.ucc.nau.edu/js53/ Bldg. 65, Room 214 James.Wittke@nau.edu 523.9044 Affiliated and Allied Faculty Professor, Director NAU’s Sustainable Energy Solutions Thomas Acker Tom.Acker@nau.edu Mechanical Engineering 523-8363 http://cefns.nau.edu/Academic/ME/facult y/ThomasAcker.shtml Professor (Physical and Environmental Engineering) William Auberle William.Auberle@nau.edu McAllister Chair in Community, Culture & Environment Rom Coles Bldg. 69, Room 213 523-5845 Bldg. 69, Room 310 Romand.Coles@nau.edu 523-6468 http://cefns.nau.edu/lAcademic/CENE/fac ulty/WilliamAuberleCV.shtml College of Social and Behavioral Sciences http://www2.nau.edu/community/node/15 Assistant Professor - Peter Friederici Peter.Friederici@nau.edu Allied Faculty 523-6378 (School of Bldg. 16, Room 321 Communication) Assistant Professor (Environmental Economics and Econometrics) Civil and Environmental Engineering Julie M. Mueller Julie.Mueller@nau.edu 532-6612 Bldg. 81, Room 425 Environmental Communication, Science Writing, Environmental Journalism http://www.nau.edu/sbs/communication/f aculty/Friederici.htm Franke College of Business – Environmental Economics and Econometrics http://www.franke.nau.edu/faculty/fac.as p?facultyid=147 As of January 2013 Professor, Chemistry Marin Robinson Marin.Robinson@nau.edu & Biochemistry Chair 523-6295 (Physical and Bldg. 20, Room 130 Atmospheric Chemistry) Chemistry and Biochemistry http://www.cefns.nau.edu/Academic/EnvS ci/mrobinson.shtml Development Officer (Director, Strategic Environmental Initiatives) Shelley Silbert University Development Office – NAU Environmental Caucus http://envcaucus.nau.edu/ Regents Professor, Associated Faculty Zachary Smith Shelley.Silbert@nau.edu 523-7635 Zachary.Smith@nau.edu 523-7020 Bldg. 65, Room 203 Associate Professor (Vertebrate Ecology) Tad Theimer Tad.Theimer@nau.edu 523-8374 Bldg. 21, Room 301 Biology – Vertebrate Biology, Mammalogy, Wildlife Management, Ornithology http://www.cefns.nau.edu/Academic/Biolo gy/Faculty/TadTheimer.shtml Adjunct Faculty MS (Environmental Sciences & Policy) Ethan Aumack Ethan.Aumack@nau.edu Conservation & Ecosystem Restoration, Grand Canyon Trust http://www.grandcanyontrust.org/about.p hp Cultural and Regional Studies, Prescott College Bernardo Aguilar BAguilar@nau.edu http://www.prescott.edu/faculty_staff/fac ulty/index.html#aguilar Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences, Trinidad State Junior College Randy Bangert Randy.Bangert@nau.edu http://oak.ucc.nau.edu/rkb/rkb/home.html Research Coordinator, Colorado Plateau Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Judy Bischoff Judy_Bischoff(at)nps.gov National Park Service http://www.cefns.nau.edu/Orgs/CPCESU/ Planetary Geology, Cosmochemistry Theodore Bunch Ph.D. - Ecology of Mycorrhizal Fungi in Natural and Managed Ecosystems Bala Chaudhary Veer.B.Chaudhary@nau.edu Ph.D. – Research Ecologist, USGS Southwest Biological Science Center Kenneth Cole Kenneth.Cole@nau.edu Ph.D. – Professor of Agroecology, Prescott College Timothy Crews 523-6638 523-0089 523-7767 http://sites.google.com/site/balachaudhar ysoil/ http://sbsc.wr.usgs.gov/about/contact/bio /cole_ken.aspx?id=214 http://www.prescott.edu/faculty_staff/fac ulty/tcrews/ As of January 2013 Ph.D. – Prehistoric Archaeology, Settlement Pattern Analysis, Ethnographic Studies Mark Elson mde39@nau.edu Vertebrate Paleontology David Gillette David.Gillette@nau.edu Tectonics of the Cordillera, Igneous Petrology Gordon Haxel Restoration Ecology and Invasive Species Ron Hiebert Informal Science Education Michael Kelly Geomorphology, Evolution of the Colorado Plateau, Tectonics Ivo Lucchitta http://www.desert.com/about/staff.html Ron.Hiebert@nau.edu 523.0877 il79@nau.edu http://instaar.colorado.edu/people/bios/m arkgraf.html Ph.D.- South Vera Markgraf American & Southern Hemisphere Paleoclimates and Interhemispheric Paleoclimate Correlations Vera.Markgraf@nau.edu Ph.D. – Research Wildlife Biologist, USGS SW Biological Science Center David Mattson David.Mattson@nau.edu Rocky Mountain Research Station http://sbsc.wr.usgs.gov/about/contact/bio /mattson_david.aspx?id=201 Ph.D. – Ecologist, USGS Southwest Biological Science Center Mark Miller Mark_Miller(at)usgs.gov http://sbsc.wr.usgs.gov/about/contact/bio /miller_mark.aspx?id=313 Ph.D. – Director, Environmental Edu. Graduate Program Mery Lea Environ. Learning Center, Goshen College David Ostergren David.Ostergren@nau.edu Archaeology Francis Smiley MS – Program Manager, Southern Colorado Plateau Inventory & Monitoring Lisa Thomas 523-7276 daveo(at)goshen.edu Lisa.Thomas@nau.edu 523-9280 National Park Service http://science.nature.nps.gov/im/units/sc pn/aboutus.cfm#Staff As of January 2013 Ph.D. – Remote Sensing & GIS Specialist, Geospatial Database Manager at Research Innovation Technology Admin. Yaguang Xu Yaguang.Xu@nau.edu USDOT http://www.cefns.nau.edu/Academic/EnvS ci/YaguangXu.shtml As of January 2013