Peal Date rung No Method(s) Changes Time Treble 2 3 4 5 6 7 Tenor 1 30/12/1811 Oxford Treble Bob Major 5280 3h:11m John Povey (C) William Lyford Daniel Jenkins Joseph Holdsworth John Cooper Charles Barber James Blacklock 2 14/12/1815 Plain Bob Major 6000 3h:55m John Reeve Joseph Howard Robert Thornback John Harris William Terrell Thomas Harris Richard Parr James (C) Rowland Peal by members of the Chelmsford Company. Conducted by Richard Parr. [Date probably 12 Dec as peal published in Chelmsford Chronicle of 15 December which states "On Tuesday last was rung at Writtle, in this county, by the Chelmsford Company, a peal of 6000 harmonious changes of bob major, being the longest length ever performed on that peal, which was called by Richard Parr, and nobly brought round in 3 hours and 55 minutes by the following persons..." ] 3 20/03/1817 Plain Bob Major 5040 3h:5m John Baker Joseph Robert Howard (C) Thornback James Carter John Cook Robert Low Thomas Harris James Rowland Peal by members of the Chelmsford Company. Conducted by Joseph Howard ["On Thursday 20 inst, was rung at Writtle, in this county, a complete peal of 5040 changes of Bob Major, which was called by Joseph Howard, and performed by the young Company from Chelmsford, and nobly brought round in three hours and 5 minutes, by the following persons..." Chelmsford Chronicle 28 March 1817] 4 31/05/1819 Plain Bob Major 5040 3h:7m James Porter Joseph William Hunt Howard (C) John Baker Robert Thornback Robert Low James Archer James Rowland By the Writtle Company. A compleat peal of Bob Major. This peal was called by Joseph Howard an nobley brought round 5 25/02/1821 Plain Bob Major 5040 3h:8m James Porter Robert Thornback William Hunt Thomas Collicutt James Cook George Marden James Asser Robert Low (C) A compleat peal of Bob Major was rung upon that melodious peal of eight bells in the Parish Church of Writtle in the County of Essex and nobly brought round in the short space of 3 hours and 8 minutes. The following Company of Ringers all residing in that village. The peal was correctly called by Robert Low 6 14/04/1879 Kent Treble Bob Major 5024 3h15 G Mash S Reeves E Carter E Horrex Composed by H Hubbard sen. Conducted by J M Hayes. The Ancient Society of College Youths. H Bright W Cecil F Bate Edward Bartele Footnotes J M Hayes (C) The Ancient Society of College Youths. Rang as an opening peal The first peal on the bells since the rebuilding of the tower in 1802. The ringing concluded, the Rev J B Seaman entered the belfry, invited the party to the rectory to partake of refreshments, and kindly promised a tablet to record the Peal Date rung No Method(s) Changes Time Treble 2 3 4 5 6 7 Tenor Footnotes performance. (Chelmsford Chronicle Frdiay 25 April 1879) 7 29/05/1882 Grandsire Triples 5040 3h:3m Ackland J Perkins Benjamin Keeble William Hawkes Alfred Pye Edward Scotcher 8 02/06/1884 Kent Treble Bob Major 5024 3h:13m John Dains William Rowland Ackland J Perkins William Hawkes 9 11/10/1884 Grandsire Triples 5040 3h:10m H Nunn Sen G Akers J Priest 10 30/05/1887 Grandsire Triples 5040 2h:58m A J Perkins 11 12/12/1888 Grandsire Triples Arthur Porter Arthur H Rev A Gardom Esq Herbert Cockey On Whit Monday. Mr Holt's celebrated Ten-part Peal of Grandsire Triples was rung on these bells by eight members of the Essex Association. 1st peal: 2, 3, 4, 6. Arthur Porter Alfred Pye William H Doran George Newson (C) On Whit Monday. Composed by J Cox. Conducted by G Newson. 1st peal in method: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6. J Nunn A H Gardon J Scarlett (C) S Jarman W Truss Hollis's 5 Part. Conducted by A H Gardon. By members of the Society of Royal Cumberland Youths, the Essex Association and the Wanstead Amalgamated Society E Chapman R Wood (Writtle) W J Nevard George Rev T L Newson (C) Papillon (Writtle) W H Fussell A Jacob 5040 2h:56m William E Emery Joseph J Everard Arthur Edwards Frederick Radley Hirzel F De Lisle Esq Rev T L Papillon William Lincoln (C) W Godfrey Holts 10 Part. Conducted by William Dickens Esq Lincoln. 1st peal: 1, 2, 4, 8. 1st peal as conductor. Mr De Lisle is from Galleywood, Mr Dickens from Cherington, Warks, the rest are ringers of the Writtle Company 12 26/12/1888 Grandsire Triples 5040 2h:52m William E Emery Joseph J Everard Arthur Edwards Frederick Radley Robert Wood Revd Thos L Papillon William Lincoln (C) Alfred Bonnington Holts Ten-Part Peal. This is the first peal upon the bells by a band all resident in the parish since the year 1821. Conducted by William Lincoln. 1st peal: 8. 13 26/01/1889 Grandsire Triples 5040 2h:52m William E Emery Rev T L Papillon George C Scowen Frederick Radley Alfred Tarbun Arthur Edwards William Lincoln (C) William J Piper Reeves' variation. 1st peal: 3. Mr Scowen hails from Brentwood; Messrs Tarbun and Piper from Widford; the rest belong to the local company 14 26/02/1889 Plain Bob Major 5040 3h:5m Richard C Burrell Rev J F Hastings Arthur Edwards Frederick Radley William Lincoln Rev T L Papillon Rev F E Robinson James W Washbrook (C) 1st peal in method: 4, 7. 15 23/03/1889 Plain Bob Major 5024 3h:6m William E Emery Joseph J Everard Hirzel F De Lisle Esq Frederick G Radley Robert Wood Arthur Edwards Alfred Tarbun William Lincoln (C) Composed by Arthur Knights of Chesterfield. 1st peal: 1. This peal has the 6th 24 times wrong and 19 times right, and is now rung for the first time, upon placing a peal-board in the tower to commemorate the first peal rung by the Holts Original. On Whit Monday Eight members of the Essex Association rang upon these bells a peal of Grandsire Triples. Conducted by G Newson. 1st peal: 3, 6. 1st peal of Triples: 4. Above are also members of the Royal Cumberland Society Peal Date rung No Method(s) Changes Time Treble 2 3 4 5 6 7 Tenor Footnotes present Writtle company (and is the first by a band all resident in the parish since 1821) on December 26th 1888. Mr De Lisle hails from Galleywood; A Tarbun from Widford; the rest are local men. 16 19/08/1889 Grandsire Triples 5040 3h William E Emery Frederick Radley William Lincoln Hirzel F De Lisle Esq Arthur Bonnington Holt's Original. Conducted by Arthur Edwards 17 19/08/1890 Grandsire Triples 5040 2h:55m Edward Brazier Wm J Piper Arthur Edwards Wm Rowland (Jun) Rev T L Papillon Wm Lincoln (C) Hirzel F De Lisle Esq Richard C Burrell Holt's Original. 1st peal: 1. Rung to celebrate the birthday of Messrs Lincoln and Edwards. Messrs Burrell and Rowland hail from Chelmsford. De Lisle from Galleywood, Piper and Edwards from Widford 18 26/12/1890 Plain Bob Major 5024 3h:6m William E Emery John Dains Arthur Edwards Robert Wood William J Piper Rev Thomas L Papillon Hirzel F De Lisle Esq William Lincoln (C) Composed by a Percival Heywood. Conducted by William Lincoln. 19 04/02/1891 Grandsire Triples 5040 2h:55m William Arthur Rowland (Jnr) Speller William Hawkes Robert W Everard George Green Arthur Edwards William Lincoln (C) Richard C Burrell Batchelors Peal. The following members rang on the bells in this Tower a true peal of Grandsire Triples. Composed by the Rev C D P Davies. Conducted by W Lincoln. 1st peal: 2 20 08/04/1891 Union Triples 5040 2h:59m Arthur Head Arthur Speller Rev T L Papillon William J Piper Arthur Edwards William Lincoln (C) Hirzel F De Lisle Esq Ephraim W Houghton Dr Carpenter's One-part (varied). 1st peal: 1. 1st peal of Union: 2, 3, 7. Messrs Piper, Edwards and Houghton hail from Widford. De Lisle from Galleywood. Speller from Chelmsford, and the rest belong to the Writtle Company. This is the 1st peal in the method on the bells 21 03/04/1893 Plain Bob Major 5760 3h:33m William Emery Ernest Pye Arthur Speller George Pye William Hawkes William Pye William Lincoln Arthur Composed by John Carter. Conducted Edwards (C) by Arthur Edwards. 22 11/09/1894 Grandsire Triples 5040 3h:2m Arthur Head George Sorrell George Head John Beams Thomas Lincoln William J Piper William Lincoln (C) Ephraim W Houghton Rev C D P Davies' Ten-part, No 1. 1st peal: 1, 3, 5. Messrs Beams, Piper and Houghton hail from Widford; the rest belong to the local company 23 26/12/1894 Darlaston Bob Triples 5040 3h Ernest W Davies George W Sorrell Thomas Lincoln Frederick G Radley William Lincoln (C) Fred Edwards Eight Members of the Essex Association of Change Ringers all resident in the Parish rang upon these bells a peal. Composed by John Carter. Conducted by William Lincoln 24 30/01/1895 Oxford Bob Triples 5040 2h:55m George W Sorrell Ernest W Davis George Head Thomas Lincoln Robert Wood Frederick G Radley William Lincoln (C) Frederick Edwards Composed by Harvey Reeves 25 25/02/1895 Union Triples 5040 3h:2m Arthur Head George Head Frederick G Radley John Beams Thomas Lincoln William Lincoln (C) Frederick Edwards J J Parker's Six-Part. This peal, which is the first in the method by all except the conductor, was rung as a farewell compliment to John Beams, who is leaving the neighbourhood. It is also the Arthur Head Arthur Edwards (C) Alfred Tarbun Joseph J Everard Robert Wood George W Sorrell Peal Date rung No Method(s) Changes Time Treble 2 3 4 5 6 7 Tenor Footnotes conductor's 50th peal, which comprise the following: Grandsire Caters, rang 4; Grandsire Triples, rang 22, conducted 1; Stedman Triples, rang 1; Bob Major, rang 12, conducted 8; Darlaston Bob Triples, rang and conducted 1; Oxford Bob triples, rang 3, conducted 2; Union Triples, rang 4 conducted 3. Total rang 50, conducted 24. 26 15/04/1895 Plain Bob Major 5056 3h:3m William E Emery 27 15/02/1896 Court Bob Triples George W Sorrell Arthur H Head Arthur Lincoln??? George R Head Robert Wood Frederick G Radley William Lincoln (C) Composed by J Armiger Trollope. Conducted by William Lincoln. 5040 2h:50m Henry Lincoln Ernest W Davis Arthur Head Frederick G Radley George W Sorrell Thomas Lincoln William Lincoln (C) Frederick Edwards 28 09/01/1897 Grandsire Triples 5040 3h:6m Henry Lincoln William E Emery Ernest W Davis Arthur Head William Lincoln (C) George W Sorrell Frederick G Radley Thomas Lincoln Holt's Original. 1st peal of Grandsire: 1, 3. 1st peal away from the treble: 2. 1st peal of Grandsire away from the treble: 4. The above are all members of the local company. Mr Charles Scillitoe another member, sat in the tower with a copy of the peal, and marked off the bobs as they were called 29 19/04/1897 Kent Treble Bob Major 5024 3h:10m Ernest Pye George R Pye Ernest W Davis Thomas Lincoln Edgar Wightman William Lincoln John Dale William Pye (C) Composed by Arthur Craven. Conducted by William Pye 30 02/08/1897 Double Norwich Court Bob Major 5056 3h:18m Alfred Tarbun George W Sorrell William H Doran George R Pye Ernest Pye William Lincoln Arthur Edwards William Pye (C) Composed by Edgar Wightman. First peal in the method: 1, 2, 6, 7. First peal in the method on the bells, and the first ever rang in the neighbourhood of Chelmsford 31 30/05/1898 Stedman Triples 5040 3h:3m James Tarbun George W Sorrell William Pye William Lincoln George R Pye (C) Arthur Edwards Ernest Pye William E Emery Thurston's Four-part. Conducted by George R Pye 32 20/05/1899 Stedman Triples 5040 3h:11m George E Pye Thomas Lincoln William Lincoln William Pye (C) Staff Sergt A Ebenezer Pye Andrews Ernest Pye Arthur Head Thurston's Four-part. Conducted by William Pye 33 26/12/1901 Kent Treble Bob Major 5088 3h:12m William E Emery Ernest Runter Thomas Lincoln Frederick G Radley Henry Head Robert Wood William Lincoln (C) Arthur Head Composed by C H Hattersley. Conducted by William Lincoln 34 27/05/1902 Plain Bob Major 5024 3h:11m Edward Poole William Wellington Arthur Head Frederick G Radley Henry Head Arthur Bradley George W Pipe William Lincoln (C) 1st peal: 4, 6. 1st in method: 2, 5. Composed by George F Williams. Conducted by William Lincoln 35 28/10/1902 Kent Treble Bob Major 5088 3h:15m William J Piper Thomas Lincoln Ernest Runter Henry Head Arthur Head George W Piper William Lincoln (C) Edward F Slade Composed by Henry Dains. Conducted by William Lincoln. Rung as a birthday compliment to G W Piper, his brother ringers wishing him many happy returns. 36 29/11/1902 Kent Treble Bob Major 5024 3h Arthur Head Ernest Runter Frederick G Radley William Lincoln Arthur Bradley Charles R Lilley (C) In the Kent variation. Composed by Gabriel Lindoff and conducted by [Not in EACR peal book] Thomas Lincoln Henry Head Peal Date rung No Method(s) Changes Time Treble 2 3 4 5 6 7 Tenor Footnotes Charles R Lilley. 1st peal in method: 7. 37 26/12/1902 Plain Bob Triples 5040 2h:59m Reginald Edwards Robert Wood Henry Head Frederick G Radley William J Piper 38 11/01/1903 Grandsire Triples 5040 2h:55m James Oswick William Rowland (Jnr) (C) William Newman Alexander Watson Harry Richell Alfred Whight Harry Head 39 28/01/1903 Oxford Bob Triples 5040 3h:2m Reginald Edwards Frederick G Henry Head Radley William J Piper Thomas Lincoln Arthur Head 40 13/04/1903 Kent Treble Bob Major 5024 3h:5m William E Emery Henry W Kirton Frederick G Radley Ernest Runter Henry Head 41 19/08/1903 Kent Treble Bob Major 5088 3h:15m Henry W Kirton William Lincoln Ernest Runter Frederick G Radley 42 26/12/1903 Kent Treble Bob Major 5088 3h:16m Reginald Edwards Henry Head Robert Wood Frederick G Radley 43 06/01/1904 Double Norwich Court Bob Major 5040 3h:9m Robert Wood Thomas Lincoln Ernest J Runter 44 03/02/1904 Kent Treble Bob Major 5088 3h:10m Henry W Kirton Thomas Lincoln 45 16/04/1904 Double Norwich Court Bob Major 5088 3h:17m Arthur Head Reginald Edwards 46 23/05/1904 Double Norwich Court Bob Major 5088 3h:13m Thomas Lincoln 47 19/08/1904 Double Norwich Court Bob Major 5008 3h:20m Robert Wood George F Williams Thomas Lincoln 48 26/12/1904 Kent Treble Bob Major 5056 3h:17m George W Sorrell 49 17/05/1905 Grandsire Triples 5040 3h:3m Albert Hawkes Thomas Lincoln Arthur Head William Lincoln (C) George W Piper Composed by John Carter. Conducted by William Lincoln. 1st peal in the method by all the band, also on the bells. Henry Rolfe Holt's Original. Conducted by William Rowland (Jnr). William Lincoln (C) George W Piper J J Parker's Six-Part No 11. Conducted by William Lincoln. William Lincoln (C) Arthur Head Composed by Frederick Dench. Conducted by William Lincoln. Henry Head William J Piper Arthur Head William H Judd (C) William Lincoln Thomas Lincoln George F Arthur Head Composed by J Platt. Conducted by Williams (C) George F Williams. Frederick G Radley Henry W Kirton Henry Head William Lincoln (C) Arthur Head Rung by the Writtle Company. Composed by Harvey Reeves. Conducted by William Lincoln Henry Head George Newman Ernest Wright Frederick G Radley William Lincoln (C) Arthur Head Composed by Arthur Knights. Conducted by William Lincoln Thomas Lincoln Frederick G Radley Henry W Kirton Henry Head William Lincoln (C) William H Judd Benjamin S Arthur Thompson Edwards Frederick G Radley Ernest J Runter Henry W Kirton William Lincoln (C) Arthur Head Composed by Henry Johnson. Conducted by William Lincoln. Frederick G Radley Arthur Edwards William Steel William Lincoln (C) William H Judd Composed by William Willson. Conducted by William Lincoln. Ernest Dawson Robert Wood Frederick G Radley Reginald Edwards Henry Head Thomas Lincoln William Lincoln (C) Composed by Arthur Craven. Conducted by William Lincoln. 1st peal: 2. 1st Treble Bob: 1. George Waterman Frederick G Radley Henry W Kirton (C) William Lincoln Thomas Lincoln Parker's 12-Part. Conducted by Henry W Kirton. 1st peal: 1. 1st peal in method: 2 & 4. 1st peal in method as conductor. Rung in honour of the coming of age of Mr Benjamin S Thompson (District Secretary) who was unable to take part in the peal owing to pressure of Ernest Dawson Frederick Margetson In the Kent variation. Composed by W Sottanstall and conducted by William H Judd. Rung as a birthday compliment to William Lincoln Composed by John Carter. Conducted by William Lincoln. Peal Date rung No Method(s) Changes Time Treble 2 3 4 5 6 7 Tenor Footnotes business. 50 15/09/1905 Kent Treble Bob Major 5088 3h:16m William Lincoln George A Black Thomas Lincoln Frederick G Radley 51 21/10/1905 Grandsire Triples 5040 3h:3m John Poole Henry F Cooper Albert F Hawkes 52 11/11/1905 Grandsire Triples 5040 2h:57m George Robert V Crush Henry F Cooper 53 26/12/1905 Stedman Triples 5040 3h:8m Benjamin E Thompson Arthur Edward 54 05/02/1906 Stedman Triples Thomas Faulkner George F William H Williams (C) Judd Composed by Arthur Knights. Conducted by George F Williams. 1st peal in method: 2 & 5. Rung as a birthday compliment to F Margetson. Ernest Dawson Thomas Lincoln Henry Head William Lincoln (C) Holt's Original. Conducted by William Lincoln. 1st peal: 1. 1st peal with Bob bell: 3. Ernest Dawson Frederick G Manning William Lincoln (C) Frederick G Radley Henry Head Thomas Lincoln Composed by Rev E Bankes James. Conducted by William Lincoln. 1st peal: 1. 50th peal: 8. Thomas Lincoln Frederick G Radley Reginald Edwards Arthur Head William Lincoln (C) Sir A L Heywood's Composition of Thurstan's. 1st peal of Stedman: 1 & 4. 1st peal of Stedman as conductor. 5040 3h:5m Robert Wood Ernest Dawson Frederick G Radley George W Sorrell William Lincoln Thomas Lincoln Arthur Frederick Edwards (C) Edwards Carter's 1 Part No 12. Conducted by Arthur Edwards. 1st peal of Stedman: 1, 2 & 8. This peal was specially arranged to commemorate the silver wedding of Mr Robert Wood. 55 05/05/1906 Stedman Triples 5040 3h:12m George W Sorrell Arthur Edwards Frederick G Radley Henry F Cooper Thomas Lincoln William H Judd William Lincoln (C) Frederick Edwards Thurstons Four-Part. Conducted by William Lincoln. 1st peal of Stedman Triples: 4. 56 07/12/1906 Stedman Triples 5040 3h:15m Thomas Lincoln William Frederick G Rowland Jr Radley William H Wellington William Lincoln George W Sorrell Rev F E Robinson (C) William E Emery Pitstow's variation of Thurston's 4-Part. Conducted by Rev F E Robinson. 57 10/04/1907 Kent Treble Bob Major 5024 3h:12m Robert Wood Thomas Lincoln Arthur Edwards Frederick Radley Ernest H Coppin Benjamin S Thompson Henry F Cooper William Lincoln (C) Composed by Henry Dains. Arranged as a farewell to Ernest Coppin who is leaving for Toronto Canada. Also as a birthday compliment to H F Cooper. The Ringers wish the Fifth, Gods Speed and many Happy Returns to Mr Cooper 58 25/05/1908 Kent Treble Bob Major 5088 3h:18m Arthur Edwards Harry Richell Thomas Lincoln Frederick G Radley Henry F Cooper George Waterman William Lincoln (C) George Green Composed by F Dench. Conducted by William Lincoln. Rung to celebrate Empire Day. 59 21/07/1908 Grandsire Triples 5040 3h:7m John Poole Arthur Edwards Frederick G Radley Thomas Lincoln George Waterman Henry F Cooper William Lincoln (C) William E Emery Composed by J W Moorhouse. Conducted by William Lincoln. Rung as a birthday compliment to Thomas Lincoln. 60 26/09/1908 Stedman Triples 5040 3h:15m Robert Wood Frederick W George W Edwards Sorrell George N Price Thomas (C) Lincoln Frederick G Radley William Lincoln Frederick Edwards Thurston's 4-Part. Conducted by George N Price. 1st peal: 2. Arranged for the conductor who hails from Oxhey, Herts, the rest are the local company. 61 26/12/1908 Kent Treble Bob Major 5184 3h:20m George W Sorrell Frederick G Radley Henry F Cooper Benjamin S Thompson William Lincoln (C) Thomas Lincoln Composed by Arthur Knights. Conducted by William Lincoln. 62 12/04/1909 Grandsire Triples 5040 3h:5m Rev L S Clark Frederick W Thomas Edwards Lincoln William Woodgate William Lincoln George H Jaye George Green (C) Henry F Cooper Groves Variation of Parker's 12 Part. Conducted by George Green. 1st peal in Robert Wood George Waterman Frederick Margetson Frederick G Radley Henry W Kirton Peal Date rung No Method(s) Changes Time Treble 2 3 4 5 6 7 Tenor Footnotes method: 2 & 4 63 13/08/1909 Stedman Triples 5040 3h George F Williams Ernest W Marsh Henry F Cooper William Lincoln (C) Frederick G Radley Pitstow's variation. Conducted by William Lincoln 64 27/12/1909 Oxford Treble Bob Major 5056 3h:8m William E Emery Frederick W Robert Wood Thomas Edwards Lincoln William Lincoln (C) Henry F Cooper Composed by F Robinson. First of Oxford for all. Also 1st of method on the bells 65 11/04/1910 Kent Treble Bob Major 5024 3h:10m William E Emery Frederick W Frederick G Edwards Radley Arthur Edwards Frederick (C) Gill William Lincoln Henry F Cooper Arthur Head Composed by York Green. Conducted by Arthur Edwards 66 22/09/1911 Double Norwich Court Bob Major 5008 3h:10m Arthur Edwards Lewis Green Frederick G Radley Percy Letch George F Margetson Henry F Cooper William Lincoln (C) Arthur Head Composed by C Charge. Conducted by William Lincoln 67 04/11/1911 Plain Bob Major 5056 3h:9m John Poole Henry W Kirton Frederick G Radley Harry Smale Harry Rickell Arthur Edwards * Arthur Edwards * Henry F Cooper (C) 68 02/11/1912 Double Norwich Court Bob Major 5088 3h:15m Arthur Edwards Frederick W Thomas Edwards Lincoln Frederick G Radley Alfred Tarbun Snr Henry Head William Lincoln (C) Arthur Head Composed by J B Fenton. Conducted by William Lincoln 69 26/12/1913 Stedman Triples 5040 3h:5m Robert Wood Frederick W Frederick G Edwards Radley Thomas Lincoln Henry Head Arthur Head William Lincoln (C) William E Emery 70 19/08/1919 Kent Treble Bob Major 5184 3h:15m Thomas Lincoln Arthur Edwards Frederick G Radley Percy Timson Edward P Buckingham William Lincoln (C) Arthur Head Composed by F Robinson. Conducted by William Lincoln 71 11/11/1919 Double Norwich Court Bob Major 5024 3h:15m Thomas Lincoln Frederick W Henry W Edwards Kirton Frederick G Radley Henry Head Edward P Buckingham William Lincoln (C) Arthur Head Composed by N J Pitstow. Conducted by William Lincoln 72 11/11/1922 Stedman Triples 5040 3h:8m Thomas Lincoln Arthur Edwards Henry Head Frederick G Radley John Wood Edward P Buckingham William Lincoln (C) Arthur Head Pitstow's variation of Thurstow's FourPart. Conducted by William Lincoln 73 10/11/1923 Double Norwich Court Bob Major 5184 3h:20m Henry Head Henry W Kirton Thomas Lincoln James Fleuty Leslie J Clark Cyril Pease William Lincoln (C) Arthur Head Composed by G R Newton. Conducted by William Lincoln 74 04/10/1924 Kent Treble Bob Major 5088 3h:17m Cyril C Pease Thomas (C) Lincoln Lewis Green William Lincoln Leslie J Clarke Edward P Buckingham John Wood Arthur Head Composed by A Knight. Conducted by Cyril Pease 75 20/12/1924 Cambridge Surprise Major 5056 3h:15m William Keeble (C) Thomas Lincoln Leslie J Clark William Lincoln Cyril C Pease Edward P Buckingham John Wood Arthur Head Composed by C Middleton. Conducted by W Keeble 76 13/04/1925 London Surprise Major 5024 3h:8m Frank Claydon William Keeble (C) Cyril Pease James Fleuty William G Cheator Walter Arnold Lewis W Wiffen Arthur Saunders 77 05/12/1925 Superlative Surprise Major 5056 3h:16m Henry Head William Lincoln Thomas Lincoln Edward P Buckingham John Wood Leslie J Clark William Keeble (C) Arthur Head Composed by G Lindoff. Conducted by William Keeble George F Edwards Andrew Shufflebottom Thomas Lincoln Arthur Edwards Henry Head Frederick G Radley Composed by H J Tucker. Conducted by Henry F Cooper. [* Arthur Edwards twice??] Pitstow's variation. Conducted by William Lincoln Composed by Gabriel Lindoff. Conducted by William Keeble. 1st peal in the method on the bells Peal Date rung No Method(s) Changes Time 78 02/01/1926 Superlative Surprise Major 5120 3h 79 15/01/1927 Double Norwich Court Bob Major Treble Ernest J Runter 2 3 4 5 6 William Keeble (C) 7 Tenor Footnotes Thomas Lincoln Edward P Buckingham William Lincoln Walter Arnold 5008 3h:21m Edward P Buckingham Thomas Lincoln Henry Head William Keeble Dr Spencer- George (C) Phillips Green 80 16/07/1927 Kent Treble Bob Major 5088 3h:23m Thomas Lincoln Edward Leggett Henry Warne Frederick G Radley 81 10/11/1928 Double Norwich Court Bob Major 5024 3h:14m Percy Green Thomas Lincoln William Keeble George Green John Wood Walter Arnold William Lincoln (C) Arthur Head Composed by J W Washbrook. Conducted by William Lincoln. Rung to celebrate the anniversary of the Armistice 82 24/11/1928 Double Norwich Court Bob Major 5024 3h:12m Thomas Lincoln William Dudley Stanley W Daybutt Lionel H Page Henry T Wilson John Wood William Lincoln (C) Arthur Head Composed by Arthur Knight. Conducted by William Lincoln 83 25/05/1929 Double Norwich Court Bob Major 5008 3h:14m Percy Green William Lincoln William J Nevard Thomas Lincoln William Keeble (C) Dr SpencerPhillips George Green John Wood Composed by James Hunt. Conducted by Willam Keeble. Rung to celebrate the Jubilee of the Association 84 28/09/1929 Superlative Surprise Major 5088 3h:22m George Green, District Master, SE Division George Dent, District Master, NW Division Ernest J Butler, District Secretary, SW Division William J Nevard, District Master, NE Division Frederick J Pitstow, General Secretary William Lincoln, General Committee William Keeble, Peals Committee (C) Arthur Saunders, District Master, N Division Officers Peal. Composed by Nathan J Pitstow. Conducted by William Keeble. Rung to celebrate the Jubilee of the Association, founded at Writtle 1879. The above Officers average 30 years membership of the Association 85 21/12/1929 Double Norwich Court Bob Major 5008 3h:20m William Keeble (C) William J Nevard Harry Warne Percy Green Thomas Lincoln William Lincoln George Green Arthur Head Composed and conducted by William Keeble 86 01/03/1930 Superlative Surprise Major 5056 3h:16m George Green Thomas Lincoln Percy Green William J Nevard William Keeble (C) William Lincoln William Burgess Arthur Head Composed by C H Hattersley. Conducted by Willam Keeble. 1st Surprise peal: 3. Rung to celebrate the 51st birthday of Arthur Head 87 02/08/1930 Superlative Surprise Major 5088 3h:18m Thomas Lincoln William Lincoln William J Nevard William F Cheator Dr Spencer- George Phillips (C) Green Lewis W Wiffen Arthur Head Composed by Sir AP Heywood. Conducted by Dr Spencer-Phillips 88 01/11/1930 Cambridge Surprise Major 5056 3h:16m George Green Frank R Ringe Thomas Lincoln Henry Turner Ernest W Furbank William Lincoln Arthur Head Johnson's Variation of Middleton's. Conducted by William Keeble 89 13/12/1930 Cambridge Surprise Major 5056 3h:21m Thomas Lincoln William Keeble (C) Percy Green Herbert Devenish Dr Spencer- William Phillips Burgess George Green Arthur Head Johnson's Variation of Middleton's. Conducted by William Keeble. 1st Surprise peal: 4. 100th peal for the Association by George Green Henry Head Edward P Buckingham William Keeble (C) John Wood Arthur Head Composed by A Knights (No 175). Conducted by William Keeble William Lincoln Arthur Head Composed by George Williams. Conducted by William Keeble William Lincoln (C) George Green Composed by T B Worsley. Conducted by William Lincoln Peal Date rung No Method(s) Changes Time Treble 2 3 4 5 6 7 Footnotes 90 17/01/1931 Double Norwich Court Bob Major 5056 3h:15m William E Emery Thomas Lincoln George Green Frederick G Radley William Keeble (C) 91 02/05/1931 Kent Treble Bob Major 5088 3h:6m William Lincoln Thomas Lincoln George Green John Wood Harry Warne Percy Green William Arthur Head Composed by Henry Dains. Conducted Burgess (C) by William Burgess 92 03/08/1931 Kent Treble Bob Major 5088 3h:8m George D Green (C) William Keeble Thomas Lincoln Percy Green William Lincoln William E Cheator Arthur Head Composed by Henry Dains. Conducted by George D Green 93 11/11/1931 Grandsire Triples 5040 3h:10m H W Kirton, W R Thrift, Ex-Pte RAOC Ex-Pte Royal Sussex A O Hume, Ex-Pte Middlesex R C Thrift, Ex- H Joyce, Ex- E P Pte RASC, MT Pte Royal Buckingham, Sussex Ex-Pte Hampshire PT SpencerPhillips, ExMajor RFA (C) G Cooper, Ex-2nd Aircraftman RAF 94 12/12/1931 Double Norwich Court Bob Major 5024 3h:13m Herbert Devenish Percy Green Thomas Lincoln George Green Frank Ringe John Wood William Lincoln (C) Arthur Head Composed by Fred'k Rogers. Conducted by William Lincoln. Arrnaged to commemorate the Stedman Tercentenary and as a birthday peal for Percy Green. The conductor rang the same bell in his first peal as conductor on December 12th 1888 - 43 years ago 95 26/12/1931 Plain Bob Major 5040 3h:18m William E Emery Thomas Lincoln Frederick G Radley Henry W Kirton Harry Joyce Herbert Devenish William Lincoln (C) Reginald Thrift Composed by N J Pitstow. Conducted by William Lincoln 96 20/02/1932 Cambridge Surprise Major 5056 3h:6m Albert Rawbird John G Nash Thomas Lincoln Frank G Ringe Ernest J Butler Ernest W Fairbank William Pye (C) James Bennett Middleton's. Conducted by William Pye 97 10/09/1932 Plain Bob Major 5056 3h:8m William Lincoln Thomas Lincoln Percy Green (C) Frederick A Watts George Green John Wood Arthur Head Composed by J R Pritchard. Conducted by Percy Green. 1st peal on an 'inside' bell and first attempt: 4. 1st peal on eight bells and first attempt: 6. 1st peal in method as Conductor 98 19/11/1932 Kent Treble Bob Major 5088 3h:13m Frederick Watts Thomas Lincoln Herbert Devenish William Lincoln Henry Warne Dr SpencerPhillips George Green (C) Arthur Head Composed by Henry Dains. Conducted by George Green. Rung as a compliment to Mr C H Howard, the Master of the Association 99 14/01/1933 Kent Treble Bob Major 5024 3h:12m Alfred Tarbun Henry W Kirton Thomas Lincoln Frederick G Radley John Wood William Lincoln (C) Arthur Head Composed by F Dench. Conducted by William Lincoln 100 11/03/1933 Superlative Surprise Major 5056 3h:5m Thomas Lincoln Charles T Coles George R Pye William Lincoln Sidney Taylor Ernest J Butler James Bennett William Pye (C) 101 17/04/1933 Double Norwich Court Bob Major 5088 3h:17m Harry Joyce Henry Kirton Thomas Lincoln Arthur Head Composed by Rev Earle Bulwer. Conducted by William Keeble. 1st peal in the method: 1 102 03/06/1933 Kent Treble Bob Major 5088 3h:14m T Lincoln H Pennack H Warne Edward G Ellinger Herbert Devenish George Ablitt William Burgess Tenor George W Ablitt Arthur Head Composed by James Hunt. Conducted by William Keeble Charles W Burton George Green William Lincoln William Keeble (C) W Lincoln H Devenish G W Ablitt Dr Spencer- A Head Phillips (C) Grave's Transposition of Parker's 12 Part. Conducted by P T Spencer-Phillips. Rung to commemorate the 13th Anniversary of Armistice Day Composed by Arthur Knights. Conducted by William Pye Composed by H Dains. Conducted by Dr Spencer-Phillips Peal Date rung No Method(s) Changes Time Treble 2 3 4 5 6 7 Footnotes 103 22/07/1933 Cambridge Surprise Major 5056 3h:22m Reginald W Pye William J Nevard Thomas Lincoln William Lincoln Herbert Devenish George Green 104 04/11/1933 Kent Treble Bob Major 5088 3h:15m George Green (C) Thomas Lincoln Percy Green Henry W Kirton William Lincoln Henry Warne Herbert Devenish 105 26/12/1933 Kent Treble Bob Major 5024 3h:18m Henry W Kirton Herbert Devenish Thomas Lincoln Reginald C Thrift 106 02/04/1934 Superlative Surprise Major 5056 3h:12m Percy Green Thomas Lincoln William J Nevard William Lincoln William Keeble (C) William E Cheator Arthur Head Arthur Saunders 107 06/10/1934 Superlative Surprise Major 5184 3h:14m Thomas Lincoln William Keeble (C) William J Nevard William Lincoln Charles W Burton George Green Percy Green Arthur Head Composed by Arthur Knights. Conducted by William Keeble 108 21/11/1936 Plain Bob Major 5040 3h:30m George Green Thomas Lincoln Sydney Taylor George M Rashbrook William Chalk Percy Green (C) Harry Warne Herbert Devenish Composed by C Charge. Conducted by Percy Green. 1st peal of Bob Major: 3. 1st peal of Bob Major on tower bells: 5 109 25/09/1937 Kent Treble Bob Major 5088 3h:10m George Green Miss Amy E Thomas Waldock Lincoln Percy Green Arthur H Everett Herbert Devenish Fred Chalk Horace J Mansfield (C) Composed by J Platt. Conducted by Horace J Mansfield. 1st peal in the method as Conductor 110 26/02/1938 Double Norwich Court Bob Major 5024 3h:10m Ernest Runter Claude Snowden Miss Annie White Henry Shadrack Leslie J Clark Miss Hilda Snowden Lewis W Wiffen (C) H Walter Smith Composed by H W Wilde. Conducted by Lewis W Wiffen. 1st peal in the method: 3, 4 111 21/05/1938 Kent Treble Bob Major 5088 3h:7m Thomas Lincoln Leslie J Clark (C) Miss Annie White Ernest J Runter Henry W Shadrack John H Sitch Edward Kemp Richard C Clarke Composed by A Knights. Conducted by Leslie J Clark 112 19/11/1938 Kent Treble Bob Major 5024 3h:8m Thomas Lincoln George Green John M Gayford Arthur Hubble Albert E North Frank B Lufkin (C) Horace J Mansfield Fred Chalk Composed by F Dench. Conducted by Frank B Lufkin. 1st peal of Kent Treble Bob: 3. 1st peal: 4 113 25/03/1939 Superlative Surprise Major 5056 3h:14m Eric J Coe George Green Ernest W Furbank William Chalk John G Nash Ernest W Pye Arthur H Everett John H Crampion (C) Compose by C J Sedgley. Conducted by J H Crampion. 1st peal of Superlative: 7 114 10/06/1939 Cambridge Surprise Major 5056 3h:9m Thomas Lincoln Claude Snowden Henry W Shadrack Ernest J Runter Hilda G Snowden 115 12/08/1939 Superlative Surprise Major 5056 3h:14m Christopher Jaggard Norman F Grinham Thomas Lincoln John H Gayford 116 02/06/1949 Superlative Surprise Major 5088 3h:12m Robert C Heazel, Hon Sec and Treas Hilda G Snowden, Master, N Division Harry Turner, Harry J Millatt, Ronald Auditor (C) Hon Sec, NE Suckling, Division Peals Secretary Percy Green William (C) Lincoln Ronald Suckling Percy Green Arthur H Everett William Keeble (C) Tenor George Green Arthur Head Johnson's variation of Middleton's. Conducted by William Keeble Arthur Head Composed by J Thorp. Conducted by George Green Arthur Head Composed by John Reeves. Conducted by Percy Green Composed by C H Hattersley. Conducted by William Keeble Lewis W Wiffen (C) Albert Wiffen Composed by C Middleton. Condcted by Lewis W Wiffen. 1st peal in the method: 3. Rung to celebrate the Silver Jubilee of the formation of the Chelmsford Diocese Lewis W Wiffen Albert Wiffen Composed by C J Sedgley. Conducted by L W Wiffen. 1st peal in the method: 1, 2&4 Frank V Gant, Arthur H John H Hon Sec, SW Everett, Hon Crampion, Division Sec, SE Auditor Division Composed by Nathan J Pitstow (Saffron Walden). Conducted by Harry Turner. Rung to mark the 70th birthday of the Essex Association, which was founded on June 2nd 1879, at Writtle, by the Rev J B Seaman Peal Date rung No Method(s) Changes Time Treble 2 3 4 Dennis A S Symonds 6 7 Tenor Footnotes 117 30/11/1949 Spliced Plain Bob & Kent Treble Bob Major 5056 2h:59m Bertram C Hines Harry Turner (C) Henry T Wilson 118 14/02/1950 Plain Bob Major 5056 3h:3m Arthur H Edwards Mrs C G Woodgate William Perry Bernard Bover Frank B Lufkin (C) 119 23/05/1950 Oxford Treble Bob Major 5088 3h Frederick Souter Ernest J Runter Ernest W Furbank Peter J Eves Frank B Lufkin (C) Arthur H Edwards 120 02/12/1950 Stedman Triples 5040 2h:58m Robert C Heazel Ronald Suckling Henry T Wilson Dennis A S Symonds Harry J Millatt John H Crampion Harry Turner H Walter (C) Smith 121 13/03/1951 Double Norwich Court Bob Major 5024 3h:3m William S May Henry T Wilson Ernest W Furbank Victor W Grimwade Dennis A S Symonds Gerald Frost Frank B Lufkin (C) John H Sitch Composed by Charles W Roberts. Conducted by Frank B Lufkin. 1st peal of Double Norwich: 4. Rung as a birthday compliment to Mrs F B Lufkin 122 28/04/1951 Superlative Surprise Major 5056 3h:3m Henry T Wilson Thomas G Fox Ernest W Furbank Dennis A S Symonds Charles E Wilmington Harry Turner John H Crampion (C) Wilfred Williams 123 27/10/1951 Plain Bob Major 5056 3h:1m Desmond G Mayell Mrs D G Mayell Joan E Hills Henry T Wilson Lawrence H Dennis A S Turner Symonds John Sitch Harry Turner Composed by C W Roberts. Conducted (C) by Harry Turner. 1st peal of Bob Major: 2. 1st peal on eight bells: 5. Mrs D G Mayell has now rung Plain Bob from Minor to Maximus 124 15/03/1952 Grandsire Triples 5040 3h:15m John West Peter J Came Joe E G Roast Ronald Groves William Glover 125 08/10/1952 Cambridge Surprise Major 5024 3h:5m David W Beard Frank V Gant Ernest W Furbank Andrew J Salisbury Harry Turner Charles E Willmington 126 10/01/1953 Plain Bob Major 5056 3h:16m Richard Gardiner Ernest W Furbank Howard W Egglestone Ernest E S Johnson Bernard Bover 127 24/10/1953 Grandsire Triples 5040 3h:8m Harry Edwards Ernest W Furbank Henry T Wilson Percy Green 128 21/11/1953 Yorkshire Surprise 5088 3h15m Percy Green (C) Ernest E S Johnson Ernest W Furbank Peter J Came Bernard Bover Frank V Gant 5 Peter J Eves John H Sitch John H Crampion Dennis A S Symonds Peter J Eves Gerald Frost Composed by J R Pritchard. Conducted by Frank B Lufkin Jean M Harris Frank L Harris (C) Composed by A J Pitman. Conducted by Harry Turner. Containing 3,360 of Plain Bob and 1,696 of Kent, with 72 changes of method. First of Major in two methods by all except the tenor ringer. Rung as a welcome home to Mr J Fleetwood after service in the Far East Gerald Frost Composed by T B Worsley. Conducted by Frank B Lufkin. 1st peal of Oxford Treble Bob: 2 Sir A P Heywood's Ten-Part, No 1. Conducted by Harry Turner. 1st peal of Stedman Triples: 2 & 5. 1st peal of Stedman Triples as conductor Composed by Frederick Dench. Conducted by J H Crampion. 1st peal in the method: 4. In memoriam of Thomas Lincoln, ringer and towerkeeper at Writtle for over 50 years John Crawley Parker's Twelve-Part. Conducted by Frank L Harris. 1st peal of Triples: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 1st peal: 8 John H Crampion (C) Composed by Frederick Dench. Conducted by J H Crampion. 1st peal of Surprise Major: 4 Peter J Came Joe E G Roast (C) Arthur H Edwards Composed by J R Pritchard. Conducted by Joe E G Roast. 1st peal of Major: 1. 1st peal of Major as Conductor. A Batchelor's Peal Bertram C Hines Dennis A S Symonds John Sitch Harry Turner J J Parker's 12 Part (7th Observation). (C) Conducted by Harry Turner. 1st peal: 1. 1st peal of Grandsire Triples: 6 Jean M Harris Joe E G Roast Dennis A S Symonds Frank L Harris Frank B Lufkin Composed by Nolan Golden. Conducted by Percy Green. 1st peal in the method: Peal Date rung No Method(s) Changes Time Treble 2 3 4 5 6 7 Tenor Major Footnotes 2, 4 & 6. 1st peal in the method on the bells 129 06/02/1954 Superlative Surprise Major 5088 3h:5m Ernest E S Johnson Ernest W Furbank Howard W Egglestone Joe E G Roast Percy Green Dennis A S (C) Symonds Peter J Eves Harry J Millatt Composed by Nathan J Pitstow. Conducted by Joe E G Roast. 1st peal of Surprise Major inside: 3. 1st peal in the method: 4 130 13/03/1954 Plain Bob Major 5184 3h:18m Herman J Oliver Ernest W Furbank Mrs D G Mayell Harry Turner (C) Francis R Goddard Desmond G Mayell Herbert G Goddard Dennis A S Symonds Composed by John Carter. Conducted by HarryTurner. 1st peal of Major: 1. 25th peal: 3 131 08/05/1954 Superlative Surprise Major 5088 3h:5m Hilda M Snowden Lewis W Wiffen Claude Snowden John Warner Frank V Gant Hilda G Snowden Terry Earle (C) Harry J Millatt Composed by N J Pitstow. Conducted by Terry Earle. 1st peal in the method and 1st peal of Surprise Major as conductor. Rung in honour of the visit of the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury to Chelmsford Cathedral for the occasion of the service of thanksgiving and dedication for the work of St Cedd, who landed in Essex 1,300 years ago 132 02/06/1954 Cambridge Surprise Major 5056 3h:5m Benjamin G Burton, Master NW Division Edward W Roast, Master SE Division Robert C Heazel, Master Hilda G Snowden, Master N Division Frank V Gant, General Secretary Harry Turner, Harry J Deputy Millatt, Master (C) Master NE Division John H Crampion, Master SW Division Composed by Frederick Dench. Officers' Peal. Rung to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Essex Association. Founded at Writtle on June 2nd, 1879. 1st peal of Major: 1 133 14/06/1955 Southwell Surprise Major 5056 3h:2m Mary Dowsett John Warner Ernest W Furbank Frank B Lufkin Joe E G Roast Walter Arnold Dennis A S Symonds Terry Earle (C) Composed by C Middleton. Conducted by Terry Earle. 25th together: 1 & 5. 1st peal in the method by all the band, on the bells and for the Association. A birthday compliment to John Warner 134 23/02/1957 Grandsire Triples 5040 3h:5m Mary Dowsett Edward W Roast Ernest E S Johnson Patrick W Saltmarsh Dennis A S Symonds Joe E G Roast (C) Ivan J M Saunders Parker's Twelve-part. Conducted by Joe E G Roast. 1st peal of Grandsire Triples: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8. 50th peal: 1. 1st peal in the method as Conductor 135 28/12/1957 Bristol Surprise Major 5120 3h:5m William J R James Ridgman (C) Cook Robin N Pittman John G Gipson Hugh Neil William T Cook E Charles Willmington John Armstrong Composed by J Reeves. Conducted by William J Ridgeman. 1st peal of Bristol Surprise: 2, 3, 5 136 12/04/1958 Double Norwich Court Bob Major 5088 3h:4m Edward W Roast Albert Wiffen Frank Claydon Cecil Barker Terry L Stock Alan R Syder Walter Arnold Terry Earle (C) Composed by J Hunt. Conducted by Terry Earle. 1st peal in the method: 5 137 13/12/1958 Stedman Triples 5040 3h:20m Joe E G Roast Ernest W Furbank Patrick W Saltmarsh Peter J Eves Dennis A S Symonds Robin N Pittman Harry Turner Howard W (C) Egglestone Sir A P Heywood's Ten-part, No 1. Conducted by Harry Turner. 1st peal of Stedman Triples: 1, 3, 8. 25th peal together: 3, 4. The conductor's 200th peal 138 26/03/1960 Bristol Surprise 5088 3h:3m Mary Roast Joe E G Roast (C) Patrick W Saltmarsh John Warner Alan R Syder Dennis A S Symonds Peter J Eves Howard E Egglestone Composed by Stephen Ivin. Conducted by Joe E G Roast. 1st peal in the Howard W Egglestone Peal Date rung No Method(s) Changes Time Treble 2 3 4 5 6 7 Tenor Major Footnotes method: 1, 3, 5, 6, 7. 1st in the method as Conductor. Rung to celebrate the wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs Herbert Edwards, of Writtle 139 30/09/1961 Spliced Surprise Major (2 methods) 5056 3h:5m Joe E G Roast (C) Brian J Howard Andrew S Hudson Ian R Panton James L Towler John Warner Alan R Syder Dennis A S Symonds 140 09/11/1963 Cambridge Surprise Major 5056 3h:11m Philip Rothera Joe E G Roast (C) Michael J Cowling Ian R Panton Patrick W Saltmarsh Dennis A S Symonds James L Towler Peter J Eves Johnson's variation. Conducted by Joe E G Roast. 1st peal of Major: 3. 75th peal: 7. 200th peal: 8. 50th of Surprise Major as Conductor 141 13/09/1969 Bristol Surprise Major 5120 3h:7m Joe E G Roast (C) Susan Rothera Josephine A Quilter Richard J Harrison Peter J Eves Keith W Brown James L Towler Peter G Brown Composed by Maurice Hodgson. Conducted by Joe E G Roast. 1st peal of Bristol: 4, 6. Rung as a compliment to Joy Edwards, one of the local company, on the occasion of her 21st birthday 142 20/11/1971 Yorkshire Surprise Major 5088 3h:3m Christine P Murray Yvonne A Towler David Hymas Richard J Harrison Dennis A S Symonds David E Rothera Joe E G Roast James L Towler (C) Composed by Dennis Knox. Conducted by James L Towler. 1st peal of Surprise Major: 1 143 04/01/1975 Yorkshire Surprise Major 5088 3h:17m Frank B Lufkin Bernard C Sadler Peter G Giles David Sloman Tony Spurgeon Gareth Davies Stephen A Waters Joe E G Roast (C) Composed by Stephen Ivin. Conducted by Joe E G Roast. Circled the tower: 8. 69th birthday compliment to Herbert Edwards, tower captain. Also in memoriam Mrs M R French, for many years a benefactor of the district 144 25/03/1978 Double Norwich Court Bob Major 5120 2h:59m Andrew J Dickinson Bert G Goddard Peter Mayle John G Harpole Donald C Heath Vic J C Dale Alan P Mayle Adrian C Malton (C) Composed by T B Worsley. Conducted by Adrian C Malton. 50th different tower for a peal: 7. 1st in the method: 2, 4, 6. 1st in the method as conductor. Ruby wedding compliment to Herbert and Mrs Ruth Edwards 145 06/10/1979 Yorkshire Surprise Major 5152 2h:54m Geoffrey H Walker Julia Coggins Andrew P Smith Dennis A Hewitt John A Hall Owen C R Webster Dennis Ellisdon (C) John I White Composed by C P Starbuck. Conducted by Dennis Ellisdon. 1st of Surprise: 2. 1st in the method: 3. For Harvest. Essex Association Centenary Peal 146 26/04/1980 Kent Treble Bob Major 5088 3h:10m Ronald J Woodward Eric T Lane Michael V White Ruth R Ball Donald G Little Gavin D Bennett Christopher J Higgins John H Sutherland (C) Composed by J Nichol. Conducted by John H Sutherland. 1st Major: 4,5. 1st Treble Bob: 1, 5, 7. Non-Association 147 10/01/1981 Spliced Surprise 5024 2h:57m Brian J Howard Gwen Rogers Kenneth J Hesketh John E Hawes David E Rothera Philip J Rothera Philip Rogers (C) Composed by N J Diserens. Conducted by Philip Rogers. 8 methods: 640 Bristol, Andrew W R Wilby Composed by C Middleton. Conducted by Joe E G Roast. Being 3,584 Cambridge and 1,472 Yorkshire. 1st peal of Spliced Major: 3, 4, 5. 25th peal for the Association: 4, 5. The conductor's 250th peal. A wedding anniversary compliment to Mr and Mrs B J Howard; also a farewell to Andrew Hudson, who is going to Cambridge University Peal Date rung No Method(s) Changes Time Treble 2 3 4 5 6 7 Tenor Major (8 methods) Footnotes Cambridge, Pudsey, Rutland, Superlative, Yorkshire; 608 London; 576 Lincolnshire: 119 changes of method, all the work. 650th peal: 7 148 28/12/1981 Immingham Surprise Major 5184 3h:3m Trevor E Church Robert G Armstrong Stephen A Bryant Simon W M Thorpe Andrew D Barnsdale Paul J Bloomfield 149 11/01/1986 Mashbury Surprise Major 5024 3h:3m Alan M Barber (C) Richard F Prime Nicholas J Chesson David E Belcham John A Hall Brian J Willett John S Warboys 150 18/02/1989 Plain Bob Triples 5040 3h:12m Vicki L Patmore Joyce Bills Sarah Furber Jeffrey Bills Geoffrey K Wooldridge Simon R Poyser David E Brian Belcham (C) Patmore 151 28/07/1991 Bristol Surprise Major 5120 3h:14m Sally A Mason John G Gipson Yvonne A Towler James L Towler Kenneth J Hesketh R Kingsley Mason Peter Border Composed and conducted by Peter (C) Border. 800th peal for the Association: 5. 152 14/12/1996 Double Norwich Court Bob Major 5120 3h:4m Christina D A E Jane HassardSibson Jones Vicki Patmore Richard A Pearce John G Gipson Derek E Sibson (C) Paul A Cammiade Peter M Fleckney Composed by R A Pearce. Conducted by Derek E Sibson. The composition has the 3rd as hunt bell 153 02/08/1997 Double Norwich Court Bob Major 5056 3h:2m Andrew E Else Janet A Edwards Jacqui T Bates Angus S Dodds Brian G Meads James L Towler Michael J Edwards Colin F Chapman (C) Composed by Edgar Wightman. Rung on the centenary anniversary of the first peal of Double Norwich Court Bob Major ever rang in the neighbourhood of Chelmsford. 25th peal: 2. 30th peal and first blows in method: 3. Anne Edwards, granddaughter of Arthur Edwards, would like to be associated with this peal 154 05/12/1998 Plain Bob Major 5056 2h:59m Sue Page Phil Stephens Peter Fleckney Christina Fleckney Christopher Newton Andrew Brewster Colin F Chapman (C) James L Towler Composed by F Nolan Golden. Conducted by Colin Chapman. 1st peal: 6 155 04/04/2000 Grandsire Triples 5040 2h:49m Christopher English Phil Stephens C James Hustler Christina Fleckney Christopher Newton Andrew Brewster Peter Roger Bailey J J Parker's 12-Part. Conducted by Peter Fleckney (C) M Fleckney On the 200th anniversary of the collapse of the tower. 1st Peal: 8. 1st Triples 1, 2, 5, 6. An 85th birthday compliment to Jack Taylor, Writtle's oldest ringer. Believed to be the first peal by a local Sunday Service band for over eighty years. 156 19/05/2001 Plain Bob Triples 5040 2h:59 Marion Brewster Terry Earle Christopher English Christina Fleckney Phil Stephens Andrew Brewster Peter Duncan Fleckney (C) Hayes Arranged by M A Coleman. Conducted by Peter M Fleckney. 1st Peal: 8. 1st on 8: 1. 500th Peal: 4. 1st PB Triples: 3, 5, 6. 157 12/04/2003 Plain Bob 5088 2h:58 Heather Phil Peter Brisley Christopher Andrew Christina Composed by R Bailey. Conducted by Christopher David E Rothera Nicholas Doyle Adrian C Malton (C) Composed by S Jenner. Conducted by Adrian C Malton. 1st in the method by all, except 8. 1st in the method for the Association. George E Thoday Composed and conducted by A M Barber. 1st peal in the method. James L Composed by J Clatworthy. Conducted by David E Belcham. 1st peal: 1, 8. 1st Triples: 2, 3, 6. An 18th birthday compliment to the Treble ringer Peal Date rung No Method(s) Changes Time Major Treble 2 3 4 Rayner Stephens English Andrew Brewster Christopher English Michael Edwards 5 6 7 Tenor Footnotes Newton Brewster Fleckney Towler (C) James L Towler. 1st Peal: 4. In thanksgiving for the life of Dorothy Kathleen Stephens, Phil's Mum and good friend of the bellringers, who died 21st March 2003. Christina Fleckney Vicki Chapman Colin Chapman (C) Duncan Hayes Composed by H Hubbard. Conducted by Colin Chapman. For All Saints Day. With the best wishes of the band to Phil Stephens, Tower Captain at Writtle, for a speedy recovery following a recent operation. 150th Peal on the bells for the Association. Composed by S Humphrey. Conducted by James Towler. 1st Treble Bob: 1. 1st Surprise Major inside: 6. 158 01/11/2003 Plain Bob Triples 5040 3h:6 Christoper Newton 159 06/12/2003 Yorkshire Surprise Major 5088 3h:5 Peter Brisley Peter Eves Sue Page Adrian Semken Christopher Newton Andrew Brewster Christina Fleckney James L Towler (C) 160 01/01/2004 Plain Bob Triples 5040 3h:3 Phil Stephens Carol Brown Yvonne Towler Vicki Chapman Christina Fleckney Andrew Brewster Colin Chapman (C) Roger Bailey Composed by D F Morrison. Conducted by Colin Chapman. To welcome the New Year. Believed to be the 160th and the last peal on the 1811 bells in this tower prior to removal and replacement with a new ring. An Essex Association 125th Anniversary Peal. Peals on the new bells from 2004 onwards Peal Association Date rung Method(s) Changes Time No 1 2 3 4 5 1 Essex 04/12/2004 Plain Bob Royal 5040 3h:23 Christina DA Fleckney Carol Brown Christopher Andrew P Peter G Newton Brewster Brisley 2 Essex 17/12/2005 Grandsire Caters 5021 3h:23 Christina DA Fleckney Susan Page Carol Brown 3 Essex 16/09/2006 Plain Bob Caters 5040 3h:18m Paul A Philip E Yvonne A Cammiade Stephens Towler Yvonne Towler 6 7 Christopher Philip E F English Stephens Adrian Andrew P Semken Brewster Vicki L Christina Andrew P Chapman D A Brewster Brewster 8 9 10 Composed Footnotes Stephen Robert B J Nash Smith James L H A Tucker First peal on the Towler (C) bells. First on 10: 4, 5 and 6. First Royal: 7. 1800th Peal: 10. An EACR 125th Anniversary Peal. Colin F Chapman (C) Steve Waters Philip E Stephens James L Towler David L Colin F Sparling Chapman (C) James L Towler C A Banton First Grandsire Caters: 6. A get well compliment to David Tennyson, brother-in-law of the Tenor ringer. Christopher Arr C F G Newton Chapman Congratulations to Andrew and Christina Brewster on their recent Peal Association Date rung Method(s) Changes Time No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Composed Footnotes marriage. Farewell and good luck to Sarah Brewster, as she starts her first year at University. 4 Essex 04/08/2007 Plain Bob Royal 5040 3h:21m Yvonne A Andrew Paul A Carol Towler P Cammiade Brown Brewster James L Philip E Towler Stephens Christopher Christina Stephen J G Newton D A Nash Brewster 5 Essex 22/12/2007 Cambridge Surprise Royal 5040 3h22m Andrew P Carol Brewster Brown Yvonne Philip E A Towler Stephens David E Rothera Cecile Cross James L Towler Alan P Mayle (C) Christina Christopher Colin F DA G Newton Chapman Brewster (C) Donald Morrison (No 1) Arranged to commemorate the centenary of scouting and the 21st World Scout Jamboree taking place at Hylands Park, Chelmsford. (Writtle is the nearest church to Hylands Park with ringable bells.) 1350th peal - 10 Roger Baldwin For Christmas. First Peal of Surprise on the Bells. First Surprise Royal: 1 & 6.