Katholieke Hogeschool Kempen – Departement Lerarenopleiding Vorselaar Bachelor in het onderwijs: secundair onderwijs Lepelstraat 2 – B 2290 Vorselaar Tel +32 (0)14 50 93 42 - Fax +32 (0)14 50 93 44 - E-mail: kvr@khk.be Lesvoorbereiding Student: Wim Leenaers en Anneleen De Wilde 2 ILSO tel. E-mail: Datum stage: School: Klassengroep: Lokaal: Mentor: Stage-oefenles Proefles Uur: Aantal lln.: Vak: Engels Docent: Jen Van Loock Lesonderwerp The plural of nouns Bronnen English vocabulary – grammar, Van Loock Jen, Campinia Media What’s up? 1, G. De roeck, Novum, 1997 Beginsituatie Vakoverschrijdende eindtermen Leerplan Vormingsdoelen Language - Pupils are able to form the plural of nouns in order to express themselves more clearly. - Pupils are able to use the correct plural of nouns to describe the world around them. - Pupils are able to use the correct plural of nouns in written language eg in a grocery list. Learning strategies - The pupils are able to discover grammar rules themselves by studying, comparing, analysing examples. - The pupils are able to adjust their pronunciation by listening to the teacher. - The pupils are able to find memory tricks to remember/study the subject of a lesson. Personality formation - - The pupils are willing to listen to each other and respect each other’s opinion. Concrete doelen 1 - The pupils should be able to complete the lyrics of a song by listening to it attentively. The pupils should be able make a singular noun plural. The pupils should be able to pronounce the ending consonants of plural nouns in a correct way. The pupils should be able to use the newly acquired knowledge to draw information from their neighbours. Werkpunten Inhoud Methode Materiaal Presentation stage Introduction teacher + name cards Song “my favourite things” from “The Sound of Music. Name cards I’m going to start with a song from the sound of music. T. distributes lyrics in which the plural “s” is omitted. The irregular forms are bold. P. should add the plural “s”. CD + player After listening T. checks the pupils’ answers and fills them in Transparant with on the transparanct of the lyrics. lyrics T. aks P’s what they’ve just done. They can answer in Dutch. => We hebben van enkelvoudige zelfstandige naamwoorden meervouden gemaakt. Zn’s in het enkelvoud = singular nouns Zn’s in het meervoud = plural nouns T: In English we call a “zelfstandig naamwoord” a noun. Zelfstandige naamwoorden die in het enkelvoud staan noemen we “singular nouns” en ZN’s die in het meervoud staan noemen we “plural nouns” Filling in diary: “The plural of nouns.” “The plural of nouns.” On the B-board. B-board Initial stage a) presentation Main rule = singular + s Most words are made plural by adding “s”. That’s T. asks questions about formation. How have you formed the plural of the nouns? P: by adding “s”. the main rule for forming the plural: singular + s. T. puts cuecard on the B-board. Raindrops, roses, whiskers, kittens, kettles, mittens, Can you give me some examples form the lyrics? streudels, doorbells, bells, noodles, wings, things, T. writes the examples on the B-board, under the cuecards. girls, snowflakes, winters, springs. Dresses, sashes, eyelashes Ponies Geese Nouns ending in ss, sh, ch, x (hissing sounds) and some nouns ending in o = singular + es tomato – tomatoes Kiss – kisses Bus – buses Brush – brushes Watch – watches Box – boxes BUT: by new words and foreign words ending in o we just add s. Piano – pianos Photo – photos Radio - radios Nouns ending in consonants + y = drop the y + ies cuecard containing “Main rule = singular + s” There are some words written in bold. Can you tell me which words that are? T. writes the (plural) words on the B-board. Can someone give me the singular of these (T. points at dresses, …) words? P: dress, sash, eyelash. T. writes the singular words next to the plural words. T: When the main rule is used, we just add “s”. What have we added here? P: “es” T: That’s the second rule. Words ending on ss, sh, ch, x and some words ending in o are made plural by adding es. T. puts an example of every ending on the B-board and puts the next cuecard above them. Cuecard “nouns ending in o, or ss, sh, ch or x = singular + es Pony – ponies Baby – babies Fly – flies The same as for the 2nd rule. Cuecard “2nd rule” The same as for the 2nd and 3rd rule. Cuecard “3rd rule” BUT: nouns ending in consonant + y = singular + s Boy – boys Monkey - monkeys Nouns ending in f or fe = drop f or fe + ves Knife – knives Wife – wives leaf – leaves Wolf – wolves Irregular plurals Some singular words have a special plural. There is Cuecard “4th rule” no special rule for them. T: there is still one word left from our song. Which one? And can you give me the singular? Man – men P: geese. Singular is goose. Woman – women T: Can you give me some other special words like this? Foot – feet P: child – children, man – men, mouse – mice, etc… Mouse – mice Tooth – teeth T: these are the irregular plurals. There is no rule for this, so Louse – lice you just have to study them by heart. b) integration T: now we are going to do some exercises on these rules. ex.7 writing the plurals of some given singular nouns. Ex. 1. write the plurals of the following words. See attachment. T: to correct the ex. we are going to read the words. But if Pronunciation of plural nouns. - the ending consonant of a plural noun is mostly pronounced as [z] BUT the ending consonant of the plural nouns ending on the letters from the word “koffiepot” are pronounced as [s]. Plural nouns ending on “es” our pronounced as [iz] you are going to read these plural forms, you have to know how to pronounce them. The ending of most plural nouns is mostly pronounced as [z] like in “dogs” or “birds” but when the word ends on the letters p, t, k and f, you pronounce it like [s] as in “cats” or “books”. How can you remember these letters in an easy way? You can try to find a word in which all these letters are present. e.g. “koffiepot”. If a plural noun ends in a letter from the word “koffiepot” you have to pronounce ending “s” as an [s]. If it ends in another letter you pronounce it like [z]. Of course, are there exceptions to these rules. For example the word buses. How do you think this word is pronounced? P. give it a try. If a plural noun ends in “es” you pronounce it like [iz]. So this word should be pronounced as bus[iz]. P. practise their pronunciation. P. read the answers of the ex. out loud, with special focus on their pronunciation. Ex. 8 filling the gaps in sentences with the plural of the noun in brackets. The next ex. is a little more difficult. Here you have to fill in the plurals of the singular words next to the sentences. Ex. 2 See attachment Ex. “in the kitchen”. P’s use the theory about the plural of nouns to draw information from their The last ex. is to be done with your neighbour. You each get partners. a different picture of a kitchen and you have to find out who has most mice, knives, forks, etc… in his/her picture. In the column under the picture you fill in how many of the objects there are in your picture. You also have to fill in the singular of the words. See worksheet in attachment. Evaluation stage Poem about the plural of nouns. To end the lesson I have a poem about the plural of nouns. Poem about the plural You just learned the rules for forming the plural of nouns, but of nouns. to every rule there are exceptions. This poem is about some of the exceptions. There are two sentences which are wrong, but they are in the poem to make you think about these rules… In het Nederlands zouden we het een woordspeling noemen. You have to try and find the two sentences which aren’t correct. T. distributes the poem and lets the pupils read it out loud P’s mind their pronunciation of the ending consonants in plural nouns. In a minute someone has to start reading this poem, but you can look at it for a minute to think about the pronunciation of the plurals. Who wants to start reading? End of the lesson Thanks for working so well! goodbye