Spring - Triangle Shetland Sheepdog Club of North Carolina

2008 Officers:
Board Members:
Cay Ireland
Dianne Hawes
Cathy Whitaker
Lynn Michael
Bob Jordan, Linda Nicholas, Elizabeth Sandling
Newsletter Editor:
Linda Nicholas,
E-mail: solangeshelties@bellsouth.net
Membership Chairman: Kristy Pedersen,
E-mail: evk1@mindspring.com
This is the official publication of the Triangle Shetland Sheepdog Club of NC, and is
published at least quarterly in the interests of the club members. Articles of interest to
sheltie owners will be accepted for publication; views expressed in the articles are not
necessarily those of the club members or the club itself.
Membership information: Annual dues for an individual are $10.00. Dues are payable to
the Treasurer when submitting an application or in December for the following year.
Meetings: Meetings are held on the second Thursday at 7:00 PM, usually in the homes
of members. Meeting locations, dates, and directions are published in the newsletter for
your convenience.
Advertising is accepted for the publication, at a rate of $5.00 per page. Ads can be sent
to the Editor with the appropriate fee.
Saturday, June 13, 2009 12:00 p.m.
MEETING AT THE HOME OF Cay and Bruce Ireland
Saturday, June 27 2009 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Collie-Sheltie Grooming Seminar
Grooming, Ring-Training for Puppies, Troubleshooting
At the Home of Jane Hammett
Limited to 25 participants and their dogs.
Learn from one of the best – Jane Hammett of Shadow Hill Shelties
Ever wonder how Jane gets those 6 month old puppies to gait in a straight line in
the show ring?
Need help with table training or bait stance?
Or just need to make your show dog look his/her best?
Bring your dog, your grooming table, tack box and a chair.
LUNCH will be available for purchase – $5.00
hot dogs, ham/turkey sandwich chips, and dessert!
Shadow Hill Shelties
Jackson Springs, North Carolina
Email Cay Ireland irelandshelties@bellsouth.net for flyer and registration form.
Saturday& Sunday, August 8 & 9, 2009
Julie Desy Seminar
Felicite Animal Sanctuary, Mebane, NC
Details to follow!
The meeting was called to order by the President at 7:40 p.m.
Chuck read the minutes of the April meeting. Motion made by Dianne, seconded by Linda to accept as
read. Unanimously approved.
President’s Report: Cay will be meeting with the new director at APS in the coming week. One item she
will discuss is securing a contract for our 2010 specialty.
Secretary’s Report: Nothing to report.
Treasurer’s Report: We had a beginning balance of $3,259.31, income of $65 and expenses $869.60
leaving us with an ending balance of $2,454.71. The balance in the money market account is $5,031.97.
2009 Specialty:
 Talked about club members sponsoring trophies for our specialty. Chuck will talk with Barbara
Thompson to determine an appropriate amount for sponsorship. Cay made a motion that a
donation of $25 towards a trophy by any club member will be considered as a service to the club.
Shauna seconded the motion. Unanimously approved.
 Chuck has received notification from AKC that we have received approval to hold our Specialty
and Obedience Trials both days, approval of our judging panel for both days and approval of our
sweeps judges. Cathy confirmed from a conversation with an AKC obedience/rally rep we have
received approval for our non-regular obedience and rally classes.
Education: Dianne and Shauna attended the AKC Lobby Day education seminar. Shauna will look at the
legislation links on both the AKC and ASSA websites to determine what links might be appropriate to put
on our website.
Old Business:
Desi Seminar: Cay is waiting to hear from Julie with her revisions to the seminar brochure for
Jane Hammett’s seminar: Cay has sent Jane the seminar flyer for her approval and will circulate
to club members when it is finalized.
2010 Specialty Breed Judges: Following is the short list of judges for our 2010 specialty:
Beverly Llewellyn (Afta)
Peggy Haderlie (SumerSong)
Jane Haderlie (SumerSong)
Susan Christie (Carloway)
Jane Howard (Citation)
Robin McTaggert (Karosel)
Judy Kelsey (Dury Voe)
Carolyn Ing (Foxglove)
Cathy will send an e-mail to all members eligible to vote. Choices should be sent to Krys by June
Responsible Dog Owner Day: Cay has sent in our application for this year. Elizabeth will be chairing for
us again this year.
New Business:
CGC Testing: Cathy made a motion that we co-sponsor a CGC test with Puckerbrush Dog Training on
Saturday, June 13, rain date is June 20. Motion was seconded by Shauna, unanimously approved.
Shauna, Dianne and Krys said they could be available to help. Cathy will check with other members and
send out information.
June Meeting: We will have a June meeting and puppy picnic at Cay and Bruce’s on Saturday, June 13
beginning at noon.
Motion made by Cathy and seconded by Sandra to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 p.m.
Attending: Cathy Whitaker, Krys Messer, Cay Ireland, Chuck Dasnoit, Shauna Dasnoit, Linda Nicholas,
Karl Pulkstenis, Cathy Price Jennings, Irena Pulkstenis, Dianne Hawes, Lynn Michael and Sandra
The meeting was called to order by the President at 7:50 p.m.
Chuck read the minutes of the March meeting. Motion made by Krys, seconded by Cathy to accept as
read. Unanimously approved.
President’s Report: Nothing to report.
Secretary’s Report: Nothing to report.
Treasurer’s Report: We had a beginning balance of $4,031.26, income (from dues and Paypal transfer
from calendar sales) of $90.18 and expenses (from Seminar building rental, 2009 trophies, puppy match
building rental and air fare for Julie Desy ) of $862.13 leaving us with an ending balance of $3,259.31
The balance in the money market account is $5,031.76.
2009 Specialty:
 Frank Fletcher volunteered to be the show secretary.
 Cathy made a motion that the entry fee for non-regular obedience and rally classes be $18.
Motion was seconded by Krys and unanimously passed.
Old Business:
Cay received the South Florida club’s brochure for Julie’s seminar and will modify it for our
program. Need to get seminar advertised—International, Southern Sheltie Directory, etc.
Jane Hammett’s seminar: Seminar will be at Jane’s on June 27 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Cay will
take pre-registrations, limit to 25 participants. Motion made by Bob to charge $35 per participant
with $25 going to Jane and $10 going to the club. Diane seconded the motion, unanimously
2010 Specialty Breed Judges: The following judges have been suggested for 2010:
Katie Gammil (Indian Creek)
Harriet Smith (Waldenwood)
Harry Schulman
Beverly Llewellyn (Afta)
Peggy Haderlie (SumerSong)
Jane Haderlie (SumerSong)
Susan Christie (Carloway)
Jane Howard (Citation)
Majorie Tuff (Seawood)
Linda More (Severn)
Robin McTaggert (Karosel)
Deb Nordby (Cullivoe)
Judy Kelsey (Dury Voe)
Carolyn Ing (Foxglove)
The judges will be discussed and information shared at the May meeting. Voting will be done on-line for
all eligible members following the May meeting.
Puppy Match: There were 12 puppies at the match. This filled one of our public education requirements
for AKC.
New Business:
AKC Lobby Day: Being held April 15. Contact AKC for more information for this event and future
lobbying events.
Responsible Dog Owner Day: We will participate again this year. Cay will send in our application. Event
being held on September 26.
Motion made by Krys and seconded by Barbara Thompson to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 p.m.
Attending: Cathy Whitaker, Krys Messer, Cay Ireland, Barbara Thompson, Chuck Dasnoit, Shauna
Dasnoit, Elizabeth Sandling, Karl Pulkstenis, Irena Pulkstenis, Dianne Hawes, Bob Jordan, and Bruce
The meeting was called to order by the President at 7:35 p.m.
Cathy read the minutes of the February meeting. Motion made by Chuck, seconded by Lynn to accept as
read. Unanimously approved.
President’s Report: Sharon Ashe is leaving APS (Mebane show site). Cay plans to meet with the new
program director. Cay contacted and spoke with Senator Neal Hunt about legislation before the State
House and Senate regarding licensing of breeders in North Carolina.
Secretary’s Report: We received the application to order the 2010 sheltie calendars.
Treasurer’s Report: We had a beginning balance of $3,942.76, income (from dues and calendar sales) of
$88.50 and no expenses leaving us with an ending balance of $4,031.26. The balance in the money
market account is $5,031.54.
No committee reports
Old Business:
2009 Specialty:
Chuck has volunteered to be the Show Chairman. Cathy will check with Frank to see if he is
willing to be the Show Secretary.
We have received signed contracts from Lindsey Spitznogle and Terri Shomo to be our sweeps
Barbara Nelson made a motion that a three member performance committee be formed annually.
The responsibilities of this committee will include, but not be limited to, deciding which classes will
be offered, soliciting judges, procuring trophies, securing stewards, setting up and tearing down
the performance ring, investigating complaints and assisting the show secretary in completing the
show record. The chairperson of this committee, who will be chosen by the committee, will report
to the show chairperson. Krys asked that the motion be modified so that the committee would
“suggest” rather than “decide” on the classes that will be offered. With this one change, the
motion was seconded by Dianne and unanimously passed.
Entry fees for this year will be as follows:
1st Entry
Second entry of same dog
BBE and Veterans
Juniors are free unless this is
their only entry, then entry is
$ 8
$ 8
Mike Fine has expressed interest in being our show photographer again this year. Dianne will
talk with him about the possibility of providing additional services such as portraits.
Cathy will submit the show applications to AKC.
Julie Desi’s seminar will be August 8 and 9, 2009. We have a signed contract with APS to use
the large room and kitchen for this weekend. Cay will get the brochure from the South Florida
club for Julie to update. If we charge $75 for both days we will need 20 people to break even.
We would charge $5 for the virtues match. Cay suggested donating the money from this match
to APS. This will be discussed again at next month’s meeting. Cay will look at caters to
potentially provide food. Cathy will work with Cay to put together a submission to ASSA for
funding for the first day of the seminar.
Jane Hammett’s seminar: Looking at the weekend of June 27/28 for a basic grooming/troubling
shooting/training puppies seminar. Cay will talk with Jane about cost of seminar. This would be
a one-day seminar, probably run 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Participants bring their own food and/or Jane
provide (Cay will check on last item).
2010 Specialty Breed Judges: Cathy will send a note to members reminding them to get their
suggestions to Krys by March 31.
Puppy Match: The match will be held on Saturday, March 28 at BonClyde. E.P. Ratledge will be the
judge. Krys will check on our supply of ribbons. Everyone is asked to bring a dish to share. No chalking
in the building and clean up any fur left from brushing. Teena Davis will provide paper goods. Entry fee
will be $5. Motion made by Chuck to get a gift for EP (spend up to $25), Cathy seconded, unanimously
New Business:
2010 Calendars: We will order 75 calendars at a cost of $6.95 a piece, free shipping.
Meetings: April meeting will be at Dianne Hawes’ home.
Motion made by Barbara Thompson and seconded by Chuck to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 p.m.
Attending: Cathy Whitaker, Krys Messer, Cay Ireland, Barbara Thompson, Lynn Michael, Chuck Dasnoit,
Shauna Dasnoit, Barbara Nelson, Kelly Harrison, Elizabeth Sandling, Karl Pulkstenis, and Irena
Blue Ridge Club Seminar
The Blue Ridge Shetland Sheepdog Club is hosting a seminar "From The Judges's Perspective & Show
Grooming" by Terry Jennings and Geri Mercer.
Pre-registration is strongly encouraged. This seminar is for both Collies and Shelties.
Contact Cindy Gaines for info and flyer Atcg1234@aol.com
Investigation of Gallbladder Disease and Hypercholesterolemia in Shetland Sheepdogs
March 2008, Updated December, 2008* and May 2009
Background: Gallbladder disease has been recognized with increasing frequency in dogs within the past
decade1-3. Whether or not this is the result of a true increase in disease prevalence or simply the result
of increased detection is not definitive. However, some suggest that incorporation of abdominal
ultrasonography in dogs as a routine diagnostic tool has resulted in increased detection of gallbladder
disease2. Several recent articles describing gallbladder mucoceles (severe distention of the gallbladder
caused by a thick mass of sludge and mucus) in dogs suggest a breed predilection for the problem in
Shetland Sheepdogs as well as Cocker Spaniels and Miniature Schnauzers. Both Shetland Sheepdogs
and Miniature Schnauzers are breeds predisposed to hyperlipidemia (too much lipid or fat in the
blood),4,5 a factor that is known to contribute to gallbladder disease in people6,7. A recent study
confirms a link between hyperlipidemia and hypercholesterolemia (high blood cholesterol levels) and
gallbladder mucocele formation in Shetland Sheepdogs2. Collectively, this suggests the possibility of a
genetic defect in a protein responsible for lipid homeostasis (regulation of blood lipid levels). The
Veterinary Clinical Pharmacology Laboratory at Washington State University is currently investigating a
gene that plays an important role in lipid homeostasis. A defect in this gene could be the cause of
gallbladder disease in Shetland Sheepdogs.
Participation: The Veterinary Clinical Pharmacology Laboratory is seeking DNA (cheek swab samples)
from Shetland Sheepdogs that have any of the following:
Hypercholesterolemia (fasting serum or plasma cholesterol > 400 mg/dL)
Hypertriglyceridemia (fasting serum or plasma triglycerides > 600 mg/dL)
Hyperbilirubinemia while not anemic (serum or plasma bilirubin > 2.0 mg/dL)
Surgical or ultrasonographic report of gallbladder disease (documentation must be made by DVM).
As of December, 2008, the study is limited to dogs that have had surgically confirmed gallbladder
May, 2009 DNA from normal older Shelties needed!!!!
Participation for new phase of study:
Dr. Katrina Mealey, primary investigator of the study, has identified a few abnormalities in genes that may
be responsible for causing gallbladder disease/hyperlipidemia in Shetland Sheepdogs. To confirm that
these abnormalities are truly associated with the disease, and not just a breed-related gene
polymorphism, she needs to assess DNA from Shetland Sheepdogs unaffected by gallbladder disease or
hyperlipidemia. Because gallbladder mucoceles tend to occur in older dogs (median age 9 years), DNA
from unaffected Shelties 9 years of age or older is needed.
Participation - The Veterinary Clinical Pharmacology Laboratory is seeking DNA (cheek swab samples)
from Shetland Sheepdogs meeting the following criteria:
9 years of age or older
Healthy, i.e. good appetite and good activity level
Recent blood tests that are normal (CBC and chemistry panel)
Participation is voluntary (i.e., you will not receive payment for the sample nor will you be charged for
having your dog’s DNA tested).
DNA swabs can be obtained by emailing Dr. Katrina Mealey at the address listed below.
Instructions for correctly obtaining a sample can be found at the following website:
Questions about an individual animal’s inclusion in this project can be addressed to:
Katrina Mealey DVM PhD; Diplomate, ACVIM; Diplomate, ACVCP
Associate Professor and Director, Veterinary Clinical Pharmacology Laboratory
College of Veterinary Medicine
Washington State University
Pullman WA, 99164-6610
EMAIL: kmealey@vetmed.wsu.edu
*UPDATE! As of December, 2008, Dr. Mealey has received samples and medical information
from 21 Shelties, 10 of which had confirmed mucoceles. Her group will now concentrate on
Shelties with mucoceles. They have finished processing samples for 90% of the gene and will
continue to work on the final 10%. They are also comparing the genes of affected and
unaffected dogs. Dr. Mealey said, “I was surprised (in a positive way) on the response!……
Thanks for your assistance--for an uncommon disease we were able to collect a good number of
samples with complete medical information in a short time period (especially considering this
was breed specific!)”. Thanks to everyone who has participated. Continued participation is
essential to the success of this study!
Ch. DanDee One From The Heart will return to Wistwin to stand at stud until winter,
starting about June 15.
presents a two-day seminar
July 26 and 27, 2008
Best Western Hotel, 726 E Market St, Leesburg, VA
Kim Schive
Cathy Jensen, Shalamr:
I had a dog finish in April. She is now Ch Cataway Shelmar Centerfold!
Barbara Thompson, Barwoods
Well as everyone must know by now Barwoods Endeavor was First in
Futurity 12 to 18 class and 4th in regular classes at the National. Also
Barwoods Daydreams II was 4th in Futurity 9 to 12 bitches and 2nd in
regular classes.....I think ALL of N.C was well represented at Nationals
since we all brought home a whole bunch of ribbons.
On May 3
Barwoods Paigetta whelped a litter of 5f and 1m sired by Ch Sea Haven
Squeeze Play co bred with Kelly Harrison
Barwoods Just Imagine whelped a litter of 3f and 2m by Can ChTalisker
Yes both at the same time..........whew....Kelly was here to help.....talk about
trial by fire.
Dianne Hawes, Wistwin
In March, on the Tarheel Circuit, Wistwin Answer Man ("Rex") was RWD one
day, and then WD for a 3- point major.
ASSA wins: Wistwin Permafrost was 2nd in Futurity 6-9 Dogs, and 4th in
regular 6-9.
ASSA Most Versatile Sheltie was won by MACH 2 Brae Carel Shepherd's
Heart CDS RAE HSAS, who is sired by Ch. Wistwin Andante. Shep is owned
by Nancy Akers, and earned his Versatility points in Herding, Agility and
Obedience. Nancy hopes to apply for membership in TSSC.
Krys Messer, Echowyn
Echowyn is happy to announce a new champion, Ch Echowyn Remember Me
(Mimi) who finished with a 5pt specialty major under Sue Christie handled
by the Sunway team. Mimi is owned by my friend Simone Rudolph in
Canada, but has been living here with me for the past year while she
pursued her title.
National brags: I took 4 dogs to the Perry National and am pleased that 2
made cuts in their classes and Player (Echowyn Almost Famous) placed 4 th
in Open Blue.
New brag: Player (Echowyn Almost Famous) picked up his first major this
weekend at Mattaponi KC under David Bolus handled by Jane Hammett.
Tammy Alden and Polly Brolin, Coastal
What a great National this year!! Coastal Victoria's Secret "Lacie" made the
cut in both her Futurity & Regular classes (6-9 bitches). This was her first
show & we could not have been more proud.
Coastal's Mango Madness (10 pts, one Specialty Major) placed 4th in the
large Bred-By class (the Bred-By class was second in size only to Best of
Breed). What an honor!
Coastal's Second Chance, co-owned with Kathy Rutter, placed 3rd in the
quality packed Am-Bred class, handled by Aleta Canady. She looked
And, last but certainly NOT least, Whisperwind Coastal Shared Dreams (cobred by Whisperwind & Coastal) was Runner Up in Futurity on Monday under
Barbara Aulbach. Nikki also won her huge 9-12 class on Wednesday, and
was seriously considered for RWB on Friday. Words cannot describe the
excitement & pride we have for all of Nikki's placements!! She's an
incredible bitch with a bright future.
Sandra Helburg
As a member of Durham Kennel Club, my dogs are eligible to receive award
plaques. I was going over the DKC meeting minutes and the list of awards
that were presented Sat night. As I scrolled down to the awards section I
saw that my little man, Bryce, got the Carol Quinlan Rally Trophy for
2008!! He got his novice, advanced and excellent rally obedience titles last
year, and though his scores weren't perfect, I guess they averaged enough
to make him the recipient of the award. What a good boy!
My rescued Sheltie, Vinny, competed in his 4th AKC National Agility
Championships in March at the age of 11 yrs. He ran clean in all 3 rounds and
ended up 37th out of over 150 and mostly younger dogs. :o)
Bob Jordan
At the AKC Agility National Championships, held in Concord, NC on March
27-29, Annie (Wistwin Anthem) had 3 clean runs on Saturday and Sunday to
place 48th out of 177 dogs in the 12" jump height. Annie also placed 26th
out of 99 dogs on Friday's difficult International Jumper's course. All in all,
a great weekend for her 1st ever Nationals competition.
Pat Wallace
At Sheltie Nationals, Maui took second place in 12" Excellent Jumpers
Preferred. We also earned our Master Jumper Preferred 2 title with that
run. At Nationals, we also took part in the Parade of Veterans, which was
really nice. So now Maui's MACH Wallaces' Maui Honeymoon CD MXP2
Liz Boyd-Oliver, Jubilee
Lila's daughter by Can Ch Echowyn American Idol has her first win from the
Jr Puppy class. Way to go, Bling!!
BOW and BOS as well as BPIB, for a nice 4 point win!
And now it’s New Canadian Champion:
Jubilee -- aka Bling.
Finished in fine form last weekend
Autumngold Skyhaven Diamond
Jane Hammett, Shadow Hills
National Brags:
2nd Stud dog class ASSA CH> Shadow Hill's Double Eagle
4th Brood Bitch class Shadow Hill's Satin Pillow
Linda Nicholas, Solange
In March, now BISS Solange Surround Sound “Dolby” went to the SE FLA
Specialties and took a 5 pt Reserve under Sue Christie in the a.m. and then
was WD, BW, BOB over Specials for a 5-pt Major under Joe Molloy at the p.m.
show. At the Tar Heel, he took another 3-point Major under Liz Bianchi.
Solange Spring Fling “Peyton” took two 5-point Specialty Majors in
consecutive weekends showing at the Central Ohio and Baltimore specialties.
ASSA brags:
BISS Solange Surround Sound “Dolby” was 1st in 9-12 Futurity and 3rd in 912 mo Sable.
Solange Significant “Signi” was 4th in 9-12 mo Sable Bitch.
Solange Spring Fling was 3rd in Open Sable Bitch.
Dolby and Signi proudly represented their sire, Ch Whiteoak’s Dealer’s
Choice II, as he won the Stud Dog Class.
Solange Body Language “Flirt” was 2nd in Brood Bitch, also represented by
Dolby and Signi.
And to top off the week, 11 year old “Aidan” (Ch Southwinds Solange Aidan’
Abet) won the 9-12 Veteran class. He then went into the BOB ring and
received an Award of Merit!!!
Marni Sharoff
Ch. Sunebank Broadway Bound "Natalie" won the Greater Charlotte
Sunway Hush Money won his first points at Baltimore County Kennel Club
and 3rd in the 6-9 futurity class at the national. Then went 2nd to his litter
broher in the regular class, 6-9 sable and white puppy dog. The other
littermate competing at the national got 4th in her futurity class.
Jennifer Tuttle, Fairway
Fairway High Maintenance, "Barbie", now sits on 8 points and both majors,
after 2 wins at the Raleigh Circuit shows in March. One under Linda More
and her second Major win under Mrs. Robert Forsyth.
Cay & Bruce Ireland, Ireland:
Ireland Crosswood's Amore Volare (Reno) took 4th place in the 12-18 class
at National.
Alison Tickle
Sadie earned her MACH 6 on April 17th at the Durham Kennel Club Agility
Pam Harmon, Nandina
Here at Nandina are proud to announce that we have two new UKC
Champion girls! UKC Ch Nandina's Angel Whispers, Serena and UKC Ch
Nandina's In Dreams Of Blue, Skye both got their 3rd win on Saturday April
11! Serena also took Breed placed Group 2. Skye in the 2nd show took
Breed, place Group 1!
We were so worried that since Skye just came off of a litter (sired by Ch
Carmylie After The Storm, Travis) with barely 3 hairs to glue
together....GRIN, that she would not pull it off. However, the judge saw
through her form fitting coat and just fell in love with her! Putting her up
on movement, structure, balance and most of all her happy attitude to show
her little heart out! Judge Bruneau wanted to take her back to Florida with
him........gggggg! Funny, how things go for all last year as Skye was in full
coat she could only pull of Reserve Winners Bitch....you just never know!
My tri boy AKC/UKC Ch Carmylie Nandina 'Scuse My Dust, Racer also did
very well on Sunday April 12 and Monday April 13, he picked up 4 of his
wins towards his Grand Championship Title....just one more to go!
Now on the AKC circuit, my co-owned blue bitch Nandina's Debutante
Dreams, Macy went Winners Bitch, Best of Opposite and Best Puppy, thus
picking up her first point in Atlanta, Ga under juged Lee Canalizo. Macy was
owner handled Ashley Cooper of Angelic Shelties of Easley SC. My co-owned
sable boy Nandina's Always Playing, Player went Reserve Winners Dog.
At the Blue Gray Cluster in Harrisburg Pa, Nandina Janpar Purple Pirate,
Jack completed 2 legs towards his CD, with scores of 185 & 177. At the
match on Saturday night Jack went Best of Breed and Group 2.....Janice is
doing a wonderful job as Jack is has been crossed trained to work both
spectrums in AKC!
AKC/UKC Nandina TJ Full Throttle, CGC, "Winston" has been going out as a
special now. He has pick up Best of Opposite Sex at the York Pa event
under Pat Hess, and Best of Opposite Sex last Sunday in Timonium, MD
under Dr. Robert Smith.
We would like to share our eventful weekend at the Lake Waccamaw, NC
shows. First off Racer, AKC/UKC Ch Carmylie Nandina 'Scuse My Dust,
went BOB both days! Racer's son Jack, co-owned with Janice Paraka,
Nandina Janpar Purple Pirate, picked up his first 2 points with BW's both
days. Jack is working both sides of the AKC spectrum...he also has 2 legs
towards his CD! At the match on Saturday night, Jack placed Gp1 from the
adult division.
A Racer daughter, Emerald's Masquerade, aka Kendall picked up a point on
Saturday, and RWB on Sunday. My baby girl Serena, Nandina's Angel
Whispers went RWB on Saturday as she turned 1 year.
A big Thank you to Vicki Bentley for picking up 2 points with WD & BOW's at
the Chesapeake Va show on Sunday for Speedy, UKC Ch Nandina The
Then we got news on Sunday May 17th that our co-owned boy Nandina
JanPar Purple Pirate, Jack got his final qualifing score to garner his CD! We
are so proud of our Racer kids!
We are proud to announce that we have a Racer daughter soon to hit the
show ring in Caracus, Venezuela. "Nandina All The Rave" Our first show
dog to be shown in another Continent!
From Dianne: Tony Caldwell in Arkansas will make metal pans for the bottoms of puppy pens, to your
exact dimensions. I got a pan for my 3X3 pen, with a 2" lip, and it cost just $50 including shipping. Cay
and Barbara also got pans from him. The edges are smooth and the weight of the metal is very strong.
His contact information is:
Tony Caldwell
2110 Columbia Road 12
Magnolia, AR 71753
A to Z Grooming Chalk
Just a small intro about my new business: I am now the owner of the A to Z Grooming Chalk business. I
am the mixer, bagger and shipper of the FAMOUS Ralph Zink Formula A to Z Grooming Chalk. Still
working on my website at www.thechalkguy.com and my email is thechalkguy@yahoo.comm I am in
business and ready to ship. Until my website is up and running you can email me for prices and shipping.
Thanks for your time
Ed Martin ed don mar shelties and the A to Z grooming chalk
Anyone with puppies available or adults looking for homes, please send an email to Krys at
sheltieinfo@tsscofnc.com (or kmesser@echowyn.com) with a brief note to let her know the basics like
date of birth, color, sex. This is a great help in keeping the info current and available to pass on to
callers or email inquiries. Thanks!
Contact information for Triangle Sheltie Rescue: