Chapter 5. Calcium and Phosphorus Calcium and phosphorus appear most abundantly in the crystalline matrix of bone. There are, however, other functions for these two macrominerals. Calcium is a major membrane stabilizer, regulator and activator of muscle contraction and cell signaling. Phosphorous is more commonly seen as phosphate in proteins, carbohydrates, fats and nucleic acids. CALCIUM History and Early Insights The word calcium is derived from the Latin word calx or calcis meaning “lime”, reflecting early usage of calcium oxide or lime by the Romans. The element calcium was isolated and named by Sir Humphrey Davy in 1808, who used electrolysis of a mixture of mercuric acid lime to separate the calcium. One of the first Insights into the biological function of calcium other than bone structure came through studies by Sydney Ringer who showed that withdrawing calcium from a bathing solution caused a frog heart to cease beating. Chemical Properties Calcium is an alkaline earth metal with an atomic number of 20 and atomic weight of 40. It has only a +2 oxidation state, a property it shares with magnesium and zinc. In nature calcium occurs most commonly as limestone (CaCO3), gypsum (CaSO4 x 2H2O) or fluorite (CaF2). With an ionic radius of 0.99 nm, calcium ions are nearly one and a half times the size of magnesium ions. Typical of alkaline earth metals, the outer electrons in the calcium ions occupy s and p orbitals. Loss of the two 4s electrons upon ionization gives calcium a highly stable closed shell configuration more typical of sodium or potassium ions. Because its lacks 3d electrons, Ca2+ behaves more like a spherical ion and as such its complexes lack coordinate covalent bonding and a well defined spatial geometry with regular symmetry and color. Its coordination number can be greater than 7, indicative of a large ion that can form multiple metal-ligand interactions. Complexes of calcium with organic molecules tend to be intermediate in binding strength as compared to transition metals such as zinc. The binding is selective tending to favor carbonyl and alcohol groups. More unique to calcium ions, not shared by magnesium or zinc, is the ability to bind to multiple centers at once, thus allowing calcium to serve as a bridging ion or cross-linking agent , properties that are essential to its role in membrane rigidity, permeability and viscosity as well as cell signaling in response to hormone activation. Solubility considerations The salts of calcium have moderate solubility in water. Indeed, the concentration of free ion in the cytosol and extracellular fluid is tightly controlled. This applies to calcium in intracellular compartments as well as extracellular fluid where free ion concentrations approaches 10-7 and 10-3 M, respectively. Its important to realize that there are mechanisms in place to maintain free calcium at concentration that will allow crystallization with phosphates to form bone or other mineral precipitates on the one hand as well as allow calcium to penetrate cell membranes as a free ion to access internal sites. This delicate balance between crystalline and free calcium is maintained by careful control of free calcium ion by transporters, pumps, channels, and binding proteins. Upsetting the balance is characterized by calcium deposits in arteries, gall bladder, kidney, etc. all reflecting a loss in controlling the free ion. Disrupting the delicate balance further leads to cell death through a calcium-induced apoptosis. Analysis of Calcium Detection and quantification of calcium in biological fluids have relied on a series of sensitive and specific tests. Table X.1 shows procedures and their sensitivities. Procedure Sensitivity 1.AtomicAbsorption Spectrometry (AAS). 2. Fluorescent Dyes. 3. Green Fluorescent Protein 4. Neutron Activation 5. Bone Mineral Density 6. Radio isotopes Biochemical Properties Without question, calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body. The average adult human has about 1 kg of calcium of which nearly 99% is in bones and teeth. Serum and cells account for 0.1% and 1% of the body load, respectively. Bone thus serves as a major reservoir of calcium releasing calcium into the serum in response to low serum levels as well as storing calcium when in excess. Hydroxyapatite [Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 ], a calcium-phosphate complex, is the major building block of vertebrate bones and teeth and most prominent calcium complex in the system Supporting endoskeleton is not the only important function of calcium. Calcium takes both active and passive roles in a series of regulatory roles listed in Table X.1. The passive functions highlight non-regulatory roles whereas active implies functions that are controlled by or triggered by the presence of calcium ions. The latter include serving as cofactors for enzymes and cell signaling agents. Enzyme Cofactors Calcium is a cofactor for a number of enzymes that catalyze specific reactions. Table X.2 provides of list of some of the more prominent ones and their location within the system as well as their biochemical function. Table X.1. Non-structural roles of calcium in biology Passive Functions Enzyme cofactor (lipases, hydrolases) Blood clotting cascade Active Functions Relaxation and constriction of blood vessels Cell aggregation Muscle protein contraction Cellular protein turnover Hormone secretion Nervous impulse transmission Intracellular trafficking Cell signaling Genetic expression Apoptosis Table x.4. Enzymes dependent on calcium for function Enzyme Location Function Phospholipase A2 Lipase Thermolysin Trypsin intestine intestine bacteria duodenum acylphospholipid hydrolysis triacylglycerol hydrolysis protein hydrolysis protein digestion Calcium-Binding Proteins In addition to enzymes, there are binding protein specifically designed to transport or store calcium ion or take part as calcium-dependent regulators. These protein tend to serve as buffers between the free ion Table x.3. Calcium-binding proteins Protein Function annexins calbindin calmodulin calpains gla proteins calcium ATPase troponin C parvalbumin calnexin cell adhesion calcium absorption enzyme regulator protease activators blood clotting cellular calcium efflux muscle calcium action calcium ion buffer glycoprotein folding Annexins: A family of mainly intracellular proteins, annexins are found in fungi, plants and animals but are notably absent in bacteria. They function in binding phospholipids in the cell membrane and in so doing determine the overall architecture of the cell. Annexins also take part in dynamic changes at the membrane surface such as formation of vesicles for import. Calcium ions are needed for the connecting points with the phospholipids bilayer, which is reciprocated by having the annexins makeup the basic structure of the calcium channel in the membrane. Calbindin: Transport of calcium ions through the cytosol occurs mainly while attached to calbindin. The level of calbindin in the cell, therefore, determine the amount of intestinal calcium absorbed . Synthesis of calbindin is under the control of vitamin D, which suggests a primary action of the vitamin in calcium absorption is to provide more calbindin for transcellular movement of calcium ions. Calmodulin: Calcium ions are known to stimulate biological processes. The ion does not act alone, but as a complex with proteins. Calmodulin is basically a calcium ion sensing protein which when saturated can bind as many of four calcium ions. In executing its action, calmodulin provide calcium ions to enzymes that have the capacity to modulate the calcium ion levels in the cells. Generally calmodulin is considered a specific type of subunit in the multisubunit complex. Calpains: Calcium ions are known to stimulate the activity of certain protease enzymes. Early recognition of this action led to the discovery of a series of calcium-binding proteins that were the activating factor. Calpains have since been shown through genetic sequence similarity to be a family of calcium-dependent activating proteins that target protease enzymes with the amino acid cysteine at the active site and hence are classified as cysteinyl proteases. Its important to note that calpains regulate the activity of these enzymes and do not take part in the catalytic activity directly. Gla Proteins: A unique function of vitamin K is the synthesis, through a post-translational modification, of proteins that contain an addition –COOH group attached to select glutamate residues (Fig. X.1). With the modification the glutamate is referred to as carboxylglutamate, abbreviated gla, The tandem carboxyl groups in gla are ideally suited to engage calcium ions. Gla proteins, therefore, make up the vitamin K dependent and calcium-dependent component of the blood clotting mechanism and otherwise. Calcium ATPase: ATPases represent a large class of membrane-bound enzymes that serve as pumps for moving ions across cell membranes against concentration gradients. Calcium ions require these energy driven pumps to drive calcium ions out of a cell following a response to a signaling agent such as a hormone. The action effectively shuts off the response by restoring the very low calcium concentration within the cytosol. Failure to do so could cause cell death through apoptosis. Troponin C: Troponin C and the other troponins mediate calcium action in muscle contraction. The protein along with tropomyosin is localized within the actin filament. Troponin C has three subunits, one of which Troponin I (TnI) inhibits muscle contraction by blocking the ATPase enzyme. When calcium is present the inhibition is suppressed, which allows the enzyme to provide the energy for the muscle to contract. Parvalbumin: This calcium-binding protein is present in skeletal and heart muscle and brain. In the brain the parvalbumin is mainly within neurons that respond to the neurotransmitter gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA). As an extension of the neuronal role, parvalbumin is also present in endocrine tissue. The function of paralbumin has not been clarified, but its actions are linked to the ability of the protein to sequester calcium ions internally and hence lower calcium action on other systems. Calnexin: This calcium-binding protein is associated with the endoplasmic reticulum. Its function is to monitor the folding of glycoproteins, acting as chaperone or surveillance factor. Nutritional Properties Calcium’s requirement in the diet predictably varies with age, gender, and physiological state. An adult human male and female between the ages of 19 and 50 requires about 1 gram of calcium per day. Adults over 50 require 1.2 g per day. As noted in Table X.2, calcium needs Life Stage Age Males Females (mg/day) (mg/day) ____________________________________________________ Infant 0-6 months 210 210 Infant 0-6 months 270 270 Children 1-3 years 500 500 Children 4-8 years 800 800 Children 9-13 years 1,300 1,300 Adolescent 14-18 years 1,300 1,300 Adult 19-50 years 1,000 1,000 Adult 51+ years 1,200 1,200 Pregnant 18 years and younger 1,300 Pregnant 19+ years 1,000 Lactating 18 years and younger 1.300 Lactating 19+ years 1,000 in younger adults increase with pregnancy and lactation. Part of the increase reflects needs of the mother whose bone growth is still progressing as well as calcium set aside for neonate consumption. The final stages of bone growth tends to reach a climax early in the second decade of life. Older adults, both male and female, also show an enhanced need for calcium, owing perhaps to alterations in bone metabolism with aging and the greater likelihood of bone loss in senior years. Source of dietary calcium are listed in Table X.3. Those richest in calcium meet the daily requirement in about 200 grams of the food item. Included as rich sources are cheese and soy flower. Dairy products have one third less calcium per weight and fruits provide less than one third per weight of calcium. Table x.2. Food Sources of Calcium Richest: (600-900 milligrams/100 grams) Cheese Wheat-soy flower Molasses High: (120-350 milligrams/100 grams) Dairy products: milk, yoghurt, sour cream, ice cream Low: (<100 milligrams/100 grams) Fruits Diet and Bioavailability Calcium that occurs in plants is mainly bound as calcium oxalate, which tends to make plants less favorable in supplying calcium in the diet. Its attraction towards phosphate also makes calcium in plants vulnerable to binding to phytic acid (phytate). These organophosphate complexes tend to diminish the absorption of calcium at the level of the intestine and within the system. Dietary Supplements Supplementing calcium to the diet is common in the populace. The U.S. National Heath Survey in 1986 found the 14% of the men, 25% of the women, and 7.5 % of children surveyed admitted taking supplements. A follow up study in 1992 showed that supplements for men increased the calcium intake, but not significantly. For women the increase was statistically significant. Upper Limit Based on milk alkali syndrome which is a measure of renal insufficiency, the upper limit for calcium is 2,500 mg per day. This represents calcium that is taken from food, water and supplements. The UL value is common across the Life Stages. Calcium Deficiency As can be expect from its role in mineralization, a calcium deficiency will affect bone structure and tensile strength. It role in muscle contraction and other intracellular events will also be compromised when intake is subadequate. Low calcium intake come from the diet or from impairments in intestinal absorption. Calcium deficiency will impact on bone health and can result on loss of bone density and osteoporosis. Annually, osteoporosis accounts for around 1.5 million bone fractures in the U.S.; in Canada, the incidences is around 76,000 fractures. Excessive Intake An increased propensity to develop kidney stones and renal failure (alkali disease) is a concern when calcium is in excess. More likely is the propensity of calcium to interfere with the absorption, excretion and metabolism of other minerals. Very high levels of calcium, nearly twice the RDA, can decrease iron and magnesium absorption. These effects are enhanced when combined with high sodium in the diet, which tends to raise the rate of magnesium excretion. Zinc absorption is also impaired by high calcium. The effect is more apparent when dietary zinc intake is marginal. With those who have adequate zinc intake, the effect is minimal. Digestion and Absorption Digestion Nearly all of the calcium taken in the diet is locked into a food matrix made up of protein, complex carbohydrates, and polyphosphate complexes. Salivary amylases combined with mastication assist in partial release of calcium from glycogen and starch. A greater portion, however, is liberated by amylases in the proximal intestine. Proteases in the stomach and duodenum, effect a partial hydrolysis of protein molecules down to small peptides and in the process liberate calcium as free ions by disrupting the calcium binding sites in the protein. The moderately strong acidity of the gastric juice (pH 1.7) also helps dissociate the calcium ions from the peptides and renders salts of calcium such as calcium phosphate more soluble. Absorption Calcium absorption efficiency is generally the same for all food. This aspect of calcium metabolism has received much interest because absorption efficiency tends to wane as a person grows older. As will be discussed later, insufficient calcium in the diet or poor absorption of the ion can lead to bone resorption, which weakens bone structure and renders bone more susceptible to breakage, a typical scenario that is seen in aging individuals. Among the more pertinent features of calcium absorption is its location in the small intestine where absorption is more prominent. There is also a clear need for 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D3 (calcitriol) in the process. Segments of the intestine take up calcium by at least two separate and non-overlapping mechanisms, paracellular and transcellular. Paracellular transport calcium involves the movement of calcium ions between absorbing cells and never penetrating the membrane. Paracellular is non-saturable and increases linearly with increasing calcium ions at the absorbing site. Only a small portion of the calcium enters the system by paracellular transport; but, more importantly, this process is not regulated by 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D3. In contrast transcellular transport makes use of the whole cell to move calcium from the absorbing apical surface to the exporting basal surface. Effective transcellular movement requires calbindin, the cytosolic calcium-binding protein to chaperone the calcium ion during its passage. Calbindin levels determine the rate of calcium passage. Consequently, transcellular absorption is characterized by a saturable uptake curves (see Fig. X) and a rate of transport that is dependent on the level of calbindin. The latter is met by calcitriol, whose action in part in to stimulate the synthesis of calbindin. Role of Calcitriol (1,25-dihydroxy D3) in Calcium Absorption Calcitriol is the active form of vitamin D3 and along with parathyroid hormone comprise one of the major regulators of calcium absorption. Calcitriol is synthesized through a series of reactions whose initiation begins with a uv-dependent transformation of 7-alpha-cholesterol to choleciferol, vitamin D3. The ensuing synthesis to the active from involves dual hydroxylation taking place first in the liver and then in the kidney. The final product has three hydroxyl groups on the molecules and is referred to as a triol. As will be discussed below, calcitriol is also a major regulator of phosphorus absorption. A primary action of calcitriol is to raise the level of calbindin mRNA in the cell. Calbindin levels in the cell control the rate of calcium passage into the system. Raising calbindin protein therefore has the capacity to stimulate calcium absorption; a reaction that assures effective transport when the level of calcium in the intestine is low. Parathyroid Hormone Parathyroid hormone (PTH) plays an important role in calcium and phosphorus levels in the blood and the maintenance of a steady state of the two minerals. Its effects are directed mainly at calcium levels as indicated by the following observations: 1) Lowering blood calcium stimulates bone resorption, restoring blood calcium, 2) Lowering calcium by raising phosphorus stimulates PTH, 3) PTH stimulates calcium absorption efficiency, resulting in a greater percentage of calcium absorbed into the organism. Interaction with other nutrients Absorption of calcium and its internal use by cells can be influenced by components in the diet. These substances can give symptoms of calcium deficiency and therefore be accompanied by pathological changes such as bone loss and excessive urinary calcium output. Table 5.X summarizes some of the dietary factors that can block or delay calcium absorption and disrupt calcium homeostasis internally. Table 5.X. Dietary Factors with the Potential to Influence Calcium Homeostasis Factor Minerals Magnesium deficiency Phosphorus excess Sodium Non-Minerals Protein Oxalic acid Phytic acid Caffeine Effect on hypocalcemia absorption excretion excretion absorption absorption absorption and excretion Magnesium, phosphorus and sodium profoundly influence calcium uptake and excretion. Magnesium deficiency, not excess, triggers bone resorption by lowering blood calcium levels. The deficiency must be rather severe for blood calcium levels to decline. In humans, however, a mild deficiency will suffice. Excess intake of phosphorus is detrimental to calcium absorption, betraying a close interaction between the two bone minerals. As noted below (Table 5.x) phosphorus-rich foods such as dairy products, soft drinks and meats can exacerbate a mild calcium deficiency. Sodium ions in excess also affect calcium absorption, but exert a more detrimental effect through enhancing calcium excretion. Sodium has only a minimal effect on bone loss, however. Non-mineral components in the diet also impinge on the absorption and excretion of calcium. Calcium chelators such as oxalic acid and phytic acid have the capacity to bind free calcium and prohibit is transport across the intestinal membrane. Foods rich in oxalic acid include spinach, beans, and potatoes. Phytic acid, a chelator and a potent binder of calcium ions, is a major source of phosphorus from plant foods. Grains and nuts in the diet are perhaps the greatest sources of phytic acid. Thus, vegetarians are at risk of calcium insufficiency because of the high level of phytic acid in these foods. A more detailed explanation of phytic acid is given below. Caffeine is most detrimental to individuals whose intake of calcium is subadequate. A susceptible population includes postmenopausal and lactating women. Caffeine appears to operate at the level of calcium excretion resulting in excessive urinary loss. It can also affect calcium absorption, but a direct connection between caffeine and accelerated bone loss has not been established. PHOSPHORUS History and Early Insights The element phosphorus derives its name from two Greek words phôs (light) and phorus (bearer) whose literal translation means “bearer of light”. The term traces back to the discovery by Hennig Brand, a German chemist, who in 1669, while attempting to make gold by heating urine, observed the formation of a white substance in the mix. In the presence of air, the substance glowed in the dark. Unbeknown to Brand, the light reflected an oxidation reaction between elemental phosphorus and oxygen, a spontaneous event tantamount to setting the phosphorus on fire. Robert Boyle, the great English chemist, was the first to combine phosphorus with sulfur-coated wooden sticks, the forerunner of wooden matches. Insights into the biological role of phosphorus came in 1769 with the discovery by Jonathan Gann and Carl Scheele that the matrix of bone was composed largely of calcium and phosphate. Other than bone, phosphorus was found in serum and urine and in time was shown to be a component of nucleic acids. Although the tendency in nutrition is to consider phosphorus as the nutrient, in the biological sphere the phosphorus is always phosphate. Chemical Properties Phosphorus is a Group V non-metal configured as [Ar]3s23p33 with oxidation states of +3 and +5 resulting from the loss of 3s2 and (3s2 +3p3) electrons respectively. Because it is highly reactive in air, phosphorus is never found in a free state, but rather as oxy-anions, mainly phosphates and organic esters of phosphate. Phosphates have the potential to form polyphosphates through a heat-induced polymerization that results in the loss of a water molecule and an anhydride bond between the phosphate groups. Compounds with linked polyphosphate groups such as ATP are sources of high energy for that reason. Analysis Test of phosphate in living tissues and fluids rely on the Fisk-Saborrow test. Biochemical Properties As noted with calcium, most of the phosphorus in an adult human (between 500 and 700 grams) is present in bones and teeth. About 15 percent appears in phosphate-bound lipids and nucleic acids. Only about 0.1% is present as plasma phosphorous, which, due to pH considerations is the dibasic HPO4= salt of phosphoric acid. The phosphate ions in the blood and cells acts as a buffer that stabilizes pH. Phosphate-bound metabolic intermediates in metabolic pathways makeup a large but highly unstable pool of phosphate in the cell. Organic esters of phosphate are extremely abundant in living systems, most notably sugar esters in metabolic pathways and diesters in DNA, RNA. Diesters of phosphate also make their appearance in acylglycerol phosphates that comprise the major lipids in cell membrane. Divalent cations such as Ca2+, Mg2+, Mn2+ and Zn2+ tend to bind weakly to organophosphate complexes and in so doing compete with one another for phosphate binding groups on proteins. Adding a phosphate group to a sugar effectively traps the sugar within the cytosol and seals its fate for destruction via the glycolytic or hexose monophosphate shunt pathways. Phosphate-bound sugars and compounds in general do not easily cross cell membranes without the aid of specific carrier proteins. One of the most important non-strucutral roles for phosphate is that of a mediator of hormonal action and cell signaling. Signaling reponses are controlled by a series enzymes, the protein kinases, that use ATP as a source of phosphate and thereby activate (or inhibit) target enzymes and mediators. To be effective the phosphate group forms ester bonds with serine, threonine and tyrosine residues within the proteins. The action modulates the activity of the protein (enzyme), in some instances allowing a hormone receptor protein to engage other signalling molecules and propage the signal internally. Nutritional Properties Recommended Intake Data derived from the National Health Survey estimate that the average diet for both men and women contains about 62 mg/100 Kcal phosphorus. Its ubiquitous nature in foods makes it practically impossible to create a phosphorus deficiency in a balanced diet. Table 5.x shows data taken from the Institute of Medicine. According to Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI), the recommend dietary allowance (RDA) for phosphorus reaches a peak at between 9 and 18 years of age for both genders. With aging there is a drop Table 5.X Dietary Reference Intakes for Phosphorus as a Function of Life Stage and Gender DRI values (mg/day) RDA Males Females Life Stage 1-3 yr 4-8 yr 9-13 yr 14-18 yr 19-30 yr 31-50 yr 51-70 yr 460 500 1,250 1,250 700 700 700 460 500 1,250 1,250 700 700 700 Pregnancy <18 yr 19-50 yr 1,250 700 Lactation <18 yr 19-50 yr 1,250 700 off in the requirement. It is also noted that pregnant and lactation have no influence on the RDA. Food Sources Table 5.X illustrates the phosphorus content of a variety of foods. The data are taken from the USDA Handbook No. 8 series. From the table one may surmise Of the various food sources dairy products provide the highest amounts of phosphorus. Vegetables tend to be Figure 5.X Structure of Phytic Acid (Phytate) lower than meats and dairy products. Grains such as oats, wheat bran, beans and plant material in general are also very high, owing to their phytic acid content (Fig. 5.x). The inositol ring structure of phytate can bind up to six phosphates per molecule and thus is a major component of phosphate in the diet of animals subsisting on grains. Table 5.X Phosphorus Content of Selected Foods Item Amount P content (mg) Macaroni and Cheese Milk (2% fat) Ham Almonds Oat meal Cheddar cheese Broiled shrimp Cooked ground beef Tofu Baked potato Egg Whole wheat bread Peas Cola beverage Potato chips Dark chocolate White bread Orange 1 cup 1 cup 3 oz ¼ cup 1 cup 1 oz 2 large 3 oz ½ cup 1 1 1 slice ½ cup 1 can 14 1 oz 1 slice 1 322 248 210 184 178 146 137 135 120 115 86 74 72 46 43 41 30 18 Data taken from U.S. Department of Agriculture Upper Limit The upper limit of phosphorus intake in adults is roughly 8 times the RDA. The delicate balance between phosphorus and calcium presages a potential harm to a system when this level is reached. The condition of hyperphosphatemia signals a serious adverse effects. Included as likely are (1) reduced calcium intake (more problematical when intake of calcium is sub-adequate) and (2) calcification of soft tissues, particularly the kidneys. Digestion and Absorption Digestion Phosphorus in food sources is present mainly as esterified organic phosphate. In cereals, seeds and grains much of the phosphate is covalently bound as phytic acid and can only be absorbed after enzymatic breakdown of phytic acid by phytases. The enzyme, therefore, is a major factor in the digestion of phosphate from phosphate -rich grains. Ruminants have phytase abundantly available through bacteria in the rumen. Mammals also have bacterial phytases, but the enzyme is mainly in the colonic bacteria and thus beyond the phosphate absorption sites in the small intestine. Because the concentration of phytase in plants is not the same for all plants, it has been advantageous to supplement animal feed with microbial phytase to aid the digestibility and increase the amount of absorbable phosphate. Yeast are rich in phytase, which contributes to the higher bioavailability of phosphate in levened bread products. However, phytic acid when in a complex with unabsorbed calcium is resistant to the phytase action. Absorption and Bioavailability: Role of Calcitriol Phosphate liberated from its organic components is free to enter the system. Internal homeostasis is regulated at both the level of absorption and renal excretion. These processes are parathyroid hormone and calcitriol (1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol, 1,25-(OH)2D3) dependent. A decrease in plasma phosphorus (hypophosphatemia), stimulates renal production of calcitriol, enhancing the level of hormone in the circulation. The calcitriol in turn has two actions in an attempt to correct the low serum phosphorus: (1) to stimulate directly a sodium-coupled phosphate-cotransport system in the upper small intestines thus bringing more phosphate into the system (Fig. 5.x) and indirectly, (2) to mobilizes bone calcium raising the level of serum calcium (hypercalcemia), which promotes calcium absorption and suppresses PTH. The concerted action on calcitriol/PTH restores phosphorus to normal plasma levels. Calcium-Phosphorus Interactions Because of its propensity to form crystalline aggregates with calcium, the recommended intake of phosphorus must pay heed to the calcium level of the diet. Generally a ratio of 1.3:1, Ca:P, is considered optimal. In quantitative terms, an adult human consuming 1,200 mg of calcium should have 900 mg of phosphorous to maintain the ratio. Indeed, a sharp deviation from this ratio can upset absorption efficiency and alter the homeostasis of either mineral. This in turn can trigger homeostatic changes internally that lead to pathologies. The basis for these undesirable reactions relate to the tendency of the two minerals to precipitate out of solution when either one is in excess. Pathologies become apparent when mineralization occurs in soft tissue such as the development of calcium-phosphate deposits as stones in the gall bladder and kidney. The effect of phosphorus intake on PTH is illustrated in Figure 5.X. In the study rats were fed diets with a Ca:P ratio that was either 1.1 (control) or 0.5:1 (high phosphorus) with Ca being the same in both groups . After 18 days, the group that had higher phosphorus in their diet had higher levels of PTH in the blood, suggesting that suppressing the amount of calcium absorbed could raise PTH levels. Homeostatic mechanisms, therefore are designed to maintain the two minerals at levels that prevent crystallization. An excess of either calcium or phosphorus can shift the equilibrium precipitation crystals. Table 5.X shows how variations in the percentage of phosphorus in the diet impinge on the absorption percentage and blood levels of calcium and phosphorus in animals. As the amount of phosphorus increases, the percentage of calcium absorbed decreases. Neither the calcium nor phosphorus in serum is affected by the higher phosphorus influx. There was, however, a sharp rise in plasma parathyroid hormone (PTH). More important these observations suggest, raising the phosphorus levels in the diet at a constant level of calcium intake has the potential to decrease bone mineral density. Table 5.X. Changes in Calcium Absorption, Serum Phosphorus and Calcium with Phosphorus Measured P = 1.05% Calcium absorption (%) Serum P (mg/dl) Serum Ca (mg/dl) Serum PTH (pg/ml) BMD of 5th lumbar 21.7 4.5 6.5 0.6 11.4 0.4 61.8 32.8 76.7 2.7 P =1.1% 8.6 5.5 7.2 0.4 11.4 0.4 135.2 48.4 73.0 2.8 P =1.2% 9.0 7.4 7.2 0.4 11.4 0.4 212.2 136.4 73.8 2.7 Data from Koshihara et al, 2004 PTH = parathyroid hormone. BMD = bone mineral density SUMMARY Calcium and phosphorus are the two macrominerals in the system. They are most visible as the elements in crystaline bone where the two combine to form hydroxyapatite, the building block of bone. Crystallization, however, is only a small part of their overall necessity. Calcium acts as a hormone regulator, an enzyme cofactor, and is a major factor in cell signaling and genetic expression. Most of the phosphorus appears as phosphate and as such is a major structural component of nucleotides such as DNA, RNA, and membrane lipids. The most familiar form of phosphate is in the structure of ATP where phosphate represents a source of high energy for the cell, energy that is realized when the pyrophosphate bond in ATP is broken in conjunction with the action of kinase enzymes.