Sirion SEM instructions

Start-up Operating Instructions for the Sirion SEM
Always adjust your specimen height before closing chamber door to make
sure your specimen will not hit the bottom of the lens; see instructions.
Do not tilt your sample beyond ±3º without explicit permission or authorization
from the trainers/lab managers.
Do not put magnetic samples into the microscope without the same explicit
Failure to follow these warnings could result in serious damage to the lower
lens with a $70,000 replacement cost
The SEM is normally left with the vacuum system on, the field emission gun (FEG)
on, the high voltage or tension (HT) hardware button on, but the kV "off" in the
software: on the hardware panel under scope: "stby", "off", "HT", "vac" buttons are
all lit.
1. The SEM is normally left with the vacuum system on, the field emission gun
(FEG) on, the high voltage or tension (HT) hardware button on, but the kV
"off" in the software.
Check the hardware panel under the scope: "stby", "off", "HT", "vac" buttons
are all lit.
2) Log into Badger; enable the Sirion SEM.
3) The right monitor should be powered up now; check the CCD camera is showing
a live image of the interior of the chamber.
4) Load the sample: in right hand vacuum window choose "vent", then venting
"OK". Venting takes about 2 minutes until the front door of the microscope
can be opened.
5) When inserting the sample:
a) wear gloves
b) adjust sample height to 5 mm from the lens using only the
manual knob – clockwise to raise (use eucentric height
adjuster, a.k.a. “elephant ear”, to measure).
d) Turn on the “Videoscope” by clicking icon on upper left of
e) Close the chamber door slowly and carefully while watching
the CCD camera. The sample will likely be a fair bit below
the upper dashed line at this time; close the door fully
provided this is the case.
f) Adjust the z knob to bring the highest point on the mount to the
top dashed line.
g) Do not change z anymore – not with manual control, nor with
computer control, without EXPLICIT permission from a
6) While applying gently pressure to the pull bar, click “pump" in the RH vacuum
window. Wait for a slow 3-count, then check that the door is sealed by
tugging on the pull bar gently. Wait until "Vac OK" message appears directly
under "pump" command, about 2 min. The chamber should be at or below
1.2x10-4 mbar.
7) Click on "x kV" button in RH Beam window to turn on the high voltage.
IMPORTANT: The "Microscope Confirm focus" pop-up window opens
on the image screen - do not click "OK" on this window until you obtain
an image and focus as instructed (see following). This tells the
computer how far your sample is from the lens.
8) Choose “SE detector” in the "Detectors" menu. Choose TV scan rate if it is not
already there. Focus on whatever is in front of you. Go up to 5,000x to
8,000x mag and focus again. Click "OK" on the pop-up window to calibrate Z
to WD.
If you do not see an image, check to ensure the beam blanker is not on
(“eclipse” button is not lit), then click "ACB" (automatic contrast and
9) Proceed with your sample. Typical imaging parameters are 5 kV, spot size 3,
and working distance around 5 mm.
10) To obtain a good image you must stigmate and focus the image well. If the
image moves noticeably when changing focus, then the lens alignment
should also be performed (see a trainer if you don’t know what this means).
1) Make sure you are not in UHR or EDX mode. Reduce the magnification in HR
mode to minimum.
2) Make sure your tilt is at 0º.
3) Re-center your specimen holder (set x and y to 0).
4) Clear the stage position table, the databar legend, and reset anything else you
may have changed back to default.
5) Turn off high voltage by clicking on "kV" command in the RH Beam window.
6) Choose "CCD" detector.
7) Vent the chamber and remove your sample.
8) Pump chamber down again; make sure you obtain "vac OK" status before
9) Clean up the area.
10) Log out of Badger.
SEM Startup Checklist
Enable via Badger
Log in at the beginning of the session
CCD Camera
Make sure it is on
Vent chamber
2 to 3 minutes to reach atmosphere
Gently open door
Use push handle only
Insert sample into specimen mount
Gloves must be on with chamber door
Check height with elephant ear
Adjust z knob appropriately such that
the highest point is at or below 5 mm
Turn on Videoscope
Close door gently; check height
Use push handle only. Check that the
tallest portion is at or below the top
dashed line
Pump down chamber, applying
pressure to ensure complete seal
Check after a couple seconds by gently
tugging on the door. It should stabilize
below 1.2x10-4 mbar
At ‘Vac OK’, turn on beam
Get a live image with the SE detector;
Microscope Confirm Focus dialog box
Focus at 5,000X to 8,000X
Click ‘OK’ to confirm focus
Check that Z has been linked to WD
NO Z-height adjustment after the chamber is at vacuum…
NO bulk magnetic samples…
NO carbon sticky tabs…
NO tilting beyond ±3º…
…without explicit permission from a trainer